static routing with Connecting 4 routers with explanation | Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial 3

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[Music] today we will create four different network with different IP addresses and select them with router so let's take a different end devices eh network will have to PC so we need eight in device for for Network you now let's tape for sweet you then four different router 4:40 network we cannot communicate with different network with different IP address using switch so we need router for this let's connect them using copper straight true you now we need to connect switches with the router and we are connecting first Ethernet 0 or every router you now we need to connect the routers and you can see only two folder here one port is here but there we need two more different port for increasing the number we need to go to physical turn off this switch then on the left side go to WIC Tootsie then take this insert this box and turn on the switch you now it is already you can see that there are two more serial port here we can use this serial code to connect the routers so we need to do this for all the other routers too as you can see that we can not connect Ethernet with serial port so we need to have cereal put in other routers too if we want to connect them so let's do the same thing again go to configuration you see there are only two quote turn off the switch and go to WIC 2t and take them in that box and turn on the solution wait for the system to boot and then do the same thing for other actors too you we will connect with celdt with serial port 0 with serial port 0 and then serial port 1 with this router serial port 0 and this one's serial port 1 to the last ones serial port 0 0 0 now we will take some notes here the IP address the PCs IP address will be always different only the two of them will have same IP address with the whole study different here you can see that the IP address is 192 168 dot 1.2 and 1.3 so we will always take the host ideas two and three only the IPM net ID will be changed and here inside the router and switch connection this will be dot one we will make the other network like this so that we don't forget the connection this one will be 192 168 dot 2.2 so the IP address is different you can see the net ID is changed and now among these two from the same ip address only the host ID will be different you and now we need to give the IP address for this road this will be 2.1 and the next one will be 3.1 in the next one we'll be 192 168 . 4.1 now we need to send ID for the PCs to go to desktop an IP configuration here we need to write the same IP address we wrote in the note and we need to change the gateway letter for now so the IP address and check if this is working properly or not now if we send message from pc 0 to pc 1 you will see that it is working properly the process will be successful you here we need to give the Gateway and Gateway will be not one the IP address from switch to router and both PC two and three will have the same gateway so we are using the same default gateway for both the PC and now this one's IP address is dot 2.2 and then the gateway will be dot 2.1 because this is a different network the IP address will be different the net ID is different then this one here it will be doubt 2.3 and Gateway will be dot 2.1 then this PC this is 3.2 and here 3.1 you the Gateway is the IP address between the switch and the router remember that fold or two and the Gateway will be 4.1 you okay now if we send message from every PC in the same network you will see all the process will run properly you but now if we want to send message from a different network to another different network you will see that the message will not reach the router because we did not set the IP address in the router we need to configure router - you can say the process status is failed so now we need to work on the router here we did not set any code yet so let's go to first 800 0 this line is first Ethernet 0 so here we need to give the IP address of this line that is dot one dot one then the subnet mask can turn it on you can see the green mark for this line and now we need to give serial dot zero zero here let's set a Class A IP address that will be 11.0 dot 0.1 or we can say it you consider any IP address here we're taking Class A for this route and all the other network was Class C IP address till now and here first 800 zero was this line so we need to write for ninety two one sixty eight dot 2.1 which is the IP address for Ethernet 0 and then we did not connect anything with fastethernet 0/1 so we will go to the serial connection here say L dot zero was connected with this route and that will be 11.0 dot zero dot three let's say you could give any host ID but the net ID will be eleven because we need to have the same ip address for a same route we live in dot 0 dot 0 dot tree and now we need to connect this side too so let's go to serial dot 1 and here if we want to write it like this you will see that we cannot write it we need to have different IP address for this side too even change the host ID it will not work it will overlap with the serial code zero so we need to have different IP address here let's say 12 as this was 11 we will go like this and turn it on and now the next router for the past hundred zero this was our IP address Class C IP address and for serial port 0 which was this side so we need to write root 12 dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 and now you can see that this root is also green let's write it down I'm mending maintaining a similar pattern here so that we can ride the network easily letter so all of the host ID is 2 & 3 and the net ID will be different and the next one will be 13 dot 0 dot 0 dot 2 and the last one we need to connect to this one to first 800 0 was this one 4.1 and the serial port 0 was connected to the third router so we need to write it like this you now we just wrote all of their IP address but if we want to send message we cannot send the message till now because we did not define any of the network where from where the data can go to which road we need to define that to if we see now you can see the data will be returned back from the router one because rotor one does not know from this part where they need to send the data so for that we need to define the network here so for that lets go to routing and then study here we need to write the network name from this router we can go to the second router from this to PC PC zero and PC one we can send data to the second router third router and four outer so we need to give on the network here one by one so first let's go to the second router so from the first router the data will be sent to second router so second router will be on the no truck with the net ID 2.0 if we write dot zero then it will mean all the network with 192 168 dot two