DHCP DNS and Web Server configuration in cisco packet tracer | dhcp server configuration | dhcp lab

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hello everyone so now we are going to do one more mini project in that one we are going to configure the DHCP server DNS server and the web server in the packet tracer we are going to do this lab as per our student request we are doing this one okay so let's do this one we will create a small scenario imagine this is the small organization we have three server and also DHCP server we have the web server we have and also we have the DNS server so imagine you are working in the small organization and you have this setup okay so let's do first of all we will take one switch and I will take some server as we are saying so we will take three server we will say one will be DHCP server another will be the DNS server another will be web server but if you are going for virtualization we will do everything in one server okay but anyhow in this mini project we will not use the virtualized server we will use three individual server okay after that what I will do I will take one router also because I want to show you the IP helper command because if you have the router in between router will not allow the broadcast as we know DHCP whenever we are requesting the DHCP like whenever we are requesting the IP address from the DHCP we are doing the broadcast so router will drop the broadcast traffic so we need to convert that broadcast into the unicast then again into broadcast so we are going to do that one with the help of Ip helper command I hope you remember we use this command in the CCNA and ccnp also okay so if you remember in our previous class we already discussed this one IEP helper address and we are going to give the DHCP address in this one where we need to apply we need to apply to the interface which interface the interface which is connecting to the other network okay anyhow no issue even if you did not remember no problem we are going to do now okay so let me connect I will take the cable and we can take some client also what I will do I will take one PC here and I will take three machine this side okay three machine this side now we can do the connectivity so I will take one cable I will connect to the switch from switch I will connect to the server okay and from server I will connect this PC and let me connect this three PC here this three PC what we have here okay here also I will take the switch okay generally we have the switch we will not connect directly from the router we will not connect directly from the router we will have the switch in between them so let me take one switch okay this is a Cisco switch two nine two nine six zero is a model number okay let me connect now this machine and from here we will connect the router okay so this is a small organization you have three guys sitting okay in the first floor or you can say in the ground floor and you have some server in the first floor so I will give the name we will label this one as a R1 and we will label this one as sw1 and we will label this one as a sw2 and here what we can do here we can do the what we can say This Server we can give the here name as a DHCP server dscp server okay and whatever IP you want to assign you can assign let me give the IPS okay I will take these 1.1 so let me assign this IP to the machine how we will go we will go to desktop we will go to ipconfiguration we will assign here and the Gateway should be the router IPS or router what IP we are going to give and let me put here this side we will use 190 to 168 1.1 okay we will change this IP here we will use 1.1 and this side we will use okay this is a gateway this is the router interface we are going to configure this IP here this IP here and in this place what I can say I will edit this rename this IP I will make this as a 2 Dot 2. okay I will give 2.2 here and the Gateway should be 192 168 2.1 okay router IP we need to give this is the router this IP we need to give here DNS DNS server we are going to create this one as a DNS server let me correct here first of all the IP this should be 2 and this should be 2. okay and here we will create this one as a DNS server okay DNS server domain name server so I will give here IPS 192.168 Dot 2.3 okay this one I done this is a DNS server and we will create one web server so we will give this is a web server okay this is a web server I will give the IP for this one is 192.168 dot 2.4 okay so I will assign the IP address here first of all this is a 2.3 so I will go here I will write okay and the Gateway will be DNS this guy only the DNS so same IP we will keep here okay so this one I am now assigning only IP address I will go here and then I will assign here 1.2.4 okay and the Gateway will be 2.1 DNS will be 2 Dot 3 I think DNS this is three okay so this one is correct IP address we assigned correctly here we need to assign IP should be 2.3 for This Server also so we assign here we need to enable the DHCP here so DHCP Services we need to enable here so how we can enable we can go to the services go here in the DHCP power on this service and here we need to create two pool one side will be 190 to 168 2.1 other side pool will be 192 168 1.0 okay so we will create two pools so one pool by default we have this is this our okay server pool so I will use this one default as our site this site I will use this pool so here I will give the Gateway as okay this side whoever is going to get the IP that pool I am creating here if you connect new pc also they will get the IP so we are saying this