The Legion of Stationery WITH LYRICS [FULL PACKAGE] - Paper Mario: The Origami King Cover

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Patience, my fellow fans. We must wait until he does the rest of the Legion of Stegion.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/IchigataZai92 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Okay but this? This is pure beauty

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BOOM-Fanfic-a-latta 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] 12 color pencils ready to make your paper bodies my canvas let us see you dodge this oh [Applause] [Music] i found my missiles my targets locked onto you [Music] heaven rise with pencils that leave you crying sacri blue ain't got no time for your philistines now you will die by my artistic crimes you can tell out from a whole lindsay ground now comes the part where the plummer goes down depends upon the sky and you'll see the depth of your life you better [Music] [Music] under the king i'll bring back your eyes crosstalk is short they're metaphorical of course look my missus no chance against jean-pierre this will swing he will sing hillary king i scribble you back down the stairs this california you'll best be scared all the same feelings [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can hope to stop my mighty roiji beef barrage now i'll make you drop pastor zinzia lift i sabotaged [Music] this is the part where you you aren't all that smart i've got it made you are in an area no one will come to your aid i've got missiles in space you're it so easily orange you're tired of dodging my floors i said i died maybe last game they would have been fun you sure aren't yellow but green the facts it's the end of the show you have to win all the time i'll leave you blue get a clue which [Music] [Music] you should have stayed in the elevator and i will scribble out [Music] i cannot stop my misses [Music] [Applause] no no no the start of the show isn't mario you uncultured hacks the real superstar is me [Music] glory give me smiles as i walk the island my radiance takes center stage give me your cheers for the elastic sensation now the whole entire nation watches your final pain behold the power of my rubber bands let's see how well you take stage direction [Applause] [Music] raise the curtain before your start is here the glorious rubber band stand up and give a hand away you're trapped in a full house let me make it clear you're stuck right to your seats for a show that can't be beat you could never hope to face my might i'm rubber and you'll glue your mousse pants off and stick to you now the stage is set for your final fight roll the carpet hear me sing hail the urge to kill gag upon my elections my glory puts you in a trench your shootout and your valet dance to my last act to stand the chance here on my stage you'll never win you have stretched my patience and now hear me croon and sweet i am you face the might of rubber should be for me how dare you i am the director the lead actor the star who are you to question my art you should be silent for all eternity sit back down your raw and grateful louds now watch the plum of fall it's his final curtain call i'm the greatest showman without a doubt a thespian so true an actor unlike you your performance it was such a bore i'll show you a real star be with me okay now see what rubber band has got in store inhale the origami king mario's on the attack no talking drinking or smoking here you're only allowed to quake and feel breaking all the kingdoms lost the wario gets out of my eyes i'll call that acting what a joke but i'm a hazard now you'll choke hey hands off the merchandise this will teach you to think twice i wrote a play but i don't play nice make no mistake you're on thin nice here i must think you'll never win you have stretched my patience thin now hear me crooning sweet i am your face the might of love a show my man my bands they've been exposed that's it you'll pay for this mario no mario you will say the sorry no you've gone ruined my production now i'll show you true destruction [Music] [Applause] it wasn't supposed to end like this mario the agony the brutality the sheer injustice of it all oh muses oh god have you truly forsaken me for these flimsy flat papery things i wanted to make this place grand eliminate things tall and bland alas this was my final stand it's curtains [Music] [Music] the sun will never rise the part is on you better fold because you'll face your feet with two left feet judging by the way you move while plumbers don't know how to do you step up to my crib i'll take that down like funky town if you will not learn your place then watch out for it i'll punch your face you could have never hoped to dance at my level now fill the floor and make way for the disco devil ate beneath the shifting sands lizard boogie wonderland watch me groove and do my thing to hail the origami king we the legion do i do to take your face and take your buddhist or the sun and took the heads now the party never ends through the temple breaking all your faces taking you and staying alive you will die you'll need a hero your life will drop to zero while staying alive staying alive no chance against the whole puncher this funky we sing our praises the king of origami [Music] well let me show you what you're up against one two all right now that's a holding one this is fun let's see how well you fight when i say my appetite you can't say face your energy is spread just get bent it'd be a shame if you died before you saw my electric slide gotta make a move to a temple that's right for me gotta keep that streamer all wrapped up for king ollie [Music] tired out that's a shame we'll dance all night in all his name now you'll witness disco bring through hail the origami king keeping cool and funky fresh while i punch holes in all your flesh look alive i will survive and those balls gonna drive and jive it's gonna slay the ymca and you'll stay alive you will die do you remember the night you