Parks Department Eat Tom | Parks and Recreation

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I wanted to let you all know that I will be throwing the annual Parks Department employee-appreciation barbecue you're gonna throw the Leslie Knope employment enjoyment SummerSlam grill Jam foot explosion that's right you are gonna oversee the popsicle eating contest the slip and slide it on the watermelon carving the gazpacho and star and a one-woman show about parks rules regulations parks bowels I got your park right here it's name is ramjet park and doing any of that which is the point there will be no froofy deserts there will be no giant soap bubble guns there will be no adult men in costumes and most of all there will be no vegetables well Bryan can we at least have corn on the cob no no everyone meet your meat are you doing this to us well in my opinion not enough people have looked at their dinner in the eyes and considered the circle of life this is your dinner his name is Tom seriously no I understand that it's hilarious but that is his given Christian name Tom is very smart and incredibly loyal he's basically a dog a dog we're going to cook chew and swallow dude there's kids around here good point which one of you youngsters wants to help me drain the blood from this animal you do a good job I'll give you the bladder you can blow it up for a fun play ball hey Ron you're not gonna slaughter that pig here are you not to worry I have a permit this just says I can do what I want oh my god food yes I am returned no not so fast surely I just have to thaw the meat seasoned it and Grill it up so it's gonna be a few hours no my tummy's rumbling it's scary Tori's got the tongue rooms Ron Chris Traeger feelings update I'm now feeling that your guests are getting a little antsy fine I'll skip a few steps and speed things up there you go is there at least something to drink there's beer in the cooler what about for the children you can get water from that water fountain and use it to water down the beer why not just give the kids water I suppose you could do that now what everyone please back off and just let me cook in peace frog can I have a burger I'm hungry for the last time no burgers yet I've got ribs and I've got beef cheek Ron where are my vegan soy patties I gave them to the kids they love them they're skipping them across the pond Donna I got to go to the boys room can I have a ride in your car absolutely nice but you stinks I'm saying it it stinks do you have any plates or anything I mean how are we supposed to eat these rooms Ron if no one takes me to the bathroom I'm just gonna have to go in the trees all right forget it you have ruined a perfectly good barbecue with your demands and chatter enjoy the rest of your evening Ron a word are you aware of what's going on out in your department I am my department is pouting because I didn't put on a puppet show based on the funniest email chain of the year I would have liked to have seen that show my nomination was Jerry accidentally forwards his bank statement to everyone classic and depressing the point of a barbecue is not to do hokey office joke theater the point the point of the barbecue was to thank the department it was an employee appreciation barbecue what I gave you the chance to become assistant city manager and you chose to stay here which is fine but if you're gonna lead the department you occasionally have to lead the department and I say that as one of your closest colleagues and dearest friends but also as your boss everyone get in here now your work is appreciated eat some corn thanks bro thank you Ron thanks Ron Ron also here's Tom ah actually smells really delicious it really does give me so many Tommy's ribs [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 3,762,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Chris Pratt, Amy Poehler, Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson, Parks And Rec Bloopers, Parks and Recreation, Andy Dwyer, April Ludgate, Leslie and Ben, Tom Haverford, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, NBC, Making It, Rashida Jones, Rob Lowe, Chris Traeger
Id: bqpRijthHOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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