will be the Gateway and DNS will be what we told 2.3 and start the IP from we will say start the IP from 190 to 168 2.10 and give IP up to 50. our wish whatever you want to give and tftp FTP we don't have so we will save this okay now I need to create the new new pool also this side this side so I will say here server pull one okay and here 1.1 this should be 1.1 and this remains same DNS and start from 1.10 okay so I will save this so you have already this so let me create the okay this is a server pool one okay actually we need to write add I click save so they give me the warning we should add so I add it already so no need to worry you see here we have one pole server pool that is 190 to 162.1 DNS IPS this one they will start giving IP from this range and this will be the subnet mask they will give to the 50 user and we have one more server pool one they will give the IP from this range okay this is a default gateway this side they will get the IP and they have the DNS this IP and here if you see they will start the giving IP from 190 to 168 one dot 10. and the subnet Mass user same as it is so this one and this server is on okay so our server configuration done now we are going to do the DNS configuration so when we go here in the DNS configuration first of all IP is okay no issue we need to go the services and go to the DLS when you go to the DNS you need to add here the name example I will say Google I will write here google.com Okay I will write google.com or any name you can write example we are seeing web server so we will say this is a Google server so what is the IP we need to map so that IP we need to write here so if anyone write www.google.com then they will map with this IP okay example if anybody in this or in this side they are pinging or they are sending the traffic to google.com it will come to our DNS server DNS server is going to look in the record a record they will check this one is pointing to this IP so they will forward the traffic this side okay so DNS server is configured already here this is only one entry we have that's all then web server is let's go here this is a server go to the web server that is http if you see HTTP https both are on so no need to worry this is working perfectly so this side our configuration done if you want to check DHCP is working or not you can go to this PC and go to desktop ipconfiguration click the DHCP and check you will get the IP or not you get the IP 192 168 2.10 because we told IP is going to start from the 2.10 and the Gateway should be 2.1 as the router interface IP and this is a DNS server so this PC is working perfectly and if you go here in this PC and if you type in the browser google.com you are able to access the website because DNS is working okay we will see that you will type here www dot or google.com so it is going to translate it should translate the domain name and they will send the first packet will go here DNS is going to give this IP of the web server and you are able to access the web server so if it is not accessible then we need to check we need to do the troubleshooting okay if we let me do with the IP first of all 192 168 2.4 it is working with the IP address directly okay it is working with the IP address directly but when I am typing here google.com it is not working okay we will wait we will check first of all let me close and open again let me show you I will go in the browser in the browser I will write because this side this side is still we did not configure okay this side so we are going to check this side so I will write here www dot or directly I will write google.com and I will press enter google.com I will press enter and meanwhile let me check here the configuration about the DNS we done correctly or not and if you see we keep the DNA server off that's why it is not working we need to on this one okay I on that one now if you go and press again it will work see now it is working so however traffic is going if you want to check click here simulation mode and go here and again do here the what we can say type here google.com Okay example you will type here google.com when you type here you can see you have one packet this packet is a DNS packet this packet will go to DNS server DNS server will tell google.com is located it is pointing to this IP then our packet will come to that server see here okay this will go to the DNS server it is going to DNS server what is present in this packet if you see here in this packet they are having the if you see this is a Source IP and this is a destination IP destination IP is a DNS IP because they are going to get this detail from the DNS DNS server they are going to get the detail from the DNS server so DNS server will give you the but we can say the outdoor is again they are replying DNS server is replying to you back if you see DNS become the source IP and the uip is become as a destination IP here they will give you the detail where the DNS query they will answer your DNS query if you see this is a DNS query if you see here is your answer DNS told you that google.com is located here if you see you can see this one DNS query here you are asking google.com so they are giving the answer google.com is located with the ip192 168 2.4 okay this packet will go back to you if you see it will come back to you OK it will come back to you then you will send your packet you will send that your own your packet which you are sending to Google server if you open this you will see here the source IP is your IP destination IP is a Google server IP okay and now it will go if it will go if you go