Kirby Villains: Good to Evil

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I wonder where anime Dededee would be. Anime Nightmare/"NME" would be the top if the anime counted, as stated in the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TemporaryJerseyBoy 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby. That’s the name you  should know, and he’s the star of the show;   or rather, the star of his games. With  his bright and friendly personality,   it’s easy to see how he can have so many friends.  Of course, with every rule there are exceptions,   and this is the list of those exceptions. I’m Kyle with 1upBinge, and today,   we’re taking a look at Kirby’s nicest  nasties, and his most ferocious foes.   These are Kirby Villains: Good To Evil.  First up, three rules. One, we are only  counting the games and not the anime.  Secondly, we are not counting any Smash  Bros games with their single-player modes,   be it the world of light or subspace. And finally, rule three: Any official lore we got   from the now-defunct Miiverse will still count. Simple enough, right? Well,   let’s complicate this a bit. Regarding the list itself, we’re going to   be doing this a bit differently than our usual bad  guy lists. Instead of just doing our usual Evil To   Most Evil format... We’re going to be a bit more  generous and give these villains more respect,   since some of these foes really  aren’t that evil in the first place.  Heck, some of them even became good friends of  Kirby later on after their initial villain debuts.  On that note, to start this list off, we have  two people who really could be considered heroes;   and the only reason we’re covering  them is to just cover all our bases.   These two are ​pretty much ​ heroes. But  consider them honorable mentions, or I guess   ​dishonorable in the eyes of actual villains. First up in this pseudo category we have the   true blue swordsman: ​Meta Knight.​ The only  two negative marks we have for him are from   his attempt to take over dreamland to make it a  more lively place in Revenge Of Meta Knight, and   him teaming up with King Dedede to test Kirby’s  might in Kirby Fighters 2. Aside from those two   incidents, he has been as straight as an arrow. Aside from Kirby, he is usually Dreamland’s most   devoted protector, willing to raise his sword  against any threat out to harm Dreamland.   Be it against the evils of the mirror world, or  invading threats trying to mechanize the planet,   Meta Knight is one of the first responders  to the scene of any crime, ready to slay the   darkness. Next up is our truly heroic, albeit  not as heroic as Meta Knight, unofficial king,   ​King Dedede​. True, he did start out as a  foe, stealing all the food from the residents   of Dreamland. After this stunt, he seemed to at  least try to do good; be it keeping Nightmare   sealed away, or helping Kirby after being freed  by any mind control the villain of the week put   him under. Sure, you definitely do square off  against him other times, be it by King Dedede   hosting a tournament filled with other Kirbys  he created, challenging him to gourmet races,   or even a one on one with Kirby for a hammer duel. In the end, he is a good guy, even if he likes   being a rival more than a friend. With that  over, onto the real list. These characters   are the ​Redeemed ​ , or The Good. Sure, they  may have caused Kirby some trouble in the past,   but now, they are genuine good guys and nice  folks to be around. Hey, everybody deserves   a second chance! For our first truly redeemed  villain, we have the magician from a faraway   land, ​Magolor​. Appearing in Kirby’s Return To  Dream Land, he comes in crashing his ship and   having to request help from Kirby and his friends  to rebuild. For these efforts, Magolor promises   them a trip to his home planet, Halcandra, only  to get ambushed by a dragon with a powerful crown.   Wanting to continue helping their new friend,  Kirby and the gang go on to fight this beast,   knocking the crown loose. However, this was all  just a ruse by Magolor himself, who wanted the   crown to use for himself for power to take over  the universe. That said, these plans really don’t   get that far, as Magolor soon finds himself  getting possessed by the crown. This crown,   the master crown, is actually sentient and was  more than happy to possess Magolor to take over   the universe. So, where does that leave Magolor? Well, in Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition,   he actually does come back, and even apologizes  for the incident and betraying Kirby by building   him a giant amusement park. And, his words seem  100% sincere. He did say that he really hoped   that he could stay friends with Kirby  should you get all 120 energy spheres,   and thanked Kirby for fixing his ship even  as he betrayed him. After that, he stayed on   the straight path, with the worst thing he  did was being a shopkeeper and a gateway to   microtransactions for the Kirby Team Clash, which  may be bad depending on your stance on the matter.  