If He ACTUALLY Used His BRAIN! (My Hero Academia)

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if all for one used more than 10 of his brain the show would have ended way sooner sure we're told that Deku becomes the greatest hero implying that he will defeat his Nemesis eventually but with all the power resources and allies the symbol of evil could have secured the victory at several points in time prior to the Liberation War hello comrade my name is Marcus come get yourself a beverage and sit down with me we got a world to destroy even though I've said that he could have won before the story got here that doesn't mean that we are not using the information that was given to us during this Arc so here's your spoiler warning just like our big bad I'll use everything to achieve my goals although if he did I wouldn't have made this video before we even start plotting there is one thing that needs to be established what is a victory in this scenario we got a bunch of Heroes UA school all might as well as other villains and aging of all things dealing with either of these will only produce short-term results that's why the best possible outcome is to make sure that nobody can stand up to Quirk daddy and he himself continues to live happily ever after the very first solution to the situation lies in the past and it's as simple as muzan's sought process don't give your brother a quirk that would have literally solved 90 of his problems because the only one who was able to put a dent in his plans was toshinori aka the eighth wielder of this snowball overpower of course it's easy to say that in retrospect he really did care about family in his own Twisted way and even found the metapower that his weak seemingly quirkless ass will be able to use except it backfired and now the world has to deal with two teenagers fighting a battle their forebears started oops wrong show but seriously something doesn't add up not yet Bullhead must have known he had a quirk since he has so much experience in trading them also why is stockpiling what there had to be plenty of others with more use something related to Restoration maybe instead dead we got what we got and now above everything else he wants that power back sounds too good to be a coincident even how skilled all for one is at manipulating and scheming he must have used it to influence his brother and let him cultivate this new power to later take it back and strengthen himself beyond anything he could have achieved alone to support that theory here's a question how did he pass one for all for the very first time as he was imprisoned and definitely couldn't have freed himself by force here let me know what you think maybe we are on to something secondly let's look at the encounter at usj this was a great opportunity for villains as shigaraki needed some real experience and UA's defenses needed to be tested naturally they came prepared with some Intel from a traitor armed goons and even a secret weapon but did they have to waste one of their strongest Nobles for recon mission hey yo Marcus shiggy was planning to kill all might not Scout yes that's what his stupid ass had in mind you really think that Master was expecting them to win no way tomora needed to gain XP and level up so that he can eventually become an absolute Menace to Society to achieve that he was given a squad and a goal however if the symbol of peace was there to begin with as they initially assumed it would have been over way faster because izawa wouldn't have been injured kuragiri would have had to protect face palm instead of focusing on kids and so on what they should have done is capitalize on everybody's mistakes all might came in tired which wasn't obvious but given how much trouble he had was brain bird you could tell that he's not at his Peak honestly this was the perfect moment when the big bad should have wore literally nothing would have been able to stop him there except for the storytelling which needed him for a more dramatic reveal later having said that this scenario required too many stars to align so let's look at the original plan undoubtedly all for one noticed that his sworn enemy is getting weaker he is not performing as many Deeds because he can maintain this form he is teaching now which means that he is looking for a successor this dude isn't dumb it's totally logical to start wearing him down since simple and almost get an estimate of his power as you of all people should be able to evaluate it and if you see that your suspicions are correct send in the big guy and after that coming yourself to claim victory alas it was all about training his disciple by teaching him that he can't just go in and expect everything to go his way so we'll let it be no moves can be made allies can be gathered and in general he can always try another time speaking of which one of the outcomes of that try again thing was the Camino nightmare I am conflicted here because on one hand he delivered a devastating blow to the hero Society by retiring all might and sending the message but on the other did he have to get involved like that let's take a step back and look at our head we know for sure that one for all has been passed and the successor is a green crybaby we still have a bunch of brain dudes already with a million more well on the way and lastly the media is doing a fantastic job at making cracks in the hero Foundation although sneak attack what do we do the most sensible course of action is to evacuate the league as he did [ __ ] up a few pros and dip by employing Johnny that way Heroes would have still taken a major L nomus doing their thing civilians turning on their saviors it would have been a decent outcome because dead genus Mount lady and others were forcibly expired while the bad guys didn't