She Said "NO"!

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women who said no to proposal what made you say no and what was the outcome we were 19 and in a crazy on-off relationship at the time of the proposal we were often in my head we were off for good he came to my house and begged for me to come back including a tear-filled proposal i said no got out of his truck and went back inside a month later he told me he was going to be a dad he knocked someone up around the time he wanted me back dodge a bullet there he probably would have told you it was yours not me but my mom my mom's dad is a pretty successful businessman my mom was working in some entry-level job in the same industry as my grandpa the son of the owner of the company my mom worked for was a friend of hers he asks her to hang out one night not a date or anything she had been dating my dad for years at the time and ends up proposing to her because his dad was a successful businessman and her dad was a successful businessman so obviously they should get married the words good breeding were thrown around future children were brought up obviously she said no tl dr guy proposes to my mom to genetically engineer super business babies that guy sounds like arty ziff it was simply a ridiculous suggestion we had been on and off he hadn't been speaking to me for months until about a week before the proposal and we hadn't discussed even dating again and suddenly he was on one knee with an actual diamond ring i think men see too many rom-coms too it was our third date he had taken me to a fairly average restaurant which i can no longer return to had arranged a whole thing with the staff so there was music and flowers and candles and stuff the place was really busy and everyone stopped to watch and when i said no he started crying and had to be taken into the back by a couple of the servers i was asked to leave and not come back told i was horrible and cruel etc lol when i was a little kid i didn't understand marriage obviously all i knew is you marry someone you love and i love my mom so i would always ask her to marry me and it made me so sad when she would say no that's adorably cute we'd been dating long distance for two months when he called me and laid out his entire life plan for us we were to marry immediately i would graduate school become pregnant a lot while using my art degree to support our kids and his suddenly desired career in full-time volunteer ministry work never mind our religious differences and my already stated intention to remain childless he didn't propose propose implies asking he just stated it as fact and was honestly surprised when i objected none of this was in my life plan at all nor was it disgust between us prior he broke up with me very shortly afterward citing my supposed inability to be a reasonable rational person in light of my rejection of his unilateral propositions imho if you're ever proposing and not 100 sure that he she is going to say yes then you're doing it wrong it shouldn't be a surprise you're not asking someone to the prom of course the how and when can be a surprise bingo did this to my fiance she knew i was going to do it bill had no idea the how the where or the when drove her mad with the lead up constantly throwing off false ideas too it was fantastic d edit i'm not jim from the office i swear to christ i've never even watched it he was already married offered to get divorced for me and asked me multiple times with a ring i have no idea why and the heck he kept asking we were co-workers and he saw me as a challenge i think so obviously said no every time he was already married offered to get divorced for me and asked me multiple times with a ring you should have done his wife a solid and told him you'd only take a proposal seriously after they were divorced two friends in my old high school clique dated for a couple months when we were all 14 we still remained friends after high school but the guy never got over the girl he was scary obsessed before we all went our separate ways for college the dude came out of nowhere and asked me once if we were both singled by 30 if i would agree to marry him he was 100 serious i said no thanks i wasn't interested in him and he did it out of desperation and wanting to pee off his ex because we were once best friends he eventually dated a whole bunch of unstable and not to be cruel very unfortunate looking women he had low self-esteem and didn't take care of himself after the breakup he actually married one a year or so before he turned 30 he spent most of his 20s harassing his old girlfriend and driving by her house playing their song on the radio as loudly as possible cops were called even at 30 he still stalks his high school ex-girlfriend my old friend from time to time and sits outside her place of work staring at her through the window trying to get her attention yet again she's had to call the cops a number of times it's really awkward for her because she has to explain to her co-workers yeah that's some guy i dated for two months when i was a freshman in high school can we get him out of here i said no because i honestly was not prepared for such commitment so early and that fast we have been seeing each other for about a year i was 22 he was 24 and was always the super romantic kind of guy don't get me wrong i love this but if he was always rushing things way too early and too soon luckily he didn't plan a fancy proposal kind of thing just surprise asked me at home so i had to say no then it didn't take long for us to break up eventually we'd been dating for three years having some trouble and he wasn't interested in making any changes to work things out he basically broke up with me turned out i was relieved then found out he was really just bluffing to teach me a