Cash Apps: The Black Wall Street Mindset Part 1

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[Music] uh [Music] what's up y'all hey hey what's up hey hey y'all huh what's up what's up all for you bro thank y'all for being here today it's great to have y'all everybody good thank you yeah see josh josh got a haircut black power i see you man good to see everybody thank you all for being here with me and and joining me on this journey i'm i'm really excited about this new series uh that we're starting on finances it's called cash apps the black wall street mindset and i'm really excited about everything i'm going to share in this series and you know some people might be wondering like why why now why why are you going to talk about financial literacy and financial responsibility and economics during a time like this when we're in a world we we're in the midst of a world pandemic and all the stress around it we ain't even in the middle of the pandemic if you really look at the timeline we're on we're in the first quarter of a pandemic trying to adjust to it trying to survive it trying to trying to figure it all out why why would you talk about economics down and then on top of that we're probably in at least in my lifetime one of the most racially tense and racially divided times in recent history and we got all of that so you got people struggling with struggling mentally and physically and psychologically and financially and relationally and mentally and all the other leads you can think of people are just going through right now so why would you want to bring up finances to us right now you want to talk about a financial series right now my answer to that is yes and the reason for it is because what history teaches us is is that times of crisis are opportunities for economic creativity and sometimes it is pressure that forces us to think outside of the box and to think creatively even as it relates to economics [Music] for many of us watching this series right now we're facing some of the most perilous times that we've ever faced in our life for many of you you're dealing with unemployment or underemployment right now or even if you're employed there's a lot of uncertainty around the stability of your employment and when you're in a situation like that when it seems like there is no way you have to learn to create a way and to be creative and look at other ways that you can strengthen your life economically this shutdown for example has put people in situations where we just don't know from one week to the next what we're going to have to do to survive and beyond that you guys like when you think about the grace period running out on people for rent and mortgage and and the grace that landlords are going to have and mortgage lenders are going to have like those bills are coming they come in due soon and the question becomes is what is the pressure going to force us to do like pressure can be a privilege if it forces us to think in creative ways and so what we learned from the story of greenwood south carolina have you ever heard of black wall street i heard a black wall street yeah so black wall street is a place that was created in the early 1900s and it's a phenomenal story of the greenwood section of tulsa oklahoma and there imagine the plate is such an economic economically powerful story that it almost seems make believe to us when you think of a place that had nearly 50 blocks of black-owned businesses 50 blocks of black people owning property black people owning land black people owning their own houses and blacks had houses there with their own inside plumbing in them schools and everything is almost incredible what is incredible about it is when they did it it's not just what they built it's when they did it they built it at a time of racial injustice and in the middle of jim crow segregation laws and and why that's so important is because during what was called the oil boom when blacks came to this area when blacks came into the tulsa area a lot of people were moved into tulsa area to try to get a piece of that financial pie and i'll talk about that a little later when blacks first came to the area we couldn't go into white establishments to enjoy their the benefits like we couldn't vacation in a white hotel we could work in a hotel we could make up the beds and we could dump the trash and clean up but we couldn't vacation there we couldn't go into a theater to enjoy a performance or enjoy entertainment as black people we could work there we could clean up we could do menial tasks but we couldn't enjoy the entertainment we couldn't go get our prescriptions from a white pharmacy we couldn't be educated in a white school we couldn't take our clothes to a white dry cleaners so all of that segregation forced us into a situation where we came became creative and black people created their own so what do we what did they do they created their own banks they couldn't get a loan from white bank they created their own banks they built their own schools they built their own hotel they had two theaters on black wall street they had dry cleaners they had clothing stores they had restaurants all of that and they were all thriving and what's more important than the fact that they were thriving is the fact that not what they built but when they built it they built it against opposition and racism and i'm saying if they could do that in the early 1900s not far removed generationally from slavery how much more can we do with the creativity and economic opportunities that are available to us and and i want to say to everybody listening to me right now that in the midst of these perilous and difficult times what creative opportunity is god challenging you to create to provide economic strength and stability in your own life and family what is it that you're supposed to develop what is it that's supposed to create like like because let's check this out those stimulus packages