I Hate Black Clover and Here is Why - Comprehensive Breakdown

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I hate Black clover with a fiery passion. There  has never been a show that made me not angry,   SAD with how bad it is and believe it or not, it  has nothing to do with Asta speaking in caps lock,   a rocky start or 50 shades of everyone's face.  I’m talking about the fundamental systems,   stolen ideas, entire scene sequences that can be  thrown away without affecting the result… Hell,   go see the #1 reason why before you click off,  I’ll even give you the timestamps to make it   easy. Hello comrade, my name is Mahis. Come, get  yourself a beverage and sit down with me, we got a   long-awaited explanation incoming. Let me set the  stage and tell you about my experience with this   show. First time I watched it, I barely made it  to episode 6 and stopped there. But then I thought   to myself - it’s a shonen, a BIG shonen and I  gave Black Clover a very fair second chance. 50   episodes - that's 5 arcs, which is about 13 hours  if you trim all the openings/recaps. And in case   you’re thinking I just skimmed through it… No.  I was paying attention and tried to get invested   into the story, the world, the characters.  I did to a degree, yeah Asta was annoying,   but he is good people. Sure, the plot is a bit  generic but he is good people. The magic system   seems cheesy but, you guessed it, it’s still good  people. However, very quickly, I’ve noticed that   I’m being lied to. Something doesn't quite compute  here. Take Luck for example. He was introduced as   this energetic dude, always ready to throw down,  who had a nickname “Smiling Battle Maniac” for   reasons of loving to go solo and winning fights.  Well, about that. Not only did he flop the   very first battle we saw him in, he hasn’t done  anything significant in the next several fights,   with the exception of one Fish Priest who he  defeated off f!@$ing screen! C’mon on man. If   you hype up a character like that, the least  you can do is showcase a decisive W for once.   Against Lotus, Asta did all the heavy lifting,  the other priest was given a dose of despair, and   the grumpy orange Hank himself, suffered no damage  at all from Luck’s and Magna’s duo. Where is this   “Smiling Battle Maniac” I heard so much about? In  approximately the same area as a bunch of scenes   that are redundant or have no impact whatsoever.  We all know of the legend of the first Wizard   King, that's all fine, what if we imbeciles forget  about that irrelevant piece of lore and can’t put   it together when something new is revealed. I mean  2 things - the constant reinforcement of character   archetypes or plot points and entire sequences  that mean nothing. I hate when I’m treated like a   4 year old who has to be reminded that Noelle  is royalty every other sentence she speaks,   that our MC wants to marry Sister Lily or that  y'all need some despair, hate, whatever in your   life. Seriously, if I was to take a half-shot  every time I hear a character mentioning their   gimmick, I’d be f!@#$ing dead and that’s coming  from a Russian. No-one in the target audience,   10+ usually, needs to be reminded this much,  as it flattens the character to the point Same   thing with a lot of scenes in this show, where  people either do nothing and watch things happen,   or their actions have no impact on the outcome of  a situation. Let's look at the Despair-guy, since   I’ve mentioned him. Who won that fight? Black  Bulls obviously, but who has really contributed   to Vetto’s defeat? Here is the breakdown of  the fight: Mr Smiles engages Luck and Magna,   they pretend to have a main character moment  but fail miserably, after which Asta comes in to   save the day as usual. Backed by his new dancing  buddy, they try to show the villains some moves,   only to be d*cked on too and needing to be saved  by another duo - Konoha… sorry, Kahono and Noelle.   You’d think that something will change, but no,  their cheeks are clapped just as hard, if not   harder than the others. Granted, her royal majesty  also attempted the fabled main character moment   and at least got the boss to it's second phase,  so props to her I guess. Next, Asta realizes that   too many people have tried to claim his role in  this show and jumps in to protect his teammate,   moments after laying motionless on the floor.  He delivers a motivational speech, inspiring his   allies, so ANOTHER duo jumps into the fray. Blah  Blah Blah, 3 more people, they distract, the show   remembers that Asta is wielding a f!@#$ing sword,  not a club and, with a bit of early celebration,   a true main character has a moment, followed  by Vettos quick defeat. BUT. It’s not over,   since he is about to yell Licht is Great  and turn the Seabed Temple into just seabed,   so Yammi, who was previously stuck with no way  out, pushes past his limits and saves the day,   this time for good. What the f!