LIVE - Low Poly Axe - Follow Along & learn Blender

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[Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to gabit media hopefully you can hear me let me know i saw a few comments about my choice of music i thought it would be sort of uh fantasy music and be sort of get people in the mood but red alexa is not happy about it no i want to punch that music do let me know whether you can hear me uh hopefully again hello uh winston ray red alexa monoto 200 pop bro so wolf blender tutorials and art jib corey s uh it's uh nice to nice to see you all on here yes fantasy indeed erwin's anyway that's what i was going for the fantasy theme it wasn't the best choice but i was sort of rushing around i left at the last minute okay so if you don't know already we are um doing some of this stuff low poly acts today so nice and simple hopefully um but i'm showing i'm going to show ways of doing it uh the quickest way probably and a bit of texturing so it just be nice chilled laid back having some fun as always sharma khan straight in there with the questions i'll answer that in a second so if you could copy and paste that and bring it back in about four minutes and then i'll answer some questions and we'll uh we'll get going but what i want you to start off doing whilst i'm chatting away is maybe find a reference image if you want to follow along with a reference image so have a look at some axes i did have some murder oh i forgot about them uh where are they uh oh i've got to load up my pure f again uh right load recent axes so i had a few there and but i didn't really use any of them i suppose it's a bit like this a bit like this so you might want something in the background i was thinking that maybe if it had if it's oh my screen goes anywhere if it um two hours is usually the stream length roughly uh what was it saying yeah so maybe if we sort of get uh and finish early if we finish early if you do your homework early um i might turn it into a sculpting session because it's quite easy to do that you can just sort of join it all together and start sculpting um and maybe we can go a bit more i don't like this sort of style be quite fun uh but uh if you're a beginner then um you're gonna be working towards this sort of level which is it looks quite nice isn't it low poly has that sort of charm uh yeah look at that lovely stuff hey okay so if you want to find a reference image look for a reference image um do you know i haven't gotten that reference image myself um i have to be a bit more careful because i can't just plonk any image up they have to be sort of copyright free unless i'm sort of showing my pure ref i think that's okay because that sort of i could be viewing on the internet but if i'm using the image as a background piece i think that's getting a bit more tricky isn't it so i'm just going to type in x and then i'm going to go image search i suppose i'll show you what i'm doing in case you ever need to obviously under google you've got some tools here and you can have usage rights labeled for reuse and modification i know these are sort of obvious things but um i always tell my students this because if you're looking for non-copyright images to use i don't know if you have a youtube channel for example then this is great so um i'll have this as an example uh just for now so i'll download that save image as i'll bring that over there uh right okay um so whilst you're looking for background images i will talk through a few things answer a few questions and all that sort of stuff so and also there's the discord as well make sure you join the discord there we are um i need to go to the live stream channel i think i may not already know i'm already in it i was well prepared for this so um angry noise not sure why uh there we go so hello to people it's uh nine it's just nine for me it's not morning afternoon it's just nine oh good morning good morning folks anyway so uh post your work in there maybe some inspirational images images to start us off and so we can all sort of oh look at that call axe i want one like that please uh can someone send me the link for the ice cream the live stream it's it's up there oh well um someone posted it's up there fully because they can't obviously see me saying it's like up there because i am the live stream right okay uh so a few questions then uh the first one was i have a question why we need look at my face there it's it's sort of looking at me so i couldn't help myself uh why we need reed topology for character uh because if you've sculpted it you've got so many faces on it as in it's really high poly as we call it so you can't put that into a game engine in fact it takes a long time to render when it's high faces and if you want to put any textures onto that it's really difficult to texture high poly stuff so we re-topologize to lower the face count hopefully that answers your question how long are you streaming about two hours so we'll finish about five uh you need it if you can oh yeah you've answered that question it's amazing not amzing explain uh explain potato i don't quite know what it is well uh have you not heard the expression uh my computer's a potato uh if you've got a bad computer you call it potato and uh just uh search potato on the internet if you don't have access to potatoes we have lots of them in england i don't know i'm assuming i'm thinking potatoes fairly universal as a uh vegetable is it a vegetable no it's a root vegetable isn't it yeah i've got some sort of hair there sorry distracting me anyway where were we um yeah so uh so i've if you haven't seen already i think it's quite an interesting point for discussion uh so if you haven't seen it already uh i think about 1 30 i posted a video saying if you've got a computer like a potato then don't worry you can actually go online and use a computer online there we go look at that oh that's potato pc so if you've got that as your pc or it's the upgrade version which looks a bit more like a computer i love this where did you find that yeti [Laughter] well it's going to be triple now [Laughter] stop it stop messing around we've got work to do got low poly access to make so yeah um vag on um so um yeah they contacted me recently let me have a go with their servers it was quite fun actually it was pretty cool so you just log in i mean obviously it costs money but if you follow the link in the video that i made uh you get a free access um i think they might be a bit inundated since the video but you get some some free access for an hour's worth of thing it's like 1.29 for an hour i people are saying that's expensive but that seems all right to me um for the power that you're getting and you if you're let's say you've got a chromebook for example and you want to do blender stuff then you log on to this and you use their computer so you're like a what they call it skeleton version there's a name for it isn't there you're a skeleton computer and they've got the power behind it oh that's not the right term is it someone tell me what the right term is anyway uh so uh yeah vag on uh check them out because uh i think that i think it's the future of computing i really do um and i had to go and it was pretty seamless i was doing some sculpting and stuff using their processor and their graphics card to render and all that was cool luna lotus that's too fast so that's a minus star to you uh minus minus gabbit coin way too quick that's really nice though i like that um oh actually is this um is that a reference image or is that i thought that was your own for a moment or is that a reference image sorry luna lotus you can have a positive you can have a gold star for that a gabba gold star gold coin from gabit right back to work back to work um a few more questions whilst waiting oh nice that looks good uh it's it i'm not sure how to pronounce it love it there we go we're getting some access in now that's quite cool on that one isn't it uh just checking my face isn't in the way oh looking good uh low poly viking character maybe at some point um i was the reference okay um oh it was uh grant uh yeah sorry was the ref was reference yeah luna loaded sorry i'm being an idiot being an idiot don't worry about me okay let's um so i've explained potato and i've talked about wagon as i've given them a bit of a shout out because that was pretty cool like i know i honestly think it is the future i really do oh there's someone giving me a some donation that's very nice but my sound isn't coming through um a donation that's lovely uh a game over thank you very much i'm not sure why my alerts aren't working huh should be sorry about that i should have an alert box so i'll look out but i'll say thanks so game over thank you very much for the donation much appreciated um i'd asked you a question but you said to shave it for later oh this is bad stuff nice work read alexa right so i'm just going through the questions and then i will get on with some cool work so um oh yeah yeah yeah um so there's some uni udemy courses i've put some links in the description because that's what i want to talk about as well uh i've got a character course i've been working with the game dev tv people i'm going to get some uh get an image up actually if i can find it uh it's going to take me a second to find my image but i'm quite proud of this because i put a lot of time into this very proud of myself uh but yes i've been working very hard making a character course and uh working with like i said the game dev tv people to produce this course and what really impressed me about them um is that um they've got quite a community and they have uh what are they called um people that help you out basically so if you're stuck on something you can you can join their community and ask questions and people will get back to you they're they're trying uh to have a never be stuck sort of um catch phrase never get stuck so there's always someone to ask i mean that is the future of courses i talk about the future of um computers with wagon but that's the future of courses never get stuck so as soon as you get stuck you go on the online and ask someone about it so that i think is cool and that's why i agreed to join them because i hate the thought of someone buying my course and then giving up halfway through because i got stuck somewhere anyway uh resources that's not it where the heck is it uh what have i done with it then oh what have i done with them all i just thought it was oh no i've lost it [Music] oh that's annoying i was going to show you my image of course um but hmm that's strange i've just lost my oh that's very annoying maybe i can get get it there yeah i can find a way to get to it i'm going to find a way i've got to do it oh never mind i'll show you another time the link to it is in the description i want to show it actually i want to show it that's annoying because this is my big chance to say look my course and i can't find the image for it i must have downloaded it somewhere uh it must be in my thumbnail somewhere yeah i'll get to it in a second i'll answer some more questions in a second i do want to find this though i'm gonna i'm going to i am going to find it hold on one second one second one second going to get there why is everything going wrong there's always something that goes wrong with my live streams okay we're getting some images of axes in the background for me that's a good that's a good axe that is i don't know how it works though with you chopping the wood but yeah i like it oh that's a sort of medieval looking cool thing hey nice already set up the reference image today oh that looks good cool axe there like it okay get some more reference images excellent stuff excellent and uh why is nothing working for me at the moment my schedule ah right right i'm getting there i'm getting there come on oh what is happening here i'm trying to find the course and the resources and images why can i not get to it yeah i'm going to give up on that anyway my new course on making a cool character i'll show it to you at the end anyway because we need to get on and make some cool stuff right let's get back to the live stream uh we face a super cyclone in bangladesh that's a nightmare isn't it i did see that on the news and oh uh my heart went out to all the refugees uh who are um yeah that's that's tough going so i'm really sorry to hear that now thank you very much spark for the donation uh much appreciated uh ah little s uh little susu uh thank you spark for reminding me i completely forgot uh so shout out to little susu who's uh working through the live streams and tutorials as we speak is that right uh spark let me know how let me know little susu how you're getting on [Laughter] cool stuff also sama khan you're you're a member of game dev and they're very helpful there we go you see that's why i wanted to join them right um seeing brackie's discord on the screen yet i mean these are all the discords that i joined there's the game dev tv discord i was doing a live chat with them the other day it was quite fun uh anyway uh smart eight years old cool stuff uh so yeah um uh how are you how are you getting on so far uh susu i hope you're doing well with uh with the work have you found a reference image of an axe that you can do if you want to do axes okay well hang on what's going on here people are shooting ahead blaze ablaze too quick for me okay uh so bringing reference images into blender is fairly straightforward we'll start ready to start everybody ready to start get your game face on uh let's go right so i'm gonna start a new file do i need to save this if i change it i'll save it just in case file new and general this is what you should see so i'm oh i'm in 2.82 i'm using 2.83 but 2.82 is fine just having a quick look at the chat making sure nothing's going wrong um oh yeah i should say the link in the description to my course is a special discount price and it's 12 at the moment i think that is an absolute steal i've got to say an absolute steal anyway more less about that i don't want to do this hell because i'm not a salesperson that's not what i do but um i can tell you that's a steal go get your course 12 there's a coupon to get the course i've put some other game dev tv courses if you're interested if you follow the links then i uh get some affiliate sort of um revenue and stuff but it doesn't cost you any more so you'll be supporting me if you buy if you follow through those links if that makes sense so the cool thing is with reference images in 2.8 um and onwards you can grab your reference image so i've got it in downloads and you can grab and drag it in like this tada isn't that great now if you have a problem doing that it could mean that you're in edit mode so if you can't drag it in it's because you cannot drag it in whilst in edit mode best salesman ever yes thank you very much vito uh 11 mil is there a reference quote you know you need to find your own reference photo okay um you see him a broken relationship is that what he said museum american relationship is that what the image is called uh yes it is i chose the axe of broken relationships well that's a cool name for an accent so i'm going to call my model the ax of broken relationships um i'm looking for a graphics tablet that will last for a long time probably wacom huion and they seem to be quite robust but whack on the the one by wacom is the one i would recommend the one i would recommend how about that okay so we've got our axe in so if you want to follow on with the reference image the only thing is when you bring a mod and when you bring when you drag a reference image in like this uh it goes at a weird angle you just need to press i will in fact what do you press what do you press that but you know when i get my screencast keys up in the corner there and what do i need to press to sort my reference images out so it's directly in line what do i press to remove rotation i should say okay do i need a reference image you do not need a reference image it's just in case you want one that's a sad name for an accent dude i would ask myself on that name if i were you oh oh dear red elixir that will do that will do alt r and alt g oh yes a td studios were there first you get the gabit gold star that's your gold coins the gold coins where the gold star come from i don't know uh yeah wacom in tuos is a good brand but the the one by wacom is the cheapest one they do and i and it's really good still um it just you just don't have loads of buttons down inside which i think get in the way anyway god there's loads of people on uh hold on oh gee they shouted at me stop it all right uh okay so um if i press alt r you'll see that it removes the rotation alt g will remove any grabbing any grabbing around here so you can then put it into position like rx90 so i'm typing in rx90 if you're a beginner and new to this and it will be right in line and then you can use your numpad for one to go to front view and then you can copy it i won't be copying it quite because i don't like the shape of this