Blender for Beginners: Easy Froggy!

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[Music] so first before we even get started we're going to turn onto add-ons that come with blender already but they're not on my default and having them on will make your life way easier so let's go to edit preferences and here on the addons tab we're going to activate add mesh extra objects and mesh loop tools also here on the input tab i have emulate three button mouse on and what this is gonna do is let you select loops by double clicking which you're gonna see me doing a lot and here on key map be sure to have tap for pie menu and extra shading pie menu items onto now that we're all set we're going to click here and save preferences [Music] so first let's select the cube with right click let's hit x to delete it because we're going to start off with a new object and now we hit shift a to bring up the objects menu we go up to mesh and check this out these are the extra objects we just installed and we're gonna go and select round cube and from the menu down here we're gonna change the radius to one and the reason we do this instead of just choosing a sphere is because the sphere has triangles but this guy here has little square faces so it's way easier to manipulate okay so now that we have our starting object ready let's add a reference image if you want to use the same image i'm using you can download it from the link in the video description so we hit shift a image reference and we go and find our concept image but before we leave this menu let's uncheck our line to view now let's make our frog stand up by first pressing 1 on the numb paddle to go to the front view and now we press 5 to get out of the perspective view now we press r to rotate and x to rotate only on the x axis now we go to the image settings here we press front so our image will be seen before the cube and we'll lower the transparency enough to see the cube behind [Music] wait let me lower transparency a bit more and then we're going to delete half of our object so we can mirror the other half and work only on one side select selected we press tab to enter edit mode and first we're going to go into this viewport shading menu up here and click on x-rays and when we select stuff with the lasso tool the stuff on the back will be selected too so let's press and hold up here and select lasso and now drag to select this half of the object now we press x to bring up the delete menu and we choose vertices and now we go to the modifier menu here with the wrench icon and we select mirror and we're gonna click on clipping so vertices merge in the middle instead of overlapping we're also gonna make our object smooth by adding a subdivision surface modifier and we have two subdivision levels which means our mesh is gonna pretend to be subdivided twice now let me adjust the object transparency first from the x-ray settings up here and you can see the object still looks faceted and that's because we need to do some stuff with the normals first i'm gonna give a very quick explanation of what the normals are i normally it's like a line that shoots from the face of an object and it tells blender how those faces are gonna be oriented so we need to tell blender we want a smooth transition between these normals for that you can press ctrl f on edit mode but i'm in object mode so i'm gonna hit right click and shade smooth i'm gonna already open a second window so i can have a preview of the model in real time so i'm gonna go up here left click and drag in from the outer corner to bring in a new window and then on this new window we press set it to bring up the shading menu and we choose material preview and then again to toggle the overlays off and now i go into edit mode i select all of the slower vertices and press g to grab them and move them up and now i'm going to grab these other guys here and move them up as well so they match the reference [Music] okay we're gonna make the eyes now i'm gonna select this vertex here and press x and delete and now i'm going to select the slope of vertices by double clicking here in between these two vertices then right click and from the loop tools menu that we turned on before we're gonna select circle and check that awesome now from the front view i'm gonna adjust the vertices a bit to adjust them to the reference let's select the circle loop by double clicking like before and we're going to press e to extrude it up and s to scale it a little bit then e again s to scale a loop in and i'm also pressing g to move the loop around i extrude on scale one more time [Music] and then to close the loop we extrude the scale in and press m and center to merge all the vertices in the final loop together in the center and close the loop okay now let me lower the model transparency and bring up the reference image and i enter edit mode because now we need to add more resolution to this area here so we're gonna hit ctrl r and stand here which is where we want the loop now left click and left click again to confirm now i'm going to move some stuff around again to match the reference and check this if you want to move an edge or a vertex along the existing geometry instead of pressing g you press g twice and this lets you slide the edge without deforming the mesh [Music] and now i'm just moving vertices around to get a nicer shape [Music] [Music] now i'm going to press the o key to activate the proportional edit mode which you can find up here so the circle you see is the falloff area everything that falls into the circle will be affected you can change the size of a circle by pressing the page up and page down keys on your keyboard and i think you can also do this with the mouse wheel [Music] in object mode we hit shift a and we add another round cube and then g and set to move it down on these z axis now let's scale it in with s and go into edit mode we'll delete half of it with x go to the modifiers tab here on the right we have a mirror modifier check clipping and now we add the subject modifier with two levels of