1.6.1 Packet Tracer - Implement a Small Network

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hi friends welcome to war in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity implement a small network before coming to this activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team for any help you can visit our website link you will get from the description below now back to our packet rice or activity here we can see our addressing table with devices its interfaces and their addresses also we can see subnet mask and default gateway here we can see the objectives in part 1 we will create the network topology then in part 2 we will configure a devices and verify connectivity coming to the instructions in part 1 created the network a topology step 1 obtain the required devices click the network devices icon in the bottom toolbar then click the router icon in the submenu then locate the 1 9 for one router icon click and drag the icon for the 1 9 4 one router at the topology area here we don't have any built-in topology we are going to create this topology now so we have to go to this Network Devices sure we can see that Network Devices coming two routers here we are going to select this one n4 one router here we can see that after that click the switch entry in the submenu then located at two nine six hours each icon click and drag the icon or for the two nine six zero such into the topology area and we have to repeat the step above so that there are two two nine six euro sutures the topology area yes we can do that so here we can see our switches and here we can see two nine six zero series you will have a two switches Lexie's click the anti devices icon then located a PC icon drag two pcs to the topology area all right the devices into a layout that you can work with by clicking and dragging okay now we will add these same two devices coming to anti devices and here we can see in the devices PC so we will keep a two PC's here just we will arrange these devices in step two named the devices the devices how default names that we will a need to change you will name the devices as shown in the addressing table you are changing the display names of the devices this is the text label that appears below each device your display names must match the information in that dressing table exactly if a display name does not match you will not be a scored for your device configuration coming to our topology here we can see the default in names of for these devices are our 0s which 0 switch 1 pc 0 and a pc 1 we will rename these devices and names as per our addressing table we can give any names for these network devices but for a scoring purpose we have to give the names as per our addressing table here we can see router it's RTA you will already name that to RTA okay and the we can see it's a SW one and SW to teresa SW to next isa NT devices a pc - 1 and the pc - 2 we will do that pc - 1 and this is a pc - to click the device a display name that is below the device icon her text field should appear with a flashing insertion point if the configuration window for the device appears close it and try again clicking a little further away from the device icon yes we already done that when we click on this device we will get the configuration window for example exactly we have to click on this text not on this device when we click on this device we will get the configuration window we have a to click on insert text so that we can see this text field and we can rename this device replace the current display name with the appropriate display name from the addressing table then repeat until all devices are unnamed so here are our devices are renamed coming to step 3 connect the devices click the orange lightning bolt connections icon in the bottom toolbar then locate the copper straight through cable icon it looks like a solid black diagonal line yes we will let's see that then that to connect the device click the copper straight through cable icon and then click the first device that you want to connect then select the character port and then click the second device select the correct port and the devices will be connected connect the devices as a specified in that table below yes we can see the table where we have to connect the devices coming to our TA we can see port Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 we help to connect to yes w1 its port a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 I think we will do it right now first of all we will go to connections coming to your thanks Trey sir here we can see connections and here we can see a copper straight through we will click on this a copper a straight through cable then the first of all we will go to RTA and we will connect two gigabit ethernet 0/0 then we have to go to s w1 ok we will click on s w1 and we will connect two gigabit ethernet 0/1 okay here we can see that ok now again we will click on this copper straight through here to avoid these are repeated click on this copper straight through we can oppress the button control and then we can click on this a copper or straight through so that we can connect to multiple devices without selecting this copper straight through cable again and again ok now we will go to our ta Gigabit Ethernet to 0/1 here we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 ok then the other end the own sw2 to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 sure we can see that now from sw1 first eternity 0 / 1 - pc - 1 we have to connect to first a thermit 0 click on sw1 faster third at a 0 / 1 then to pc - 1 from SW - first afarid 0 / 1 - the device pc - 2 first a turret 0/1 to our PC - - here we can see still we are in Connexions so we can press escape now we will go to a party to configure devices record the PC addressing and the gateway addresses in that racing table you can use any available address in that Network for pc - 1 and the pc - - coming to our addressing table here we can see these devices pc - 1 and the pc - 2 are not assigned with any IP address or the default gateway so we can have seen any IP address for these devices sure we can see this device RTA - interfaces and we can see the network address here or the IP address of this interface it's a tender tender 10.1 and tender tender 20.1 now coming to a topology here we can see these two devices that is SW one and the pc - 1 is connected to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 in this route or RTA and here we can see the IP address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 it's a 10.10 dot dot one so we can assign any IP address from this network arrange it to this PC a PC - one here we can see they use the 10.2 one at attender - for the device SW one so we will have seen the IP address here the default gateway will be the IP address of this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 in this route or RTA we can copy this address also the same default to gateway for ad assess which sw1 again back to our a topology here we can see these devices PC - 2 + SW 2 is connected to the interface Gigabit Ethernet a 0 / 1 in this router Orta hence we can assign an IP address and unused the IP address for this device PC - 2 from this network coming to our spreadsheet here we can see tender 10.20 go to one is used to fall this interface