Mugen Train - Wasted Potential? Movie Review!

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mugen train is just okay but it could have been way way but mahes mugen train is a renowned success what do you say about that well continue to eat [ __ ] you mainstream narrow-minded pedestrian individual hello comrade my name is mahis come get yourself a beverage and sit down with me we got some brain activity ahead of us all right credit where credit is due mugen train has indeed been a sensational display of craftsmanship there are two things that are hard to argue with in this world numbers and money and when combined together are the ultimate measure of success by that logic this movie is great it paid for itself 30 plus fold some may say it's good enough but i want it to be even better and we're not talking about money not even visuals or sound we're talking about the core the story and its structure before we dive into the analysis have you asked yourself what is a good movie a solid definition of a good movie is hard to come by people go to university for that [ __ ] however there is something we can scramble from few google searches and some life experience a good movie has two intertwining components a story and its delivery the story parts consist of plot characters dialogue conflict and its resolution the delivery is visuals sound structure and pacing if i was to put it like conically a good movie is an engaging internally consistent story portrayed through entertaining skillfully made cinematography which invokes certain emotions depending on the genre well fear for horror movies laughter for comedy you get the idea now having established that let's dive balls deep into the breakdown tell me what grinds your gears when you're watching a movie or anything else really for me it's a few things ass pulls meaningless scenes and out of the place comedic relief and as much as i hate how this show handles the latter it was this scene that ticked me off ren goku out of nowhere got up and started choking the kid pause of course it was made to show off hashira and his superhuman reflexes and awareness but you already have a character who can do all of that and it won't even come out of nowhere zenitsu for [ __ ] sake we have an entire movie villain whose tactic is around putting people to sleep do i need to remind you of what happens when this mad light is out [Music] this movie is a perfect opportunity to show off and develop zenitsu instead we get one scene with him fighting and some minor [ __ ] later why do you waste a character like that he already suffers from this nonsense that he does with an annoying frequency and you do him this dirty okay of course tanjuro is the first one to break the spell sure he is smart and he is an mc i can even get behind rengoku breaking it too he is a hajira dammit but why do you need to make it so stereotypical the main character breaks free first and then frees others granted was nezuko's help this is not interesting we have seen that a thousand times and it diminishes the importance of other characters on top of that rengoku's breakthrough didn't accomplish anything literally nothing take that scene away from the movie and nothing would change you have already established him as very capable and excuse me we are 30 minutes in this [ __ ] let our boys do something well you can say no he would have died his spiritual core would have been penetrated [ __ ] this was an ass bull shove it back to where it came from and set your ass down and don't get me started on tangero saying oh by the way i have this feeling i shouldn't cut this rope because reasons that we never hear what was the [ __ ] point of that just another plot device this entire sequence could have made way more sense while utilizing every character's individual quirks and even answer this stupid [ __ ] question about the rope and you don't need to change much just rearrange the events a little bit think about it this way everybody is asleep and going through their dreams and all nezuko wakes up and tries to wake tanjiro she's not too successful and decides to headbutt him she starts bleeding and makes this cute painful frustrated scream she's literally crying at that point then cut to zenitsu's subconscious border we see his dream and it makes perfect sense dude sees what he wants to seize and it's true to his personality but why the [ __ ] is his subconscious pitch black and he is flying there with a pair of head shears why not show thunder and lightning this beast the absolute unit of a man that hides behind this goofy-ass exterior and as soon as he hears nezuko in the waking world up yes unlike the creators i do remember that he has inhuman hearing he would open his glowing eyes jump to a nezuko get pulled by the rope which he would instantly sever and then fall flat because that's why you don't cut the rope because it renders him immobile or shows him a nightmare or some other [ __ ] this commotion causes ren goku's instincts to kick in because we were told by emo that the operation should be calm and collected or it will fail and then he chokes the assailant then we see nezuko aiding tanjiro and he wakes up this way we get to see everyone contribute well except inosuke who is shown to be a messy sleeper so no wonder he doesn't wake up and frankly he has more important matters to attend to a crab train zenitzel will utilize his sleepwalking and hearing rengoku too cause he's a hashera still but to a lesser extent tanjiro will see that the rope was cut zenitsu is out cold and deduced the consequence naturally not out of nowhere then the story will continue as it does but this time this [ __ ] makes sense and it's less boring for [ __ ] sake even though i keep running about how they don't utilize the characters this movie does a pretty good job establishing them even if we watch this as a standalone piece how would you view this movie if you didn't know who these four were would you be out of the loop and won't be able to relate to