Shoulder to the Wheel | Tim Sheets

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now this has been a very prophetic weekend with chuck here it's going to be he's a prophet of the lord and this morning i want to stay in that vein that mode prophetic mode and i want to declare a biblical principle it is a prophetic key for our times and then a prophetic word christ's kingdom is emphasizing a very vital key right now to the body of christ to the remnant and we've got to learn to use it it is a very critical weapon of our arsenal and remember in fact chuck prophesied again to us what he has prophesied on two other occasions that we are to be an arsenal an armory for our region and for our nation uh a place where the weapons of our warfare are taught and activated from so i want to come at that and talk prophetically we've heard so much even the last few weeks let's see if we can get the perspective and put pieces together today matthew 16 18 and 19. jesus said and i want us to pay particular attention today that this is what jesus said this is not what any man taught it is not it is not what his apostle said it's what he said matthew 16 18 and 19. on this rock i will build my church and the gates referring to government and referring to authority the government or the authority of hell shall not prevail overcome we've seen that be strong enough to stop it it shall not prevail against it and i will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven keys represent authority in the scriptures if you have the key to a lock you have authority over it you can bind it or lose it you can lock it or unlock it we have we have the authority to open doors or close them lock them up or unlock them we have been given governing authority on the earth uh through christ's kingdom and in his name remember psalms 115 and verse 16 says the highest heaven is it belongs to the lord but the earth he has given to man the highest heaven of course is the third heaven there are three heavens you have the atmospheric heavens the astrological heavens but above that is the third heaven and that belongs to god not that the others don't but it's talking about a residing place and he lives in the third heaven that's where the throne is he he says that the highest heavens belong to me but i've given earth to man to what to steward it to to oversee it to be a governor uh upon it the authority of hell or hell's government he says jesus says cannot overcome the authority that i've given to the government i put upon the earth it most certainly cannot overcome the king himself and his authority it cannot overcome or prevail against the authority of the other self of christ who is the holy spirit and now the king says i'm giving authority to my church my ecclesia and hell's not going to have the power to stop it either get rid of any notion that that this that describes or declares that the church is not going to win we are going to win and we are going to win big get rid of any notion that the king can't do what he said get rid of any notion that the holy spirit is not powerful enough to anoint us to prevail and to beat anything health throws our way now listen to this in the amplified bible matthew 16 18 19 on this rock a huge rock like gibraltar i will build my church and the gates the government the authority the power of hell the powers of the infernal region shall not overpower it again this is the king's statement shall not overpower it or be strong to its detriment doesn't say it won't try to be a detriment he said they they won't be strong be strong to its detriment or hold out against it the churches flip that we're trying to hold out against hell the king said no i'm going to make you strong enough hell can't hold out against you get yours get your get your thinking right hell's not going to be able to hold out against the strength i give to you the authority i give to you i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind declare to be improper or unlawful on earth must be what is already bound in heaven in other words agreement you whatever you bind on earth must agree with heaven it must agree with what heaven what heaven is saying there's got to be agreement and whatever you lose declare lawful on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven oh it is already what heaven has already agreed to what it's what it's saying jesus said hell will try to be a detriment but i'm going to anoint you to be so filled with strength that it's not strong enough to be a detriment to you and you're going to be able to bind it you're going to be able to loose the power of god in such a way that there is freedom and doors are going to unlock now we are in the era when that is going to become very visible in a very clear and plain way on this earth the world is about to find out whether and this is what it's trying to it's trying to set the narrative and trying through that narrative to back the remnant down to back the people of god the heirs down by saying you're non-essential if we buy into that well we if we buy into that and that becomes our our communication then we begin to build our the be begin to build the own our own barrier around ourselves and we begin to activate confinement rather than liberty rather than freedom and rather than the activation of government kingdom government on the earth we must and we are now