Router on a Stick Inter-VLAN Routing | CISCO Certification

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see how to configure rotor on a stick inter VLAN routing rotor on a stick inter VLAN routing so here we are going to use a rotor one nine four one or so three switches 206 euro switch will use the four switches total the number of pieces we will rein in these devices this is our one here we have a yes 1 s 2 s 3 and s 4 also we can see the PCs pc 0 pc-1 pc2 pc through a pc for pc v pc 6p c7 and PCH okay this is sir yes - right now we will connect to these devices using copper straight through from our 1 g 0 star 0 to G 0 / 1 epsilon / 1 to G 0 / 1 if 0 starts - to G 0 / 1 if 0 / 3 to G 0 / 1 also we will connect to these NT devices to each switches so Rho / 1 - p c 0 0 starts to to pc 1 0 star throw it to pc 2 and coming to us for right here we are going to use a 3v Lance this is a belongs to VLAN 10 source Oh VLAN 10 this PC also VLAN 10 this is for VLAN 10 then we will use this color for VLAN 20 this PC belongs to VLAN 20 or so this PC also in VLAN 20 now we will use the other color this is VLAN 30 it's also VLAN 30 this device also belongs to VLAN 30 this is sir VLAN 10 and here we will use the network address / 24 this is for a VLAN 20 and here we will use the HS 192.168 toward 20.0 network / 24 and to her for the VLAN 30 192.168.0 / 24 network now we will assign IP address for these entity vices coming to pc 0 here we can see this is in VLAN 10 and here we have to use the network address plan to 192.168.0 / 24 so coming to pc 0 IP configuration here we are going to give a one nine two dot one sixty eight dot ten to ten also we have to specify the default e gateway and for this VLAN we are going to give the default gateway the first usable IP address from this network address that is 1000 to 1 then coming to pc 3 VLAN 10 network here we are going to use a 10.11 then the default gateway coming to pc 6 desktop IP configuration here we are going to use 10.12 and the default gateway coming to VLAN 20 here we can see the network address so we will assign IP address off from this network for these pcs we see one pc 4 and PC 7 coming to pc 1 desktop IP configuration here we are going to use a turn T dot 10 here is the subject to mask and here we are going to use the default gateway as 20.2 1 coming to PC for desktop IP configuration here we are going to give a xx dot love then the default to gateway and coming to PC seven IP address 20 doorto submit to mask sure it's a default to get you a sure we can see the network actress sephora VLAN 30 its slams 24 so we will assign IP actress or from this network actress for this pcs pc to pc 5 and pc8 coming to pc to disturb IP configuration and here we are going to use 30 - 10 and here is the to mask the default gateway here we are going to use 30 door - 1 you will copy this address coming to pc 5 desktop IP configuration here we are going to use 30.11.2011 is the IP address submit to mask and the default gateway here we can see the details of the IP address used for a 2 pcs on each VLAN now we will configure VLAN on each switches also we will assign each of ports - it's a VLAN before coming to the configuration we will verify the connectivity now here we can see these pcs those who are the same network will communicate now we will try that - here we will let's select to add a simple PDO and we will send from pc 0 to pc 3 then the same network here we can see it successful also we'll try from pc 0 to p c6 we can see it successful now we'll try from pc1 to pc2 accessible pc-12 pc 7 its now we'll try from PC to to PC five it's successful or so from a PC to to PC eight it successful we can try from different networks I mean from PC zero to we'll try to PC for here we can see it's failed because they are in different network these pcs now connected to the default to VLAN that is in VLAN 1 so here we will verify the VLAN details coming to s1 chauvelin brief and here we can see all the ports are assigned to a default to VLAN billion one coming to us three chauvelin brief shore so we can see to see the same thing right now we will come to the configuration coming to s1 you will create the VLAN so VLAN 10 VLAN 20 and a VLAN 30 configure terminal VLAN 10 VLAN 20 and the VLAN 30 and we can verify these VLANs a show reel and brief here we can see the variants created and here we can see the name the default name for the VLAN 10 villain 0 0 1 0 VLAN 20 VLAN 0 0 2 0 VLAN 30 VLAN 0 0 3 0 here we can give our own names for this VLANs will go to VLAN 10 and Toby will name it as students will go to VLAN 20 and will name it as faculty will go to VLAN 30 name a sugest now we can verify that chauvelin brief here we can see the details now we will assign ports to a VLANs coming to a topology here we can see the species 0 is belongs to VLAN 10 and here we can say it's connected to faster third 0/1 so this