subdivision now i'm going to grab all this chunk of vertices and i'm going to press r to rotate them and i'm going to place them here so i can extrude the legs in a minute but first i'm going to move some vertices to fix the topology and now i'm gonna select this vertex here press x and delete it select the whole loop double click in the direction of the loop then right click loop tools and circle i now extrude down with e let's adjust the skies a bit [Music] extra down again press s and set to scale only on the z axis to align all the vertices vertically extrude down again and now let's close the foot with one more extrude down and let's scale this loop in wait let's do the arms first and then we can go back and work on the boot let's select this vertex here delete it right click loop tools circle and we start extruding the arm out and to finish it we extrude one last time press m and center to collapse the vertices and close the hole let's add more loops to ctrl r so we can define the shape better and now let's bring this guys down and let's move some stuff around to get the metro flowing nicely [Music] i'm gonna work on the side view now and because there's no reference for it just make it as chubby as you want and now let's go into object mode right click and shade smooth we're going to build a t-shirt now so we're going to lasso select all this vertices here press shift d duplicate we move them around just anywhere and then do not press the left click right now press the escape key instead so the vertices get duplicated but they stay in the original place and now we hit p on the keyboard to bring the separate menu up and we choose selection and this is optional but i'm going to change the viewport color for the t-shirt just to see it better i'm going to go to the object properties tab here and on vapor display i'm going to choose a random color change the shading to solve it and then go in and from this menu here let's choose studio lighting and object color and now let's go into edit mode which is all these vertices here and we press s and set to scale them all down on the z axis now let's scale them up and let's move some vertices around to get some nice flowing geometry let's select the loop again and extrude down let's go into object mode and scale the t-shirt up a little bit now let's select the body and go into edit mode so we can work in the boots i'm gonna add one loop here we're gonna press three to enter face select mode and let's select these faces here and let's section them out with e and y [Music] and i press 7 to go to the top view and we scale this part in with s and x now we bring this guys down [Music] we add one more loop here for tension and i'm gonna move some vertices around to shape out the front of the boot [Music] [Music] so [Music] and now let's close it by selecting this four vertices and pressing f to create a face we do the same here and one last time here and now this little guy is all modeled up so i'm gonna go up here on the outliner menu and do some renaming so first let's apply all the mirror modifiers and let's start with the head we go to edit mode we press the number 2 to enter edge select mode let's select the loop that's right in the middle by double clicking on the edge and we hit ctrl e mark seam now we do the same with the t-shirt and the body [Music] my and when we get to this part i just select the boot sole and mark new seams [Music] now in object mode we're going to select all of our objects let's make the right window bigger and we're gonna go up here and change the editor type to uv editor and now we enter edit mode hit a to select everything press u to bring up the uv mapping menu and we select unwrap now you can leave the uvs as they are now but i'm gonna try and optimize this space a bit and i'm gonna forward this part a bit because you can arrange your eyelines however you want and it will surely be fine [Music] so next we're gonna create a material with a blank image attached to it so we can paint it here in blender we go here in the materials tab and create a new material let's left click and drag this window up and we're gonna change the editor type to shader editor so we have our default principal shader and we're gonna hit shift a texture image texture we're gonna go plug color to base color press new and we're gonna double the size of the image by typing an asterisk and then two this multiplies the value here by two which is a great feature if you suck at math like i do and now i'm gonna change the color to white and i'm gonna rename the texture [Music] let's change the interpolation of the image node from linear to closest so our texture looks sharper and now i'm going to change the material name now here on the uv editor we're gonna load the texture we just made from this drop down menu here [Music] i'm gonna duplicate the reference image move it to a side and turn the transparency up because we're gonna use it to color pick from it and you know what i'm gonna use this window down here to preview your texture so let me change the editor type to uv editor [Music] and then up here we'll change the 3d viewport now we press z to bring up the shading menu and switch to material preview now with the head selected we're going to press tab and enter texture paint now i can hit n or press this miniature plus icon here and then click on the tools tab to enter the texture paint tools so first let's make sure here on the texture slots we have our blank product texture then here on the brush settings under blend mix is the normal mode for painting radius is a brush size and strength is the opacity and then you can click on this guys if you're using a tablet and you want to use pressure sensitivity and then down here on symmetry we turn x on so we paint only on one side but actually let's start blocking in the base color with the paint bucket and then we change back to the brush to draw the details so let's choose it from this menu on the left and then down here we're going to click and color pick the skin color here you can create