Despicable Me Characters: Good to Evil

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Who would’ve thought that a film series  about so-called ‘despicable’ characters would  end up being so popular? Since the franchise  began in 2010, “Despicable Me” has taken  the world by storm. With two sequels, a  spinoff series, several shorts and a ton of  merchandise, the Despicable Me universe has  certainly made a name for itself. But out  of all of these heroes and villains, which  are the most noble and which ones are TRULY  despicable? I’m Brad with Wicked Binge,   and this is Despicable Me: Good to Evil.  As always, we’ll be starting our list with  the most pure characters and working our way  down. These characters are the Good.  Starting this list, we have the innocent and  absolutely adorable Agnes. As far as little kid  characters go, she’s one of the sweetest as  well as one of the most pure. When she first  meets Gru, Agnes immediately forms  an attachment to him, trusting him  whole-heartedly despite her sisters still  having doubts. She also fully trusts the Minions  and treats them well, telling them thank you  after they get her a homemade unicorn toy.  Though she doesn’t grow or develop much over  the course of the film series, it could be  argued that she doesn’t really need to. While  she is a bit naive about some things, like  the existence of unicorns, Agnes can be quite  mature about other things. In the secondmovie,   when Gru dressed up as a fairy princess  for her birthday party, she let him know  that while she knew it was him, she still  appreciated his efforts. Then, in the third movie,  after learning that Gru and Lucy had lost their  jobs, Agnes was willing to sell her beloved  unicorn plushie just to help the family  raise money. While she hasn’t done as much in  the way of heroic deeds compared to other  characters, we really can’t deny that she has  a pure heart and truly deserves  the Gold Medal of Good.  In second place, we have Lucy, the super-spy  extraordinaire and eventual wife and  mother to Gru and the Girls. Lucy is tough  but quirky. She’s pretty excitable when it  comes to her job, but she’s also quite caring  and kind. When she sees that Gru is on an  awful date and is about to be humiliated,  she tranquilizes his date. Maybe not the most  morally correct response but, hey, Gru  definitely appreciated it. As a member of the  Anti-Villain League, she’s naturally very  much on the side of good, even convincing Gru  to join AVL with her and fight off other  villains. She also helps Gru open up, being a good  listener as well as supportive. Lucy also tries  her best to be a good mother to the girls,  and although we see her making mistakes -  like forcing Margo to dance with a boy and  accidentally getting her engaged - she always  tries to correct these mistakes and will  not hesitate to stand up for her girls and  protect them from danger. As far as the heroes  of this series go, we feel there’s  no one more heroic than Lucy.  Following her, we have Margo. Out of the  three sisters, Margo was the most skeptical of  Gru, and would often be the one to push  him into doing what she and her sisters  wanted, being snarky when he tried to tell  her the rules of the house and refusing to do  his cookie scheme until he took them to their  dance class. But, after Gru rescued them  from Vector and proved that he could be a  good dad, Margo definitely came around. She  can be the most mature and level-headed out  of her sisters but, given that she’s still a  pre-teen, she has her moments of immaturity.  Even so, she’s protective of her younger  sisters, often leading them out of trouble  and caring deeply about them and their  parents. Next, we have the last of the sisters,   Edith. Definitely the most mischievous and the most spunky of the three. In fact,   out of all the girls, she’s  the most likely to follow her  father’s villainous footsteps. In the first  movie, after Gru destroys the carnival game,  Agnes wants him to destroy other games  just for fun, and in the second film, she’s  actively training to be a ninja and Gru has  to remind her not to kill anyone. That was  proooobably meant as a joke, but still. Like  Margo, she can sometimes be a bit bratty  and snarky. She’s seen playing pranks on  Dru’s butler and likes to sometimes tease and  scare her sisters, but thankfully it never  gets to the point of her straight-up bullying  them. In fact, when Agnes finds a one-horned  goat in the third movie and believes that it's   a unicorn, Edith decides to let her believe  that, not wanting to burst her bubble. While  her tendency to enjoy violence and her  father’s weapons is a bit concerning, she only  ever fights for her family, which  definitely makes her a good guy in our eyes.  Finishing up the main family, we have Gru.  Probably the character in the series with the  most complicated morality scale, to the  point where depending on which deeds you  focus on, so could make a case for him  to be placed in ANY of our categories. He  happily starts out as a villain, and has been  a villain since he was 8, after stealing an  already stolen crown from Scarlet Overkill.  