Owning and Flying a Citation Jet | Airplane Intel | Citation Jet Review

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coming up on airplane Intel we travel to Jacksonville Florida to get an inside look at owning a Cessna Citation jet we'll catch up with its owner dr. ken wolf I feel like I'm in an AAA meeting because I'm an aviation alcoholic so this big find out what it's like and what it costs to own and fly a private jet if you can afford it without question you get one they are so damn nice that's unbelievably good then we put you in the left seat for a test flight so stay tuned to see more aviation content like this be sure to hit the like button subscribe and turn on notifications the citation CJ 2 plus is part of the sussan of 525 series of light jets collectively known as the citation jet or CJ line for short produced by Cessna Aircraft Company in Wichita Kansas the first citation jet was launched in 1989 with deliveries beginning in 1993 the 525 series was developed as a direct replacement for such as older aging aircraft lines such as the 500 series citation 1 and citation 2 unlike earlier citations all 525 variants were designed for single pilot operations making the aircraft an ideal choice for many owner pilots and part 91 operators today the 525 series includes the six to seven passengers CJ and CJ one designated 525 the eight to nine seat CJ two designated the 525 eight the CJ three designated 525 B and most recently the ten seat CJ four designated 525 C each variant comes with different engines avionics and seating configurations as well as several notable upgrades through the years the entire lineup only requires a single type rating to fly with some differences training to cope with variations in avionics and engines the airplane we're looking at today the citation 525 a comes in two flavors the CJ - and the CJ - plus both aircraft share the same overall fuselage design as the original CJ but as five feet longer to accommodate an additional row of seats making it a nine seed airplane the CJ - serial number one through 299 was first delivered in 2000 and powered by a pair of Williams fj40 four - to see turbofan engines in 2006 the two received a minor facelift featuring new FJ 44 - 3 8 - 24 FADEC engines an upgraded interior and improved avionics and with it a new marketing name the CJ - plus the biggest difference between the CJ 2 and 2 plus is its two FADEC engines producing two thousand four hundred ninety pounds of thrust per side these engines really give the airplane a boost in performance and efficiency compared to the earlier version I'm talking about initial climb rates in excess of 4,000 feet per minute the 418 not cruise speed and 1670 pound payload in a range of about 1,700 nautical miles in fact because of the FADEC system the fuel burn and operating costs for the CJ 2 plus is comparable to the smaller less powerful CJ 1 the CJ 2 plus has a maximum takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds a 587 gallon fuel capacity and a useful load of about 4,600 pounds depending on equipment and configuration with a service ceiling of flight level 4 5 0 the aircraft needs about 3200 feet of runway for takeoff and just shy of 3,000 for landing with a balance field length of 3,800 feet the fade X system allows the engines to idle at a lower rpm eliminating the need for thrust attenuators found in the earlier CJ 2's and thrust reversers found on the legacy citations the CJ 2 plus is equipped with the rockwell collins Pro line 21 avionics suite which includes two primary flight displays one for the pilot and another for the co-pilot and an integrated multifunction display with backup reversionary modes the aircraft also features an integrated Collins FMS and then some aircraft a dual FMS setup this is the same equipment used on bigger faster business jets and many airliners now let's catch up with the owner to find out more about owning and flying this impressive jet so now we're speaking with Ken the owner of the CJ 2 plus and Ken you've been on the show with us before it's been a little while really for those of you that may be meeting you for the first time wanting at us a limo by yourself and some of the airplanes that you make sure I think I told you once before I feel like I'm in an AAA meeting because I'm an aviation alcoholic so to speak I've owned planes since I'm 23 years old and I'm in my 70s now I've never been without an airplane I started off with a piper tri-pacer and I worked a year in the emergency room to make 4,600 bucks and then within six months it swallowed a valve I had my wife and kid on board and we landed in a farmer's field with a ditch we tried to hop over the ditch and collapse the gear that between leaving the engine and the frame being bent that we would have thought I'd quit then and we kept going nobody was hurt so went through a bunch of singles città breeders singles pistons twin Pistons went through 16 years of flying and mu-2 solitaire survived that and the figured I'd get myself a jet and I got the CJ and you and I did a thing up two or three years ago on the CJ and so you can familiarize yourself you meaning the viewer can familiarize himself with that and then I have a problem I get bored after four five six seven years of an airplane so that one I tried not to sell it and I've tried to make myself feel better right new paint new interior put on ten rack winglets that lasted a little while and then somebody came by and made me an offer then I couldn't refuse so I solved that and then and the reason I got this the CJ 2 plus is