Alien Sculpting | Beginner Follow Along Tutorial | Easy | Blender 2.8

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hello and welcome to gambit media I'm grant Abbott and today we're going to be sculpting a weird squid alien this is a beginner's tutorial but I'm expecting some understanding of the interface and it's meant as a sort of follow along session this so part of a much bigger series and there'll be several more to follow also check out my website GABA koto ek for more free courses just like this one and you could get across the discord server and show us your creations so in blender it's a good idea to go file new and then go to the sculpting it just makes life easier I'm going to pull out my brushes so you can see them and my shortcut keys will be down the bottom here so let's turn our brush to die in topo we can actually click it up here but I like to go to the workspace settings just over here and down to dine topo let's open that tab up now if you start going straight away with this you get very scrunchie up topology as it's read apologizing this ball here and you can see this ball is much denser than this and that's why it's going a weird some do that I prefer to work in constant detail so constant detail there and if we painted it now it's even worse so the resolution of 3 is very low undo that I find if I've changed it about 15 it tends to be very similar to the ball and if we don't get so many anomalies and it's a great starting point we can actually go down to remesh and detailed flood-fill and that makes it all have the same resolution of 15 that way when we paint it doesn't distort it too much so the best place to start is with the snake hook and the most fun place to start nice big brush and get the basic shape so let's make our alien I'm going from side view just look at my Cartesian coordinates if you get confused and pull this up slightly [Music] and create a sort of a sort of an eight shape shifter smooth so keep smoothing out keep moving around until you get the sort of shape you want okay so that's our basic shape very simple actually I'm going to pull him forward slightly so grab and pull that forwards smooth out so sort of put a bum there now we're gonna squash this bit in at the bottom so actually click outside my blob and pull upwards it sort of makes sense you get used to how you use the brushes just after lots of use and constantly using the smooth brush to smooth things out so it's kind of got a bum here and this is his face so brush a bit smaller and we'll make some sort of eye area up here something a bit like that you can see this is why you need to rotate around your object quite regularly so I can pull those into position so they're a bit more like eyes and currently I'm getting a bit of lag with my version of blender especially when using the snaking tool and the grab brush but I find as long as you just click and hold for a moment it will work it might even be Windows Inc as a classic windows in issue but if I turn it off it just won't work so always a pain using graphics tablets so it constantly smoothing out so somewhere around there and sort of move them forward so there's a rounded shape at the back there so that's where it's eye sockets are going to go smooth that bit out a little bit and let's start thinking about the tentacle body shape Blake things so I'm going to go right to the top here making brush a tiny bit smaller and just pull out a little bit like this I've still got the mirror on and that's important just double checking you've got symmetry and X mirror that should be by default under the symmetry options and from top view so I can tap on the Zed I can go right to top for you now brush a bit smaller and then I can start doing some tentacles now can you see those slightly above the body so I'm going to undo that and pull this down slightly so brush slightly bigger pull that down and out and that's my starting point you see that's why it's really important to move around your object and get the starting point right swirl roughly in line we can sort out the flat base later but now I'm gonna go to top of you I've got something to grab hold of let's try again and see how that works can you see now it's level with that because I had that bit sticking out already so when you're sort of protruding with the snake hook tool it's best to have some starting point hopefully that makes sense so I'll do the same here I'll just pull a little bit out some around there pull that up there make sure it's sort of level and it isn't so I need to pull this base of a little bit of thing and then pull these down a bit keep moving around your object as I keep saying hmmm and about there now when I get to top view with by clicking the said I can then move that out now those are too thick so I'll just undo that bring my brush a bit smaller and somewhere around here and I'm just creating a swirl now we're looking good this one's a bit thicker you can actually make it thinner just by using the smooth brush as long as you have a fairly low resolution you can just scrub across that with a smooth brush and it makes it a bit thinner so we're trying to make these similar size I can go faster with this one with the inflate brush as well my pen let's have a quick look how he's looking Oh fantastic let's have one more coming out here back to my snake of tulle put a little bit out down attach so we've got our starting point back to top squiggly tentacle now that one's very fat I might just well let's try the smooth see how that works it is reducing it fair bit and maybe that's working actually that's about right can you see my back one's a bit high now and this one's a bit flat probably the way I've been smoothing it from the top so I want to inflate from the top like this let's have another look from the side maybe a touch more not too bad smooth in the side of it round it out a bit more can you see it's a bit flat a