here it will go to the Google server and Google server is going to reply back to you okay he's replying back to you so what we are saying whenever we want to send the ah server whenever we want to send to Google we don't know where what is the IP of the Google so this request will go to the DNS server domain name server This Server is going to give us the information Google is pointing to which IP so then we will send the data to that IP okay so this way it will work let me go to the real mode and now let's configure here this router so in this router we are going to configure first of all the IP address so what will be the IP address here let me take here okay let me do here the first we will write no and then I will write enable config t host name hostname should be R1 then interface fast ethernet 0 by 0 I will give this IP to 0 by 0 this is 0 by 0. so I will write IP address 2.1255.255.255.0 and I write no shirt then I will do interface fast ethernet 0 by 1 interface fast ethernet 0 by 1 this interface I am doing and then I will write IP address [Music] 192.168 Dot we can do 1.1 then we will write and then I write no shirt here okay just we assign the IP address here because we are having only one router so no need to run the routing protocol only one router but if you check here after you enable the IP address here this one STP is taking some time spanning tree protocol is going to consume sometime for listening learning all that one so if you don't want to wait that time you can do this one fast forward so it will be very fast after that you need to configure here but we need to configure this site IP helper command this interface but before doing that one let's see here I will go to this machine and I am going to request the IP from the DHCP server Let's see we will get the IP or not if you see we will not get the IP because this guy is going to send the broadcast message saying that is there anyone who can give me the IP and that will be the broadcast IP broadcast traffic it will come to the router interface router is going to drop that one if you want I will show you we can go to the simulation mode and now I am going to send this packet if you see this is the packet when it will come here okay if you want to open you can open and check what is present inside this packet if I go inside this packet here we are sending this packet to the FFF that is we are sending this is a broadcast packet address is a destination address is a broadcast broadcast is nothing but we are going to send this to all the all the points in the network if you see because this PC is not having any IP address this PC is not having any IP address that's why he is keeping Source IPS 0.0.0. he's sending he's saying I don't have any IP I am sending to everyone whoever is a DHCP server please give me the IP okay so this one they are sending if you see client IP address is 0 your client address is 0 your server address is zero relay agent address is zero client Hardware address is Mac address of the client that one is present only so this packet is going to the broadcast broadcast means 255.255.255 but if you see here router will drop this one if you see it will come to everyone but router will not crop us if you see this cross router drop the broadcast traffic here router drop this one this is a DHCP packet but router is not going to allow the broadcast package so he's dropping that one and these guys are not DHCP they receive this broadcast message but they are not replying because this guy and this guy is not a DHCP server so they are dropping that one also okay here also drop here he also drop and if you see not nothing will be there this is a STP packet spanning tree protocol this one is STP so no need to worry now what I will do I will configure here the IP helper command we need to configure the IP helper command inside the router interface in the router interface which interface we need to configure fast ethernet 0 by 1. so what I will do I will write interface fast ethernet 0 by 1. because this side no issue the traffic when it is coming here or if it is going from here so we have the issue this interface so we need to apply here IP helper IP helper address okay IP helper address then you need to write here DHCP IP address so DHCP IP address is 192 168 2.2 so here we will write the DHCP IP address 190 to 168 2.2 right 2.2 or 2. what this one 2.2 so I will write this IP here okay and after that if you see here we can go to the simulation and then again we will request this okay we will request here if you see here the packet this is the DHCP 0 means he is sending this one to the broadcast because FFF let's see it will go here to the switch so which will do the broadcast it come to the router and router is going to forward this one he is going to convert this into if you see this one is a FFF this is a broadcast and if you see here it is a now destination Mac address is there before it is a broadcast okay if you see here let me show you before router before when it come to the router that is inbound inbound is nothing but going into the router so when you see here the packet when it is going into the router his destination address is FFF and if you see this is a destination IP address is also FFF when it is going into the router but we told the router IP helper command we told that if anyone is coming with the DHCP packet forward that to DHCP server this one so now if you see router is converting the broadcast packet into unicas if you see here it convert from broadcast to unicast here before you have this IP okay and this is the