Heck, in Kirby Star Allies, Magolor even pops in  as a Dream Friend, ready to help Kirby stop Void   Termina. Overall, with having the most extravagant  and costly way to apologize to Kirby, and keeping   his word, and helping him out afterward, Magolor  is the closest villain here to being yet another   friend to Kirby. We’re just waiting on an extra  game or two to finally cement it. For the silver   medal of truly redeemed villains, ​Taranza​ is up  next. A servant to Queen Sectonia, Taranza heads   off to Dream World in order to kidnap the hero of  the land, mistaking Dedede for said hero instead   of Kirby. Throughout the game, he will cause boss  fights to break out to delay Kirby’s progress,   going all the way back to his queen. However, with  all his efforts falling flat, Queen Sectonia takes   control of the situation; that being shooting  Taranza off with lightning. Definitely not the   warm welcome he wanted. After this betrayal,  he ends up teaming up with King Dedede to help   save Kirby and defeat his former master, giving  him a miracle fruit to inhale the evil queen.  Sounds simple, right? So, what puts him above  other villains? Well simply put; he really didn’t   mean any harm, and just wanted to help his Queen.  We’ll expand on her a bit more later, but all you   need to know now is that Taranza cares deeply  for Queen Sectonia, at least before she became   the vile insect she is today. All he wanted to do  was give her a mirror to let her see herself and   improve her beauty. However, due to this mirror  being a bit, different, she only became cruel and   a tyrant. Everything that Taranza did was just out  of blind loyalty and care for his master, and he   does become a good ally, so really, we can’t fault  someone with a tragic life like his that much. He   really wants to do good and be a worthy ally to  his queen, but in the end, it just wasn’t meant to   be. Next up, for third place “goodness in evil”,  we have a pair of three, ​The Mage Sisters​. They   are Francisca, the master of ice, Zan Partizanne,  the mage of lightning, and Flamberge, the magician   of fire. Before Kirby even meets the trio, they  were all on death’s doorstep, with Francisca   nearly drowning in a frozen lake, Zan Partizanne  getting zapped by lightning as she tried to climb   a tower in an attempt to take her own life  after being left with nothing, and Flamberge   suffocating as fire surrounded her. Thanks to a  kindly wizard by the name of Hyness, the three   were not only spared but gained the power of the  elements they almost fell too. Thus, they became   Hyness’s most devoted followers, obeying him  even as he went crazy and tried to end the world.  What puts these three in the redeemed category  is thanks to the added mode in Kirby Star Allies,   Heroes in Another Dimension. Here, Kirby and his  own friends face off against a corrupted Hyness,   and after beating him, the three mage sister’s  come in to avenge their fallen master.   Even after being tossed aside by him earlier in  the main story and having their life force sucked   away to keep Hyness safe, they still view him  with respect and dedication to serve him. After   falling to Kirby, he uses the friend hearts  that he collected to not only restore the   Mage Sisters but also restore Hyness. By doing  this, he ends up reforming them as well, making   them true allies to the stars. And before we reach  the next area, let’s add in ​Hyness​ as well. Once   a very kind wizard, even saving the previously  mentioned Mage Sisters, he was a part of a clan   who aided the people of science and helped further  their discoveries. However, after being rejected   by them one day, he ended up letting his heart  get swallowed by the darkness of Dark Matter,   a completely more evil threat we’re going to be  touching upon later. He became cold and careless,   abusing his own followers if it meant  furthering his goals of releasing Void   to create a new peaceful world, destroying  the old world in the process. He even ends   up sacrificing his followers to the Jamba Heart,  including himself, to help carry out this idea.  As previously stated, however, he ends up  managing to get reformed thanks to Kirby’s efforts   in Another Dimension, managing to make peace  with the Three Mage Sisters and starting over,   making amends with Kirby. Now, as bad as ending  the world is, this is definitely due to him being   corrupted by the Dark Matter and the Jamba  Hearts, so we can let it slide due to him   honestly not being in his right mind, letting  him walk away with a, “just good enough”.  