in the era where holy spirit has heard the determined purpose of heaven and now you will see that the church is not a non-essential entity it is the most influential entity on the planet and it's going to be seen that way you're you're you're in that right now and you're you're going to see it start to rise very very quickly but see we have to get the right perspective because if your perspective is wrong you're going to talk wrong and if you're talk wrong you're going to get wrong you've got to say what god says well let's listen to murdoch's translation he's a greek scholar matthew 16 18 and 19. i will build my church and the gates of death shall not over shall not triumph over it again this is what the king says it will not triumph over it to thee i will give the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever thou shalt unbind on earth shall be unbound in heaven that is a very accurate greek translation think about it you'll be able to bind anything on earth that ver various things that hell throws as a detriment but he said you'll also be able to unbind i don't know about you but i'm seeing plenty that needs unbind untied unchained i don't know if it's correct english or not but it's correct greek we are called to be unbinders you're an unbinder this in this divine planned for era which it is when holy spirit leads the true church we will now see things bound and unbound the heirs are binders they are loosers they're unbinders and it's time to get about the business of doing exactly that again we have allowed hell to flip this and we have allowed hell to bind us well you can't do this you can't do that in fact don't even come to church if you do only a few of you can we'll tell you what to do and we'll tell you when you can do it we'll tell you everything we'll tell you what you believe in fact we know uh hell knows because lucifer was the worship leader of heaven at one point he knows what worship stirs up so his statement is shut up you can't sing but we're on binders we bind him not him bind us what should our reaction to be just what we did today you're holy you're worthy the rocks are not going to cry out for me [Music] you see you have to get the perspective right or you speak wrong and if you speak wrong you get wrong yeah that's all i'm trying to say today i'm not i'm not trying to be deep i'm trying to be accurate and i'm trying to say this doesn't take this isn't rocket science the king didn't ask us to do something hard he just said think like i think get that perspective say what i say and make your stand i'll back it the message bible matthew 16 18 and 19 this is the rock on which i will put together my church a church so expansive with energy hear what he just said the king said he did not say a church whose energy would diminish a church who who a church that becomes weaker and its energy diminishes no he said it will expand in energy it just keeps expanding expand means to keep going not retract not contract expand with such energy he said that not even the gates the authorities of hell will be able to keep it out see hell here again hell posted a sign that said keep out church i i i hunt a lot and every now and then you come across property that's posted it says keep out hell posted keep out posters keep out church keep out of this keep out keep out no that's not what the king said he said the gates of hell won't be able to keep us out now that's what we need to declare you're not going to keep us out of anything you're going to keep us out of anything no we're not honoring your posted your posted sign why because you weren't given the authority on the earth god gave it to the ecclesia so your your authority is broken your power is broken and we're not gonna honor your sign hell's not going to be able to keep it out and that's not all you will have complete and free access to god's kingdom keys to open any and every door no more barriers between heaven and earth earth and heaven a yes on earth is a yes in heaven a no on earth is a no in heaven again that's agreement if if you say no to what heaven's saying no to if you say yes to what heaven's saying yes to in my name the king said it's going to be done a church of great glory is rising to stand against hell and its antichrist agenda and say no stop it to some things and unbind some other things please understand here's where we're at the most important church ecclesia the most important church in world history is now rising it's now rising it's been expanding for 2 000 years not decreasing expanding it's been expanding in revelation expanding in power expanding in in in its authority base it's expanding in the amount of the remnant i mean when jesus made this statement there were a few dozen of his people at the most there were 12 apostles a few others a few dozen people heard this now we've been expanding there are millions of us there are millions of us jesus he said jesus said i'm building it see man's not building this if man we're building it i would be quite concerned even if i was building it i would have some current concerns i may not say it but i would but but i'm not man's not not the real ecclesia man has told the king we will build the the modern church the the we'll we'll build the nominal church we really don't need that we don't need the holy spirit we've got plenty of good ideas and we'll take care of things on