Why Naruto's Timeskip Was Worthless...

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after the end of Naruto part 1 in chapter 238 we're given a select few chapters that focus on Kakashi's Ascension to joning and how he became the ninja he is today introduced to new characters like the future fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze Obito Uchiha and another teammate of his a medic ninja named Rin these chapters are placed differently than when they actually are adapted into the anime adapted as a simple two-part episode series played shortly after Sasuke's finding majugo it's sort of a weird spot in the manga this serves a nice prequel to the franchise as it helps establish characters for people we'd eventually come to put up with for virtually the rest of the manga we're good to see minato's analytical ability and just how feared he was in the war which makes Naruto's learning of the Ross and shuriken something he could not do all the more impressive we get introduced to Obito who is just Kakashi's underwhelming Uchiha teammate but would give him one of the lines he told the team 7 extremely early on in the series as well as his Sharingan and would then go on to in part two become one of the biggest Shinobi terrorists the world has ever seen we also get to see Rin who at this point doesn't have too much of a character besides being Obito's love interest while she's interested in Kakashi but later becomes an extremely important piece in Obito's story and begins his Ascension into the dark side we get to see Kakashi as a completely different person he's not the cool laid-back guy he is in part one he's quite frankly a dick and just happens to be a good ninja but not without sufficient reasoning he's put on this path because someone he looks up to that being his father was shamed into unaliving himself due to string away from that path this is very much so Kakashi's story and almost everyone here is extremely important to not just his story but the story of Naruto as a whole after these chapters end were introduced to almost an entirely new world of Naruto this part is going to be almost twice as long as the last one filled with tons more reveals more plot twists stronger ninja blah blah blah everything you could want out of a sequel but there is also a Time skip to get us to this point this can vary from source to Source most places cite this time scale was anywhere from two years to three years I'm going to go in the middle here and just say it was more than two years since that's what in the original manga and it also lines up with the most timeline wise since Naruto part 1 ended with Naruto being 13 and part 2 begins with him being 15. but why do a Time skip in the first place and there has to be a time skip why make it two years could this story not be the same one given only a six month difference even a three month difference that's some of what I'm going to be going over in today's video it's important to make clear that this is not a judgment on whether or not shipping is better than Naruto part one but before we get started I'd ask if you could leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel as it really helps the channel out a lot and I'd obviously very much appreciate it before getting started determining whether or not the time skip was needed let's meet all of our characters again for the first time in two years starting with Naruto Naruto is still seemingly a goofball but at least with a bit more maturity this is showing off with his outfit back in part one Naruto wore pants that showed his ankles with rolled up cuffs and the same with his wrists on his jacket rolled up cuffs showing his wrist in part two these are no more with Naruto getting higher top Footwear and wrapping his ankles while still wearing pants at a link that I just could guess just feels comfortable to him his jacket is also missing the rolled up coaster on his wrist and instead sit as they are made with the jacket which has a higher raised collar show wise to show off less skin Kishimoto does go as far as to mention this change in Naruto's appearance at the back of data book 3 stating that he wanted to give Naruto a more mature look and for him to stop looking so quote unquote childish with the biggest change coming from Naruto's headband but kijimondo says this was just due to difficulty when drawing kid Naruto these changes are all good in their own right and making Naruto look more mature was the obvious move here as Naruto is maturing he himself has gotten over two years older in age when with the right crowd should just make you more mature than you used to be aside from this Naruto is obviously still beginning as he hasn't been in the village in years to take the exam so no change there and he's obviously upset about the effect when hearing about his peers and how they've progressed with Ninja ranks but we'll save that for later when we eventually get to them so for now we'll catch back up with Naruto later let's take a look at Sakura another member of Team seven this part is pretty much all going to be author's notes from Kishimoto but he mentions how in order to make her an important fighter quote unquote he ditched her old clothes for something more resembling a karate outfit with a focus on close range combat and in order to combine femininity with her her hair was shortened to complement this new outfit Sakura has changed wildly in the aspect of power being able to deal insane damage to this rain from just a single punch due to her trending with Tsunade this impresses even Kakashi who with his Sharingan can see exactly what Sakura is doing here to rapidly manipulate maximum chakra and instantly concentrated into one's fist is no