Discerning Times & Judgements | Tim Sheets

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scriptures will be on the overhead I want to continue a bit from last week and I'll review a little but there's just some things that the body Christ really hasn't been taught and not understood very few will teach some of what I will show today from the scriptures depending on how Holy Spirit takes it but we've got we have to know some things see if you don't know how do you put energy into it if you don't know how can you extend your faith we perish for because of things we don't know or understand and so we dive into some things today that are a little bit different and see what Holy Spirit has in mind Galatians chapter 6 verse number 9 many of you probably know it and let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart the message Bible reads so let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good at the right time at the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up or quit New Living Translation so let's not get tired of doing what is good at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up Philips translation let us not grow tired of doing good for unless we throw in our hand the ultimate harvest is assured the amplified and let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly in doing right for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint JB Rotherham and in doing that which is honorable let us not be faint-hearted for in due season we shall reap if we faint not Weymouth translation and yes it's the last one let us not abate our courage in doing what is right for in due times we shall reap a reward if we do not faint let's pray thank you Lord for your word we thank you that it has been breathed on by you which causes it to be alive let it live in this room and live in each life let our ears to be quickened to hear beyond the natural realm what you are saying to the church calls us to not just be hearers but also those who understand and do give us Lord a better revelation of your word today Holy Spirit our teacher come and teach us what what our king is saying teach us and let us hear what what is being said to the church in ways that we can follow be directed by and implement we ask Lord for revelation and for enlightenment today and we asked for the anointing of Samuel that not one word that I speak fall to the ground and I'll thank you for that in the name of King Jesus amen you may be seated I spoke last week about moving into a fullness of time Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 started started a kingdom of God progression towards a fullness of time that we are now in right now Pentecost was the beginning of a Kairos kingdom of God timeline Kairos is a Greek word for time that that sums up God activity holy spirit' outpourings doctrines of the true church that have happened over a long range period of time that the Apostle Paul called in Ephesians 1:10 dispensations of times Pentecost in acts 2 started and adding up of dispensations of times or Ages of times or eras when Holy Spirit activity in the body of Christ it he activated in the body of Christ what God wanted done in that particular dispensation of time then Holy Spirit adds that emphasis to the next era and so on it activates and continues to function then in the following era and the following era and they just keep going on Kairos it keeps progressing forward it keeps adding up or adding on to until you come to a mega fullness of times when all of that happens at once happens in the mega period or fullness of time well Holy Spirit has been adding up or summing up the ages the dispensations of times to reveal to the world a fuller expression of who Jesus really is through his church to to reveal a fuller expression of who Jesus really is through his people through the remnant through his heirs this progression of God activity down through the area Arras has been preparing God's people to present Jesus in their times at a fuller or greater measure it increases and increases and increases until a fullness of time and it has prepared the body of Christ to function now at a higher level than the previous ones in more revelation than the previous ones in more and more expressions of the Ministry of Jesus himself we also saw that a Kairos time one of the Kairos times in scripture is often called the endtime days or the endtime age some also refer to it as the harvest age or the harvest season because harvest always occurs at the end of a season Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 began the endtime days we today are at the end of the endtime days we're at the end of that Kairos progression of time we're at the end of that endtime season that started at Pentecost we're at the end when all the dispensations in between all the anointings in between all the anointings in church history all the movements all the restored dark doctrines are now summed up they're being added in converged together to function in our times and it's all empowered by a mega outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is far greater than the first outpouring in action - that is the outpouring that is now due that is exactly where we are at in history in church history that's where we are right now that is what is due right now and outpouring greater than Acts chapter two greater than the charismatic movement greater than Azusa Street greater than any outpourings a mega outpouring is now do an outpouring at the end of the age it's far greater than the outpouring at the beginning it is increased and it is synergized now the kingdom of Christ that started in Acts chapter two has been expanding now over two thousand years leading us and preparing us for the days that we are presently in preparing us for the greatest days in church history preparing us for the mega outpouring preparing us for the great harvest preparing us for the converging of all the ages preparing us for Gillian's soul harvest the prophets are saying remember jesus said jesus himself said the king of the kingdom prophesied this concerning the progression of times he prophesied that the progressions of times would result in his kingdoms greatest harvest Matthew 13 and 39 he said the harvest is at the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels I have no doubt that's why for 10 years or so Holy Spirit has downloaded revelation concerning angels Angel armies how