at one of the citationjet meetings Russ Meyers who was the head of Cessna spoke about the CJ series of which he's very proud because he was he was the chief guy for and he said he thought the sweet spot in the whole system of the CJS was the CJ 2 plus very interesting now the the 2 plus is different than the 2 and it's not different than the earlier CJ's so can you just briefly tell some of the differences the the big differences between the earlier 5:25 in this journey well that 525 and this 8 in the series from CJ all the way up to CJ for this is number five in the series the the big difference is that pilots want to know is what does it do better than a CJ while it climbs like a rape day papers they say I'm forty four thousand forty five hundred feet a minute on this thing versus twenty five hundred maybe three thousand if it's is lightly loaded and a cold day on the CJ I go to 45,000 feet with this versus 41 if you can get there on a CJ typically the CJ 37:40 maybe you go to 41 that's why Tamara came out with the winglets it does help you climb but the stock CJ versus the stock this this is 41 that's 45 range is about 400 nautical miles further on this thing compared to the CJ speed is a good 60 knots faster so you're gonna be a climb right up there how I can get up to 45,000 feet and anywhere from 23 to 29 minutes and on the CJ if I could make it but what are just two of us on board it took about 40 45 minutes to get up to 41 so you can climb up where it's much more efficient and the beauty of that is up at 45,000 with-with-with you're more efficient up there and these FADEC engines I fly at almost the same fuel burn on this thing specific fuel burn is on the CJ if I come from Maine to Florida I'll burn within 5% the same fuel and I'm doing all the section I'm flying a much bigger airplane plane weighs it more than a ton more yeah and and so it's crazy how the technology is improved and being up higher and having fadec for engine efficiency you know you'd say oh my god that thing's going to burn a lot more fuel but it doesn't right and that's the big thing I think with the CJ 2 plus and the plus indicates basically that it's got a fayek engine right so there's a 1 + a 2 + + and all the trees are stacked but anyway this that that really makes a big difference and the manageability of the airplane as well directly exactly yeah the fadec prevent you from getting hot stats and then that would really spoil your day yeah the fadec allows for a lot more ease of operation with the cg a non FADEC when you take off every 5,000 feet you gotta check your temperature in the altitude you got to look at a chart to see what your power setting will be so you won't damage your engines right and that goes all the way up if you're up at altitude and cruise and the temperature changes you've got to remember to watch for the temperature change look at your chance there's none of that chatting with this this you just push these models to to full power once you're off you take off you pull it back to max continuous climb the thing goes right up and has a climb schedule take care of the speeds that it should be to be in greatest efficiency and you go right up but never I fly all the time at 45 you know just get up there and go yeah why not yeah it really is great and now that the the to in general so the 525 a is a slightly larger airplane it's got a couple extra seats right does it have a more useful load as well oh yeah when you're in the CJ if there's two people and a couple of bags you're a couple hundred pounds under gross if you put four people in bags and then you can't fill it with feel this thing here can take a thousand pounds of baggage heck I take off typically on a trip from Maine to Florida I'm at least eleven hundred and seventy five pounds under gross meaning that certainly helps and if I want to throw people on there I could still do it I don't even have to fill this thing up to go made to Florida a thousand thoughts the other one you have to fill it up and so you you didn't have that much useful load so how many gallons of fuel is an airplane home this is I think it pilots four thousand pounds almost six hundred gallon just about six hundred gallons you go interesting yeah and what what kind of fuel burns do you see on a typical trip in the flight level you know for I'm up at forty five thousand feet depending on temperature I'll be anywhere from six hundred and seventy pounds to seven thirty seven forty if it's a real cold day and whereas on a CJ I'll be anywhere from 600 to 640 pounds but I'm doing 60 knots faster yeah so the the actual fuel burn for the trips just about the same and the altitude part comes out the same specific fuel burn it takes a little more fuel about 150 pounds more to get up to altitude as this thing is it's really climbing so it burns about 150 pounds more fuel other than that it's the same time feel better all day long we're gonna take our audience on a flight with us here shortly so we'll give it a pretty good idea of the performance of this airplane and it's very impressive yeah it really is scary at the beginning yeah things happen real quick yeah what really does when we're setting up approaches or even if flying out of the traffic pattern yeah I couldn't you got to be on your toes right so I guess that brings the point of even though you're experienced pilot including Jets and you're in your previous airplane same type rating what kind of training did you do to not only be legal but be comfortable near plane that was my mistake I thought I could do a lot of it on my own and