Owl Sculpt - Follow Along Tutorial - Blender 2 8

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hello and welcome to gabit media i'm grant abbott and today we're sculpting an owl this will be from a beginner's perspective but i won't go through any of the interface so make sure you've checked out the playlists in the description for the complete beginner's guide to blender you can also go to my website gabit.co.uk which has all my free courses in order if you like sculpting then check out my sculpting playlist and it has more follow along type tutorials like this also if you like what i do then you can check out my new character course it takes you right from nothing through to making a great game character with simple rigging and animation it also follows the sculpting workflow so it follows that sort of artistic approach okay so this is what we're hoping to end up with something along these lines so i'll come up to the top file new sculpting so this sets up a new sculpting file i'll drag out my brushes so you can see which ones i'm using and the shortcut keys are down the bottom corner here the great thing about setting up a new scene like this is that you're straight into the sculpting workspace and you've got this nice heavily subdivided sphere here if i go into wireframe mode you can see all the polys so go back to solid now immediately i want to set it to die and toppo that means it will create geometry when i'm painting or moving my mesh around so i'll press the tick button there and on the drop down menu i'm going to change it to constant detail which is much easier to understand for beginners keeps a constant detail for my brush and i'll change the resolution to 20. so it's relatively high very similar to the cube as it is at the moment and when i paint on here you can see that it builds up geometry and doesn't stretch if not much of this is making sense then do check out my beginner's playlist and the sculpting videos previous to this one in the series okay to make our owl shape i'll come to the snake hook tool down here and i'll make my brush nice and big so f to resize i'm going to try and create a bit of an egg shape so i'll come to the top here i'll just come around just slightly there we go and pull up the top so we've got a bit of an egg shape like that and i'm just coming around to the side it's tricky to see when you haven't got much of a mesh there but i am actually moving around my mesh at the moment and just bring it out so it's a bit of an egg shape but more sort of oval capsule shape so something like this if i move around you can sort of see what's going on so basically making a sort of egg shape or capsule shape to start off our owl okay the next bit to do is the eyes i'll keep on the snake tool and i'll bring my brush size down by pressing f around to the side slightly and just push the shape in like this so grab and push it in just come around to the side here a little bit so we can see that shape happening see it getting pushed in like this push it together in the middle like this so creating that nice big eye socket there and that's about right okay a bit down at the front here so it's got a sort of interesting looking frown type thing there and that's great that's the main shape we want we can now up the resolution so i'll put it on something like 50. and start adding in a few details before doing the eyeballs it's a good idea to make it fairly flat down here make sure it's relatively flat and maybe bring this out just a touch here that way we've got a nice round area for an eye so at that point i can go to my draw brush f to resize somewhere around there and just start painting in some eyes nice and simple and draw and smooth out if you need to and there we go nice big eyes there then let's have a beak have to resize the brush and there's painted beacon a little bit pointy down there smooth out areas you're not sure about and hold down shift for smooth notice how the topology changes there that's because one is more detailed than the other i can always do a detailed flood fill dine topo detailed flood fill and that will give it all this 50 because that at the moment had 20 and that had 50. so we've done the detailed flood fill i just double checked that actually worked and you can check that by holding down shift to smooth it out and you can see it's much more detailed now so we can do a quick smooth nice big brush and just hold down shift and smooth those areas now that need it there we go that's fine and now i want to sharpen these areas up and give him a sort of interesting almost eyebrow type things out here so first of all we'll do that we'll get the snake tool resize the brush and pull this bit out a bit maybe a bit bigger on the brush they look a bit like ears at the moment and i don't want that so coming down and around here and something around there i'll smooth that out a fair bit though there we go and around here as well make sure it's got enough bulk at the top here okay that looks fine now we'll go to the crease brush and that will sharpen things up so first of all when i use the crease brush normally i'll bring my brush right down for this and i'll do it around the eyes so just create a crease in around the eyes and just gently paint around there it creases them up nicely and creates a divide which is what we want if i hold down control and paint it creates a sort of sharp line and we can really sharpen these lines up with the smooth brush around the outsides as well control and drag we can get a nice flowing line going through our shape down the bottom here as well now these sort of curves are much easier when you've got a display tablet rather than the graphics tablet because you're looking right onto your canvas i always find those a bit tricky on a graphics tablet where you're looking up at the screen it takes a lot of hand-eye coordination okay already it's looking