the earth that's not the ecclesia the ecclesia that jesus is building he is the builder nobody else is building it and we got to get that through our head he's boss and so his holy spirit that doesn't decrease us that increases us holy spirit is a divine equal part of the godhead and he is on the earth to release power to fulfill and activate the true ecclesia which is the name and the description jesus gave jesus used to define what we call church we are in a very momentous time a momentous moment and hell can't stop us if we follow holy spirit remember the word from last week holy spirit gave to me that i gave to you he said i will now reintroduce holy spirit to the world he will now function in visible leadership of my ecclesia visible leadership he has not been visible in leadership the last probably four or 500 years the way he should certainly the last 50 he's not been visible we said holy spirit stay in the stay in the parking lot stay over in the side room or maybe we'll let you show up at home but but we don't want to have ecclesia meetings that you lead the earth has actually said that to the holy spirit and the king says no no i'm going to enter you into my remnant maybe all that gets it my ecclesia is going to understand holy spirit is to be the visible leader of your meetings he's to be the visible leader of what the ecclesia is about he will now function in visible leadership of my ecclesia my church and will release explosive power throughout my kingdom we're in that season right now explosive power is going to be visibly released throughout the world hell can't stop it notice holy spirit the lord said holy spirit is being reintroduced in some ways and introduced in some other ways one of those ways i believe and i touched it a bit last week but one of those ways he is being introduced or reintroduced is as lord saboth that is the name meaning lord of angel armies right now on the planet he is going to be reintroduced as the lord of angel armies that's why the multiple divisions of angel armies is being downloaded to us and their function right now that's why i wrote the book about it because right now the earth is about to experience lord sabioth moving not just among the apostolic base of remnant heirs but also moving as lord sabioth the lord of angel armies he has led those armies from the very beginning he led those armies clear back before man was ever created now we've had this understanding it's a wrong perspective what happens if you have the wrong perspective you say the wrong things and you get the wrong thing we go back before time but back before man was ever created there was a time that lucifer led a rebellion against god in heaven tried to take over and he got one third of the angels to rebel against him and try to take over heaven please understand something god didn't even fool with it he said all this is going to take is michael and his angels notice and revelations 12 declares it there was war in the heavens michael and his angels fought lucifer and his angels fought but they weren't strong enough and he threw him out of heaven think about that one division of the angel armies took care of all of hell and everyone in it at the time what i'm saying is lucifer doesn't have near the power he's told you he has and the the angels don't have the authority the heirs have wow we got to understand who we are we got to get a different perspective and stop worrying about what hell's doing and start and stop worrying about what heaven's doing i'm not worried about what jesus is doing i know what he's doing he's building his church he's he's uh honoring his word he's answering prayers and he's activating armies of heaven to overthrow hell's kingdom in other words hell can't prevail we win he is also holy spirit is being reintroduced as the chief of operating officer of christ's kingdom on the earth he is also the divine leader of the kingdom of christ ecclesias and as also he is introduced as the commander of the ecclesias remnant army and the angel armies see holy spirit the other self of christ is the most important being on the earth right now where the ecclesia is concerned as far as leading and strategy is concerned also the lord said to me and i i gave that word last week also for the ecclesia to rule and reign as intended on earth it must partner with holy spirit and he added the line it is not an option it's not holy spirit is not an option like you click onto to get a car okay i'll take tinted windows um maybe uh i don't know power this that no he's not an option he's not an option the church's success has been and is now dependent on the partnership of the holy spirit and we must be empowered by him and we must be led by him that's what the king said in fact he did more than say it he commanded it you say well that's elementary i know that's why i don't understand why anybody could miss it and yet 90 percent of the so-called church is sila now we have seen quite an emphasis the last past month or so especially holy spirit and his government language but king jesus is reminding the church the true church he's reminding of this government language more and more because it is now time for a very aggressive shift to take place in the true church and holy spirit's bold leadership and his leadership as lord sabioth is involved and as as his followers we are being called now to rise