Since then, he’s tried to make a name for  himself as a villain, stealing landmarks  from Vegas and New York and eventually trying  to steal the moon. He also casually does evil  in his day-to-day life, like freezing people  just to make things more convenient for  himself when he gets coffee. Although he  treats his minions decently, Gru tended to  use people for his own means - like when he  was willing to adopt a trio of little girls  just to use as pawns for a scheme. This is all  pretty awful, but throughout the series,  we see Gru develop and grow as both a  character and a father. Once he starts to care  about his daughters, Gru not only protects  them from harm, but does everything a good  father should do - from playing with them  and making them personalized breakfasts  to comforting and encouraging them when  they’re sad. Gru is even willing to stop being  a villain for his daughter’s sake, and later  fully joins the Anti-Villain League. So far,  he’s managed to stop and defeat three villains -  not bad for a former baddie. Even so, as  much good as he’s done and as much love he  has for his family, Gru can still do some  morally ambiguous things. He can still be a bit  of a jerk and pretty rude towards strangers  or people he doesn’t care about. But even so,  he refused to return to villainy in the third  movie - not out of any moral reason, but  because he didn’t want his family to get  caught up in that dangerous lifestyle. Overall,  Gru has changed a ton, and while he  may not be the most pure or heroic guy,   he’s still a good dad and husband who is trying  his best not to be so ‘despicable’ these days.  Wrapping up the good, next is Silas Ramsbottom.  Silas is the head of the Anti-Villain  League, an organization that primarily  focuses on stopping supervillains from causing  massive devastation with their schemes. That  in itself is a pretty heroic thing, but how is  Silas as a person. Well, while the work  he does is good, Silas is often a bit  condescending and somewhat of a pompous  jerk. He makes fun of Gru's jam and jellies  business and when he tells Gru that Silas  that Lucy is being reassigned to Australia, he  does it in a pretty harsh and cold way.  Granted, Silas probably didn’t know about Gru’s  feelings for Lucy yet, but still. What keeps  Silas out of the Grey Area is that he only ever  acts this way towards Gru - which, given Gru’s  history, is a bit understandable. However,  we never see him act this way towards Lucy  or any of the other AVL agents, and while  we may not see him out in the field stopping  villains, running a whole agency is nothing  to sneeze at. So, we feel he  does enough to rank in the Good.  That does it for the good guys, now it’s time  to delve into the more neutral. This is the  Grey Area. Starting off this section, we have Dru   in a spot that we’re sure would disappoint him. Simply put, Dru is a wannabe villain. Having grown   up with their villainous father, all Dru wants is to be great like his father was.   Unfortunately, when it comes to pulling off evil schemes, he’s a bit too dopey to be a real   threat. When he and Gru start to bond, he tricks Gru into stealing a diamond for evil’s sake   instead of returning it, and tries to push his brother into being evil again despite   Gru’s insisting that he doesn’t want to be evil anymore. This is what causes a brief falling   out between them. Thankfully, Dru steps up when his brother and nieces are in danger,   and he even destroys Balthazar Bratt's giant robot to save Gru. Although he still insists   on being a supervillain in the end, he and Gru are friendly with each other despite now being   on opposite sides, viewing the whole thing as a sort of ‘cat-and-mouse’ game   rather than anything serious. Because of his happy-go-lucky nature and his lack of success   when it comes to actual villainy, we’re tentatively putting him in the grey, and are   hopeful that, even as a technical villain, he can remain a decent guy.  Next, we’re ranking all of the Minions.  Now we know that there have been several  named Minions, with three of them even taking  a starring role in the spinoff movie. Still,  while some may be a bit more innocent while  others are a bit more bratty, they all have  similar enough personalities and motives  that we feel we should group them together.  The Minions are, well, Minions! All they want  is to serve the most evil person they can  find and help them cause destruction.  Unfortunately, they have a bad habit of  accidentally killing their masters, with  Scarlet and Gru being the only ones to survive.  Funnily enough, Gru has also brought out  their good side. The Minions show kindness  and protectiveness towards Gru and the Girls,  and seem to truly want to help them and  make them happy. Still, these guys can be  pretty chaotic and destructive, and unlike Gru  who has firmly turned his back away from  evil, the Minions sometimes miss doing evil  and even briefly leave him because of this desire  in the third movie. Given how child-like the   Minions are and how easily they can do  good OR evil depending on their mood or  the person they’re trying to save/defeat, we  can’t really call them straight-up villains. As  far as we’re concerned, these guys are  practically the definition of chaotic neutral.  