The Move

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Genesis chapter 11 let me let's pray father please it's my privilege to serve I want to stage but I'm serving I'm it's an honor to be able to serve these my brothers and sisters who are listening who are tuned in who are present may this meal may this message really really help people in significant ways may it be clear since I don't know these people very personally that it is clear that you are talking to us I'm just your I'm just your instrument play me for your glory and may we be transformed and not just maybe be informed maybe be transformed in Jesus name Amen Genesis 11 beginning of verse 27 it says in the New Living Translation this is the account of Torahs family Torah was the father of Abram Nahor and Haran and her reign was the father of light but her ran died in Earth the Chaldeans the land of his birth while his father Terah was still living meanwhile Abram and Nahor both married the name of Abraham's wife was suraĆ­h and the name of the wife was Milka Milka and her sister is cop we're daughters of mejoras brother Haran yeah I got all that it's easy when verse 30 but Sarai was unable to become pregnant and had no children one day verse 31 says surah took his son Abram his daughter-in-law survived his son Abraham's wife and his grandson lot his son harassed child and moved away from her the Chaldeans somebody say they moved he was headed for the land of Canaan but they stopped at her ran and settled there to Ralia for two hundred and five years and died while still in her ran chapter 12 verse 1 the Lord has said to Abram leave your native country your relatives and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you I will make you into great nation I will bless you and make you famous and I will be and you will be a blessing to others I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt all the families on earth will be blessed for you so Abram departed as the Lord had instructed him and lot went with him everybody say they moved Abram was 75 years old when he left her ran somebody said he moved he took his wife Sarai his nephew lot and all his wealth his livestock and all the people he had taken into his household at her RAM and headed for the land of Canaan Sam I say they moved when they arrived in Canaan Abram travel through the land as far as Shechem then he set up camp beside the oak of Moray at that time the area was inhabited by Canaanites then the Lord appeared to Abram and said I will give this land to your descendants and Abraham built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord who had appeared to him after that verse a says Abram travels south and set up camp in the hill country with Bethel to the west and a tie to the east some I said he moved there he built another altar and dedicated to the Lord and he worshiped the Lord verse 9 then Abram continued travelling south by stages towards the Negev some I said I moved my subjective day is of the move depended upon where you're from will determine the meaning of the term the move if you're in an urban setting when somebody says the move or what's the move they are referring to plans for the evening Phil is strong in that section right there like what's the move the move has to do with what is our strategic itinerary for the weekend what we're about to get into the move the move has to do with where are we headed and what is our plan in the game of checkers and chess the game is won or lost based on moves in fact a highly skilled chess player can point to one particular move in the game that cost the opponent the game moves matter I was talking to one of the Washington Wizards a few weeks ago was before the free agency things started on July 1st this was back in the last week of June we were both and an event for one of the players players was having a baby shower and so I was talking to him he was a faithful guy in chapel and he said I said so what do you think is gonna happen to you this summer and where do you think you're gonna play this season and he said man for all of us free agents we're all in the same boat and I said what do you mean so he started pointing at other guys it was God air on Houston's team and there was a guy there a place for the Lakers and these were not really the main guys these were role players and he says he's real on the same boat he says we waiting to see what LeBron is gonna do he says you know once LeBron makes his move then front office's start filling their rosters based on what he does and what he was letting me know is is that the front offices all over the NBA are making moves but LeBron was the move there is always subsequent supplemental moves that are connected to the move the definition of the word move means a change in place or position and whenever you are making moves in your life every move must requires a decision there is something decisive that must happen that that that guides you in the direction of your intended destination position or place it's called a move and the reason why I believe God has directed me to talk about this today is because not only are there several moves in this passage there's a lot of moving in this passage but I also believe there must be moves in this room somebody is up on a move and you know it you already know it and and some of us are about to get into a move and we don't even know it's coming we don't even know what's coming and moving opportunity that's coming in our life and so I thought it'd be good to give you some move ology how you like there were some move tools and I'm gonna say some things about moves that are obvious and then maybe some that are not so obvious so that we can successfully shift and moved into whatever it is God has for us in our lives now let me let me preface this by saying this one of the things that I started asking if you know anything about my ministry one of the things that's gonna come around too is I'm going to talk about marriage and the importance of