With the redeemed heroes out of the way, we have  the Wild Cards. These are the Gray Area; People   who can help the heroes but just as easily be the  villain or just villains that aren’t as bad as the   rest. First up is the master thief ​Daroach​.  The leader of the Squeak Squads, this thief   appears stealing Kirby’s cake piece seemingly  out of nowhere. However, his true prize lies in   a treasure chest in Dedede’s castle. Chasing after  them throughout the world, their adventure reached   an unexpected turn when Daroach opened the chest,  only to be greeted by Dark Nebula possessing him.   After Kirby saved him from Dark Nebula’s power,  he ends up apologizing to Kirby by giving him   the same cake piece that Kirby was about to eat at  the start. In his next appearance in Mass Attack,   he serves as a way to help Kirby, now in his small  size, to get around the world. He even lets slip   that he sees the Squeak Squad as a family to  him and even tells Kirby about Necrodious.   However, he manages to miss out on the redeemed  category thanks to him still being a proud thief.   He is happy to continue his thievery ways,  even if he still acts friendly with Kirby,   even helping him in Star Allies, if only so he  can steal the Jamba Hearts. Sure, in comparison   to other thieves and villains on this list, he  is nicer, but he still is more than happy being   a villain, and as such, we have to treat him like  one. Onto the most mysterious face on this list,   ​Galactic Knight​. For someone who has been around  for a while, he is still quite mysterious. Being   first introduced as the strongest warrior in the  galaxy, he ended up becoming Meta Knight’s rival,   always challenging him after any of Meta Knight’s  sub-modes. His power is said to be so mighty that   it could destroy planets, but yet, we don’t get  any concrete proof of how evil he may be. But in   Super Kirby Clash, we do know that Galactic Knight  once went under an alias called the Aeon Hero, so   he was definitely a hero at some point, Then there  are questions about just how much of these modes   are truly canon, leaving much to the imagination.  In the end, Galactic Knight is just one giant   piece of confusing lore. Bet you didn’t think  this small cute puffball had such a rabbit hole   of a story, huh? Next up, we have one of Kirby’s  more noticeable foes, ​Marx​. Appearing in Milky   Way Wishes, he starts off telling Kirby about  a way to stop the moon and sun from fighting;   namely wishing for them to stop by summoning a  wish-granting comet called a “Galactic Nova”.   There was just one problem; he was the one that  made the sun and moon fight in the first place,   and his true goal is to steal the wish to take  over Popstar. Thankfully, Kirby manages to return   the favor and stop him in his goal. The reason  Marx did this in the first place? Why, he was   just hungry! As relatable as that is, it still  is a very flimsy excuse for planetary domination.   But at least once Marx is fed he does appear to  be a...decent person. The lack of empathy for   betraying Kirby and almost taking over Popstar by  causing a space fight between two celestial bodies   definitely is harder to forgive than Magolor’s  sincere apology, to put it lightly. Second,   to last here, it’s the stern secretary, ​Susie​.  Working under Haltmann, her goal is to mechanize   the planet and its inhabitants, and Kirby and his  friends are just in the way too much. Starting off   just fighting Kirby, she soon ends up brainwashing  Meta Knight and corrupting him with a mech suit to   get him to do the deed, only to fail and have to  rely on Dedede clones. Even after all that, she   still failed to the pink demon. Letting Haltmann  take control, she ends up stealing a helmet that   he had on to control Star Dream in order to  teach him a lesson and to make him come to   his senses. Despite helping Kirby once Star Dream  went haywire, she still didn’t seem deterred from   continuing her company’s mission, even becoming  the president and continuing Haltmann’s legacy,   who just so happened to be her father. However,  this is just in the English version of the story.   In the Japanese version, she insists on using  her technology to make others happy and to stop   any savage people. So, we’re just going to be safe  and put her this low, at least until a definitive   answer comes out. Like daughter, like father,  ​Haltmann​ joins his daughter here. The original   ruler of Haltmann Works Company, his original  goal was to repower a wish-granting star. However,   tragedy struck when his daughter, Susanna,  was teleported away. Thinking she died in   the accident, his goal changed from getting the  star to work, to wishing for his daughter to come   back to life. However, with each attempt,  he lost more and more of his memory, until   he completely forgot his original goal and it  became to turn planets into mechanic wonderlands,   to ensure his company is forever maxing  out its profits.Susanna does return to him,   now under the name Susie, and he forgot all about  her, even if she feels familiar to him, as he gave   her a high position in his company. However, after  trying to use Star Dream and getting his control   helmet stolen by Susie, he ends up losing his  soul to the computer. It’s not completely gone,   as some pause menu text during the True Arena  reveals that he is still alive and greatly regrets   building this machine, realizing how foolish  it was to ask for his daughter to come back.   