small feat it takes an incredible amount of chocolate control and those are Kakashi's exact words this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone Sakura has always had extremely good chocolate control even all the way back in the Land of Waves it caused her to be really good at genjutsu which Kakashi also comments on here so it's only natural that after a two-year jump she'd have improved on that greatly the changes to our actual character however are fairly minimal she still acts virtually the same way but signs of her maturity come through at certain parts like after they meet Sasuke and he clearly wants nothing to do with them Naruto drops to his knees crying whereas Sakura tells him that crying won't do anything and they both have to be strong although you could simply argue that Sakura was simply less affected by this meeting than Naruto was as it's hard to dispute that Naruto and Sasuke have a much deeper connection than Sakura and Sasuke do she also has tons of medic ninja training with Lady Chio eventually saying due to these two things she is like a mini Tsunade Kakashi seems to be more or less the same guy he always acts smart with confronted with a problem he's still powerful are more so than the kids and he is still just as laid back as he normally is but Kakashi doesn't really need to grow at least not yet we just saw him develop into the person we came to know in part one helping him develop again off-screen really wouldn't make any sense he does have a new juicy though and it should be extremely obvious which one I'm talking about but I'll save that for later another thing that should be extremely obvious at this point in the manga is that Sasuke is purposefully omitted from any of these new introductions and we don't even get to see his character design aside from a black outline that genjusu Sai and his back while taking a nap until chapter 306 a full 62 chapters after the beginning of part two Sasuke being this disconnected from his teammates fisted theme of part two for sure but this is something already well established in part one of course over two years it widens the Gap as they've had no interaction since then so of course the time skip serves the purpose of all of our characters have grown up Orchard as far as power goes this skip could be six months and if anything it would just make the entire cast more impressive especially thinking in terms of Sasuke who even after all this time him getting this strong is seen as the result of some sort of performance enhancing drug at least in the eyes of both Tsunade and Sakura I guess if he got this strong in six months he'd had to be taking super mega performance enhancing drugs or something now let's briefly take the time to catch up with the rest of the konoha 11 before moving on to Naruto's less than desirable power up from between the two parts ninja we don't really get to see in action for some time but upon meeting Shikamaru we're told ninjis become a journey and alongside both cockro and tamari everyone else meaning Hinata Shino Kiba Sakura Eno choji 1010 and Rock Lee were promoted to tuning aside from Shikamaru who ascended to the rank towards the end of part one just before the Sasuke retrievar kicked off Naruto is surprised hear that about all of his old friends and then saddened by the fact that he's been left behind this isn't explicitly drawn on his face but there's a technique Kishimoto does with his backgrounds when Naruto feels singled out or empty where the background goes completely black and we see this in this most extreme form after he falls to his knees after failing to bring Sasuke back in towards the beginning of Shippuden but when Naruto asks about gar we get a different reaction from the Maga than the rest of the characters and this is fitting as Gara seems to have changed the most compared to the rest of the cast which I'll get more into later Gora obviously has become the kazakage and he's obviously matured a bunch since we last saw him in part one that was the beginning of seeing him change the character and it seems to be completed here and complimented by his Ascension to kazakage we also get to see he's much more powerful now fighting off an akoski member and covering the entire Village in sand to protect it from data's bomb in chapter 249 titled the Kaze kage Stands Tall we get to see Gara mostly on the offensive and then we get a nice dialogue between Gara and conqueror regara is talking about wanting to become connected to the people of his village and he thinks that sharing your feelings with others isn't a weakness it's strength we get this seemingly flipped on its head when it's revealed dead or dropped a C3 on the village to distract guard and weaken him to eventually beat him which leads to gara's demise seemingly proving him wrong but because of his connection that God had formed with Naruto Naruto is able to touch the heart of Granny Chio who brungara back to life so Gara wasn't wrong after all I mentioned this to say not much of our side cast seems to have developed much at all aside from ascending to these higher ninja ranks Sasuke Naruto angara all had pretty good development Sasuke angara being the major standouts here obviously the time skip is somewhat needed but I can't find a great reason for it to be two years Beyond making the characters more mature in the long run but I think think it speaks more for The Bleak state of the world if these characters have to grow up quicker and then it's not like the maturity is all that crazy Naruto still does things like using the sexy Jutsu in the middle of a public Street and it would also speak more to the prodigious nature of these kids that they can learn and adapt to the things that they