one and i don't want to use a reference image i'm going to use my imagination i better get my pure um ideas up though it's good to have something in the background in case you're going off on one so even if you're you've got this great idea but have reference images that look you just quickly glance and you think oh actually their blades are much smaller than mine you know that sort of thing so it's always a good idea to have reference images like this i mean it's not many reference images i'd have usually have a lot more than this anyway i'm going to bring this down out of the way i'll bring it out of the way i'm on the wrong screen actually i usually choose this screen so i'm on my wacom in case i do some sculpting but we can change that later um thanks as always for your service to blender and 3d i've been working on your exercises finally good stuff greg dran gregorin cool a gold cube oh that's good polygon stu polyguy studios studio i'll get it right in a second a gabit gold cube i think i think we're on to something here uh you can get some uh you can have a affiliate link to the gabba gold cube don't cut me off oh red alexa oh no it's happening uh why can't i see my image in solid mode do you mean your background image your reference image i'm in solid mode and i can see it you should be able to see it in whatever mode actually i think apart from rendered mode because the overlays have to be on maybe the overlays are off perhaps that's what it is not sure tom kayak not sure about that i'm sorry um uh will your discord be on udemy 2 not sure what you mean game over i personally thought yeah anyway back to the i suppose we do need the discord back up to see what people are getting on oh look there's a great reference image there so we've got some good reference image good stuff monoto 200 i think we can see that as a cool access it's a bit of an axe isn't it it's quite funny actually i like it no band that's it no i'll give it an x an accent this is cool like this very nice very nice like that by susa is this really well that was quick and pretty awesome as well so how old um are you susu did i say that earlier my brain's going did you say eight years old i can't remember um because that just seems absolutely mega awesome i've lost it now there it is very nice um i see a think art tv just having a look through it okay so we've got some reference images people have started on their exes already ah the course my course will be on new to me eventually yes yes sorry i see um that's weird it looked like discord maybe i just got um here's the reference that i'm not i'm not going to use that reference it's just uh it's a free uh image that reference um that i could use in the background but i'm going to use my own uh which is all up here okay so um you're using blender 1.79 you mean 2.79 don't you uh a graphics card error try vagon i'll tell ya it could be a it could be a worth uh worth a go if you're having trouble using blender uh on a 2.8 but anyway um uh yeah um some if you haven't got a good graphics card blender 2.8 will struggle unfortunately anyway let's get on right so i'm actually going to remove the background image for now because i'm not going to use it and i'm going to remove remove the default cube can you hear that a million cubes die shift a uh mesh plane i know i'm gonna start with a plane i know seems to what the what's that crazy fall doing it's gonna start with a plane uh okay so i'm gonna uh rotate round the y 90 degrees because i like to have my mirror across the x-axis that's the usual way of doing it so i'll actually be working from side view of the x so that x will be sort of this way make sense ooh axes did you already start yeah we've just about started i'm literally about to start my axe um okay so um uh what was i saying yeah so start with a plane uh i think a plane is easier to work with so i'm gonna go to side view with 3 on my numpad and then i'm going to draw my x now you might want to make your axe actual size so actual size let's press n on the keyboard and go to item here's the actual scale and it's 2 meters for this bit so i'm going to make this bit about this big which is about three maybe four centimeters big okay so i'm going to scale this down until it's around four centimeters so that's 13 and a half centimeters let's zoom in on that scale it down to about four centimeters somewhere well five centimeters there we go about there so we've actually got the right dimensions for our axe now and that could make a difference if you're taking it into another program possibly the pin message is still there hey i'll get rid of that actually we don't need that anymore oh it's not working oh why is it dying i can't get rid of it that's a bit weird ah that's just being really odd i can't see it it's being really laggy it's not letting me click on it my stream isn't going lag or anything isn't it i'm just going to leave it there because it just won't let me click on it it's been a real pain uh anyway uh you can scale it in edit mode yes that's that's fine if you want to do that because what i have to do now i have to press ctrl a because we've got a scale of minus 0.025 to get this uh these are the actual dimensions but the scale is all off and it's best to have that one for other things like unwrapping for example so i'm going to press ctrl a and apply ctrl a and apply my scale okay so now these are all set to one that's really helpful if you go into sculpt mode or anything like that and things won't be out but like when you remesh in sculpt mode it takes into account this scale actually does it yes it does as well as the dimensions yeah um so i would apply um the scale yes indeed pop bros is it bro it's a pop row but it looks like pop ross when i read it [Music] was that right in saying susu is eight years old i'm spark let me know yeah because that's really cool hey this is cool did this one uh before with you one before a few weeks uh but topology suck as you can see well not necessarily well you sort of can just about tell but we'll we'll work on that today how do you rotate the camera with digital tablet while sculpting uh you want to uh set your middle uh sculpting button middle sculpting button that's a pen button to uh your mouse your pen button you want to set that to middle click and then you can just press that whilst moving around much easier now you can also do emulate numpad but it's the worst way of doing it okay so i've got my plane here inside view i'm going to go to edit mode and i'm going to go to edge mode can hear the birds outside so i've opened my window to let a bit of air in so i might have to suddenly close it if it gets noisy or anything but can you hear the black birds it's uh this in the tree we've just chopped down with our axe they've lost their home it's a bit more but isn't it um where are we just having a look make sure everybody's happy okay so i'm gonna make an axe now i can press e to extrude and pull this out e to extrude r to rotate s to scale and we can just sort of make an ax hilt okay you can hear the word hey it adds to the mood doesn't it we found we're in a forest don't we it's cool isn't it uh we might it might not add to the mood if my neighbors start chatting and stuff in the woods making an axe it's quite relaxing hopefully uh red alexa is all right with bird noises because they didn't like my music earlier the fake animated bird sounds are nice i'm actually in a really gloomy dark basement adopt those birds they're nice birds actually aren't they we've got pigeons out there as well they eat all my because i've been doing a touch of gardening not much in the last few days but i've been trying to grow my veg so and the pigeons get and they come and nick your stuff don't they yeah pigeons anyway what you can do instead of pressing e to extrude and then s to scale you can press control and sort of do control right click sorry i should have said that control right click will do an extrude for you and we can sort of do i know is that the right shape is that a good shape to have i should have put my previous one up here because i quite like the shape of that i'm not sure i like that actually i feel like it needs to come out this way so i'll go this way oh that's too much do i make them fairly even i would say i think that will help you something like that i reckon it's not that is that an axe hilt i mean you can obviously um edit them and stuff i was watching tutorials and instead of going to the next one in playlist it brought me here yeah weird that's quite weird isn't it uh birds are okay are they reddit alexa you're right with him why does your course say the instructor is rick davidson that's interesting uh he he's a joint instructor with me uh so he's done the sort of beginning sections which is in case you're a complete beginner to blender uh because it's a bit of a struggle if you're a complete beginner and you haven't done any of the interface rick's done the first section and he also um does sort of intro bits with me and uh acts like a student and asks me questions which i think is quite useful tomahawk oh yeah tomahawk is that what i'm going for i think that is what i'm going for but i want to adapt a little bit so now's the time to go in and sort of adapt your shape slightly and sort of uh take a look and think how you want it now i found that this is actually quite nice to do in sculpt mode which is weird stay inside view don't bother going to the sculpting panel but just go to sculpt mode here score mode here and go to the grab brush which is down here and then you can just pull them in and sort of just adjust it how you see fit i think this is quite a cool way of doing it personally i think that's works for me i'm just using my mouse i'm not using my pen or anything maybe i'll bring this down a little bit as well so then it sort of comes out this way a little bit my brush is a bit big so that's weird why is it oh it's because i've got um turn symmetry off i think what's going on why is that happening there we go and i'm getting more of a shape that i like actually i'm thinking this needs to come out a little bit like this and then just and spend a fair bit of time on this get in your shape right because it's a pain going back to this later i'll tell you um i'll tell you i'll tell ya i don't know what i'm gonna common tongue ish what am i saying is that a nice hilt i think that's a bit better isn't it actually i mean we can change it a bit in a second when we get the axe head in there but i think this um is the best way uh the price uh is going up yeah yeah um it i think that it's highly likely there will be other discounts i think um game dev do sort of discounts every now and again so uh don't panic about that price but that is the official uh price of the course which is still a steal but at 12 that's an absolute when they told me the price of the course i thought whoa man that's a steal that is but i think because they managed to sell quite a lot uh then it makes sense doesn't it more people can get hold of it but you still make a reasonable amount of money for the effort you put in so um yeah so generally speaking i think they'd try and aim with all sort of discounts and things like that to not go below that sort of price am i making sense this my it's my new course i've made a character course it's really cool i'm going to find the image for that in a second uh what do you use to stream blender uh streaming progress well um i'm using streamlabs streamlabs it's cool and obviously youtube uh so yeah um i've done a character called i've made a character course the links are in the description so i really want to show my image but i can't find my image in the course that's the one thing i really should have got ready i am actually going to spend a bit of time now and find that whilst you're working on your ex and following the reference images i'm going to find that because it's annoy me i need to find it what have i done with it and why is it being a pain right let's find right there's my google stuff yeah i'm doing this on a different screen so you won't see what i'm talking about uh right i need to go to google drive didn't i and where's my slides now why are my slide not coming up oh right i think uh i think i found something that will work for the course i think right come on there we go right uh it's annoyingly i can't find the actual image but here we go here we go so uh here's the the front piece front page of the course uh we don't we're not actually making this particular character but it will end up looking similar uh because we're going up for a slightly simpler one but i use this as my example a lot there's rick the other instructor you see and there's me if you hadn't didn't recognize me on there just there okay so um the course itself is um we go through uh it's a sculpting workflow but you don't have to be an artist to do it when trying to work in the simplest way possible that even if you're not an artist you can come up with something that's similar to this and all the time we're using things like stencils and stuff to try and make the whole thing easier and then they're sort of blocking out sculpting retopology baking texture painting and also the whole workflow for making aaa game assets the thing is what i try and do unless i'm very proud of this because i'm trying to make this really beginner friendly so anybody should be able to come across this and if they got the oomph that is because it it it's a long course but you should be able to go from zero to hero sort of thing in a short amount of time that's that's what i'm thinking uh and uh in the simplest way so that where we can we automate things like the remesh for example and i show the property topology but remesh is like the quick and easy way and you can still get okay results so things like that i put in and we even were hoping to get this into unity as well through simple things like miximo animations and stuff like that and rig it for using rigofy so it's the whole process of going from zero to a unity character that looks almost as cool as this almost i'd say it is actually it's just different from this it's a different sort of awk i'll see if i can find an image of that later on as well hopefully that makes sense uh i feel like i've i've lost i'm not looking at the chat so hopefully that's um brought it all up just enrolled hey there we go make sure you use my link then i get some affiliate money as well isn't that great it doesn't make any difference to your price and if you want some other good courses there's the game dev tv courses that are on there as well they're cool and if you haven't got a computer that can run it then get along to wagon shout out to everybody at the moment uh yeah game dev tv they i'm really impressed with them uh because i i think i do okay tutorials but when i chatted to them they had some good ideas they also watched through um uh my stuff to um to see whether it's uh whether people might get confused and they've got sort of uh people who just try the course out uh who uh you know all that sort of stuff so it's really helpful and if there's you know a little mistake in there i can quickly go in and fix it and working with someone else you just get all those added bonuses and also um i haven't got the pressure of youtube so i can go that bit more in depth because you're always pressured on youtube to try and get a good number of views so you try and keep things simple if i'm honest hey cool thanks gregory jack gaming uh so poly guy studios so is the price really going up to 195 dollars at the end of the week uh well yes you have to use the coupon code but like i say there'll be uh there'll be opportunities in there i don't think that the course has been fully released it's going to be released on udemy eventually and stuff and there will be sales uh here and there but that's the official price of the course when you first learn 3d how long you practice in a day it was on and off i've i've been doing it for like 20 years but it's on and off very much so anyway uh let's go to the discord and see how people check out how people are getting on uh cartoon style nice interesting are these looking cool i like it i like it there's a bit of texture painting on there that's as good work as zechariah and i think we've seen those haven't we so i'll just scroll up and scroll down looking good mercurum 83 excellent stuff so yeah lots of people go for the cylinder approach i find though that using a plane is better because cylinders the topology is really awkward with it and if you're choosing a cylinder to start with you'd think that for the handle wouldn't you but actually if you are choosing cylinder go really low poly on the cylinder because you can always up the polygon count later but bringing it down is a pain uh thank you for all your videos it's really helpful motivating and relaxing you're amazing also i live in russia so people will watch you from all over the world let's call in it i love the fact that people watch me from all over the world let's get back