Paper Mario Villains: Evil to Most Evil

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The Mario series isn’t exactly  known for its complex storytelling.   Most games in the series boil down to little  more than stopping Bowser and saving Peach.   The Paper Mario series is a welcomed departure  from this. The first three games have very   detailed stories with tons of characters, and even  the more recent ones have some memorable faces. Of course, with so many characters, there are  plenty of villains thrown in the mix. So, which   of these villains are the worst of the worst?  Well, that’s what we’re here to figure out today. I’m Brad with 1upBinge, and this is  Paper Mario Villains: Evil to Most Evil In order to make this list easier to follow, we’ve  split the villains up into several categories,   starting with the barely evil. These are the  bad guys who have done some villainous things,   but either their good actions outweigh  their bad, or their evil actions   are mostly negligible. It might be a stretch  to even consider some of these people villains,   but we figured it would be  best to have our bases covered. Starting with the least evil, we have TEC.  TEC was designed by the X-Nauts to be the   best computer in history, and one of his main  responsibilities is monitoring Princess Peach.   He quickly falls in love with her, works  with her to find data on the X-naut’s plans,   and even lets her contact Mario to help him find  the crystal stars. Really, the only reason TEC   can be considered a villain is because he was  built by the X-nauts and was likely used to   aid their evil plans, but his sacrifice to  stop them more than makes up for it. Even   if he survived in the end, the danger was very  real, and he was more than ready to face it. Right below TEC, we have Vivian. Her tenure  as a villain didn’t last long. She worked   alongside her sisters, the Shadow Sirens, to  help the X-Nauts resurrect the Shadow Queen.   But after being relentlessly bullied by  them, she ran off to help a shadowy figure   who turned out to be Mario. She did leave  Mario once she figured out who he was,   as he was initially her enemy, but she  quickly comes back to fight alongside him.   Much like TEC, she was just with the wrong  crowd and her worst actions were only implied. The only reason she’s higher than TEC is because  TEC had more to lose by betraying his masters.   Vivian could run off with Mario  and abandon her sisters, while TEC   didn’t have that option and was doomed the  moment Grodus figured out what he was up to. Next is a series staple, Bowser Jr. Just a  quick note, for series mainstays like him,   we’re only counting his actions  within the Paper Mario games.   Paper Jam also doesn’t count as that’s  really more of a Mario and Luigi game. Bowser Jr serves as a recurring boss in Paper  Mario Sticker Star and an ally to Mario in Paper   Mario the Origami King. All he wants is to save  his father from King Olly, and after Mario and   company help him out, he leads the charge in  doing just that. He’s more than willing to put   himself in danger so Mario can advance, which  is pretty heroic to say the least. And while   he was a villain in Sticker Star, the  stakes in that game were kind of vague   and he was doing it to help his dad, so  we can give him more of a pass than usual. Next up is the Mafia Kingpin of west Rogueport,  Don Pianta. Given his rivalry with Ishnail, the   seedy nature of Rogueport, and everything about  him screaming mafia, it’s safe to say the Don   has quite a few crimes under his belt. We never  actually see any of these crimes though. In fact   he spends the entire game being quite helpful. He  gets the gang tickets to Glitzville and Poshley   Heights, both of which are necessary to collect  the crystal stars. All he asks for in return is   help finding his daughter and lieutenant, both  of whom he’s shown to care about quite a bit. Plus, west Rogueport is in pretty good  condition compared to the rest of town,   so at least he’s good at his job. Still,  he’s probably up to a lot of shady business   and likely would’ve been higher on the  list if we had seen some of his crimes. Next up is Rawk Hawk. This guy  serves as a great red herring.   It’s constantly hinted at that something  shady’s going on at the Glitz Pit,   and considering Rawk Hawk’s belt has a crystal  star on it, he seems like the most likely culprit.   He isn’t though, he’s just an arrogant fighting  champion. The only reason he’s on here at all   is because he locks Mario in a locker room to  force him into forfeiting the championship match. It’s a rather short-sighted plan, as he  would have to keep doing that every time   Mario challenged him, but it is underhanded and  clearly worse than anything we see Don Pianta do,   which is why he’s at this spot. Once you get past how much of a creep Francis  is, you realize he’s relatively harmless. He   kidnaps Tippi at the beginning of the bitlands,  thinking she’s just a butterfly and wanting to   take pictures of her. Sure this serves as a  massive thorn in the gang’s side, but from   his perspective he was just catching a butterfly.  