OVERNIGHT in HAUNTED PRISON (Terrifying Evidence Captured)

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this video is entirely dedicated to the paranormal investigation element of things we're here to harm you you're next oh oh red red very good you remember oh my god that was amazing this might be the most we've ever seen this building had between six to eight men per cell eight people in there there's things down here that i cannot explain we have a seven foot shadow man down there a face started forming behind her someone who escaped from this prison went on to assassinate martin luther king yes i'll show you that's insane what's up everyone and welcome back to tfil in our 25 weeks of haunted overnight paranormal investigation fun stuff abandoned place thing toward that we're doing right now we are inside of the missouri state penitentiary this is part two so part one is down below where we got a massive tour played some hiding clap did some fun stuff this video is entirely dedicated to the paranormal investigation element of things and right now we are below death row and actually where they put the most insane of all of the inmates were here and more importantly what we were told is that if you instigate right here you're guaranteed to have something happen uh we were given permission to do that no no you were getting permission yeah we got what you got yeah they said once they left you can do whatever you want and they have left absolutely not while they're in the middle and they have left the building so as long as we put you in a room by yourself you instagram with all of you guys with me in the room by myself like we could just go outside you know get some food i have the kids in the car okay so and by the way if you don't know this is jj everyone he was in part one he won uh one of our winners for the contest we did so we brought him here and here we are how do you want to start you have any perfect preferences on anything uh i've been interested about like listening to like the heavenly noises oh my lord we also have the brand new rem pod yes this thing is like really heavily built it hasn't gone off yet yeah and so i'm pretty curious to see if we're ever going to get it too i want to lose if that thing actually goes off like it would probably be the only thing to ever yeah like make me like tear up and be like yeah hundreds you never saw notebook no nothing's made you tear up i've never seen the notebook yeah okay i would do it marley and me got me okay oh yeah let's investigate yeah when i bought it i did everything i could to like figure out if there's any weird way that it could go off and it shouldn't go off the only way that thing goes off is if you get within three inches of it and three inches is a lot that's huge [Music] three three inches of snow dude he's just laughing that scares the out of me we're all gonna be like laughing or something and that thing's gonna go off and i'm gonna like jump over to you there's no way that thing's ever gonna go if you want us to get out and you think that we're being pretty annoying touch that antenna and if you make it light up we'll leave right now can you touch it i know it's going to go off it's not it's not going to go off it is going to go yeah what did you where was it because remember almost every place we've gone to investigate they've always said that the more you act like the people that were here at that time the more likely they are to communicate with you how about like two of you guys stay here the rest of us will go out there the night vision camera yeah if it starts going off what do we do well we'll be right there we're just gonna be the other side okay that's not bad [Applause] if this doesn't get anything going on mocking them i think we should leave him here elton what why is there something behind me no it might be working keep going [Music] piece is nice and lit up it's not that scary [Music] if you want our friends to leave be incorporated we'll see you guys tomorrow five four three two one you know there's so much noise going on they don't have enough time to like do anything back to us we need to like let some silence happen let's do it just sit back downstairs you mean like them sit backwards you guys try yeah you guys go sit back there in science jj you should probably go get the box and bring it back here for a second yeah all right i think he hasn't come down there anyway wow he's a badass i think we should sit in the cell because more than likely they spent more time in the cells than they did in the halls there i really want to see them that'll be amazing perfect [Music] let's just sit maybe like right here so that way we can see any of the cat balls if they go off right and then we'll just have the evp and that's it let's just like use this give it two really chill ways if anything happens cool if you're not then we'll keep moving on oh you can get comfortable oh all the way red i feel like i should like what maybe it was right maybe something in here acting acting crazy acting crazy alrighty hear me out right yeah i feel like elton might be on board with this i don't think anybody else will be what at every time we all we always end up saying the same things right is anybody here yeah yeah we say the same verbiage all the time and what most people say is we're not here to harm you so i'm going to go ahead and say we're here to harm you what is this what why let it be known to us if not whatever it was it just went to corey like to the red and now nothing's happening [Music] you scared to talk to us we are not here to harm you they were just joking we're just here trying to talk to you and learn is that okay to talk to us we make it go all the way red so you said are you scared to talk to us went to red i said are you okay talking to us that completely goes off it's done or we're saying are you here to talk to us and we're showing up not scared it was i'm really talking no i think it might be scary to talk to us dog so you are scared to talk to us what's going on you scared of brandon say that again did brandon upset you [Music] do