Parasite, The Outsider, Watchmen, & The Witcher | PKA

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speaking of good movies that I know you haven't seen yet Kyle Paris may have seen it parasite yeah I watched it last night I bought it on Amazon and like something I like about these subtitle movies is that it totally prevents you from like like if I'm watching a normal movie I'll like hop on and read like something about hockey or like some sports articles or like look at scores like you can't do that if you like look down for two seconds you're like hold y'all 1900 wow it's like oh [ __ ] well I'm [ __ ] gone I need to rewind and so I watched the whole [ __ ] thing and first of all I thought it was gonna be like a spooky scary movie scary that was all not even based on the description if I'd have read the description and like internalize that I would realize I was being stupid by assuming that but just based on the name you know parasite sounds like a spooky film yes it was a thriller but man that was a really good movie I would still rank it in my like tier of movies of the year I'd put Joker above it Joker still my favorite of the year but parasite was [ __ ] great I really enjoyed Nazi Joker but I I really liked to Paris it's funny because I like parasite and I don't know should we I don't know if I want to talk it's like you don't talk about this will be too much because it'll spoil it what we can do here if anybody's listening right now are watching and you don't you haven't seen parasite yet jump a few minutes ahead the timeline will be in the description so if you continue listening from this point on it's gonna get spoiled a little bit oh we're losing Kyle no do you have to read the whole thing it's captions caption so the first half of the movie like I caught on really quick - the first half of the movie I was like oh this is great I kind of I really like this and I really like the feeling of it just being sort of a comedy and sort of funny like it's sad but also it's a tragic trying to come and then at the blast for the 20 minutes of the film 30 minutes of film just takes a huge turn and it's it's completely out of the blue and I love I just I I love that I thought was really great but I don't I don't know that I want to watch it again I don't know I want to go back it's probably a one-off movie for me yeah because of this like I paid so much attention the first time because of the subtitles but yeah thatthat [ __ ] that movie gets real in the last like 20 25 minutes gets real real good but it's good the whole time - like little story arcs and structures and I don't know what it is other than like maybe it's just different kind of pacing and acting then you see in western films but it was a refreshing difference to what we see in just felt different it does and that's actually I would probably said credit that to the director Bob June who have you ever seen a movie called the host that's familiar the host he did this years ago - or monster movie but it's a really interesting monster movie and there is there's something there's that very same tone in the host that there isn't a parasite that you don't understand why it feels the way it does but it feels good and it it feels different but it's unique but familiar and in my opinion that's basically the best sort of media you can watch which is something that feels new but you can still identify with it and that's what that's what that directors best at so unique but familiar that's a good way to put it yeah yeah we didn't really spoil anything which is which is good but OD you should check it out I know were you on the fence because of the subtitles being like I don't want to sit there and have to read a two hour and 20 minute movie a little bit I feel like it makes me sound dumb but it's just like a higher level of commitment than another movie it is I was saying while you were gone it made me enjoy it more because instead of watching a movie the way I do now like I was totally an event one I on reddit one I own the movie yeah like if I'm watching some other movie on Netflix and I have to like get up and go pee like I'll probably just turn the volume up a little bit and just hear it they're like I had a pause every every time or if I had to let the [ __ ] dogs out which I'm gonna do that again soon so they don't [ __ ] in my house they've been on such a good streak but my girlfriend is asleep and she's not watching them and I hear I'm doing that dog like you know and they like do that like fake biting each other and they make that goofy noise yeah they are probably good time shittin too you know nothing's wafted in yet but yeah I thought that was a really really good movie I enjoy parasite a lot I'd recommend that people have you kicked off more of outsider woody I think I'm on Epis I have to watch five I've seen four okay Brian yeah outside is really good too if you haven't seen that I've heard great things about it but basically it's a murder mystery of sorts where they're trying to solve something but none of the information and clues that they're getting are lining up with what they would expect from a traditional murder trial and it's like the physical evidence is being counteracted by similarly strong physical evidence until they have to start to consider like hey is there maybe something not so natural yeah that's going on in the first episode I don't think it's too much was for the top in episode one there's ten there's a guy he's a great guys little league baseball coach and he's accused of murdering this kid and they have a bed to rights his DNA is on it his the two witnesses cameras everything this guy did it and then they also had video evidence that he wasn't there was 70 miles away hundreds of people saw him and it explained that okay all right I'm in I'm in because I mean HBO almost never makes bad stuff so almost I I discovered this show the other day I've been in a real Stephen King kick since I got out of