Cat Sculpt - Follow Along Tutorial - Blender 2 8

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hello and welcome to gabit media i'm grant abbott and today we're sculpting a cat this will be from a beginner's perspective but i won't go through any of the interface so make sure you've checked out the playlists in the description for the complete beginner's guide to blender you can also go to my website which has all my free courses in order if you like sculpting then check out my sculpting playlist and it has more follow along type tutorials like this also if you like what i do then you can check out my new character course it takes you right from nothing through to making a great game character so to start off with file new and then sculpting and you'll have the same screen as me i'll set it to die and toppo so it will start creating geometry when i brush over my object and i'll change the dime topo once again to constant detail much easier for beginners to understand because your brush will stay a constant detail across the mesh and the resolution i'll give it 15. so you can see now when i start drawing with the draw brush up here you can see it's creating geometry every time i brush and there's no stretching and it should be nice and even if i go to wireframe you can see nice even topology and it stays like that when i'm brushing that's constant detail so i'll undo those steps and put us back to solid mode i've got symmetry turned on i'll turn that off a bit later on when we start making it a bit more asymmetrical and giving it character always like to start off with the snake hook tool just here i'll pull out my brushes so you can see the names of them and make my brush nice and big come round to the top you can see what angle you're at because of the yellow dots being across the x-axis because i've got symmetry on in the x and let's pull the top up so i'm going for a sort of egg shape here a little bit bigger at the top it's a bit sort of weeble shape okay around there a bit flatter at the bottom so sort of flatten this out make sure you move around your object regularly so you can see it from all angles just sort of flatten that so you've got a sort of bean and that's just fine round to the front in fact i'm going to squash him down just a touch i think he's a bit too tall at the moment and just make sure you've got the back as well sort of a nice fat cat i think just watch out for any lumps like this sticking out of your mesh and make it nice and round i'll make it a smoother curve at the back of his body here so i'm holding down shift and smoothing out and let's just smooth that in here but there'll be a tiny bit of an indent here not too much though that's where his head's going to go so a bit of a curve at the back there and at the front where his head is okay just smooth out a bit more make sure you're happy with this base shape before doing anything else so i'm going to spend a bit of time doing this okay now we're going to work on the more detailed areas so i'll turn the dime topo up a bit to about 25 still working on the symmetrical areas like the ears and the mouth and so on and we'll do the asymmetrical areas later on bring my brush down and let's pull out the ears so around about here let's pull them up and make them nice and curvy the round about there looks good might be a bit too far forward so we can just bring them back gently bring them back and that actually adds a bit of a curve to them as well so that's nice and they are slightly outwards at the sides more than the front i think that's about right if you've messed the shape of your head up then just give it a little bit more solidity if you need to and about there's fine don't need to add any more detail than that at the moment we'll get the face in first i'll do the snout first so use the draw brush this time bring the brush right down top of the snout just there and then the sort of whisk a bit there and let's just see how that's looking looks very odd at the moment and then you can easily move this into position with the snake hook tool just have to be a bit careful not to lose too much of its shape and about there okay back to the draw brush bring it down so we've got more detail now and then make that snout a bit more like a snout and we're going to have a mouth here so do a little mouth and just crease in some of these edges by holding down control and a bit of smoothing out okay we're getting the rough shape that's good i won't go into any more detail than that i'm just getting the rough shape for now let's have some eyes so the draw sharp's a good one for this bring the brush fairly small and you draw and it sort of cuts into your mesh okay just look at your position make sure you're happy i think that's about right really eventually we'll have some whiskers going off here but we'll do that when we've got more detail so we can start adding a bit more detail i'll make my brush a bit bigger and just dig into the ears oh using the draw tool this time there we go i'm going to use the snake hook again just move these back a touch and remember to smooth around those areas try not to hit the eyes though okay that's all good back to the dyn toppo and let's turn it up to 40 now so we've got a nice lot of detail now the draw sharp if i start drawing in here expecting it to be on that 40 resolution it doesn't work because the draw sharp doesn't actually add any new topology it just edits existing topology what you'll need to do is use the simplified brush make it nice and big and go over these areas to make sure that they've got that detail and what that's doing if i go to the wireframe you can see that if i brush down here it adds detail without changing the shape of the geometry okay so back to solid mode so now we've got the simplifier on we can start using these brushes like the draw sharp again and then smooth those out and then draw sharp again there we go you can also use the crease brush that's a good one for this area where it creases your mesh together and we'll add a bit more detail a little bit later on just to smart things up but start creasing these areas in to give them a bit more roundness and then smooth areas around them out need a sort of line up the middle here we can use the draw tool as well with the crease and it looks like we need to up the resolution detail a bit so i'll go up a bit further go to 60. let's try that with the