family and how you just hang in there no matter what because family matters and then I'm at some point I'm gonna talk about business and entrepreneurship and that's just a part of my DNA and I'm gonna talk about finances and wealth and I'm gonna also talk about purpose and destiny is just sort of in my DNA and and and I started asking the Lord I said why is it that some people actually make moves in the direction of their dreams and some people don't I don't believe that everybody's dreamless I just believe that most people don't pursue their dreams they just they just kind of leave it out there and maybe hope that through circumstance and fate that their lives sort of intersect with their hopes somewhere but there's no intentionality about it and I said and this is what the Lord showed me that the reason why is because you may not be able to see this but on this floor they do a certain camera angle they can show you on this floor on this floor where I'm standing now the part of the floor I'm on is carpeted and then over here it is carpeted as well it's the same probably about the same length and size of carpet and then in between both carpeted spaces is just flooring so there's a difference this place over here if this represents my reality this carpeted area and that carpeted area represents my destiny what this area in between represents a process and the process doesn't feel like my history and it doesn't look like my destiny it is a place of uncertainty and this is the place that most people aren't willing to enter because they don't know what they're gonna walk into and because you can't get there without going here most people never move that's that's I'm already reaching right there at the end of the day this is the space where people never make it because I I'm not willing to go into a space of uncertainty if my destiny is there and God will show you the destiny like this is the dream it's the land of Canaan you can do this this is what you can build this is what you can have this is your desire this was you can do this is where you are I'm frustrated with where I am I really am passionate about where I want to go here's the problem right here is this space right here from my reality to my destiny as a place called uncertainty and see we can go on ways and get traffic reports we can go to Google Maps and find out where rest stops here are where construction work is being done we can get all the details when we're traveling in any other sector but when God says move he'll say I want you to leave where you are then go to a place and you don't get the details I'll show you as you're going and most of us ain't about to step into something without a bunch of details along the way here's another way I'll illustrate it see see nowadays you can take a phone and take a picture with the phone you know you can take a picture you can post it you can send it around to people just snap with a phone you can take a picture I grew up during the time when they take pictures with a camera I know some of y'all know where the camera is it was a camera Andy we took a picture with a camera you didn't get the picture right away when you took a picture with a real camera you didn't get a picture you got something calling negative y'all ain't ready for this honey I remember the negative em that Toni get a negative and the negative did watch this watch was the negative was a development with something that had to be developed into the picture so you take the picture you know the poses right poses fly use all that but she didn't get the prison and the pose and the frame you got a negative you take this little oranges brown- there's a little piece of negative this plastic negative and you take this into a film it was called a darkroom and you had to close the door so there'd be no light in there and then you run it through a chemical and then that chemical would develop the negative into something that we later have in a frame call a picture oh that's good right to here that's why we don't appreciate processes now because we get everything so fast but God is the specialist at doing something he'll take something negative in your life and take you into a dark space and while you're in a negative dark space don't get discouraged because he's developing you in their space and when you come out when you come out of that [Applause] the problem is we just want to go from snapping to portrait without process in this passage there are several moves that are connected to the move the move was to move Abram made that changed the game there are some moves that changed the game but there are a lot of moves connected to the move when Abram made the move that he made in Genesis chapter 12 generations were impacted by it forever I want to go back to chapter 11 because he and his dad had something in common in Genesis chapter 11 verse 27 we're introduced to a man named - rah ter aah - rah as Abraham's father - rah has three sons according to verse 27 he has a son named named Abram he has a son named Nahor and his a son named named Haran when you look at the order of his sons it's probably a safe to assume that Abrams the oldest Nahor is the second oldest and then her Anne is the youngest and then we're told that her Anne had a son named light which means - rah has three sons and a grandson we know that Abram didn't have children at this time because he didn't have children - he was in his 80s later on in life so so taurah has three sons and a grandson and then the next verse says that his son Haran died in the land of the Chaldeans where he was from but he also it also says he died while his father was still living very interesting addendum to diverse because God has given us insight into how painful this was see it's a painful thing when a parent doesn't when a parent outlives a child death hurts anytime you lose somebody that you love but it's painful and unnatural for a parent to bury their child and only somebody that's been through that can relate to the