5 Reasons Demon Slayer Sucks...

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It is not a secret that Demon Slayer is second  only to Moses when it comes to splitting things in   half, as its fandom is akin to water and oil set  on fire. Yes! It is the best-selling manga so far,   a very good looking show and my own door into  YouTube, but God damn it it sucks on so many   levels. Hello comrade, my name is Mahis! Come,  get yourself a beverage and sit down with me,   we got a tough pill to swallow. Before I  yamate kudasai your view on this show with   actual facts and constructive arguments, the  warning has to be made. We're going balls deep   and spoilers are very much present in this video.  Good luck. The very first troublesome part of the   anime shows his face early on and becomes more  apparent as the story develops - Tanjiro Kamado,   AKA our main character who is often criticized  for being too kind, crying a lot or being a Mary   Sue for not taking any Ls after he becomes a  Slayer. For me, that's all fine and I've talked   about it already in one of my previous videos.  Even though he's kind, demons are still slain,   crying is just part of his personality that  doesn't affect anything and him beating   everyone... dude it's a shounen! Regardless of  how it's structured, we all know he is going to   win one way or another. My beef is that I find  his character completely unbelievable and, as   a result, unrelatable because my moderately sized  brain can't comprehend how the combination of his   backstory and what he went through manifests in  his subsequent behavior. Prime example - Episode   2, the section where he buys a basket for Nezuko.  You mean to tell me that this is how a person   who just lost everything acts? You realize  he just dug five graves in the frozen soil,   which is an achievement in and of itself as  you need some Nen infused shovels for that,   proceeded to drag five mutilated corpses of his  mother, sister and three brothers there, buried   them, and went on his way to buy a basket next day  because otherwise his sister will turn into a pile   of ashes (ha-ha-ha). A regular f!@#$ing Thursday.  He should have had a thousand yard stare, complete   apathy or some sort of freak out because "Hello!",  your world just turned upside down, most of your   family is dead, the remaining one is now a demon  who you didn't even think existed, and you just   stand up, look back and move forward? That's what  people do in the dentist office, not when their   family is murdered! Seriously, he looked more  miserable after a training session with some kids.   OK, let's slow down for a second and consider that  him acting normally is not a sign of psychopathy,   but a coping mechanism instead. The brain is  a very funny thing that some people even live   their entire lives without and it may deal with  trauma in a plethora of ways. Like, ignoring it   completely until a certain stimulus is introduced,  Muzan for example. Remember how he reacted to his   smell in the city? Those were emotions, the rage,  the other disregard for food and his own safety   pushed him to face an opponent who could have  clapped his cheeks instantly. Or that moment was   Daki killing innocents, which no doubt triggered  some memories and a rush of adrenaline so severe,   his dead sibling had to calm him down. Does  his behavior make more sense now? No, it's   just a half-assed mental gymnastics to attempt to  explain a half-assed piece of writing. Secondly,   we have another thing that contributes to my  detachment from the story - everything is shallow.   The world building, the plot, the characters with  a few exceptions... it just falls apart the minute   you apply any amount of logic. I swear, I felt  like a four-year-old kid continuously asking:   why this? why that? Since one contradiction  followed the other. You see, I can believe   anything as long as it makes sense within the  story, that's why I don't mind watching sci-fi,   high fantasy or whatever this is. Here even the  fundamentals of the exposition are shaky at best,   because what we are told doesn't add up with  what we see nor with historical precedent. Nobody   believes in demons. Sure, the events of the story  take place during an industrial boom in Japan when   people started to move into the big cities, adopt  Western practices and abandon faith in everything   supernatural. But, but, but. This is all according  to our history books which don't include millennia   of demons slaughtering people, well, not like  they have any records of it apparently, but   that doesn't mean it wasn't happening. Which begs  the following question: if Japanese already have   Yokai/Onii folklore and this sh*t has been going  on for centuries, why in the world would they stop   believing in demons, when they have literal family  members who survived an encounter with them?   There's no internet, hardly any press and most  people marinate their own tight knit communities,   making it nigh on impossible to get a different  perspective, as you don't have access to any other   information. Same thing with plot and those who  participate in its development. Tell me if this   sounds familiar - a special abilities kid fights  progressively stronger enemies to save his loved   ones and destroy the main bad guy with the help  of a colorful cast of quirky for the sake of   being quirky characters, whose mostly terrible  attitude is justified by their tragic past.   