bit more inflation from the top maybe round these sides here as well that's looking better it's a bit splattered there well that's good I think now the back one let's just look from the front view actually they're looking pretty good so that's why you've got to keep moving around your object making sure they're all good okay now the front one I can't use mirror and this front isn't it yes so I'm going to have to turn mirror off so symmetry turn me off and now start working with my grab brush and pull this out don't panic that we're not in mirrored mode at the moment we can turn it back on and things will keep mirroring it's just that we can't really work on this one tentacle that is something you have to be aware of when you're doing a workflow is using the mirror at the right times so one there let's pull out a little bit there and I'm sort of tailee bit about there to the top squiggly tentacle not too bad that one's a bit high isn't it now let's say you've done a bit of work somewhere else and then you didn't realize this was too high what you'll have to do is make your brush nice and big you can use masking to mask off other areas if they're causing problems but generally I think you'll be all right just pulling this down I mean I could have just undone undone is that word and then redid this no my English is not doing very well today but in case you've done something else and you couldn't undo for some reason so that's how you can sort of sort it out gently just sort of tapping away with your brush and we're there we got a sort of squid monster thing happening okay he's looking pretty fun a very symmetric look moment and at the end we kind of sort out the symmetry and make the more wobbly and weird so let's sort out the mouth nice big brush again and grab the middle there Oh symmetry back on so undo that I often forget to do that symmetry back on and pulling in for the mouth nice big area maybe in a bit so it's gonna sort of have a her mouth that goes in and up and he's gonna try it I'll try and make him look a bit evil so sort of mouth like this his tentacle looks a bit weird like it's coming out of his mouth squish that down there a bit and squish it down there how's that looking might have to move the mouth up away from the tentacle easy enough just drag with the snake hook so it looks a bit worried at the moment but we'll get there there we go he's gonna have some fangs in there soon and I was certainly look less worried and more hungry so plump that out a bit feed that back in and just keep looking around making sure we'll get not too bad ruch bit small and asked me these areas out it looks like it's got a weird beard though okay let's think about the eyes now let's just get this shape right first make it nice and rounded that lag is problematic around here actually smooth that out might try and put a bug report in because that is very difficult to scope when it such delay if I move my brush and then it's quite delay there right so about there draw brush create a dent control to hold ctrl down does the opposite and we got some nice eyeball shapes there we're already starting to see a beautiful little character so you could sculpt the eyeballs in there by just going to the inflate brush or something like that and then inflating this in and getting an iPod like that that's a very lazy way and it's quite unproductive because it's very awkward to do your eyes around there and move the eyeball it's just to paint believe me so you're better off going to layout mode so click on the plus sign if your workspaces general layout into here shift right click to move our cursor to that point and we're going to add an IQ sphere so we can go add menu here or shift a is the shortcut mesh not an eye case where I see a UV sphere that's better because that has the right topology we want to rotate this in the x-axis at 90 degrees our X 90 and it rotates around and then we got a sort of eyeball there at the front let's scale this down so it's the right size somewhere around here and just move it into position G to grab s to scale moving it into police somewhere around there G grab yeah about there so we've got our eyeball and we want to copy it to the other side we could just copy it with shift D and move it across but you might not have it in quite the right place so let's actually mirror it we go to the modifiers down here add modifier mirror and it looks like nothing's happened but it has got a mirror right on top of it because it's mirroring in the x-axis around its pivot point there what we want to do is have a mirror object so we can use our pipette there and choose our monster that's now our mirror objects was taking the center point of our monster and therefore mirroring it across that's great so we got our eyeballs nice and simple so let's go back to sculpting and start sorting out the shape around the eyeballs and I'm having a problem I can't sculpt and now I'm sculpting on my eyeballs so let's undo that what I should have done is selected my monster first so for now let's just get back into layout mode click on our monster and back to sculpting I'll show you another way of how to do that later so let's continue sculpting now we're going to do a few more details around the eyes something around there and back to the snake hook and let's start modifying our shape a little bit more so we need the middle bits down so it looks more angry these bits down as well these bits up a touch just moving things around into place so it's got a scary face it's not looking that scary yet oh yes to get but to get that angry pression we need a bit more in the eyebrows just here a bit more shape so will plump those up with the inflate brush a bit smaller plump those up and start pulling things around again into position it's important you do this with a low-resolution to start with you can smooth out later but if you've gone too high you get sort of very blobby results