draw brush now and give these a bit more shape i actually want these to come together but sort of keep this inflation and the inflate brush is actually really good for that if i start inflating in here you can see it brings them together into a sort of line quite nicely that's the inflate brush bringing these things out and let's go back to the crease brush for this crease in here and i'm combining it with the smooth brush every now and again okay with the draw brush i might even go up a little bit higher now to 80. do be aware of your computer and its power i'm up to 86 000 tries that should be fine for most computers that can kind of handle sculpting in blender and you shouldn't have too many problems okay so i'm doing a sort of snout and all the time just move back see how it looks and it's lost its roundness now so i need a lot more on the top here for that sort of cuteness and smooth out where you need to and then i'm going to dig in for the nostrils and let's see how we're looking when we're zoomed out we probably won't need to go too much above 80. i think that's a pretty good value i'm just going to dig these in and then smooth them out a bit and give him some slight lips so he's sort of snoring as if he's asleep a bit thicker i'm going to make the nostrils a bit wider so it sort of works together and smooth them out a nice bit there we go it looks quite fun just smoothed out some of these edges okay so he's looking quite fun but what we really need is a bit of asymmetry to really sell the pose leaning off to the side snoring and a tail coming around the front i think would look really great i'm going to start with the tail and then i'll move the head to one side so with the draw tool i'll turn the symmetry off now do remember you've turned that off of course and that you'll need to turn it back on if you do any more editing in here as soon as i edit the shape though it will lose its symmetry and i won't be able to use the symmetry option at all okay brush fairly big for this i can actually reduce the detail slightly to around 40 again and then start drawing a lump out the front here this looks a bit strange to start with but i want to keep it attached to the mesh so i'm just sort of drawing it out as if it's attached to him now just check that's in the right place let's have a look it's not particularly correct so i'm just going to use the snake hook and pull that down i could undo it and then redo it but i'm just going to use the snake and i actually want quite flat bottom to him so i'm actually going to pull the bottom up so that he can stand on the ground in case he's 3d printed for one or just to make him look correct oh now i need to do the back so i have to keep looking around your mesh making sure you've got everything perfectly in line that's about right i can actually use the flattened brush or the scrape brush i find the scrape brush the best one so ctrl 7 to go to the bottom view and then we can scrape some of this out like this just check how that's doing that doesn't always work how you'd expect you can change the brush settings so it does but i think it's just simpler to do it by eye a lot of the time i'm just flattening this out and you can see it sort of creating that flat base there and scraping it away i'll just smooth them out a bit as well because i still want to curve i don't want a very sharp flat edge so smoothing it out go to front view and then see how you're lining up so that's front view and just making some adjustments with this tail and then back view which is control one and just checking that that's all in line holding down shift and smoothing it out side view just check we're not too wobbly and the other side view control three okay so we've got this tail coming out here and we can start building up on it now so f you could use the inflate brush as well after resize and just draw around here right to the back hold down shift to smooth out and his back is going to be sort of this area here and then he's going to lean off to the other side so his tail will start here so i'm just going to build up a little bit of area around here and draw that tail around there okay just moving backwards and seeing what it looks like looks all wobbly and blobby at the moment but that's easy to sort out we just draw in and make those corrections and smooth it out keep moving all the way around your object until you're happy there may be another better way to make the tail really you could make it a separate object than remesh but i don't really want to remesh in case you haven't got a powerful enough computer to meet the resolution that's in the face already because you wouldn't want to remesh and lose that resolution but if you're happy with your computer you can do this as a separate object and then just attach it using the remesh and i've done that in previous videos where you just join it all together with ctrl j and then remesh okay so the inflate brush is going to be a good one here as well so i have to inflate and make that tail nice and big at the end there and just inflate this out if you need to and then smooth it back the inflate brush is sometimes a bit kinder than the draw brush it's difficult to describe but try both and see how you get on make sure you've got the right size before you start smartening up and doing any sort of creases in it and things like that okay that's looking alright i think though i'd like to bring it across to the side more so snake at all i have to resize the brush and just a little bit further along and then maybe a bit more of a curve to it like this there we go that's a bit more cute isn't it i need to smarten this up a little bit that's better and just now sort out the edges and then just think about the parts of the tail i quite like the sort of wobbly unnatural look i don't want it looking really clean so i like the lumpiness of the tail as if it's got fur but it is up to your style and how you want these things to work you can use the draw sharp here or the crease i'll try both the crease first coming in and creasing it all together that certainly smartens it up a lot yeah now this is where we want to use the draw sharp instead because it will actually cut into the mesh a bit more start to watch out a little bit you can see there causing a little bit of trouble finding the line so you want to cross between the two really to get a smoother shape and of course