were just remembered you weren't staying alive staying alive you're going nowhere you'll fossil help me you stand no chance games the whole puncher is funky we sing our praises to the king of origami no seriously ow what kind of square pants is a guy in the middle of a crowd of faceless toads that is the opposite of funky fresh [Music] oh you was gonna try and tear down the stream all right who's got a grudge with things that come in strips is that what you're saying well that's it you always want a piece of me who's gonna get it see look at you you surpassed us [Music] i'll rip that mustache [Music] that's right your mushroom-headed rooms your luck's down the tubes and as for the plumber who couldn't be done up with this [Music] oh you think that's funny eh these funny words i say well time to shut your trap with my dispenser smack aha who's laughing now i'm gonna cut you down this hug just make the bulge a night i'll indulge use call me tacky well i am sticky there's a different savvy are you making me mad see you won't catch the streamer wrap above the sea y'all mess with the family you mess with me paper mugs like you should have stayed as trees now you're stuck in my stick up you can't hide hopefully your game's about to end just like that bada bingo bash [Music] get your mix off my dispenser this thing's custom tools see who's really trying my patience here nice bambino [Music] shut your traps i'm busy don't you know clean enough mario the boss wants your eyes so i don't think twice before i end your show and yeah i got the sense to hide the evidence though you may think of me i keep things nice and clean gets oil up my ride disputes rejected pride the rumba and the grease shall not release the beast a custom chassis i keep it classy but things might get doing me when the plumber ahoy tea you touch the streamer wrapped above the sea y'all mess with the family you mess with me pay for mugs like you should have stayed as tourist now you're stuck [Music] your ears will ring putting you in sticky situations is my thing [Music] what you think i'm tacky you think of some kind of pointy thingy here for your amusement that's it here's your tacky i got your tacky right here if that's how you want it i might as well dispense with the pleasantries time to seal the deal now look you got me playing doity see you stay no chance when this tank grows [Music] this tower is about to be the site of the crime of the century by king all his wishes of sleep with the fishes buried out at sea i'll duck you off i will i'm going for the kill to make it extra vile i'll do it classic style you won't like watch the store when i break out the pompadour you wanna take your spin your cat now take it on the chin you've got some noise kid but this wheel don't skid who's just with my lid so you have come to the end of your bid you'll touch the streamer wrapped above darcy you'll mess with the family you mess with me pay for mugs like you should have stayed as therese now you're stuck in my stick up you can't i don't flee your game's about to end just like that i'll bash you so hard your ears will ring putting you in sticky situations is my thing roll up the carpet hail the origami king hey hey hey hey quit bowling quick i'll go uncle hey forget about it [Music] [Music] a predator that's far beyond you fear the wrath of hundiconda you can stop the cobra here to grab and throw ya once you fall into the fist no one will believe you even existed trust me it's super time you know a child when you hear my rhyme kind of a witness to the crime king ollie won't want you alive you ain't sleeping safe and sound when the shadow sneaks around slip into a silent slumber time to say wanna take llama sneaky snakey slithering to hail the origami king coiled the strike ready to ring try to resist and feel the sting and akanda don't want none don't got the bunch to stand not run oh my gosh look at that little in the middle but i got much hand gonna smack you across the land despite the hissing of the crowd and the color gonna take you down mario's the latest victim of my rosham go against direction the koopa troop just got their eviction prepare for my fingers male addiction [Music] cut from darkness a serpent heartless you'll cry for your mama when you see the black mamba watch the battle escalate as the promise suffocates call me rap guy cause i wrapped up your ally trusting me to bring your doom before you went to the buses room the casts are gonna be your tomb origami shall consume best to die with dignity my master can be finicky let the miss cloud up your eyes as you meet with your demise coming from the amazon to squeeze you till your breakfast why not have a little fun oh my little in the gosh but i got much palm smashing you into the wall get you in my sight gonna hold you tight until you've got no will to fight mario's the latest victim of my roshambo constriction the koopa troop just a fair eviction prepare for my fingers male addictions [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you fooled me to challenge me the master of cutlery i'm a blade your doom you'll see to my sword you'll take our knee for you'll fall like those before into death would be a bore something my blade i'll store entertain me i implore without my blades my martial skill is with that parallel i don't need to slice you now to make this through the living hell i laugh i spit upon your hammers jumps and fire spells hear the sound of the funeral bells you're weak you'll frail your paper then you're never gonna win don't be but straps of paper to be tossed into the bin i am the reaper that comes in the night here are my blades and sheath you already lost the fight takes just one cut to eviscerate your life i'm the bane of our paper i'm the bringer of strife i am growing forward no more holding back time to draw my blade for my last attack i'm since this you want paper you know what comes next say good night plumber i will slit your neck here now you'll die you will rest in pieces the final cut approaches my