them well aside from that abysmal bit with the boys flying around rangoku brazing his ass which i would have forgiven if it was a dream but because [ __ ] can happen in there hell if people see what i see in my dreams through the dreams we could see tanjiro's personality his grief and motivation rengoku got some character development we have seen his tough past and where this crackhead personality comes from zenitsu could have been better as i've suggested but his and in those cases gave us the correct idea they are both um unique snowflakes so to speak even getting out of the dream process does them justice tanjiro and mr haven't blinked since last hashira meeting go out through their wits while zenitsu is better off asleep and inosuke had to be rescued not to be mean to him but he's not the brightest bulb in there he has other things going for him though however the villains were not established well we got no background barely any motivation and unless you have watched the first season and mu looks like any other obstacle for rmc okay granted he is slightly more interesting obstacle after that scene damn when was the last time you've seen a compelling competent villain i swear it's all the same [ __ ] over and over again just listen to this ass it doesn't matter how powerful a demon hunter you are you can kill them just like that all human hearts work in the same fashion they're so pitifully fragile and weak why does every [ __ ] villain has the same exact line where he or she is better than everybody else and either all of them are the same or helpless idiots well i can't relate to the idiot's part but enmo you are one yourself he wants to feast on the humans and kill hashira along with tanjiro to please muzan to get more of his blood and get to the upper moon ranks these at their core are very selfish desires and benefit mostly you not your master and the squad and that's my first problem with this dude then this [ __ ] comes up with a very elaborate plan to perform all of this fuse himself with the train not to die to stupid stuff developed an entire dream world that separates consciousness from unconsciousness and in the latter there is a vulnerable spot that needs to be targeted by his minions who he has solid control over damn demiurgus would have gotten a [ __ ] boner if you learned about this plan except he wouldn't have because this is over complicated garbage first and foremost where is the contingency plan what if this doesn't work you need an option b c zed keys up against the hashira but he's too stupid to be anything but overly confident i know math is tough but the more parts in the machine equals more parts to break potentially this is not rocket science this is strategy 101 and what's even the point of getting into their dream to snipe the core when unlike demons humans die so freaking easily why not stab them through the eye with that needle thing now hold your horses mashes we are told that this needs to be done very gently you need to tether them with a rope and that will allow them to invade so they can't feel anything [ __ ] me is your brain even on a power saving mode or it's completely shut off try wrapping a piece of rope around somebody's wrist with their eyes closed mind you will most likely need to pick up their hand to slither the rope underneath and measure how much time it takes and how much of that the person will feel now watch this clip of a very motivated person with a sharp object in their hand [Applause] now imagine this it will blow your mind you need one stab through the eye and when goku becomes then goku as he will be considered past tense as usual if we utilize any logic in an evil master plan a show would end way faster but his genius doesn't stop there because when he faces tangiero after that speech which sounds worse than nails on the [ __ ] chalkboard he performs a sleeping attack tanjuro gets out and who is confused and does it again tanjiro gets out faster guess what elmo does does the same [ __ ] [ __ ] while being more confused vas helped me out over here what was the definition of insanity again doing the exact same [ __ ] thing over and over again expected [ __ ] to change tangero has already broken your sleep why would you use it again okay sure use it again to make sure that it wasn't a fluke but why do you keep using it while being so confused he does change his tactics a bit by showing him nightmares instead but again his imagination is lacking i see he wants to invoke guilt but tanjiro knows that they will never say that to him be more creative show tanjiro that he is the one killing his family while they are begging him to stop boy just look at her this is a result of your actions by doing nothing you practiced sloth you killed her it was all you're doing with my arm with my fingers with you it was you witnessed you it was you it was you you killed her now that is a nightmare then he didn't think about anything better than to transform the train and attempt to hentai everyone in its immediate proximity why wouldn't you do that while they were asleep and i dare you to tell me that oh they would have noticed it because now he's a train [ __ ] he has fused himself beforehand at least before confronting tanjuro and i bet it was way before because i doubt he would be able to do that in an instant given the size of the [ __ ] train then when everyone is awake he decides it's time to eat these pesky humans and surprise surprise he can't do that because our squad is epically defending everyone now he's at full disadvantage has to keep everyone occupied so they don't go for his neck but we do find forces to come through anyway because ren goku is carrying harder than yatro and now enmu has to face our boy and inosuke i would really like to see zenitsu instead but he already got his 10 of the total budget for that one scene so too bad anyway their fighting eyes are blinking sort of swinging and finally something interesting enmu doesn't apply sleep and tanjuro is tricked is about