and so I look at the back here as well make sure that's around our eyeball a bit more so smooth it out to keep smoothing and you can see the eyeball coming through there so that's when we can start inflating so they're nice and round as if the eyeball is packed into them around there okay that's looking pretty good now have a good look around and think is this what you want now I'm not so sure I like the position of the eyes so I'm going to get back to layout mode click on my eye and and press G to grab and pull them in quite close to each other out there and actually pull them up a bit yeah I think it needs to be taller so grabbing up like this back to select my monster back to sculpting and let's edit our shape with the snake and we just have to splat it around the place I want to sort of thinner in here okay don't even smiling use your smooth brush he's still looking very worried so let's squish these in here squish that down there forward plump let's add a bit use the smooth brush let's use the inflate their effect we're simply gone thing up and flate those backs there they're almost touching each other in the middle so you can just inflate and then smooth and that will air higher now we've got the expression that's what I'm looking for that sort of hair I'm gonna get you an expression so about my acting okay let's get the front shape here they I need to move this bit forward we've got it fairly flat at the front these bits can come forward a bit but fairly flat bigger brush and I'm gonna smooth the nose out a bit more okay and pull this crease down smaller brush pull that crease down yeah we're getting there okay let's create a nose I'm gonna use the crease brush now instead of create a nostril bit here see how that looks okay I need to smooth that out first do it more and then try again okay I might need to up by a resolution in a second but we're certainly getting there for this monster let's do a bit more on the lips so draw brush not looking too bad but a bit bigger it's better to do these things with one stroke rather than having a small brush and sort of doing this and trying to build up that way I'll do that get a big brush and then sort it out with those brushes and then build it with the right size brush so here I'm building with the wrong sized brush the hair I'll undo that bigger brush so you've got a big lip and then a combination of that and the smooth brush perfect your eye let's give back to the snake hook and pull the shape in a touch around here they're looking a bit more sinister now his bottom lip is coming up way too much that's where you've got to move around your object otherwise you can make mistakes like I just did there it's gaining a sort of rough shape there now what I should have done it I should have dug in a lot more with my insides of my mouth I should have done that certainly so let's quit get to the draw brush and it's a bit more awkward like this but with control down we have to sort of look inside and draw inwards it's quite clever these days it used to be that you could draw and then hit the other side but I don't think you can anymore I think they've sort of developed that a bit what maybe I'm just talking about rubbish a bit better now he's got a mouth that's going nowhere okay so we've got a relatively good shape of our alien here I might just pull that oops with the snake oh cool pull that in a bit and just smooth out looking at the eyes might be a bit too wide at the back here so it's a good idea before you go to any detail phase make sure you've got your shape right and carefully do this better I don't want to give him that fun expression I want him to give I want him to have a scary expression maybe just a bit more indentation there and a bit more plumpness around there just the touch smooth that out of it not too bad it's tough with the eyes they can look a bit blobby if you're not careful but I think we're getting there now so at this point you might want to add a bit more detail crease brush helps with that bit of detail you can sort of come in here and add a bit of character detail to those lips maybe something like that you may want to up your resolution I try and keep it as low as possible for as long as possible and the lips are a bit wide so and let's get our draw brush priests in a little bit around here using the drill brush with controls that crease in and the smooth brush to smooth out there we go that's a bit better and the same around here again the lower the resolution the easier it is to make big adjustments to your shape so start off with a low resolution and stick at it for as long as possible okay so we've got our character and notice I haven't gone any bit above 15 resolution on my constant detail and it looks just fine now let's sit now let's add a tongue and some teeth and maybe some dripping saliva now the best way to do that is into layout mode and actually create new objects for the teeth so shift right click somewhere around there now teeth are fairly easy to model so you'd probably just want to model a tooth but if you're very new to blender and you don't know much about modeling and you just want to sculpt then you can add an itis fit so shift a mesh ICO sphere let's scale that down just a touch and then you can sculpt your teeth from there so we want it to be the starting size of the teeth somewhere around there and maybe just grab it into position around there forward just a touch about there that's great now when I go back to sculpting now I can sculpt on this model with the snake hook tool let stand on top by one and make a tooth I can then press the smooth button to smooth that out and we got a sort of tooth thing going on here I might need to move the position a bit more but I can probably just smooth that habit back yes somewhere around there so snake it and then smoothing out it does an okay job I'll make my brush a bit bigger and then they can sort of be a