Paranormal Liberation is What The 4th Shinobi War Should Have Been

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was The Liberation War being wrapped up recently and the blood slowly coming back to my brain after witnessing some of the most high octane nail-biting edge of the chair setting episodes in recent years I couldn't help but wonder where in the world have I seen this before however during this brief moment of post-night clarity I understood that this is not the right question so buckle up as we're going on a ride across the ages grab a ruler for we are measuring who has the longest Arc and warm up those fingers to help you count scores because we are about to find out who has done the war Arc better hello comrade my name is mahes come get yourself a beverage and sit down with me we got two fandoms to annoy let's address the elephant in the room first my hiroka has borrowed a lot of ideas from Naruto the most obvious one being izawa who is almost a complete copy of Kakashi both of them are tough mentors who immediately challenge their students and expel them if they fail their special tests both have ocular powers that have something to do with their enemies abilities on top of that their General looks and attitude are very similar oh come on Marcus this is an archetype that many stories use leave them alone for Christ's sake is that right here's some food for thought both of them had a childhood friend who died right in front of them due to a collapsing structure except he didn't because the big bad of the show augmented his body and forced him to work for the dark side then both of them get warping abilities that have similar resemblance and finally even their names are 60 identical once again there are many similarities between these two and this is nothing uncommon nor bad is just how story writing is every story has already been told numerous times so the only way they can be different is presentation which includes literally everything from characters to interactions to pacing and so on that's why I want to talk about their respective Wars because like with Eraserhead the bare bones are near indistinguishable and I'd like to find out which one has better meat on them to establish the skeleton we have a large scale operation that revolves around villains creating an absolute unit of power that in turn will bring the world as we know it to an end and heroes who are trying to prevent it the catch is the main character holds the final piece of the puzzle and must be protected at all costs although without his direct interference everybody's [ __ ] anyway so they have to fight carefully if they don't want the plot armor to be working over time the composition of the forces on both sides is pretty simple the evildoers have the unit reanimated corpses Elite Fighters and a hundred thousand Army of disposable grunts don't ask me because juban rolls off the tongue nicely and heroes have a Walmart unit soon to be corpses Elite Fighters and an army of disposable grunts now we can talk about how these shows handle their meat and I will try to stay as factual as possible but some criterias demand a personal opinion and there are too many of them in general which means that I won't be using any redundant ones like pacing since both kind of fail in that department for different reasons so if I dare to miss something or speak heresy in your presence let me know in the comments and we'll discuss it there category number one Stakes whose people will have it worse if the baddies win for once well if I had to pick between spending the rest of my life with a waifu in a happy-go-lucky world or going back to the Stone Age Society with some superpower sprinkled on top I'd open my eyes and stare at the Moon any day of the week seriously instead of whatever this is people in Naruto could have lived in their personal Heavens sure that will bring Humanity to an end and they'll be practically living in The Matrix still there would have been no war no pain only your dearest wishes coming true on the other hand we have a complete destruction of the order they lived in there'll be no government no rules and freedom will be the name of the game the problem is your freedom will be limited by the freedom of those who are stronger and meaner the luxury items will become borderline and obtainable due to the collapse of the industry and Bare Necessities will be something you'll have to fight for yep my heroes world ending scenario looks hella grim and thus earns to the point in this category then we have the locations areas where this entire mess happens and this is a weird one the action in Naruto is set in various parts of the world and it certainly feels Grand with all these different terrains strategic positions then moving around a lot however it all happens everywhere and nowhere at the same time like what the [ __ ] are they doing in the middle of a freaking Forest wouldn't it make sense to lure the enemies into an ambush or defend a fortified position also the fighting grounds barely affect anything with the only exception beat the command center and the poor cartographers will have to redo all the maps for example Heroes conducting a mission in the hospital on the outskirts of the city will have a direct impact on the people who are just minding their own damn business it increases the scope of the situation because it's not just about this main force that as bad as it sounds is ready to die for the greater good no a regular dude can be a victim of War just as much as a trained soldier and this earns my hero