sustain any losses however this wouldn't have been a victory and it's precisely why I'm so torn about it you see taking out toshinori is like trading Queen for Queen in a chess game a Gambit that provides more breathing room for all the other pieces and that's exactly what he wants for shigaragi so technically it's a w but in order to actually Prevail here we have to redraw the entire master plan and change it into forcing more incidents like usj no matter how you look at it he is the only real obstacle and for the sake of beating him safely he has to be pushed past his limits a few times let hand man have some nomus and consistently Target UA use every trick in the book abduct students threaten their family use the informant more because you got to exploit his desire to jump into action the symbol of peace will put his life on the line which in turn will shorten his platform and the love for the opening then come in false blazing and all might will be United States of [ __ ] on the topic of smart plans why not take a different approach and just throw everything you have at the problem I'm not kidding going all out is a reasonable option to avoid [ __ ] reinforcements and other [ __ ] the bad guys have to constantly deal with like how many times do we have to fail by explaining our schemes taunting and taking our sweet time no more all for one had this entire operation going on for decades he has been collecting quirks copying them and implanting them into reanimated corpses look at how many they are sure they are difficult to make and time is a factor but you're the one rushing things where would these Nobles be if the league of villains never showed their faces last time I checked they didn't help producing them quite the opposite actually okay right indirectly they did help by raising the crime levels which caused more fighting more falling Heroes and most importantly they help with testing their combat abilities however all of that could have been done at home or at least the later numbers could have been tested internally so that they could accumulate a critical mass of them and strike remember Hood was barely not able to defeat Endeavor and the other high-ends required a razor head presence to be slain effectively now imagine if out of nowhere none for you all showed up at UA with a dozen of optimized nomus and machia in tow it would have been Gigi well played before the other top Pros would even get there the greatest advantage of these brain freaks is their durability the strategy would be to use his strongest attacks while they strangle hold or otherwise disable all mine yes it's not going to be that simple but I assure you the symbol of peace will become rest in peace pretty quickly all right I've been saving the best for last because nothing comes close to how perfect this solution is get better quirks sounds silly yet he knows about so many Fantastic abilities just sitting there waiting to be stolen take hardening for example simple and effective what about brainwashing or confession [ __ ] that is all literal garbage in comparison to a quirk that would have changed everything harder than the Fire Nation did I tell you even if getting it costs all for one all his money no shaking company it's well worth it because he should have learned Alchemy I mean overhaul a long time ago as it's easily the strongest Standalone meta power and there is only one in a million who can stand up to it okay I'm exaggerating a bit but it does solve every problem he currently has first of all his body he will be able to restore it completely prevent aging as well as freely augmented sure he never ask for this but having a demand team bones never hurt anyone secondly normal production will be drastically improved in terms of speed and quality imagine if they were able to perform this bioengineering in real time instead of waiting months for their bodies to adapt what pissed me off the most about this is that Quirk daddy knew about sakikai it's unclear whether he knew about overhaul likely not though as influential as he is he should have had a spy in every organization UA has a mall the doctor is supplying data on quarks across Japan so why a Yakuza family which started taking whatever low lives recently doesn't have one underground organizations are a Pandora's box of powers they are rarely documented and can only be discovered through a spy or combat come on symbol of evil you had five years of sitting on your ass recovering so why did you stop making friends you have kurogiri to warp people in and out for conversations Mark here in case [ __ ] goes south Cobra for moral support I guess if three Destro could recruit Heroes of old people you should be able to do it too damn as usual villains fail because they don't use everything they have at once or don't employ enough reconnaissance to gather all the Intel I know the Good Guys goose is getting cooked right now but it would have been well done and charred If Only They would listen to me it was I Mike is being bad into a new microphone have a great whatever time of the day you have until next time cheers
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 88,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 ways afo could have won, 5 ways all for one could have won, All For One explained, All for one, Chisaki kai, Deku, LEague of villains, Shigaraki, afo explained, all might, allforone, allmight, anime, boku no hero academia, heroaca explained, if i was in mha, meme, mha, mha what if, midoriya, my hero aca explained, my hero aca facts, my hero aca no sense, my hero academia, my hero academia explained, nomu, one for all, overhaul, quirks, tomura, what if mha
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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