devastation of it but the thing I want to point out to you is that what Tarak but we learn from Torah is when his son died two verses later he took everybody and left attic Aldean's and move towards Canaan to a place call her and he's headed to Canaan but he stops in her and but the thing is he moved everybody said he moved here's the thing that's in common is this common to Torah and Abram his son in verse 31 or chapter 11 - rod died and then the next verse which is in the next chapter God told Abram - your time to move now you move what do they have in common they both moved after they lost something valuable whoever I'm talking to today I don't even know if you're in this room but whoever I'm talking to pay attention to what you lose because whenever you lose something you have to temptations one is to be stuck the other one is to move some people lose something of value to them it could be not just a person it could be a marriage it could be a job it could be an opportunity it could be a career it could be a business deal it could be a contract but whatever you lost watch this when Abram lost to rod that was his daddy see whenever you lose something you're depending on one that is a window of opportunity for you to move because some of you wouldn't have never been nudged into your purpose if you hadn't lost the thing you were dependent on that's so good right there I'm about to give myself an amen I said some of you wouldn't enough the thing that you lost that you were depending on you would've never moved into the thing God always desired for you until your loss so now you don't have time to cry you don't have time to be a victim because you got bills to pay and you got a dream to fulfill so now that nuts you into your next thing they both suffered loss quran dies - rom moves to a place call her an interesting me enough to rod dies and Abram moves to Canaan what what you gonna do about what you lost some people are gonna stay stuck never move but your loss may be your moment to move another reason why Abram moved by the way in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 in fact we just wrote 1 as a very interesting verse god only gives him two commands in the verse it's a very long verse but there are only two words of command and diverse the first word is leave that's the command leave second command in the verse is gold everything in between is around us when he says leave any choice of who to leave then he says and go and then he tells them I'll show you where you're going the reason why I can breathe I can just call this message leaving go leaving go is what makes people make moves is that they have the capacity to leave and go see see when I tell you I'm preaching to somebody in here who's up on a move I want to encourage you right now whatever the move is it's positive it's a good thing it's a promotion it's the next level but what makes it difficult even though the transition is in to something greater the difficulty comes with what I got to leave to get there because when he says leave I'm leaving everything for me leave your country leave your people leave your father's family leave your relatives and then go to a place of so you want me to leave the familiar and go into the form that's why most people don't move if I could take everybody with me if I could take the lingo with me in the style of it you see when God told Abram to move he says leave a Bible done so he's behaving problems like this is all I know my roots are here it's my family I went to school here my church is here this is where hung out the village you know the park this is where is where we shout ball this is where I give my hand I can't nobody do my hair like a like that you asked me to give all this up trust me trust me to leave and then here's how a guy guesses he says I'm gonna show you where you going well that's nice I like that it's like it's like the young man young man in in Matthew chapter 19 is young man Matty chapter 19 who comes up to Jesus let me read it to you the quicker and in Matthew 19 verse 16 it says someone came to Jesus with this question teacher what good deed must I do to have eternal life here's a man who has an opportunity to leave and go he says why ask me about what is good jesus replied there's only one who is good but to answer your question if you want to receive eternal life keep the commandments which ones the man asked jesus replied you must not murder you must not commit adultery you must not steal you must not testify falsely honor your father mother love your neighbors yourself I've obeyed all these Commandments the young man replied what else must I do here we go here we go drum roll Jesus says if you want to be perfect go and sell your possessions go and sell all your possessions give the money to the poor you have treasure in heaven then come follow me four things go back go back four things go sell you all your possessions get a money to the poor you go ahead treasure in heaven then come follow me next verse the man had an opportunity leave and go you know he did he left for real he went the other way and the Bible says he would always say it watch this y'all it's clear from verse 22 that he's not sad it's he's not sad about he's not the problem it's not following Jesus he wants to follow Jesus the problem is not having treasures in heaven he was dead he already said I want that the problem is he can't go cuz he's not willing to leave what's valuable to him he's got too much stuff see see watch this opportunities decline in value when our attachments have a higher appraisal some of us can't move because of what we're attached to that's the person is lived in the same house with 39 years and we got another opportunity we can move we can move it I'm I'm dying here yes you are what for those for those for those who are unwilling to move I have a question for you whose being hurt by your immobility and who would be helped if you had enough faith even as Abram did at seventy five years old to bus