the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 this router RTA under tender tender 20.2 is assigned a 4 SW 2 here for this a PC - 2 we will use - indeed outer 10 now it's a defaulter gateway the IP address of this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 also we can assign a default gateway for this SW 2 the IP address of this interface a Gigabit Ethernet seguro / one know our addressing table is complete coming to step 1 configure the router configure basic settings hostname as shown in that dressing table okay we will let do this configuration on this router archie a coming to our ta CLI enable configure terminal you will set the hostname it's our ta configure a Cisco PNP a55 as the encrypted password we will copy this password coming to our TA here we have to enable secret as a specified then configure a Cisco a line PA five five as the password on the lines we will copy this password we can configure a line console as well as a line vty so first of all we will go to a lie-in console it's zero then we will have set the password okay then we will give the command a login exit and then we'll go to line vty for all the lines are from 0 to 15 we will have set the password it's here then login next is all lines should accept connections yes we given for all the lines from 0 to 15 now configure and appropriate a message of the day banner okay we can set that for that we have to go to a global configuration mode we will exit from this line mode and here we will let set the banner motd we will let's start with a delimiter then we will give the message an authorized access is strictly prohibited also we will end up with the same delimiter then enter next is configure interface settings like addressing then a descriptions from the interfaces and finally save your configuration ok we can do that so first of all we will get the IP address of the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 it's here and here we can see it's a certain to mask now coming to hora RTA we will go to that interface so that is Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 we can set its the description also it's sw1 LAN then we will a set its IP address with this to mask also we will bring this interface up using no shadow on command now we will come the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 here we can see its IP address at 10.10 dot then it's assigned to mask so here you will give you will exit then we will go to that interface that is Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 you will let set the description it's a SW tool and then coming to do its IP address something to mask then we will give no shutdown command now we will let's say with the configuration for that we have to go to privileged X ignored we can press the control is it or we can give the command the end we will press control Z from the keyboard copy running-config startup-config destination file name we will give a default or file name startup - conflict so just press Enter okay now coming to step to configure a switch SW 1 + SW to configure the default management interface so that it will accept 2 connections over the network from local and remote host use the values in the addressing table okay we will do the configuration will close this RTA and then coming to SW 1 you will let see its IP address here SW 1 VLAN 1 here we can see its IP address at end or 10.10 door and it's a salmon to mask press enter enable configure terminal we will go to the interface vlan1 and we will I set its IP address it's a tender tender 10.2 then it's a certain to mask then no shadow on command and also we to configure it's a default to Gateway here we can see it's a default gateway at Rus at 10.10 or 10.1 coming to yes one again we have to exit here we have to set the IP default the gateway 10.10 dot will go to SW to CLI we have to set this IP address at for this interface vlan1 with the default gateway address a tender tender 20.1 enter enable configure terminal we will go to the interface vlan1 and we will give its IP address it's here it's $20 - ok then it's a subtle - mask no shutdown and then we will exit we will set the IEP default a gateway 10.10 dot dot one next is configure an encrypted password using the value in step one a a bow okay we have to set this encrypted password as his Co a and pa five five okay we can do that first of all we will do it 20 SW to enable a secret it's here okay then coming to SW 1 in this a global configuration mode the enable secret specified password next is configure all lines to accept connections using the password from step one a a bow ok here we can see line password we will copy that coming to SW one first of all we will configure a line console we have to go to line console 0 then we will set the password as specified okay then login command now we will exit and I will go to line vty for all the lines from 0 to 15 you will a set the password then a login now we will go to SW 2 we will go to lie console zero password is here Logan exit and then go to line vty for all the lines that is from zero to fifteen then the password login next is configure the switches so that they can send add a tag to hosts on remote networks then save your configuration yes and now we have to save our configuration coming to SW 1 we will go to a privileged exec mode we'll press ctrl-z copy running-config startup config ok then coming to SW to end copy running-config startup config coming to the last step configure the host configure addressing on the host if your configurations are completed you should be able to ping all devices in the topology so coming to our addressing table here we can see the IP address of ER say in the for pc - 1 and a pc - 2 so we will configure these IP addresses in these devices coming to pc - 1 IP configuration here we will give the IP address it's a 10.10 door and out then it's a certain to mask then it's a fold the Gateway it's a 10.1 okay now coming to PC - to IP configuration it's a 20 dot 10 then we have to change this to mask and it's a default gateway now we will Epping from pc1 to pc2 or even we can ping to these switchers or - it's a a defaulter gateway first of all we will ping - PC - - from pc - 1 we will go to command prompt ping to tender 10.20 da - 10 and we are waiting for the replies yes it's working now we can ping - it's a defaulter gateway 10.10 dot dot one the interface the gigabit ethernet - 0 / 1 it's working even we can ping to this network default gateway that is a 10.1 it's working even we can try to ping to our switches 10.2 we may get one or two request timed out yes it's working now we will a ping - SW - it's 22 again a request timed out no it's working yes here we can see that okay in this we discussed the packet tracer activity implement a small network and here we can see it's a completion status it's a hundred percentage now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions or regarding this video please come in below also if you liked your video give a thump and share with all your friends and don't forget to visit our website stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 39,756
Rating: 4.9040766 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CCNA, Packet Tracer, CCNAv7, Small Network, CISCO Certification
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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