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this place has a really twisted gruesome history to it holy crap it's huge look at this i would not know how to get out of here he never talks what happened what is that look at the room behind you did you see her was that you what there were two faces in this guy we got into a notification one patient turned to the other and he stabbed him 17 times with the homemade shame jesus he didn't die in the bathroom though he ended up crawling out of the bathroom all the way down to the nurse's desk before he passed away so he pinned the guy up against the wall with his feet on his chest until he lost consciousness the guy hit the floor and jim beat him to death with his own fist um we think that we still see him but they grabbed the metal frame bag they put the post right on top of his head and they took turns jumping up and down on the bed until the post went through his skull and hit the floor to this day people will still make contact with dean [Music] that's an alarm oh my god i said there was something inside here with me [Music] what's up everyone and welcome back to the tfil overnight tour of abandoned haunted cool exploration type places we're still on our uh north what are we in the mid midwest west midwest we're in west virginia and more importantly nobody knows nobody knows we just drive all day to new places they just wake up and we're like by the way we're in hawaii now yeah we're at uh trans allegheny lunatic asylum uh this is of course in western west virginia wow this place is amazing we actually just found out that it is six acres walking interiors interior of six acres that's cool that's so more importantly this one's a cool fact the actual plot of land it's on is 666 acres no with 13 buildings wait wait wait you're saying it's 666 and 13. 666 acres that is the legal amount of land that we are on right now that makes up trans-allegheny yep and there's 13 buildings with six physical acres in here there's four stories in this building alone with the basement and there's buildings basically all over the property this place has a really really twisted gruesome history to it dude it's cursed right i mean like four thousand four thousand four thousand lobotomies and a lot of deaths from the bottom a lot of a lot of murders that have happened here either patient on patient or abandonment there are people that have been born in literally born here and kept here and died here the girl named lily who i'm sure we're going to hear about later so apparently no matter where you go in this building there are hot spots there are activities they've even classified the activity here as either kind of mundane and intelligent so between like communicative like speaking with the paranormal and then just kind of like doors moving things of that nature so in different areas all different areas they have a map i believe they have a map that literally lists like murder room or bed person or drowning room or yeah i think they literally have it laid out so they made it easy on us yeah they made it super easy perfect so whatever you want for you know what i mean like sushi you want lobotomy ghosts uh you know you just get a little bed post murder yeah like a lobotomy roll yeah whatever you're feeling you know until now i mean it is beautiful we're in for a wild night we're here all night we're meeting up with a guide again who's just gonna give us a lay of the land and the history and all of his paranormal experiences here and then of course we'll take it from there on our own yeah okay so again you know enjoy this video we're excited about these these are really cool places to us and yeah oh yeah i feel like we're stepping up our videos every time so yes this is some packed 100 dog all right get in there yeah uh give it up give it a friendly knock that's the least friendly knockout that was a nice one no there was a nice jingle to that in my head did that was it open no it didn't open so i don't know we gotta go harder we have to go home i think so i guess that's it back to the couch thank you for watching this was awesome we have a contest so if you guys want to enter it give it a good old haunting knock what's a haunting knock like so like knock but don't knock you know what i mean give it a happy not give it a hug if you open the door no one's there um if we heard the boys hear the keys and the boys and then the door swings open and no one's there that'd be so exciting it's like execution that was the obvious he's a terrified i said excited yeah that'd be great come on first you always think first i don't want to do that all right um we're going to start here this is the criminally insane forensics ward and this used to house them criminally insane that they asylum from 1989 until the hospital shut down in 94. um as far as activity goes we've had a lot of guests report seeing shadows in these guards right through there um under the guard uh you'll see like little portholes right there where uh back in the day the staff used to give the patients cigarettes and candy as a reward for good behavior when you guys are out through the asylum you're gonna see like little piles of cigarettes and candy and that's where people have come in and they've like made friends with the ghost and they've actually left them cigarettes and candy so if you see that you know you're in an active area that's a really cool