Unfortunately, he doesn’t get much better, as once  Star Dream takes enough damage, his very soul is   destroyed and replaced by the machine. He’s quite  possibly one of the most tragic villains here.   What started out as a man wishing for his daughter  to come back became a story about how he died,   not realizing he managed to get her daughter  back. As bad as he is, he’s also just as pitiable.  Finally, we have the real villains; the True  threats: These are the worst of the worst with   very little kindness in them, if any. Redemption  is out of the question for them. First up for our   true threats, it’s the true foe of Squeak Squad,  ​Dark Nebula​. Out of all the villains here,   this guy is the one with the least amount of  information. There are a couple of things we   know about him. First thing is that he was locked  up in a treasure chest that both King Dedede and   Meta Knight would rather not let out. Secondly,  he is the ruler of the underworld. And finally,   he ended up possessing Daroach after he opened  the chest, trying to get ultimate power. That’s,   pretty much it. After Kirby beats it, the being  just disappears. Heck, we don’t even know if he   really is the ruler of the underworld, or if it’s  just a fancy title for a strong evil being. He   certainly did cause some ruckus, making him a true  fiend, but due to just how little he affected the   world in the end, he can’t go any lower on this  list. We’re taking a break from Popstar to go into   the Mirror World to discuss ​Dark Mind​. Quite  similar to Dark Matter, Dark Mind is the villain   of this place. Feeling that his power was becoming  a threat to not only that place but Dream World as   well, Meta Knight races off to confront the source  of the power, as Kirby is split into four versions   of himself thanks to Dark Meta Knight. Truthfully,  this is just another one of those villains that we   really don’t know a lot of. We know that Shadow  Kirby is there to help protect the Mirror World   and step up to Dark Mind, and that he is  threatening more than one world, putting him   above others, but really; that’s about it. Some  of these foes are just evil for the sake of it,   putting them above others, but with so little lore  behind him, that can only go so far. Our next real   threat is the creature created by crafting, ​Yin  Yarn​. This villain came from the side game,   Kirby’s Epic Yarn. His goal throughout the game  is to turn the entirety of Dream Land into yarn,   kidnapping the residents to send them to his home  and to be forced into serving him. He comes from   Patch Land, a planet he already wrecked havoc  on. He tore the world into 7 pieces and unleashed   his monsters on the land. However, thanks to  the heroic efforts of Kirby and Prince Fluff,   the land is eventually stitched back together and  Yin Yarn is defeated. As evil as he is, we do have   to give him some credit for not destroying the  place or rendering it unable to continue living.   Forcing others to serve you is bad, sure,  but there are definitely way worse fates out   there for others to exploit. However, ​Drawcia​  still manages to beat him in terms of evil. The   star villain in Kirby’s Canvas Curse, she was born  from a painting and wished to rule over the world,   turning the entire place into a place created as  a literal work of art. She even manages to turn   Kirby into a defenseless ball. She spawns forth  monsters and bosses from art for the sole purpose   of stopping and killing Kirby. Truthfully, she is  kind of similar to Yin Yarn in terms of motivation   and goals, only being more forward with her  attempts at killing Kirby, ranking her higher   than the two needles. That is, if only due to  just how more involved she is in destroying Kirby.   For the most evil of the crafters, we have the  appropriately named ​Dark Crafter​. When we   first play through Kirby And The Rainbow Curse,  we first believe that Claycia was the villain,   turning on her friend Elline and stealing the  color from planet Popstar, rendering the land   completely inanimate. However, this is just  another case of someone’s body getting hijacked   to serve the villain. After knocking some glasses  off of Claycia, she soon regained her senses as   the true threat, Dark Crafter, escapes the scene,  only for Kirby to chase after him and finally end   Dark Crafter. As another one off villain, he  manages to score higher than Yin Yarn due to him   being more threatening to Dreamland, completely  making all the inhabitants there inanimate, and   only being able to be undone thanks to Elline’s  power. Definitely the meanest of the three craft   based villains. Remember Taranza from way back?  