to this anyway uh so i've got my axe shape which i'm happy with uh let's go back to modeling now no what am i doing let's go back to object mode and let's put in the next bit so for the next bit rather than um shift rather than shift a mesh plane so i've added a new plane as you can see uh here there because i'm side view you can't see it if i rotate around the zx is 90 degrees it's there and i need to scale it down and i need to scale it down loads and put it into position but actually and then i'd need to set the scale as well but 14 is that right uh i mean if you follow the link that's the cheapest that it uh is at the moment and that's bloom and cheat cheap isn't it for character of course that's that call you make cool anyway uh so uh i'm getting distracted i need to get back to the task at hand so shift d i can produce another face and i can then just press p to separate by selection so p to separate so i just grab one of these faces shift d and then p to separate and it becomes a new object and then i can go back to object mode and into that new object uh with um just by left clicking i think that's a lot quicker and you get the right size in a quick and easy way uh i was wondering how be your student there hello grant i'm doing now the course of game dev and you saw you are instructor there um which course are you doing though because i've only done the character chords i don't really do much of the udemy um udemy unity stuff so yeah let me know so let's move this into position i think going to edge mode is the easiest way so edge mode up here of course and then g to grab pulling it into position and probably i mean maybe reference image is a good idea here it's e to extrude that bit out i need to extrude that and the tomahawk style you sort of bring that this down i need to extrude this out and it sort of comes down this way yeah isn't it better to do alt d for the memory yeah so i'm altering the shape so i'm not doing it a different old d is instancing um for those that don't know uh but it wouldn't work in this case because anything i changed on the original would um would change would update okay so i'm just sort of having a look at some axes down here and what my style is going to be so that's going to scale in a bit and come down there do i want another one oh i pressed e to extrude instead of scale so i'm just sort of getting a shape now e to extrude and grabbing and pulling them about i might have a loop cut around across here eventually but for now just pulling it into place until i'm happy actually maybe that comes down like this just having a look at what the other ones are doing that's actually fairly flat on the tomahawk ones it varies so much actually i'm looking at them all actually but most of them are going up with actually so i probably want to come upwards this way i think that might look a bit better and i'm just pulling things around but notice how the shape's really simple at the moment i'm just looking at it flat on and we'll extrude it later on but this doing it like this is much easier to edit your shape and again you could go into sculpt mode and just sort of start pulling things around into position like this uh until you're happy i think maybe coming out here a bit more and then it's just a bit more like drawing and it's sort of a bit easier in my opinion and i i like to do low poly work uh in this style in fact i like to do a lot of hard surface modeling in this sort of style right so that's sort of axe shaped isn't it yeah okay so using uh this sort of flat modeling idea i think is the best approach if you've got a question if you act grant at grant abbott abb itt then it's much easier for me to see because there's quite a lot of chat going on and difficult for me to keep up with it all hopefully you're keeping up let's have a look at the discord again oh well we got it going on here so you use grease pencil and then use that as the background that's a nice idea it's looking good i like this i like the straps going around nice work so that's a kiss kis bow a black hole 702 looking cool then we've got dressy fiddle doing a nice piece there i can't quite tell what's going on there always trying to follow along with the stream nice work monoto 200 cool keep working guys keep keep at it let me know if you've got any specific questions as well uh sorry i mean there was a question there but it's only part of the question uh yeah so at grant abbott if you've got a question and then it will appear in orange for me there we go like polygon studios um how often do you live stream wednesday and friday so wednesday we do a follow along like this oh that's good spawning i like that yeah i like that that's a nice shape that isn't it sort of really sort of woody shape uh yeah so every wednesday i do one of these and every friday ah that's a nice and yeah i think maybe am i right should we go in a bit here more looks a bit thick but it's great it's really great and that was really quick isn't it so it's gonna be a quick stream isn't it people are finishing already uh we might do some sculpting later then because everybody's finishing fast um yeah so wednesdays we do a follow along like this and fridays i do i'm doing character work at the moment so a client called uh uh raymond uh who has asked me to do a character for him so some sort of full character sculpt and uh workflow much like i did for the game dev tv course which i plug again shall i um okay so let's go back to object mode so the quick way to go back to between mode control tab will give you this menu and you can go to object mode there did i want to go to object i want to go to edit mode actually so i'll duplicate this one actually do i want a metal chunk going is it going through the wood or is it going over the wood what do these ones do a lot of them go over the wood actually so maybe i'll go over the wood this time yeah as if the piece of wood is going through the axe head i think that is actually normal isn't it proper axes uh pinned messages what's uh what's wrong with the pinned message uh i'm not sure what you mean morning start untaken whenever i add an object it comes aligned to my view by default and not aligned to the world uh that's interesting i'm not sure what's going on there there's probably some setting somewhere but i don't know what it is other follow-along streams always aimed at beginners at the intermediate levels they are at the moment yeah yep because this is this is kind of in conjunction with my college because uh my students are sort of at this level it was sort of this level in advance a little bit um so it's an option for them to follow along and join in but it's an option for you guys to get out there as well so thank you to suffolk one for supporting me that in this endeavor yeah proper axe head as a hole in the middle so i should just take this edge shouldn't i so go to edge mode with two there's one two and three for these in case you were confused by that e to extrude across there probably scale it down a bit and e to x should i do a sort of flat head at the back here maybe maybe do i need any sort of shape at the back or do i want it looking really cool like some of these yes i do i do of course i do there's a really cool one here so i'm looking at this one here actually that's pretty cool isn't it i like that sort of but mine's a bit fatter than that so i'm probably gonna go across between a lot of them because this one has a sort of chunk at the back that one that just has a flat edge but this one is really quite cool isn't it has that weird shape at the back so i'll probably do that as well i'll probably do that as well do all of them at the same time why not one again around my model okay so let's scale that in i need to extrude and rotate and scale and g to grab i'm just moving these either side in case i want to put one down here so it goes around my piece of wood it's two of the same messages oh what my pinned message i can't seem to edit the pin message it's being really odd there's obviously some sort of error on the pinned message and it's just not letting me change it i can't even scroll up and down as soon as i click on the pinned message it goes weird and i can't scroll up and down or do anything in the stream and it it's this crashed on me ah there we go oh that's really annoying isn't it oh and now it's jumping all over the place strange ah so angel of groove preferences um edit preferences editing new objects align to view world that's what you've accidentally enabled i can't remember who was asking the question but thanks for that angel of groove uh okay so um that doesn't quite look right so i'm going to go back to sculpt mode with this and just sort of play around a little bit get this how i want it do i want a sharp back oh this tricky isn't it because you just have loads of fun with these axes maybe something going up like this yes oh yes yes i think so i think so maybe maybe i just looked at my screen down here and it looked different and it's i think it's too i'm just going to grab that's the great thing about the sculpt brush look how much i can move together you can of course use proportional edit as well um but i quite like this sort of free-flowing sculpt brush idea i find it a little bit quicker okay so about there so now all there is left to do is sort of thicken these out uh yeah so i'll select my um middle bit whatever that is it's looking a lot like a pickaxe a little bit pickaxes are very thin though aren't they uh okay so uh into edit mode and then select all e to extrude and then we pull it out now the thing with this is uh you might be if you're using a plane you might be going the wrong way and what i mean by that is if i go up to the top here and go to face direction it's all red now because i was going the wrong way i did that on purpose of course because i knew i was going the wrong way but if you ever make that mistake not that i made a mistake uh you select all and uh shift n will reverse the normals so the normals are pointing the wrong way so it thinks the outside of the shape is actually pointing inwards that's normals for you okay so we've got that and it looks very blocky at the moment but it won't for long i'll just quickly i'll do the other one first so i'll select that select all and e to extrude i'll come out the other way this time because i know it's going to stay blue then you see how it stays blue and we'll probably just make it nice and chunky about there okay obviously they're not overlapping at the moment we'll get to that in a second i always do those mistakes on purpose don't i indeed yeah i'm such a good teacher like that you see okay uh so um yeah so i'll just move them manually for now in fact i'll change the shape of this because i want this more rounded so let's go into the mode actually let's turn face direction off because that's quite distracting isn't it we need a shortcut for that blender i know you can make a shortcut because you can right click and add quick favorites but i feel like that one needs its own shortcuts so right click add to quick favorites and then you can press q and it's face direction it's quite handy though q is your quick favorites q for quick okay so uh control r so i'm in edit mode control r i'll do a loop cut round there and then i can just scale in the x with those selected and make it rounded okay so i think that's a nicer way it still keeps a nice low poly uh rather than adding a cylinder where you've got loads and like 32 isn't it the default this is a much simpler way to make a low poly axe and you can sort of follow the line and shape much easier thanks jc good to hear you're getting on with it uh completely relevant but how do you re-topple the character top the character top oh the top um well i actually built that using generally read toppo as you use as shrink wrap and snapping and solidify so if you've got those three going on you you can build sort of clothing and then you don't need to re-topple it because i was using a multi-resolution modifier so have a look at multi-resolution modifiers and how you don't need to re-top it the frustrating thing about that is there's still a glitch in the and a bug in the um multi-resolution modifier anyway i'm just going to move this into position so i'll go to top view for this i'll move um i'll select this all in edit mode uh oh that was weird select all my handle in edit mode and just grab in the x axis and move it into the middle so it's roughly into the middle and then this in edit mode what's that the not the blade uh select that in edit mode a select all and g to grab because then my object centers roughly in the middle it doesn't matter too much to be honest there we go right so there's a bit of editing to do but we've got a basics of a low polyx okay hey how are you uh norbert modro i'm fine thank you very much alt n brings up the menu alt n oh really does it huh that's good to know so yeah i always just shift in because there's recalculate outside and it will just yeah just sort of recalculate it that's usually the way but there's lots you can do from there there's there's some interesting stuff with normals they've been working on isn't there anyway so in edit mode i'm going to add a new cut down here but we can't see it very well so i'll go to wireframe wireframe up here and let's go to side view again so i'll rotate that that way scale it in the z slightly just going to sort these out a little bit so i don't like the way that oops that was e to extrude not raw to rotate and that one about there is that is that okay i think oh i've done i've solidified it that's why i'm doing box select so that i can select the back one as well forgot about that for a moment um okay so the this edge loop here so alt left click on that so i've selected both of them and then i can scale in the x and then it can go around and be thick around my handle okay that's the thinking there so i'll go back to solid mode so you can see that a bit more easily okay i feel like i'm rushing this um is this an okay place for people are people happy it's a fairly simple object uh but there may be some beginners out there who are thinking this is going way too fast for me so uh let me know i'll let you all guide me i'm going to scale that down in the x so it gets a bit sharper there so i'm just going through and scaling these in the x alt left click of cross grant scale in the x alt left click select loops in case you didn't know does it matter when mesh is insecting or better when does it matter uh if a mesh naturally so an axe head and a blade they kind of intersect each other so that's fine in this case if you wanted to do it really accurately then you'd actually put a hole in this object but we don't need to do that so yeah you can intersect meshes it's okay but if you want to animate them say i've got an arm intersecting my shoulder here can you all see my arm there it is so if they were just two separate objects and intersecting as soon as i animate and move you'd sort of see that it was separate but sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes that's okay so it's just an animation you need to worry about those sort of things and obviously you don't want loads of hidden faces that's uh not very optimal okay for the end ones here i actually want to blade down here don't i so i'm going to do control r to do a loop cut around there so i get a blade and if i press e and f can you see how it conforms when f will conform to the outside there and e is conforming to the other side the inside there so i want f in this case f that's not conforming now e there so now it's sort of keeping the shape of my uh blade on the outside and i'll have a blade there so i'll just uh move this one into position there we go uh wireframe overlay just above face orientation if want to keep eye on topology oh i see but if you're in edit mode anyway it doesn't matter too much but yeah is there a wireframe overlays there oh i see you can in your overlays uh there's a wireframe is there you see i don't usually use these things much actually there's i mean there's lots of display options as well viewport visibility and all sorts but yeah i hardly use them really uh i've got a problem so red alexa the back of my hilt isn't filled ah so you i think you extruded the edges the outside edges or maybe the vertices um but you can just press the f key to fill them in so i'll show you that just in case anybody else is struggling with that so let's for some reason let's say i'll just go to my handle and i'll select a few faces and delete them okay so we need to fill these faces in there the it's it's a little bit awkward when you've got faces right next to each other like this but if i press one and go to edit mode and i'll go to side view control three probably um to go to side view i can extrude that out extrude that out and then select those two and f to fill now i've got a line of edges there i can then press two to go to edge mode and f to fill those in and f to fill those in and you so you can easily fill them in is what i'm saying