@#? yYou mean to  tell me he had it in him this whole time? This   show just basically took all the stakes it had set  up and threw them out the window, upsetting not   only Guga, but me too! OK, OK, in order to go Plus  Ultra you are required to feel some type of way,   so they all needed to lose in order for the  captain to go beyond, yet that would have   been the same if they all just dropped without all  this extra curricular action. If I somehow, going   through some mental gymnastics that would make  Inosuke proud, can justify everyone's involvement,   Luck’s and Magna’s section, which is about 13  minutes of screen time, can be cut from the show   without any losses at all. It won’t affect this  fight whatsoever, maybe that was the point to show   that this is indeed a mighty foe that will push  our squad to the limit, but we already know that.   This guy was posing a challenge even for captains  in the last arc, so all it did was further prove   that these two aren’t sh*t in the grand scheme of  things and that the victory is achieved by some   ass-pull bullsh*t. Yes. The whole power system  is built on plot convenient power-ups. And the   main reason for why I dislike it - it invalidates  hard work and training as a whole. You can say,   Mahis you dimwit, if Noelle didn’t practice  her waterbenting, she wouldn’t have never   unlocked this spell in her book. Let me draw a  parallel that even people from freedom land can   understand. If you’re experienced with an ar-15  and suddenly need to go against an armored target,   AP rounds don’t magically appear in your magazine,  regardless of how dire the situation is. You need   to bring them to use them. And what characters in  Black Clover do is carry a bunch of locked spells   in their grimoire, that need to be purchased with  your desire to persevere when the plot demands it,   like a bunch of dlc’s. Which, on a side note, is  even worse, because if you rolled a grimoire with   only one page, no amount of character development  will help you. Look at some other shonens. Sure   they do have moments like that, cause it’s cool  for f!@#$ sake. But Naruto had to grind like a   motherf!@#$r to get Rasengan, and to upgrade  it into Rasen-Shuriken. Not only did it not   work the first time, he had to spend even more  time making it safe to use. Here, some ungodly   time-stopping power perfect for the occasion,  the user and in the exact location of the event,   yeah no problem, not even a down-side to it. How  am I supposed to feel any danger for our squad,   if at any point somebody can discover a spell that  will save the day. Yami, my favorite character in   the show, was quite unsure of how to deal with  Patolli’s AOE attack just a dozen episodes ago,   and now he can suddenly slash dimensions  in half several times in a row with very   little effort. There is simply no satisfaction  here and it’s only half the problem, because,   to my knowledge, Asta hasn’t lost a single fight.  Like legit, everytime there is some assistance,   pushing past his limits or flat-out divine  intervention. Think about it. This newbie schmuck,   who just joined the ranks and only went on a  single quest, who is wielding some weird sword   that goes bonk and who has no experience nor  knowledge about how to traverse hostile magical   terrain, is sent to investigate a new dungeon on  the border of an enemy Kingdom. I’m sure Julius   knows what he is doing but on top of this, Asta  was a literal key to the magic door that held a   huge upgrade for Yuno and 2nd out of 3 anti magic  swords that was located behind a damn wall! Again,   I have nothing against the “at the right place  at the right time” trope, since it’s a good way   to set up interesting plot points and character  prgression, but when the whole show is based on   that, it defeats the purpose of said progression.  How’d you feel if Ichigo just randomly popped his   Bankai in the middle of the battle without any  prior training? Everybody would have lost their   mind, cause even the 3-day express course was  already pushing the ass-pull boundaries. Give   me something specific to look for, so there can  be a satisfying payoff when it happens. Look   what Demon Slayer did recently - Tanjiro was in  a pinch, couldn’t perform his usual routine and   decided to give Thunder Breathing a shot. It’s  a totally awesome concept, where you can think   of it as a natural progression of Slayers training  - master one style, then Uncle Iroh the rest. Yet   with no prior build up, or any indication that  it’s something commonly done, it came out as   another Tanjiro Mary Sue moment and viewers were  rightfully pissed about it. Speaking of Mary Sue,   I’ve already mentioned Asta not losing a single  fight, but did you notice that he is literally   a plug for every hole? Anywhere he goes, he is a  perfect solution for whatever problem. Granted,   his power is quite unique and in the world  where everything is magical in some capacity,   it makes sense that an ability to cancel it would  be rather useful. However, do we really need him   to have an answer for every single struggle?  