My lost diary came back after 10 years and changed my life

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have you ever met someone and known instantly that they are the one for you i wish i'd realized sooner so that my teenage years hadn't been so full of drama and heartbreak but you live and learn right and better late than never by the way i'm versalis and i'm 24 years old it all began 14 years ago when i moved to new york and started at a new school at that time i assumed that moving from my hometown in france to new york would be no big deal my mom and i were super excited and truly believed it would change our lives indeed it did but not in the ways i ever expected on my first day at my new school my mother insisted on driving me to school when we arrived i gave my mom a kiss on both of her cheeks and waved goodbye my mom joked that she'd sort out any of the kids who dared to mess with me i did feel quite shy but i thought she was just joking turns out she wasn't at lunchtime i sat down at a random table and suddenly this girl appeared and said what do you think you're playing at sitting at our table i didn't even have time to reply before she picked up my lunch tray and threw it off the table right into the trash can i said move she said everyone was staring at us now i was so upset i just covered my face i didn't want to be that crybaby in front of all these new people but i couldn't help it the tears started falling then something crazy happened a voice boomed out through the cafeteria saying get away from her and then the next moment i felt a hand reach out for my hand and when i looked up this gorgeous tall boy was standing there looking at me when he picked me up on my feet excuse me the girl started but the boy continued what is wrong with you do you have a screw loose or something your attitude is so gross it'll make me puke you disgust me and i don't want to be friends with someone like you she stood there with her mouth wide open as he grabbed my hand and walked away i could hear her scoff from behind me but her facial expression looked as if she'd lost i took his hand and followed him out of the cafeteria and that's when he introduced himself as writer we sat down outside and he asked me if i was new around here and then he told me he loved my accent and he even offered me half of his baguette and said hey come on chin up i'll be your friend okay the best part is that the girl who bullied me had a major crush on him so she was probably even angrier at me now but i didn't care one bit after that i can't remember a time when we were apart we were glued at the hip and did everything together he taught me how to skateboard and i taught him how to bake my famous pastries we were like the dream team he made me laugh so much and he helped me become more confident day by day i could tell i wanted to be more than just his friend but i didn't dare tell him that then my 12th birthday rolled around and my mom gave me a diary she told me to write down all of my thoughts and even my crushes so that i could reflect back on it one day then she winked at me and walked away ew what was she talking about i didn't have a crush did i okay who am i kidding i had the biggest crush ever on ryder every time i saw him i felt like there were a million butterflies in my stomach and i woke up excited every day because i knew i'd get to see him and then the time came for our school dance and my friends were teasing me that i should go with ryder i kept telling them he was just my friend but i couldn't fool them they saw right through me later that day ryder invited me over to play video games and as we were playing he said hey um want to go to the dance with me i couldn't believe it my heart was thumping in my chest but i tried to play it cool and said uh sure my guess and you know what we had the best time ever at the dance i was for sure on cloud nine and afterwards i decided to journal about it in my diary i never wanted to forget that night so i wrote pages upon pages of how ryder made me feel and how i loved him so much little did i know how everything was about to change a few days later ryder came over to my house and as soon as i saw him i had the biggest grin on my face but quickly that grin faded when ryder said he had something to tell me i have some bad news my family and i are moving to london in a month this is a joke right come on stop playing around i said trying to hide the worry in my voice but he just stayed quiet and by then i knew he wasn't joking i couldn't hold back the tears and ryder just reached out and held me in his arms comforting me he told me it would be okay and we'd still keep in touch but i felt like my whole world was crumbling around me this was the worst news of my life we decided to make our last months together the most fun we'd ever had we went surfing skateboarding stargazing and even did karaoke i never wanted that month to end but of course it did on our last night together we had a slumber party and stayed up all night waiting for the sun to rise when it came time to say goodbye he gave me a framed photo of the two of us and said if i ever felt sad i could just look at it and remember the happy times i wanted to tell him how i felt but i couldn't and so he left i was so down that i ran upstairs and covered myself under the blanket and cried later that night as usual i was about to write my day in my diary when it was nowhere to be seen i shouted at my mom and blamed her but she just said i must have misplaced it now i had no writer and no diary my life sucked summer quickly ended and it was time for high school even though i had my friends my life wasn't the same without ryder but life goes on and so eventually i tried to move on from ryder my friends told me that this guy lucas had always had a crush on me and maybe i should give him a chance well soon we started dating and even though i didn't have the same special connection with him as i had with writer it was still fun and it took my mind off of things fast forward seven years and lucas and i were still together the relationship wasn't great but i had my dream job and was living in my dream loft apartment so i couldn't complain too much plus ryder had drifted away from my mind i decided it was time to really put some work into my relationship with lucas so one night i told him i was working late and booked us a surprise trip to paris when i got home i was so excited to tell lucas so i ran up to our bedroom and to my complete horror i found him lying in our bed kissing another girl they didn't even notice me at first so i screamed what are you doing well that got their attention and the girl ran off i thought lucas would apologize but he just said what do you expect you won't give me what i want and you make me wait for marriage then he stomped out of the room and said i can have any girl i want i was so shocked i just dropped to the floor and burst into tears finally he showed me his true colors and so i kicked him out the next few weeks were some of the worst of my life even worse than when ryder moved to london i felt so stupid for wasting so much time with lucas one night i was particularly sad and i suddenly remembered the framed photo ryder had given me i dug it out of the back of my wardrobe and held it close to my heart my friends called me try to get me to go out with them they did everything to help lift my mood up but i wasn't interested i just needed time alone to process everything i thought to myself about how the only person i wanted to see now was ryder but where was he how was he doing i had no idea at all another depressing week went by i was lounging on my couch soullessly staring at the tv in boredom then suddenly there was a knock at the door i went to open it and oh my god ryder was standing there was this real or was i hallucinating i was so surprised i just jumped into his arms and didn't want to let go we must have stood there hugging for ages and then suddenly ryder said i have something of yours when i let go of him he was holding my diary turns out ryder had been in touch with my mom and when she told him about my cheating boyfriend he decided to come to new york and cheer me up and then reality hit he'd taken my diary what if he'd read it well he had and he said that's why he'd come to see me because he wanted to talk to me about it all i was blushing like crazy and then he said i've always loved uv even when we were kids i've never stopped thinking about you and i want to be with you then he reached over and kissed me and i swear time just stopped i'd been waiting for this moment my whole life that week was like a haze of kissing and chatting and catching up on lost time he told me about his ex-girlfriends and i told him about lucas and the cheating then i plucked up the courage and asked him if he'd like to go to paris with me seeing as the trip was already booked of course he said yes and the next week we flew there and had the best week of our entire lives we went to the eiffel tower and even visited my old neighborhood where i'd grown up it was magical and then one day ryder said he had to do a bit of work and told me to go pamper myself at a local spa when i was done i had a text from him asking to meet him on the roof of our hotel he was so romantic like that i first went back to the hotel room where he'd laid out a black sparkly dress for me to wear and then i headed up to the roof i couldn't believe it there were almost 1 000 roses laid out to form a path and at the end of the path was ryder wearing a suit i love you v he began to stay i always have and i can't imagine a life without you will you marry me i gasped in shock and screamed yes at the top of my voice i'd loved him ever since i was a kid and now my dream of being together forever had finally come true i guess it took us some time to reach this point but the best things in life are worth waiting for right
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 312,211
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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