Even when he fought Mario and the others, it was   immediately after Peach blew up his computer,  so you can understand why he’d be mad. Besides,   he will sell you a replacement for Tippi after  the final chapter, so that’s helpful at least. Kamek is where he is for largely the same  reasons as Bowser Jr. The reason he’s higher   than Jr is because he does more  to stop Mario in previous games.   He’s a constant thorn in your side in Sticker  Star, doing things like separating all of   Wigglers body segments and even turning all  of Mario’s stickers into flip-flops. Plus,   unlike Bowser Jr, Kamek makes an appearance  in Color Splash as well. He still helps the   good guys out in Origami King, but his crimes  in past games push him further down the list. Cortez is the ghost of a once famous pirate  captain who now resides in Keelhaul Key. When   Mario and the gang set sail for the island, Cortez  has his ghost army cause a shipwreck and tries   to stop them from getting to his treasure room.  Thankfully, Cortez is somewhat reasonable. When he   finds out Mario’s only interested in the crystal  star, he just gives it to him. And while stranding   the crew on Keelhaul Key was uncalled for,  Flavio did have a gem that was stolen from Cortez   centuries ago, so there is a reason for a grudge.  Plus, once he gets it back, he buries the hatchet,   helps Mario and co take down Lord Crump, and  sails the crew back to Rogueport safe and sound. Bowser is difficult to rank because of how  drastically his role changes from game to game.   His worst crimes were in the original Paper  Mario, where he not only kidnapped Peach,   but also imprisoned the Star  Spirits and stole the Star Rod,   ensuring only his wishes would  come true. In Thousand Year Door,   he’s mostly an afterthought, searching for the  Crystal Stars, which there’s really nothing wrong   with. In Super Paper Mario he was at his best,  teaming up with Mario to stop Count Bleck’s plan. Paper Mario Sticker Star had him kidnapping  Peach and destroying the Sticker Comet. We   don’t know much about the Royal Stickers or why  they’re important, so we can just count this as a   normal kidnapping. In Color Splash he  was under the influence of black paint,   so he likely wasn't in control of his actions,  and in Origami King he was mostly a victim of   King Olly. It’s tough to say where this places  him on the morality scale. We’ve got 2 games   where he’s a villain, one where he’s a hero,  and 3 where he’s mostly neutral. I guess this   places him on the worse side of neutral, which  is still better than the people coming up. And with that, we cap off our barely evil  category. Now for a much shorter category,   the unaware. These are characters  prominent enough to be considered villains,   but too animalistic or stupid to  really understand what they’re doing. Starting off, we have the Smorgs. Barely  anything is known about these guys.   They’re some sort of organism that  hangs out in man-made structures,   given their initial appearance in riverside  station and their subsequent invasion of the   Excess Express. They’re definitely dangerous,  seeing as they abducted everyone on the train,   but we don’t know if this was for survival  purposes, outright malicious, or completely random Next up is Stapler. Unlike the other  members of the Legion of Stationary,   Stapler doesn’t seem sentient and is more like a  rabid dog. He’s the one responsible for turning   the residents of the mushroom kingdom into folded  soldiers and the last line of defense before you   can fight King Olly. Despite being dangerous, he’s  more like a pet obeying his master, rather than a   person actively choosing to be evil, so he ranks  lower than the other Legion of Stationary members. Rounding out this category, we have Marilyn.  Unlike the other two, Marilyn is a person who   might be capable of making her own decisions,  given how close she stays to Beldam and how   she gives it her all when fighting Mario. But  given the fact she isn’t capable of human speech,   I think it’s a distinct possibility  she doesn’t understand what’s going   on, and in that case, it’s tough to  hold her actions against her too much. Alright, now we’re at the Servants of Evil  category. These are the villains who get in   your way, but not much else. They might fight  you or guard an important artifact, but their   evil deeds don’t go far beyond that. Just an  important note, if they work for another villain,   that villain’s goals will affect their placement. Starting with a fan favorite from Sticker Star and   Color Splash, we have the Snifits. These guys are  different from the other villains in this section,   as they don’t directly work for a bigger  villain, nor do they try to fight you.   