10.4.3 Packet Tracer - Basic Device Configuration

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity basic device configuration okay before coming to this packet tracer activity firms if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get a notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website a link given in the description below ok now we will come back to our packet tracer activity sure we can see or a dressing table but this a dressing table is incomplete no device information no IP address information and no a default gateway information ok sure we can see our objectives complete the network documentation then perform basic device configurations on a router and a switch then verify connectivity and troubleshoot any issues ok what we are going to do in this activity your network manager is impressed with your performance in your job as a land technician she would like you to demonstrate your ability to configure a router that connects to Land's your tasks include configuring basic settings on a router and a switch using the Cisco IOS you will also configure ipv6 addresses on network devices and house you will then verify the configurations by testing and it to end connectivity your goal is to establish connectivity between all devices they given a note here the villain one interface on will not be reachable over ipv6 ok in this activity you will configure the router switch and the PC house again a node packet tracer will not score some configured values however these values are are required to accomplish a full connectivity in the network okay here we can see the requirements provide the missing information in the addressing table so here we can see this addressing table is incomplete and here is our addressing table in spreadsheet first of all we will try to get the IP address of these ng devices we will check any address given our a note a big config slash all and here we can see faster r0 here we can see IP address and it's a submit to mask we will update our addressing table it's the user - 0 1 and we will copy this IP address it's a user - 0 1 and here is IP address okay here we can give ipv6 address but we will give a prefix it's slash 24 once more we can verify that yes now we will try i p v6 config okay and here we can see link local address only no ipv6 error set okay no probs will close this and we will go to user - 0 - coming to the stop command prompt IP config all and here is IP address we will copy that coming to our spreadsheet it's a user - 0 - it's last 24 it will give I PA v6 config it's not set okay now we will go to user - 0 3 desktop command prompt I pick and pick you will copy this IP address it's a user - 0 3 okay whose throw - 0 3 / 24 now we will go to user - zero for the stop command prompt ipconfig /all will copy this IP address sure we can see to mask and it's a user - zero 4/24 no we have to get the default gateway here we can see this network is connected to this router RTA to this interface gigabit utterance Eurostar zero and here it's connected to bigger the Turin 0/1 okay so we'll here we can see those interfaces our device name is RTA we will go to this RTA CL I press return to get started okay enable then we will give a show IP interface brief and here we can see for these interfaces not set any IP address okay sure we will let decide an IP address for this interface so gigabit apparent 0/0 and gigabit apparent 0 / 1 here we can see our network 1 7 2.14 dot v dot 0 so we will assign first usable IP address for these interfaces so here we can give for this interface G 0 / 0 we can give 1 7 2 dot 14.5 dot 2 1 okay that can be done coming to addressing table for the interface a gigabit a third 0 / 0 we will give 1 7 2.14 dot v dot 1/24 so now we got or a default a gateway for these devices user - 0 1 user - 0 2 or for this a SW - 1 switch so hero user - 0 1 default gateway user - 0 2 then for this switch we can name it it's a SW - 1 and this is a yes w - - now we will try to go to this SW - one switch but here we can see this configure configure is a locked okay now here in this network we can use default gateway as one seven 2.14 dot ten dot a 1 I mean for this interface Giga be the third 0/1 the first usable IP address okay coming Tora spreadsheet Giga be the third 0/1 we can give one seven 2.14 dot 10.1 slash 24 you copy this address this is the default gateway for these devices such as a user - 0 3 user - 0 4 and for this switch SW - - okay here we can see array is W - - then you sir - 0 3 then user - 0 4 and here itself we can see this user - 0 4 is not in the same network range here we can see it's in 5.6 t we know it should be in a tender trench so actually they configured incorrectly on this PC user - 0 4 okay now next part or remaining is we have to get the IP address for these two switches SW - 1 and a SW - - okay how we can do that sure we cannot access the CLI of this switch SW - 1 we can see configure is locked okay you will go to SW - - oh we can access it enable we will give a show IP interface brief okay and here we can see this of VLAN 1 IP address is not a saint so we have to insane IP address for this switch SW - - ok here these two IP address information we will let keep painting and here we can see ipv6 information network address - 0 0 1 : d b8 : c AF e : 1 double colon 964 we will verify our router our ta enable show ipv6 interface brief and here we can see ipv6 address also not