half a point the other goes to Naruto for the sheer skill that was shown to us in contrast to a city and a half when the operation was supposedly taking place across Japan all right time to address the most memorable event from each R the first appearance of the final boss when mother first showed up I was like okay I've heard about this dude so on a scale from one to balls deep how in the [ __ ] are we and when shigaraki got up without the coffee I was like oh we [ __ ] up he immediately whipped his dick out and dropped it on the table for us to admire well Mr ucha started off slow only to crank his dancing up to 100 and wiped the floor with everyone the thing is we've seen what tomorrow can do thanks to his Awakening in DACA city so we knew what to expect more or less which doesn't take anything away from his reveal but it does give an edge to one grumpy boy because he was a complete Enigma up to this point I have to give full marks to madra as not only were they hyping him up for years they absolutely delivered and no other character introduction has trumped it yet next we got a very generalized category impactful moments undoubtedly both had plenty of scenes that made us feel a certain way be it talk no Jutsu twists said nobody saw coming Etc there are too many of them and we have to average them out for the sake of the argument to that end I'll compare two deaths that happen on the same side include a beloved character and have a direct impact on our crew Neji and midnight not to Flame Kishimoto but if he wanted to show how brutal this war is and that anybody can die at any time killing off a character who hasn't done [ __ ] in the last 300 episodes is not the way to go it felt forced out of nowhere and went against his entire Faith struggle as he died protecting the main branch of the family like he was supposed to on the other hand nebury's death felt exactly like nobody's safe here situation she did her best pushed past her limits and died alone to some randos shortly after leaving her final message the kids didn't even realize what happened until after the dust had settled and it hit me way harder than this overly dramatic crap that served only to push the MC forward look at a mess because my boy point to Academia lastly we got to cover the aftermath I have a big problem with Naruto here because after such a catastrophe that was the first Shinobi War the world went back to normal almost instantly villagers continued to work together all systems remained the same hell even war criminals Mass murderers were given an amnesty sure I can understand Sasuke he only killed one [ __ ] up politician and was mean to his village a few times Orochimaru well he literally helped them win by healing the current kagis and bringing our own op Squad but Kabuto come on he did nothing but hard to this world he was responsible for the Leaf's assault countless crimes against humanity and providing the most busted weapons to the villains One eternity later [Music] anyway the entire thing is completely unbelievable contrary to that I was pleasantly surprised was how my hiraka handled this it was a tragedy that had a devastating impact on their society people have way less face in the hero system some Heroes no longer want their job and the main character sinks to his absolute lowest after witnessing all the Carnage you're right we haven't experienced all the outcomes yet but I have to recommend the show for what we have already seen War brings destruction pain hopelessness and not everybody lived happily ever after as per my humble opinion Naruto falls short in its execution of this Arc and the main complaint I have is a lot has happened but nothing really changed the lives of 99 of people were not affected whatsoever and given the brutality of their world some of them would have been better off in a dream locations of the events didn't matter either a large chunk of key moments of the arc came out of nowhere and some unexpected twists were actual [ __ ] on my hero side though things are way more rational both factions have clear grounded goals the sights are of immediate importance to the plot everybody is involved with even the side characters having an impact and the unexpected turns are pretty smooth because we've been seeing signs way before it has actually happened I believe that deliberation is what the force Shinobi War should have been and it would have succeeded if it stayed close to its roots instead of going into some Cosmic threat with Dragon Ball levels of power escalation because it literally got to a point where the four main characters were trying to deal with this random new villain only to go back to their everyday normal in just a few days sounds a lot like a filler doesn't it it was I my his was the unpopular opinion into the microphone check out Discord and patreon in the description if you like otherwise have a great whatever time of the day you have until next time cheers
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 22,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 shinobi war, all might, anime review, anime war arc, bnha, boku no hero academia, great shinobi war, hero, izuku midoria, liberation war, liberationwar, madara, madara uchiha, mahistv, mha, midoria, my hero, my hero academia, naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto war arc, paranornal liberation war, review, shigaraki, shinobi war, shippuden, villain, war arc, tomura, shigaraki tomura
Id: kdrsqDrSUiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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