Wizard Gnome Sculpt - Follow Along Tutorial - Blender 2.9

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hello and welcome to gabit media i'm grant abbott and today we're sculpting this strange wizard gnome this is from a beginner's perspective so i won't be going through the basic interface and i'm assuming some knowledge from the brushes from my previous videos on the playlist so make sure you've checked out the playlists in the description for the complete beginner's guide to blender you can also go to my website gabbitt.co.uk which has all my free courses in order if you like sculpting then check out my sculpting playlist and it has more follow along type tutorials like this also if you like what i do then you can check out my new character course it takes you right from nothing through to making a great game character okay so i'm in the basic startup scene and i'm going to do this slightly differently this time by creating a base mesh first out of separate objects and sculpting from there it's probably easiest with an ico sphere so i'll delete the default cube shift a to add mesh ico sphere and let's come around to front view g to grab and this is going to be the hat i'm going to duplicate this for the body shift d so it's got a body there shift d to duplicate for the feet scale those ones down and just scale these things accordingly at the moment let's just come around to side view and make sure they're scaled correctly there as well so the feet are going to go all the way across the bottom like this and a nice tall hat like this okay very rough at the moment don't worry too much about the detail might copy one of these shift d and just think about where the nose is going to go probably somewhere around there and one more of these shift d just thinking about the moustache seems very simplistic at the moment and you can see i've got an error message across the bottom here because i've scaled my object so let's go back to layout mode select everything and control a to set the scale so i won't get any error messages and the sculpting will act as i expect okay so with one selected into sculpt mode and i'm going to go up to edit and turn off lock object modes that way i can alt left-click on different objects and select them whatever i select it will go to the previous mode that was already in so in this case it's sculpt mode in this case it's object mode so if i change this now to sculpt mode and go between these two you can see that it's changing the object because it's sculpting on this one now and then alt left click and sculpt on this one but when i change over to this one it's still in object mode so you need to change everything to sculpt mode and then you'll be able to alt left click and choose different objects okay so quickly back to the layout mode this one here and this one here so i can actually mirror them around the middle object so i'll delete both these two and go across my spanner add modifier mirror and choose as my mirror object this middle ico sphere the same for this one i can actually shift left click on these and control l and duplicate the modifier so it's across the other side now anything i do on this side will repeat on the other okay so let's go back to sculpting i'm going to alt left click on my hat control tab is the quick way to get to sculpt mode it brings up this pie menu and sculpt modes down at the bottom here i can now turn on darn toppo don't worry about the warning message that's about uv maps and i'll change this to constant detail nice and basic resolution at the moment if i use my pipette and pick this let's see what that resolution is it's really really low for constant detail this is so changing to about five is probably going to be about right let's do a bit of drawing that's great so really i just want to use my snake tool and just put these into the rough position and shape of my funny wizard so just pulling this around into a tall sort of hat i'll make it come right down at the back there i think so just getting that rough shape around the other objects shift to smooth of course using my snake tool to pull that topology around and remember the snake tool will add topology the grab tool however will just move the topology that you've already got there so you must use the snake hook tool for this okay let's click on the nose it's tricky to know which ico sphere it is so what i do is i come around to the side so i know it's the only one that i've got over my mouse if i come around this way and choose one there's three different objects that it could be so come around to the side and select it change that one to sculpt mode and start moving it about ah now turn on time topo of course just double check that it's on the resolution you want and move that one into position now it's worth pointing out that mirror is already turned on so just doing a sort of nose there alt left click on the next turn down topo on get rid of that warning ah now i've made a mistake there which i'll keep in but you can't actually sculpt with the mirror it disables it as soon as you go into dye on top so i'll undo those steps and i'll go back to layout mode quickly and i'm going to apply my modifier so the drop down menu here now and apply and the same for this one drop down menu and apply now when i go across the sculpt mode and choose with alt left click this object control tab to go to sculpting now it should start mirroring but i've made another mistake so i'll undo that and go back to layout mode the object origin is in the center of this object which i mirrored so let's right click set origin to geometry and that should go in the middle same for this one because i've clicked on it it's turned to