prison I read a bunch of Stephen King in there I guess I've always liked it but some of the old movies are kind of cheesy I have a hard time getting into carry like pits have a hard time Pet Sematary is super cheesy if you go back and watch it it's pretty rough I do look I wish I could do that main accent that old guy does in the end the first one but recently all the stuff I've watched has been really really good and this is no exception this dish this is where my favorite shows on television right now for sure it's great the acting is very good there you know hey I don't I don't recognize I recognize a couple of supporting actors and obviously Jason Bateman but it's one of those shows where it's making me fans of actors and actresses that I didn't know before the the black detective lady I'm gonna I want watch her and something else now I want to see it was real good yeah she's very cool I love when she's they sort of hire her to look into what the [ __ ] going on here and she goes and she does a lot of detective work and she's uh she's autistic she's on the spectrum somewhere but she she leans more toward the not great in social situations but photographically doesn't do it justice like she's one of those people that could tell you like December 17th 1942 oh yeah that was a Monday she just building Heights she can look at a building and tell you within 2 or 3 feet how tall it is got it if I had the option to pay $5.00 I've got Google she does her investigation then she gives this report to all the concerned parties and there's this part where she's kind of giving these bullet points she's like he was here but he was here a person can't be in two places at the same time this happened and this happened human being can exist in two places at the same time it's just it's it's really good it's a great acting all the way around there's not a bad actor in the show there's there's not a part where you're like oh this guy's I hate this guy's guy's the worst it's always good stuff I highly recommend it I mail everybody I know it's a it's one season I think it's gonna be one and done I could be wrong about that but yeah I think it's a miniseries I hope it is I think I think shows are better that way when they're just they have this beginning in an end and they're not just milking it yeah Chernobyl you see Chernobyl I love trinova wild so good but on the other in the spectrum I didn't care for Watchmen one bit I realized I really despise Watchmen I'm a I'm a big fan of Watchmen i I don't read comics but I find YouTube videos that they just flip the page of the comic and now they don't flip the page but they show like the animation of the pages so it's not like a literal book they're flipping it's more like it's they show the webcomic that's what the other and then a narrator reads it he does voices and so I am into the comics I love the movie even the crazy extended version like a - soft dong and all but man I just hated the miniseries I really and it is a miniseries by the way they cancelled that [ __ ] right well it actually they didn't cancel it they said Lindelof - and Lindelof didn't want to do any more and so they're like okay no problem I think they were saving face all around I think they told her hey we should probably wrap this up why don't you say you're not interested in working with us anymore I think that's what happened because the ratings were poor and they were there some critics who liked it and there were some critics who hated it and I was definitely on the side of really disliking a lot of the a lot of stuff they did like I love the Ozzy I'm gonna mispronounce his name Ozymandias yeah such a cool character smartest man in the world and he's sort of reduced to this silliness I don't know I didn't like I didn't like Captain Manhattan this Oh doctor it was fine when he became a black man I thought that was cool that he became someone to sort of have this like real-world love affair as a normal life yeah but then when he turned back and he was still black he was still the black man but blue it just didn't make sense to me I guess okay I don't know I it's it's not a it's I have no problem with if he were a black character I'd be fine with that I just I don't like it when characters change races I guess sometimes really like and especially if there's an external source like forcing that to happen which is that like I know that in Avengers endgame there's that character you know they they all they go back in time to get all the Infinity stones and there's that one bald lady right who has the the green stone that eventually ends up ancient one is supposed to be a Buddhist priest that's right yeah China does not like Buddhist priests so they said hey that's not gonna work for us I'm gonna put your movie in China would you rewrite that character and so they did they made it a Celtic female priest and at lately I don't like that [ __ ] mmm yeah yeah that's that's an example of like them changing a character from Asian to white and I don't like that it has nothing to do with me being like a white guy and mourning like all the curtains to be white or something it's like yeah hey it was written as this guy and now it's that guy why would eat an alternate version I got no problem with she-hulk which is about to happen cuz there's a comic about the she-hulk it's a [ __ ] cool yeah but but you know if you made the she-hulk Asian I'm gonna be like well wait a minute she might be yeah they're open to casting of all races on she-hulk of course they are do you know who Christopher his Jew is that sounds like a racial slur HIV J you know his name is HIV Jew but not-it's not eww it's Ju but yeah so you know him he's got red hair big bushy beard and he loved Brienne of Tarth he is going of The Witcher yeah oh really I'm pretty excited about that I don't I don't know the Rachel or I just like the TV show oh it was great yeah the show's [ __ ] awesome yeah and he's gonna play Nouvel in nive El Elyon I