area we didn't bring any pokemon we could post made some candy that's a good idea um so i'm really excited to see what you guys get down in this area um it's it can be a little grumpy at times there's a lot of reports of growling um and uh red eyes red uh light anomalies through this one section why has that been the common thing growling red eyes is new red eyes we haven't seen that we've not encountered that before yeah most recently we've had a couple folks like get a little you know some touching on the back of their like little burning on the backs of their shoulders and stuff like that um so i'll be interested if you guys can get any of that to happen to you tonight that'd be kind of cool we're gonna make our way down this hallway and we'll go over to lobotomy recovery all right notice he said cool and not terrifying yeah yeah cause he's he's probably like elton well no he's no no nobody's like what i just want to know is that like they're leaving cigarettes for ghosts back then do you think when we have ghosts like they're gonna be leaving vapes yeah like just like little piles of like there's like a giant pile of puffs like go find the [ __ ] that's what that activity is wow uh two percent of the first floor yeah this is just the foot 5.9 acres to go wow [Music] um look at that is there a lock on there wait wait that goes to the basement yeah you're actually going to go down to the subfloor and that's where they did a lot of the recovery for the low bottoming procedures all right cool cool look at this i would not know how to get out of here already would not know if you blindfolded me and dropped me off somewhere randomly in here i would never get out so that's what we're doing that's an idea there's a lot of ideas we were supposed to do that to you but i've been too smart and i remember my way out all right so this is lobotomy recovery and there would have been metal frame beds from that wall all the way down to the other end and it would have been filled with patients that just received their lobotomies and if you're not familiar with the procedure the way they did it was they would give the patients electric shocks to put them under then they would take an ice pick with a device stick it to the soft part of the eye socket and then smack it with the mouth into the frontal lobe there they would take and move it back and forth like a windshield wiper and that would disconnect the connections in the frontal lobe basically changing their personality they become more docile and easy to get along with consequently down here one of the most common reports we get is people will get a small pinch in their eye and sometimes we get thunderclap headaches we've even had guides go home wake up the next day with black eyes it's messed up in addition to that tons of uh [Music] that sounds awful that sounds terrible dude we've got a lot of nastiness already just hope that was that is there something behind me whoa was there something else what just happened yeah did you see something too that's a yes yes so this right before the hospital shut down was like an admin area but prior to that they used this as the procedure area um down this one hallway are some individual suites where they would do electric shock therapies and then some of the lobotomies and then over here there's a large mass unit so they would take and move uh gurneys in you know one at a time into this one mass unit and then you just do the uh the procedures in there as far as activity goes shadow figures on either ends of the hallways we've actually had people like walk down here they'll see something they'll be like oh hell no they turn around and go back the other way yeah and it's standing down there so you got nowhere to go it's like that's like the worst pickle in baseball now there's also been reports of a minute like you'll you'll hear somebody that you came with call your name and you go to find them and then you just kind of get off in your own little world and there's nobody there oh no no no no no place yeah i know you do this is how you were running fun if you liked this stuff why would we were you and evan running from now but we gotta keep learning so oh oh we're the worst ghost hunters ever when you guys get down to this area you see the grated uh gate yeah you know that if you go down there and you go all the way to the end you'll reach another stairwell which will lead you up to this this hallway too and so it's just one great big loop through here yeah it makes it a little easier to navigate thank you i kind of wish i brought like electrical tape so i could like mark different parts yes and then we have to like walk like a course yes do you want to open my zipper pocket do you really have to like so we'll take these all off later okay that's good and then that way we know where everything is do you want to put one right here yeah and then i'll do this from now on and then later we'll see if we can walk the whole thing in sequence by ourselves i'm just ready for cory yeah at any point in time now let's just close all the doors it's not right we came from here no i shut this door what we did not come from over there where's corey hi his core behind that noise apparently i was waiting for you i love how you hide not even behind a wall just like you're just a wall oh look a cigarette oh that actually right here oh yeah so this must be a hot spot oh really that