Instead they just so happen to have an item you  need, and they have you go on their game show,   Snifit or Whiff it, to win it. They’re not  actively trying to advance an evil agenda,   they just want to put on good  entertainment. Sure, they kill   Mario if he fails too many rounds, but that  goes for just about everyone on this list. Next is the first member of  the Legion of Stationary,   Jean-Pierre Colored Pencils the 12th. Yes, that’s  his full name. Much like the other members,   he’s charged with guarding one of the streamers,  but unlike most of his comrades, he doesn’t do   anything to directly harm the surrounding toads  that isn’t necessary to get his job done. Aside   from trying to stop Mario, all he really does  is vandalize overlook tower, and he mentions how   much he hates it when people erase his artwork,  which is understandable, all things considered. These next few barely have any  information to rank them morally,   so we’ll go through them pretty fast. Tutankoopa is a pharaoh hiding at the  bottom of dry dry ruins. He warns Mario   that he’ll suffer a horrible  fate if he comes any closer,   which could be considered courteous  if you really want to stretch it. Lava Piranha, as it’s name would imply, grows  at the bottom of a volcano. While it’s conscious   enough to willingly work for bowser, it’s  also stated to be a plant species, so at   least part of its combativeness could be seen  as a natural instinct to protect its territory. We know basically nothing about Crystal King other  than the fact Bowser hired him to guard one of the   star spirits. He’s essentially the closest thing  to a true neutral we have as far as villains go. Rubber Band is another member of the Legion of  Stationary. His most notable action is trapping a   bunch of toads in their seats and forcing them to  watch his play. Now, imprisoning innocent people   is never a good thing to do, but giving them a  nice show to watch makes things a little less   bad. Even if this guy can’t take it when  someone other than him gets the spotlight. The Koopa Bros, in addition to the obvious ninja  turtles parody, exhibit a lot of admirable traits,   such as caring about each other and respecting  for Bowser. They also stole this fort from the   Bob-oms who once inhabited it and  keep them prisoner in the basement,   so that’s why they’re ranked as more evil  than some of the other Paper Mario bosses. Keeping with the imprisonment theme, we’ve got  Tape. Instead of trapping people in a theater   or jail cell, Tape sticks a bunch of toads  to the side of his tower, which has got to   be terrifying for everyone involved. That extra  fear factor is what puts him above the others. There’s something to be said about persistence  when it comes to your evildoing, and no character   on this list is quite as persistent as Jr.  Troopa. He’s essentially your rival in the   original Paper Mario, as you fight him a grand  total of 6 times. He’s not working for Bowser,   nor is he even getting anything out of this.  He’s just a bully who can’t accept a loss.   His persistence is admirable, but when you’re  going after the man trying to restore people’s   ability to have wishes granted, you should  probably find a different outlet for your anger. Onto the next Legion of Stationary member,  we have Scissors. As you would imagine,   he cuts up anyone that gets in his way, and  will even stick their pieces to enemies. As   deadly as that sounds for people made out  of paper, cutting people up doesn’t mean   killing them. As shown with Bowser Jr, people  who have been cut up can be restored to their   original form with the right treatment. In  addition, he’s only shown cutting up people   who actively try to stop him, so it’s not like  he’s going out of his way to do it. However,   if his attitude is any indication,  he does enjoy it quite a bit. Starting with the first of Count  Bleck’s minions, we have Nastasia.   While most of Count Bleck’s minions are more  sympathetic than a lot of the villains so far   and even get redeemed, they’re also working  toward a much more heinous end goal, which   is why they’re ranked closer to the evil side.  Nastasia’s backstory isn’t explicitly spelled out,   but it is heavily implied. She was once a bat  caught in a trap, which Bleck freed her from.   Afterward, she turned into a woman  and swore eternal loyalty to him. She never engages in combat directly, instead   using mind control to get things done. Now,  brainwashing is a pretty uncomfortable subject,   especially when done on the scale of an  entire army like Nastasia did. However,   it’s not like she had any other ways to help and  it was likely necessary for Count Bleck to amass   anything resembling an army. Plus, her powers  aren’t shown to have any lasting damage on the   target once they’ve broken free. The reason  she’s less evil than any of Bleck’s other   subordinates is the fact she’s the only one who  tried to talk him out of his plan to destroy all   worlds. Sure it didn’t work, but at least  she tried to get him to come to his senses. Up next is another one of Count Bleck’s minions,  O’Chunks. O’Chunks was once a successful general   who was sold out by one of his advisors and  lost his entire squadron to enemy forces.   Count Bleck preyed upon his guilt,  leading him to join Bleck’s team.   