they ministered to us how they function because it is time it is on that progressive timeline that we are now in it is time for the angels to begin to partner with the church in moving towards this greatest harvest the amplified bible reads this way the king said the king prophesied jesus prophesied the harvest is that the clothes and consummation of the age the Kairos progressive time and the Reapers assisting are the angels Darby's translation reads the harvest is at the completion of the age the message Bible reads the harvest is the end of the age the curtain of history the harvest men helping reap it are the angels again the prophetic picture is it's at the end of the age that you get the ultimate harvest and that is where we are at right now which is going to require some kind of massive change it's at the end of the Kairos planting season that has progressed and matured that you get the ultimate harvest you don't get the harvest at the beginning of the planting season you get the harvest at the end of it it's after the kingdom restoration ages are summed up added together converge together that the ultimate harvest is then reached we are there right now we are in a mega do season when that happens everything changes when that happens everything in the kingdom begins to change lives begin to change and the lives of Christ's heirs begin to change everything in the kingdom begins to accelerate as it spins into the endtime days everything accelerates restored streams and movements and anointings down through history start happening then all at once all in that end age now the word Kairos gave this definition last week but we need it now Kairos means the proper time for something to be done or accomplished it means literally the due time something is due to happen you can just sense it right now it means a season of time or ages that have matured so something can be done or so something can happen or so something can be produced we are in a time when we can now do some things that we couldn't do before we can produce some things we couldn't produce before we are in a time when things can happen that could not happen before a fuller revelation of Christ can now be shown to the world and it will be a glorious church will rise out of the midst of the darkness and shine in God's greater and greater and greater glory now Psalms 102 and verse 13 gives us a prophetic picture of the Lord in due seasons a prophetic picture of his activities his anointings what he does in due seasons or in fullness times it reveals a promise then that is now activating it is activating right now it is right now do it's not do in the future it's due right now it is now due and he wants to soak you in it he wants he wants to anoint you with this and he wants to do it today he wants to anoint you with it yes you need to believe it and you need to decree it you got to act in faith this grace anointing can change everything dramatically it can change everything about your life dramatically your family like everything it is that kind of anointing it's it's a part of the mega outpouring that is now activating it's now do just like there were certain things in the charismatic outpouring in years gone by back in the 60s and 70s and 80s there were things about that outpouring that were distinct gifts of the Spirit speaking in other tongues singing in the spirit those were attributes of that time this is a characteristic of this outpouring that is added on to all of that we don't forget all of that it's the function in our era now - but this is something and it takes everything to a different level and it makes you a different person than you could ever have been before it's that kind of anointing Psalm 102 and verse 13 gives a prophetic promise of the Lord in due season I I believe the wave of this has already begun it's not in fullness yet but that'll accelerate quickly because it's due it's gonna accelerate in our times it says this you it says of the Lord you will rise and have mercy on Zion for the time to favor her yes the set time has come you can understand the word Zion references in Scripture it represents God's people or worshipers or the true church the community of faith it represents errors that are a part of the kingdom Christ's Kingdom it references the Bride of Christ the set time to favor her the Bride of Christ the heirs the worshipers the set time to favor her has come that is very similar to what Paul said in Galatians chapter 6 and verse 9 that I read in several translations due season will come don't faint don't quit don't give up a set time comes the amplified bible of psalms 102 verse 13 reads this way the set time is come a moment designated there are designated moments when you come into the one you pay attention when you come into one you activate your faith when you come into one you embrace it in order for it to happen you do so here the promise the favor of the Lord the favor of the Lord that is now being ministered to us by Holy Spirit at summed up levels will bring us now to a designated moment Holy Spirit has prepared for us to reap for us to receive what is due for you to receive what is due you parts of your destiny will now become do parts of your life that maybe have made no sense will now open it will become do parts of your inheritance will now come into season it'll become dude he will change everything that needs changing he'll open doors that need to be opened he'll sum things up add some things together that he has been preparing for days weeks months even years and in some cases before you were ever born they were all said in a progressive motion coming to a time a designated moment when he would activate his favor and it starts to come to pass he brings us to this Kairos moment an opportune time to see it done an opportune time to see it done a moment designated a designated season that he has planned and he has planned well don't be faint-hearted don't quit don't give up don't throw in your hand now the word favor favor here is the Hebrew word qua non means to bestow means to give wear it means to show kindness towards but it references Prime surely God's grace which is of course we know his unmerited favor its favor that is unmerited qua non is supernatural favor it's divine favor it's God favor that you cannot earn and you do not deserve its favor provided freely from Father God simply because He loves us he loves you unconditionally there are no