the smooth brush to smooth the things out at the end okay so there's a sort of fluffy tail ish and again just smartening up where you need to smooth brush it's quite an important one for this now just have a good look around and see whether you're keeping the curvature of your model so around the shape here and you can see there's a bit of a lump there that i need to smooth out a bit and i've lost my shape a little bit here so i need to come out at the bottom make my brush touch smaller try and keep your brush as big as you can though because minor small adjustments as you can see here can make it quite blobby but if i bring the shape out to there and then start smoothing a bit here as well that should help with the roundness okay so we've got a tail going there now like i say i want to change the shape of the cat so leaning to one side the easiest way is the elastic deform i would say there's lots of ways of doing this but i think the elastic the form it creates big adjustments like this you see and that might be a bit too much so i'll undo that and i'll make the brush a bit smaller pulling down one side not the other probably the easiest way to get a curve and you can see that slight lean there is helping a lot there is the pose brush as well which is quite an interesting one so you can see it when i bring my brush up it creates a white line and the beginning of that line just there at the moment is where kind of the point of rotation is so if i start clicking and dragging i can then rotate the head obviously it's going to cause these sort of issues here and then i can start pulling them out with things like the elastic deform now the head is tilted i can then start stretching it up and out and changing my shape as you can see there there's a bit of tidying up to do as you can see but it works reasonably well and we can then go in with just the grab brush and make those adjustments and of course the smooth brush to smooth out any of these areas that we need to i'll probably do a bit more with those sort of brushes later on in the series but just to give you a rough idea of how they work without changing any preferences at the moment so at the moment i'm just using the grab brush just to sort out the shape of the ears also give them a bit of asymmetry as well give them a bit of shape at the back and make sure they're nice and sort of chubby and cute so round them off if you need to at all you can make them sharp of course i just want this character to be sort of very sort of fluffy looking okay the eyes are distorted slightly so just going to with the grab brush pull these down and the same with the mouth just pull that up there we go he looks nice and comfy now sleeping on his side like that i'm using the grab brush because it's a bit more responsive when you get to higher resolutions because it's not adding any geometry and you can see that when i'm smoothing out some areas are going more smooth than others so i'll just undo that quickly and it's because some of the areas have 40 resolution and others have less so with the simplified brush you can do a detailed flood fill as well but i'm just going to go around with the simplified brush and then smooth out so paint on with the simplify and smooth out and just smooth out any areas that you think need smoothing out okay keep looking at your model's shape and i can see that his head looks a little bit distorted in this area so you want a bit more bulk here and you can see then there's sort of a round circle of the head there and he looks so happy chappie okay let's get to front view and just check that we're aligned okay you can see there's a line across here so i'm just going to bring this edge down a touch and we're pretty much there now it's good and make those minor adjustments as you need to control one to get back for you make sure we're pretty much aligned there as well let's get to side view also making sure that everything's good you can also go to side view with three on your numpad and then use four and six to kind of move around your view if i press 5 as well then i'll stay in orthographic mode as i'm going around and i can see any areas that are the wrong heights and you can just level it out so five being orthographic and perspective as you can see there and that will just help you get that shape right at the bottom i'm not going to worry too much about that you could if you want a really sharp bottom edge you can use a box here and do a boolean cut okay just a few minor details now i'm going to up the resolution to 80 and with the simplified brush just add some detail to these areas and down here and down here for where the whiskers are going and then with the drawer sharp draw those whiskers in i think they can be a bit thicker i think we really need to crease into these areas actually and let's get the crease tool now sharpen any areas up like this you can smooth out your whiskers with that crease tool i've got it very nice and small if your computer can't handle the resolution then you'll have to miss out the details i don't know that they make too much difference they just change the character really slightly and maybe the style some spots on his snout i use the draw tool for this quite small and hold down control some of them are a bit wide apart so i'll get rid of those and with the draw tool still just going to make sure these eyes are nice and crisp and clear let's go around them with the draw and then use the crease just to crease them in a bit smooth out if you need to just adjusting my whiskers slightly and making them a bit chubbier at the same time just the last few adjustments i feel like his head is a bit too big we can probably just about manage to edit that let's still down to personal preference course and there we have it the finished cat hopefully you're enjoying this series let me know if you've got any more ideas remember to share your work with me links in the description to instagram facebook and discord and lastly thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 28,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, gamedev, sculpting, sculptor, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, follow along, follow, simple, basic, beginner, 3dart, speed sculpt, 3d modeling, blender 2.8 tutorial, cat, feline
Id: etc1B5dVvuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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