The Final Fold (King Olly Suite) WITH LYRICS - Paper Mario: The Origami King Cover

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well you're finally here took you long enough as a matter of fact it took you so long that there is nothing you can do to stop me now brother are you still planning more terrible things yeah who do you think you are folding up me and my minions like that like you could keep all of this from busting loose anyways where's princess peach is she safe is she comfortable does she have something to read i ask it for a friend oh the princess is right in front of you behold i told you didn't i that i would transform all of peach's castle into an origami castle including the princess herself she is at one with the castle now beautiful precious and silent i'm sure she's happier this way you monster folding princess peach into the castle is too much you've gone too far you couldn't possibly do anything worse except wait all of those paper grains you wouldn't i would and i did witness the thousand cranes technique he who has the patience to fold one thousand origami cranes shall have any wish granted that is real ultimate power and i shall use it to turn every last one of those wretched toads into mere blank paper what that's crazy talk the toads can't come back from that you know i wouldn't even do that and i've done some mean stuff believe me ask kamek i still don't understand what you've got against the tones do you realize that even you were originally folded by a toad of course i do he's the whole reason i'm doing this that fool disrespected the very paper i am made of he scribbled all over it now i bear the hideous scar of his negligence and disregard for origami and he shall pay that's why you're doing this but even if you're angry at him why take it out on all of the other toads if you've seen one toad you've seen them all they're all the same to me that's why i have to turn them all into blank pieces of scrap paper so i never have to see a single one of their stupid faces again that is my vision for a glorious origami kingdom as for you mario you've proven to be quite annoying but there's nothing you can do now to stop me already 999 of my cranes are complete after i defeat you i'll honor your paper by folding you into the very last crane hear us open despair and behold for you shall be the final fold so you need to stand with those who defiled our folded forms let those vile drags of the kingdom be reborn molded by me to an ideal form those with the will can rewrite the normal on paper wings flies the folded star with miss the power of the thousand cranes i shall end the pain origami falcon dirt from you fools who were careless who blasphemed with their tools i was i shall never rest until good [Music] [Music] the sin be born on you i'll reshape your kingdoms through and through you shall slowly hold in life no more once the thousandth karen twice is settled with a wish you'll all be one with the [Music] you've seen one paper told you've seen them all i shall never rest unto you [Music] origami [Music] you surpassed the power of my superior folded paper brother are you okay you must be exhausted using even one fellow mental forum can be shut it i don't need your pity i folded you so we can turn this flat world into an origami kingdom but you you betrayed me and allied yourself with these paper peasants don't you see olivia we're both origami why are you fighting me ollie we are origami but this isn't what we're made for we both started as simple sheets but we had souls folded into us we were made with love love of art love of creation love for life itself that's what origami is all about we should be friends with all paper beans if there's love in our hearts you're lecturing me about love was there love in the heart of that paper toad who scribbled all over me we're nothing like that flat flimsy fool we were folded for greatness i should have known you wouldn't understand how could you i made you two perfect too pure that is a mistake i'll soon correct hear olivia let me show you the true power of origami [Music] he just keeps unfolding what's happening what do we do [Music] origami embodies the limitless power of transformation with this power i shall rid the world of all pathetic paper-thin beings you think we're gonna roll over just because you puffed up your chest and got all weird looking i've had enough of you on your bad haircut it's go wait that was a very uh intimidating speech but he's too powerful here he'll grumble you for sure ollie was right this place was made with pure origami power it strengthened him so i could strengthen you too let me fold you hey watch the tail oh whoa never mind this feels great yeah are you feeling powerful my strength tenfold i'm big and bold time to show that to nerd my mind nice work kid now watch and learn as i teach this guy how a real final boss fight you are flat inferior i will not be swayed by the likes of you ah save it for the after show you overgrown christmas card it's bowser time [Music] this guy is tougher than he looks i am i might need some all backup like but your fate is sealed both of your paints come my folded soldier squash this rebel pierce the kingdom shield [Applause] ought to learn your place i'm gonna crumble your face it's show time your hours are few this chump's gonna feel the hurt i bring when i whale on the origami king yeah i'm breaking out all the classic bowser insults here you're in [Music] but i'll bring you will tear [Applause] strength will fail there's none greater than the koopa kill so you'd better fold your stories told of how you fell now [Applause] you just got beat by a paper powerhouse eat gravity jerk curse you [Applause] how do you like that that's pure bowser power right there that little napkin won't be creasing up my minions anymore still i can't help but think oh ollie you were bitter until the very end i just wish maybe things could have turned out differently goodbye brother i hope we meet again someday uh huh oh hey uh being this big and burly is nice and all but you mind unfolding me back junior's definitely gonna need a bath after this fiasco and these hands are definitely not the proper bath given science behind you what is there something in my shell i will not allow this i will press you i'll love you oh no my brother's way too big we can't stop him like this oh wait that order got me crossing and gave me something special before we left his workshop it's time to use it [Music] another magic circle pathetic what do you hope to do slap my wrist with those feeble arms of yours [Music] you defend those who soil our bodies turn your blade towards your brother ollie fine let hatred and meloncarly roil you till you have seen your barley and spare your sages spare me your words only one thing shall be heard when the world's rebirth i bring they'll hail the origami king now he shall heal now he shall fall and the story shall allah be retold from you it's dropped that life i will ring and you'll hail the origami king why must we fight please the pain that i suffered by our father's hand scribbles fire like my sacred skin the greatest i don't care for the words that he squabble this sent that he did so at all desecrating the art of the fold he rendered my heart cold soon my vision shall be complete with the thousand credit oh my gosh mario you did it we can finally use the magic circle the origami craftsman gave me one final folding technique and it's our only chance of stopping ollie [Applause] [Music] [Music] brother please come to your senses [Music] i'm sorry brother i had no choice oh but your poor body is so crumpled now maybe i went too far no olivia that hammer attack was divine you put everything into it and it was enough to awaken me from this dark dream i was too proud to entitled my heart was blinched my path was creased i was a mess wait what's this on your belly it hurts to move but that is the cause of all this madness the careless scroll that toad marked me with read it for me will you i must know what is written there what words are gibberish mark this foolish body please i could use one last one um a king who's fair and kind of [Music] [Laughter] [Music] of see me now he'd be ashamed of what i wrote i've been a terrible king [Music] [Applause] [Music] repaid his kindness i just became so so blinded by rage i did so many unforgivable things i'm i'm so sorry that princess peach and mario got caught up in all this [Music] olivia [Music] i've no right to ask you this but take the labor of your kin take my flesh into your hands and use the power within [Music] promise of me that you'll undo the war that i had dared to bring let no one fear they must [Music] with me dude do this for me i i i love you [Music] you
Channel: Juno Songs
Views: 983,760
Rating: 4.9188457 out of 5
Keywords: song cover, music, lyrics, battle with king olly, the final fold, mega bowser and king olly, the final battle, king olly origami overlord
Id: 8afoavNUcdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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