lesson when he figured out that i was okay with breaking up he proposed really pee me off i actually responded with i have a date this weekend i guess that was a little harsh but don't propose out of desperation because you screwed up comma he basically broke up with me turned out i was relieved then found out he was really just bluffing to teach me a lesson oh lord that sounds like something my xbf would do he was always testing to see how much i loved him or always tried to catch me in lies people who do crap like that are annoying glad you got out of that relationship we had been really amazing friends for five years hooked up in between our separate relationships then eventually were truly together for two years i loved him and told him all the time he never once told me he loved me back he had been through some crappy relationships and said he just couldn't say that we were wild but he was wildest the drinking was the killer he only got close to telling me he loved me twice each time was fricked up off his butt and only said come on you know how i feel about you i didn't i didn't know if we were just funnel he actually gave a crap then i left and found someone that treated me better that's when he started to really get that i could put up with his crap and still love him like not men it could a few months later he invited me over to talk it out and make things right he had put together an entire photo album of our years together with a heartfelt letter he told me he loved me and was starting to go to a a i hugged him and told him how happy i was for him and that it was sad we had come to this should have kept my mouth shut he said it doesn't have to end then whips out that box but the box you expect to get excited about but the fear in my heart and the sadness for us ugh i told him it wasn't a good idea he needed to get his crap together i loved him but our relationship was pretty freaked when we were together almost a year later i moved across the country he showed up drunk at my door out of the blue told me crap was bad his current gf was stealing from him and shooting up he couldn't trust her he wanted to move in with me and make it work i told him i was so sorry and that he should get away from that and seek professional help that he's obviously drunk and i can't find a way to make us work ever with the drinking he showed up at my work the next few days drunk gets kicked out i loved him but was so mad with him i told him to go back home and leave me alone he left a few days later i get a text saying he's so sorry that i was always the one for him i should be with him as his wife then he killed himself overdose i love him even if we were not the best together i can never forgive myself for getting angry with him i always wonder what if i had said yes sure we may be miserable but he would be alive this sounds a little like what happened with my cousin except she did marry the guy it did not end well you are grieving but i think you did the right thing he was really drunk and i had never met him before he bought me a drink and then asked the next girl saint patrick's day is a beautiful thing my co-worker turned down a guy when he proposed to her at work she turned him down because they had finalized their divorce two months prior i said no because we're not ready we've been long distance for three years now and although we love each other very much he knows i won't marry him until we're both settled in together still he asks almost three times a week and it's become a bit of a laugh for us he tries to sneak the question and without me noticing and i add ridiculous conditions to my yes i'm sure that when we decide to get married he'll be too nervous to actually ask properly he'll probably end up farting in bed and threatening to dutch oven me if i don't say yes it's not all bad in no world you two sound adorable together turn down one guy because we didn't agree on how children should be raised turned down another guy because he proposed after i had moved on from our relationship friend of a girl with a great story here she went on a sympathy date with this guy he thought he was nice but had no interest in him he took her out for dinner and they had some laughs but nothing came of it fast forward a month and he calls and says his sister can't go to prom if she doesn't have supervision so essentially he said that his mom would let his sister go if he went with her so obviously my friend goes because he basically was saying if you don't come my sister can't go to prom fast forward a week and he comes over out of the blue to her house he brought a movie and asked if she wanted to watch it now my friend is really nice so she says okay that's fine they sit down on the couch no hand holding no cuddling strictly platonic film watching all of a sudden he drops down on his knee and pulls out a ring and say will you marry me my friend looked at him and just said no no what made you think i would say yes he looks at her completely serious and says our first date you laughed at my joke and i thought we were destined to be together yup a joke i don't know what joke sorry he put the ring away finished the movie then left they never spoke again she is doing well now dating a good guy for some years now he asked me which indiana jones movies i liked i told him the first and third ones were good but it didn't care for temple of doom this was before the fourth one came out right then and there he got down on one knee and proposed to me with the taco he was about to eat five years later we're still dating just once i wish a man proposed to me with a taco one guy we worked together never dated until my divorce was final he asked me to marry him less than one month after it was final nope nope nope i'm not a woman but i am a man who has been