might be good to put a rem or a k2 right there [Applause] throughout the asylum you're going to see these runes they look exactly like this got a tile like wayne's coating thing going for him and you'll see spackle marks and they used to put iron rings in the spackle marks so when they put you in seclusion they didn't just put you in there and shut and lock the door they would take and harness you up into a four-point stance what now now get this the person that signed you into the place they had to be the one to sign you out so if they really didn't like you you were going to be in there for a long time you just sit down you couldn't do anything no because it's a five point harness so you've got your harness to four points and then one around the waist so you've got one for each length oh my gosh what how is that that's torture but they don't do it like that anymore they do it to like a gurney or something yeah something you can lay down on because that's kind of cruel and unusual punishment thumbnail if you if like if they could make it happen could we like put corey up in those i don't have the keys all right so this is the main lobby um you have the doors on either side uh the action that we get in the in the lobby is um we hear a lot of phantom voices disembodied voices come through here okay so you might hear from time to time like a crowd almost coming from this one is that what it is probably from that loss awful loss her company i guess i don't know i didn't get a chance you're interrupting me dude elton messed up this is going to be the prettiest ward that we have all the antiques in here they're not original they were bought at uh auction to basically make this place what they can do in 1910 wow this is where they house all the trustee patients as far as activity goes we've had guests take pictures inside the rooms they've got shadow figures just hanging out in the rooms and occasionally people will hear fire alarms down here and there's not a working fire alarm in the place so what wow this is the old geriatric story one of the most notable cases we had here was a lady by the name of ruth ruth suffered a brain aneurysm up in violent women's and they put her down here in a feeding chair she was like really violent with both patients and staff and to this day people will come down here and they'll say that they get knocked or they'll have their hair pulled my own personal experience my first year i used to get scratches all up about my shins i wasn't noticing until i got home i started taking the shower and they're like burned so yeah jeez all right so this is where one of our more known notable spirits hangs out her name's lily lily identifies as being nine years old um all the toys that you'll see in lily's room those are all donations from fans of lily they'll come in here they'll give her toys she works with flashlights i've seen her manipulate k2's balls and balloons she can move those she has kind of an early bedtime so the sooner you can get down here to talk to lily the better um after about one o'clock we don't we don't hear from the lady that much all right i'm gonna tell you guys the oldest yeah we researched a lot about lilly yeah yeah lily's the girl that we talked about that was born here in prison here and now that's that's lily that's a roof that's okay for clothes right in theory she was a lily was a child right exactly yeah that's um i've i've heard differing stories and i've been here for four years um but basically what i know is that i mean she's really playful people will actually hear her laugh throughout the asylum but get evps of it i mean some of them i think have actually posted it to like wow yeah hopefully you guys get that too that'd be cool that would be great with this door this is an old fire door check this out so if there was a fire the theory is that it would melt this cable and it's built on a decline that is awesome [Laughter] okay we gotta calm down both of us it's a double team this is the oldest section in the hospital this is where they house the first nine women in 1864. um this entire area this is where they started construction in 1858 and they finally got all the building constructed in 1881 but this is where they house most of the new patients or the very first patients um common things down here in the civil war section or in the we call it civil war section but the oldest section of the hospital um are apparitions full-bodied apparitions people will say that they've seen shadow figures down this area on occasion in the nurses office which is right behind us or right over to my right people have actually seen a woman uh looking back at them through that one window brandon oh my god i'll just say we get to the top i haven't been a ghost the entire time none of our videos exist we're all dead wait what this is did you see that what was that you what what are you talking about i wasn't just you talking that was echoing maybe what are you talking about yeah there was something down that way i was making a really bad joke without ahead in here yeah i'm going here so this will be ward 5 this is the children's ward and this used to house children toddler size up to 11 years old most common report that we have in here is peakers little heads that'll peek in and out of the doorways we have a couple of residence spears down towards that end where you guys heard that noise there's a guy