bit more Fang like ah now it's got X mirror on so I'll turn that off for a moment so let's just pull that tooth into position shift to smooth when you need to somewhere around there it looks kind of fun with just one Fang I like it at any point if we go too thin we can press the inflate brush and inflate it out because the smooth brush at this low resolution does make a huge difference to its volume if we need to we can press /to isolate that and then work on it on its own and you might want to turn the resolution up just a touch in fact i'll turn it up to 25 in this case and remember you've turned it up though then we'll get a smoother tooth so i'm just inflating the end there and sorting out my mesh lining with the smooth brush right before / again to come back out of isolation mode and then we can tidy up a little bit with the snake hook there not too bad so now what if i want to click on my monster and start sculpting now well the way to do that is alt left-click but it's not working in this case what we have to do is go to the edit menu and turn off lock preferences now if I press alt left click it selects that object I need to turn it back to sculpt mode though over the top here so now I can out left-click on different objects so there we go I've got the quad sphere there which is my character and the normal sphere which is the eyeball and here I've got my ICO sphere and my quads fear I'm having two out left click in weird places though so you might just have to tap a few times to find it probably another slight bug there but alt and then left click you should be able to select different objects as long as you've got lock object modes off however let's get back into layout mode quickly select our tooth which I can't seem to select the moment strange bug okay let's hide our monster back into object mode unhide my monster HD hired old H to unhide and now I can select my objects I think it's because they were both in scope mode it was finding it very difficult to select the different objects so there are still glitches around the place now we can copy and paste this object if you want it to be exactly the same size and shape you can press alt D and it will do it a linked duplicate and I can rotate that around the z-axis and move that into position it's a little bit over the place though but we can grab it and move it into position with G but now when I this one it will edit the other ones as well so if you want them the same size you can do that Aldi move that around so he's got some fangs up there and just moving them into position I'm trying out a couple of different positions I think and Odie the last one let's meet that over there how are we looking not too bad although these things to be facing the wrong way that's looking a bit better I think maybe I'll move these across just a bit more now if you're going a bit more detailed you'd probably sculpt in some gums and it would look a bit better with some gums so you can do that it's fairly straightforward we're going to work on a tongue as well coming out here and some drips of saliva so I just quickly put those in now shift right click shift day to add and then a nycos fear scale that down and that's gonna be our tongue and they'd start labeling these so it doesn't get so confusing then again said you pay this so ship D and move it over to here scale it down and this is going to be our saliva I'm going to press snapping on then I can snap it to my face so snapping there with the magnet face so it snaps to faces and then now when I move it with press G to grab it snaps to the face pretty much anyway it's been snapping off now and grab it into position around there it's going to be a drip of saliva coming down and I'll jib tape that up there as well and I might have one over here but we'll see how we get on I probably moved that back into position once I've modeled tongue okay now we need them all in scope mode so I'm alt left clicking and I can choose the different parts make sure they're all in sculpt mode and it seems to be working now that's good so up left click all in sculpt mode let's go to the sculpting workspace and start sculpting so I've got my tongue selected at the moment so let's start with that let's get a tongue shape with the snake with tool make sure you turn down topo on for each of your objects and you probably want about 24 these they're fairly detailed objects the teeth I had to go to 25 to deny so let's see how we get on with 20 with the tongue I've got X Mirror turned off now have a night so I can just bring that out and move it into a rough position and then start sculpting it around the shape probably a bit more of a pointy tongue keep moving around and make sure it follows the path of your face that's gonna go the other side of the tooth in and over the lip here right and let's look how we're looking have a quick look it's not looking too bad I think probably needs to dangle down this way actually there we go that's better and then inside here there panic about touching the rest of your objects because you can't because this is a separate object so we can play around a fair bit with this remember to give it volume and shape that surrounds the other objects that's not looking too bad I did say about gums as well didn't I so let's alts left-click on our monster there we go make sure we've got that selected and into here with the draw brush and let's do a sort of gum area oh I can turn symmetry on here and just give it some gums that's way too big though okay let's go inside the mouth a little bit tricky when it gets to this point so you may be a bit lost when you're watching but I'm inside the mouth now there's the tongue there but you'll understand it when you're modeling your own shape and let's isolate with the forward slash and see how our gums are looking you can mask as well if you want to a mask rush but I find for beginners it's easy to stay clear that means it