kind of fun i'm using the xp pen innovator 16 which is quite a good priced display tablet at about 450 pounds links in the description now if you're going to make any drastic changes to your shape i suggest you do it now before we start getting into too much detail so maybe get the snake tool or the grab tool snake tool adds topology but grab tool won't it will just stretch the topology that you've got so i'll use the grab tool for now press f and we can just change the shape if we want to maybe give them a more narrow beak there anything with the eyes in case we distort those at all make sure they're nice and round and you may want to reshape your eyes slightly so they're a bit flatter but it's a stylized shape anyway so don't have to worry too much about these things and he's looking good fun i think he's a bit wide at the front here so we can bring this back and he looks kind of fun doesn't he okay back to the crease brush i have to resize the brush and let's crease up around the beak so in here and that's working i feel like this needs to follow up through here though maybe a bit like this and a bit smoothed out there that's quite fun let's do the wings so just something nice and simple just to with the crease brush just dig in like this round to there and round to there nice simple wings smooth out one side to the outside of the wings and then maybe just use the draw brush nice and big and just lightly brush on the inside to push those out a bit so they're coming out just like that and then i'll smooth that out smooth outside here as well and we've got some wings looks pretty happy doesn't he back to the crease brush and just sharpen that line up by going over it a few times if you need to you can obviously put the strength of this brush up at the top here but actually i prefer just going over it a few times because if you put the strength right up and you've got a wobbly line it does this sort of thing but i think it was at 0.2 wasn't it as the default if you sort of go over it it brings the topology together and it's a little bit easier to control and you can kind of adjust your lines slightly as well when painting there we go a little bit distorted at the top so i'll just smooth that out and that's all fine and just tidy up the eyes with the crease you can turn the resolution up if your computer can handle it it doesn't make too much difference because when we shade smooth later on it all smooths it out but some people like a really crisp model so maybe up to 100 or something like that and then you can come in and you might want to do a detailed flood fill on that again this is kind of optional and you can see my computer working away to try and put a detailed flood fill of 100 resolution there you can also see the try count down here so it's over a million tries now so just be careful if you're going to try and make it super smooth like i say it's not essential but when i do the crease now and hold down control you can get a much sharper line as you can see there so if that's your thing then you can do that i'm actually going to undo those steps i just wanted to show you that so for those that have the computing power but i also want to show you there are about 400 000 tries and we're still managing to get a relatively nice looking owl out of it maybe a sharper edge down here with the crease tool as well okay a bit of further detail on the eyes so i'll go to the draw tool and i'll come in onto the eyes i wouldn't go right in the center i'll bring them in slightly oh and i meant to hold control there so control and dig into your shape like this you can see he's got a cool looking look he can add even more detail a tiny little highlight there which can look kind of fun i might try that one more time a little bit bigger there we go just that little detail there i'm not so sure about this bit here so i'm just going to get the grab tool resize my brush come in a touch and i feel like that just needs to be a bit smarter there yeah it looks much better just lining these up from the side using the grab brush and then smooth that across the top and just smooth that around and we're pretty much there for our owl now you can do drastic changes to the shape with the elastic deform tool this is quite a fun one so it's very similar to the grab tool but it seems to just sort of affect everything in a much bigger way and much slower way so if i make my brush nice and big let's say i wanted him quite short and fat i can grab from the top here and it does happen quite slowly but you can see him sort of being squished down like that i'll undo that because i'm not sure that's what i want but i might make him a bit wider at the bottom so it really stretches out the whole shape it's kind of fun that one i think is a bit more funny like this and maybe in the size just a tiny bit about there so the elastic deform tool quite a fun one that okay so we're almost there i feel like we just need a bit more at the bottom here to make him a bit more round this time i think to about there yeah i think that's going to be about right okay to make the feet i'm going to go to layout mode now you'll notice layout mode isn't here so we have to press the plus icon there and general then layout once we're in layout mode we can shift right click on this area here that will bring my 3d cursor to this point and then shift a to add and then i can add mesh ico sphere i think is the best in the ico sphere push the subdivisions up 4 should work nicely and then we'll scale it down to somewhere around there now with this selected when i go back to sculpt mode that object is now in sculpt mode so i'll go to the snake tool and i'll turn dyn toppo on so tick there don't worry about the warning message that's just about texturing which isn't important at the moment i'll change the resolution though i don't want it on 100 i'll just have this on 30. and bring my