palm releases now fall and twain your pope shall reign the jupiter duelist brings the pain you know you're dead when you hear my rhyme my blood's so sharp they can't even cut up the time i grant no quarter i cut you into quarters [Music] how long do you falter here till you are consumed by fear your death is approaching near your fault of my deadly shears you'll slip you make one mistake one bedroom is all the taste now why i've raised the stakes won't be laundry will shall break your bump will stay in the castle of your oldest nemesis and you will join the shadows creeping through the edifice you caught your head and now you're tripping at the precipice your head is mine there is no escaping this as stated by the ancient combat art of roshambo the outcome of the stool who lives who dies you already know [Applause] i am the sword that cleaves through the land all paper's doomed shall come by my hand you will be reshaped when your final outright bring you will have no choice but to hail the origami king you can die forever you will soon succumb once you're down my blade and you'll go numb i'm scissors you a paper you know what i do um and now you'll die you will rest in pieces the final cut approaches my power release says now fall and twain your punk shall reign the two little duelists brings the pain you know you're dead when you hear my rhyme my blade's so sharp they can even cut up the time i grant no quarter i'll cut you into quarters once again i have cut a worthless object [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] find them oh oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the journey is ending and your efforts are feeble you will heal you will fall with the rest of your people gaze into darkness the fangs of submission the hubris of paper leads only to perdition can it get twerp unfold me yet jerk even i approve ill and wouldn't do this kind of work short-sighted and foolish but to be expected and now to my pup your attention be directed impressive is it not my perfect little pet person pedigree the brightest i could get it could sit that shake roll over and other things but it's most impressive tricks to hail the origami that you're glad to see your dog on mario he will bounce you and drown you believe me i know you talk far too much but i've already won with your army in my palm my conquest is done soon you will join the princess shaped into a perfect force soon all the world will bow be bound by steel to a new shall be no more if i had my hands right now i'd strangle you [Applause] all the same and submit to my brain staples will lock you in forms that i choose with no princess to lead you your kingdom will lose i'll shut your gang high hold your gap on and on but if i know my nemesis could never be a pawn you caught up my kid even i'm not that mean but the plumber was squashing your purple drama queen i know mario he's stubborn as a mule he's kind of snapping you're stupid off his tool for many many games i felt the hurt he brings so i know he'd never hail the origami king you underestimate the power of my staples you'll be fastened and chastened and the world will be mine it's howls of the moon say you are out of time you will not stand in the way of my vision sublime soon [Music] uh [Music] row [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you're finally here took you long enough as a matter of fact it took you so long that there is nothing you can do to stop me now brother are you still planning more terrible things yeah who do you think you are folding up me and my minions like that like you could keep all of this from busting loose anyways where's princess peach is she safe is she comfortable does she have something to read asking for a friend oh the princess is right in front of you behold i told you didn't i that i would transform all of peach's castle into an origami castle including the princess herself she is at one with the castle now beautiful precious and silent i'm sure she's happier this way you monster folding princess peach into the castle is too much you've gone too far you couldn't possibly do anything worse except wait all of those paper greens you wouldn't i would and i did witness the thousand cranes technique he who has the patience to fold one thousand origami cranes shall have any wish is real ultimate power and i shall use it to turn every last one of those wretched toads into mere blank paper what that's crazy talk the toads can't come back from that you know i wouldn't even do that and i've done some mean stuff believe me ask kamek i still don't understand what you've got against the toads do you realize that even you were originally folded by a toad of course i do he's the whole reason i'm doing this that fool disrespected the very paper i am made of he scribbled all over it now i bear the hideous scar of his negligence and disregard for origami and he shall pay that's why you're doing this but even if you're angry at him why take it out on all of the other toads if you've seen one toad you've seen them all they're all the same to me that's why i have to turn them all into blank pieces of scrap paper so i never have to see a single one of their stupid faces again that is my vision for a glorious origami kingdom as for you mario you've proven to be quite annoying but there's nothing you can do now to stop me already 999 of my cranes are complete after i defeat you i'll honor your paper by folding you into the very last crane hear us of all despair and behold for you shall be the final fold solder to stand with those who defiled our folded forms let those vile drags of the kingdom be reborn molded by me to an ideal form those with the will can rewrite the normal on paper wings flies the folded star witness the power of the thousand cranes i shall end the pain origami folk endured from [Music] transgressed i shall never rest until [Applause] [Music] [Music] on you i'll reshape your kingdoms through and through you shall slowly fall to life no more once the thousands create twice a