can be a tiny bit confusing just when you're starting out so there we got some basic gums and forward slash to bring our other things back we're all over the place and we're there it's not too bad we can do a few we can do some gums at the top now draw brush get to indent here first and then pull out here now because our teeth aren't mirrored it's all a bit weird see what it's looking like with the other ones they seem to be okay to be honest maybe I should mirror the teeth back to layout mode click on a tooth go to the add modifier and mirror then it's mirroring by itself so we want to select the mirror object to be eat the monster and there it is the other side now we can delete that one and we know it's a perfect mirror I'll do the same for the other one sometimes you might want the mouth to be sort of weird and obscure and then not do the mirror you can always apply it later and then separate these objects out I might keep the other ones separate so we can sort of do that type of thing so back to Scott mode got my gums here on my crease brush to create a crease down here and a little bit more volume at the back of my gums hopefully you can work out what's going on there now I'm still on 20 detail here so I've gone up a bit for my base mesh but we are going into more detailed areas it's still very sort of chunky and blobby isn't it but that's okay okay we're doing well let's sort out our spit balls or saliva Oh left click choose the spit back into scope mode make sure we've got the eye on top Oh turned on got 20 turn X mirror off we don't need that and just test it yep grab with the snake hook and let's just pull that down here smooth it out on now if you get to this point and it's all really thin and it's quite hard to work with you can then use the inflate brush and that will help you I get that snake up again give it some volume and then sort of like a bubble at the bottom so inflate at the bottom and now we're starting to get there looks like some saliva coming out sort of there we go that's not too bad it's a little bit blobby just use the smooth and maybe pull it in just a touch more with the snake about there now we go hey yes got some saliva coming out there although it does seem to be sort of travelling this way too much it probably needs to follow gravity more and come down this section here I use the grab brush this time so there's no need to add any more to apology so I'll just grab with the grab brush and pull it this way because the snake can distort your shape of course by adding new topology where's the grab brush doesn't add any that's better just to smooth that out of touch there too much there that's good now for the old ones out left click and that's the spit there died on top I want don't worry about that error message that's telling me there's a UV map you don't need to worry about that snake at this time moving around constantly this is good practice of the snake a tool which can be awkward at times but you just have to keep moving around into position and this time following gravity bit more then the inflate brush or the end and then just last maybe the grab tool this time to curve that over the lips Lila yay next one oh right click over in object mode to change the sculpt mode die on top oh ignore the message and make sure mirror isn't on pull this into position i smooth too much there so inflate brush won't play that in the fair bit grab brush need that up into position bit of smoothing it's not looking too bad it looks a little bit false like weird maggots are coming out of his mouth but I think we're sort of their old left click to select a different one although I can't select that one there we go there we got a few errors here there it is I think you just have to go near the center point and that will help it out there maybe a tiny bit less that's better I think a bit more variation between them and I'll left-click on this one there it is just smooth it out at the end there that's better ok so there we've got a very simple Fang creature let's get back to layout mode and see what it looks like with smooth shading and see whether we need to add any more details so left click back into object mode and then right click to shade smooth and that's not too bad the lower the resolution the better because you might want to paint with this or rendering speeds will be increased if you want to upload to sketchfab or another program you need a low face count this is still fairly high at 96 thousand so I'll probably reduced that in a bit if you want to reduce your objects then the very easy way is to click on your object use the modifiers decimate you can go quite low with this so I've tried point two it tells you the face count is down to 20,000 and it still looks all right doesn't it we can probably go a bit lower than that that's neat point one it's a very rough way of reeds apologizing it wouldn't animate so well wouldn't animate badly but it gets the poly count down ready for rendering and things and it still looks alright now make sure you're doing this once you're absolutely happy with your shape because it can be destructive if you apply that decimate modifier if you want to continue sculpting you'll have to turn off the modifier in order to start sculpting again once you're happy you might want to create a duplicate because applying will actually make it that resolution I'm going just apply and I'll do the same across the other bits of the model you'll have to go back into object mode with them add modifier decimate let's try point one on this it's not too bad apply right-click shade smooth it looks pretty good select my next object back into object mode now I think with the decimator modifier on this one we might be able to go as low but let's try it point two that's might be too far maybe point three and I apply that right-click shape smooth it looks pretty good same with the teeth now it's coming up with an error