"Understanding The Reason Why" - Missionary Steve Drost

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happy wednesday everybody how are y'all doing tonight is anybody happy to be in the house of god amen before we go into our worship song tonight we have just a few announcements to remind you of first of all our fall connect group fair is sunday september the 12th so that's coming up quickly if you're interested in leading a connect group this fall please sign up on our church website you can go to pobc.cc connect groups or just go to our website you'll find the link pretty quickly and we're helping with hurricane ida relief in the baton rouge area so there's a few items that we're going to be getting bottled water non-perishable food flashlight batteries chainsaw and fuel and oil and tarps and trash bags all of these things will remind you of it online but these supplies are going to be delivered to lifepoint church and distributed to that community this saturday so if you're going to get any of these items the drop-off time is thursday thursday 7 a.m to 7 p.m so you have about a 12-hour window tomorrow to drop off any of these supplies and we're going to be the hands and feet of the lord are you all okay with that amen we're delighted this evening to have brother steve drost his wife here with us they have returned el presidente the general superintendent of mexico for the upci we're delighted that you are here with us uh we're going to give him the pulpit as soon as this worship song is finished but right now we're going to give god a little praise is that all right let's clap our hands to god one more time before we go on here [Music] [Music] and the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper and when the darkness falls it won't prevail cause the god i serve no only how to triumph and my god will never fail no my god will never fail and i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to [Music] won't say there's power there's power in the mighty name of jesus every war he wages [Music] i know how this story is [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] belongs [Music] victory [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good oh you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good [Music] you take what the enemy you turn it for good [Music] [Music] and you turn it [Music] [Music] [Music] right now i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory [Music] i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory [Music] foreign [Music] and you turn it forward [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's just raise our hands and talk to jesus for a minute you're worthy god to be praised thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he can turn every problem into good he can turn every disaster into victory hallelujah he's the same yesterday today and forever oh we magnify your name jesus we magnify your name jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah come on church let's keep preaching pressing through the the holy ghost is in this place thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah tell your neighbor devil meant it for evil but god has turned it into something good praise god hallelujah amen you may be seated it's such an honor and a privilege to be back here in in beaujour hallelujah and uh be feel the presence of god and what a beautiful spirit of the lord there's there is in this place and also i sure enjoyed that music amen and uh you know the psalmist said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and it's such an honor and a privilege to be in the house of the lord i arrived last week i was supposed to be actually this week i was supposed to be in the southern part of louisiana and ida happened and so i come running up to bossier amen couldn't find any hotel at all and um i was checking into a shelter when somebody said come on we got a place for you so i'm i'm happy to be in the house of the lord today amen praise god good to be here with pastor dean and his precious wife and uh how many love brother brother dean brother and sister dean amen and pastor new pastors and i know probably he just wants to be called ryan i don't know amen but hallelujah he's now pastor dean amen hallelujah so we're excited about what god's doing amen here uh this just happened about f a month ago four weeks ago maybe five um i was i was in um i think i was in georgia and what we do is i have a the church that i pastor in mexico city they always have monday night ladies prayer and so my assistant pastor he sends me this really strange message through whatsapp and you know how with whatsapp you can you record little audio clips or you can type a text or whatever and uh he he sends me this this audio he says pastor something's going on somebody put a lot of salt right in the front of our church and is hanging all these dolls with uh with a red cloth wrapped about around them and i just uh sent him immediately a text and i said uh what you have there is a witch she is uh challenging you and she knows that i'm not there i'm not i'm the pastor i'm not there and and so she has come to just you know challenge you as the assistant pastor and so he texts back and he said really you know was he was uh he said what do i do i said well first of all i said she obviously knows something and uh and this is a female wish this is a and he said well how do you know i said because a male witch wouldn't do that a female will amen and so this is a