Keeping in line with Gru’s henchmen, we have  Dr. Nefario. Like the Minions, Dr. Nefario  is more focused on evil than Gru is. Unlike  the Minions, however, who soften up to the  Girls, Nefario only ever seemed to see  them as nuisances. When he thought that Gru  was getting too attached and was better  off without them, he actually called the  orphanage to take the girls away. While he  did help Gru get them back in the end and  now considers the girls part of the family,  he never apologized for this. In the second  movie, he quits working for Gru, again feeling  unsatisfied in his work and frustrated that  Gru now cares more about being a father  than a villain. When he teams up with El  Macho and agrees to help him take over the  world by creating a serum that makes the  Minions go rabid. Thankfully, Nefario once  again realizes his mistake and creates an  antidote for the serum, helping the Gru family  save the day. Although it’s clear that he  cares about Gru and tries to stand by him and make   things right, that doesn’t really excuse all the wrong that he’s done.   We can’t put him in the Bad Tier, since he could certainly be a lot more heartless, but we feel   that he’s still fairly far from being a good guy. In what may be an unconventional pick,   we’re ranking The Nelsons next. In the Minions spinoff movie, the Nelsons are the ones who pick   the Minions up when they’re trying to hitchhike to Villain-Con. Being a family   of villains themselves, the Nelsons do fun family activities like robbing banks and getting   into car chases with police, even actively shooting missiles at them! So, as self-proclaimed   villains, what keeps them from being in the Bad Tier? Well, similarly to Gru,   though they may do bad things, they’re still an openly loving family and care about each other,   like when Mr. and Mrs. Nelson comfort their daughter Tina for accidentally   tripping the alarm during a robbery instead of scolding her for it. The Nelsons are also very   kind towards the Minions, not only offering them a ride but also fresh apple slices,   and when Scarlet orders the capture of the Minions, they're the only villains that don't   go after them. The dad even tells the Minions to run for it. We still can’t exactly call them   ‘good’ characters given that they actively commit crimes, but when compared to other villains   on this list - ones who are truly heartless - they’re   definitely the best of the bad. On the very edge of grey, we’re placing   Herb Overkill, husband to Scarlet Overkill. While Scarlet is the one committing the crimes,   Herb is the supportive accomplice and inventor, providing his wife and the   Minions with all the gadgets they could ever need. Herb is a loving and doting husband to Scarlet,   never being jealous of her success and always supporting her and telling her how   much he admires her. He’s also friendly with the Minions, and even when he’s ordered to   torture them, he ends up playing around and having fun with them. Really, while it can be   said that he does enable Scarlet’s evil deeds and the inventions he creates   are truly destructive in the wrong hands, Herb is really too nice of a guy to be labeled as bad,   always seen as laid back and chill. Finally, we’ve come to the truly villainous   and the wicked. These characters are the Bad to Evil.  As awful as she can be, we have to put Marlena  (Gru’s Mother) on the lower end of bad.  Compared to Gru and Lucy, Marlena was a  pretty awful parent. At best, she was harsh,  and at worse, she was emotionally abusive.  Marlena never seemed to support or  encourage Gru, always criticizing him and  making Gru feel like he had to impress her.  Even when Gru is all grown up, her attitude  towards him never really changes. She’s  either criticizing and vaguely insulting  him, or ignoring him to spend time with her  various exercise instructors. What’s worse is  for his whole life, she never told him that  he had a twin brother. What keeps her from  being put any lower is that, while she wasn’t  that great of a parent, she seems to be a  decent grandmother towards the girls in the  one scene she shares with them. She also told  Gru at the end of the first movie that he  was a good parent, though not as good as  her. It’s not much, but it’s something.  Next is Miss Hattie, the head of the orphanage.  Like with Marlena, it’s not any good side  that keeps Miss Hattie from the top, but  rather everyone else on this list is somehow  much worse. Miss Hattie rules her  orphanage with an iron fist. She’s cruel,  condescending, bossy and is constantly  reminding the girls that she doesn’t even LIKE  children, only seeing the orphans she takes  care of as a means to sell her cookies.  When they don’t sell enough cookies, she  sticks them in a “Box of Shame”. She also  seems to taunt the girls hoping for an  adopted family. When Agnes asks if anyone’s  come in to adopt them, Miss Hattie tells  her no in the harshest way possible. This  woman doesn’t have any nice sides, and what  truly makes her frustrating is that she  never even gets punished for being such an  awful person. But, while we wish we could  put her higher up, we must acknowledge  that although Miss Hattie isn’t winning any  humanitarian awards anytime, at least she’s  never tried to kill people or take over the  world.  We’re ranking El Macho next. Thought to be  dead after going out in the most manly way  possible, El Macho has both brains and  brawns and has been called a “complete  powerhouse of a man”. He faked his death  and went undercover as a restaurant owner  just so he could plan his biggest scheme  yet, trying to take over the world with rabid  Minions, and was even smart enough to  frame another person in the mall when he  suspected the Anti-Villain League was on  his tail. In his youth, he’d frequently rob  armored trucks, being strong enough to  easily lift them up, and focused on being as  manly and ‘macho’ as possible. Despite all  this, El Macho is actually a fairly decent guy.  