are running out that that government financial assistance is running out it's coming to an end and i'm saying crisis brings about creativity and that's what we have to be focused on right now that's our goal and i'm saying in these times we have to think outside of the box and it all starts with a mindset that's what it boils down to how could these people have the audacity to build under such tense situations it came down to mindset it came down to the way they thought they overcame their challenges by not just looking at what they were up against but what opportunities were presented to them and i'm praying for all of us in this series that god would give us a mindset that wouldn't just see obstacles but would also see opportunities and wealth proverbs 21 20. listen to these words the wise have wealth and luxury but fools spend whatever they get what a contrast wise people have full spin wisdom foolishness wisdom foolishness wisdom foolishness wisdom saves foolishness spins wisdom grows money foolishness blows money wealth is a mentality wealth is a mindset the latin word for capital c a p i c capital c a p i t a l where we get capital which means funding net that word for capital it literally means head it's it means of the head that's where we get the word when people put something on top of their head to cover the head it's called a cap cap it means of the head of the head somebody say lord get my head right all of your money issues are in your head as a man thinketh poverty and wealth are mentalities your mind and your money are married that's why that's why and the head watch this and the head of the relationship between your mind and your money is your mind i can't be broke up here and have something down here if i'm if if i'm broke in my head i can't be rich in my pockets because it starts in my head it starts in my head how do i think what is my what is my understanding about it it says it says in in a wealth when when a wise person a wise person gathers wealth and luxury but a poor person blows it obviously that requires a level of restraint to develop wealth now understand there's a new inc there's a difference between income and wealth income is money you earn it is money you collect and money you gather and when it talks about wealth in the bible it doesn't really it never really talks about the income level because wealth is not about what you earn it's about what you keep you can make a lot of money and not be wealthy you can make far less and be very wealthy and you're going to need wealth to sustain you income doesn't sustain you until it's put somewhere well it's where it's not blown income must be protected it's not just provision it's also protection it is provision for now and income is protection for the future that's why you need a budget so that you don't blow all of your income because there will be there will come a time when you cannot work anymore and there'll also come a time when you don't want to work anymore and i want to be in a place where i don't have to work anymore sooner than later well let me go back let me go back to this whole thing about the mind in proverbs 14 24 the a-claw says the crown of the wise is their wealth wealth is a crown of the wise see people people who are not trying to be wealthy listen you cannot be wise with money and not become wealthy it is an outgrowth of your wisdom financial wisdom will grow into wealth it's impossible now you can be ignorant and never become wealthy but you cannot be wise and not become wealthy it's just it's just it's like i don't even know how to explain it's just it just has to go that way it is the crown of the wood otherwise it's something and watch where the crown goes the crown is on the head so what y'all think that was good man i appreciate how you said man just it's the mentality because we could get tips all day but if we don't have the mindset so what i took from it was like invest in your mind and then your money the investment with your money is going to follow that's good man good good and see i also the whole thing about intelligence you know um we pride ourselves on intelligence but you know what i got from it is that the way we use our money actually shows our wisdom or lack of wow that's deep anybody else all right y'all good good good let's go back into proverbs 21 20 again let's look at that verse one more time in proverbs chapter 21 verse 20 it says the wise have wealth and luxury listen to that the wise have two things wise have two things wives have it too i think they have wealth and luxury that's wealth and luxury that wealth is about the future luxury is about lifestyle but fools spend whatever they get so we know that if this is a this is a scripture of contrast and comparison then we know that whatever the wise have the foods don't have so that means the foods don't have wealth and they don't have luxury so it's food you can't you can't even have a quality lifestyle or a quality future financially if you're foolish and how what separates the wise from the foolish is revealed in the foolish section the foolish are in that position because they spend everything they get which lets me know the wise must save the wise must save money that's why they got wealth and that's why they have luxury but here's something else i want you to understand this is so important y'all when you don't save money you keep yourself out of the opportunity zones there's something in the world of real estate in business called opportunity zones and it's based on where where you can get funding to build do business in areas where there's an economic need and and i believe there are opportunity zones all over the world and it's connected to whether or not you have the economics and the finances to move on opportunities a lot of people are never even made aware of opportunities because they haven't they haven't prepared themselves by saving money and i just want to talk to everybody