had in part two at a faster rate and I think people would be much more fair to Naruto who didn't seem to learn much after two years of a Time skip let's say if it was around six months or so now let's move on to Naruto's less than desirable power-up okay so over the course of this time skip we know Naruto was training for a few things I'm going to list them first and then elaborate on them afterwards one is to gain better control of the nine tails that seemingly stopped early on into his training two is getting juice resistance three is a bigger Rasengan and four is he seems to get a little bit smarter to elaborate on number one I think Naruto's lack of gaining anything from this training following the time skip makes it virtually pointless to bring up Naruto still can't control karama's chakra and with the seal weakening over time we never even see him gain less than one tail which we knew he could control even before the time skip so this is utterly useless for Naruto's development and we know it stopped early on in his training because when we see dry in Naruto have a flashback is when Naruto is a little kid that this happened not his grown-up self I guess you could say Naruto hit a girl expert and looked younger for longer but we don't really know moving on to number two Naruto's skin juice resistance is lackluster and does absolutely nothing to be completely fair to Naruto though he was against the genjutsu guy himself Itachi when this was on display for the first time but I don't think that really matters from a story perspective I don't think he's asking too much to have Naruto break again Jutsu that isn't even an arcoliganjutsu and let alone when we have never even seen before or will ever see again after this but instead of this Naruto is saved by Chio and never has to break out of again jusu for the rest of the series I'm gonna bring this up a little bit later on and elaborate on it more but for now we'll leave it there getting into number three yes Naruto did learn a bigger Rasengan but this would be a lot more special had the Rasengan actually been much bigger like say sage jorayas were singing or not even that 50 of the size of sage jarias were sing on would still be crazy and Naruto's Rasengan does damage look at the crater that just the force of it making contact with Hitachi created it's extremely large the last one to mention is Naruto getting a bit smarter which mainly comes from his ability to defeat Kakashi during the Bell test by spoiling his favorite novel or I guess fake spoiling in this case I think literally all of this would be fine to learn over the course of six months training to master the nine Tales amounted to nothing his can juice resistance amounted to nothing his big Rasengan is good but it's just a broader interpretation of a Jutsu Naruto already mastered in a short amount of time anyway you know what would have showed more progress than this unironically if Naruto could finally use a Rasengan with one hand the only time he has ever done this up to this point is when he was in his one tail form against Sasuke in the final Valley by using the chakra from his cloak he can't even use this bigger Rasengan in a more efficient way and yeah I hyped up the power it had when making contact with the Itachi that giant crater but aside from that what did they do nothing it beat an Itachi clone after it ran out of chakra and couldn't use its my gecko Sharingan like I said earlier I'll be fair in saying that this is Itachi of all people but I don't think that it matters for the story overall and I'll explain why here this plot point establishes that the Akatsuki have soldiers at the ready and loyal to the akoski why not have them fight Naruto and Kakashi if you know Naruto can't do anything against the costume members then don't have the guy fight akoski members what really changes about the story If instead of clones team guy and team Kakashi Take Out full power akoski grunts nothing literally nothing changes and if you want to bring up how they are weaker than akotsky members to Hype up the Akatsuki more you can have one of the akoski members say that they simply were not strong enough to join the organization and have another win say that they were about 30 percent there and almost identical situation to Kisame and Itachi being at around 30 percent when doing the fight also to wrap up this video I'd like to mention the possibility that Naruto being overwhelmed and not able to do much by himself might be the entire point of this story at the beginning however underwhelming it makes Naruto seem after the time Skip and I can respect that but I don't think that it being the point of the story makes it a good story especially given how it's a stark contrast to how Naruto progressed through out part 1 which spanned about half the time of the part 2 time skill but that's pretty much all I have to say about this topic if you liked the video obviously leave a like on the video and subscribe if you're interested in topics like this as I'm not going to stop covering them and as always have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 248,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto time skip, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto uzumaki, six from tokyo, analyzing naruto, naruto vs sasuke, itachi vs kakashi, kakashi hatake, sakura haruno, haruno sakura, sakumo hatake, kakashi's dad, obito uchiha, uchiha obito, uchiha clan, naruto part 1, kid naruto, teen naruto, granny chiyo, kazekage gaara, gaara of the sand, konoha, hidden leaf village, hashirama, madara, uchiha madara, hashirama senju
Id: aVh6V6Y2_sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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