assigned for these interfaces with the turn 0/0 and the gigabit the turn 0 / 1 ok we will plan some IP address for these two interfaces ipv6 addresses okay sure coming to our spreadsheet here for this interface we double deterrent 0/0 we will plan this address 1 double : 1 then for this interface so give over the terror 0 / 1 we will plan to double : 1 also here we have to give a link local address for this router RT a we will use fe80 double : 1 and same router fe80 w : 1 so we got our a default gateway for these pcs right also we will assign an ipv6 address for these ng devices ok just we will copy this cell sure we will use one double : yes ok or because we have 2 pcs or we will use ok we will use 2 & 3 here we'll use it too and here we will use 3 ok that's ok we will apply this then for this PC user - 0 3 different network so here we will use at 2.2 - a double colon - okay then I here we will use 2 double colon 3 yeah ok now I decide wrestling table our device switch IP actress is painting okay anyways if you keep it pending you will go to other or requirements name the router and at a second a switch you will not be able to access the switch okay they mean that we will not be able to access this first switch is a SW - one okay first of all we will go to our TAC Li you will go to global configuration mode configure terminal you will set the hostname as our t a and press enter okay now we will go to a SW - to enable configure a terminal and here we will set the hostname as a SW - - okay right now what we do is a basic configuration of a device okay now use Cisco as the user exit password for all lines for Len console as well as for a line vty okay we can do that we will go to RG a CLI sure first of all we will go to line console 0 so I am using tab button to complete this incomplete a unique command so don't confuse how this command comes automatically okay line console 0 then we have to set the password as cisco then we have to give the command login now we will exit and we will go to line vty we will go to all the lines from 0 to 15 all the 16 lines then we will set the password as cisco and we will you login now we will do it on this switch SW - to CLI sure we will go to line console 0 password a Cisco then login we will exit turn we will go to line vty 0 to 15 or the lines we will set the password of cisco then we will give login next is a used glass as the encrypted privileged exit password encrypted privileged exit passwords okay coming to Archie a CLI we will exit from this aligned mode and we will give enable secret as class now we will go to s W - to exit and we will give our enable secret as class now encrypt all plaintext passwords okay coming to Archie a CLI we have to use surveys password encryption coming to a SW - - same command a surveys password encryption next is configure an appropriate banner coming to Archie a we will set the banner message of the day with the delimiter we will give warning okay now coming to SW - - banner motd warning noctus configure ipv4 and ipv6 addressing for the switch according to the addressing table and again we have the same requirements okay and we will configure our router at Ta a bit ipv4 and ipv6 then later we will configure our a SW - - okay now coming to our TA first of all we will configure a gigabit eternal 0/0 you will go to the interface bigger with the term 0/0 then we will set the IP errors here we can see that we will copy this address and decide to mask no shadow on command also we will set this ipv6 address ipv6 address we already copied that address also we will configure ipv6 errors fe80 double colon one fe80 double colon 1 as our link local no we will configure our interface Giga be the turns euro / 1 we will exit and we will go to the interface gigabit a third 0 / 1 we will copy this ipv4 address IP address it's here then these two masks not shut down also we will set IP v6 address coming to our addressing table you will copy this address you paste that here then press Enter now coming to ipv6 address you will set the link local address it's a v8 0 w : 1 that's a link local next is the house are partially configured complete the ipv4 addressing and a fully configured ipv6 addresses according to the addressing table ok we can do that first of all we will come to you sir - 0 1 IP configuration and here we can see ipv4 configured partially we have to configure this default gateway its 5.1 also we will set IP v6 address okay for a user - 0 1 here we can see ipv6 address we will copy this address then it's a prefix large 64 then ipv6 gateway ok next we will configure a user - 0 3 default - gateway 5.1 then ipv6 address user - 0 - then prefix last 64 then it's a default gateway ipv6 gateway you will go to you sir - 0 3 IP configuration here is a default gateway it's a 10.1 this is what be given next is ipv6 address then the prefix slash 64 then gateway fe80 double colon 1 finally we will go to you sir - 0 for IP configuration and here we can see they configure this IP address incorrectly coming Tora topology we can see that hi it's 1 7 2.14 dot 10.0 network so here we have to give it 10 dot okay then we will have set default to gateway it's a 10.2 one now we will get ipv6 address then the prefix or 64 and the ipv6 gateway fe80 double colon 1 next is our document interfaces with the descriptions including the VLAN 1 interface okay we have to set description for the initial phases first of all coming