a move 75 years in the same neighborhood and God says let's go I got something greater for you Wow you know you know you know Abram left because something died he also left out of obedience God says do it so he obeyed God says doing so he followed his command and his directive he obeyed God sometimes you got to have an attitude we just say I'm just gonna do what God says it's like in John chapter two and Jesus's miracle at Cana the first miracle he ever did he's got a wedding and they ran out of wine and his mother came to him say you know they're out of wine and she's like well I got to do with me she walked away from Jesus to all the service at the wedding and says whatever he tells you John to fight whatever he tells you do it that's deep I did before he told him he said whatever he tells you do that yes sir that's a disposition of obedience when you say to God whatever you tell me I'm gonna do it hang on wait til you tell me I'm gonna do whatever you tell me so that will you tell man we'll have an argument with you about it and try to negotiate what you're telling me I have a disposition towards obeying you let me tell you another reason why people don't move is one of it is it's not just attachments to my reality and an unwillingness to walk into uncertainty also there's a reason why we don't move in his fear everybody say fear yeah fear Zig Ziglar says let me make sure I say this right he says some people they're two ways of addressing fear you can do fear this way you can forget everything and run listen people I forget that I'm out forget everything and run or here's another way you can handle fear face everything and rise the choice is ours same circumstance some people just respond differently joseph campbell once said the cave that we're afraid to enter has the treasure we've already desired the cave we're afraid to enter has the treasure we've always desired on the other side of our fear is awesome it's often something very awesome but we're just afraid in fact fear is such a paralyzing emotion for people it's such a disabling emotion that that's the only thing Satan really needs to do to make us never move he don't have to do people come I'm going through warfare oh saying that do it scare us I only know one man I'm distracted to devil but oh his if the devil and his demons had a meeting about us I'm put all of us in there and he's saying listen I'm really concerned about her if she ever does was she been writing about doing and if he ever does with his idea if he ever executed that that's gonna be a problem you know what saying saying man ain't worried about him all I got to do is scare I ain't worried about her she will never go soon she gets scared she putting that little thing right now and close it up put it back in the drawer that's all he's got to do is make as a friend and I need some intense anxiety I'm telling a little nervousness we've been like selling y'all morning walk up on stage to get the right hand of fellowship because y'all sitting down in front of church some of you would never even give your testimony about what God has done for you in your life in front of other people God's been that good to you that he bless you in private and bless you publicly and you won't even publicly acknowledge that he did it cuz you're scared and isn't it ironic most of the people we idolize for the things that they do do two things that we idolize them for doing scared I read and in the I think it was the Inquirer magazine or Esquire Esquire magazine quoted Rihanna as saying that her stage fright is so intense before a concert she has to have a shot of liquor to go on stage somebody say do it scared Adel one of the greatest singers of our generation says that she has such ideas so afraid of audiences that she vomits before she performs he says I'm thrown up on people somebody's they do is scared Beyonce has such anxiety about the stage that she has to imagine that she's another person that she calls Sasha Fierce to get through her performance some eyes they do is scared so what about you I only have to use it I use myself if you think I'm comfortable doing this let me tell you something I've been doing this for 33 years and I can say that there is not a weekend when I don't have to do this on Sunday there's somewhere between Friday and Saturday I run through the rolodex of my brain thinking who can I get to fill in for me I ain't even lying you don't think it's like the other thing I'm joking like like for real for whenever you see me up here doing this I'm doing it scared every time in fact I am walking every time I do this I am walking through the threshold of uncertainty the unknown zone I don't know what's gonna make sense of y'all I don't know if people you know the concepts we got people don't know no church manners they just get up people in this church they will do this while I'm talking and yes you mean like while I'm breathe people just get up and walk and leave me like hey what's up man you got my seat like while I'm talking people send me emails hate mail like you'll know you're talking about what kind of church is it like I got a deal I'd rather eat doughnuts and watch TV then do this any day I'm gonna tell you for real but I do it scared I do it scared if you're waiting to stop being afraid to do what you supposed to do you ain't will never do it tell some Iran you do is scared [Music] face it what I say they say face that's what I say face everything and rise up right then say that so it ain't let me tell you the Zion Church story real quickly some of you don't know the story I'm gonna I want to show you how this works in a move because I I just want to tell you how this all happened Zion Church 19 years ago didn't exist it was not a church it exists it was an idea for it to come from an idea to the reality that it is now I had to make intentional definitive steps the move was starting the church there were moves that had to get me in position to do that you understand that every big move requires