flying the airplane this one is just a bigger 172 the CJ it's so easy to fly you know and it lands easy it's just it's just incredibly good yeah but the avionics are what's going to get you when I in preparation for this thing I found 38 avionics innovations and new things that they have on this that are not on the other airplane and it's the collins proline system and it's pro for reason the reason what the airlines fly right and that was the hardest part and i shouldn't have tried to do that pretty much on my own i took it to a three-day the introduction thing had five hours but no way there enough and when i came down to florida there's a gentleman here in town of luke Alcon he's really superb and we've flown a lot and i still fly them but the big transition on this airplane is learning how to call to learn the collinsport line and if you smart and get somebody to teach you spent 20 25 hours with him you'll be called in terms of the costs you know the CJ was made from 93 to 99 this goes from 2006 to 2016 yes so if you're going from one airplane to the other or deciding I don't want that I want this and you're getting a much newer airplane and you're gonna spend anywhere from two to six times as much comparing a CJ of 1993 to a 2016 Jessie J - plus the extra costs it's a bigger airplane costs a little bit more for hangar space because you've taken up more space sure your insurance cost a little bit more assurance costs more because of the value of the airplane to the exactly exactly yeah and the nav data stuff cost more because this is a heck of a lot more it does it gives you V nav it gives you performance tells you how much your runway spit and runway you're going to need for a landing based on temperatures and you'll wait the altitude everything I mean it really does a lot more for you so you spend a little bit more for the subscriptions to be able to get all this informations very good yeah so your mission typically would be to fly from from Maine to Florida and back right what are some other things you've done with the airplane and what other missions might deserve plane be good for for our viewers that might be considering airplane like this oh this could be a charter airplane oh that's that's certainly used in the charter business and it's a pretty efficient airplane I use it I used to go use it to go to medical meetings for me it's a it's a business machine sure him plus I love it yes yeah absolutely yeah so this would be a good airplane for for for corporate use charter use personal the added speed of this airplane the added efficiency makes it a pretty good deal for most people yeah absolutely then I could go even on my CG I went one stop to the west coast left at lunch and was that but dinner I could do a lot easier on this thing yeah yeah absolutely so can we you know there's a lot of airplanes on the ramp a lot of them look alike how can we distinguish this two plus two an older straight CJ or more other airplanes in the same category LS the CJ has four windows if you can count to six then you know it's a two plus either a two or two plus sir if the thrust attenuators are on the back of a six window machine it's a two if it's a two plus you don't have the thrust attenuators fadec allows you to have less thrust to idle thrust so you don't have to ride the brakes all the time to keep it in a reasonable taxi speed that's why on the CJ and even the CJ - without fading the idle speeds so high you're constantly riding the brakes if you see seven windows it's a cj3 the only difference between the two plus and the three or the two series in the three series is the three series has a couple hundred nautical miles more range and a little bit longer cap a little more room for the fifth and six passenger in the back I didn't need that range so I went for this performance is identical same speed same climbs same everything so obviously it pains to do your research ahead of time because there are a lot of options out there for airplanes right like you just mentioned that the between the two and the three and even now the m2 which is the next generation of the original CJ yeah and even now the CJ for right lots of options out there can you just kind of talk just a little bit about what the acquisition process was for this airplane and what the costs were for acquiring airplane in general what can we expect that to CJ a real beat-up 1993 CJ maybe get it for 750,000 a real class act wait CJ with all the bells and whistles on it everything maybe it a million and a half maybe a little bit more something like that the two pluses probably started three million and worked their way up to you know probably six million for sure for a 2016 machine you know yes so it's you know I went to Vista 2006 machine they're all the same 2006 versus 2016 they're all amateur design and at this point I've had the airplane minimal maintenance issues and had one aileron servo they had to change out and one switch that turns on the flight data recorder on the matter but nothing but because it's 2,000 these airplanes out there there's a slew of parts you can get use service serviceable and you know I'll give you an example that aileron things yes that's the water that it was ten thousand five hundred bucks for it I bought one for 1500 bucks so we talked by acquisition cost but briefly talk about some aliens we'll go into that in more detail for a moment tell us kind of per hour your operational costs what does that run on average for a principle trip I try not to think about it it can be anywhere from I'm guessing probably sixteen