in this smart ID we can use any host ID because we are using dot zero here in the network and then the master ID was class three mask ID it because it was a class three IP address so we need to write the subnet mask like that 255 255 dot 255 dot zero and the next hop the next hop is actually the IP address near the next router so here the second routers IP address was 11.0 dot 0 dot three and here the need if we add it you can see it was already added so now here we need to specify this network in the second router to cause the PC will send back a signal to let the first PC to know that it has received the data so we need to write the same for this network - this was 1.0 so all the ID from 192 168 dot one will be accessed via this and here then next top will be the first routers IP address we are excessing from louder to so we are writing the first routers IP address as next table so now if we send from PC to to be c0 to PC to you will see the data will be sent properly and the process will be successful now you can see the data is passed from router 1 to router 2 and it is sent to router 2 and it will send back a signal you okay now you can say successful but if we want to send any other router it will not go in that way you will see that data will return back from the router one because router one does not know how to reach PC four because we did not get the network in the any in any of the router so let's go back again in the static and let's add the other net or two like we have added here we need to add the next hop layer properly in this case here first the network will be 3.0 for this whole network and here the mask will be as always and here the next hop for accessing this network we need to go from this this route so here to here and we need to use this route so this will be our next of we cannot just send the data from route one to router three we need to pass it from using this route only so we are using that data and here if we want to use this network so we need to write 4.0 and the next one will be same again we need to use this route only we cannot send it flying from router 1 to router for we added all the main metal and now we need to add the network between the roads so let's just delete this and see this properly because we will use the same route for every other router - and we need to access this route through the first route so ill 12.0.0 all the network from this route will be and here the next hop will be 11.0 dot 11.0 dot 0.3 so now we are accessing the second road through the first route here okay now we need to send data from router one to router for so we need to access road three using row 12 I'm using road to make it easier to understand so 3 dot 0 dot 0 here we will access this route but we will access it using row trim so here we are accessing the road to of using road 11 and then accessing road thirteen using route 12 so by using this we can access all the network so now like this we need to add Network in all the other routers too one by one we need to do this properly so that the data reach them so now if we want to send data from here to here you will see the data will go but the signal will not get back here so the process will fail the data will be actually back from the second router because we have we have configured the second router a bit but not the other router so we need to add the other network to from second router we actually added the network for fast router but third and fourth router we did not add it so we need to add them so it will be 3.0 and the mask will be class 3 sorry Class C IP address so like this and then the next hawk will be we x1 to access the router 3 so we need to add the router trace IP address to l dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 and then editor now we need to send data from router 2 to router for so 4.0 and the next stop will be again the same when it access it through this route only we cannot jump over one route to another and now we need to connect the root with each other because we are using a different route taxes and other so here we will access route 13 with the help of route 12 now if we want to send data you can see that this will go back there you but you can see that it cannot go back because we have not configured the third router yet you so from the third one we need to say in back to second router so let's write it also we need to send it to the first router - so first let's do this 2.0 and we will access it through the second routers IP address that is 12.0.0 dot - and add it then we need to send it to first one so 1.0 the next hop will be same again we cannot access it by jumping over one router so after this we need to send it to router for so 4.0 and this one in the next stop will be router force IP address okay now we cannot send the data from the third router to first one directly so we need to access that route 11 dot 0 dot 0 the mask will be hit 255 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0 and here the next hop will change to 12.00 dot 0.2 then now we need to configure router for from router phone we need to send that data to 3 2 & 1 you third routers next one and now two for two the next stop will be same and for one the next drop again will be same now we need to change the route we need to connect between the roots so wrote role will be accessed via this route 13 you and little Rory Logan will be connected via wrote to him how if we send from pc0 to pc-7 you can see that process will work properly the data will be sent and the signal will send back a signal to let the PC 0 to know that it has received the data you we can send data from any PC to any PC in this network I've sent from this one but this one is a 3-2 PC for you sometimes it can fail the first time is intimacies so try it for the second time again you we can also ping pong on PC to another PC to know how it is working go to comment from and write ping and then any of the IP address from any of the network the first time you ping it will take some time so you need to wait for a little while I will just pause for some time and now you can see that the data is actually replied back a reply came from the other PC that I just pinged you
Channel: Electrical & Computer Engineering Project
Views: 509,081
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Keywords: configure 4 routers, 4 routers, configure 4 routers packet tracer, 4 routers cisco packet tracer, ccna static routing between 4 routers, packet tracer tutorial, cisco packet tracer tutorial, packet tracer, cisco packet tracer, static routing configuration in packet tracer, static routing, static routing between 3 routers, cisco packet tracer router configuration step by step, router configure, router configuration, networking, computer network with cisco packet tracer
Id: rZw_b0wpQ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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