there it's saying it can't be applied to multi-user objects so I've got two objects here they're sharing the same space and you can't apply a modifier to it so what I'll need to do is go to the object data down here and then I can just click on this icon here and that will make it its own non linked item when I get back to my modifier I can then apply it let's try this one at the modifier and again apply that so after the object data make it a separate object back to the modifier and apply decimate with the mirror on that way we can get both from the same time like that decimate and I think I'll apply the mirror as well then if I wanted to move a Fang I could now you might want to go a bit further with scope perhaps and do sort of an eye raised or give him a bit more character perhaps now you might feel as well your character is too symmetrical so you might want to move things around it is actually best to do that before decimating ideally but if I go back into sculpt mode even though he's been decimated I can just move them around using the grab brush we don't need da and topo on anymore and we can just change its shape very slightly and give him a bit more adaptations the other thing I want to do is in layout mode shift a to add a mesh and then a floor just scale that to the right size and then grab this into position so one on the keyboard would grab that and there's ed access and move it into position so we know where the floor is and then back into sculpt mode then worried that he's gone all blocky because we can shade smooth in a second and just make sure that he sits on the floor correctly you can have bits that fall in under the floor that's fine that one was very high you can still use the smooth brush don't be afraid of it and you can still use things like the inflate brush the bigger a brush the more influence it will have on your mesh so you might want to get nice and big so you get all of it at the same time be a bit careful not to move otherwise you'll have to move all of your other objects as well it would have been a good idea to do the floor first before doing the whole model but it doesn't matter doing at this stage yeah we get having a couple in the air is quite nice really I'm just messing up the symmetry slightly so he's got more character and here we go back into layout mode and then we can right-click shape smooth and we're back to where we were it's a bit of shading into shading I think you've got the shading tab with sculpt mode so general shading if not and we can have a bit of fun in evey with our object I think what aliens it's good idea to have a bit of subsurface scattering so it's a bit like skin really so turn the subsurf up with just a touch and that's making green of course bit darker you could even give him some admission and things as well subsurface perhaps a bit yellowy looking good already so let's change the tongue click on the tongue new object new material and give that a red colour a bit of subsurface scattering as well and make your sub surface slightly pinky teeth can be white a new object as you do they need shade smooth right-click shade smooth yesterday but slightly off-white maybe a bit yellowy sort of dirty sort of looking teeth somewhere around there select all your other teeth and then select that one last control L and we can link the materials and make them all the same material looking good the saliva we want to be blue so new light blue colored saliva click on the other ones so select the other ones if I can select the other ones car getting lots of glitches today it's trout up here then make this one the active object by selecting last and control L link materials that we got our saliva there the eyes a little bit tougher click on an eyeball into edit mode this time and we're going to select these faces so free to select face mode just there and block select those faces now into the material down here and this has no new materials so we can press a new one here and you can see that material comes up there and that's going to be our main eye material but we're going to create a new one for the pupil so new material and that's created the slot there with that plus sign there but it actually needs a material in it so new material in there and we're going to make this black so that's the same over here but we need to assign it to these faces so we just press a sign there and it assigns this material to those faces so that's how you select this one area after that you can have some fun with lighting let's get to rendered mode and he looks a bit better there with some lighting and we can add a few more lights in let's select that light oh I'm in edit mode so back to object mode to select that light the easiest way then is to go to the lighting tab and click Sun and choose a power of 1 and then you can put Sun lamps and then he can put Sun lamps around him shift D to duplicate and point that back at him shift D to duplicate and point that back at him so got three point lighting there and this one will change to a nice bluey color this one to a nice ready color and this one to a nice yellowy color and how cool is he looking I'll just smooth the shape D so right click on those MS Schade also let's get to the render mode but around being occlusion fill in those gaps and a bit of screen space reflections and he's looking great far as me now if you want to find out about how to paint this model then post in the comments below and I'll create another episode otherwise hopefully you've had fun and enjoyed making this city alien character so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 61,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, how, to, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, sculpting, sculptor, sculpt, painting, eevee, gameart, gamedesign, making, simple, basic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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