you now wish to harm brandon no it's a good spirit [Music] do you enjoy when we come in when we try to talk to you or do you prefer to have a place to yourself so this is your prison and you don't like it when we're in here messing with you i come on i want you to lead us to you make this device spike and i'm going to follow whenever it fights okay and then once i reach you he can make it stop where are you are you in there [Music] oh my god is that where you are go corey go go go no no oh my god i just cory and i both said that that was gonna go off one of me give me that that was amazing i'm going to tell evan to see me came over my house when i when i got this thing i tried to do everything i could to see if there's any weird way you cannot make that go off unless you are inches away hey i really would have started this video by saying i'll bet you 10 grand that thing won't go off i was that confident it would never happen you really just impressed everybody can you please push that again dude i've never even made it beef again i've never even been able to make it just beep twice it always goes one two three four it didn't consistent i've never done it wow jj what do you think there's nobody down there i'm so stoked wow that was amazing i'm not the one that wanted to harm my buddy no no no oh wait okay okay is that yourself are you trying to tell us that that's yourself holy what is going on let's go let's go no no wait let him [Music] that window was covered that was black i heard it over there no behind us nope no no i'm with okay i heard it over there i heard it down that way i heard it down that way it sounded like a cat ball ring to a wall are you moving the cap all that's dead you can tell us by using the motion light [Music] touching that box setting off the red part is one thing so i got the red pod and the motion set the motion sensor light is like you have to like have a huge physical force in front of it within three that was insane having a bolt go off every time this having all three three go off yeah yeah we haven't even heard anything we've had three different things go off right here in this cell we should probably go to the cell that lit up that was i was literally asking us to take it i was asking it to take us to itself in the light that's when it happened yeah can you like that's why this that's it i think we should put the box in the cell if dude want us to split up into smaller groups we're happy to do that do you know if any of your friends are over in the dungeon in the other building should we go to the dungeon i think it's done that was crazy i would have legitimately bet anyone any dog about that i was kind of honest yeah that's been what i would have been yeah that was that's literally the reason why i bought it was because of how well it's made and it's enclosed so like not only like the electronic elements can be like weather campers all right we're gonna switch to our bigger camera with a bigger light and grab our stuff and let's see if we can talk to some of your other friends or enemies the other building is there anything you want to say or do you want to say goodbye we'll hang out just let us know we'll say [Music] i'm going to turn up my voice recorder okay do you say anything we'll have to hear it later that was awesome yeah that was pretty cool thank you you're not attached to me thank you you're not following me follow me follow tf notifications on make sure to leave a like and comment we'll bring you to our next location we're also doing a contest where we're picking one person every month we're picking one spirit and we will travel to your home location portal they're actually contested we just came here because we could be by the way everyone if you don't know corey and i are now doing a monthly contest in which we are picking one winner every single month we'll be flying out to your hometown and bringing you an investigation something fun whatever it is that you want to do for the night we're going to make it happen there are two ways to enter one is super simple all you have to do is leave a like and a comment on this video every video you do that on equals one entry the other way is to head over to centersociety.com which is the clothing line that we run and for every dollar that you spend equals one entry yup super simple like jj who got brought along yeah tonight you won our first contest yeah along with two others so every single month we're just picking a new winner and just a good way to come new places hang out with you guys do something fun yeah enjoy the rest of the video there's like notes whoa um something lloyd number 50 500 0015 in unit for number 20 escorted by coi gamble and coi pug put in suicide cell 3b moved to 5b it's definitely in their terminology but it's definitely saying like secured back in suicide cell by nurse dale he took meds and passed out let's go over to death row and then uh see how that feels and maybe we'll work our way over to the other building where the dungeons are yeah and where the full body apparitions have been seen yep so death road never really had full body operations but the dungeon the dungeon area dr dre yeah that's true let's go look at this look how deep it is yeah is that a speaker too above him look at the slab oh yeah the light yeah these are the people they eat oh that was literally a concrete right because if they had a cod they could take the fart they could take the cod apart and make weapons out of it with the springs or anything like that these guys are the worst these are the worst of the worst yeah boys [Music] [Music] where are you at now oh boy oh boy [Music] come say hello no when elton was down there doing that i sort of saw something and i was right here and i saw something move and look where the photos are at i didn't even see the photos wow i was right here and i saw something you take your picture in there from my side view take a picture take a picture obviously no drone footage or anything like that we've minimized our filming outside but you can see like how massive this place is the building alone we were just in