listening to us right now all of our audience i'm praying that god gives us the kind of mind and will and discipline to stack your money let me ask you a very probing question right now let me ask you a question the question is if let's if you could not go to work tomorrow if it was over if your last day was friday and i know you left there with an attitude but let's just say for real it's over no more paychecks from that source of income that you have and tomorrow you don't go to work and it's over for whatever reason your health it could be the company can't pay you anymore something happened you can't get another paycheck from them ever again i'm talking about a real shutdown let me ask you a question how long could you make it without another paycheck without going into your 401k or your roth ira or your ira or some retirement money i'm talking about you got some money somewhere sitting right now now you got to keep in mind how much money you earn every week or every month and throw that up against how much you have sitting somewhere that's liquid that you can get to now i want you and don't ask out loud how long could you make it most people would be calling the church tomorrow saying i need benevolence that's a fact a lot of other people might make it two weeks i'm saying there should be ideally you should have a whole year's worth of salary somewhere liquid sitting somewhere how do you get there one check at a time one savings deposit at a time because it prepares you for famine that question is pivotal to it shows your discipline it shows not just it doesn't have anything to do with how much money you make it has to do with how much money you keep and most of us have made enough money over the course of our life to have something sitting somewhere we don't have to go most of us we don't have to go into the retirement to sustain us when a famine hits i'm saying there comes times when famine hits when unexpected costs come when somebody's getting an accident or somebody's got to get braces or whatever it is where some big bill shows up and i'm saying there should be a system that you've been operating in that prepares you for those moments how prepared are you yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's a good word right there well you know i ain't i ain't really a church-going person and all that but i like my little nephew man my life he was bringing that word man just like man good boy let me tell you um y'all know i'm on keith yeah yeah am i on where do i talk to where where where is this the internet where are we at uh hey hey michael justin justin 1-2 yeah you know i used to work the mic down at the at the chateau ha ha in the chateau you know what i was saying told in the show hey you know man i'm not they my nephew told me i could come help out with with the little church things service you trying to get me into the lord that's gonna be difficult but um so you know i kind of echo what he's saying uncle keith my name i echo with my little nephew said by the way you know he looked just like me on it yeah my mother my little sister's little boy man hey by the way guess what we used to call them when they were little yeah you put it in the little box y'all be typing in that box obviously y'all typing type what you think we think a nickname would look one little key for a little keith and we're gonna take take again stay good i'll tell ya meanwhile let me tell you but i agree hold up here ah i agree with what he's saying cuz i'm gonna tell you something you gotta stack that money say that say that with me stack that money stack that money it's not gonna stagger you gotta stack that money see you gotta stack that money like pancakes at a hop stack that money like a two by four in a lumber yard you gotta stack that money like hey in a bond yeah you got to stack that money like like chips in a casino you got to stack that money like chairs at the convention center you got to stack that money like the the backup of the building permit office paperwork back up build a permit officer prince george county yeah i said it took it three years nephew three years get permit on the building backed up stacked up paperwork stacked up stacked that money stacked that money like bills trying to pass through congress stack that bunny like place in the kitchen staggered staggering staggered this is your boy unk i'll highlight y'all staggered if you can get these disciplines i was talking to a man who i consider a mentor he lives in scottsdale he has a he's a home in scottsdale arizona there's another home in in canada that he goes to in the summer and he writes and so you know i actually pay him to coach me and ask him a question and we never had this financial talk i said tell me about wealth how do you build wealth and i thought he was going to say something real deep and something profound that i hadn't heard of before and he says this what you got to do when you make money make sure you pay yourself i said that's that's what i'm talking about i've been doing that that's wonderful that's wonderful that's it that's all he can say he says you know wealthy people pay themselves well how do you pay yourself you don't pay yourself by paying bills you pay yourself when you put that 10 into an account that will accrue interest for you when you put it into your future you don't pay yourself by going to the mall that's rewarding yourself but it's not paying yourself and it's going to matter to you one day when you need some money and it's all in your closet see i want to i want a pastor church where our portfolio means more to us than our closet let me talk about one more way to save and i'm done one more thing you have to keep in mind when it comes to saving is frugality being cheap being tight you know what people who a lot of people who are tight who are frugal who are cheap get criticized and it's usually somebody in their family say oh he all she all cheap or he's so cheap