Add the fact that without the MC no progress  would have been made on killing Muzan and this   clown fiesta turns into a Child of Prophecy  garbage, which immediately diminishes the   value of everyone involved as everything they  have achieved is thanks to our one and only.   Ah... There is no complexity here. We're being  presented with this bigger than life conflict   that lasted through dozens of generations  and affected tens of thousands of people,   only to see a grade school level squabble  with flashy moves and no strategy at all.   Seriously, this next complaint I have is  so vast and expansive that I have to divide   it in two - everybody's dumb. Like, legit, from  individuals to their respective factions, there's   hardly anyone with an IQ above three digits.  Let's start with the lesser of two evils - the   Demon Slayer corps. I've made a full video on the  subject a while back, so I won't go too in depth,   but I will sprinkle some new thoughts on the  matter. Firstly, the recruitment process. They   look for individuals whose life was ruined by  demons and train them to become Slayers. Makes   sense. You aren't going door to door like some  Girl Scouts asking people to give up their life   fighting a threat they didn't know existed. What  doesn't make sense is the subsequent training and   examination process. Who trains them? These  no names can't all be trained by Hashiras,   so are they self-taught? There is no standardized  routine, no textbooks on demons, hell, only a   choice few get taught breathing techniques, which  is basically the only thing that allows humans to   compete with anything above low level Muppets.  No sh*t you lose 90% of your Slayers before   they even become one, because they're sorely  not prepared. Oh, and speaking of the test,   you're gonna send some teenage newbies to fend  for themselves for an entire week on a mountaintop   full of thirsty bloodsuckers with no supervision?  So they can show you that they're able to fight   for seven nights straight with no backup or  rest? Well... Better get used to that soon,   Mount Natagumo guys won't let me, lie except  they will because they're f!@#$ing dead. Not   a single fight in Demon Slayer lasted longer than  one night. Once you engage a demon, you either die   or don't, in in which case you are transported to  a dedicated healing facility and do not receive   new orders for months. Moreover, the exam site  is not monitored in case there is a demon who is   overstepping his dietary boundaries. It sure would  have been nice to have a dozen Urokodaki students   alive for a bit longer, along with untold hundreds  who faced the challenge they weren't supposed to.   Here's why this exam fundamentally sucks - Guiyu,  who didn't kill a single one of the schmucks,   turned out to be Hashara material. While Sabito,  who cleared the entire place better than Makarov,   just died to some f!@#$ing chungus! Then we have  the actual missions. You get an avian buddy who   guides you in the general direction of trouble, a  set of overhyped clothes that don't protect sh*t,   and an RGB sword on the house, at least,  so you can go and kill some demons. Solo,   no backup weapon, no medkit, no intel in advance.  You have to rely only on yourself to conduct an   investigation and talk to local people, which you  were so passionately taught during your training.   Oops, you weren't, and unless Plot Almighty  was generous with some extra abilities or fancy   clothes, you are dead. The thing is, I would have  forgiven most of what I've talked about if Demon   Slayer corps was like a hundred years old, but  they've been doing the same sh*t over and over   again for centuries, and we all know what that's  called. Allright, now to the only person who   eclipses the combined stupidity of all Slayers -  Muzan the demon daddy or Mommy depending on how he   feels this particular day. Ahem. If the core is  not looking for a way to stop the demon plague,   the Smooth Criminal is providing them with every  opportunity to put an end to this madness. How? By   doing nothing about his enemies for example. Yeah,  if you didn't notice, he doesn't go around killing   Slayers or setting up hunting parties. Instead,  he enjoys his cosplay hobby and lets demons take   care of the rest. Right... He does have this side  gig of going after a certain family, but since   he still hasn't finished them off in a good few  hundred years now, it's not that important for him   I guess. Seriously though, dude has only one goal  in mind - conquering the Sun, that can be achieved   through consuming a demon with such an ability  or getting a hit of this blue spider lily flower.   Both of which he pursues so religiously that he  forgets to check Nezuko's vitals and f!