down there that identifies himself as ben um ben also identifies as being 50 years old and when you ask him what he's doing in a children's board he'll cuss you out if you have like some sort of like um like a spirit box or something like that there's a real good way to kind of keep get in touch with him down here we have another little girl her name's emily how many deaths were there for from kids deaths yeah i i'm not real certain see it's really hard to figure out when it comes to kids again same thing is with with emily people have left toys for her um she has fans just like lily does um she will also manipulate balls and balloons there are some people that that speculate that emily and lily are the same spirit this is the juvenile board um this would have housed patients between the ages of 11 and 17. most common experience people have down here is that they'll have their pant legs tugged on and their shoelaces untied and that has to do with this bathroom down here there were two pages in this bathroom we got into a notification one patient turned to the other and he stabbed him 17 times with a homemade shank jesus he didn't die in the bathroom though he ended up crawling out of the bathroom all the way down to the nurse's desk before he passed away so we're thinking that people are like feeling good now my own personal experience i haven't had anything tough on my legs or anything but i get pinches little pinches all up and down my legs whenever i'm walking down through you it's kind of weird jeez how many you know patient patient you know as big as this building is it was only meant to house 250 patients yeah but by the mid 60's well over 2 500. so that's 10 times the amount that should be in here and you get the patient rooms in here you're you're talking about you know about 75 to maybe 80 teenagers in this one area i can only imagine what they would do to somebody that attacked another one because they're already kind of crazy so you could go back just to here right i mean nothing really happens to you exactly oh my god this is the center section this is the the doctor's apartments so if you were a doctor here from the 1880s and 1930s this is where you stayed they have office space dining areas apartment carries down this way and then their apartments were all down this way um that doorway leads to a roof and if you guys ever need a brake to go outside or something like that you can actually go out on that uh that roof down there and look out over the city this portion used to look like the rest of the oh for sure you can look over here oh wow so men's restorations wow wait how do we even oh is that down that hallway right there this is right here oh what right here yeah oh that's where this is yeah there used to be like a wall right there and and it went into a corridor so they opened all this up and they restored it back to the way it should look in 1910. i want to see one of those house flipping shows but here yeah the activity um i'm really interested in you like you guys seen if you get something it's the violent words the most violent ones in the asylum they're right up the stairs here this will be the grand staircase probably the best way to maneuver through the place so this is violet women's this would have housed those violent women in the asylum um when the women had a problem with you what they would do is they would uh stage themselves in their rooms and wait for you to get to the sweet spot and then they would all converge on you they would just kind of plotting planet the activity mimics that in here people that walk through here will get tugs from all sides as they walk down through the wow corridor what deemed is someone violent if they if they attacked other patients or if they attacked uh staff um that or if they were criminally insane and they were checked out and they were actually made wards of the state and they were violent and this is where they would have been this is where they ended up this is i can't wait to investigate you bastard i swear there's going to be a punch thrown one of these times oh no oh my god is that a phenomenon yeah oh wait that guy's showing off too much while he's got two going at the same time oh you're not supposed to be it's only supposed to be one at a time this guy's like i can do two that's no big deal are you serious yeah that's what he's doing right there doing chops yeah exactly not chinese food what and it would change their personalities yeah because they would take out the nerves this is vitamins oh um one of the more notable patients that we had here was a guy by the name of jim woods uh jim stood about six foot three he was like over 350 pounds he was an ex-boxer this guy just run this ward he ran this ward until actually they shipped all the patients when they closed down in 1994 over to the new sharks rental hospital he actually went that way too but his first room was this one they gave him a um they gave him a roommate and it's rumored that this roommate would come out stripped naked and scream at the top of his lungs and then when they caught him they would throw them back in with gin and jim didn't want that so he pinned the guy up against the the wall with his feet on his chest until he lost consciousness the guy hit the floor and jim beat him to death with his own fist um we think that we still see him uh every once in a while most literally down at the end