conditions and he wants you blessed he wants to bless us it's not something we have to beg for he wants to do this he has planned to do this and he has planned for a special outpouring upon his ears at the end of the age to get this done to show it at a level never seen before all his favours been on these people down through the ages yes but now it's coming at a different level it's coming at synergized level it's coming in increased ways we are entering a designated moment of special grace opportunities that Holy Spirit has led us to he's prepared the season it is a set time of favourable opportunities to produce what is due windows of opportunity will be opened God will open them and there is no age to this it doesn't matter how old you are it happened for Abraham when he was a hundred it happened for Joshua and Caleb Caleb was 85 there is no age but you are in this special window of opportunity grace opportunity he has prepared it's a time when he favors his remnant in an extra special way that would be us it's a time when he saw is up ads in pours out anointings from throughout the ages past reactivating them to read to to refresh and to function in our present times why to accomplish things that are do to accomplish new things to bring to pass what is now do to take everything to a new level to activate a kingdom revival to advance the kingdom of God at levels never seen before it's a season when he antes up his grace bestowing special favor over his people to receive what is due them to receive promises due to them to receive prophetic words that are due to them it's a set time of the Lord it's a designated moment it's a new season it's a new day it's it's a new era it's a Kairos time meaning you are in an opportune time of the Lord to be blessed now in new ways to succeed in new ways to prosper at a new level to activate things in your destiny to he's gracing you to take advantage of opportunities that he will open to you and he says look for him desire them believe for them decree them to open to you this is the season when God favors his people revealing opportunities to bless them in a greater measure it also it is a time when Holy Spirit has prepared for things to change in the church for change and to activate transitions into greater and more effective ministry transitions into far greater productivity in the body of Christ in the true church it's a time when he changes it changes things for his people so that they can reap reap blessings reap reap promotions reap resources we are shifting into a Holy Spirit planned time of Awesome transitions and awesome changes things will not stay how they are not for the remnant not for the remnant things will not stay how they are not for the true church prophet Chuck Pierce and Dutch many of you probably know are on a tour around our nation right now to reactivate some things that they did years ago a tour they made years ago and they're doing now one in certain regions of the nation called a time to plow they did their first one here February 2nd of this this year many of you probably were here for that but one of the prophetic declarations that that they made that night and our making now was explained that night by by my brother Dutch he recently wrote about it on he said appeal to heaven website it was also on elijahlist other places many of you I know I've heard it but it's not long and it is a present word for now please hear it as a present word this has been prophesied around the nation but it is due right now that's right a few months ago beginning in Mississippi people started giving me bags of change in 35 years of ministry no one had ever walked up to me with a baggie full of coins I have received special coins commemorative coins coins minted with messages on them military coins state coins however no one had ever given me just a baggie full of change soon after I was at glory of Zion and there was another baggie full of change two more times this happened over the following weeks four times in a month I asked Chuck Pierce to prophesy into this I asked what's going on with this and he said change is coming seemed obvious but it hit me prophetically change is coming change is coming to America change is coming it's coming to the Middle East change is coming to the islands of the sea change is coming we need to start prophesying that you need to start prophesying that change is coming change is coming to your family change is coming to my vocation change is coming to my to my finances change is coming change is coming to my city changes coming to Middletown change is coming to Ohio change is coming to America this nation great change is coming change is coming to people that that that have thought nothing will ever change change is coming in areas of your life that perhaps you thought would never change but change is coming changes are coming to ministries changes are coming to churches change is coming change is coming and anointings are going to grow and increase then the gifts of God are going to sharpen and be loosed upon the earth changes coming to ministries changes coming to denominations changes coming to old wineskins and they're going to become new wineskins changes coming to a generation change is coming to the Millennials change is coming regarding provision poverty will be broken off and and things are going to change even this year your provision is on your on its way this is the hour when faith giving and the alms giving and the faithful stewardship of individuals it's the season where you will see that God has not forgotten your giving he was keeping track of every penny every coin and he is now accelerating the prosperity upon what you faithfully gave and prayed that's finished his statement with Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 through 3 for everything there is an appointed time and an appropriate time for an activity on earth a time to be born a time to die a time to plant a time to uproot doubt what was planted a time to kill a time to heal a time to break down and a time to build up it is time for the change of the Lord to activate into our times change is coming transition is coming we are on the verge of the awesome changes that free us to be more of who God says we really are a mega do season is now opening gates are opening to new territories of awesome blessings that's what gates are gates are doors their doors to to new areas doors to new places NORs to new