Not only is his guilt understandable, but  O’Chunks also has a strong sense of honor,   like when he held up the crumbling pieces  of Castle Bleck so the heroes could advance.   He may be aiding a horribly destructive plan,  but at least he’s honorable while doing it. Next is Mr. L. Some of you may be confused  by this choice, as Mr. L is just Luigi   under Nastasia’s control. Well, that’s only  partially true. Mr. L is a personality loyal   to Bleck that was created by Nastasia,  but it’s not under her direct control,   as shown by Mr. L disobeying her direct  orders at the beginning of chapter 6.   As such, I think it’s fair to count him. Mr. L  is very full of himself, but aside from that,   he doesn’t do much other than his job, so  it’s tough to hold that arrogance against him. Rounding out the Servants of Evil category,  we have Kammy Koopa. The reason she’s ranked   so much higher than her boss is because she  was right by his side for his worst actions   in the original Paper Mario, but was nowhere to be  found in the games where he was somewhat redeemed.   Much like Jr Troopa, she gets in Mario’s way  every chance she gets, and much like Nastasia,   it feels like Bowser’s entire operation  would fall apart without her help. Unlike Nastasia though, she has no issues with  what Bowser’s doing. She played some of the most   important roles in the plan, like kidnapping  the star spirits and making Bowser invincible   in the final battle. She’s not any higher,  because she doesn’t do anything heinous that   wasn’t related to Bowser’s plan, but her sheer  dedication and competence puts her this high. Alright now we’re at the above and beyond.  These are villains whose acts of evil   extend beyond being simple roadblocks. They  often go out of their way to target innocent   people and may even have their own evil  enterprises. These are the above and beyond. The first of these villains is General  Guy. In addition to guarding one of the   star spirits for Bowser, he also sends his  troops to Toad Town to rob the citizens.   While mass petty theft isn’t as bad  as the other crimes in this category,   it was also far from necessary. If anything, it  might have actually made things harder for him,   as Toad Town’s shy guy problem is what led  Mario to the toy box in the first place. Next we have King Croacus IV. He’s a narcissist  who uses his floro sprouts to enslave the cragnons   and have them rebuild his castle. Now going  from petty theft to brainwashing and slavery   sounds like a big leap, but don’t  worry, there’s a reason for this.   After the fight with him it gets revealed that  the cragnons were polluting the water that the   floro sapiens needed to survive. So despite his  vain exterior, King Croacus was doing this to   save his people. Does that make it justified.  Of course not. Considering how willing Flint   Cragley was to smooth things over, it’s clear  this issue could have been settled peacefully. He   obviously should’ve considered his diplomatic  options before taking such drastic measures,   but it’s easy to understand  why he took those measures. Keeping with our theme of monsters with  sympathetic motives, we have Tubba Blubba. He   was a rather sensitive and fearful guy who was  constantly scared by the boos of Gusty Gulch.   That all changed when bowser hired him to guard  one of the star spirits and removed his heart,   making him invincible. With this newfound power,  he took revenge on all the ghosts that scared   him by eating them. When Mario beats him and takes  him down a peg, he releases all the ghosts he ate,   all of whom were unharmed, which is  why he’s not any higher on the list.   He’s still higher than King Croacus  though, because Croacus’s atrocities   were in service of his subjects, while  Tubba Blubba did this all for himself. Going back to mind control for  a second, we have Hole Punch.   Much like King Croacus, he has an ego  and brainwashes people by disfiguring   them in some way. Unlike Croacus however, Hole  Punch doesn’t do this for any sort of noble goal.   He just does it so he can have backup  dancers for his big performance,   and he frequently threatens to punch out the  DJ’s face if he doesn’t play some good music. Grodus’s right hand man, Lord Crump, is next.  He’s very similar to Kammy with his constant   appearances and tendency to interfere with the  heroes. What separates him from Kammy is that   Crump tends to go overboard in his methods. In  chapter 2 he tries to blow up the Great Boggly   Tree, which would not only kill Mario and all  of the innocent Punies living there, but also   the Jabbies who he had teamed up with. You  could write this off as a one-off incident,   but in one of the Bowser interludes, Lord  Crump mentions he’s looking for a superbob-om   to help him find the crystal stars.  There’s no way a bomb could help   him unless he was planning another  stunt like at the Great Boggly Tree.   Overall, it seems clear that Lord Crump has  a penchant for needless wanton destruction. Some of you may be confused as to why Mimi is  ranked so much higher than O’Chunks and Nastasia,   as all 3 of them were Count Bleck’s minions and  got redeemed by the end of the game. Well there’s   two main reasons for that, neither of which  are the fact that Mimi is pure nightmare fuel.   