Well, now it’s time to talk about his ruler,   ​Queen Sectonia​. She used to be like him  once; a happy and fair ruler of the sky.   However, she wanted to become more beautiful, so  tasked her subject, Taranza, to find something to   help her. What he came back with was the Dimension  Mirror, and while looking into it, she became more   and more corrupted by its power and her greed  for beauty. As such, she started to turn on   her subjects and her servants, forcing them to  serve her on her quest for everlasting beauty.   Eventually, she ended up taking over her kingdom  and started to spread her influence to Popstar.   Thanks to her former citizens sending  a seed down to create the dream stalk,   Kirby was able to make the climb to  her throne room and eventually stop her   just before she covered the entirety of Popstar in  her vines after fusing with the dream stalk. Sure,   she may have been a good person before, but now;  after losing herself to the Dimension Mirror,   she is just a shadow of her true self. In a  similar vein to wrapping up Triple Deluxe,   let’s finish Planet Robobot with ​Star Dream, aka  the Mother Computer​. Originally, it was just a   Galactic Nova soaring the cosmos, granting wishes  to whoever can summon it. However, after being   used by Haltmann for so long, this unit decided  that it had enough. Taking control over Haltmann,   Star Dream has a new goal. Seeing that all organic  life is bad, it decided that the best course of   action was to just destroy all life and start  anew to ensure a prosperous future. Sure, his   goal is noble, putting him above other villains,  but he is still very much vile. For starters,   he took over Haltmann and pretty much destroyed  his soul. You can even hear his soul cry out in   pain as the true final boss in the True Arena  is knocked out and permanently killed. Secondly;   there is the matter of the whole genocide thing.  He’s not even being as benevolent as Thanos is   and plotting on sparing only half of life in  Infinity War; nope, he is plotting on a full scale   universal wipeout of organic life. Sure Thanos got  that idea later, but only after being hounded and   beaten by Marvel’s finest. Star Dream comes out  swinging with this plan, putting him this high   up here. Coming up to Kirby’s latest foe, we have  ​Void Termina​. This is the beast that Hyness   wanted to release in the first place. Anyone who  got the nickname of “Destroyer of Worlds” and   “Dark Lord” is definitely worth watching out for.  He is a being born out of Void, which is basically   a being that is created from all the malicious  energy and darkness. This being was born and   brought forth to this world by Hyness to destroy  the world to seek revenge after his own clan   perished. Due to the heroic efforts of Kirby and  his friends, they were able to finally put a true   end to this universal threat. However, there is  one big difference between him and other villains   that put him lower than the rest. Void Termina  was born from Void, and what he ends up as,   be it a friend or a foe, is all dependent on the  energy surrounding him. Thanks to how filled with   hate Hyness was, he turned out to be an evil  capable of destroying the universe. However,   after losing to Kirby, and picking up on a couple  of his traits, Void Termina started to think and   look a bit like him, even dying in the ultimate  choice as Astral Void with a smile on his face,   as if he will come back as a friend. As  such, while we are ranking him this high,   we hope we can see him again, this time as a  star ally. Just sitting, or in this case flying,   outside the final three, we have one ​Zero Two​.  And no, we’re not talking about the anime girl;   we’re talking about the floating eyeball. Maybe  another time. Anyway, this creature spawned from   Dark Matter’s defeat is the threat of Kirby 64:  The Crystal Shards. Taking over the planet of the   Fairies, Ripple Star, he ends up almost destroying  that planet, but also Pop Star, using dark matter   forces to brainwash some residents into working  for him. It is definitely at the very least aware   of what can kill him, as it tries its hardest to  ensure that Ribbon and the Crystal don’t survive   the trip to Popstar. For its credible threat,  use of Dark Matter, and almost destroying two   planets and getting much further than any other  foe, we give Zero Two this high of a spot up.  