Educating Andy Dwyer | Parks and Recreation

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man all these glasses look amazing I can't choose they do this thing called a shopping period where you can do sample as many classes as you want yeah sports and society physical science a crash course yeah but it's not waiting oh I did not graduate college because I did not attend it but I'm trying to improve myself so I'm gonna start by taking just one class if you're gonna take a college course Andrew you should explore a new subject broaden your horizons never broaden your horizons yep just take something you're great at and get an easy a no offense Ron but April's weight sounds way easier guitar for beginners' can't believe her at Hogwarts no that's Buckingham Palace Hogwarts is fictional do you know that it's important to me that you know that morning Andy okay something is different about my computer aha it's gone huh a game is the foot see part of the police academy entrance exam is investigating a crime so about a month ago I told everyone in the office that at some point they should steal something from my desk so I could practice let's do this wait hey do you guys take my glasses - I got my sunglasses - I need a few more volunteers Andy will you be Iceland the bad guys for money ducks - don't think so okay how about you Pan the bad guys from Karate Kid - even worse how about Germany they've never been the bad guys why don't you be Finland okay okay Oh everyone my name is Professor Barnes the class I'll be teaching this semester is introduction to lasers the word laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation where are the lasers this graphic here represents the electromagnetic spectrum arranged from low freq instead even using a laser pointer you can see this stinks you might learn something excuse me professor hi there Andy Dwyer curious when will you be bringing out the lasers for me to play with and would we start with the small lasers or we could we go just straight to the big lasers in terms of playing with them we won't be using actual lasers in this course it's about the theory that makes them possible one of the most significant bummers of my lifetime 3 4 5 6 hey how you doing what are you doing Andy I'm getting healthier snacks for the shoeshine stand chris is a food genius did you know that the food you eat becomes energy you know boom that's spaghetti nachos the cookie that's my husband hey nose practice Center isn't that polish gonna get on people's bus when they sit down No hey Ron can I ask you kind of an important question you know like when you go to the ATM and you get money is there an actual guy standing behind the wall who slides dollar bills in there no yeah this robots Oh actually you know what I do have a serious question in a movie predator can you rub any kind of mud on yourself to prevent predator from seeing you with this thermal heat signatures okay if you're lured you to any food we'll know in a few days I think based on the redness I might be allergic to getting stabbed by needles we have already bended like five different doctors I got my ankles microwaved x-ray they took my blood away to use for science class well test April had her sinuses removed looked at some guy looked at my wiener touched it that was weird and that guy wasn't even a doctor that what yeah the numbers don't lie I'm a goof it's not a gallant where's this do any you coming out tonight bar owner the club haha yes let me ask you a quick question what's the youngest a girl can be that if we go out I'm not a total scumbag you know the old rule half your age plus seven half my age plus seven okay well I'm 29 so half 29 add seven that's 20 20 years old 1 21 and a half one years old and a half you know yep we got the same thing with the equation on that one oh my I have two partners often at the same time Wow thank you does anyone know what we risk when we have unprotected sex heart attack yes but the truth is the greatest risk you face is sexually transmitted diseases these old people really having sex with each other yeah what do you think they're doing I don't we're just talking about it best way to prevent them okay you can take a class on the Civil War why don't I take a class on something that's already happened look you guys have already had your say now I want to try something that I want to try now I'm gonna make my choices I always do at random as she was burned at the stake Joan of Arc did not cower she did not beg for mercy she said in a strong clear voice I am Not Afraid I was born to do this I want to be burned at the stake hello Andrew what's new um a whole lot check this out I just invented it super straw what's this dragon fruit what's this a Kawano or horned melon what's this a peach I knew that Wow fresh lettuce is my all-time favorite food what's your favorite food oh I take skittles and I put it between it two starbursts you know what I call it skittle sandwich that's pretty good no I call it Andy's mouth surprised it's nice because the the flavor of the starbursts really bring out a similar flavor in the skittles that class was awesome I wholeheartedly agree if that woman weren't so violently opposed to marriage I think I would propose to her well then it's decided Andy Dwyer will be taking women's lasers Women's Studies sorry I cannot stop thinking about lasers Women's Studies is there such thing as women's lasers every my number one pick hey why don't you um sell your band CDs here that is a brilliant idea I cannot believe I didn't think of that I have been writing a lot of songs about shining shoes lately I tend to write about what I'm doing I'm talking about writing about what I'm doing now I'm singing about talking about writing about what I'm doing ladies and gentlemen put your jazzy hands together for mommy mr. to sue a smooth and silky evening to you all at nights like this when the cold winds blow and the air is awash in the swirling Eddie's of our dreams come with me and find safe haven in a warm bath tub full of my jazz [Music] can I help you maybe I was out of the jazz club last night scouting bands for the unity concert and I saw something very interesting are you never just wind rather what I have a demon brother yes I am Duke silver do you remember anything about a key or April doing anything unusual that day she did make a stop by the shoeshine stand before he left because she wanted to drop something off for Andi she had a real bad crush on him oh babe you had a crush on me that's embarrassing we're married do the shoeshine stand the receptionist so she'll fit you in as soon as there's an opening if you're alright I'm gonna head back to the park quick liquid do you know what my social security numbers or if I'm allergic to anything I don't like corn so I put that down or will that be confusing because I do like candy corn oh what a mess here let me help you all I wanted was two hours where I got to forget that I was a parent look I found all three differences those are two completely different pictures [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 2,610,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, NBC, Leslie Knope, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Ann Perkins, Paul Schneider, Mark Brendanawicz, Aziz Ansari, Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman, Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza, April Ludgate, Chris Pratt, Andy Dwyer, Ben Wyatt, Retta, Jerry Gergich, Donna Meagle, Official Channel, adam scott, jim o'heir, super straw, andy's mouth surprise, andy dwyer funny moments, andy dwyer best moments, compilation, educating andy
Id: O_TsgP4ls5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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