sculpt mode so let's control tab object mode and right click origin to geometry and again it's in the middle so back to sculpt mode alt left click on this and hopefully this time oh if i choose the right object i'll left click on this control tab sculpt mode let's make that moustache finally let's turn down topo one as well want that to probably come over his shoes like this lovely job shoes next alt left click turn down typo one and let's start moving these around probably won't do too much at the back because i'm going to give him some sort of cloak coming down here i think i haven't completely decided on exactly what he's going to look like somewhere around there i'll left click on the middle now and let's start sorting this one out oh dying topo so some sort of beard coming down here coming back for his mouth there big cheekbones covering up his eyes and then some sort of cloak coming down here probably have a dent in here where the cloak kind of overtakes the cheeks let's pull that out slightly okay so we got the very basics of our wizard character he's leaning forwards a lot at the moment so we'll modify the shoes to come out a bit more it's a bit better a little bit further i really should name my objects it'll be much easier to find them okay so now it's just a case of adding the detail to each of these sections and this is where the fun bit comes in so we can change our dime topo to something like 15 and let's start working on the hat i'll come across to my draw tool this time make the brush a little bit smaller and think about the rim of the hat so it's got a bit more bulk like so and then use the crease brush and create some creases in here just sort of creasing over the top and then hold down control if you want to pull out topology i'll use the draw for that though so it's got some sort of crease coming down here okay so i just realized the dye and topper wasn't on not sure why it turned off then actually so 15 there we go that's better i was wondering to myself why on earth it was so blocky okay back to the crease brush i'm going to make a sort of hard edge around here for the edge of his cap like that so holding down control with the crease brush and bring it together and create these hard edges and comb in combination with the smooth brush so holding down shift okay let's think about the nose so once again just double check that down top is on it might be because i'm changing resolution between the two that it turns off but we're on 15. so start off around the nostrils there give him a nice sort of front to his nose dig in if you have to by holding down control it's very simple nose at the moment but it can be very basic on this because it's kind of covered up by other things as well and you can have quite a cartoony type nose anyway maybe the indication of some nostrils by digging in there and we'll come back to this after we've worked on the moustache and things so let's i'll left click on that make sure the top is on at 15 and start smoothing this out just a touch paint and smooth you have to paint first of course because otherwise you won't have any of that extra topology from the dye and toppo just getting the shape at the moment before i add any of the detail of the hair so i think that's a good shape but i'll work on the others first before adding any of that hair detail in case i have to move things around okay let's go to the body now let's think about how we want this cloak to work at the back here that can come and rest on the floor slightly so coming out slightly as you can see there the cloak in fact could have been a separate object as you can see there it sort of separates from the main body but it doesn't matter too much okay simple cloak at the back there could actually be hair even okay and then let's think about the cheeks nice round cheeks there might bring the hat down a touch more in a second and then the beard at the bottom here make sure you're moving around your object quite a lot as well you can get suddenly called out when you go to the side and suddenly see it's not quite working as an object i'm gonna give him a little bottom lip there i think we'll see not so sure no it will completely cover that up make it keep it simple okay onto the shoes alt left click give it a bit more structure around the bottom flatten them out to touch rough at the moment keeping things fairly simple i might use my grab brush here doesn't matter it can be the snake or the grab but the grab is actually slightly more responsive than the snake hook because it's not adding topology so if your computer is a bit sluggish or anything like that and you don't and you don't need to add topology then use the grab brush i might have this cloak coming back around to the front here so i'll grab the cloak and just add that come around to the front a bit more let's give it that sort of wavy cloth feel and i'll crease it a bit actually i'm using the grab brush on instead of the snake hook so i should have been using that because i wanted to add some topology this time so i'm just going to sort of create topology at the bottom as if the cloth is sort of falling on itself using the crease brush as well just pull it down like this and then we've got a bit of cloth okay he's sort of working so let's work on the actual shape of the beard and the moustache so alt left click with the crease brush still digging in just stylized at the moment so nice big chunky sort of hair just check my resolution i'm on 20 at the moment it's still very low for a sculpt and i might want to bring that up a bit more shortly let's do the same for the beard here okay nice and simple looks kind of fun though okay so let's bring our dino toppo up to about 