We finally reached the top three, and first up to  bat for the bronze is the original true villain,   Nightmare​. One of the more recurring fiends to  Dreamland, his goal is basically in his name.   He wants to spread his nightmares and powers  across the cosmos. His ways of accomplishing   this feat were by tampering with the fountain  of dreams, to give everyone nightmares. King   Dedede managed to trap him in the fountain,  and once Kirby accidentally freed him,   Kirby soon finished the job and properly killed  him. That said, we do run into a bit of a problem   that prevents us from ranking him any higher. His  other major roles are either stuck in subgames,   which have rather questionable continuity, or  in the anime, which we aren’t counting, even if   that would put him in the gold for certain due to  providing so many monsters. Even then, with how   many times he keeps appearing in these extra game  modes as a villain, we do have to give some props   for at least constantly trying, regardless of  continuity. That said, even with all these things   going against him, Kirby’s first major threat  still remains one of his most hostile and cruel,   and he isn’t going to be going anywhere soon even  if it is just another side game, for better or for   worse. Probably the latter. What did ​Necrodious​  do to get this low a place on this list? Well,   a fair bit to put it lightly. Firstly, he wants  nothing less than the heat death of the universe,   destroying stars just because they are too bright.  He ends up attempting to destroy Planet Popstar’s   light, as to him, it’s the brightest star in  the universe. As we seen by now, Kirby isn’t   that unfamiliar with facing giant evil gods of  death. So, Nercodious decides to play it smart   and safe by sneak attacking Kirby and killing him,  or at least splitting him up into 10 and killing 9   of the 10 copies. It was only because he smugly  thought he killed them all that one survived.   Necrodious ended up being the villain who  was the closest to permanently killing Kirby.   Add this alongside his attempts to drown the  entire universe in darkness, and you get a   recipe for a pretty deranged foe worthy of being  this high up. The only reason he isn’t number one   is that he only been around for about 100  years, and not for way longer like number one.  Finally, it’s the true villain. The overarching  threat for this entire series and it’s none other   than Dark Matter​. Now, this species is such a  can of worms that trying to explain everything   about this being in a short time is a tall  order, but hey, we will try. This is Kirby’s   most constant and recurring threat. Not only was  it a continuing threat in Kirby Dream Land 2,   3, and Crystal Shards, but it’s possible that  its reach extends far past these games. His   goal is to drown the world in darkness, be it by  sealing Dream Land away from the Rainbow Islands,   possessing everyone it can and covering the planet  in darkness, or being led by Zero Two to destroy   the galaxy, one planet at a time. What makes  this threat much more menacing than the others is   just that we really don’t know how much this  species extends. We have the vile Dark Matter   and Zero Two as leaders, sure, but we also managed  to have a friendly Dark Matter being called Gooey,   Kirby’s best friend as a matter of fact.  But then we have all the possible villains   that just may be connected to it. Ranging from  Dark Mind in the Mirror World, Void possibly   being affected and influenced by it, even the  Master Crown being influenced by Dark Matter,   this threatening species managed to persist after  so long due to just how unknown it is. There are   extreme implications and they aren’t outright  confirmed, sure, but with so many villains having   so many similarities to this threat, we feel very  confident calling Dark Matter the true threat to   Kirby, and giving it the gold for villainy. But what do you think? Which Kirby Villain   is truly the worst of the worst? Let us  know in the comment section. Don’t forget   to hit that notification bell and binge our  Good-to-Evil playlist. Where we break down the   morality of the characters in your favorite  games. But most importantly, stay wicked.
Channel: 1upBinge
Views: 808,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, susie, knight, dark, nebula, dark mind, mind, yarn, crafter, queen, star dream, dream, computer, void, termina, zero, two, nightmare, dark matter, matter, kirby return to dreamland, nintendo, top nes games, super nintendo world, best rpgs on switch, kirby games, best rpg switch, nintendo switch, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, smash bros ultimate, switch games, kirby star allies, super smash bros switch, dream land, super star, super smash bros mele, super smash bros brawl
Id: GyaXqANahjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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