and he's so shitty but let me tell you something have you ever noticed that all the cheap people got money and i don't mean just in their pockets they got it somewhere else too all the cheap frugal type people that ain't trying to splurge like you got some money somewhere so why you why you bo and watch this watch this go back to 2120. proverbs 21 20 says the wise have wealth and luxury but the foolish spin everything they get right we call that bowling we call that living lodge we call that being fly we call that being cool god says it's foolish it's foolish so before you spend the next dollar create a system around it you got to create a system with a little bit like okay i get ten dollars i pay god i pay me then i pay i gotta make it with the rest and if they ain't enough and what's left to pay everybody guess what i got to make some cuts because they got to take care of me because there's going to be a time when you're going to need to live on what you threw into your future all right talk to me how'd that hit y'all what's up talk to me see i could play myself and still save at the same time that's powerful paying yourself is saving that's what savings is this it's it's an investment in myself and in my future yeah anybody else yeah well you said we have to use wisdom on what we have now and not what's coming that was good i was going why would god trust us with more we can't store what we have now yeah everybody waiting on this ship to come in and i'm saying you got to learn how to work with the boat you got waiting on the ship like we got we got us you know you're faithful over a few things god will make you rule over many because habits habits are habits don't change with increase i can take poor habits to any level economically it's just starting with the habits proving my you know it's just like curfew when you when you know when we were younger we had curfew you only get to stay out later when you honor the curfew you got now you stay out of 12 now because you came in at 11. when i told you coming at 11 you came at 11 30. nah what you doing you don't respect the curfew you got anyway i'm just talking with y'all well anybody else that speaks to you man i i would just say i i love the principles that you laid out the 10 10 10 80 um really giving us principles because i heard somebody will say like a lot of times we rely on god for miracles and we disregard the principles and it's like yo just operate the in the principles and be so to be your own like miracle man so thank you for giving us a system i appreciate it powerful powerful i think i think it comes down to principles and mindset saving is a mindset can i go back to greenwood with y'all for a minute let's let's go back to black wall street and the bridge is with black wall street what made them so strong economically family was that they saved money as i told y'all before there was something called the oil boom they discovered oil in the tulsa area early 1900s and people were moving there trying to get a piece of that pie and blacks had the audacity you know a lot of african-americans moved into they're like we want some of that action ourselves that's a mindset i don't care what y'all think of us i don't care if y'all think we three fifths of a person we know that that's an opportunity we going after it and some of us need that kind of that tenacity and that fortitude in our thinking so they get down there and because segregate the segregation laws are so strict they had to work for white people when they got there so they're working there they're cleaning houses they're doing jobs menial tasks servants maids in the houses but what they did y'all they would take that little money and they would bank it and use it to get in the oil game you see because because money talks like like we ran into that we ran into some racism when we tried to buy the green belt building and there were some people that tried to stop us but because we had saved so much money we could pay we could offer full price for the building and they can't they can't deny you when you offer full price you got to have the economics to say because green out green trump's black or white i just said something green trump's black or white and even though the people in greenwood did not get a lion's share to all of the oil business all you need is a piece of the pie because they would take that one piece and they would keep that money and they would stack that money and they would grow it and what it turned into on that 50 blocks of greenwood black wall street was quality cafes quality businesses thriving they had luxury homes they had more luxuries because remember the wise have wealth and luxury see some people think if you're wise you're just going to have money in a great buying buy wise people have luxury too this ain't just about just about the future is about now and the future and they what with creators as we talked down the road some of the envy was they were living better than a lot of white people and it was primarily because they didn't just consume their money they invested it let me show y'all something i want to share my screen with y'all i want to show y'all some say something with you right now let me tell you a quick story when this is supposed to happen later but when i was 16 years old i remember thinking about this when i was preparing this message when i was 16 17 years old i had one of my first jobs was i was working at a nursing home in silver spring maryland i was a dishwasher at that nursing home and i would catch the subway from deanwood in the dc area near where i lived i would catch subway from deanwood and i catch subway to silver spring to go to work and on payday when i would get my check from the nursing home in silver spring i wouldn't go to the bank i would go to a liquor store in silver springs some of y'all know what i'm talking about and i would give my check cash at the liquor store and so didn't go to the