of the hallway there's a large shadow figure that normally comes out and just kind of crosses his arms oh almost daring you to go down there and and check them out which is where we need to go because yeah let's go check him out i guess well brandon said he was really good at jiu-jitsu so maybe if you know we do check him out we gotta protect her this is group seclusion and this has a recent history september 17 1987 there were three patients in here one was dean matheny dean had like the mentality of an eight-year-old plus he was deaf and mute he bit somebody he got in trouble and the doctor said well if he wants to be really badass he's gonna send him up here to the men's section so they threw him in here with jim woods which i kind of told you about earlier there's a guy another guy named david mason and they took one look at dean and they said no not on our watch so they grabbed the sheets off their bed they wrapped it around his throat and they threw it over the water plate and they lifted him off the ground until he lost consciousness right they dropped into the floor and to wake him up they kicked him in the ribs and in the head and he stirred right so they got him back up and they did it a second time dropped him to the floor kicked him awake again he's stirring again so they brought him up hung back up and then when he lost consciousness this time they let him down but they grabbed the metal frame bag they put the post right on top of his head and they took turns jumping up and down on the bed until the post went through his skull and hit the floor to this day people will still make contact with dean he will respond to like toys and coloring books um people have really good luck with rem pods and k2s as well spirit box and stuff in here so i'm excited to see if you guys did anything here but even in this one this one that might be the most gruesome death are you still excited how old was he um i think it was more or less if they needed it you know they need to make an example of them so they sent them okay how many people did jim would kill in here i mean i've been told of two at least two if there's probably more if i had to guess you can join me back here i don't like it i thought i was looking for you up there where did that ball go why do you think the ball huh that's dean's ball dude should i put dean's belt out yeah yes usually are you serious why are you keeping the ball you're kidding me right you gotta put that back go put that back by yourself brandon you have to put that he literally [Music] yeah i wasn't taunting why do you have the ball it just looked cool i thought it would be cool to bring it with us we're gonna keep it no no keep it let's see what happens we're gonna take it to the next place dude oh my god now you're gonna have something you're gonna bring that back by yourself there was a a show that it came in um paranormal lockdown with um nick ralph and charlie blandon when they came up here the cameraman that was with him he turned pale white and he was looking down there at the end of the hallway on the right-hand side and what they caught on camera was like this mass and it turned into like a humanoid figure that that crawled from right to left and it confirmed for us reports that we had before and we have to this day people up here will say that they see something crawl on the floor the walls and the ceiling we've been barked out we've been yipped at we've been scratched a couple of us have been scratched up here um it's it seems to be intelligent so i'm excited to see what you guys get up here too especially on all the fourth floor before so only the cameraman got messed with that time right yeah the cameraman caught the footage for sure yeah and that's true that seems to be coming for you evan sorry evan evan can you uh stay in back the entire time please evan with the camera if you can turn any wider though wait now i'm not gonna have a lion [Music] could that not be like what scratches that's basically the building over here that's it that's yeah that's i i've left maps for you guys in the break room um i'll be located in the office out back i've left my number down there so you guys if you guys need anything just text me call me oh this is the we're splitting yeah so now we have to figure out how to get back on around now oh no i'll take you guys down i'll show you do people ever get like poked or touched up here yes that's what just happened to me really on my back on your back yeah okay like right middle of my back right below my neck yeah shutting down occasionally it wasn't one of y'all i swear to you i was like i'm wearing like four layers what did it feel did it feel like a little bit softer yeah it was like a okay all right well great start to the evening i was hoping trying to tickle me just like that all right so the last couple nights you were by yourself uh in the chair room you were actually by yourself in the sub basement and then two nights ago in eloise you were by yourself and then that outside so the idea i pitched earlier it seems like i'm up yes it's your turn absolutely it only makes sense so what's the plan you're gonna blindfold me yes you're not gonna be able to know where you're going we're gonna take you to some random place that we'll figure out yeah i'll figure it out i think we should go probably lilly's room yeah everybody's everybody knows about linda's room so lily's