turned down before i did the whole shabbang even brought roses but being in the fourth grade probably ruined it for me i stole my mom's ring and proposed to the day on my second grade class seven-year-old me knew how to appreciate that but funny thing is my dad did a very similar thing i was dating a guy during the end of my senior year of high school i was 18 he was 19. he proposed after a few months of dating looking back in it i think he was afraid i was going to move away to go to college and meet date other guys marriage would have been his way to keep me forever i said no because i knew i was too young and i didn't think he was the kind of person you want to make a life with we continued to date for a while we eventually broke up because he was just too insecure he always talked about how i was going to break up with him eventually for someone better i took some time off before i started college but i did have several other boyfriends during college and after i wasn't really interested in marriage when i was younger now i'm 31 and was married last year the guy who proposed that 19 is married to someone else with a few kids i know he proposed to other girls too i think he was just the kind of person who desperately wanted to marry anyone where i was more selective he asked me after dating for only five months and two of those months i had been out of state so i certainly didn't feel like i knew him well enough to make that kind of commitment but we broke up right after that about nine months later he was married to someone else i think he just wanted to be married and it didn't matter to him we started dating two weeks into college and dated all through college it was really really rocky the last year or so because i didn't have an identity outside of dude's girlfriend i had trouble breaking it off so i got a second job enrolled in 18 hours and decided i would get a 4.0 this was all done so i wouldn't see him as much the fighting decreased because i was too busy with all that to sweat the small stuff well we stopped fighting because i didn't give a crap anymore he believed that it was a good sign and popped the question on the way home from his parents house in chicago on the plane worst flight ever it was a good decision because it turned out he already had someone lined up and they were dating within a couple of weeks or so he got her pregnant i think three months after we broke up poor thing i remember that she used to call me about their relationship problems while she was pregnant for his child because i knew him better than she did it always struck me as insane that she was carrying his child but also knew that she didn't know him well enough to know when he was lying who does that she was beautiful too just a wee bit dumb got caught up in the dj ho mode i guess hahahaha dj ho mode i can't stop laughing how accurate this is to some of my friends gfs it's like they get sucked into this or of some mediocre at best dj and can't get out i guess the black lights at the frat houses blinded them i almost feel bad for them almost my mum said no to my dad the first time he asked might have something to do with the fact that he called her up exceptionally drunk his best mate was in the background egging him on do it do it when dad got back he had not a clue what he had done so mum went and bought herself a ring with dad's credit card gave it to him and then said now do it properly i had someone a friend i'd never dated proposed to me after high school i kind of laughed it off at first where i live people don't get married that young but he was devastated and he kept calling me to ask if i changed my mind i told him no and i asked him to move on with his life but he kept telling me he wouldn't take no for an answer unfortunately i had to get a restraining order against him we haven't spoken since i still feel bad about it we were 19 he proposed with a cubic zirconia ring and pretended to impress me and all of our friends by stating it was real in general he was a chronic lyran cheetah very insecure and seemed to be the type who wanted to trap someone into marriage i was much more insecure and passive then he got married two months ago thank god i said no nothing wrong with proposing with a ring you can afford it's the symbol pretty rocks are pretty rocks unless of course you know she strongly believes otherwise lying about it is another story we had been friends since we were kids and knew each other's ins and outs but started going different ways he got really into the church and i didn't he called me the night before i graduated high school and told me he'd always been in love with me he told me it was unlikely anyone else would ever want to marry me because i was damaged goods referring to a sexual assault and subsequent mental breakdown and that he would do me the favor of marrying me he sounded so goddamn sincere too like he really believed the crap he was spewing i hung up on him and never answered another call from him i saw a few months later he married a girl that was five years younger than him i imagine she got a similar proposal i turned down my first proposal because of the massive insult it was i'd been dating a girl for a year nothing sexual but a very romantic relationship i'd made it clear that i was happy as a woman and that i was not transitioning early on she thought i was either a drag queen or a pre or transsexual i don't look very female dressed on valentine's she proposed and as i was sitting in shock a happy shock at the specific moment she mentioned that we could have the wedding as soon as you finish transitioning and the surgeries healed when i said excuse me she repeated it i simply got up and walked away she'd spent a year deliberately ignoring everything i'd said about being a woman just ugly she