bank i went to the liquor store because i ain't have a bank account and i go to liquor store and they would charge me money to cash my check but i didn't care because i just wanted the cash now i wouldn't take the cash home i would get on the subway on the red line in silver spring and take it downtown to the metro center and there was a woodies down there a woodsword and loaf room i would go straight to woody's with my cash not my check with my cash and i would buy clothes and then i would get back on the subway and take it back to deanwood and i would get home not with a check not with cash but with clothes i did that every paycheck i may have a little change but i live for the close because i didn't mind being broke if i look good i was just waiting on the next check so i can get the next polo sweater the next pair of bass regions and you understand i i just was interested in looking good but remember i was 16 didn't have a bank account by the way whenever you blow it you can't grow it that's something to think about when it comes to money i was i was and and that makes sense when you're 16 years old but some of us operate like that and we're way past 16. and it's time to make amendments and adjustments in our lives about how we view money you have so how do we how do we overcome this addictive addiction to purchasing and spending this consumerism that doesn't think about the future and by the way see the problem with with spending addiction is this is socially acceptable like it's almost like get that girl that bag and them shoes that whole thing what you doing with red bottoms on you don't even read about the money you behind on aftercare and you walked up in aftercare with some red bottom pumps on you on it somebody need to say that's not see it's different from crack if you're addicted to crack everybody got a problem with that you're addicted to alcohol or drugs everybody's you know looking down or everybody says you shouldn't do that if you're addicted to gambling that's gonna mess you up but when you're addicted to spending it's like almost socially acceptable but it's the same impulsivity that drives crack addiction you just on you just on malls you ain't gonna crack your nostril you own hair so so so some people ain't on drugs they own money like they just on spending like that it's the same impulsivity that hasn't we don't have a it's not an insufficient issue insufficient fund issue it's an is it's an it's a lack of self-control issue that fire right there he didn't even stop preaching though he meddling now tell myself control you know you know i ain't got no self-control he i think he talked about me right there you know nothing he be trying to stab me with that word but anyway man that's some good stuff right there all your money in your closet trapped in the closet trapped in the cloud chopping that boy in trouble too who that boy that boy in trouble let me tell you we ready we're rolling we're testing testing one two we good hey y'all let me give you something let me let me give y'all some financial advice from uncle keith this is my everyone tell you i'm gonna tell y'all something i know i'm gonna sound like a hypocrite can y'all see me how come i can't hear y'all anyway listen i'm gonna tell y'all something this this financial advice this ain't no church stuff this is real stuff right here when you when you walk to a situation without in the office will pull you over you got to let them see your hands so you're going to get you'll get no trouble wait wait wait let me talk about finance let me get back in front of that i know i'm gonna sound like a hypocrite cause you know i like fine clothes you know i got the swag what they call the swag suede uh suave drip i'm wet iced iced up but i'm all that but let me tell you something straight up your wealth is more important than your wardrobe write that down wealth over wardrobe assets over attire that's what comes first got to put it in order and let me tell you something else to all my young people you got to say that money the sooner you start saving the better and that's no cap no gap no cap i'm keeping it a buck with you get it a buck told y'all on keith keeps it 100. who in here i said who is this around 28 years old give me somebody 28. i just that's a good number come on 28. come on come on 20. my brother put his hand up you you're going to hell for lying like that he been 28 in at least 40 years [Applause] 28 come on 28. this is what you call a millennial right here 28 years old amen all right you're 28 years old now i want to tell you something um you work okay you are you you may not be comfortable telling us what you make you're not comfortable are you comfortable if you're not that's cool that's cool you're analyzing the state department okay so i'm going to i'm going to say this let's just assume that most like most people you don't save you don't save a percentage of your money can we make that assumption you save okay good well let me let me let you in on a secret you may already know this if you save let's say you make you're an analyst for the uh what now what's what they made [Applause] what y'all think what y'all think he huh all depends on the position [Music] [Applause] huh 80. let's go with 80 000. he said go up a little more let me see your hand and he's single hey hey hey watch what happens to him after service eighty thousand dollars he said go up let's go up to a hundred let's just go to a hundred just play safe right i just need a simple number what i'm telling you is if your salary is eighty thousand one hundred thousand ninety thousand dollars if you save ten percent of that every year ten percent of that and by the time you're 38 you'll have a hundred thousand dollars sitting somewhere that if you wanna take a leap and do something different you can just in 10 years now understand that's 10 years if you never got a raise you never got to cost a living raise you got never got a