up and change things and we're going to do it with holy spirits visible leadership and with him praying through us in restored heavenly language because that language is in agreement with heaven remember a few weeks ago and i need to lay this foundation before i prophesy we saw that in the beginning everyone spoke god's spirit language everyone father god spoke it jesus spoke that language holy spirit spoke that language angels spoke that language this language had the life essence of king jesus infused into it it was an alive language the word of god was in it the word was with god and the word was god from the beginning it was language that had the governing ability of god in it it was filled with power dunamis power capable of anything the king's authority was infused into the language it was filled with creative abilities so much so that it created the universe it was language that was used to bring order out of a chaotic mass we now call earth it was probably an ancient hebrew language at least that's what i think because it is a derivative of that is what abraham spoke abraham was a hebrew and he spoke that language but some derivative of ancient hebrew is this language we were told and are told it is anything's possible language well god's god's supernatural power releasing spirit language is what he taught to adam and eve who then taught it to their kids and so on until babel when god confused the language of man because of man's sin idolatry about rebellion and from then on man spoke natural languages flesh languages until pentecost in acts chapter 2 the first lieutenant new testament pentecost when god sent holy spirit another equal part of the godhead to restore spirit language to newborn sons and daughters of god he reversed babel and restored anything's possible language nothing's impossible he restored governing spirit language he restored the dominion mandate which ties to and why jesus made the statement in matthew 16 18 and 19. what he said in genesis 1 concerning the mandate he now restates concerning the ecclesia matthew 16 18 18 i will build my ekklesia i'll build my church a governing body a ruling body a voting body that decides issues on the earth hear it from the greek text i've given to you many times but we need to understand some things he literally said in the greek language whatever you encounter of hell's council its government its leadership that i'm determined my ecclesia used 113 times in the new testament my ecclesia my new testament church will prevail against or overcome it will then face a decision as to whether it forbids it or permits it what transpires is conditional to their response if they do purposefully and consciously involve themselves in forbidding or permitting the issue on earth they will find you will find at that future moment when you do my entire kingdom will back you from heaven the entire kingdom all my armies everything i have will come behind you it will stand behind you it's conditional to our response he said i am reactivating in other words the dominion mandate go and have dominion subdue the earth this was implemented on the day of pentecost in acts chapter 2. holy spirit came to restore god's spirit government language his power language so we see that a key to the church's governing as intended is praying in other tongues as holy spirit gives the enablement hmm whoa we have laid down we've laid down one of the biggest weapons that we could ever possibly use praying in other tongues praying in the spirit is governing intercession i remember four or five years ago i i was studying this oh my goodness it's i can't believe i've gone that long already i'm not where i want to get i remember four or five years ago i said holy spirit why tongues i mean why because i didn't really understand what some of what i just talked about when it king came to me but i said why tongues and he answered me out loud i heard it he said it's government language and i remember for days thinking it's government language of course it is how did i miss that it's government language it's power language it's governing language that's what it is it's government language and it was like like a revelation that just ingrained in sight of me what was really being said and it put so many pieces together why tongues its government language restored to the heirs on the earth we've got to see this supernatural rep weapon because it's a vital key to the ecclesia doing what it's assigned to do in our times now this is the language that the prophet zephaniah prophesied would one day be restored to god's people and it was on the day of pentecost acts 2. here's what zephaniah prophesied zephaniah 3 9 god said he says he says god will restore a pure language again to his people so they can call upon the name of the lord and pray and serve him in humility notice praying in other tongues three things here it helps us call on the name of the lord it helps us pray and it helps us serve in real humility message bible reads this way in the end i will turn things around for the people i'll give them a language undistorted and unpolluted words to address god in worship and united to serve me with their shoulders to the wheel notice praying in the spirit praying in other tongues helps us worship god it it unites us and it helps us serve our lord in such a way that it puts all our shoulders to the wheel