dominic war potato is here oh in fbx if you open it it might be your face direction jeremiah's mock perhaps just have a look i did fill it in but the loop cut doesn't properly scale when i put it through the middle so you've got some doubles then so select all alt m and by distance and if you've got any doubles it should give you a count down there okay how do you make material half transparent without using glass bsdf slash transparent bsdf for example you're making an energy field and you need it semi-transparent you would have to use i mean there's translucent as well but you'd have to use one of those i mean there is the principle bsdf that has the trends what is the i can't remember the name principle bsdf uh the it is transmission yeah so i was thinking a mission i was getting confused my head yeah transmission uh is your see-throughness yeah hello uh jean oh is it jean uh you're french nice transmission yeah people correct me you can have gold a gold star there uh it's a gold gold cube isn't it gold default cube angela gruber minotto okay so back to layout mode i feel like i'm jumping all over the place and i don't don't feel like i'm doing a very good job teaching today but maybe this is just how i am all the time but i've got sort of lots of going on in my head because i'm trying to finish off lots of things and i'll do all sorts yeah no vertices were removed uh well that's strange i'm trying to think what else could be the problem i mean there is face direction as well just check that um and maybe up the distance of your alt you know alt-m you'll remove doubles up the distance really slightly just to see if anything's being removed there you might have faces inside faces perhaps so you might have to delete a few faces or something like that that pin message is getting on my nerves now as well and i cannot un-pin it oh it's it's just not letting me hate it it's weird oh and then it comes up and it gave me oh yeah tricky can you hear the birds okay um right back to the blade so now we can grab the end here i'm gonna go to vertex mode and just grab these all down here okay and what i'm going to do is go alt m or it might not quite work actually but alt m and i'm going to merge my distance i don't know if it's going to work work but if we come down here i can slowly up the distance and hopefully uh the bottom ones are too close to each other so what i'm going to do just uh just to make my life easier i'll move those gg edge slide right now select all these and alt m merge by distance and just changing this very slightly oh that's weird it hasn't merged them down the middle ah that's very interesting oh it's the order i selected them in perhaps but that's fine so they have joined together they've just merged one to another they've snapped to each other i was expecting them to merge in the middle and take the but there's no option to change that but we can just scale in the x scale x0 and they'll align then scale x0 and now i've got a blade i do feel a bit i mean then we've got a triangle i know that's all right you've got a triangle there and a triangle there that's okay it does mean that i can't select loop cuts as easily but that's okay so i'm going to scale this this and the x and just adapt my shape slightly so scaling the x is going to go out a bit there actually a bit more scalex a bit more there and a bit more there scale x makes me think of scalectrics scalex tricks anybody have that as a kid scale scale electrics do that again because i grab the wrong bits i feel like it's going to be a bit thinner down here as well so i'm going to scale those in the x and these ones so it sort of goes a little bit thinner and chunky at the top there maybe i'm going to go to wireframe so i can select the back ones here and scale x is that working yet scale x bit thinner and we've we've got to this point okay add mirror or fix your vertex on other side of like yeah i mean that maybe that's what i should do um so yeah why am i not doing it in mirror really that's not very sensible is it because it's a symmetrical blade isn't it and my edit point that you just have to check that your edit points in the mid middle because any mirror that you do will go around your um center point as they call it edit point pivot point in other programs and so forth so just that center point there so if i mirror now um yeah then uh sorry i was just reading the thing uh then uh it should go down the middle so i'm gonna use my auto mirror tool if you haven't got auto mirror edit preferences add-ons type in mirror and there's the auto mirror make sure that's ticked and then you'll get under the edit menu you'll get the auto mirror tools i don't know why they don't have that enabled by default really but i suppose if they enabled them all they'd all be filling up everywhere so auto mirror and the x and it hasn't worked well that's a actually that's a different one for me that is that's a weird one why is it done there okay if it does that i'm assuming it's something to do with my rotation probably so control a and rotation the scale just to be absolutely sure but they're all it's set at one i'm going to do the same for this one as well control a and set the apply the rotation and rotation scale let's try the mirror again edit auto there we go work that time so it's just to do with my rotation of the object uh same for the handle auto mirror and it moved really slightly didn't it that's just because the center was slightly um away from the middle uh what's the best way to do ridges grooves in handles like a grip yeah loop cuts or the knife tool it depends on the style and how high poly you're willing to go if you want to go high poly then loop cuts all over the place because it will keep in quads low poly then you're using the knife tool i would say i didn't yeah so tin and cisco you're quite right i should have mirrored ages ago because i wasn't selecting some of my back vertices that's right i think that's a very good point uh just gonna do a tiny bit of editing here so this time now i can grab in the x because i've got the mirror on and if i scale in the x and it's just sort of bringing that side in rather nothing but this is looking kind of fun isn't it it's working is it working as an axe it's not quite there for me but now i can just select these vertical vertices and then sort of move them into position no i can't because there's one there it doesn't make it actually that much easier but i need to just go into wireframe and box select a few of these yeah that's all right then that's kind of cool okay there's a few things we can add though actually let's go to the discord and see how people are going on okay so where are we up to where do we get up to oh there's some cool stuff some cool stuff happening it's nice to see it does make me remind me that it's going okay when i see that everybody's doing all right so i think that's where we're up to we saw uh luna lotus and oh and sunny row just added to the list and k's was our last one that's good good work case uh looking good liking the style and designs hopefully you managed to fill them out now uh chellanot progress looking good let's see in solid mode though this is good accident a while ago james ah nice to see you on here that's good this is one of my students from stuff at one james green well done uh what i want to see is some leather straps down here next james that's what you're going to do next unless you're following along with this one to do some low polish now leo basil this is interesting shiny axe the whole thing uh looking good herschel and the art kid how's this how do i do the metal around the wood uh so um that's where we let's go to solid mode um so i was flat and then i extruded out and then just pulled that bit out that makes sense so you're flat extrude out and then you pull those bits out so they become rounded have you made ever made an animated short film yes but it was like 15 years ago before youtube even that she was more than that 20 years ago now getting between 15 to 20 years ago and it was before youtube so it's kind of died really ah milan nice to see you thanks for the donation much appreciated as always hope you're doing well uh are you joining in with our axe modelling today or are you viewing the stars james yeah how long have you been using blender for were you new to blender when you first started at subway one or uh has it been longer techno catching up good stuff please save the footage for uh late birds like me yeah yep it'll be you can rewind the stream and you can um watch it later it'll be on the playlist for basic game assets live streams uh yes frank i'm not sure why rick davidson is listed as the key instructor for the course but here's one of the instructors on the course uh he does sort of the intro section and asks me questions throughout and stuff to help people along uh but uh but to be fair i am the main person for the course i hope rick doesn't mind me saying that but yeah it's actually very helpful having rick on board to ask those questions and to check over my work as well to make sure it's all quality the quality that you've come to expect from gambit media is on the gamedev tv brand as well looking good uh talks to roger textoro jacob probably uh spawny looking good it's quite interesting i like the design yeah i like it uh it's looking good yeah there we go you managed to get around the um the hilt's good uh this is looking good there's it's tricky isn't it when you're going around the corner like this and yes is it asking for trouble it's difficult to say i think you're just about safe there but these bits where you've got a bit of quite a narrow quad could get a bit tricky but it should be okay for low-poly works you're fine uh milan once again today is 12th day of non-stop clouds oh no it's oh it's really lovely where we are at i'm sorry make you jealous but we've got the birds singing and it's fairly blue although it is a little bit hazy out but uh sorry to hear that that was well you're in blendering hopefully doing the blender stuff get get to it make an axe uh look it's slowly getting there aren't we that's nice uh it's quite a betray it's quite a betray betray but it looks cool it's a sort of hail bird thing isn't it there's me in the corner look at that it's not rem song or something isn't it there's me in the corner i like this technique that's a nice stylized that's a nice style proper ax that's good uh tech story jacob it's getting better and better isn't it quite square on your handle so maybe a loop cut down the middle and then scale it out so it comes rounded chiller knot oh this looks quite cool isn't it maybe thin out towards the end so it comes in a sort of choppy angle that's what they call it choppy the choppiness of an axe this is looking cool actually i like this using a stencil um merselm 83 uh nice work luna lotus that looks nice isn't it yep i like that style hey this is quite a fun one isn't it really sort of choppy chunky that's good uh kiss bow or whatever you call them oh it's honey rain nice work god there's millions on here there's absolutely millions i'm just going to call people out uh dane dane rod castro looking good min otto 200 that's like that this is working isn't it with your grease pencil in the background as the guide um uh will you be able to tackle these kinds of fanciness on the back blade yep yep you can do that and that will work techno nice it's it fits it i'm just noticing how many people are following along uh we got this this stream seems to be growing great this this is quite cool detailing there i like that so it's getting scary because we're just going to end up me commenting on people's work then sorry i missed one there herschel in the art kid carrying on nicely positioning the axe to the center for auto mirror yep so reset your scale and your rotation and then let's just go back to mine and if your thingy center point isn't in the middle then you can click on it right click on it set geometry uh geometry to origin to geometry that's what i'm trying to say right-click origin to geometry in object mode that is uh yeah it looks like a mall didn't it the dinosaurs uh where were we still on the discord uh then ragon den ragon kind of struggling oh yeah we said that one uh spawny uh envisage13 that's looking a cool one i quite like the you've added your own little style there that's cool kishore is it too many pollies 426 nope that's still classed as low poly let's look it looks good it's getting a little bit higher down the bottom there but i think you'll be okay in terms of if you were optimizing for a low poly mobile game you'd still get away with it this is quite high poly but it still looks good it's working quite nicely actually i quite like that one loving the style there uh crear why that looks really good maybe a tiny bit more chunky at the top so it looks a little bit or maybe going out this way maybe it just looks a tiny bit bulky there there's a minor criticism because i really like that one really like it uh this good looking one as well from i don't know it's just an expression uh it's cool though right right back to it back to it uh where are we where's my one okay so um i think we need a little bit of detailing uh to make it look cool let's have a sort of should we have this time we'll have a strap down the bottom here so the easy way for a strap into edit mode three to go to face mode and actually i'm gonna move these so they're ready for my strap so that one that's what i was trying to get uh gg the edge slide it down there and this one gg around about there that's looking good and then three to go to face mode i'm just selecting these face loops here do i want to go that high for the no i don't really that feels just wrong don't do that one but that feels too small i might even have because you know how these edges look quite sharp there what i might do is just do a little extrude there like this just can you see that it just sort of rounds it out a little bit the same at the top i just feel like they get really sharp with low poly and it just for the sake of a few extra faces uh rounded out the edge there also uh they once did the mirror these this edge loop i can select an edge loop with alt left click i could uh round those out a bit more now now i've got the extroverts from the mirror so gg is what i'm doing to edge slide you might even want to thicken it out and just move it out this way um perhaps um move it on the x that is g then x but an edge slide should should do the job all right so alt left click gg for edge slide and you can round them out a bit anyway so where was i i want to select so thinking where the the straps are going to go i think that should be right i might actually even add a loop cut in here what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this edge loop here so oh so all the time to select edge loops like i'm doing it's alt left click okay and i'm going to press ctrl b to bevel that way it keeps the curve which is quite nice or if i say so myself if i do say so myself but also i want that because i want to go about that high with the strap i think that looks nice i think okay so e to extrude and scale it up in fact alt no we're gonna have to scale like this aren't we that's weird am i doing something weird here with the skate of course i am because i've got a mirror so i'm gonna actually have to yeah i can just i've still got the extrude on so i right click to set it in place but if i press g then x now i can just grab it outwards this way and now i can scale in the y it's a little bit awkward scaling when you've got a misshapen bit like this can you see it's not scaling at the top in the same way you can also if i undo this alt s scales by the normals actually that's much better so i should have said that first time so i'll undo all that because i rushed that a bit and i chose a better way so alt left click to select i'm in face mode alt left click to select faces all the way down okay so that i'm selecting face loops or you can select one face loop and press control plus so there's lots of ways to select things what i'm saying alt left click with face mode on you can select face loops like this that way or that way so it depends on the way the line's going so i'll quickly get those again what am i doing okay those ones okay then e to extrude right click so you've got two an extrusion there it's on top of the other one and then alt s to scale it up and now we've got our handle or strapping anyway i always think though uh go to edge mode and gg to bring it down gg so it's a little bit of a curve it's not good to oh that was weird it's not good to have those really sharp edges gg there looking cool looking cool tell you what you're a genius grunt okay uh i haven't haven't given out any gold stars recently am i i've got a question though i've tried the way you mentioned with the transmission although i'm working with a with a black color set as environment any tips on how you make it make energy translucent yeah what's the best way maybe i might end up using