He stopped Noelle’s attempt to flood the area,   avenged Magna’s friend, did all the dungeon things  we discussed, bonked the memory altering magic out   of the captives, did the same to the poor kids,  accidentally unsealed Patolli’s magic stash,   penetrated the water barrier… The list goes  on, and it seems like the only people who   ever do something important are Asta, Yuno  and those captain level or above. What's the   point of developing all these characters, quite  decently I may add? So that they help during some   encounters? I always felt like none of the good  guys are moving the plot forward, except for the   MC of course. Yet, at the same time, nobody  is acknowledging how abnormal this guy is nor   trying to investigate his abilities. Dude has a  5-leaf clover grimoire, something that has never   happened from what their people understand and he  wields Anti-Magic, while being magicless himself.   What the f!@# are you all doing? There is literall  miracle walking around and not even the dude who   examined his floating book does anything about it.  Oh I don’t know, let people in the Capital look at   it… Are you sh*tting me? That's akin to Einstein  holding an Antimatter container and passing it to   someone else because he has no idea what it is! It  won’t happen, every scholar worth their salt would   line up just to get a chance to see a 5ve leaf  clover. How come Sally is the only one to do so?   Sure, maybe they don’t see the clover itself cause  it’s so dirty, but Anti-Magic? In the world where   everything is all about magic, you definitely  want to investigate such a phenomenon! O, and   about that. We see people using mana left, right  and center, but as soon as something happens,   only the Magic Knights are taking part  in the action. Where are regular guards,   with at least a fireball or something? Or you  mean to tell me, that if you can light up a stove,   you can't do that to a zombie? Seriously,  during the assault of the Royal Capital,   the city where magic is everything, people  weren’t even trying to use magic when sh*t hit   the fan. I’m not expecting them to solo all the  villains, but if some peasant kids can do this,   the adults should be able to at least slow down,  barricade or otherwise impair these shambling   sacks of necromancy. Does the show forget its own  rules? This ain’t Fairy Tail, EVERYONE is able to   use magic! Piss off enough people and the sheer  quantity of spells you’ll have to deal with will   be quite troublesome. And don’t give me this crap  about they are scared, they are not prepared and   so on. These are superhumans, who have tools at  the tip of their fingers that we can only dream   of, which they have used their entire life, so  instead of fight or flight response, they will   have magic fight or magic flight. Which is rather  interesting, because I don’t see anyone using   magic to escape either. Again, something just  doesn't add up. Now, it’s time to quickly mention   the production value of the anime. Manga is fine,  I read it a bit and this section barely applies   to it. Nevertheless, visuals are an essential part  of the viewing experience and we can’t completely   ignore them. In the beginning, I’ve said that I  will not talk about characters sometimes being   drawn like they belong in Mob Psycho, so I won’t.  Instead, we shall tackle this show's animation as   a whole. It’s a clusterf!@#. I’m sorry, if you are  saying that this anime is drawn well, you need to   check your eyes. I'm seriously concerned about  their health, because it’s borderline impressive   how inconsistent and ugly this show looks. And  don’t you put your hands on the keyboard yet,   since you probably don’t realize one thing  - Black Clover is one of THE MOST EXPENSIVE   animes on the planet, with lowest cost per episode  I could find being a $100 thousand and the average   cost looking to be about $140K. This is over  here was made with an average budget, which   is about $80 grand an episode. I understand that  these numbers don’t represent the whole picture,   there are many other things that go into  making an anime - staffing, script writing,   voice acting etc etc. But, as much as I don’t want  to say it, in this particular case it feels like   whoever animated all this had no love for the show  at all. I’m partially correct, since it seems like   they had great troubles with lack of staff and  had to outsource a