faster third 0/1 here we can see now it's assigned to the default to VLAN 1 so we have to added to wheel and 10 so we'll do that configure our terminal we will go to that interface fastethernet 0/1 here we are going to give us which report more does access support access surveil and 10 we can verify that now show VLAN brief here we can see the port yep 0 / 1 is now assigned to VLAN 10 named students coming to topology here we can see at the device PC 1 which is below of which should be belongs to VLAN 20 and here we can see this PC 1 is connected to the port fasterthan 0 starts to on s1 so we will they configure that now we have to go to that interface fastethernet 0/0 to access switch port mode as access such a port access a VLAN 20 we can verify that to show we ran brief and here we can see now this port FA 0 / 2 is assigned to VLAN 20 named the faculty coming back to our topology here we can see the device PC 2 which should be in VLAN 30 we can see this device is connected to the port faster Thirds grows large 3 on this switch s1 so coming to the configuration configure terminal we will go to that interface fastethernet 0/0 - mode as access switch port access a VLAN 30 now we can verify that chauvelin breathe and here we can see the port FS 0/3 is assigned to VLAN 30 named August the same way we will configure it on the switch S 3 so here we can see PC through is connected to F 0 / 1 pc 4 is connected to EF 0 / 2 and the PC 5 is connected to you have 0 / 3 so coming to the configuration on s3 enable configure terminal first of all be able to create the VLAN VLAN 10 name as students we learned 20 name as a faculty wheel and 30 name a suggest we can verify that all these villains created so wheel and breathe and here we can see that now we will assign ports to the character VLAN we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/1 support modest access such a port access VLAN 10 now we'll go to the interface fastethernet 0/0 modest access support access a VLAN 20 now we'll go to the next interface foster parents grows large 3 so 2 Porter modest access support access VLAN 30 now we can verify these configurations show VLAN brief and here we can see if s 0 / 1 is a same - 10 0 / tweezers into 20 and this grows last row is assigned to 13 now we will do it on a dis which is 4 here can CPC seek services connected to the port EFS 0/1 and the PC seven is connected to the port FS 0 / 2 and the PC 8 is connected to the port FA 0 / 4 we will reassign to F a0 starts throwing right coming to us for CLI enable configure terminal and till we will create the villains we lantern named as students wheel and 20 name as a faculty name next is we had to go to VLAN 30 named as ghost you will verify these villains created chauvelin brief and here we can see those villains now we will assign ports to the VLANs configure terminal we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/1 switch port mode as access switch port access a VLAN 10 now we will go to the next interface fastethernet 0/0 such a port a modus access Sochi port access a VLAN 20 now we'll go to the interface fastethernet 0/0 such a port Morris access such a port access a VLAN 30 we can verify this a show VLAN brief and here we can see the port FS 0 / 1 is assigned - 10 0 / 2 is assigned to 2000 is assigned to 13 now we will verify the connectivity between the same violence so here we are going to use add a simple PDO and we are going to send from pc 0 to pc 3 and here we can see its failed will try from pc 0 to p c6 it's failed from pc1 to pc2 so everywhere we can see it's going to be failed why it's failed for the same villain also so here we did not configure the Succi yes - we have to configure at these VLANs VLAN 10 VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 only switch s2 also we have to configure at the link between these switches s 1 s 2 s 2 s 3 and s 2 s 4 s a chunk thoughts right now we will configure on the switch S 2 you will create the VLANs enable configure terminal VLAN 10 named as students VLAN 20 name as a faculty VLAN 30 name a sugest we can verify this VLAN so show VLAN brief and here we can see that now we will configure the trunk coming to the suti yes - here we can see the ports FS 0 / 1 FS 0 / 3 and the FS 0 / 2 are connected to these sutures es 1 s 3 and s 4 so we are going to make these pores as a trunk port on the suti s - coming to us - here we can see all the ports from FS 0 / 1 till FS 0/24 also G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 is a saint - VLAN 1 we can verify the trunk also here we did not configure so it won't show anything so interfaces trunk it no it's not showing anything here because we did not configure trunk coming to the configuration we will go to those interfaces interfaces as a range fastethernet 0/1 till three here we are going to make the mod as a trango mode so support the mode as a trunk right so now