For starters, both O’Chunks and Nastasia have  sympathetic motives for following Count Bleck,   while Mimi’s are unknown. More importantly though,   while those two only do evil acts as part of  their jobs, Mimi literally keeps slaves. Yes,   Nastasia also mentally enslaved Bowser’s minions,  but that was arguably necessary for Bleck’s plan.   Mimi does this for what we can only assume  is her own amusement and possibly greed,   although it’s unknown what she’d even spend  rubees on. No store seems to accept them. Moving onto the last of the Shadow Sirens, we  have Beldam. What separates her from most of   the villains serving another master is just  how Malicious she is in doing so. Given her   constant verbal abuse of Vivian, it’s clear she  enjoys watching others suffer. Sure, that might   not be as bad as mind control or slavery,  but sometimes the intent is what matters,   and Beldam seems more than happy to make even her  own sister suffer. Also, given the fact Vivian   never mentions the Shadow Queen, it’s  entirely possible that Beldam was the   only one of the Shadow Sirens who fully  understood what they were working toward. Bonechill is another character whose evil  actions are mostly implied. He was once a Nimbi,   a resident of the Overthere, before  he was banished to the Underwhere,   the Mario version of Hell, for one reason or  another. By the time Mario gets to the overthere,   Bonechill has already sent his army to wage war on  the heavens. Now, Bonechill’s backstory is clearly   inspired by Lucifer, especially considering  how much inspiration chapter 7 takes from the   christian afterlife. However, despite being based  off of Satan, we can’t put him any higher on the   list because we barely know anything about  him. He gets virtually no screen time. The   only action we can really judge him for is waging  war on the Overthere, which is still pretty bad. Hooktail is probably the easiest villain on this  list to understand. She’s a dragon that terrorizes   Petalburg and eats the residents. Unlike Tubba  Blubba though, the people she eats actually   die. Yeah, Koopley wound up surviving, but that’s  just one of probably dozens of people she’s eaten.   Hooktail isn’t at the top of this  category because at the end of the day,   all creatures need to eat to survive. Her  food source just happens to be sentient. Huff N. Puff is a lot more dangerous than most  of the bosses in the Original Paper Mario.   He sets up his puff puff machine in Flower  Fields and uses it to cloud up the sky   and prevent any sunlight from making it down. That  doesn’t sound like a huge deal, until you remember   that most of the inhabitants of Flower Fields are  sentient plants, who will eventually wither and   die without the sun. In other words, Huff N. Puff  is committing mass murder for seemingly no reason. Next up is the slimiest guy on this list, so  it’s appropriate that his name is Grubba. On the   surface, he seems like an ordinary businessman,  hosting a popular fighting arena called the Glitz   Pit. However, fighters often go missing, and  it turns out, Grubba is responsible. He uses   a machine to drain them of their energy, which  makes him super powerful and reduces them to husks   that can barely move. Technically they’re still  alive and are able to be brought back to normal,   but if Mario hadn’t intervened, they likely  would have suffered a fate worse than death. Rounding out this category, we have Doopliss.  Some of you may be surprised to see him this high,   as late in the game, he’s kind of treated  like a joke. Still, that doesn’t take away   from just how diabolical he was in chapter  4. He spends the first half of the chapter   turning the citizens of Twilight Town into  pigs. It’s done in an incredibly ominous   way too, with everyone in town  dreading each ring of the bell,   knowing they could be next to lose their  sentience and be reduced to mere swine. Things don’t get any better in the second  half when his true powers are revealed.   He has the ability to steal people’s identities.  Unlike a normal shapeshifter like Mimi,   Doopliss goes beyond simply impersonating  someone, and turns them into a shadowy figure,   unable to be considered a person  or even tell people who they are.   He also makes it clear that this is all  for his own amusement. These horrifying   acts that rob people of their very identity  are just something he does for fun. That’s   more than enough to put him at the top of this  category, but not enough to beat out the top 5. The final category here is the evil masterminds.  These guys are the one’s driving the conflict,   and have employed many of the  villains we’ve already seen.   Their resources are vast, their  goals are beyond destructive,   and their regard for innocent life is almost  nonexistent. These are the masterminds. I’m sure a lot of you are surprised to see  Count Bleck this high up on the list. After all,   the most notable part of his character is  his deep and incredibly tragic backstory.   