performance bonus let's in fact and that money never accrued any interest if you just put it in under your mattress you have a hundred thousand dollars in ten years you understand that now if you say that take too long i won't make a move before that i'm saying if you save 20 you'll have it in five years by the time you're 33 years old you have 100 000 if you don't touch it that's with no interest earned on it that's with no increase in his pay that's with no bonus that's with no birthday gifts nobody hand them anything he can have a hundred thousand dollars sitting somewhere in five years if you put 20 away if you give yourself a raise you say that ain't fast enough i'm saying if you do 30 of your income and you throw it and you pay yourself 30 in three years in three months you'll have a hundred thousand dollars that's real that's real now on the flip side if you only save five percent a year you'll be 48 years old before you have you 20 years from now take you 20 years to save your a year's salary i'm saying it matters that you pay yourself you can be seated it matters that you pay yourself this ain't stuff i'm teaching all this stuff i practice when i told that 28 year old man i wish i'd do that at 28 years old i started this about six years ago and i already have over a year's salary saved up it ain't all in the same place i can get to it though i can go over a year without any income because i ain't just teaching this y'all i practice this do you understand what i'm saying i also know what it's like to be bad with money my money was so bad when i first got married that i was hiding it from vicki i was hiding how much trouble we were in we had to lean on the condo repossession threats on i was hiding the car parking around the corner walking up the hill then i had to confess to my wife that we in trouble had to turn over the finances to her back then i didn't know i didn't know how to balance a checkbook i'm telling you i've had a long journey with this thing this is not stuff i believe this stuff that's why i teach it like this i live this in my life this is not something i heard about this something i'm walking out in my life i'm telling you it works i don't worry about hard time i don't worry about this church shutting down losing i know i can go over a year with no income and be good not change or adjust my life now i'm going to certainly adjust it because i got to stretch it out [Applause] what's up y'all um yeah so i think it was very um insightful to see the principles we shared about savings um and how it impacts our future because i think a lot of young people don't think about how their financial habits now impact their future 10 15 20 30 years from now yeah if i could say something also even that 10 20 years from now but you also set in place what we can do in a year if i invest in myself like you know the whole thing of because um i'm a i'm kind of a right now type of guy yeah but um even in the right now investing the percentage in myself like that's you know that's kind of almost a mini game changer for me yeah i think accelerating is going to be important the older we get charles you know when we we gotta we have to accelerate i can tell you this stuff works man when i when my children were kids i put these buckets under their bed i said if i give you money you have three buckets 10 10 10 70. i want you to you can enjoy if i give you ten dollars you can enjoy the seven dollars i want you to put one dollar get one dollar to god one dollar for a rainy day and one dollar i want you to put into your future and they all have four little buckets under their bed and i'm telling you i never even knew it my daughter practiced it and one day maybe she'll come on your story she's a testimony to somebody who who doesn't make a killer salary but has an incredible saving discipline in her life and it's making a difference it makes a difference let me tell you something before we leave before we wrap up and i'm so glad y'all took this time out to be with us here today for this series i want to share one more thing with you i want to share my screen and i want to share a picture of something that i think might help illustrate how we just unconsciously handle money i think seeing this illustration and demonstration will help bring some things to light all right so check this out let me share my screen with y'all let me let me illustrate it like this i think the illustration will help bring it to life i'm gonna need about 20 people 15 20 people for this illustration so so so help me out particularly if you're on this side so you don't have far to walk the first person i need i just need a person who works a full-time job and you have a lot of bills well that's just about all of us so so anybody that's willing to be that person come up here on the stage i want you to be i want to use you for a demonstration okay come on up here perfect now i need about 15 or 20 people to just start lining up over here stays right that's all just 15 20 people you come over here come over here thank you very much 15 20 just just quickly just line up over there i'll tell you what you're gonna do in a minute now i don't let me get a microphone so i can talk to you for a minute uh okay mike i'm going here hello all right let me see we gonna work it out oh you got something else oh man thank you you're doing a great job [Applause] i don't know if i want you to hold them mike where you holding mike okay what's your name g g just going to go by g when you're in front of everybody like that's just going to go by g y'all got her on camera now g yes you work right yes got bills yes okay let's talk about the bills do you have you have an automobile yes okay who's what kind of car is it pso a kia soul is there a note on it no okay well you're doing pretty good do you have any maintenance on it you got okay so so so so you're the key of people you're the kid people because every now and then you gotta