we can verify that the show wheel and brief we will give first and here we can see those three ports are not available here now so now we'll verify show interfaces a trunk and here we can see the details we can see the port FS 0 / 1 0 / 2 and 0 stars through e status is at ranking native VLAN is 1 and here we can see B lands allowed and active in management domain 1 10 20 and 30 also we will verify on these switches s1 s3 and the s4 here we can see the interface is G 0 / 1 should be a trunk so that should be automatically become the trunk show interfaces trunk and here we can see a G 0 / 1 mode is auto automatically become trunk it's a trunk native VLAN 1 you can verify it on s3 so interfaces a trunk and here we can see that coming to s4 enable show interfaces a trunk and here we can see the details no we will verify the connectivity from this same villain from VLAN 10 to VLAN 10 yes it's successful from VLAN 20 to VLAN 20 yes it's successful from VLAN 30 to VLAN 30 yes it's successful we will try from a different VLAN PC 0 to pc 4 will intend to VLAN 20 it's failed then from a VLAN 20 to VLAN 30 it's failed so here are same VLANs are succeeded but different VLANs are not yes for that we have to configure inter VLAN routing on this rotor r1 now we are going to configure the sub interfaces on this router r1 using the eight node 2.21 QE encapsulation so here we can see the IP address what we are going to use for these sub interfaces G zero star 0.10 we are going to use so 192.168 or 10 to 1 and for this 0 20 2002 1 & 4 0 30 30 row 2 1 coming to the configuration on this router r1 CLI would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog and no enable configure terminal you will go to the sub-interface g0 star 0.10 here we are going to give the encapsulation dot1q then we have to specify VLAN IDs for 10 and here we are going to set the IP address what are the subnet mask now we will go to the next sub interface interface so G's Eurostar 0.20 encapsulation dot1q 20 I pee extras one nine two dot one sixty eight dot 20.2 one they sent me to mask now we will go to the interface ji-su Rosner 0.30 encapsulation dot1q 30 IP address to 55.0 now we can verify these configurations using show IP interface brief and here we can see the details over each s of interfaces here we can see g0 star 0.10 10.2 1g 0/0 the 2020 row 2 1 0 dot 30 32 1 but here we can see the status is administratively down also the protocol also down coming to a topology here we can see the link between this router r1 and the switch is down so here we can see the interface is G 0 / 0 and here we can see the status of this interface is G 0 / 0 is administratively down so we are going to bring this G 0 / 0 up so that all the sub interfaces I mean at 0 10 0 20 and the 0.30 are also going to be up so coming to the configuration configurator Monello and we will go to that interface G 0 / 0 and here we are going to give an osha town and here we can see all the sub interfaces are also up here we can see that 0.10 changes state to up 0 20 0 30 right now we will let check the show IP interface brief and here we can see the details know all the sub interfaces are up protocol also up now we have to do one more configuration on these two tiers to here we have to configure trunking for this interface that is G 0 / 1 so that all the VLANs VLAN 10 VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 will go through this router r1 coming to the switch is to enable here we will give a show VLAN brief and we will see this port G 0 / 1 here we can see G 0 / 1 these parties are saying - we land a one default VLAN so we will go to configure terminal interface G 0 / 1 and here we are going to give a support mode as a trunk verify show interface as a trunk and here we can see G 0 / 1 more is on its tracking now we will verify the communication between VLANs first of all we will Epping from VLAN 10 to VLAN 10 from PC 0 to pc 3 it's successful pc-12 pc 4 it successful from VLAN 30 to VLAN 30 it's successful now we will try inter VLAN or you'll try from VLAN 10 to wheel and 20 yes it's successful then from VLAN 30 to VLAN 20 it's successful we can try in any manner it will be successful from PC 5 to PC 7 or PC for to PC fire pc3 to PC - so everything is successful well in this video we have seen I mean the configured rotor or NSTIC inter VLAN routing front see how any doubt in this rotor honestok inter VLAN routing a place comment below also if you like my video give a thumb and share with your friends also if you like to get this type of videos in future consider subscribing thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 219,791
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Keywords: CISCO, VLAN Configuration, Inter VLAN routing, CISCO VLAN Configuration
Id: qwJlypSanLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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