As a civilian, he’s friendly towards Gru  and his daughters, consoled Gru when he was  sad about Lucy leaving, and even seems like  a pretty alright father to his own son,  supporting his and Margo’s relationship with  each other. He also loves his pet chicken.  Unfortunately, most of this good will goes  straight out the window when he sics his  rabid Minions on Gru after Gru refuses his  offer to help him take over the world and ties  Lucy to a rocket that’s set to go into a volcano.   It just goes to show that even a nice villain is still a villain at heart.  Up next is the villainous Vector. He’s nerdy  and immature, priding himself on being a  so-called ‘modern’ villain thanks to his  extraordinary tech. He absolutely LOVES to  show-off, and seems to do things like steal  the Pyramid of Giza just to brag about it.  He’s also not afraid to steal ideas from other  villains like Gru, making him seem all the  more petty. This extends to strangers, given  that he was willing to vaporize the girls for  trespassing when all they were trying to do  was sell cookies. What makes him cross the  line from annoying antagonist to a true threat  is when he kidnaps the girls in exchange  for the shrunken moon. He then refuses to  return the girls, and nearly causes Margo to  fall to her death. Unlike El Macho, he  doesn’t seem to have any good sides. However,  given how dumb and oblivious he can  sometimes be and how threatening our next two  entries are, we have to put him at number three. In second place, we have Balthazar Bratt.   Balthazar started out as a former child star. He played a child villain in a very popular   80s show called "Evil Bratt." But, when he hit puberty and was no longer cute and charming,   he became a has-been at 15. So, as a means to get revenge on the world and   fans that turned against him, Bratt became a real supervillain. Surprisingly, Balthazar   was actually pretty good at being a villain, becoming the AVL’s Most Wanted. Using his   80s themed gadgets, we see him take out all the security on a yacht, outsmart and   humiliate Gru, and steal an extremely valuable diamond - with the implication that this is about   on par with all of his other schemes and grand escapes. Despite his goofy   appearance, Balthazar rivals nearly every other villain in the franchise in terms of danger and   threat levels. Later on, after Gru and Dru steal his diamond, Balthazar tops himself   by not only kidnapping the girls, but unleashing a giant robot to terrorize Hollywood   before lifting it up into space. Yeah, this guy is pretty nuts. He also nearly kills Gru   and Dru, and is only defeated when one of his weapons is used against him. Balthazar   easily could have been named our Most Evil character. However, despite all his success,   we feel that his bratty personality and petty  motivations make him just a tiny-bit less evil   and impressive than our number one pick. And speaking of whichWe’re giving Scarlet   Overkill our Gold Metal of Evil. One  of the greats, Scarlet was nearly  the Queen of Villainy, if not for the Minions  and later a young Gru taking her out once  and for all. Being known as the world’s number  1 villain, her talent for evil is obvious,  with her having started an entire criminal  empire by the time she turned 13. Though she  can put on a nice and sweet facade, Scarlet  is extremely ambitious and will do whatever  it takes to reach her goals. This includes  stealing, taking hostages, and attempted  murder. She also hates to be shown up.  Although the Minions technically did what she  asked of them, stealing the Queen’s Crown,  the fact that Bob was made ruler and  ultimately stole her glory was enough to  infuriate her and make her want to see the trio  of Minions tortured and killed. Even before  this, she heavily implied that her kindness  towards the Minions was conditional, and  if they did anything wrong or stupid, she  would “blow them off the face of the Earth”.  Like El Macho, Scarlet does have one good  quality in that she has someone she cares  unconditionally about, her husband Herb. But  even with this small hint of goodness, after  looking at all the success Scarlet has had as  a villain, how much destruction she caused  in her life, and all the danger she put the  Minions through in an attempt to kill  them once and for all, we just have   to rank Scarlet Overkill as the Most Evil  character in the Despicable Me franchise.  But who do you think the most Good and  Evil characters are? Let us know in the  comment section below. Be sure to hit that  notification bell and binge our Good to Evil  playlist. Where we break down the morality  of the characters in your favorite cartoons,  shows and movies. But most  importantly, stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 150,216
Rating: 4.9339175 out of 5
Keywords: agnes, lucy, edith, minions, nelsons, hattie, vector, despicable me stuffed crust, despicable me pixar, despicable me hbo, despicable me disney plus, despicable me where to watch, the rise of gru full movie, despicable me 3 full movie, despicable me full movie, watch despicable me, despicable me 2 full movie, minion bob with teddy bear, minion rush, despicable me on disney plus, despicable me 2 netflix, universal studios minions, do minions, minions netflix, despicable me on netflix
Id: 3-4Q0MMNp_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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