all our shoulders to pushing the burden king james reads for then will i will i turn to the people of pure language that they may call on the name of the lord to serve him with one consent it puts our mind into one consent into agreement agreement because if we think wrong we talk wrong and we get wrong the amplified bible reads for them changing their impure language i will give to the people clear pure clear and pure speech from pure lips that they may all call upon the name of the lord to serve him with one unanimous consent and one united shoulder bearing the yoke of the lord notice praying in other tongues provides a unified shoulder the shoulder of the ekklesia the remnant army a united remnant to push the burden to push the burden away a united shoulder basic english bible reads for then i will give the people a clean language so that they they make they so that they may all all make prayer to the lord and be his servants with one mind now all translations and all hebrew scholars doing the translating define this pure language that will one day zephaniah says be restored to god's people and it was on pentecost they all describe it as a prayer language every one of them do no exception all of them define it as a prayer language and one that brings those who use it into unity into into one mind into one consent into a unity of purpose into a unified effort of burden-bearing into a unity of cause praying in other tongues praying in the spirit has got to be one of the ways christ's prayer in john 17 26 is answered jesus prayed there that we would be one now he was talking there to to the ekklesia to the remnant ones he was not talking to to the nominal church you'll never get them to consent you'll never get them to do it they're never going to pray in tongues they think it's of the devil they have so misunderstood the scripture they'll never consent but he wasn't talking to them when you when you look at the new testament word ekklesia you are looking at the king talking to his remnant heirs the ecclesia of the government the governing ones he's not talking to everybody you will never get everybody to do it we know that but it's been expanding and now there are millions of us and hell's not gonna know what hit them now one of the definitions of praying in the pure heavenly language that holy spirit gives us with is it draws us into unity there's another place we are at right now there is a holy supernatural pull of unity on that glorious remnant and that ecclesia to come together like we never have before it's pure and it's supernatural language it's intercession that can bring the remnant together and it's around the world now everywhere all all it says all not just here not just this ecclesia of all of them and there are a lot of us it's intercession that can bring all the remnant together in one mind in one accord which god says is nothing's impossible language it brings us into a unity of purpose to govern on the earth as intended come together and praying yes pray in our native tongue of english yes make decrees in english it's vital to our confession of faith but beyond that praying in in our spirit prayer language praying in our kingdom's spirit prayer language puts all of our shoulders to the wheel it puts the inclusive ecclesia remnant warriors and the whole army shoulders the wheel we all start pushing we all start pushing we all start pressing we supernatural led by the holy spirit start pushing together we become a god shoulder on the earth we we shoulder a burden we shoulder the burden and push it we all do there's a divine agreement remember jesus said in matthew 18 and verse 19 when whenever two or three of you agree on anything they ask in prayer my father will do it in heaven well praying in the spirit certainly brings that agreement [Music] praying the spirit agrees with heaven yes in heaven i know in heaven i remember also i remember so clear the time when i just was thinking about that and i said holy spirit please explain what you meant by that i want to know and i remember i laughed out loud when he said i always agree with myself it was another one of those duh moments of course he does no matter how many of us are praying in spirit language no matter no matter where no matter if it's ireland no matter if it's australia no matter they there can be unity of agreement and a united shoulder begins to press and push hell away push against push back he can use us to all shoulder the yoke and we push together in the spirit of unity to what to release government government government authority kingdom government authority on the earth it's what he said it's pure prayer so we we're starting to see a working function now of kingdom government authority and government language we start to see the holy spirit beginning to take a leadership visible leadership role in all of this it's pure clean uncontaminated prayer language it draws the unity or throws the remnant into a unity of purpose or cause and it gets the remnant pushing the same wheel in agreement now that is something we've never seen [Music] it's been so hard to get the church to agree on anything and as i said we'll never get the nominal but it's been hard to get anybody to agree on anything it's been hard for me to get you to agree on everything it's been hard for you to agree with me on everything it's just but can we agree that