hundred bucks an hour or something like that now this is a business expense so I can cover too close and hatta close to half of that and and I would encourage anybody who owns one of these babies to try to figure out a business when I have my CJ I was living in Maine and I wound up getting into real estate down here worked out perfect sure and we've went into a pretty deep discussion on that in our last video right some of the ins and outs yeah yeah so definitely go check that video out for sure yeah now going back to maintenance costs I mean jet airplanes unlike a piston airplane has very specific and mandatory inspection cycles right so can you just kind of give us an idea per year and what kind of inspections are done and what the cost of those inspections are the big one obviously for the CJ worth 525 series is a top 10 yeah you get a tremendous advantage because of the progressive maintenance when you're flying a jet you have to subscribe to a to a program this two of them out there this sense comm which assessments version which cost you four thousand forty five hundred bucks a year and I within a year or so go switch to something called Sierra tracks and twelve hundred bucks a year it's a lot and it works great same thing same thing yeah and it works fine and it tells you what you got to do and in exchange for doing these things that there's thirty or forty documents that summer based on time some are based on cycles some are based on whatever yeah calendar time and everything and rather than flight time and so it says hey it's time to overhaul the starter generator so you do it and you know what by following that program I don't have a squawk list is that let my piston airplane sure yeah I always had five or six things that to be fixed you know it's this the wrong but there's there anything wrong in this airplane right now not a damn thing you know it just it just flies I come out to this is it going to start obviously it is I mean the reliability is just so great on a jet and I'm sure a good percentage of it is is you're doing inspections you're fixing things before they break when I used to have I've got a friend who just bought up an open hands and it's been 15 years since the props but overall I said man you better get that over you want to wait you may you may save some money for a while but when the prop goes to hell while you're up there flying yeah so it's it's really a much more progressive way to take care of maintenance and it makes it a lot nicer you can fly your airplane and not worry that then it's always going to work I should say yeah yeah absolutely almost always the snow you know and like you're saying those those inspections there's about 40 of them yeah and some of them have anywhere between one and thirty tasks per instructions each and they're their basic things from lubrication but there's also structural inspection writings the big one on this series of airplane is that doc 10 right I think on average that prior runs about $30,000 they look through Cessna it does yes through Cessna now if you are discretionary on your flying and it's s that we'll do it in a week for you yeah if you ever chat or outfit you got to get the plane back out because you got a twenty thousand dollar job that you want to get done and that's not me I've been doing my dog tens through the Northeast emotive them for people I dealt with for 25 years now and I'll do it for about two-thirds of that in exchange which I'm going to be down three or four weeks sir but to say that kind of money to me it's worth it you sure pick your poison based on years particularly exactly yeah very interesting so can we've talked a lot already we've got a lot of insights from you we're gonna get a lot more because we're gonna be going to the cockpit here soon and we're going to go out and fly with you shortly but for our viewers that are maybe considering the first jet what advice would you have for someone like them the simplest jet to transition into would be the Mustang you know it's about a 340 not machine let's get Garmin in it it works good a lot of the Mustang guys though eventually say gee I really want to I won't say a real jet faster jet sure and because it's a great machine though yes you could get you can get yourself from a Mustang into a 2 plus you go from a Mustang into a CJ get more range that sort of stuff so going into a Mustang is one option the other is going into a CJ then you kind of get a little more performance little more range and either those are perfectly acceptable and if you've got a fair amount of experience in flying maybe going right to the CJ would be sure people worth it and the m2 might be a good option because you're going from the garment system and the Mustang to a car exactly you could go from it yeah and that would be a big step up the m2 is FADEC it's the same fuselage as the CJ it'll start out around 385 it's a little slower than this by maybe 15 knots okay this starts out no matter what you're always right fully loaded you get up there you're doing 400 knots and you pick up from that and maybe for 10 for 15 something like that so it's a little bit less and it's a little bit less on the range still a hell of an airplane you know so going from the Mustang to the to the m2 makes a lot of sense going from a CJ to a CJ to plus moves you even a little further up the line in terms of performance yeah and you can buy one of these for the same price you buy them to for our user so you get a lot more performance out of this more without a hell of a lot more fuel burn you know it's about