small moves that are connected to the move one of the moves I had to make was I had to go and acts three couples one of them is sitting in here with me right now in the front row to have dinner we had we had dinner at a man named Stefan scribers house where a spaghetti dinner in the house it was three couples and Vicki and I sat down and I asked these people can you help me start a church I don't even know how I was gonna look I just had an idea one of the couples didn't feel like it was time for them to be involved in it and yet it was awkward it was difficult but it was necessary it was a step you understand I didn't know if they would reject the idea I didn't know if they were laugh at it I didn't know what would happen but you have to go into a space of uncertainty I had no guarantee in that meeting here's another thing I to do I was working at a church called greater Mount Nebo AME Church the pastor's name is Jonathan L Weaver he was my boss he's the pastor of the church I was his youth pastor I had to go to him to tell him I'm thinking about I really want to start my own church now let me give you some black church theology if you're working in a black church and you're helping that church to grow and you go to that pastor and you tell him you want to break off and start your own joint that's the situation but I had to tell him I didn't know how go when I remember when I went in his office my heart was beating so fast I thought he could hear it I was that nervous and I went in even though he blessed me and says not only did I give you my blessing I'm gonna encourage people to go with you and help you I didn't know that I was walking into uncertainty I had never told my boss I wanted to start what he was doing you understand what I'm saying y'all know - comprende I never went into a company insensitive president I want to do what you're doing like around the corner didn't do that it's scary and downs just thinking about what I did the third thing I had to do was resign from my job I was the provider in my family my wife Vicki and I had three children under two years old she was a homemaker wasn't working outside the home and we had no jump money I didn't know what jump money was I had no savings to to secure us if we fail I was all Lynne with the decision we gonna sink or swim with this idea and I went out there and I resigned from my job that was a little reckless I get that but it was necessary here's another intentional step I met with the people the property owners of Socrates Technology Center 9301 peppercorn place went there today exhibit hall say can we have Bible study here I had never met with a commercial real estate agent before I didn't even know how that worked then we had a meeting with the people in the doubletree hotel can we use your large meeting space for a Sunday experience never did that it was awkward it was uncertain I didn't know if I was gonna get rejected didn't know I was gonna work but it was necessary to get from reality to destiny I had to walk through uncertainty are y'all listening to me we came up we got closest about to start on Sundays we were having services during the week on Tuesday was doing a Bible study I met somebody who told me well I knew somebody who told me and I needed somebody to lead worship he said I know a couple they just relocated from many Annapolis you can meet with them he gave me their number they were from Minnesota and I met with the guy him and his wife and he told me we'll do it love to do it but here's the cost the number he gave me was more than twice anything we had ever brought in in any given week we hadn't even beaten he wanted that every week we wouldn't even bringing in half of that you know what I told him you're hired I ain't know how I was going to work but I knew if he was going to be on the team God was gonna have to pick it up god that's your choice that's your invoice you had to work that out hire them never missed a beat what I'm trying to tell you is every step I made from Mount Calvary Baptist Church to Zion Church from new song Bible Fellowship design Church from greater Mount Nebo Amy's your design Church from teaching Bible Atlanta middle school every step had to be intentional to take me out of where I was to where I was trying to get they had to be intentional steps and sometimes along the way the people I wanted to help me didn't help me and some of y'all are stuck cuz we will you want to help you won't help you but I'm telling you if God be for you I ain't pressure the right people if God be for you he is more than a role against you let me say something you only have to like me I only have to like you you don't have to like me but if you like what I'm doing we can do it together cuz God can use whoever he wants to use to get it done you got to take a step and you have to step into something uncertain let me tell you four reasons why step then I'm done here the four right D if you want to take notes write these 4 words down first word is drift second word is shift third word is gift fourth word is lift here the four reasons why I moved Abram Mook or something died on him nothing died on me Abram moves us out of obedience I ain't even know if God was telling me to do it heretofore four things that made me move y'all ready the first one was a drift here's what happened to me I started experiencing a drift in my heart I stopped liking what I was doing who can relate to that the thrill was gone I used to love you the ministry I used to love being around teens I still loved being kids I was pretty good at it it got to a point I anyone be with y'all's kids I'm like where are they coming again dang what time they gonna be here when you here's how you know when the thrill is gone from what you're doing that's a drift your your soul is drifting away your passion is moving here's how you can know if you can come back sometimes you're drifting because you're burnt out sometimes you can just take a break get a vacation from whatever it is