to our TA exit and we will go to the interface big of a deterrent 0/0 and we can set the description he'll give to the LAN 1 7 2 dot 16.5 or 0 okay now we will exit and we will go to the interface we go with the third 0 / 1 we can give any description ok sure we will give to the land it's a 10.0 next we will go to SW - - password is a Cisco enable password is class configure terminal we will go to the interface vlan1 and we will give a description you give a yes w - - a switch in the description okay now save your configurations okay we can do that coming to our G a sure we will give press ctrl-z presenter copy running-config startup config now we will go to SW - - CL I press ctrl desert then enter copy running-config startup config next is verify connectivity between all devices all devices should be able to ping all other devices with ipv4 and ipv6 okay before that we will go to SW - - VLAN 1 IP address here we have our network for this you will copy this IP address and we will give your the last usable IP address for ADIZ switch it's a two five four okay then we will assign this IP atrocity switch now we will have seen this IP address at Teresa's switch a SW - - we will copy these errors slash 24 it's okay and here we can see the default gateway configure a terminal you will go to the interface vlan1 you will set the IP address this is what we planned and the mask dot okay then we will give no shadow on command also we will set the default gateway will exit and then we will give I P default gateway what is that we will check it Yura so we can see default the Gateway okay de fa ult it's a 10.1 right so once more we will give a copy you press ctrl is it copy running-config startup-config I think we missed out too many things so here we can see completion status only 78 % H we will verify that we will go to check our results and assessment items so here we can see the details ok ok ok yes W - 2 here we can see we land 1 IP address we have to sit correctly ok then coming to RTA or router ipv6 errors what is the problem here we can see 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : a double colon 1 IP address prefix length it's incorrect also for this interface gigabit the theorem 0 / 1 2 0 0 1 : gb 8 : Abby double : 1 it shows your beatable : 1 ok we will check that also this link local errors is incorrect ok also we have to enable ipv6 unicast routing yes obviously then default gateway ipv6 okay we will let check all these you'll go to router and we will give configure a terminal ipv6 unicast routing this command is very important to route ipv6 sure before coming to that troubleshooting we will verify our end-to-end connectivity we will get the IP address of this PC you will a ping from a user - 0 1 and we can see it's working even we will get the ipv6 address then coming to you sir - zero one and we will a ping to PC user - 0 3 and here we can see it's working even we can try to this PC it's working now here our network is all ready to communicate but here in this activity it shows the completion status it's 81 percent H the thing is we have to configure this a pka fail as per their requirement so that we can score full mark okay just for a scoring purpose we will go to this chakra result and the villa secured sure in this arch here we can see ipv6 address so here they given for a scoring is a 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : 8 double : 1 okay you will try this we will go to RTA and we will go to the interface a gigabit eternal 0/0 and we will set this ipv6 address as 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : a double : 1/64 and here we can see completion shadows it's 81 you will atrophy this IP address and now here we can see the completion status shows 83% age and then now we have to change this ipv6 address on all these pieces we have to make the same network anyways we are not going to do that so we will come back and we will assign or reassign that previous IP address we will try this ok Jerry will give GB 8 : it's as per our labeling here we can see see AF e : 1 double : 1/64 okay next is troubleshoot and document any issues ok implement the solutions necessary to enable and verify full end-to-end - connectivity so here we got end-to-end connectivity click check results button to see your progress click the reset activity button to generate a new set of requirements yes so first you can click this all reset activity as so that you you will get a different set of requirements and then you can configure that back trace or activity and first when you do this packet restore activity you may get a different requirements different topology with a different network address so just write some comments regarding your a packet tracer activity in our website link I given in the or if you get trouble with any of this packet racer activity you can contact our team using our website so that we will go through that activity and we will help you so ferns in this video we have seen at this packet race or activity basic device configuration know dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if you liked our video give a thumb and share with all your friends stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 191,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNAv7, CISCO, CISCO Certification
Id: lkxbZxdYi5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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