bunch of their work. Still,   I can’t believe that this is the same studio that  gave us OG Naruto, Shippuden, Bleach… you’d think   that they’d know a thing or two about making a  shonen. Let's look at some examples - Patolli Vs   Yammi. The first half of their battle was a slow  paced slideshow of gifs in comparison to the next   episode which brought in a bunch dynamic movement,  nice camerawork and frames. See for yourself: foreign [Music] [Music] foreign If episode 35 looks like it has been  produced by an experienced anime studio,   episode 34 next to it looks like it was made by a  single student in between classes using some trial   version of the editing app. Because what in the  name of Adobe After Effects is this? I know it’s   a different episode, but I swear I’ve seen these  exact particles in Mortal Kombat 1995. Then there   are plain animation errors that shouldn’t get  past quality control, like with Asta over here: Or Magna's glasses in this case. [Music] I  haven’t edited it, there are timestamps of   those exact moments, you are welcome to check.  It’s simply disrespectful towards the audience.   Can you imagine My Hero Aca, Demon Slayer or  Jujutsu Kaisen f!@#$ing up like that? Well,   you don’t have to, because there is a recent  precedent with MAPPA and JJK specifically. I   won’t go into the details, as even though  my heart does go out to their employees,   this topic is outside my area of expertise, so let  me focus on what is. Animation. Obviously there is   a difference, it looks raw and less polished.  BUT. The artstyle is consistent, emotions are   properly displayed and action is still bombastic.  If anything, I got a bit of a One Piece vibe,   with all these free flowing lines giving the  show a more artsy look. Although, I got to admit,   I do see a lot of “cutting corners”, in a form  of static images, almost sketch-like sequences   and aspect ratio changes, which is a smart move  that does save some effort and surprisingly makes   these moments appear very cinematic. It’s clear  that there was a struggle during the production   process, however, the love, the sweat, the tears  are still present and as a result, it’s beautiful,   because the core of the animation is. Black  Clover on the other hand… it doesn’t have one.   It’s a constant fluctuation of quality, style,  questionable design choices. Like, why is there   a pixelated wave of sh*t in the middle of a fight?  It doesn't match the color scheme of anything else   and is completely out of place! Then there is 3D  that looks worse than the Dark Young, movement   with no force behind it, along with frequent  recycling of shots… which should never happen.  Another thing that should never happen is  stealing ideas, aka plagiarizing. I’ve completed   a university program and I’m well aware of what  “Paraphrasing plagiarism” is. It’s when you use   someone else's writing with some minor changes  and present it as your own. Yeah, you can’t sue   Black Clover over it, but you also can’t deny that  it took excessive inspiration from other shonen.   For example, the first episode is Naruto in a  nutshell, everyone passes the selection process,   MC doesn’t, so he has to go through some  shenanigans with a bad guy to unlock his whatever   ability that he will then use every chance he  gets, while saving an important person in the   process, who says that they have always believed  in our boi. Out of all the shonen I can think of,   these are the only 2 1st episodes that share  so many similarities. And if you're saying,   well, it’s an homage, these stories go in totally  separate directions… Maybe later, because Astas   first mission happens in a village held hostage  by a bad guy who killed the hero of said village,   there is a bridge, there is mist, there are ice  users and there is even a grave overlooking the   area at the very end… You can’t make this sh*t  up. Well, one show did and the other sharinganned   it. But wait there's more! Let me introduce you  to Gaara of the Ice. An emotionless war machine   from a another country who was bred to be the  ultimate weapon from birth, who killed a person   they held dear, who can use his abilities while  standing still, who can pilot an elemental mecha,   who has a change of heart after the defeat  and who makes people around them surprised   that they can say “Thank you”. Are you for  real? Ain’t nothing wrong with taking an idea,   giving it an interesting spin and putting it in  your story. Jujutsu Kaisen does that occasionally   with, let’s say, their version of Edo Tensei. Both  spells require a piece of whoever you resurrect,   both take over a live human and both carry  certain risks, like a person overpowering   the Jutsu. They even did the same “find inner  piece and f!