room will be over you know i'm not going to show you whatever this room is we'll be there you will have to find your way back using these tools well not actually that's not even a tool you have to just use your camera i guess to just be able to get it back no flashlight so you guys are gonna go investigate in lily's room yes and then you're just gonna beforehand you're gonna drop me off randomly and anyway by myself i have one of the halls yeah until i can figure out how to get there yeah oh that's a great idea take a seat uncle oh at least i'll be staying on the first floor no no no no no you're gonna carry me up the hill let's get his upper body we can carry you all day come on dude it's not that type of day though there we go you look very good let's give them uh give them some good spinning yeah push it there we go all right let's go i think i know where i want to go boys wait actually i don't know this place wait corbin corbin quarter i know where to take it i know i know i don't want to take them crap grab them i just breathe but i don't remember exactly how to get there yes you do yeah [Music] that could have been really bad i also don't really remember how to get there but we'll get dry you do you scared me hey hey papa casting papa how you doing come on come on papa let's go to bed it's time to go to bed okay i guess i guess what's going on right there come on papa oh let's go take care of something real quick what the hell all right papa pull your pants down no you don't gotta go bye no you don't have a pie papa all right papa no party tonight door just opened by itself as you all walked away and the light just turned off by itself so let's keep going away from it and wait through this one through this door you sure yeah okay papa can you smell the piggies oh good good good oh great we're going to a place that none of us have been to what are you talking about lovely all right uh evan you want to go first because i can't see anything no oh great um yeah the first thing i see is [Music] okay good idea [Music] that's an alarm we're good no no that's like uh that's what he was talking about what's that that's an old school what does that mean that means we are taking them the right way i think listen up listen up does everybody remember him saying that everybody stopped that means someone broke in he told us that no no no no he said people hear sirens but there's no sirens anymore that's what he just that's what he's told us okay that was clear as day exactly but if you guys heard the sirens there are no sirens like that anymore that was old school that was like a 1930s like police are that was not he told us that people heard that before that might be some like legendary evidence oh my god we have to ask him dude i think someone broke in no way dude there's no you're telling me we just heard a phantom alarm that loud that's what he said people have heard before do you understand how insane of evidence that is if that's real what the [ __ ] that's clearly on camera yeah 100 that's what i'm saying so either way hold on that other means someone broke in or we just got the greatest piece of evidence we've ever gotten if if we talk to him after this if you get out of here i guess i have his phone number we can just you should yeah you should call them like well here let's close them don't close it when we get locked in hold on we might get locked in we might get a little done where are we no we're gonna get locked don't close it all the way there's no door hinge i can't i can't okay but just in case don't worry i just we need to keep him as closed in as we can so he doesn't know what where okay honestly elton you should call him right now i didn't write a phone number down it's still written down in the lobby oh no i forgot evan do you have it no [ __ ] do we do what we can do we leave elton all alone cool we'll go back i'll call him from the number yes and yeah and then we go to the little room i said what if it is someone that broke in i get murdered honestly they'll see you in your wheelchair and they'll think that you're a patient and they'll look like you're more scared i'm going 99 confident that someone just broke in here i don't think so there is no way that is a phantom he said there's no alarm he's and also listen why would it stop holy dude you don't want to i'm quiet right now that was insane if that was the alarm that people hear if we just got that on camera alarms do not stop okay that came out of nowhere i thought we were getting bombed anyone walking right now no someone else is in what are you talking about no one was just walking do you hear something i mean i literally the only thing i can do is here right now yeah i don't get cold easily yeah and i'm shivering right now so okay okay yeah yeah should we um we gotta make sure that this gopro is good on him oh yeah um yo look at elsan are you good i'm just really cold i've been getting colder and colder and colder okay like ever since we sat him in the wheelchair i know i don't know if it's because i'm just sitting still but like but this could have been a patient's wheelchair yeah dude i'm getting like now they're angry we may or may not have been in this area of the hospital before i don't know do we need to bring this chair back though oh yeah we'll take it back you can just get up all right pop off roll up pop pop out of the chair all right you um turn this