female witch and uh so first thing you need to do is you need to confess if there's any hidden sin unconfessed sin in your life you need to confess it right now and i don't confess it to me call your wife up and confess it to her and and pray amen so about 15 minutes went by and all i got is a amen you know and he said what do i do now i said well i need you to engage this witch because um amen she needs to know that we're not messing around he said engage her i said oh yeah this ain't no gravy train with biscuit wheels on it i mean this this is this is serious amen and so and so he said well what do i do i said well when when and and we just were texting back and i mean sending audios i said first thing you're going to do i want you to kick that salt line and you got to break it and as soon as you break it she will sense what you have done i don't know where she's at but i mean she could be a pretty far away but she will sense it and she will show up you tear down those those dolls and uh and when she arrives and you'll know it because she it will be unconfused you won't you won't get confused then i want you in a very calm way you're not preaching a general conference is this all right all right because y'all are very quiet amen i said you're not preaching a general conference and this is not a sermon i want you in a very calm way say the lord rebuke you in jesus name and you just stick by that and she'll try to pull out all kinds of things in your past and and you don't have to have to do that and uh your wife needs to be there and you just need to do that very calmly i said and this is serious because if if if if there's unconfessed sin in your life you could end up possessed you could end up with disease or you or even worse you could end up dead and i said so once you kick that salt line don't be texting me you're on your own amen i'm eating breakfast you're on your own amen and uh so don't bother me you know uh and uh you know he said well well will you pray oh i'll pray for you yeah as soon as i'm done my breakfast i'll i'll pray for you amen and so and so but i can't help you this is your fight you know she is calling you out and you've got to let them know that god's anointing is upon you and you're not going to back down because if you back down now you'll back down the rest of your ministry so i quit you know i said as soon as you break that so don't be texting me you gotta focus to the task at hand and uh so man i i i started getting worried because an hour went by two hours went by three hours went by i'm thinking oh lord man maybe she converted him amen and so about four hours later i get this picture that's the witch being baptized in jesus name [Applause] let's see the other one amen there she is i'm here to tell you there's power in jesus name oh you're not hearing me there is power in jesus name amen he never he never texted me a word or anything all he did was sent me those pictures i'm here to tell you we're living in a different world today and today more than any day you have got to be connected to jesus christ because we're going to be facing things that we haven't the church has not seen in many years but i'm here to tell you jesus is the same yesterday today and forever if it worked for grandma and grandpa it can work for you if it worked for your hallelujah it can work for you we are a new generation and we're going to take our world in jesus name about five days later i said okay man you're gonna have to go uh you're gonna have to go clean out her house he said what do you mean by that i said well if she's a witch he needs to get rid of all kinds of stuff and he said really i said oh yeah yeah yeah and you need to go to her house and find out and she had all these he went in there and i told him gave him some instructions she needs to break every idol she needs to do it not you if she's real scared then you get the smallest one and break it yourself to kind of you know give her uh animo como see that encouragement amen amen she knows spanish amen hallelujah and so they went in there and they they left with four garbage bags amen full of broken idols out of that place four amen she broke them all and since then she's been telling all the it's uh it's what they call mexico curandera amen she's been telling all her neighbors i got a new master his name is jesus amen and from then till now 148 have been baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost amen i'm here to tell you there's revival hallelujah turn your neighbor and say we're part of that revival we're part of that if it can happen in mexico it's going to happen in bozia right now jesus witches are going to come and be baptized in jesus name demons have to be subject in jesus name praise god can you say praise the lord so i'm real excited amen hallelujah and how many all still praying for mexico every time you see taco bell you know praise god hallelujah amen i'm so happy my wife joined me today hallelujah i went and picked her up at the airport so if you think uh i'm i'm seeming very happy it's because of that amen hallelujah if you'll stand with me i won't be very long i promise you amen genesis chapter 37 and uh we'll be reading five verses first five verses and i want to speak a little bit to you 30 minutes at the max on understanding the reason why everybody say understanding the reason why and i'm not going to preach very long but i do feel in the holy ghost that god wants to do something so there it goes amen 30 minutes everybody say 30 