go take it and get it fixed right okay so so do you have to put any gas in the kia absolutely okay you get your exxon come on next time you stand right here this is all car related all right all right thank you very much do you have siriusxm in the car no okay we're gonna go pass on that do you live anywhere yeah do you live in the kia you forgot my insurance okay insurance okay you got you got auto insurance come on auto insurance on the kia do you do you have life insurance yes okay come on life insurance do you have disability insurance yes okay come on you get disability insurance uh uh that's like do you have health insurance absolutely okay come on health insurance yeah oh yeah y'all just insurance all insurance yeah come on do you live in nokia no you live in a house or a park do you rent or pay mortgage mortgage you pay mortgage okay you're the mortgage person all right in the house you got any utilities you got you are your lights on the lights okay let's come on pepco bg you got you got any you got gas maybe oh he whatever that is you got wash you got water in the house yes okay water people come on you come on up here yeah do you uh do you have internet access in the house or cable cable cable come on cable i need some more people i need some more people you got cable in your house okay do you have internet connection because it connected to the cable is it a bundle a bundle okay so we only need one person for the bundle do you have a cell phone i have a cell phone you have a cell phone it's okay att verizon or sprint verizon come on miss verizon you come on up here do you have any children i do do i do do they have educational aftercare or school tuition what they got going on the kids no no but i have a senior a high school senior high school senior so you can have some college come on tuition and they got a phone anything we probably left you you have any subscriptions to anything magazines podcasts anything coming to the house that you read no however my children do not have cell phones thank you okay you trying to say well you're saving okay good she's being cute oh do you have groceries you go to you eat grocery you eat out all the time oh no grocery store come on grocery store what i want you to see is what i would which i want you to know g is that every time you get a check face her all of them they coming forward larry you get that money get that money they coming forward they coming forward they're coming forward and all and guess what miss one of them and watch what happens you understand what i'm saying and what i'm saying is what i'm saying is you will never be wealthy until you put you up front you deserve to get paid first in fact you go to church you go to this church okay come on god we're god we're going to make somebody god come on god you look like you could be the lord [Applause] so look at here i'm saying as a christian god should get his up front off the top stand right here jesus this is right there right there right up front slide over uh what are you you're just a kia you're not the lord amen [Applause] what i'm saying is if in your habits and in your system you don't put god and you first you will never win this is a cycle of poverty it will always drain you it will always and even if you get more money you're going to just trade in the kia and get a camry and then you're going to upgrade and say you know you know give me the bigger plan or give me something better there will always be people pulling at you on and we ain't even got everything do we we ain't even got everything that's coming at you and i'm saying most people say i can't do it i'm saying you can't afford not to do it this way see you got to look down this line and say well what's got to go you know if i can't put me first if i can't pay me and i'm my most important asset if i can't pay myself 10 percent if i can't give myself a raise so some people got a three percent cost of living raise this year but you didn't pay you didn't increase your savings that's how you that's the only way you got it otherwise everybody else is getting it if you don't do you got to look down this line and say what's got to be reduced who's got to be cut off so that i can put my priorities in place you understand what i'm saying all right y'all can sit down i just wanted to make a point like that thank you for hey i hope you all enjoyed today's message um it really means a lot to hear from you if you would just share with us using our chat just to tell me like what are your thoughts how did the message impact you what are your thoughts and feedback on a message we take that information very seriously we pay attention to it i do read your comments our staff takes your feedback very seriously and i hope you stick around for our announcements and an opportunity to partner with us as a ministry and also if you'd like to get access to our uh black wall street mindset t-shirts you can order those through our merchandise link somebody's going to share that link with you if you'd like to get our verified merchandise so any zion church merchandise you can go to our link or just go to our website and look up merchandise there you'll find that information and also i'd love for you to share this message and share our services with people you know who may appreciate a unique way of experiencing church we really appreciate it and i look forward to seeing you next week in part two of cash apps the black wall street mindset now holy hold up hold up hold up hold up nephew ho ho ho ho time out time out i gotta tell y'all something don't i forgot didn't you i gotta tell y'all a little keith's nickname i bet some of y'all forgot me [Music] you know what it is hi it's teddy nickname is teddy and that's no cat we'll see you all next week [Music] you
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 4,505
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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