something like the fresnel node as my plugged into a transparency because that gets the edges um there's there's loads of ways but it can get really complicated very quickly look up the fresnel node because that's often used for energy visas the outside reflectiveness and sometimes that can if you use that properly you can make it look like an energy glow have a look at it anyway what are the competitions on discord yeah uh if you go into discord uh there's a competition channel and the current competition remind me someone to remember what's the current competition i haven't looked at the competition for ages i've been so busy save save save thanks uh bellage b right uh file save as hello how are we doing all right save as it's taking me a long time to do this act but it's going to look awesome i'm going to do a few cool frilly bits in a second it's going to be amazing follow along shoot save thanks for the reminder uh do you know the krypto stamp no i don't oh it's alien isn't it thank you alien of course it is because we did alien fruit last week thank you very much okay who deserves a gold star for these comments right uh where are we so uh who told me to yeah ulta s you can have a gold star for that um corey s because you got to the alt s before i did uh bilaj b for telling me to save you get a gold star as well gold cube now it's gold cubes and not this means anything at all it's just me saying you've got a gold star it makes you feel good uh and who said alien first irwin sunny ray there you go you got a gold cube as well everyone gets the gold cube remember for alien indeed yep thank you cory yes uh it's it's something about it isn't there you tell someone they got a gold cube and they're very excited it is it's big money as well uh big money the gold cubes it's weird it's just like a special shout out a special shout out for grant you get the gold cube well we're gonna make this look even more fantastic i know you're probably thinking can you even do that grant but you can you can you can take this a step further i'm gonna add little notches in the strap so it looks kind of cool now you might not want to do this if you if you're worried about poly count you want to keep it nice and simple there you've got your ex that's great isn't it and it is great i'll have you know but you might want to go further and have a little notch in your pieces so control b to bevel and it brings out a bit like this and then wheel up once if that once please then it will create that little bit in there a loop all right so i've done my bevel and i've got one bit in here i can then actually what's the best way to do this to create a notch because i probably want the handle coming through as well um i might not be doing this the best way let's have a look okay i'm going to delete that for now delete faces and then i'll do yeah so i'll select this outside it's not quite how i do it but i'm going to do it anyway extrude and scale so this is the um the sort of uh strap and then we can fill that in so f f oh well g to grab f to fill and then we just want to do a knife cut there okay so i probably went a bit quick but can you see how that's a sort of leather strap now that's going around it i can then just move these into position a bit so it looks like the strap's got some thickness there we go so it's a notch in the strap genius ground genius i'm going to do it again because i went quick because i'm so good at modeling i go so fast with these things let's do another one up here somewhere and maybe at the top i'm going to gg to bring it down a little bit and i'll gigi this one gg good game guys good game uh and then select this so control b to bevel and remember to wheel up once so you get that cut in the middle and there's gonna be a small one this time so actually i better make it this similar to the other one actually no i'll just make this a small one so i can delete this faces and with this one i can probably just fill in some faces so if i select this e to extrude and pull it along the x-axis into the middle then i can just who is this the best way am i doing am i rushing i think this weirdo and then two to edge mode and just fill these in f to fill and have to fill it's a good idea to get used to that process of trying to sort of create notches and things um and yeah sort of fiddle about with things like this that's too high though isn't it so i'm going to g to grab and pull that down to about here because that's the sort of thickness of the strap i reckon something like that and then yep are we all good how are we doing uh 10 days motion tracking for my entry to the competition norman uh norman mai that's going to be awesome isn't it is it may or may normally my let's see how you're getting on um do i have any kids no i don't have any kids uh i am kid-free what am i doing i'm looking at the discord i know right where do we get up to here we got up to here so we've got doldrum 01 looking cool monoto 200 are you gonna have a sort of default cube of course clever uh you could make that into a log actually default log you get those in blender um 2.9 now that's in the new version default logs they have activate they've activated that nicely that looks good i like that shape uh second entry for the live stream this is good actually it's uh it's quite i like the thinking the sort of stylized thinking how can i really simplify it and make it uh really chunky that's good good case well done stryfe burgers these names what are people thinking striped burgers looking good like that [Music] the gavit gold default cube oh yes techno looking nice there looking nice dressy fiddle not the only one with straps oh it's looking good looking good that's very nice in the techno nice solid shape is working nicely uh it's working nicely though um anastasia uh pray for it it looks cool looks cool this is nice as well urban sunny ray sort of a really sort of chunky old looking thing isn't it uh herschel in the art kid nice progress there as well where is your middle teeth it's just how i'm born has got a big gap in my teeth i know it's crazy isn't it but uh that's what makes me quirky and cool honestly are you are you always saying one of my students do you do something else like paid courses or live teaching i work at a college and this usually my day at college so going live like this is so that my students can sort of do some live lessons with me but i think it's only james green who's on here all the other students are giving up on me long ago get fed up with me i'll tell you um but yeah so i teach at a college called suffolk one uh yeah hello ezra little uh is still with us are you still with us uh let us know how you're getting on oh i better just close that in case there's any anything important that you mustn't see not there not that i have any secrets to be honest but just in case because people don't if people are contacting me they might not want to be on full screen they're going live and stuff i should actually mute that for now that's actually lucy from gamedev tv and that was because i've put some links to courses on my channels so yeah if you don't know already i've made a course it's amazing oh it's amazing it's just and you get to make a character from start to finish uh full triple a game ready uh character it i'm sort of half saying that sarcastically but it kind of is although we're doing shortcuts a lot of the time with the retopology and things uh but there we go uh we're making a character like this one this is sort of like the slightly more advanced version which you can follow along um so you're given less guidance on that but um i give character reference sheets you see in the we've got a simple one which i'll i'll show you in a bit the actual sort of uh results ish that we get to if you're interested you might not uh do you make a game yourself no i've never actually made a game myself i've been in a team uh well i'm still the artist for a team uh doing atlas empires you could probably look it up i think there's some footage now of that i mean um yeah but i did all the buildings for that will there be updates to the course i see it stops at you yeah i'm still working on it it's going through don't worry you're fine uh we go all the way to uh well i wasn't going to but then loads of people were saying do we get to put it in unity do it and it was just a question after question so we're going into unity with it but rick's probably going to be lumbered with that job because i don't know much about going from a fully fledged character into unity so we'll see thanks russell love from bangladesh there yeah so we're we're rigging uh we're animating but all in a sort of simple way so for beginners and really quick ways of doing it sort of automated ways and stuff like that so we're using mixamo and uh using the remesh to read topology and that sort of stuff i'll talk about the tougher techniques but we'll do it doing it the simple ways in the course this is uh anyway uh where are we what about unreal and uh that nanite graphics stuff is going to be mind-blowing yeah it you'll still need to make characters in the old way for the moment uh and it's gonna be like that for a good amount of time but that nanite stuff is awesome isn't it uh so making backgrounds and uh it's gonna be the scan whoever scans is king at the moment i'll tell you that's amazing can you program a tiny bit do you use insta mesh i was thinking about that but the remesh did a really good job so i just kept with that but you could take it out to insta mesh for the course if you know about that i was going to talk through it but it just seemed to um it was too much on ray topology and i thought it got a little bit boring i work on a 2d animation blender cool are you using grease pencil then that's good stuff isn't it okay so we've done the strap for the um is that working do you think that's working it might be a bit thick and at times it's like this you probably have to sort of go in and just edit your shape really slightly as you see fit and make sure you're happy as you're going along and it's important to keep looking in shape and making sure it's all good [Music] where can i find the times for future streams yeah so wednesdays at uh 3 p.m bst so the same time as today and the same for the friday stream so i'm doing them at three o'clock so wednesday and friday's at 3 o'clock for me that is bs british summer time 2 p.m gmt that is modern building from reference photo i think you've contacted me about that before haven't you it's it's it's tough to fit everything in i haven't i haven't done my quota for tutorials this week actually it's been a bit of a pain i've been doing lots of different things right we're going to do a few sort of straps around the top here because i think that's a fun thing to learn um we probably won't get time to paint this because it's actually taking me a long time chatting a lot chatting too much we'll do some notches in there in the blade is that that always uh that always works isn't it i feel like is my is it working it's sort of half tomahawk half knot at the moment and i'm not sure it's it's working for me anyway let's do a notch in the blade i feel like i want these bits let's let's get the wireframe and i feel like these knit bits need to go down i just feel like that's going to make it look like a more convincing axe for the style it is yeah i'm going to go that way uh it might may not may not be there but it's it's working for me actually that needs to stay it's the same place because that's the blade going there but yeah we're doing notches in the blade now it's only a good look around is that it's important it's difficult for me whilst i'm uh yeah it's a very fat axe head isn't it uh but i quite like that i'm going for a sort of chunky look it's a stylized accent axe head using reference bearded axe well there's no reference but you could use a reference if you want to it's a bearded axe is that what it's called bearded x what's that i'm gonna have to look it up now bearded axe i'll look it up off the screen just in case bearded x bearded axe oh is that what they are bearded x okay that's what a bearded x is it's a bit like that isn't it it's just the stylized one oh there we go that's the sort of thing a bearded x that's what it is see all these people about know about axes ah you made the well lord icebreaker good stuff okay uh so yes it's sort of bearded axe apparently uh so let's make a notch i think a notch down here would be good so for this the probably the best way is the knife tool so i'll just come in here k for knife tool cut there and then if you press e you can do another cut it's quite good so the knife tool and with the knife tool always go from a vertices vertex vertice from a vertex it it's it makes things better we should actually just be able to grab this in uh this way so let's it's a cool technique this so turn snapping on because i want this to snap to this thing here so if i press g to snap whatever g to grab turn snapping on vertex what are you doing turn snapping on click the vertex right now we'll snap to vertex so i can snap to vertex like this but that did work actually oh of course because it's got the uh clipping turned on so it's stuck in the middle anyway so i didn't need to do my complicated approach which was shift x so he's turned snapping on and you've got a notch in the middle there there wasn't expecting to say that easy get your ex to do forge in in fire if it will kill uh i feel like your handle above the axe may be too long i think i think it's too thin actually yeah i know what you mean there's something about it that's not quite fitting is there i've got a feeling that i'm gonna go to wireframe just do a bit of editing here all right let's go to front view not front view side view and maybe oh i've got snapping on just gonna go a bit this way and maybe a bit this way this might not be working but it's good to try these things out you can always undo can't you i don't know is that work it's maybe this is not working actually i'm gonna undo that let's undo that actually i prefer what i was doing there yeah okay that's so um obviously if you didn't know control z is undo but ctrl shift z is redo but i'm just going to scale this up slightly i'm going to um so uh set origin to geometry otherwise it's scaling up from the cursor so scale this up and move it out to sort of a weird hand axe look there yeah it's kind of cool yeah now let's so i look at people's comments and what they're thinking uh can you keep this live stream save so like yep always it's always it's this is actually in my uh live stream playlist but for game assets so you can check the playlist and you can see all my live streams half does seem a bit small yeah maybe maybe depends if you have auto merge on uh i'm not sure what that oh that's that's to answer someone else's question backseat modeling yeah it's really looks nice thank you okay so we're sort of getting there i think um maybe maybe this needs to be a bit thicker doesn't it i'll go into edit mode and i can select some face loops just here i feel like maybe it needs i'm going to press shift z so it doesn't scale in the z and then it's got a bit more maybe maybe so look but it might need a drastic change really might so let's have a think and it is good to do this it's good to do this take your time over things uh really step back it's good to take a break actually but just move it around i mean you can duplicate it if you're worried and then that's probably a bit nicer isn't it um because yes i suppose what i could do shift the duplicate move off to the side and then really edit it and change it drastically so then you can sort of see how it's gonna look uh if it's really curved or something like that or maybe even we can go a bit more drastic than that so i'll duplicate this one shift d duplicate and we will scale x minus one did that not work scale x minus one oh i'm doing this scale y minus one scale y minus one and we can go really stupid like that but that's that's dreadful but it's good to try these things out and check out which one you like and i'm still i'm preferring this one but uh this one can have a sort of inward facing yep uh still sort of maybe a flat one as well so let's select these so it just loses its curve and that actually might look a bit better see so um that's that's kind of how you can uh what they call it um like creating thumbnails artists do to do their concept art it's a similar sort of thing you're just sort of doing some blocking out seeing which one you like and then then that's the one you continue to work on and it's good to do that every now and again so i think these two don't work this one i prefer this one maybe do i prefer this one let's go to solid mode and have a quick look and then view them from the other way as well it's weird that but it changes you the way you look at it the axe head is probably a bit too long isn't it it's i mean it's kind of working i think i'm preparing this one the most at the moment and i think it's just a little bit too is it too big