The Red Stains Led Me To My BF’s Dark Secret

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people always warned you about dating someone you've met online but lucky for me I'd met someone amazing not only was he drop-dead gorgeous he was also a nice guy by chance he happened to work in an office a few blocks down from me so we'd often meet during our lunch break and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world he absolutely loved horror movies so most of our dates took place at the movies and to be honest I didn't mind the scarier the movie the more I got to cuddle into him and hold his hand it was only after a few months that I started to find our dates a bit weird we never went on a normal dinner date night it was always just a movie followed by a walk or driving around I always asked him why we never ate out together and he said he always had to work overtime so it was just better if I just ate first I started to get a bit frustrated when afternoon I just messaged him and said let's get dinner together but of course he said that he was too busy but would meet me at 8:00 p.m. at the bowling alley so I decided to surprise him at his office with some snacks on the way to his company I daydreamed about how romantic he'd find it maybe he'd be so happy to see me that he'd just leave work and we'd finally go to dinner together I quickly looked in a nearby window to check my reflection and suddenly I couldn't believe what I was seeing it was him he was sitting at a table laughing at whatever he was typing on his phone but he told me he was at work he'd been lying to me I just froze he must have been cheating on me this whole time he probably met his other girlfriend for dinner and then took me to the movies oh my god I couldn't hold back I marched towards him and started yelling how could you aren't you supposed to be working everyone turned to stare at us but I didn't care he looked shocked and explained that he was talking to his mum then showed me his phone but then he apologized that yes he'd been lying to me he started stuttering and I was so nervous what was he going to say then he said he didn't want to eat with me because he followed a very strict diet and he didn't want to inconvenience me I told him I was sorry for shouting at him maybe he had some health issues but I told him I didn't mind how complicated it was and that I still hoped we could eat together soon afterwards we went bowling and had the best time even though he told me he wasn't cheating on me I still felt suspicious I mean how strict could that diet really be I quickly became obsessive and started paying attention to every tiny detail what I ended up discovering was even worse than I thought on one of our drives I noticed that there was a red stain on his collar I immediately thought that it was a lipstick stain but the more I stared the more it looked like blood I asked him if he'd hurt himself and he looked at me genuinely confused so I quickly changed the subject and didn't mention it again but the next day I noticed some more of those stains in the trunk of his car I'd bought a plant and he was helping me carry at home I found the stains super creepy but I let them slide because it'd be awkward to ask now a few weeks later after a hot date we ended up at his place for the first time we went straight to the bedroom his house was huge and it was in a really quiet suburb far away from other houses it was so peaceful the morning after I woke up first and decided to go explore his house a bit and maybe make him some breakfast in bed I headed to the kitchen and couldn't believe how messy it was he probably wasn't expecting any visitors I was about to pour myself a glass of water when I noticed something terrifying on the countertop and the floor there were red stains he had a big freezer and it was leaking red fluid I opened it to prove to myself that it wasn't what I was imagining but no the freezer was stuffed full of red meat and organs along with many big black bags plus even some sharp knives and strange kitchen tools laying around that I'd never even seen before oh my god is he a serial killer it all made sense he was obsessed with horror movies he'd been keeping secrets from me there were bloodstains everywhere and his house was completely isolated from other houses I had to get out of there ASAP I was shaking as I grabbed my stuff and called an uber I decided to ghost him he contacted me non-stop and kept asking if he'd done something wrong after a week I eventually agreed to meet him but I took my friend Daisy along with me and told him to come to the crowded coffee shop next to my office when he arrived he asked why I brought a friend along and why I looked so nervous we chatted for a bit and it was super awkward Daisy went to the bathroom and he just grabbed my hand and pulled me outside to his car I tried to push him away but he told me to get in the car and I was so frightened I just climbed in I started crying and when he turned towards me I put my hands up to protect myself and screamed please don't hurt me he looked shocked and asked why on earth I thought he'd harm me I told him I knew his secret I listed out all of the evidence that pointed out that he was a dangerous criminal suddenly he started blushing and said he'd been hesitant to tell me this but the truth was that he ate raw meat and that's why there were big chunks in the freezer and red stains in his house of course I didn't believe him at all so he drove me to his go to butcher shop and the owner confirmed everything was true he even showed me his intestine smoothie and asked if I wanted to try it ill he said he'd been raised like that it was normal for him and he loved it in fact he only ate raw meat now that his eating plan has been like that for so long he even gets indigestion if he tries cooked food no wonder he never had dinner with me he said he was embarrassed that's why he hadn't told me I was just relieved that he wasn't a criminal we're still dating and I'm trying to be more understanding the good news is that we can now eat dinner together although we only go to sushi places or restaurants with beef tartare but I'm trying to help him step by step
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 895,524
Rating: 4.8127508 out of 5
Keywords: shortstories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: QmQC6C7RD90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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