we're in the small section of it and then we're going that guy over there she actually had its roof torn off in a tornado in 2019 so really recently no roof on it that was that recent yeah 2019 yeah yep and then of course there's another five buildings down to the left and then the gas chamber which we still have to go to god that's yeah so don't forget we're still going to the gas station which is none of us even seen yet there's the guy the guy that lit fires on these cells the reason why he got was detained here for 18 years all right should we sit down between all these guys all right let's just give it a second to get warm if you want to talk to us off out there yeah yeah no i was watching him put it in here oh oh see i'm not out of my mind i told you oh my god i told you it went off thank you i told you i thought oh my god no i watched it turn off okay all right press it down all right man you're good yeah all right go for it leading life opening it's opening what are you listening to is you want to leave yourself and come out here because you rather stay inside it's do you want to talk to us way can you pick it up [Music] who's next are you trying to harm us this is the way this is the way just said sit down if he sits down will you talk to it do you want to talk to someone else i believe can you say a name of someone else you want to talk with remember though go through remember oh my god i swear [Music] [Music] your name ice if you can set off any of the other lights down here in the dungeons that was crazy [Music] when you heard my name what did you hear uh elton like uh do you remember elton or yeah mentioned elephant yeah it said elton we said say the name of the person that you want to talk to and you immediately go elton but before that he was standing up and you went sit down that's what it said it was we asked what the person's name was and then you immediately said lawrence yep yeah who we're talking to no yeah that's very sick yeah all right satan i'm talking that means there's something right up in my business all right and can't hear a goddamn thing all right you're talking to elton now please let him use him as a conduit talk to him do you feel the temperature [Music] what is your name is it still lawrence i believe what do you believe in do you think do you think you deserve to be for you do you want us to get out are you sick of soccer are you sick of talking to her [Music] inconsiderate have we been inconsiderate do you think we've been disrespectful tonight i say they joined [Music] oh thank you all right we're in the darkness now hollywood fancy warm up what do you want to ask him i'm not getting too much that is why i just muted it yeah all right yeah we didn't get so much there a couple things i think for the sake of time when you go to the gas chamber yeah definitely like we're also freezing heat up in the car a little bit yeah and also just because like i want to see the gas chamber they do have to lock up kind of soon i don't know it's gonna be like this so the one woman died with the one on so that is um kidnapping and murder yep bonnie brown hattie and carl austin hall jeez they had them kidnapped a maybe five or six-year-old boy in kansas city looking for rays of money and his parents paid six hundred thousand dollars thinking their son was still alive and he was not unfortunately they had already killed him buried him in her backyard and saint joseph jesus look at the bottom right second one in black kid 22 and another one 22. oh yeah look at the mirror man that had to have been off just to watch yourself oh when they had a bucket underneath just in case you probably shoot yourself i mean but this would most likely be painless right no gap gasoline i was gonna say it's a huge gap so they stopped they stopped in 65 and then the last person ever executed here was lethal injection 89. 24 years later they did one more that is insane now that i'm really thinking about it like 40 different people yeah died died right there and not by accident we were going to come in here and do the investigation thing but yeah the idea seemed fine what happened then but then as we came in here kind of realizing like what this place really is it just doesn't feel appropriate it's one thing to like kind of be in the prison and yeah instigate but to be like where people were like forced to die yeah yeah and especially when you can see the faces it's literally there man and all these people watch themselves in that mirror as it's just it's a lot yeah it's one thing to like ask for a knock or a voice or set up a rimpod but here it doesn't feel right um so that being said i i hope you guys enjoyed this video i am so pumped yeah it seemed it probably was crazy small like the rem pod of the motion sensor no no but like you see a toe right here in the doorway i might just be something we'll throw on the screen then yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna have to go through these oh that one's creepy um yeah we're gonna have to go through these definitely but yeah guys uh if you have any suggestions for places you want us to go uh especially if you're out in the uk europe area we're trying to figure out if we can go out there or not but if you have any suggestions comment below any u.s spots comment below we're i think near the last five weeks of the 25 weeks now so wow now we'll do our best to get the best ones in yeah all right see you guys next video [Music] oh you
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,214,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, overnight, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, terrifying, paranormal, ghost adventures, scary places, abandoned places, dybbuk box, 3 am challenge, cursed items, seance, bellaire house, paranormal activity, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, corey scherer, most haunted, axe murder house, ax house, villisca iowa, haunted prison, spirit box, shadow figure, creepy places, ouija board
Id: QjZ7L_8ZS7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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