actually now i should uh move that um in the uh shift action just let me think when using the knife tool how can you cut through the mesh i wasn't able to use mirror modifier then you have to you actually have to go all the way around your mesh or cut so if you're looking at mesh side on you'd cut it all the way around like this just as if you haven't got the mirror you just do the other bit that you haven't with the mirror that makes sense hopefully that makes sense what is the shortcut to making a taurus thinner uh probably in edit mode alt s so scale by the normals uh milan what you up to you've got a link for us there are you that's a cool uh that's a very cool end they look really cool actually uh warn the birds about copyright that song may be taken be careful copyright guys uh can you turn cavity on i suppose it could um uh where is cavity i never use it is it in the mat caps or is it in probably in here isn't it yeah well cavity looks weird though why is it looking so weird i don't like it with cavity on but i suppose it probably is easier for you guys to see but what's happened to my blade oh actually my blade has gone weird oh that's probably for my scaling isn't it i know i've messed it up i've actually messed my blade up haven't i it's probably a good idea that turn cavity on thank you very much yeah can you see clippings on though so that well let's select all grab in the x and just move it out and then get the clipping on g then x i don't know quite how i did that but i did that i did a thing and then and it's not quite in position either is it let's just move that into position not sure why that happened i probably did something stupid usually the way isn't it okay so i'm liking this one the most now so uh i will hide these move to new collection and call them spares i like to have a spares collection where i get rid of things just in case i want to bring them back let's move this back to the center so three to go to side view and g to grab move them back into the center it's getting there isn't it looking kind of cool okay so uh yeah we've got a half an hour to finish this thing off man check discord check just good quite right actually see how people are getting on so um are you still livestreaming yes prog c come and see me yes yes okay uh some stuff happening now isn't it oh wow there's lots uh join the masquerade join the masquerade like cool liking that zoom in a bit when you take a screen capture them uh why is this happening okay we'll have a look shall we uh into pixel what oh it's going weird ah now i don't know much about dynamics uh but uh your scale does matter that's the first thing so i'm trying to because i'm doing a two tutorial series on that treasure chest and it was a real pain when it got to the end because uh the scale um of my objects was all out and they started intersecting each other the other thing that you can look at and this other people might be interested in this but in oh crap i can't remember where it is now uh oh oh i'll have to look it up again it's oh it's in scene isn't it in scene you've got rigid bodies world and if you've got some rigid bodies look at the settings there they might help you and look up what they do but but that will probably solve your problem hopefully let's go back to rendered mode is it normal anyway whatever it is okay so we're back in here back to discord hopefully that helps you default has an axe buddy oh man it's that never used monkeys uh better but i still don't like it i think it's looking pretty cool actually yeah oh i see the topology that's working better don't be afraid of triangles in low poly work and you might need them in this particular bit but i'm going to let's talk about this a bit it says no sort of pen tool but you could have a cube in here so a line going down there and then a line there so it sort of becomes a cube hopefully that makes sense uh uh wwe kayak uh great fun looking good i like the little notches nice oh look there's some straps there luna lotus that looks good in it uh it's looking nice uh minota i ran out of ammo you can hit your enemy with this part genius nice comrade raccoon it looks good actually uh abby so two t's please have it very precious about my name definitely it's a silly name isn't it i mean it's my name so i shouldn't complain and shouldn't get annoyed at my parents or anything but um abbott i don't know it because there's loads of abbots around but there's really rare to see an abbot and everybody spells it wrong and then obviously when you have students they take the mix slightly because it's grant uh well it was mr rabbit which became rabbit of course and uh the other students a bit of uh media studies and that sort of thing now it's there's so much you can do with it uh looking really good herschel in the art kid oh this is quite fun isn't it look at this that's all happening here a bit of sculpting going on and in fact is it sculpting it could just be sort of modelling actually it looks good looks quite fun looks very thin in places but that's the style isn't it but um i like the chunky style join the masquerade looking really cool uh marcellum 83. this looks nice it's that sort of hammer as well i can't quite tell with the edges so it gives a 3d view as well nice top bayou nice oh that's good i did have it notch in there and notch up there as well like that this is looking good as well andre the doldrum looking fantastic urban sunny ray whoa we're doing really well uh jonath tismay looking good uh chilling out looking great there yeah that's that's good but these poles might cause you problems so i'd be i'd be wanting to make a square here like that uh yeah so going this is this is a quad but when a quad sort of inverts on itself that can cause issues so just make it make a square there so a line down there line down there and dissolve these two that make sense actually that doesn't that doesn't make quads so does it yeah i'm thinking this through actually actually a line there and a line down there so line up there as well is that going to work line up there to there so can you see yeah there we go i've got it figured out my head there to there so your pole is right in the middle and that should be fine so up there to there and out to there and up there and out to there making sense i feel like i'm killing it on that one it's not not good i set the margin too low is that um the margin too low is that on the is that where i said it was i can't remember which one it is now okay so doing well there looking good back to um my axe oh i haven't looked at the stream either um right oh there's lots of into pixel thanks cool um uh you is a great knowledge book thank you very much it's weird i feel like i hardly know anything in blender it's such a massive program but i suppose i've been using it for like 20 years but and i always say it's on and off that is so um if if you add it all together and i was using it all the time probably about five or six years um but yes especially do build up knowledge but i still feel like i know nothing in the program uh okay uh let's uh yeah so we're getting there right um some straps now i think straps the best way in my opinion uh is to once again i'm going to choose a face from here and i'm going to shift d to duplicate duplicate it out now it's got a mirror modifier on already so i don't need to add a mirror modifier but i'm going to press p to separate by selection p to separate my colleague mentioned that one i love that see to separate trying to remember these things and then we can just uh edit this into position or not that one though in the wrong one into object mode back into edit mode with this one and then we'll just move these into position up here and just to build a thing that goes around i'll have to select these two and pull them outwards and select this one and pull them inwards and i can select these two and e to extrude and clip that together like that okay so i'm just doing a sort of strap that goes around the end of the x so e to extrude e to extrude e to extrude can you guess what that's what i'm going to do next uh right now moving them into position just uh help them go around the corner like this so just free form modeling stick with the plane and then the magic comes hold on i'll just move this into position up here so it sort of wraps around the top there and sort of try and keep it fairly uniform throughout but we want a little bit of the low poly look there we go we've got a strap going around it okay then we go to the modifiers and we add and actually in fact tell me what i had what do i add here what do you reckon what modify am i going to add i have done a gold cube for a while who gets the gold cube gold cue pawn uh is the treasure chest coin tutorial coming soon yeah i'm working on at the moment but it's being an absolute pain uh and i complicated it by animating it so animating the because it's it's okay i can do it but um for it to work on a tutorial and people not contact me loads with loads of problems saying well why isn't this working because there's so much that can go wrong so i haven't released one yet but i'll get to it so it is it's not the shrink wrap uh but you could but i don't need to in this case it's low poly it is the australia austrian stamp lover it is the solidifier you get the gold cube well done so add modifier solidify look at this i'll minimize the mirror and there's the solidifying so uh it's quite chunky at the moment but that's all right we can have it sort of digging in and that's probably help us to be honest and i can just pull this out this way maybe pull this up a little bit there and it's nice chunky strap that's going around the outside there maybe that one's coming this way a bit this one's tucking in a little bit and there we go we've got this strap going around the outside looks cool didn't it looks cool yeah yeah solidify for thickness indeed i mean yeah you could do a subdivision surface modifier on all this in a sense i mean it gets tricky where it's got triangles but it will end up looking a bit blobby and have to sort of um sharpen edges up with support loops or and that sort of thing but um we're doing low poly low body style hi grant uh you have got um you have get good at blender series yep do you consider making get good at sculpting series maybe uh yeah i could do that that'd be a good one i like the sound of that because i quite like sculpting i've got a sculpting playlist i suppose i've kind of already done it look at my sculpting playlist and then get back to me and see if you what you would do differently yeah um because that my sculpting introduction sculpting playlist kind of does that but let me know what you think i have a chat question check discord uh i usually take questions through here it's getting very complicated ever felt like you were to make something simple but to then remain stuck for a while just because you forgot one simple step and you've got to watch some websites to refresh your mind yes all the time all the time like um what was it like cavities um i couldn't quite remember where they were the other day in fact i did work it out but i can usually work it out these days but still every now and again i think how do i do that again and i have to look at some even i've looked at my own tutorial in the past thinking how do i do that again and you look at my own tutorial and think oh yeah that's right like ik and stuff like that which i don't do very often so it's weird looking at your own tutorials teaching yourself literally like that okay so i'm going to shift d to duplicate i'm not going to alt d because i want to change the shape slightly and then i'm going to rotate this around it's got a weird center point but that doesn't matter oh i'll just press e to extrude rotate so it's going to go like this and then we can just edit it a bit so into edit mode and the great thing about the solidifier we only have to edit that outside and we don't have to worry about any inside meshes and stuff i only got these two to edit and modify lovely stuff thank you mr solidify so i'm moving these into position look at that oh yes sort of working i feel like these two are in the wrong place though that working yeah oh yeah look at that um oh hang on uh what's going on not the chat uh yes wasn't a sculpt tutorial two good idea sorry i missed i'm not sure um yes i want sorry there's um you've got an apostrophe you don't need one i want a sculpture too cool anybody else want sculpting tutorials and uh sort of get good at sculpting series and if you've got any ideas give me a shout because i'd like to do that one because that's something that's fairly simple for me to do because i'm really comfortable with sculpting but i can do it because i'm really hectic at the moment trying to finish off the course but i could probably do that at the same time um right uh yanus p uh connecting parts with different number of vertices is a pain example connect the base of a cube to the base of a cylinder yeah uh yeah that's that's like the the million dollar question in a sense uh when you're hard surface modeling and you think well i want a cylinder and join it to a cube and then put the topology doesn't work look at my get good at blender series and that will sort of teach you the ways of topology rather than trying to just join objects like that it gets complicated it's your approach the way you make concepts stick in our heads thank you very much uh what helps you get to a point and then say do it yourself after initial shock uh you surprised yourself uh i oh no stream just jumped there uh sorry i've i've lost the question now uh where are we i just looked at one of your earliest tutorials and oh god your intro yeah my intro i just got rid of it because pointless i feel like i need a really quick snappy intro anybody got any ideas let me know i have a metal around my wood uh i don't think i need to put ropes on it you don't have to put ropes on i'll just start thinking so because you might have a strap in there if you're you're over using it um you're viking and you're killing lots of these intruders they're not necessarily actually vikings were dreadful because they went around sort of pillaging didn't they uh so you're a viking and you've killed lots of people innocent people and your axe is getting a bit wobbly he might strap it up at the end evil viking uh i don't know what it is but yours and blender guru's voice is an am asmr voice for me thanks lots of people say that by my voice a bit quick at the moment um where are we up to um i already watched your sculpting videos they're really nice but i don't know how to get even better okay um only thing i'm doing is sculpting every day yeah that's that's cool i need methods to improve i guess okay i'll try and figure something out i'll try and figure something out but it is just that it's practice and practice uh get good at dancing series please yep i'll be on to that um do you know i quite like break dancing but i'm really rubbish at it i used to be into gymnastics as well you see so it sort of come inside slightly but i injured myself too much uh hello just used one of your tutorials on baking texture with multi-uv maps really helpful good to hear it ludwig um grant problem with the stream nope we're okay um i think we're okay i think it might be your end sorry about that there's been a good connection all the way through and there's no problems this end do the get good sculpt i need it cool uh please do more sculpting root topology to low poly okay can you make 10 minute challenges like emphasis infensia um yeah possibly i feel like i'd be stepping on his toes because he doesn't really well and they're really good are they uh what do you think of unreal engine five it's i've got a video and about that saying is that is this now the future of uh is this the new normal you know uh no normal maps is the new normal that's how what i should have titled shouldn't i uh uh where are we for stiff straps like that is there a trick to equalize the real width of the strap after a manual vertex reposition that's a good question yes do you know what you could do is you could do solidify that way and then solidify that way not sure that would work actually i don't know is the answer to that one i'm not sure i can't really think of an obvious way of doing that yeah that's a good question then good question so the question sort of being uh you want a nice even strap the thing is straps do sort of bend in on corners like this so i wouldn't really want an even strap but i can see that mine's a little bit uneven but i i know where you're going there um where are we um i learned uh blender many thing from your channel thanks teaching on youtube no problem vijay vijayva [Laughter] [Music] thanks alex martin blender during quarantine yep anyway indonesia here polygon asset 3d game have to be consistent if it's a triangle then everything has to be a triangle no you can have triangles and quads everything gets converted to triangles in the in the end dark side hello nice to see you are you