the same fuel burn 700 pounds an hour give or take on this and the m2 interesting so it really comes down to knowing your mission and knowing your right exactly yeah yeah and doing your research exactly yeah so any other advice or anything else you'd like to share with us before when you go inside if you can afford it without question you get one they are so damn nice that's unbelievably good very good in just a moment ken is gonna take us on a demo flight but first let's take a tour of the cabin and cockpit so here I am sitting in the in the back side I never sit here but for this video we're doing it and there are a lot of nice features on the airplane the CJ has the same thing you just close all the windows you pull that thing the shades come on down so if you're flying along you in the back and the sun's there it's it's it's a nice feature another thing is just pull up and you have an armrest and once you're in flight you can move the thing out got more room so it's pretty comfortable back here nobody complains it's quiet you have the mood lighting up above you know if you want to show off a bit at nighttime and in the back there is a place to hang your coat there's a potty back there but if anybody uses that they're gonna have to clean it so it's never been used yet and the emergency escape hatch is back there too so it's it's it's really a great machine in terms of comfort for the other people we've got a phone over here I've never used it we do have you know the tables all that sort of stuff we have AC power you can plug a computer in here and the CJ has that too up front we also have a couple of plugs for AC power didn't have that on the CJ so you can if you find your iPad as is running out you just plug it in although I must say the iPads been relegated to just sitting there as a backup you know now that I've got all the stuff on this machine I almost never use it and so it's we got a lot more storage I put in a flight plan I guess the flight plan itself doesn't actuate on the on the in-flight monitor I had it's not too long ago I was doing 675 miles an hour they the the good thing about the monitor Thaksin miles per hour rather not so it sounds better but I wish my wife had taken a picture of that one that's the fastest I've ever gone so we'll go up front now and show you the cockpit that's where the fun part is so we're in the cockpit now of this bird it's all glass and all glass is sexy but it offers a lot more there's a tremendous amount of integration you do one thing it'll transfer over it makes life a lot easier for you the an incredible number of backup systems here if this system on this side is totally independent of that one thanks to this and this two identical FM s's as I say I put a flight plan in here it's over here so everything is independent of each other if one system goes to hell the other still up running and we have various components of this thing aside from the dual FM s's which drive the pilot and co-pilot instruments the you have a screen revision if this screen goes blank and it doesn't work you could put it all on this screen or vice versa if it if this the screen dies on you this will come back up in a sec and then you could you could put it all on to this screen so you're never going to be without instrumentation and so this thing here you've got to a high systems and suppose this one fails you can just flip this switch there's a house to the system that is running this one will now also help run this one so it comes right back online and that's a nice deal same thing with our data computers you have to air data computer is giving you all your air speeds and altitudes vertical speeds and everything if one fails flip the switch either way and you got coverage from the other one so that's a nice feature that isn't on the CJ so that's kind of the screens the other thing about it these are not radios those are actually used Radio tuning units the radios are elsewhere this radio can tune everything up here it does coms NAB's air traffic control and runs a traffic collision avoidance system it even when you go on emergency this will come up and this will have your artificial horizon going for you and so the two are right next to each other it's very easy to fly on partial panel if you should be gift to go to your emergency bus also on this airplane in the old CJ you had your it was a 30-minute non electronic mechanical backup artificial horizon and thirty minutes you better be on the ground because you've run out of battery this is good for an hour and a half makes it takes a lot of strain away and the side by side makes it easier flying so that's a big big advantage of the two Plus compared to the mechanical gyros and and you'd have to jump from you your back up to your you have ant regular analog instruments for most of the CJ you'd be jumping over here for your direction jumping over here for your speed it made it a lot more difficult so that's that's pretty pretty cool now the the FMS is this guy and this guy here let me bring this up so you can see a little bit better they are flying not only GPS are using not only GPS to get you where you want to go it simultaneously is doing DME DME so if you're ever in a site where the military is jamming or there's something wrong with the GPS you just keep flying on you don't even know it it switched over to DME DME and it has a third system it has vor/dme and it'll you can also select to have that on and if you do you'll see every three minutes you'll see the frequency change automatically it's looking for the best to vo is to