@# off back to afterlife” type thing,   sure it’s not a completely original idea, but  it’s implemented in a creative way, with the   little spin I was mentioning. That's the Black  Clover’s problem, they blatantly take ideas from   other shows and don’t improve them whatsoever.  Black Bulls HQ is practically Fairy Tail guild,   Black Market is a less protected Diagon Alley,  Combo attack is literally a Unison Raid,   it even looks the same. Then there's the cast:  Main duo is a blend of many cliches but they   remind me of Hinata and Kageyama. Followed by in  no particular order: Kana Alberona, Hinata Senju,   Tsundere Iida, Byakuya and Hitsugaya's love child,  Gil and Meliodas love child, Typical high school   delinquent, Marilyn f!@#$ing Manson, Tinker Bell,  Nun from the Rip-Off Church, Kenpachi on weed,   Hange on crack, Zeno on ecstasy, Ulquiorra on  meth, Clover Ghoul, Necromancer Nnoitra, Naruto   the Wizard King, Another totally competent  King, 100% bad guy, 80% bad guy… Alright,   I agree I got carried away there, but that's all  to cope with the situation, since we are about   to get into what frustrates me the most about  this anime and why I even made this b*tch, which   is turning out to be my longest video to date.  The number one reason that causes depletion of   all serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in my  nervous system is that this show can be f!@#$ing   GOOD! You’ve heard that right, this piece of crap  has everything to be a good shonen and they even   showed it to me, but then they spat in my face  by diminishing the entire thing to an annoying   amalgamation of tropes, borrowed ideas, cheesy  systems, none of which bring anything new the   table nor do they execute any of them well. Not  to mention the most abhorrent animation I've seen   in all my 20 years of watching anime. You can’t  show me a cool magical world, ambition underdog,   instant rivalry set up, fantastic soundtrack, epic  power-up, good f!@#$ing animation in the first   episode and then make me watch this? Let me tell  you what's so good about this story starting with   harsh topics that it covers. Immediately we get  racism, classism and other forms of discrimination   based solely on what people can’t really control.  Magic, what was given to you, you have to deal   with, and you’ll be judged along the way. Even  if you got the best sh*t, you won’t be praised by   everyone, you’ll be pressed, because others don’t  like it when their position of power or authority   is threatened by an up and coming prodigy. As a  result of that, there is a huge disparity in the   society - Those who have great magic, look down  on those who don't and our MC being completely   magicless, presents another level of challenge  that most other stories simply don’t have. Yusuke,   Ichigo, Luffy, even Deku… all get that “magical”  attribute, while Asta , doubles down on his   magiclessness and gets a tool to bring others  to his level. This is an incredible set up and   a way more compelling argument for being feared,  hated, discriminated against than that of Naruto   for example. Afterall, nobody knows how this is  possible or those who do, know that it comes from   devils, either way it’s not a good look and should  be treated accordingly by everyone around him. By   the way, who do we have around him? More beautiful  gems. Yuno might not have a story as elaborate as   Sasuke’s, but he is a far better rival to the  MC because of their previous connection, their   dichotomy and generally warm feelings towards each  other. Yes they get into some sibling-type fights,   still, they care about one another and want  both of them to succeed. Next we have Noelle,   a great addition to the team for reasons I’ve  mentioned before - she is royalty and comes with   an appropriate package. She will have to perform a  lot of self-improvement to not only deal with her   trauma, but to become a better person as a whole.  I really liked the direction she went during her   first assignment - royalty is given all this  mana to safeguard their people, not to bring   them further down. Then there is Yami who is just  awesome in almost every department, Black Bulls   with their own struggles, who welcome and support  newbies regardless, followed by a stark contrast   with Golden Dawn, where Yuno has to fight tooth  and nail to get even a modicum of recognition.  As for the grand plot, there is the conflict with  the elves, devils, humans, other kingdoms. It’s   all very interesting to read about in the form of  articles, but to actually watch it… I can’t. My   expectations just don’t align with what I’m given  at all. I’ve brought up many examples already, a   few more won’t hurt. Yami and Astas dialogue  after Vettos' defeat, which put a final nail in   the coffin of my desire to continue watching. Our  main character expresses sympathy and attempts to   understand his enemy, while the captain, instead  of contributing to his development and turning   it into a mentorship moment, just laughs it off  and tells Asta not to think too much about it.   