working on any indie games no not indie games i'm working on um with the atlas empires team they're supposed to release that i think they've released it in canada i don't know why that's a test market for them but i think they've released in canada this week so that should be out soon so you'll get to see my beautiful artwork um what about material priority order uh ah yeah so we'll go to the tech string i need to rush now don't i i feel like um i like i would like if i had another sort of strap here so i'm going to move a little bit quicker now scale that down as if it's sort of wrapped around the inside there so i'm going to go into edit mode delete a few faces on this one delete faces and then i'm just going to grab those ending faces and grab them in there so it's sort of like it's wrapped around a bit makes sense of course it does because grant said it must make sense so just moving those into position uh this vertex here move that into position there in the position there wait get into position you okay so sort of got a strap on the inside there you see that's not great actually but it's you get the idea hopefully uh it just needs a bit of just needs a bit tidy up this will rotate said uh my silly pivot points in the wrong place uh g so one to go to edit um yeah right i'm in wireframe and i'm going to just move that in that's what i'm doing is that better not sure that really works actually i was expecting that to look really cool but it just looks okay it's wrapped around there that's that's cool okay uh right what was i doing oh yeah texturing okay let's go to the shade editor oh i haven't looked at the stream uh the discord for a little while let's quickly just i'll be quick um i think i should make the handle longer it's tricky i mean it's a style isn't it it looks cool this might come a little bit close so it sort of looked in danger of hitting your hand which uh and i do like to think of would it work um as an axe uh a lot of the time and cartoon axes don't always work but there's but when you're sort of exaggerating something try and exaggerate it as if it's for real life to a degree to a degree every time you're very nice and then dragon inconsistent style looks good though looks good like it um yes that's the thing yeah but then it goes through there doesn't it yeah yeah try this maybe that's what i was roughly thinking there but you could bring these into a pole if you're worried about them so they can come and the triangle can be there which is okay because then you can get rid of that there it's a tricky one there isn't it so get rid of this one and bring those poles those vertices in with that one you still have a triangle there shouldn't you no you wouldn't have a triangle try it anyways here you go see you again um don't need ropes on that one it looks really cool i like it um herschel in the art kid yeah i love that uh oh very tiny details careful tiny details and low poly work but it does look cool um the uh golden part not uh i want to smooth only the golden part not the wood now yeah it um look up auto smooth and you might need to mark sharp with a few areas just looked it up oh james green this looks quite interesting i like that leather strap looking good anastasia looking good i like it uh masato uh i like it they're getting there they get in there not even familiar with the key bindings but definitely getting there this is looking good keel block monoto 200 looking good kier y uh looking good urban sunny ray this great stuff oh this is quite an interesting one with lots of holes in as well excellent stuff uh right so uh back to the model and let's go to shady mode so i'm in shady mode i'll have to click on the axe full stop or period key if you're american or if you're using the american language and let's see what we've got so it's simple to start off with keep it simple so we've got these objects so i need to um i'll just add a simple brown color for this one so i'm going to call this handle brown it's a good idea to say which object it's going on too but also the color as well because then you can easily find them so change the color base color there to a brown probably go a bit darker somewhere around there to start off with i prefer a bit more roughness on the woody bits so i'm going to go to about 0.7.8 and that's great but our hand our strap here needs a different color so what do we do about that well in the slots you've got another slot here you can add material slots and this is the way you do it for a quick way of doing it for low poly there's several ways it's sort of like the quick easy way of doing it there's more technical ways of uv unwrapping and things as well you can do but this nice easy way so slot 2 will create there and i'll create a new text for it so we're in slot 2 new texture and this is going to be red so red sort of purpley sort of radius strap around about there somewhere ok but it's not appearing ok what i need to do is come into edit mode and select those uh faces so actually i'm gonna deselect the faces of the wood because that's probably a bit easier so there and there have i got them all yes i've got them all so i've just left with the um the strapping stuff yep and it's going to be sort of red leather that's what i'm thinking i'll look at that in a second so now i need to go to my slot 2 click on that and press assign so i'm assigning those faces to slot two and i'll increase the roughness for that and now we've got a different texture for those looking good lovely stuff okay does it want to be red like that probably i don't know i think those are probably going to have the same texture as the slot 2 texture which i didn't label actually so if i click on my strap down arrow here i've still got that material available it might be in slot 2 in that other one but it's still a new material that i can use so i can use that there as well and i'm actually going to call this strap red color yep strap red and i can then select this one select this one last what do i press to link the materials what do i press to link the materials and whilst i'm waiting for those responses maybe for equal width straps one would have to make the strap from a curve and bevel the geometry yes that's a good idea actually uh flat profile curve that's different yeah i think that works actually thank you so much surrealism uh that's right what i was looking for slots will save my life love it um control l you were there first cory yes you win the golden cube the gavit golden cube okay ctrl l so materials and i can link my materials up okay now with the blade we want to go a step further with the blade because well not step further we want to do something else with the blade we're going to give it a base material so one will go uh a blade uh mid i'm going to call it blade mid okay so middle blade it makes sense a second and i'm going to go for a sort of gray color i'm gonna make it slightly metallic not too metallic uh because it's low poly and it just gets a bit sort of i don't know it gets a bit too chunky so obviously you usually you have zero or one for this okay but when you're doing low poly it's a bit stylized so i go a little bit metal and it sort of makes more sense trust me it makes more sense trust the gabbit um i've just seen what people are saying what's the difference the definition of a poll someone answer that please what's the definition of a poll i get brownie points for answering that one okay so um then i want the end of this um three the end faces here here and probably in here but we'll come back to that in a second but here and that's going to have a slightly lighter color so it looks like it's going sharp okay so we need a new slot so uh new new slot is there slot two and i'm going to call this uh what do i call the last one oh well i'm going to call it metal uh shiny metal light and it's going to have a lighter base color and it's still going to be metal and when i assign this to those selected faces so under slot 2 assign we've now got a sort of shiny blade at the end it's probably a little bit too bright so i'll just bring it down to touch and there we go look into that now what you can you can go a little a touch further with this right at the top that would catch the light so we can actually make that whole top shiny so i can select these go to slot two and assign them to metal light okay so that it sort of gives it a natural shading at the back here as well probably these ones and uh slot two assign but actually underneath why not then select these faces here oh i'm trying to select these back faces but it's a mirror so select select these faces along here and i'm going to give them a dark color so i'm going to create another slot so a new slot new and we're going to call this metal dark and bring it right down so it's very dark but still give it a metallic and then under slots i'm going to assign it to these faces and then we've got a natural shading you see no i call it a natural shade there's nothing natural about it red dragon's things keep up the great work love it make wood texture i mean we could make a wood texture but um we need to sort of get on with texture painting all that and we're almost out of time so we've sort of made a fairly cool looking axe there really haven't we just a bit of adjustment i reckon to slot one which is the um the uh brown it's tricky isn't it how brown do you make it i mean it's yeah golden brown dark brown gray brown greeny brown light brown it all depends on what's what it's going to be used for doesn't it but yeah don't spam no spamming the mods were on you is there an archive for previous streams yes so i've got playlists for live streams and playlists for making game objects uh yeah check out the playlist on my channel and you'll find lots of cool stuff loads of cool stuff on there i'll tell you amazing stuff let's have a look at how you're getting on okay let's uh scroll up to where okay yes there we go you see that's what i was trying to get at that's what i was trying to get i really could not explain it but now you've got quads going all the way through and you've got a pole in the middle here did anybody answer my poll question actually yeah there we go corey s has indeed uh so uh three or five plus edges going into it so you've got three going into this one but you've got four going into this one so that's not a pole but this is a pole these are poles as well so you've got poles on the edges here that's the only issue with this i'd actually bring down from there so you wouldn't have poles on the edge of your object so it can be a bit you get pinching on the edge of your object so come out down from this one instead of this edge here have an edge going down there and then you can actually curve this as well then can't you oh grant you're a genius you're a pole master topology master um will you download as a vid to your channel yes i will yep poll could be wooden uh where are we is there oh yeah we said that um i heard you were playing chess with cgmata who won well who do you think i i've played chess quite a lot um i'm not great at it but i do play a lot so um yeah i i did i did win i did win this time but he's he's been been practicing since i think uh is how i'm doing leather straight oh this how you're doing in the leather strap is it screw modifier shrink wrap and solidify yeah that makes a lot of sense doesn't this you've got a screw modifier goes around the pole oh and a subdivision surface modifier cool like that that's a good way of showing us as well james and that's one of my students he's he's he's a smart cookie smart cookie okay where are we um oh so we've got uh spawny looking good like the straps maybe a little bit chunkier but that's probably just me can you see when you add a cylinder you've got quite a lot of cuts there so it's losing its low poly feel for me maybe join some of the points together to make it a bit more jaggedy but i'd like it but that's how i'd finish it off myself uh looking good you've got a lot of curvage on your um is curvature even a word um it's roundedness on your what's that called uh blade so try auto smooth uh so you've got smooth shading and auto smooth i'll talk about that in a second it's beautiful uh looking good um and sunny rain like that oh yeah looking good uh i don't know how you pronounce your name get it get a name i can pronounce it sorry your fault this is quite interesting i like that nice touch uh monoto 200 looking good textile jacob looks awesome that looks a really good one it's a bit shiny i find these a bit little shiny but just me probably oh that's a good one that's a good one and 10 minute challenge is that 10 minutes of decent stuff eh love it very nice so we uh who was that again oh i'm pressing the grass ah fell for it i'm pressing the cross of the corner uh shaka dal one nice work oh this is getting interesting it's getting very spiky yeah i mean that's it's a tough um i suppose watch the get good at blender stuff and it'll help you with things like cruise and stuff it's really tough going to get the topology right this one looks right a great den dragon very nice actually very nice and deep i like it a lot um that's nice uh doldrum good work uh there it was leather strap that um james um showed us earlier yeah okay so uh anything to finish off i suppose uh there is rendering to finish off but hopefully you'll figure that out there is that shade smooth thing as well so if i right click now and shade smooth uh everything oh it's just the handle gets smoothed out but if you ever come down to here object data properties and normals i think it is yep auto smooth it makes your edges that are less than 30 degrees or more than 30 degrees less than 30 degrees uh sharp i think you can't think of them right but you just adjust it here to so the insides so i'm looking at these lines here and which ones so that's staying sharp so you can adjust it and you can then get a smooth handle like that but i quite like the low poly look myself so i'm going to shade flat because i think the chunky look is looking cool it's quite fun though quite fun um uh yeah you could um post sketch map to discord yeah definitely yeah it's good actually if you play chess a lot maybe you'd love to play some card games are you playing any video games uh i i don't i am playing a bit i play a bit of divinity 2 is it called is it divinity my brain's gone it's talking too long yep so i play a little bit uh but it looks like i'm playing for ages when i'm on discord and i leave it on because i just leave it on in the background and then play five minutes and then go and do something else so it looks like i've got it going for ages but play a little bit here and there ambient collision baking real quick uh baking and quick do not go together unfortunately uh i mean like i said it's a long one i'll quickly show you how to turn ambient occlusion on uh because that's that will help us a little bit here uh so um no i'm inclusion i have an inclusion but amin occlusion baking is i'll take my age divinity original sin too that's the one i couldn't get in my head yeah thanks uh it would take a bit too long and it was kind of the end of the stream now um sorry about that comedy chan uh yeah uh but i do have a baking series the thing is with ambient occlusion it's actually quite awkward to get a good bake from it i find um i find the cavity bake is better so maybe look at that but um but yeah look at my baking series and i go through most of those sort of things yeah okay so um i think we're there with the axe now i mean there's the ambient occlusion oh also you might want screen space reflections on then you get a bit of reflection off your stuff on other objects and turn half race trace res off you probably also want a light in there i've got a light in my scene but it's miles away as you can see it's all out there so i'll bring that a bit closer and oh of course we have to go to the actual light there oh it's really bright because our object's small that's a thousand watt light and it's really close so but it's that's why it's good to have things real sized because then your lights will actually work as real light so 100 watt light is really bright so what i'll do is i'll just open this one up and change it to the 3d viewport and then i can see some lights and i can go uh shift d to create another one over here and shift d for a back light change the backlight to a blue always i like the blue background and then up there that is at the back isn't it i'm assuming that oh yeah it is there we go so can you see that sort of acts as a rim light you got a blue thing across there also contact shadows helps a bit so turn contact shadows on for all your lights give it a bit more shading and this one i'm going to change to a red i'm just going off on one sort of a yellow we got actually in this one do a slight red let's see let's and there's a three point lighting setup for you ta-da it's got a really interesting back blue light i always put the black back light up a bit and then you've got this sort of interesting highlight going