holy spirit always agrees with himself and can we agree that his supernatural leadership can put all our shoulder to the wheel and pray a yes from heaven on the earth or a no from heaven on the earth oh oh he has a plan and it's a good one it's phenomenal it brings us into a unity of faith activating govern governing intercession this is where we are right now don't think nothing's happening oh plenty's happening but you have to you have to look with spiritual eyes you have to hear with spiritual ears now since may 31st the third literal pentecost ever on the earth ten weeks ago holy spirit's been calling to the ecclesia hubs he's been calling to places just like this and people just like you he's calling to the righteous remnant it's time to shoulder the wheel it's time to push back against with my authority it's time to con to come into a unity of the spirit a unity led by the holy spirit a unity uh of a divine shoulder in other words not just us in middletown pushing but all at once a people daring to be led by god says all right holy spirit here we're going to shoulder the burden together you're going to lead and a no is coming to heaven against hell's agenda and a yes is coming to kingdom expansion in jesus name singers and musicians come it's been amazing to see what i've been able to see just in these well since the covid thing really it's amazing to see the prayer effort of the righteous remnant he's he's synergizing the voices of the heirs of god and joint heirs with christ in this year of the voice think about that pay the hebrew letters of this year pay means the year of the voice think of what has come against us to try to muzzle our voice including a symbolic mask it's more than just covid there's an effort of hell to try to muzzle the church but he's anointing us with power now this stand is so aggressive i've never seen a remnant an ecclesia more resolved to win and beat back hell that i'm seeing right now uh it's he's anointing it it's like a spiritual draw a spiritual anointing to see christ's will be done on the earth ecclesia hubs are unifying prophetic networks are unifying apostolic networks are unifying so holy spirit can lead a concerted effort of the inclusive ecclesia to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints intercessors are synergizing right now all over this nation and world it's incredible i've never seen a greater prayer effort millions are praying [Music] and holy spirit is anointing that remnant to pray praying power prayers praying miracle prayer praying through us christ's government on the earth praying through us prayers that bind the strategies of hell and unbind unbind the strategies of god would you stand please in the remnant the true ecclesia the true church this unity of purpose is rising now very aggressively [Music] if you're in an apostolic hub especially like this one i i mean this in a kind way but you're either going to get in or get out because there is a a holy ghost anointing of defiance coming against hell we're not going to be playing patty cake with him this is war and our god intends to win it and he intends to use a people just like you to engage [Music] and i'm seeing them i'm just seeing them it's it's almost like there's a holy spirit consciousness coming that says i'm done now i'm done with this and i'm going to stand and i'm going to represent jesus christ on this planet i will not be silent i will not back down and i will stand in faith i won't compromise anymore it's almost an aggressive stand why is that because holy spirit is leading and he's beginning to press he's saying it everywhere oh i don't i don't even know where i went today because i just didn't have time to study it through but almost every week this year whatever i've declared somewhere that afternoon or the next somebody else said the same thing somebody prophesied in here somebody preached it there why because holy spirit's saying it everywhere and he's going to pray it everywhere and we're going to do it everywhere [Applause] time to engage hallelujah and so lord today we commit ourselves to put our shoulder to the wheel from this apostolate from this ecclesia hub let the warriors rise hearing the call in the spirit realm lord we see the move of god that's now begun and we believe what your word says hell can't stop it now god let this word go out out through america and around the world and let the the essence of this word get into the heart of your remnant all everywhere and say okay it's time let the united shoulder of the church on earth come against what hell's doing and push it back push it back push it away push it under put it under our feet let the conscious awareness of this perspective of heaven reach around the world [Music] reach into the networks the prayer networks everything and say that's it this is time it's time to put the shoulder to the wheel [Music] do it lord we pray here's our shoulder lord shift us into this supernatural push supernatural pushback give us revelation give us understanding anoint us and not just for the pushback anoint us for the pushback
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 19,012
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar, shoulder to the wheel, prophetic insight, the hub
Id: yeX5KhewHz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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