70 and we'll start smoothing things around let's start with the hat i might go to object mode with the hat just g then zed move it down just a touch more i think that's a bit more of the style i want i have to move the cheeks down a little bit so i'll do that now i'll click on my middle using the snake hook now see where the snaker gets much less responsive for me because i've got a resolution of 70 so the grab brush would be a better brush here can you see when i smooth out how much more detail i've got okay let's look at the nose using the simplified brush just paint over it and then with the draw brush we can just see if there's anything we want to do with the shape i quite like it maybe just a bit thicker at the top and perhaps the crease brush coming in there a bit give them a bit more of a style and let's do the nostrils probably a bit too far there we'll just count a bit more there that's fine onto the middle and the cloak just brushing lightly over to change the form slightly and then we'll smooth out i might have to use my simplify brush again to give that detail that's good mustache now back to the simplify brush the simplified brush is just adding that topology in to the areas where i need it so the new dyn toppo of 7t is getting added and then i'm just smoothing out let's use the draw brush make sure it's nice and full in here and back to the crease brush add a bit more detail to these lines we can also hold down control to come out with the crease brush the reverse crease as i call it a nice silky moustache now i feel like it needs a bit more of a point so let's get the snake tool and let's just give him a bit more style to his moustache there's almost touching the floor let's actually make it touch the floor so let's come to front view and see where the floor is going to be i need to edit some of these as well choose the grab brush for that let's go to side view and let's start modifying it so it definitely sits on the floor if you're 3d printing you'll want to be a bit more precise with this and you might even want to do a boolean object at the bottom here to sort of cut it off so it sits flat okay since i'm on the shoes let's do the simplified brush again fill that in smooth it out let's see how we're looking that's good i think i'll use the crease brush around the base holding down control give it that structure just needs a bit more depth in here it's not too important for me because like i say i'm not 3d printing but if you are you'll probably want to use a boolean here to flatten those out nice and properly now they don't look much like shoes at the moment so i'm going to come in with the drawer sharp quite a small brush and just create some soles just a little bit of smoothing there and then with the crease brush again hold down control sharpen that up and just in with the grab brush here let's go to the front view for that and tidy things up there we go he's looking pretty fun back on my central object and let's sort out the beard in here simplify brush over crease smooth out a little bit first and then in with the crease brush holding down control if i want a sharper point okay that's looking very uniform at the moment and i'll turn the mirror off in just a moment and sort those out let's just go to the hat now with my high resolution into sculpt mode let's get the simplified brush i think what i might do oh turn down toppo on first and then let's do a detailed flood fill of 70. be careful doing this you might want to save your work first in case your computer crashes it saved me drawing over the whole object with the simplify brush it is starting to lag a little bit they've moved the information about the mesh down the bottom here i think it's under overlays now and statistics we've got quite a lot of topology now in here something you must watch out for if you're on a slower computer it's got a sort of very stylized hat it looks a little bit silly really but kind of having fun okay so my character's looking fairly fun i think turn the symmetry off now and then let's start moving around with the grab brush this time i think that's important that you use the grab brush because it can lag a fair bit if you're not careful giving a bit of character now just moving a few areas around smoothing out as well as i go just in case there's any areas that need it with the crease brush into these sort of areas to add a bit of variation now as well i'm going to change the shoes really slightly i think they're a bit too big so i'll make this nice and big turn the symmetry back on now just bring my beard out slightly over the shoes now on the shoes let's bring those down really slightly as well that's a bit more like it mustache just come in a little bit more [Music] i'm gonna use the snake tool here actually and just have his middle beard sit on the floor slightly turn symmetry off and then it'll go across the one side i think back to the crease brush sharpen this up in places and there we go cool little gnome wizard so hopefully you're enjoying this series let me know if you've got any other ideas for sculpts and let me know how you get on if you want to know about the texturing it's fairly straightforward so just give us a shout and i will produce a short video on that so thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 90,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, gamedev, sculpting, sculptor, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, follow along, follow, simple, basic, beginner, 3dart, speed sculpt, 3d modeling, Blender 2.9 tutorial, blender 2.9, wizard, gnome, magic
Id: 2mLAH2muUtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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