@#$s off   to his inevitable doom. Over the years, Muzan did  go around sprinkling people with his juices in   hopes of someone becoming a Sun Walker. But when  it comes to the lily, he only has himself and one   stripy boy looking for it. Why? Can't you just  pay a few bucks to some people and say you need   it for research purposes? Or promise immortality  to whoever brings him this mystical flower. I   guarantee people will buy that sh*t faster than  discounted bath water and will scour every inch of   every forest with a magnifying glass if they have  to. Oh well, he'd rather blame others and tear   books like it's gonna change anything. Wait...  doesn't he dislike change? Hmmm. For someone   so focused on eternity, he certainly likes to  embrace new drip, company and even faces! Anyway,   once Tanjiro becomes a thing, the demon king gets  a sudden urge of wanting to do something about it   and sends two of his weakest henchmen after  our boy. The result is underwhelming as usual   and he stops sending assassins after his ultimate  Nemesis because it obviously doesn't work and he's   not the one to make the same mistake twice so...  He proceeds to make other more moronic moves like   not sensing that the upper Moon 6 was fighting  for their lives, sending progressively stronger   enemies for our MC to level up on and splitting  his forces during the final battle, before teenage   horror movies became mainstream. All that barely  scratches the surface of everybody's idiocy and,   while writing this script, I realized that I have  so much material, it will fit in at least two more   videos on the subject, so stay tuned for those  or check this one out if you haven't seen it yet.   Now I want you to quickly recall everything we  talked about, as the last point is the result   of all these problems amalgamating together.  We have an unrealistic chosen one MC, shallow   world building and stupid f!@#$ing everyone.  So, in order to make this story somewhat work,   the author invokes the power equivalent to a  fusion between duct tape and WD-40 - Plot Armor.   It's so thick here, not even Mount Lady in her  giant form can compete with its juicy curves. It's   absolutely vile and so blatantly shoved in  our face that even most of the cast dying   by the end doesn't make it more tolerable. Why?  Because they all died practically for nothing,   as it wasn't them who won, it was Muzan who lost.  Here are a few examples where the plot had an   extra convenient sequence of events - Giyu coming  to save Tanjiro absolutely out of nowhere. Was he   hunting someone during the day in the middle  of the forest or just traversing difficult   terrain because it is somehow faster? Sh*t...  Urokodaki finding Tanjiro makes more sense,   since he at least has an enhanced sense of smell  and could have just been checking out the source.   Which is also a bit of a stretch as he showed  up without his sword. Then we have the mother   of all facepalms. Our boy literally puts his hand  on the biggest, baddest of them all and gets away   scot free with some wannabe moons chasing him.  What? Muzan's ultimate nemesis presents himself   on the silver platter with sugar are on top and  this imbecile doesn't do anything about it? OK,   I understand his PTSD that he honestly should  have gotten over already, yet it doesn't prevent   him from giving Kokushibo a call and be like: "Hey  bro what's up? You remember these Kamados we were   after? Yeah, I have one right here in such and  such city. Wanna come over and have some fun? OK,   my people will leave you to him". Boom! Tanjiro's  dead, Muzan has won, the shows over. But no,   we have to pretend we're all high and mighty.  Ignore this threat while he kills Rui, Enmu, Daki,   Hantengu, until he spills the beans to Slayers and  teaches them about the biggest plot device of the   show - The Demon Slayer Mark. My favorite type of  the power-ups by the way - an asspull that comes   in handy when there is no way the main character  can survive. However... is this the only time I   say "however" in this video? huh... weird. The  worst offender in this category is undoubtedly   the Yoshiwara arc. Zenitsu getting snatched and  put in the fridge instead of being eaten, Inosuke   shifting his organs and not bleeding out somehow,  Tengen laying in there pretending to be dead...   Ain't no way the Slayers were surviving that,  as, after such an intense fight that must have   drained the demons, they should have been munching  on their corpses like they're being paid for it,   not to mention the direct bloody orders from their  beloved leader. What a joke! In conclusion, Demon   Slayer is a series of highs and lows. Some things  are done really well, some are done pretty bad and   if we are too average them out, it turns out that  this show is unfortunately mid. It was I - Mahis,   memeing into the microphone. Check out Discord  and Patreon in the description if you like,   otherwise, have a great... whatever time of  the day you have. Until next time, cheers.
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 99,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, demon slayer explained, kimetsu no yaiba explained, tanjiro, demon slayer is good, demon slayer is bad, demon slayer op, Muzan, demon slayer analysis, ubuyashiki, kagaya, demon slayer makes no sense, demon slayer reaction
Id: mKC4DA4iM84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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