He was part of a tribe of ancients and fell  in love with a human woman, Timpani. However,   out of fear of her diluting  the bloodline, Bleck’s father   wiped her memory and cursed her to walk  the dimensions until the day she died. Bleck searched for her but was never able to  find her, and after giving up, he stole the Dark   Prognosticus and used its power to destroy his  dimension and vowed to do the same to all of the   others. In addition to the backstory, there’s the  possibility that the Dark Prognosticus corrupted   him in some way, he clearly took no pleasure in  what he was doing, and he’s willing to die to   put a stop to his plan the moment he figures out  Timpani is alive. Still, all of those mitigating   factors can only get you so far when your goal  is to annihilate every world in existence,   killing an unfathomable amount of people and  leaving the whole universe as nothing but a void. Next, we have King Olly. After misinterpreting  a message left to him by his creator, King Olly   developed a hatred for toads, viewing them as  all the same, a clear jab at critics of the more   recent Paper Mario games. In order to fix this  perceived problem, he plans to wipe them all out   of existence using the 1000 cranes technique. Now,  whether or not you agree with Olly’s hatred of   toads, this is still genocide. And while toads are  the primary target of his anger, he views all 2D   creatures as inferior and tries to fold them all  into Origami to control them. So in other words,   king Olly is a racist, genocidal dictator. The  only reason he’s not higher is his change of heart   after being defeated, showing there was at least  some good in him, even if it rarely manifested. Starting off our top 3, the bronze medal of  evil goes to Grodus. Grodus has a simple goal,   world domination. That’s enough to put anyone  near the top, but there’s also a certain amount of   calculated sadism behind his scheming. Between his  willingness to torture his enemies, resetting TEC,   and his complete lack of faith in Lord  Crump, it’s clear he’s willing to step   on anyone to get what he wants. Of course,  this mentality winds up being his downfall   when he can’t fathom the Shadow Queen ignoring  his orders and is promptly punished for it. A lot of people on this list are psychopaths, but  none of them are quite as textbook as Dimentio.   Throughout Super Paper Mario, Dimentio  backstabs, manipulates, mind controls,   and even kills people to get what he wants, all  while maintaining his cheery, playful attitude.   His manipulations are all designed to make  it easier for the heroes to beat Count Bleck.   Don’t be fooled though, he’s not doing this  to stop the destruction of all worlds. He just   wants Bleck out of the way so he can create his  own worlds once all the existing ones are gone. The only reason Dimentio isn’t at the very top  of this list is that we don’t really know what   his idea of a perfect world would look like. It  could actually be a utopia, but even if it is,   it’s not worth the drastic loss of  life it would take to get there. The upper areas of this list were difficult to  rank, but in the end, we had to go with the Shadow   Queen for most evil. Mainly because we know a  lot more about her than Dimentio and Grodus,   and unlike Bleck and Olly, there isn’t a shred  of good inside her. According to the legends,   she waged war on and destroyed the  city that now sits under Rogueport.   She created monsters to help her conquer  the world, the crystal stars to remold the   world in her image, and the pit of 100  trials to punish all who opposed her. While we never see what her rule looks like,   it’s safe to say she’s a ruthless and tyrannical  leader. Her magic is also rather destructive.   While we don’t know exactly what engulfing  the whole world in darkness will do,   the cutscenes before her fight make it seem  like the end of life as the world knows it.   Endlessly destructive, unquestionably  tyrannical, and ruthlessly malevolent,   it’s more than fitting that this manifestation  of pure darkness takes the crown for most evil. But what do you think? Which Paper Mario  Villain is truly the worst of the worst?   Let us know in the comment section.  Don’t forget to hit that notification   bell and binge our Good-to-Evil playlist. Where we break down the morality of the characters   in your favorite games. But most importantly, stay wicked.
Channel: 1upBinge
Views: 80,787
Rating: 4.9203596 out of 5
Keywords: paper mario, super mario, paper mario and the tousand year door, paper mario ttyd, paper mario origami king, origami king, nintendo, bowser, paper mario bowser, paper mario bad guys, sticker star, super paper mario, paper mario the origami king, paper mario switch, nintendo switch, mario villain, paper mario 64, new paper mario, super paper mario wii, 3ds paper mario, Sir Grodus, paper mario grodus, glitz pit, gamecube, paper mario luigi, the origami king
Id: d-sox8JMsDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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