to slice his neck for real but inosuke saves the day sadly he didn't think about that during the 101 but his loyal conductor max tabby stabbed who charges a noseki screaming look at me i'm stubby mcstuff coming to stab you in the gut there's no way you who just woke up from the nap in the middle of combat with adrenaline pumping all senses on high alert superhuman agility and flexibility bees breathing demon slayer going to dodge this oops he didn't and tanjiro who previously knocked two kids out before they could even react jumped in front of mr stabs and took a hit for enosuke wait marcus they were in the middle of combat was a very strong demon and inosuke has a boar mask he can't see behind him and tangero is getting tired so he didn't have enough strength to redirect or parry and choke it well i agree you do have a point inosuki's vision is definitely impaired but he is dodging tentacles around him like he has a [ __ ] biakugan on top of the fact that the conductor was yelling on top of his lungs what a shame speaking of which his clothes are supposed to repel demon claws and [ __ ] well it is a needle so it could go in between fibers so i'll let it slide pun unintended back to the fight even after all of that end mu's neck suffers a catastrophic failure and this ugly ass contemplates his life choices as he understands that he has failed miserably squad is dealing with the aftermath people are saved tanjuro is messed up and rengoku helps him to advance his breathing and all but i feel [ __ ] blocked well you've heard me ranting about it long enough in which case you should consider liking subscribing and leaving your thoughts in the comments i would like to hear your opinion and here he comes akaza i'll be upfront i loved his entire persona hell this movie was absolutely saved by him where do i even start with this guy well of course with something i don't like who do you think i am the only thing here is his explanation of why he went after tanjiro first he said it is because he despises the weak or something like that i immediately thought oh not again however he likes to better himself the weak will not help him do that nor will they yield a strong demon after the transformation this is fundamentally different from animal this chad is thinking about the betterment of his squad strengthening himself and recruiting more strong demons for muzon anyhow before we get any further one particular aspect of the first few akaza scenes music more specifically the lack of it when there are no sounds what do you focus your attention on dialogue visuals yes but it also helps to create tension makes you understand the severity of the situation because there is fewer distractions then he proceeds to attempt to recruit rengoku into the ranks of demons and he is not joking that's a sincere offer moreover he is respectful doesn't treat him as food granted not as equal but he wants him to become his equal so he can get stronger live a long full life spark together from dawn till dusk and go plus ultra i have to say that's a convincing sales pitch and the fact that rengoku is not buying it speaks volumes about his will and determination unfortunately knuckles to his great sadness has to dispose of him and the standoff was great hell the entire fight was awesome stakes are high choreography is beautiful effects are stunning the budget is burning and all that good stuff lastly i really like mr stripes ripping his arms off to escape akaza is so far the most mature and interesting demon reasonably cocky but still praising his opponent he even has a quote of honor of sorts keep it up the entire emotional side of things was well done too flashbacks gave more depth to our man [ __ ] i was almost got by his mother's last scene dammit he did his absolute best and totally saved the day even at the cost of his life we also got to see how our squad deals with grief and that is such good character development like look at the nosql this guy is always except for after a certain spider headstrong barely showing any emotions other than anger and frustration yet she was bawling his eyes out for a man he literally met less than 12 hours ago if there is anything demon slayer can do is make you feel a certain way aside for comedic relief it's awful and out of place most of the time remember when nezuku was protecting tantro from tomioka when we learned that all rui wanted is his family back and we were disgusted when shinozugawa stabbed nezuko and now tanjiro is screaming on top of his lungs to akaza about how cool ren goku is while the latter is running away as per my definition a good movie invokes emotions and in this department mugen train passes with flying colors his production value is also top notch the music the visuals i [ __ ] you not borderline enchanting what needs work is the storytelling i want it to be more consistent within itself more side character actions utilization of their kit and out of the box problem solving so mugen train is an engaging sometimes inconsistent and cheesy story portrayed through outstanding skillfully made cinematography that sends you on an emotional roller coaster i pray to yutaka nakamura that this will only get better in the future it was me mahes yelling into the microphone and unlike my neighbors i hope you have a fantastic day cheers [Music] you
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 106,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Demon Slayer Review, Demon Slayer Season 2, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Mugen Train, Mugen Train Review, Mugen Train is bad, Mugen Train is good, Mugen Train makes no sense, Tanjiro, akaza, anime, demon slayer, demon slayer infinity train, demon slayer movie, demon slayer mugen train, hashira, inosuke, mahistv, mugen train movie, mugen train recap, nezuko, rengoku, rengoku death, rengoku vs akaza, wasted potential, zenitsu
Id: AaZOiYoGjPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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