don't know The Witcher but I guess it's a major role and he's in it and I'm like yeah I'm glad this thing is getting momentum is something cool well he's a great actor in Game of Thrones I thought he was always really charismatic and fun to watch but also that which was show I so it's not like you guys liked it too yeah I liked the show but I felt like it looked a little cheap especially for the budget that it had we discussed that a week or two ago you know it's got its 10 million bucks in episode which is right on par with Game of Thrones and I don't think it looks like think about how good the Dragons look in Game of Thrones right and then think about what that monster that he's fighting in the swamp at the very first scene of The Witcher and it's like like we barely saw it it's like you fought like a fifty thousand dollar monster and Narus has been riding around all season on a two million dollar monster yeah you got a Honda over on Netflix and a [ __ ] Ferrari over there on HBO and I I don't get it yeah how much were they paying kent henry cavill i guess this is a real question i've been probably a pretty good amount i mean here in my ten million dollars in episode I guess he earned every cent because like he's fantastic in the show he's awesome he's very more points more dates talked about Henry Cavill and because the people were saying he was on steroids because he's so jacked and he was like huh that's Eva's but I guess he looks like he works out but he's just fat I'm like your standards are so high so what an every camel from The Witcher barely looks like he hits the gym to this dude he's looking to a Warplanes well I mean like also Henry Cavill he bulks like that's what he likes to do he books a lot so I mean he can be fat in the sense that he can get larger but he still looks [ __ ] yeah not so fat that he doesn't have a six-pack right like that this guy needs to be taught about what fat means I needed to do an episode on me this guy I feel like he gives people a fair shake like what I always see him say is like this guy is a point one percent for the ever if you just walk in the streets of the world now among competitive bodybuilders no this didn't gonna cut it so and he sort of frames it in those two sort of worlds light like he'll often say that like oh yeah for an average for just a human man walking the street living in this world Wow yeah that's on top of the heat but for those of us who are competitive at doing only one thing and that one thing is lifting weights and getting jacked his [ __ ] nah he's not even super-duper-duper you know in a much less uber super duper duper duper well I mean it's not a competitive body exactly is it but that's what I'm getting at like I feel like you phrase he like he's pretty fair to them but like cuz because the quit cuz what what's being questioned is like is this guy natural or not you know and and what do you be like look yeah I'm sure he got a good pump before this and this is the one scene that people point to like he's flexing he's doing this and that look I mean come on yeah you know you see this and you go to the gym you probably gonna see a guy like this hmm okay all right I mean like I for me it's a Henry camels like the he's like the the ideal man right now for generally just men because he's into pop culture he's a successful actor he's really charismatic and he's [ __ ] jacked there aren't many other guys like that that exist right now in show business sure and I think right he's British yes he's definitely haha I've stars I might be looking at through my own like distorted lens because I want to hear that they're on steroids at Chris Evans is Captain America right that's right yeah so he looks at Chris Evans and says he's not jacked he's just fat he's not on steroids for sure and I'm like what I would rather hear that that wasn't attainable and that this magnificent specimen you're looking at is what peak performance actually looks like right yeah that that's what I want him to want to be told so when he says Chris Evans is nothing special a little bit fat maybe and not on steroids I'm like ah the bar is high well I know you're saying because then it makes it feel like you can get there but the truth is you can't because they spend six to eight hours a day or three months training and then also they have all their meals prepared for them and like Willie if you can you can afford all of that then sure you can get to what but they're what they're looking at but I don't know if that you could that's their job or if they're getting paid to do that and none of us are getting paid to do that yeah I mean somebody makes my meals and I do have spare time just not that energy you kind of just said the wrong this is a man who could achieve all of those things you just mentioned like hey none of us have five six hours a day of free time and someone prepare their meals for them because what do you have on this call other than you doesn't I can see would be like some of my weeks approach double digits Google what your work out all right and then you you go and start doing the winter workout you do it four hours a day because it sounds like you've got a few hours of the day and in three months time because and you're something your wife is also making your food for you right is that right so three months time you're gonna have that Henry Cavill body and plate and then more play four dates gonna call you fat not dare to dream there it is gonna be great more plates more dates to call me fat
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 5,910
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 479 Bruce Greene - Going to Wings Wedding?, Witchcraft, Moose vs Bear, pka 479, pka 479 clips, pka 479 highlights, bruce green, pka bruce green, the outsiders, parasite, watchmen, the witcher, hbo, netflix, television, movies
Id: Km7uegU8CVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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