brush right down alt middle click to center that object and zoom in now let's grab the front and just pull it outwards that didn't work at all let's try that again grab the front and pull it outwards there we go that's better i'm just creating a sort of cylinder shape you may ask why i wasn't using the cylinder well it's just better topology this way trust me so bring that out to the front don't angle it or anything yet we're just bringing it straight out to the front and then we'll copy this three times just zoom out to make sure you've got the right sort of shape for one claw i'm thinking so a little bit wider around about there brush much smaller over to the draw brush and draw a claw at the front nice and simple like that might be lacking a bit of detail so we'll up the resolution to 50. control to dig in create more of a claw i'll do a detailed flood fill it won't cost as much in terms of resolution and nice big brush and smooth out snake tool just to tidy a few things up so bring the claw down just a touch and actually the crease tool just to create that claw okay so a simple claw there just the one well i will crease in here as well and from the side it's not looking right so snake tool f3 size and let's just bring that back just a touch and that forwards just smooth that up a little bit perfect okay now back to layout mode now we've got our object we just need to duplicate it a couple of times so shift d to duplicate and you can see i've got a duplicate there r then z to rotate it round and g then x to move it on the x-axis you can see it's the x-axis it's the red one going across here and you can see the cartesian coordinates at the top here i'll move that back slightly so g then y move it back in the y axis which is the green shift d r z to rotate it the other way and the z axis is the one going up and down so that's how i'm rotating it g then x to move it across over to there okay so we've got those three which look good i'll just rotate them all so select them all with shift r then z to rotate in the z axis i'll do that a little bit more ardhan said a little bit further there and that's good now it's worth joining them all together but i'm not going to bother remeshing them i don't see much need to so ctrl j will join them all as one object then i can use the modifier down here this spanner or wrench if you're american add modifier mirror modifier now that has created a mirror but we need to use the mirror object not the center point which is that orange dot there so with my picker or pipette choose the quad sphere as it is which is our owl and then it's mirrored across the other side so it's using the owl as the mirror now we can line it up a bit more so g to grab maybe in the y and r then z to push that out we've got the feet and i'll deselect that and see how it's looking i fill the main shape if i select that and go back to sculpting it just needs to be pushed down a touch so i've got my snake up tool i'll just check my topo resolution now i'm going to use my pipette and click on my l and then back to dine topo and you can see it's 56 so that's fine it's the right resolution and the same as my model if i had chosen something like 10 it would write over what we've got so far which could be a pain and change my mesh just going to bring this down so it's the same level now from the side it looks a little bit odd i suppose that's the side just there so it just needs a bit more of a tail i suppose that's too big that brush so bring it in and back just a touch and i might use my elastic to form but make my brush fairly small and bring the back in a touch just so he looks right from the back there as well okay that's quite fun and there we have our owl let's go back to layout mode i'll select both go to front view oh it's actually back to front that's front view so control one on my numpad will give us front view or back view in this case g then z and move him above the floor just there and now when i press shift a mesh plane creates a mesh at the 3d cursor but i can press alt g to remove any movements it's right in the middle and scale that up and now he's got a floor so a tiny bit of tidying up needed you can see the owl has a bit of a gap around here so i'll just go into sculpting once again with the floor this time to help me out i'll go back to the snake up tool though i think it's a touch easier on smaller shapes and just use the guide that the floor is creating that's a bit better and there we have a nice friendly fun owl okay so i'll go back to my original and i'm in shading mode now and i'm going to show you my nodes so here's the render it's in cycles so you'll have to change your render properties across the cycles and we can get this nice looking clay material here which i quite like for the renders at the moment and you've seen me do this before but if i press ctrl spacebar again and ctrl spacebar on this screen you can see the node setup hopefully you can see it all fitting in there the main thing is the pointiness node for the shading and that only works in cycles hence why i'm using cycles and then we've got all these musgrave and voronoi textures for the bump and they're all sort of slotting into each other for the bump if you're unsure about these things then look at my video series called node school you can find that in my playlist section on this channel okay so that about wraps things up hope you're enjoying this again if you've got any ideas for objects then let me know so thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 114,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, gamedev, sculpting, sculptor, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, follow along, follow, simple, basic, beginner, owl, 3dart, speed sculpt, 3d modeling, blender 2.8 tutorial
Id: KAwTqpjNhcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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