ignored seeing me naked the ones and in bathing suits frequently she ignored everything people told her about me because in her mind i was transitioning to mail about a month later she left town i think she might be living in bc now i've gotten cards from someone with her first name with a vancouver postal code i mark them no such resident and return them the name is unusual enough that i'd know if it was family besides i'm now engaged to someone who actually listens sometimes d nothing says love like mostly listening to someone he after dating for a few months he went crazy christian i still ended up being with him for three years but after he got saved he asked me to marry him because he hated the idea of having sex before marriage though it didn't stop him he wanted to elope without telling my parents so i told him no it seemed his need for sex was greater than his pride so he stuck it out with me and made those three years the worst relationship i've ever had i'm not a priest or anything but it doesn't sound like he was being a very good christian xd i've commented about this before but i said no because we were 15 and i kept trying to leave the outcome he chased me through the school and when we got close to my next class he shouted why so you can frick zach that was the end of that relationship it was too soon we had only been dating for nine months i liked him but wasn't sure that i was ready for marriage plus i was too young but we kept dating and six months later moved in together when he asked a year later i said yes thank goodness he didn't make a production of the first or second proposal five or six years ago in the grocery store a little girl of four or five waddled up to me while i was looking over the pasta sauce or whatever and grabbed my leg in the cutest little bear hug ever i was kind of surprised and looked down and she said will you marry me her mother came hustling over and apologized she was mortified it made my night not to sound creepy but i think about those two every now and again i hope they are doing okay wherever they are not me personally but one of my close girlfriends she was dating this guy for 80 years he proposed she said no because he wasn't going anywhere with his life not sure if true i only know he's been working in a retail store for years and gained a lot of weight her saying no was just too hard to recover from and they broke up he's been doing a facebook rampage about her starting to work out and stuff while she found someone who she seems to love daily i once said not yet because we were 18. that was why we were kids he was my first boyfriend my first kiss you have to be pretty sure or dumb to say yes to that but i said yes shortly after and we're 31 now and happily married technically my wife said what no after i surprised her with a ring but she ended up marrying me anyway so i don't think she meant it my ex asked me after we had broken up he thought if he asked me to marry him i'd realize he was mature and i'd come back to him i said no and told him to get out of my house i found out from a blabber mouth but fortuitously so friend of ours that he was planning to propose over a trip and the first thing i thought was i wonder how i'd make sure i kept the dog in the divorce so since i couldn't get the money back for the trip which was like two three days from finding this out i waited until we got on the plane got fake drunk and fake railed against the institution of marriage saying how glad i was that we were both evolved beyond such a stupid ritual looking back it was a really immature way to handle it but it was effective and we still had a good trip at least better than if we had been out like 4k on the trip by travel insurance kiddies six years later he's been married and divorced twice he's really not a bad guy but i don't think he's built for long-term relationships and our dog is now my dog i'd been dating this guy for two years when i left him i was 19. we didn't have a healthy relationship in the slightest he was horribly mentally and emotionally abusive i wasn't allowed to have friends couldn't work and other various typical abuse things well about two months before i was set enough to leave him i discovered he'd been cheating on me for five months and the girl ended up getting pregnant when i did eventually leave him i just walked in the house from visiting a friend and just went i'm getting a bag of clothes and then i'm gone we're over i'm not doing this anymore and then i left without letting him speak because i knew he'd try and convince me to stay well the next morning he shows up to my friend's house where i was staying and asks if we can talk well instead of talking he handed me this journal i'd been keeping and forgot at his house because he wrote some terrible apology about how much he loves me and needs me in his life the last thing on the page was just will you marry me and i literally laughed out loud gave him the journal back and said you're freaking kidding me right and went back inside my friend's house a month or so later he tried telling me that we should be on speaking terms in case we're ever in the same place which sounds rational except he hated all of my hobbies and my friends so there's no instance in which we'd be in the same place he'd also message me periodically saying he found some random bulls of mine and wanted to know if i wanted him to bring it to me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 64,051
Rating: 4.9340425 out of 5
Keywords: marriage proposal, marriage proposal fail, marriage proposal rejected, marriage proposal compilation, marriage proposal gone wrong, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: gxqHSP0g_G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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