What? We just got a bunch of hints that these  guys might not be some one dimensional villains   we thought they were and you so casually shut it  down? The potential in that moment was so great,   yet the show gave it the most generic “don’t  worry, follow your dreams” spin and turned it into   some pathetic joke - Oh asta’s hands are f!@#$ed  up, he can’t remove his blindfold lol. I was so   pissed, that I almost didn’t notice this moment -  Kahono’s song. That was so good, it made me sad,   because the show clearly has the ability to  make something beautiful, but it just doesn't.   They keep giving me mediocre crap, with simple  dialogue and even simpler animation. Another plot   development that infuriated me was what they did  with Feugoleon. This is one of the few f!@#$ing   nobles who has something resembling a head on his  shoulder and who gave good advice to both Asta and   Noelle. What do they do to him? Remove him from  the show for a good while, who the f!@#$ need him.   It could have been the d*ckface who lost his arm,  the plot would have been mostly unaffected and we   would have had one more decent character in this  b*tch. Cause, he was the only person who gave this   whole royalty some depth and served as a great  tool to explore the social issues highlighted in   this show. Julius kinda does that, but he is the  Wizard King, his situation is a bit different and   doesn’t suit this role as much. Lastly I want to  mention one more bane of my existence - fake out   deaths. I already dislike when characters survive  the most bullsh*t situations and when you make it   seem that they won’t survive, while they still  do, it makes my blood boil and I’m glad I never   made it this far. Also, don't even get me started  on resurrecting people, Kabuto didn’t bring as   many back in Naruto as the Elves did here. After  listening to all this, you must be asking yourself   a very reasonable question. Why would you watch  50 episodes of the show that you claim to hate   and then proceed to make this long ass video?  The short answer - I wanted to know what's up,   because I kept hearing so many good things about  Black Clover. My first attempt at watching was out   of pure curiosity, I didn’t like it and stopped,  nothing else to it. But on my second watch,   I was determined to figure out what's going on. I  went as far as I could, stopping because this show   made me physically depressed with all these things  we just went through. I just couldn’t believe that   this show is being praised so much, when stuff  like My Hero Aca gets a bunch of hate. Oh it’s   generic, follows a lot of tropes… Have you watched  Black Clover? It not only follows tropes, it   blatantly copies them! Oh, half class A gets no  development, sure. But it's compensated for by   one of the best villain evolutions in recent  years. I agree that Licht’s story is cool, though   we’ve seen all that in Naruto and to an extent in  Bleach, f!@#$ even Fairy Tail. As for Shigaraki, I   can’t think of any other villain who went through  as much progress as him. Geto is a contender,   except that he was more of a “hero who lived  long enough to become a villain”. By the way,   the reason I drew comparison to My Hero is  because they came out at about the same time,   not because I use the story of Midoria as some  frame of reference. iIf you watched any of my   critique videos you’d know that I try to stay  objective, compare things to other shows and   support my arguments with examples. I needed to  watch this show, at least give it a fair try,   so I can create an adequate picture in my  mind and be ready to defend my opinion. Yes   my standards are high, though I do watch Demon  Slayer and it doesn’t make me feel sad, yeah,   a little upset at times cause f!@#$ season  3. Still, my goal, always, is to understand   the subject and express my own, unbiased opinion  while providing constructive arguments. I was I,   Mahis, letting it all out into the microphone.  Have a great… whatever time of the day you have.   Until next time, cheers. look at what Demon Slayer  did look at what de look at what Demon Slayer did recently
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 25,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black clover, black clover analysis, black clover breakdown, I hate black clover, asta, yuno grinberryall, noelle silva, wizard king, clover kingdom, anti magic grimoire era, black clover is bad, black clover is good, black clover explained, black clover animation, anime essay
Id: 0v2wTu5jO8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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