you're you're you're drifting away you lost your passion because you're tired but my this thing was so far gone not even a vacation could restore it let me give you one other way you can restore your passion for what you're doing if you lost it if you can get in a motivational instructional environment that teaches you Andry teaches you how to do what you're doing and it's it's compelling and it shows you new angles and new styles and new methodologies and a new perspective on it that can reinvigorate you if that doesn't work here's the next word you need to pay attention to and that is a shift if you're drifting and and and watch this if you're drifting so far than a vacation and training won't reinvigorate you and you still don't have any passion for what I'm trying to tell you is you're stealing you you're just taking money from them people your heart ain't even in it you're better than that and let me clarify something because some of you gonna go home and you're gonna use this to get out of your marriage and I'm telling you this ain't about marriage yeah pastor said if your heart ain't in it and a vacation won't fix it and counseling won't fix it ain't say none of that that's the devil man we clarified that you'd be surprised how many people thinking the whole time yep I'm opposed to get out of this that's confirmation if you can't get out of that drift of passionless nespresso a guy was doing to me he was shifting my passion what I love about God he didn't take my passion away from something and make me passion passion passionate about nothing he shifted my passion now I had a passion for a different kind of ministry it was still about ministry but it was a different kind haemoo he shifted my passion it's pretty cool and it was in the same space but he he moved me into I had a new desire and I had this augmenting his way you know I had this augmenting growing desire to do something different pay attention to the shift in you okay see here's the thing it ain't even your business you change your heart about something you didn't even know it like he'll give you the desire of your heart you don't even know how come I love this man I love doing this I want to do this I don't even like this anymore and I went to school for it I got I got student loans for this but I'm up all night with this when I play football I play football I was a play quarterback for a team in DC we practiced at Eastern High School and this team was called the Northeast cowboys I still to this day don't understand the dichotomy of the name cuz we were in DC and the team name was Cowboys that is a that's a blasphemy whoever started the team should be punched right in the nose for that I was a quarterback for the North East Cowboys guy named Lafayette quarterback from Eastern High School taught me how to play the quarterback position he was he was really good at the position and he taught me not just the athleticism of the quarterback position but but how cerebral the businessman was I wasn't the best athlete on the team but they knew I was smart and so as we would make plays in Hollow I could tell you a play but it wouldn't make sense to you because there's just numbers and letters and and identify where we going with the ball it wouldn't make sense to you but his vision you know whenever we came out of the huddle the first thing tole was my offensive line my officer line were given instruction before everybody else whether it was pass protection a world where we were running a ball and we're too tight in we go was a very important part of our offense if I came out of the huddle with a play that we were running and I saw that the defense was set up in such a way that we could run something else and be successful with it I had the flexibility of doing just some basic audibles most of the time it was just shifting the direction of the play you shift the direction of the play by moving the tight in if he's on the left side now we moved to the right side now that's our strong side if you ever played against us wherever the tight end was that's where we're running the ball that's our strong side because the ball always follows the shift what I'm trying to tell you is is that God's move in your life is always following the shift pay attention the shift of your passion because that's where God is moving you it is your compass don't be ignorant of what's going on inside of you and here's the third reason why I moved why I walked out of reality towards the destiny into uncertainty was not just because I had a drift of passion and I had a shift into a new passion was because I also had a gift I believe I had a gift do not move without a gift I'm gonna say that again do not move without a gift what do I mean by gift I am NOT just talking about talent and ability although that's important sometimes the gift God gives you is an idea whoo what is so good imma had to get the tape the idea that God gives you is his gift to you I believe I had a gift as a communicator I believe I can communicate and it wasn't just me see you got a bet on yourself you got to believe in yourself but somebody should be able to confirm that you're gifted somebody's got to be able to say you know what you're good at that you're great at that then he's trying to flatter you they're giving you truth they're giving you revelation they're helping you with your compass but there's also another part of the gift to us and that I had an idea and I believed in the idea and I had people tell me when I was share the idea with them you own the Sun when you haven't I did it tells me but you're onto something when people say you own the something with that and they're telling you if you got a gift and a talent and an idea you're supposed to move now what was my idea i'ma tell you what the idea was I started getting this idea in the early 90s so you're talking about somewhere around 1991 I started getting this idea so that's 27 years ago I would be sitting in churches and all I did back then was speaking