get the right angles to get the best position and it's amazing how close the DME DME is to the to the GPS so it's so if one system goes bad you is still still good to go unlike the the Garmin or whatever you have on the CJ it's only one system and and you're on dead reckoning if you're going to vor s and kind of flying from one voi to the next otherwise so that's a that's a nice feature so I think that's a good initial overview of the panel and when we fly you'll see this stuff in action and hopefully to make a little more sense hopefully I don't screw up the flight didn't show you how dumb I am so anyway I think this is probably okay for now watch the full cockpit door video with the link in the description now it's time to go fly taxi seven let's go there Roger run away night all right - actually via Delta Bravo hold short runway nine are left okay we go forward we check the brakes then working the ground tower and departures are going to be 127 I've that up so if we go back to number one after takeoff here on departure when they tell us to go there and predefined your briefing let's good weather we come back for visuals we had a problem will abort for any anything blow of 60 knots set power everything else that still there and so the departure will be straight ahead to 3,000 feet than getting vectors for the ILS and we're going to throw out a line the end of the runway we'll do it on the computer here once we're getting vectors and then the F I don't know what what line did is up to come on in and pick up the aisle do that once we start getting vectors amps are correct 29 volts all set taxing pretty fast as we get about six need not tailmon here their tower several more seven JJ's crossing after seven four seven and JJ's he's a terrible Jerome and then right there they're right left there are some 4/7 you the children see so terribly not an ecliptic are frightened of this opportunity [Applause] okay so our pitot-static system is coming on landing lights are coming on and now have an antique ocean or just an equation and beacon are coming on and we'll bring it right up and you'll see we'll climb pretty fast by the time you save over 3,000 feet here we go altitude with important Jewish arrogance important altitude depth on that dog I heard the eyelet it was thick with that for now and I you are here for five six after departing runway Niner right at Cecil field we make a right turn downwind to get set up for the ILS runway three six right right now yeah display display this is this shows you that 360 contact the first one 7.0 looks like let me slow it down the slower you going the easier it is to make the turn to final if we want overshoot so here's our watch is that little ten-second airspeed indicator let me bring it down to about 150 or so that'll make the intercept a lot easier right now it's saying we stayed do nothing will be 160 so let me go a little bit more that Julie Julie opposite direction traffic one o'clock in five miles so she's in case 3500 turn right hitting free freeze or run all the gloves seventy-five miles for the city maintain 2,000 per to maintain VFR cleared out for a later runway free six right approach altitude now I'm going to throw off the speed brakes just to get us in here the [Music] [Applause] 7 4 7 JJ sister continue Jenny we missed he wants an altitude of 2500 feet so we'll put that in there c24 2500 on the best out to get a heading set up we smooth the heading bug for the mist but coming on down so we are over here [Applause] [Applause] our departure frequencies at number one we'll just switch back to what will be cold nest after they tell us Peggy is coming down we've got three green flaps coming initially to approach to have those on sooner and now flap slant which is 35 degrees that'll slow us on down 10 seconds will be down 120 of there abouts [Applause] over three subscribe when correction is 500 okay so again the 500 was stable there's a ref speed right there so I'll bring the power back up a little bit just about like that should be about right we're coming up to ref speed here a little bit me know we're gonna make a Miss so if I'm gonna get quite as quite as slow but there we go minimums at 270 we should be getting the warning so Bob's to approach we go be ruffles down flaps coming up we go back to the green needle or the magenta needle okay we're bringing it back to max continuous and actually I've got to bring it back to about the mid power nothing too exciting because none of us will frustrate throughout 2500 feet so we go back to number one number seven Julie Julie check the fart right dance a night next first question Julie truster you can see there's requested main thing via far and that you can shoot the approach on your 7jj so now let me get the chart over here okay we're gonna go - aha okay so we go okay so we can see the plane right so I'm gonna put direct execute now I eat my altitude here this one is 350 so we go to reps 350 we set that in better altitudes and we're gonna come right over so we're going now direct I'll put it on nav and we're at 2500 feet now so I'm gonna put V nav on here and approach on here I never had come here flat lowest group numbering 760 so I'm gonna put that in my altitude over here 760 or actually I'm going to put the 350 right in there there's that 350 that's our minimums so this thing is going to fly us right over to him ha it's going to say it Emma hi you should be at 2,000 above 2,100 at M high and going to zombie it should take us down to 2,000 and Cheryl which is the final approach [Music] going to start to go down