minutes and then after that we're all going to go to taco bell praise god genesis chapter 37 verse 1 through 5 and jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger in the land of canaan these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old everybody say 17 years old was feeding the flock of his brethren and the lad was with the sons of billah and the sons of zilpah his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report now joseph now israel loved joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors and when his brethren saw that his father loved him more than all his brethren they they loved him too they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him and this is where i want to focus in and joseph dreamed a dream and he told his brethren and they loved him yet more they hated him yet more now now these are not worldly people these are brethren and and yet the hatred was between the brethren and a lot of times we come to church and think that everything should be just smooth sailing and then we find out that there's tensions in the church and and there's different things and we're surprised by that amen praise god but i'm i want to just for the next moment define to uh if that that question why amen why do certain certain things happen and i believe that if we can answer that question why god is going to do something powerful in our lives amen and i'll do it in 25 minutes amen and then we can all go to taco bell praise god just raise your hands and close your eyes jesus we love you today we thank you for everything you've done i pray that you'll tailor the text for the times and everything you do oh god be it for your glory and honor and we give you all the glory and honor in jesus name amen turn your neighbor and say you smell real good tonight amen [Laughter] and if they don't just say god bless you amen praise god i feel the holy ghost in this place the question why is always a question that every one of us in this room have asked at one point in our life we all want to know why things happen the way they do and sometimes that question never becomes resolved in a lot of people's minds in a way that is satisfying we always want to know why amen it's a very powerful question that fixes our destiny and establishes the purpose of our life understanding who i am and how did i get here and why i'm here are the questions that depending on your the way you answer them it will dictate the outcome of your life why am i here you have to understand that life can many times move you into areas and levels faster much faster than what your mind can assimilate sometimes you'll find yourself in certain situations positionally in the in positions of leadership but mentally and emotionally you're still not ready to grasp what life has given you that's happened to me many times and if you don't recognize what you have and there's no way that you're going to be able to take care of it and if you don't take care of it eventually you will lose the opportunities that have come to you and i dare say there are many people here including myself because you didn't understand what life had given to you and didn't know how to keep it you ended up losing it amen hallelujah so how do we discover what god has given us what is my purpose in life you know why why am i here amen it's a very important question you will never discover the why of life going to conferences and hearing all kinds of statistics and running all kinds of numbers because life meaning is not in conferences and statistics and running numbers life meaning can only be found in prayer and in study of the word of god it is god's instructions for us today in the business world understanding the why is what leads companies to success or failure a lot of kind police can tell you what they do amen and they can tell you how they do it but they really can't tell you why they do it and the companies that can tell you why they do it are the ones that end up becoming very successful are we is this all right amen i think of walmart as a good example when it was under the leadership of sam walton there was a why that drove everybody that made uh walmart uh you know such a such an endearing company whenever uh uh um uh a business amen whenever you go in there you felt like there was service and uh and and and sam walton always determined that his why was to better serve his community and make everything accessible to everybody now that he is gone that why is no longer there and what drives them more than anything is is money and therefore things have kind of gotten out of focus another company is apple steve jobs his why was to put at the fingertips of the common man all the tools that he needed to be able to compete with big businesses amen and now that he's gone apple again is just all about some stupid politics amen but they really have forgotten their why oh i feel the holy ghost in this place and now that those companies have passed their founders have passed they have lost their reason why and all the only thing that drives them now is money money money amen so my question to you is what is your why what is your purpose what drives you where do you want to be where do you want to go what is god's purpose for you today amen and this is why god has given us heroes in his word they're not just nice stories but are uh experiences of people that god helped them and guided them to their why and because they understood their why they were able to accomplish great things in