on it's quite fun isn't it there we go a quick speedy three-point lighting let's have a quick another look at the discord server oh very nice okay so yes that's what i meant because you've got the pole in the middle you could i mean if you ever needed to do anything in here you could obviously cut that up a bit more and create a sort of so if you didn't want a pole but there now you've got quads and a quad flow going around areas that you can add to that is better topology than we had earlier uh hey that's nice it's cool and i like the idea of copying this one there's an interesting style isn't it and it's a cool copy there tin uh axe tree anyway as the tree's getting his own back on the wood cutter i love it looking good uh this this bit along here looks a little bit strange i'm not sure that works for me but i can see it's nicely trying different things out um yeah otherwise that looks really really cool didn't it yeah excellent stuff so let's just quickly speedily go through so everybody can oh wow yep that's a nice one and see what people have done throughout today's work i like this one oh it's great stuff and that's james's strap that he was talking about with the modifiers that he used it's good that looking nice and we fixed our topology eventually didn't we looks good doesn't it looks good any more questions then put them in the stream chat and i'll take a look at those in a moment ah looking great aren't they let's quickly scroll down right back to the bottom again and see if anybody else oh what the three-point lighting you may know maybe something busy occurs i see for the bands yeah yeah that's what we're talking about yep cool stuff okay so any other questions you seem to look at multiple screens yeah i've got three screens going so i've got the chat over here got my whack on mobile studio pro with the reference images on today and um the discord the actual stream is this one here it's good fun isn't it uh would you do a video on texturing it could do i mean okay so people want um a bit more continuing this low poly at the moment but i could go into sculpting and then we could texture paint it but it becomes it sort of loses its beginner edge which is to sort of follow along and it becomes a watch grant doing stuff which um you might want to do but uh you might not as well i like this i'm not sure what that is though looks like he's uh chopping up candy hopefully it's not someone's head that'd be awful what is me better maya or blender may is much better um blender's better for price and apart from that they're about the same i think maya's supposed to have advantages in when it comes to animation and its industry standards so there's that uh do you make real looking things yes i like stylized things more but i do make real looking things i'm going to move this across the side so people can see people adding stuff there that's calling it and then if i change this one to there we go that then you can see that and the stream and there i'm surrounded by axes that want to chop my head off blender is quickly making inroads isn't it just i'm starting a youtube channel for design any suggestions consistency posting regularly create good content that's my suggestions watch model a grocery store in a grocery store fifth anniversary gopro challenge i'm not sure what you mean there go kobe chan uh anal hammer did you think is your buying tablet guide still up to date i suppose it's a little bit dated now i probably need to readdress that so i'll look into it but the one i would recommend the most at the moment is the one by wacom as well as the wacom one uh they are two different graphics cards tablets graphics cards crazily yeah um but about texturing character for game development is it good to do a smart uv or a manual uv unwrapping manual uv will take longer but it's better don't matter much what program you use when i'm not sure what that means uh cool yeah no problem uh be careful and unfortunate axe accident make america oh that's good accident oh that's good modeling rig a lava monster in 10 minutes that's quite a good one isn't it i like that he's done a good job there yeah cintiq 16 that's a good one yeah um they're quite expensive but they're and they're not as expensive as the other ones so yeah it's good any suggestions for good lighting three-point lighting look that up helps what's that sound grunt heard like cars yeah there was a motorbike going past i've got the window open for the sake of heat uh make star wars x-force oh of course that's the new thing coming out isn't it i haven't seen anything a 28-minute video i know he does he sort of talks around as well okay so um i think we're there i'll just last um last quickly go through the hey that's a cool one isn't it hercules uh herschel and the art kid sorry and serge fp looking good there as well uh do you freelance part-time i used to but i don't seem to have the time i mean i'm doing um some freelance stuff at this empires and you know i'm gonna get that up actually let's get that up uh at last empires and see if they've got any new branding up and running yeah i think they have actually oh actually this is someone who's talking about atlas empire's update and gameplay is this recent 15th of feb 2018 no that's not right i thought i could see my models on there but i can't and let's get the images and see if okay there is an image although that i'm trying to see if that my models are in there or not let me see nope that's an old version oh where's my models there we go it's really stretched that one ah there we go okay i finally found one of my there we go so there's some models that i've made for atlas empires uh the game which is being released in canada as we speak i think uh so you can see all these sort of uh fun little models that i had to make for the game and the environment as well although this is an early environment but i've made a different one since and all the wood stores and stuff had lots of fun doing that i think there's a few other ones as well i think that's the same that is the same image isn't it yeah oh and there's me doing it uh yeah so uh atlas empires that's a bit of freelancing work i did doing some modelling stuff um also i suppose i want to take a moment to talk about uh yeah so what are we expecting from the course i'm just going to change something here oh why is that not working oh my my program's crashed ah prf uh save load uh yeah so this is what i'm working on with the course at the moment so uh the course that i'm doing that's what we will end up making is slightly different from this because this was a practice run i was doing of the texture painting just for some fun and i've tried to keep this as simple as possible so if you're interested in the course there are links in the description of course for making characters from scratch so from completely zero to hero sort of thing and this is sort of it's it will be game ready it's low poly uh low poly ish anyway game ready mo polly um and i've tried to keep things as simple as possible so all things like the sculpting and the texture painting it will all be as simple as i could possibly make it for a beginner from a beginner's perspective and if you uh use the coupon in the description you can get a discount this sudden uh i think it's 12 pounds i'm not sure how many it matches in dollars like it's around 10 area anyway um and that's until the weekend i think that's gonna work for uh so uh there's there's only uh part of the course released at the moment and i'm still working on the ending of it so that's where we're up to at the moment well that's where i'm up to so there's still more of the course to come and there's hours and hours in there for you so a bit quick advert there for you and like i say you don't need sculpting experience you don't even need to use a graphics tablet for this it does help of course if you've got both of those but i try and break it all down so it's into its simplest form and it will be game ready and i think we're going to end up putting it into unity as well so this ogre has i think it was around 13 000 tries might have been 15 but um if i'd done a proper full retopo which i talk about in the course but we don't actually go through uh then it would be lower um but um but um yeah but um we're doing a really simple remesh to sort of show how quickly and easily you can go about making a model so it's more it's higher topology higher poly than it should be but that's still a poly count that will work in games and will work well uh grant abbott you're sweating a little am i no just probably a bit shiny how can i see cavity in the render you would have to bake the cavity out uh how many tries the ogre oh we've said that one just wanted to say thanks for the great videos just started getting into 3d a few weeks ago and getting incredibly frustrated uh your videos made all the difference good to hear it say sale 13. how can i oh yeah we said that one um a ten minute slow poly challenge between grant abbott i probably just think he'd win because i don't do things that quickly really could be fun can uh any idea for game assets uh simple keep it simple if you're just starting out and we've got we've done a few of those so look at the playlist that this video is part of uh sort of game assets live uh and uh yeah there will be any any ideas for game assets next week guys any any thoughts um let me know if you do free if you do not freelance your main source of income what do you do if it's not secret of course um i teach and i youtube youtube is uh overtaking my income and creating uh and sort of slight advertising and sponsorship through my channel like um at the moment i'm saying game dev i'll only i'll only advertise things that i think are any good um and i've let lots of people down saying i'm sorry it's not something i'd use or i think my audience would be interested in um and so i try and keep the integrity of my channel but i make a bit of money through sponsorship so like sketchfab for example which i love um i've advertised for them a few times and they've given me a small amount of money which is fine but because i'm happy to advertise for them i've wagon as well who i've talked about in the previous video they gave me some money to go on my channel uh but again i was quite impressed with what they had to offer so i thought yep i'll do that happily so i'll get a bit of money through sponsorship like that um hopefully that answers your question and a bit of money through freelance uh so yeah it's sort of all these little bits add up hopefully a bit of money from this course if anybody signs up to it this character development course uh money or pennies do you mean there's in lots of money i'm rolling it man i'm like but i'm lucky actually because i don't have uh i suppose i've got a nice house uh and a fairly low mortgage just got got in luckily you know the timing and don't have any kids so it's it makes life and i live very frugally um i haven't updated my computer for three years even though it's my livelihood and i really ought to um but that's the person i am really i haven't haven't really found it necessary to have to render 30 seconds faster or to build a high poly a higher poly model a low poly bike interesting low poly car want to see potions or creature eggs for the next game asset that's quite a fun one creature eggs we could do i like the sound of that that's more my sort of because um cars are all good and fine but to make a low poly car look good and keep it easy it gets quite tough i mean we could go for stylized cars and have a bit of fun with that but it does get quite tough maybe maybe would people like me see it to see a sort of car because i mean there's quite a few car tutorials out there on there but um a stylized car i do because it's quite fun for me but just modeling a car is basically i feel like you're a bit of a photocopier then because you take the reference images and you trace around them and you're just copying and it doesn't feel as creative for me but maybe a stylized car could be quite fun uh low polygram to have it we won't be doing that someone already commented on my teeth can you imagine the the low poly version of you out here everywhere a low polyceptor oh that could be could be interesting also if you comment in the discord server of any ideas make a character with rigging i mean it it's impossible to make that in two hours with a follow along series i think it's possible to it's very possible to do that nice and quickly but if you want people to follow along it gets tough because in the previous live streams we have done that but it ends up being two sections cyber truck low poly toilet a helmet could be good yep i like the sound of that the helmet could be a good one a low poly default cube an obsession there low poly grab it chunky car yeah stylized car maybe i quite like the idea of doing some eggs a cactus is a good one as well isn't it what is a helmet helmet sort of protects your head helmet so sort of medieval helmets nights wear helmets and stuff low-poly pistol i thought about doing that it gets tricky but that's a thought actually maybe a flintlock pistol or something like that could be fun and i looked into it i'd started doing a tutorial for it i thought this is actually getting quite complicated so it's not as easy as it looks but maybe a low poly style we could do it rigging a high poly character it's tough going rigofy is the answer to be honest a cactus nitrogen helmet it's just so tough rigging isn't it low poly imp okay so i'll i'll consider these ideas and come up with something for next week anyway uh competition remember the competition deadline i can't remember what it is anyone remember the deadline i'll have to go on the discord for that um oh i forgot to put discord up back up in the background oh that's interesting i quite like it it's good let's see what other people are making it's looking good oh that that that's crazy in it that's nice one yeah they're all working really well aren't they these are good so i think we're up to here when that's fun isn't it yeah doing really well uh oh yeah so you got the the cavity is there if you need to do the cavity thing looking good looking good and last that's the yeah nice one little chain on it and things cool oh yeah a little bit of glow there like this one it's good fun that's not there there we go nice very nice how cool yeah that was that was a good one actually it was a good challenge for us the uh um your topology thing there low poly fantasy lantern alien deadline is 31st may that's good ah yeah i do remember now um yeah so if you want to join the competition then you can come to the competition entries and we can see some of those already happening here i'll just i don't want to spoil it so just sort of going through that a bit and you can chat about stuff in the competition as well um yeah so competition grants challenge is there and you can enter the competition so join the discord and you're there let's go back to the live stream okay so i think that uh is uh you post constant consistently our procedure oh yeah sorry that's how you um any other question eggs with chicken legs cool yeah so join the deadline buy my course check out a vague computer that is because there's a coupon in the code that um released um earlier today it's worth checking out at least even if you have no no expectations just give it a try see i find it and uh yeah maybe even try out some of the game dev tv tutorials uh um stuff as well that's in the link um yeah uh have a look thanks for watching thanks for those that donated as well much appreciated uh milan and others as you guys should remember um dan as well and uh edwin seaman zeeman and i think that's right anyway oh game over that's right hang on why is that not refreshing that's that's previous isn't it oh that's annoying my feeds aren't working ah they were previous so thank you for those of the previous stream but there was others today so i'm sorry if i've missed you out but thank you very much for that anyway yep so uh the next stream uh friday same time three o'clock bst uh two o'clock gmt so same time basically and if you've got any ideas for the next stream then make sure you put it on the live stream channel and i'll come on i'll see you and i'll i'll take a look yep some good work from you guys today well done and uh yeah happy blending as always and i will see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 21,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, low poly, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, 3d modeling, simple, create, model, beginner, starting out, grant abbitt, grant abbit, blender beginner, blender (software), blender low poly, loop tools, modelling techniques, blender 2.8 modeling tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 modeling, 2dart, game models, game assets
Id: TAEjYvvdnPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 10sec (9130 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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