churches for youth events I was making youth conference you sure that's how a lot of people knew me I was just doing I was the youth guy so I would come and speak of the church church service started 11 o'clock it's 1:15 I ain't got to speak yet and the first thing I'll write down to my nose is we can do this a lot faster I was like we should I was being at a hotel people being there singing around me like we shouldn't still be here that would be they would be singing I'd be like we shouldn't still be here we should be gone I would see young people falling asleep in church and their parents pushing them and fighting with him I like we've been here three hours somebody get up there and get saved so we can leave just do something so we can leave I said if we can cut this service down by maybe two hours I said we'd be onto something then the second thing I said is what if we would have we relaxed a dress code what if people didn't have to have on church clothes when they came because you know everybody ain't got all that because I would notice when I go to church and I will go to a church and it would be dressed down Sunday the place will be packed I said we need to pay attention to that it's packed on dressed down Sunday empty the rest of the time maybe we need to make dressed down Sunday let me tell you something don't know I'll be judged we wore robes we were call us we were we had we're candles and the stuff and all that we marched in read this this hot we came in and we bow y'all ain't ready for this we thought everything was religious I said wouldn't we changed all that and made it normal and made it regular we didn't run away from the Word of God we just changed the complete change the package on it I said if we made the service faster and we relaxed the dress code and if the sermon made sense to people if the sermon could connect the people on their personal life if it was practical there's a lot of preaching only made sister preachers and deep people who went to Bible College but I wanted the sermon to make sister ray-ray and Skeeter and kiss your baby father I said if we do that I believe people that don't even come to church who want to come that was the idea I had and I believe it and you know what I would tell people that in the nineties they say I think you own the Sun I think you under something but here's what a rubber meets the road whoever has the gift has got to make the move some of y'all got talent and you got great ideas but you keep waiting on somebody else to do it so you keep telling myself I need to do something mother's so I need to make a difference let me say something with all due respect to every couple there was at that dinner that night not one of those couples could do what I'm doing because it wasn't their gift they're smarter than me they're more challenging me but they couldn't do it not yet you cannot Sarah get your purpose somebody else cannot do it for you you cannot take my seed and have my baby for me not in the kingdom you might be able to do that in medicine but when it comes to the kingdom whoever got the vision has the responsibility of walking from your reality to your destiny and walking through uncertainty look at somebody say what you going to do you hear clapping clap it up cat what you gonna do what you gonna do that's when we clap she's gonna do make some moves some moves move move move move move scared look I'm reading a book right now I know it ain't spiritual but y'all know me I went in the barber shop do say Maggie I checked this out shake this up so I'll download it I figured out how to get it on my phone the book is called I'm not promoting it the book is called the art and science of respect by J Prince he's a gangster raw but I'm learning from this book how he came out of poverty and how he felt there was his mission to bring his family out of out of generational poverty he said something in the book he said one time and AC I don't know a lot about rap music I know gogo I don't know rap that good I'm just being honest I just couldn't understand it his group was from Houston I think they called the ghetto boys I think that's the name of it but it was like like gangster rap he met a guy who owned a record company he got he got information about this guy at the time he was the number one independent record label rap-a-lot records and this company I don't know if it was Warner or somebody else was the number one whatever mainstream record company and he called somebody and said can I meet with the president God is running it he gets the guy on the phone and he says he says I'd like to meet with your boss is doing a deal together and the guy says you know I'm on my way would you caught me I'm on my way to playing catch the plane to London I'm meeting with the Rolling Stones he said to the man why don't you cancel that meeting and come meet with me in Houston with the ghetto boys the he lost his mind you know what the man did he canceled the flight to meet with the Rolling Stones and went down to Houston and met with demand for hours and they changed the game and I said here's a man whatever you think about what kind of work he's doing who was willing to go into uncertainty to make request the Bible says if we you know it knock and the door will be open ask and you shall receive seek and you will find some of us are not getting opportunities cuz we're not willing to be rejected like the worst he could have heard was no think about this think about this we start as I insurance right the worst thing could have what if it didn't work so what if Zion Church has fizzled out in five people if it was just me Vicky ashtrays and Kendall and they got tired because all our sing is blessed also on song I know I sing blessed every Sunday and they got tired of coming and it's fizzle out in five people guess what y'all wouldn't Anu if you fail y'all want to know what difference does it make I'm okay what happened and I did it fails what I'm not okay with is having an idea I won't give a