interface IP this one and going where 190 to 168 2.2 who is 2.2 this is a 2.2 so router convert here router told that okay I am giving this IP and they need to go to DHCP server so this will go to the DHCP server so router convert these broadcasts broadcast requests into the unicast request okay inbound means the traffic is going into the router if you see this traffic is going into the router Source IP is 0 and the broadcast IPS or odd Bond means the traffic which is leaving the router so this traffic is coming out from the router so when it is coming out router give his router interface as the IP as a source IP and then he give the DHCP IP address okay so it will go now if you see it will go now it will go here this is coming here switch then switch will give to the DHCP server DHCP server here if you check what they give here here they have this one IP address Source IP destination IP and if you see here they are requesting the IP address okay so relay agent is this is a relay agent and this is the IP address they are requesting we don't have IP address but this guy is going to reply that one if you see they will reply now if you see this guy is replying here we can open this packet okay let's see in bond this is the source IP okay this is a source IP because the DHCP server is giving the episode Source IP will be dhcpa server IP and they are giving this is the destination IP they are giving this IP okay they are giving this IP they are saying we can use this IP and if you go here it will come to the router okay and we can play here it is going here and if you open here you can check this packet is in bond here the FFF again router convert that unicast to the broadcast if you see before before when we are giving to the when the DHCP server because this router convert the broadcast message into unicast but when he received back again he convert the unicast message into broadcast how I know he convert into broadcast you can see this address FFF okay and we have the IP here this is the target IP so this IP Target can get and this is the source IP this interface IP and now if you see this will be the broadcast packet it will go to all the PC but all PC will reject only this PC is going to take I think before it taken already that's why it is crossing let's go and check did he get the IP or not okay so this one first packet he get because in the DHCP we have three packets if you remember Dora so they are going to do that one at last the DHCP will give the IP and he will confirm and he will take that one so we need to check that let's see here It Go Again the broadcast packet and in this packet here let me go here you have this is a client IP this is a server IP so now we can log in here it's still written or I will let me put the put to the real so you can check here you get the IP okay so what we are saying we get the IP here before we are not getting IP but we are getting the IP after configuring the IP helper address command under this interface if you want I will go here and let him let me show you again with the DHCP you will get the IP 192 168 1.11 because we told 1.10 try to start from 1.10 so we are getting here 1.11 and Gateway is 1.1 so this machine get that one and if you want to access the Google server you can get the Google server access also so just go to the browser and type here google.com Okay and press enter you will get the Google site and first of all we will ping and check also if you want you can go and ping also you can access the Google server or not first of all first I will ping my Gateway so I am able to access my gateway then I will ping the what is Google server 192 168 2.3 is a DNS so DNS is also working for me and then what I will do I will ping the Google server so Google server is also working for me so here I get the IP and the Gateway everything so we should able to access the browser also from browser we can access so let me go to the browser and we can if you type here the IP you will get directly like 2.4 you will get that directly but we need to get with the what we can say with the let with the google.com by typing google.com so let me type here here google.com okay if you see it is working perfectly welcome to the Cisco packet racer opening door to new opportunity whatever we have in that web server we can see that okay so what we done we done the lab in the Cisco Packet Tracer what lab we done here we learn how we can configure the DHCP server DNS server web server and we check if we have the router in between because router is going to drop the broadcast traffic so we need to configure IP helper command so this lab successfully done if you have any doubts you can write in the chat box or write in the comments okay if you want here see you will get the IP here with the DHCP okay so I hope this is clear for you this is simple lab DHCP DNS web server configuration in the packet tracer thank you bye
Channel: Network for you
Views: 92,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Networkforyou, English, Mustafa Bin Amar, ccna, ccnp, dhcp, dns, cisco packet tracer, urdu, dhcp dns server configuration, networking : how to configure dhcp, http servers in cisco packet tracer, internet technology - dhcp dns cisco packet tracer, cisco packet tracer dns+dhcp+http server & dhcp service in router, dhcp dns email server configuration lab in cisco packet tracer, cisco packet tracer tutorial - configuring web server, dhcp dns configuration, dhcp dns cisco packet tracer
Id: ZTNwwevT7S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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