Part 2 - I Let A Homeless Guy Move In With Me Then Found Out A Shocking Secret About Him

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hi again it's amelia here in the first part of my story i had a horrible encounter with a rude guy in the restaurant i worked in i hoped i'd never have to meet that kind of awful person ever again but life doesn't work like that does it and ironically i bumped into him around a month after that and he saved my life then i ended up paying him back by letting him move in with me as he was homeless and after a few days i just had enough of his excuses of not being able to find a job so i told him he could come work in the restaurant with me i introduced him to my manager and because he's quite a bright looking guy he immediately got the job however it wasn't all plane sailing i mean what's with his laziness and clumsiness he was a walking disaster he broke so many dishes within his first few shifts only he'd be lucky if he even got any salary and that's not all he shouted at a kid who dropped an ice cream on the floor he just cleaned obviously the kid burst out crying which made jude even angrier you can just imagine how much our manager had to apologize to both the kid and his mom and after that she was furious with jude and threatened to fire him all in his first week meanwhile things at home weren't much better he didn't lift a finger the place was such a mess and one time i asked him to do some laundry while i went out to pick up some groceries well i came home to find the laundry room covered in bubbles and there he was standing in the middle of that mess confusingly pushing all the buttons possible to make it stop he had basically poured the whole bottle of detergent in there i couldn't believe it he was useless and he kept breaking things i actually had to keep a list of it all so that when he got his salary he could pay me back he was a nightmare and yet even though he was lazy and messy that didn't stop him spending hours on his hair i kid you not i've watched him fix his hair for about 90 minutes once and i swear it still looked the same not to mention one time i accidentally walked in on him singing in the bathroom while stroking his hair all he was wearing was a little towel and we both got such a fright we screamed and i ran out of there an embarrassment i came close to kicking him out so many times he drove me crazy honestly one night i was working late so i asked if he could prepare dinner just a simple pasta i mean how hard could that be right well it was mission impossible for jude he burnt the pasta burnt it how does one burn pasta there were bowls and pans everywhere when i started shouting at him he just laughed and shoved me a dish of burnt noodles and said oh come on amelia i'm a chef it's art now please enjoy my signature dish the smoky charcoal pasta i could have killed this guy but lucky for him his humor has saved him this time so instead i decided to teach him how to cook unfortunately he was actually a pretty decent chef and he enjoyed it one night i came home and he'd made a thai green curry it unexpectedly looked quite nice still i was nervous to try it but omg it was delicious he proudly told me how the chef at the restaurant had given him the recipe along with some cooking tips that's great and even though the kitchen was a total mess it was a start so i decided he could cook from then on and then i'd do the washing up pretty soon his one month was up i told him it was time to move out but he begged me to let him stay longer as he'd barely got any salary from the restaurant due to owing so much from all the broken dishes i wanted to say no but if i was honest with myself it had been quite lonely living by myself and even though he was a total klutz i kind of enjoyed having some company plus he was a top chef i pretended to be thinking about it for a sec and then said okay fine but you've got one more month then you're out he was super happy thanking me non-stop while running to the kitchen saying he'd cook me a special dinner in return just like that we learned to get along better with each other as we lived and worked together and well time flew and soon another month had gone by and yet neither of us even brought it up so he kept on staying then one day while jude and i were working a group of stuck-up girls came in one of them suddenly said guys look isn't that our prince jude why is he working here like a loser then they all burst out laughing this made me angry and i was about to go over and say something when i realized that the girl who'd spoken was jude's ex i knew jude had heard and i thought he'd get annoyed but he just ignored her and kept working but the girls kept on laughing and it was seriously annoying i went over to take their order but jude's ex refused to be served by me she kept asking for jude to take their order and when i said he was busy she demanded to see our manager eventually he went to serve them but his ex kept on harassing him she even dropped water all over the floor so that he'd have to come and clean it up i offered to do it for him but he wouldn't let me and then it got worse as they were leaving that girl dropped a 10 tip on the floor i was furious what a spoiled brat i thought jude would leave it but he calmly sat down to pick it up while the group of girls all burst out laughing as they walked out of the restaurant i ran over to comfort jude but he just smiled and said hey i have 10 bucks what do you want for dinner my treat then he went back to work but every time i looked over at him i could see he was hurt i really wanted to yell at his ex how rude can a person get later that night at dinner we spoke about everything that had happened that day i told him he shouldn't feel sad about his ex because she was rude and never deserved him in the first place but then he just laughed it off and said that it wasn't that gold digger that he was bothered by but actually because it reminded him of his old attitude and the ways he used to treat people including me on that first day we'd met then he sighed and said i bet if i'd been a better person a decent son then my parents wouldn't have kicked me out that heartlessly even when i wasn't their actual son suddenly i felt so sorry for him but i didn't know what to say to make it better but to be fair looking back at the person he was back then when we first met versus now he was like a totally different guy he had been doing a great job at work and all our colleagues loved him one day a kid dropped her ice cream and i stared in shock waiting for jude to freak out but instead he went over and asked if she was okay and if she'd like another ice cream i couldn't believe it he was so sweet to her i couldn't stop myself from smiling at him he'd seriously changed and even though it pains me to admit he's a very good looking guy so naturally he got a lot of attention in fact a lot of girls came to the restaurant just to be served by him they even openly flirted with him and he surely loved it i just rolled my eyes wishing i didn't have to see that there was one girl in particular who came to the restaurant almost every day she was super pretty and obviously was trying to get his attention i noticed one shift that jude was kind of flirting back how irritating i guess he hadn't changed that much then then one day i saw her hand him a piece of paper when he came back to the counter he was grinning and said to me looks like i've got a date tonight i was so annoyed and said it's not okay to flirt with the customers i'll tell our manager then i stormed off later that afternoon he clocked out first without telling me and when i got home from work i saw him being all dressed up for his date which made me feel so grumpy for no reason he was whistling and sounded so happy then as he walked out the door he said don't wait up for me it might be a late one ugh he was driving me nuts i told him he had to be home by 10 pm or i'd lock him out he laughed and said are you joking you're giving me a curfew jeez amelia if i didn't know better i'd think you were jealous or something ew i wasn't jealous and i told him that who did he think he was as if i'd ever be jealous of that girl no chance and yet i couldn't sleep that night i kept tossing and turning and thinking about jude and that pretty girl eventually i got up and decided to go for a walk maybe i just needed some fresh air but as i walked into the park there he was but the girl was nowhere to be seen instead he was sitting on a bench surrounded by stray cats i walked towards him and he was as surprised to see me as i was to see him i asked him why he wasn't out on his hot date and he said oh the date went well but i decided to come sleep in the park because i missed your curfew that made me feel so guilty i was about to justify myself then he winked and said just kidding actually the date was boring i did come to the bar and hung out with her for a bit but i strangely felt out of place so i made up an excuse to leave i didn't want to come home too early though in case you'd laugh in my face so here i am i don't know i think i'm kind of over dating and stuff wait am i hearing it wrong our playboy chooses to go play with stray cats instead of hanging out with hot girls in fancy bars are you really jude i playfully rubbed his head while teasing him can't deny but i actually felt so relieved hearing him say that the date didn't go well and that nothing happened between him and that girl in fact i was strangely happy but what does that mean do you wonder if jude ever actually moved out stay tuned for the final part of my story you wouldn't want to miss it
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 227,206
Rating: 4.952312 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: o2K-rtTy1JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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