way give us like four or five minutes to get out of four or five minutes yeah one i don't even know how long that and the camera will know how long it is so you have to get what i want count count to 100. yeah we're going through 100. okay that's good luck all right so what happened if you're saying that i'm oh i'm elton i'm sorry some light here all right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten sweetie guys comes in here 12. how am i hearing out of here i'm already here 36 39 i swear it sounds like there's someone right here 42 i'm gonna hate when i recognize where i am 53 58 61 66 sounds like there's someone in this [ __ ] room right now 70. okay okay what's in front of me oh that's my own gopro oh you [Music] wait i said oh my god i said there was something inside here with me okay that doesn't make any sense because he did it to cory the other day so okay i have to still be on the first floor because i never got carried upstairs okay what can i recognize first can i recognize first i've lost right now wait straight it's locked push really hard okay this is the right way i operate well under high pressure situations i figured out the catacombs i can figure this out that's my own reflection that is terrifying all right okay now i'm going this way left says brain says left brain says left oh my god no don't don't lock it don't lock it don't do it you go through the basement though i don't recognize this i don't know where i am come on come on figure this out figure this out figure this out you need any kind of sign bathrooms why would it be bathrooms here okay it has to go left but i don't think i'm in the right place where am i i don't know any of this no this can't be right can't see anything guys i'm totally let me show this that's what i say this is the loop he was talking holy sh this doesn't make any sense i cannot imagine being here alone seriously no oh this i'm gonna go to a dead end again i need to find the floor i heard you know wheeling me it was crackling so i got to find a floor that's crackling [Applause] there it is no no that's a long walk like we ran half of this and we're still not there we couldn't figure out how to do it and we were we had visions please if you're in here don't kill me exit okay so how do i get over there through this through here through here okay now what holy [ __ ] okay oh i know i am okay hey lily i hope it isn't your bedtime oh are you messing your mom that's the window that's a cigarette then through here again [ __ ] i did it i probably shut at least 12 years on that walk and we ran for a long time we walked for a long time like he is far yeah here's something that he's far we did less right i mean it's like 100 seconds that's like one less than two minutes right so it's 100 seconds but even when we were going we still didn't know where we're going we got lost on the way back and we have light in four people and we know how we want him and he doesn't know where to go and you close so many doors oh and that siren has to he thinks that somebody's here he thinks somebody broke in yeah i don't know to be honest i really don't know what that was but it was loud okay what if we watch the playback and that siren's not in it i will oh my god we need to do an investigation here so now yeah because lily might be going to bed she's like six years old no that's outside wait i had this i had it i had it i had it no i remember this door i remember this door hey which will tell us words coming from the emf yeah [Music] is [Music] all right it's kind of like 10 degrees and i'm doing this just to try and scare them so if you don't think i love making videos immediately enjoy enjoy enjoy lily wants us to enjoy ourselves lily are you in here with us lily we just heard you field field lily if you want to talk to us we have right here who are we talking to right now stop stop stop she has a lot of stuff in here that's going on like crazy no i know this is spiking to red what i can say let's set this down [Music] lily are you over by your desk right now one it's elton no it's not what the what are you doing here i thought you could trap me didn't you oh my god that scared me dude oh you boys thought you could trap me huh we didn't try to trap dude it said field i wonder if they were saying that that one was in the field oh man anyways it's cold and the only way back in is through the front door so i will see you guys soon why don't you go to the screen dude why didn't you come into this i wasn't worth it it wasn't worth it my head the frozen it's still going up it hasn't beat but it keeps going no lily were you touching wait enough to go i was like actually i'm gonna go get elton [Music] is you
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,394,318
Rating: 4.9667959 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, overnight, overnight challenge, ghost hunting, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, terrifying, paranormal, abandoned, corey scherer, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, scary places, abandoned places, top 5 best, haunted, insane asylum, haunted prison, most haunted, usa's most haunted, paranormal activity, paranormal investigation, very scary, ghost stories, lunatic asylum, haunted asylum, trans allegheny, west virginia
Id: eng5sJBYsJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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