settled score with a wish you'll all be one with the earth [Music] you've seen one paper told you've seen them all you totally i shall never rest until you [Music] hail the origami [Music] you surpassed the power of my superior folded paper brother are you okay you must be exhausted using even one developmental form can be shut it i don't need your pity i folded you so we can turn this flat world into an origami kingdom but you you betrayed me and alive yourself with these paper peasants don't you see olivia we're both origami why are you fighting me ollie we are origami but this isn't what we're made for we both started a simple sheets but we had souls folded into us we were made with love love of art love of creation love for life itself that's what origami is all about we should be friends with all paper beans if there's love in our hearts you're lecturing me about love was there love in the heart of that paper toad who scribbled all over me we're nothing like that flat flimsy fool we were folded for greatness i should have known you wouldn't understand how could you i made you two perfect too pure that is a mistake i'll soon correct hear olivia let me show you the true power of origami [Music] he just keeps what's happening what do we do [Music] origami embodies the limitless power of transformation with this power i shall rid the world of all pathetic paper-thin beings you think we're gonna roll over just because you puffed up your chest and got all weird-looking i've had enough of you on your bad haircut it's go wait that was a very uh intimidating speech but he's too powerful here he'll grumble you for sure ollie was right this place was made with pure origami power it strengthened him so i could strengthen you too let me fold you hey watch the tail oh whoa never mind this feels great yeah are you feeling powerful my strength tenfold i'm big nice work kid now watch and learn as i teach this guy how a real final boss inferior i will not be swayed by the likes of you ah save it for the after show you overgrown christmas card it's bowser time [Music] don't think this guy is tougher than he looks i am i might need some backup [Music] my is soldier squash this rebel pierce the kingdom shield [Applause] ought to learn your place i'm gonna crumple your face it's show time your hours are few this chub's gonna feel the hurt i bring when i whale of the origami king yeah i'm breaking out all the classic bowser insults here you're in real trouble now i [Music] but i'll bring your two you will tear [Applause] there's none greater than how you fell now let the bell ring out for victory for me you just got beat by a paper powerhouse eat gravity you jerk curse you [Applause] how do you like that that's pure bowser power right there that little napkin won't be creasing up my minions anymore still i can't help but think oh ollie you were better until the very end i just wish maybe things could have turned out differently goodbye brother i hope we meet again someday huh oh hey but being this big and burly is nice and all but you mind unfolding me back junior's definitely gonna need a bath after this fiasco and these hands are definitely not the proper bath given size i will not allow this i will crush you all love you oh no my brother's way too big we can't stop him like this oh wait that order got me crossing and gave me something special before we left his workshop it's time to use it [Music] another magic circle pathetic what do you hope to do slap my wrist with those feeble arms of yours [Music] you defend those who soil our bodies turn your blade towards your brother olly fine let hatred and meloncarly roil you till you have seen your barley and spare your sages spare me your words only one thing shall be heard when the world's rebirth i bring they'll hail the origami king now you shall heal now you shall fall then your story shall allah be retold from you it's dropped but life i won't bring and you'll hail the origami king those who defile our bodies can live side by side why must we fight please brother please i don't care for the words that he scrub by the scent that he did so at all desecrating the art of the fold he rendered my heart cold let soon my vision shall be complete with the thousands [Music] oh my gosh mario you did it we can finally use the magic circle the origami craftsman gave me one final floating technique and it's our only chance of stopping ollie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] brother please come to your senses [Music] i'm sorry brother i had no choice oh but your poor body is so crumpled now maybe i went too far no olivia that hammer attack was divine you put everything into it and it was enough to awaken me from this dark dream i was too proud too entitled my heart was blinched my path was creased i was a mess wait what's this on your belly [Music] hurts to move but that is the cause of all this madness the careless scroll that toad marked me with read it for me will you i must know what is written there what words are gibberish mark this foolish body please i could use one last one um [Music] [Laughter] oh if he could see me now he'd be ashamed of what i wrote i've been a terrible king to make his wish for naught to think this was how i repaid his kindness i just became so so blinded by rage i did so many unforgivable things i'm i'm so sorry that princess peach and mario got caught up in all this [Music] you this but take the labor of your kin take my flesh into your hands and use the power within [Music] promise of me that you'll undo the war that i had dared to bring let no one fear they must [Music] feel do this for me i i i love you brother [Music] you
Channel: Juno Songs
Views: 1,206,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: song cover, music, lyrics, legion of stationery, king olly, battle with king olly, the final fold, colored pencils, rubber band, hole punch, tape, scissors, stapler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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