color palettes so you don't need to go color picking each time you have a repeated color and if you want you can name it and then press the plus button and the color gets stored here [Music] and now we just go and click on the head [Music] let's go now to object mode select the body and enter texture paint mode again and see it's an orange warning sign down here that's because i forgot to add the material so let's go to the materials tab and add our frog material from the drop down menu and now we go and click on the body now let's color pick the t-shirt [Music] oh but again let's go into object mode and give it the material [Music] and now back into texture paint we can fill it now let's color pick the sleeves but this time we can use a hotkey so we just hover over the image and press s and that brings the color picker up real quick and now i'm going to choose the brush tool from up here so i can start painting the details and to scale the brush you just need to press f and then drag and click to confirm i'm going to click on symmetry first i'm going to change the solid mode on this window and choose some texture here so i can see the colors a bit better and i'm tracing my own concept but now that you know the basics of texture painting you can customize the frog if you want to [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh and check this out if you need to change the brush hardness you go down here under falloff and let's see [Music] maybe this one yes constant to get a super hard brush i think i like this one so i'll keep it like this [Music] you can also paint directly on the texture down here you just need to change the editor type to image editor and then from view to paint and anything you paint here on the texture gets updated on the model which is pretty awesome [Music] do here you can change blend modes just like in photoshop so i'm going to use multiply to target some areas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i turn the symmetry off for this and i'm not really erasing here i'm just painting with a purple color now once you're done painting see don't hear the word image as an asterisk that's because we need to save this texture we're painting on and do not forget this step or you will lose all your work which i'm not ashamed to say happened to me a bunch of times so image save us let's add a studio background now so we first go into edit mode we press 1 to change the vertex select mode and let's use the lasso tool to select some random vertices here on the bottom of the shoe we hit shift s to bring the snap menu up and which is cursor to selected so now we have the cursor placed exactly where we want the floor to spawn and now we hit shift a mesh plane and let's press s and drag to scale it up now we enter edit mode we press 2 for edge select mode we select this edge on the back and we press e and z to extrude on the z axis and now we'll go to object mode we click on modifier stuff and we're gonna add a bevel modifier we're gonna change the segments i just run only one for five and now right click and shade smooth next we give it a material so we go to the materials tab and hit new and then we just change the base color from here we don't need any note editor wizardry for this [Music] now let's go up here and let's press set it to bring up the shading menu and choose render before working on the lights let's set up the camera and we already have our default camera but if you press ctrl alt and number zero it aligns the camera to our view or kind of and i guess i wasn't viewing the frog full from the front so i'm gonna select the camera and fix it manually from the item menu up here let's make x0 so it's center horizontally now let's change the aspect ratio so let's go here to the scene settings and i'm going to make it i don't know 1920 by 1920. now we go to the camera settings and let's change the focal length to zoom out no wait i'm going to change the camera type to orthographic and now let's decrease the orthographic scale [Music] i'm gonna play around the camera position and the orthographic scale so the framing looks closer to my concept and now let's go into render settings i'm gonna add some amine occlusion and i'm gonna change the distance to one but you can try different numbers and see what you prefer and finally i'm gonna turn on screen space reflections [Music] now i'm gonna move the default light to maybe here [Music] i'm gonna hit shift d to duplicate this light and i'm gonna place it back here [Music] let's hide this guy now by hitting age let's select the main light again and turn on contact shadows now i'm just trying some stuff out [Music] and now let's go to the world tab change the world color and let's lower the strength [Music] now let's go back to the scene settings and this is a personal preference here in color management i'm going to bring the gamma down to give it like a bit more contrast i'm gonna move this light a bit closer [Music] i'm gonna turn on bloom to get this hazy effect change the intensity to 1 change the color and lower the radius nothing specific just play around till it looks nice i entered the top view with numpad 7 and i select this light and i press shift d to duplicate it and i'm going to send it back to illuminate the background [Music] and i'm going to lower the power a bit i don't like that light reflection where the background curves so i'm gonna make the curve bigger [Music] and that's basically it now that you know how to model on textual painter frog let's see what you can come up with [Music] you
Channel: MAR
Views: 369,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, aesthetic, beginners, beginners blender, blender, blender 2.8, blender 2.92, blender 3d, eevee, how to, marcelaylucin, marzilla, timelapse, tutorial, frog, froggy, blender beginner tutorial, blender tutorial, 3d, nintendo, animal crossing, character tutorial blender, character tutorial, blender character
Id: rEBwBrRzyhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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