realms door to new regions doors to new resources doors to new opportunities doors to do dispensations of times declare it declare it is time for you declare it is true in in your life prophesy 'it prophesy it to yourself receive it get your hopes up get your faith up hallelujah it's time thank you Lord for the Lord says it is time I'm breathing winds of change says the Lord I'm determined and well now calls a new spring season to spring forth well you've prayed for and fought for and stood for is now being released to you says the Lord for the Lord says I've heard the cries of how long I have heard the cries against delay and I am opening I am opening to you a new season you shall surely enter into your due season my power is now shifting conditions even facts says the Lord I'm shifting by my power conditions in your favor I am I am shaking by my power the heavens and the earth know this it is a shaking that will bring you into more of my favor it is a shaking that that shakes doors open it is a shaking that that shakes open and shakes free hidden treasure it is a shaking that uncovers you're in evidence it is a shaking that breaks the chains of bondage it is a shaking that shakes you free I will break you free and you will declare I am abundantly free for you will now see the changes I have planned look for it stand in faith for it and step into it you will now see the change from wilderness wandering to all sometimes of transitions transitions into promised places transitions into promise times transitions into dreams of your heart transitions into plenty your conditions will change says the Lord my winds of change will blow upon my remnant they will blow upon my church and miracles of change will now be seen manifesting to displace Berenice for the Lord declares I am ending the barren times of my people I am ending the dark barren times of Hell propagated against my church I am releasing the fresh winds of a new Pentecost and that wind will blow darkness away it will blow away the barren times it will blow away the strategist ratah g's of darkness it will blow down the obstacles to your blessings it will blow down the obstacles of cultural resistance it will blow down the obstacles of government resistance it will blow down the deceitful barricades of humanism and lawlessness and propaganda of hell it will blow down the Antichrist activism that is meant to harass you I will deal with the harassing I am sending the winds of change lift up your eyes and look with expectancy lift up your voice and declare with expectancy lift up your hands and worship with expectancy I am changing your season I am sending transition winds I am soaking you with my favor I'm freeing you to rise with wings like eagles and soar on Holy Spirit wins I am freeing you to run and not grow weary to walk and not faint I'm empowering you to pass through the floods and not be harmed I'm empowering you to pass through the fire and not be burned I am changing your times I'm changing your seasons you will now enter the birth seasons of hopes and dreams and confessions of faith let your heart embrace it let your soul embrace it let your mind embrace it let your voice embrace it change is coming we are moving into the greatest changes that have ever been made in church history and he is calling us to embrace it with our faith and step forward into it there are people in this room who desperately need things to change there are people in this room who desperately need things in their life to change there are churches the Oasis in in some ways there are things in corporate ways that that we desperately need to see changed most of God's people in some area another could see something and need to see something changed his promise is we are in a due season when he will soak us in a divine favor in such a soaking and such a favor that it will cause things to change it's a supernatural grace season a favor he says to us embrace it you got to embrace it you can't just be passive you've got to embrace it embrace that anointing and so on purpose today I have given time for this because I believe we need to I believe we need to engage and embrace this we need to get we need to get soaked in this favor that he says I want to soak you in this we we need to embrace this maybe get to the altar may be in your seat I don't know but it is a time when the Holy Spirit points it this this emphatically then we need to press into it we need to allow him to hear our heart embracing it and our voice embracing this and say all right Lord soak me in this favor activated in me soak me in this grace soak me in a favor that changes things soak me in a favor that brings this to us change my season change my family change my kids change this thing I embrace it I embrace it I am embracing it favored me to birth what you say is now do what's do in my life favor me to birth the destiny opportunities favor me to birth the this time of awesome blessing favor me to birth the promises I've stood for it's time to soak in that someone asked the praise team if they will to come and I'm gonna ask you to stand and those of you that say aye I'm gonna do this I'm going to soak I'm coming and I'm pressing in to the favor of the Lord I'm going to embrace what he says is mine and is in season right now so I'm not talking today is why I want to do it this way I'm not talking about something that's gonna happen off in the future it is dude right now it is due today it's due it's due season it's due season ask embrace it he said ask me to soak you in it ask ask ask press in maybe you want to come to the older maybe you want to set it your seat but as the worship team leads in worship I want to activate this I'll begin to pray it you begin to move if you say I'm I'm pressing in today yeah you got plenty of time you got you could get to the restaurants a whole lot earlier but you do would miss you would miss something that that may change you forever the king is here and he says embrace it decree it let me soak you in favor so come if you want to come said if you want to sit but we're pressing in that's what I'm gonna do Lord we're pressing in now [Music] it's do focus in your favor activate this today in Jesus name
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 4,452
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio
Id: q-0yEByml3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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