pretty quick we'll see here cleared so we're turning around connect this 461 contact date 101 18.8 sauce so number 3 for x-ray x-ray contact Jackson first 27.0 a day ok so it's telling us that we're gonna stab down it was your Papa kilo whenever already speed at 2-under and we're gonna be going down to 2,000 feet outside the city magenta is there so we're going to zombie 94 degrees five point nine miles and raw base legs put the flaps to approach November 735 Romeo Foxtrot contact Jax first 27.0 this is your your school board it tells you about the autopilots doing and the flight management system we're doing and it leads it doesn't go right to the fixed it'll anticipate your speed and then it'll make them turn smoothly so you come right out on the final approach course every future if you got the contact action for 27 now we grab this just the situational awareness on this one here zombie and then we're going to turn left and we should be at 2,000 feet it zombie gives the altitude readout right there chef's 86 no but if you can proceed to the west and then go back stuff found to be great thank you it was your poverty low traffic one o'clock in eight miles maneuvering 6000 bit far as a styling fighting free for yes the main out dissent that'll be where it will start on down to go down to 1800 feet with a 3-degree glide path some Julia Julia Kansai q7c 6.1 mafia get him one contact that first foot over here was suddeniy breath VAP be over here your speed that you bought [Music] coming up there's our glide slope gears down flaps go to land and I flaps land the gears down and we're configured for landing three green will slow down now towards VA BB we're slowing down now there's a V APB speed that's what we want to be at [Music] vocalizes centered bring it down when we land we'll go to flaps pull the flaps we'll go down to 60 degrees spoilers on the top and the bottom of the wing to extend to plant the plane firmly on the ground then we can put on all the brakes we wanted because we've got antilock braking it will lock up land this thing at 2,500 feet put your presidents really there's no thrust reversers which eliminates issues or maybe the worst pressures on the videos going here you know minimums that radar minimums and fouler metric minimums won't fly right through it unless you've got the runway in sight is $200 speed over there 100 50 40 30 20 10 there it is [Applause] [Applause] I just quick but let me stay on I oh it's it's busy you know when you're doing all this stuff all in tight yeah if you're flying along just despite your funny time to set everything outfit seemed to work out pretty good you get to see what beam-out was like and yeah our transition planet impressive airplane you know I pinch myself that I have it I'm flying it and it's certainly certainly I don't so it's it's a lot of fun you got to work at it stay proficient you can't say I'll fly this thing twice a month you're going to get up and practice I have an instructor here I fly with every month or two just to kind of keep these shoppers again and you go to simulator school once a year at least I go once to that and then six months later you don't eject you got to do what's uh 6158 ride right that's a check ride that you do just make sure you're proficient I do that on once one six month period with the airplane and then six months later I go to sip school and then they don't have to do the 6158 ride I could spend six hours in the simulator and they can throw all kinds of emergencies and abnormals so I get maximum benefit from the simulator by having a full six hours of time to be able to fly and experience all of that otherwise you use up two and a half out here three days just doing the check right so we got a anti-ice off we've got our lights off we're going to turn off our air conditioning shortly but not till the last moment coming in they're monitoring us it right now they like to give it about three minutes to let the ancients cool down before you shut it down and we wait to the end one that's the fan speed to be below five percent before we turn off the electrics hey doc parently otherwise from what I heard wingtip is queer and he's telling us to stop okay so we made it guys nobody was killed everything when we put the flaps back up I hope everybody enjoyed the ride and the discussion on this airplane as I say it's a itself only to look so nice CJ's nice - so you just pay your money and take your choices something thank you for watching and the big thanks to Adam for his help here today and all the video work and Matt as well so see you later thanks for flying along if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more free aviation resources visit airplane intel.com to hear our aviation podcast about the ins and outs of aircraft ownership search for the airplane Intel podcast on your favorite podcast player until next time stay safe and keep the greasy side down you
Channel: Airplane Intel
Views: 108,350
Rating: 4.881299 out of 5
Keywords: cessna citation, cessna citation jet, citation jet, citation cj, citation cj2, citation for sale, cessna citation for sale, citation cj2 for sale, light jets, aircraft ownership, buying an airplane, pilot interview, aircraft comparisons, pilot vlog, steveo1kinevo, flightchops, cockpit, cockpit with ATC, aircraft reviews, citation jet review, airplane intel, adam sipe, don sebastian, aviation podcast, flight training, private jets, owning a private jet, airplanes
Id: Lviil7f5sao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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