shot up I won't try I'm not okay not trying to live with the regret of never trying some of you there's a move you can make the can change you they can his oh I can give you my third ain't keep my last word the last word is lift I said I had a drift and then I had a shift and I believed I had a gift not just a talent but an idea but I also believe there were people that I could lift I believe if I started this church I could take I can help a lot of people let me tell you whatever move God wants you to make is never just about you how many people could you help if you made a move some of you can change your generation your family's financial generations can be changing your family your hello family's financial trajectory can be change if you would stop just being a wage worker only and I'm not putting you down by being a wage worker but what if we see whenever you're always work are you're under control of somebody else but what if you took the limits off and say can I do this in such a way that I can own something that could take the limits off of my family if I'm willing to make a move and I don't know what your move is but how many people would go up if you were willing to do it scared and willing to fail at it it's okay if it fails how many millionaires were living in their cars homeless still trying to make it because by the way by the way I'm closing this in verse 10 that land that God sent Abram to Genesis 2:10 called Canaan had a severe famine in it you would think God sent me here is gonna be blessed blessing the city bless in the field because I'm telling you that the presence of a famine doesn't mean the absence of God that it still can be God God can see you to a famine too because you learn stuff in the famine you learn stuff in a storm and some of you got discouraged because you hit a famine following your purpose it's part of it I'll tell one Sunday I'll just tell you about some Zion famines like we're not here because we've been famine 'less we're here because we've been we've grown through those seasons saw a part of it some back to my question how many people could you lift if you moved and how many people will be hurt because of all the plethora of reasons that you can elucidate on why you won't move yes so you're so you're so attached to people's opinion about you and so attached to what you've already accomplished and who your that's why a lot of people can tell your love reason why a lot of people can't moving like England can shift is because how people met you they want you to stay that way so you can't evolve into what God may want you to become because when we met you this is who you so they imprison you in a state of your life that was supposed to be a season I'm a leaf why just say too much [Music] what could a move do that could change your family your world let's pray um when I tell you our last Wednesday I sat in quiet I said in the praise and worship rehearsal is a true story and I cried I'm sitting in the praise and where's rehearsal and I'm looking at these people who could really sing and I'm like I was sitting in the I was sitting in a little room and the room was bigger than their apartment that me and my brother grew up in and I said what am I doing here how did I get to be in this place I ain't special single mom working all night leaving us home by ourselves me and my brother fighting all the time father gone no identity all I could do was Joan and the reason why I Jones so much is because of my own insecurities but God found me I mean I was I wasn't even out in the open I do you know what do you know what 1507 alcohol a department of three I wanted you don't even know where he is I couldn't find it if you were searching for it if he can you and all I did was when he showed me what I could do I stepped into uncertainty to try it if he can use some of y'all got a much better pedigree than me I'm posed to be praying let me pray I just feel like just having this conversation with y'all about this like I feel like there's somebody I should be like we should go to lunch and like continue this like what is it gonna take I gotta kept something up why is it that people will stand right here and see that and he says it's this it's it's the unwillingness to walk through this and it's the unwillingness to let go it is I can't make you do it but I'm telling you I don't regret any step I made any step I made because you know what now we got not many people lifted we have 70 employees of this church part-time and full-time 20 years ago you couldn't work his eye on church it didn't exist it was just an idea waiting on steps 20 years ago you couldn't come to a 1:15 service at Landover or watch online or come to a 9:45 over here or 11:45 in Fort Washington or 10 o'clock and we're bridge or watch it online you couldn't go to be people selling watch parties I see you go to watch parties you you couldn't do any of that because 20 years ago this church didn't exist it was just an idea waiting on somebody to make steps I wonder what's in your head that needs to have a marriage with your feet let's joint to your heart and your passion to say I'll do it scared if I have to I think that's the last thing I'm gonna say let's pray if you believe that was a word for you James once says but be doers of the word and not hearers only or you'll deceive yourself don't be self deceive don't be a churchy person who just say Amen and well went that good when that nice be somebody who has the courage to obey and they go for it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 9,952
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: the move, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, DMV, Jesus, Zion Church, God, sermon, teaching, inspiration, motivation, overcoming fear, fear, faith, tedx talks, hesmotivation, joyce meyer ministries, td jakes, bishop jakes, church, chasing your dreams
Id: zp9wn_SUFEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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