life and this is very important because the stories like david and daniel they're not just pretty stories they discovered their why amen and they were able to accomplish great things and jesus is the same yesterday today and forever and if he could guide them to their why he can guide you to your why so you can be a great hero of faith in the world that is so undefined you say praise the lord amen so if he can guide them he can guide you and he he can understand what is your why amen oh i feel the holy ghost in this place leadership is conflict everybody say leadership is conflict people don't understand this amen whenever you um hallelujah this is very important to understand when you ask god for leadership he'll always throw you a bunch of problems well amen or no amen is true anyhow amen everybody say new levels new devils amen [Applause] hallelujah amen when i became el presidente boy i and then the problems started coming amen because leadership is conflict amen and uh and you see this everywhere amen if you ask god for leadership you're asking for conflict and you're asking for problems and when you come to a point and say god i can't take it anymore the only thing you're telling god is that you have reached your limit your highest potential because if you want to move up problems get bigger and solutions get slimmer and your friends get fewer aha amen are knowing man it's true am i talking to somebody here this because y'all are real quiet right now you say praise the lord you know the business world knows this because the better you can handle conflict the higher you go up the chain of command amen if you're just worried about your you know your chicken nuggets didn't cook that well and you're wanting to throw in the towel that's as far as you go you say praise the lord but if you can handle that conflict if you can handle that problem then they're going to promote you into a higher level with more problems and god is not in the business of uh calling out spoiled kids he wants warriors because we're going to be in a world of conflict and he doesn't want some limp noodle plastic banana hallelujah amen that doesn't know worth anything he wants warriors he wants people that can do the right thing in the middle of conflict oh i feel the holy ghost in this place and it's conflict everybody say conflict that you discover your greatest potentials the bible says a man's gift will make room for him that doesn't mean you just stand there and wait for opportunity to come amen it means that he's going to throw all kinds of conflict your way and people are going to discover hey this this dude's okay and you say praise the lord and that's why we have heroes in the bible are we doing all right because i can change you know i wanna whatever the client wants that's what i'll give amen so to discover our potential amen leadership is always a man discovered in the midst of conflict and so that's why we study these heroes enough and of all the heroes in the bible if i were to make a poll right now and say um you know who are the heroes in the bible uh everybody probably would say jesus christ because there is no other one than jesus christ he is king of kings and lord of lords but very quickly we would say daniel you know or david or um peter i like peter he's like me he just talks and then thinks amen you know that's that's me hallelujah anybody like that don't raise your hand amen hallelujah you know i love peter it just reminds me of me i'm running around with a busted knee right now because i do things without thinking and so i'm mountain biked and and uh anyways that's another story amen but amongst them probably the top 10 we would talk about joseph because one thing you have to remember know about joseph is he had the worst of problems can you say praise the lord and he never had a bible to encourage him he never had a church to encourage him he didn't have a pastor to rub him on the back and say i'm praying for you he didn't had a general conference to go to and and the very people he loved the most were the very ones that stabbed them in the back oh i feel the holy ghost in this place are we doing all right amen praise god the bible says that joseph gave him i mean uh jacob gave him a coat of many colors when he put that on it distinguished him as one thing i'm highly favored of my father and i want you to know that as soon as they saw that symbol of favor on them on joseph everybody hated him and was jealous of them well i feel the holy ghost in this place and you might say well why the people just don't like me everybody hates me i think i'm going to eat a can of worms amen i'm here to tell you the reason why is because god has his favor on you he has marked you he has said this is mine this is my child is there anybody in the house here that knows what i'm talking about turn to your neighbor and say i'm not a gold coin if i was a gold coin everybody would love me you say praise the lord i'm not a gold coin but i am favored of the lord and let me tell you something you can be favored of god and still be poor you can be favored a god and oh like me i'm a millionaire in reverse you know i owe more than i'm worth that's why man when i sleep i sleep with one eye open because i'm worth more dead than alive and i'm watching the mamacita man you know i'm here to tell you you can be highly favored of god and have problems in your life amen just because he got money or just because he got debts that does not say or dictate if you're favored of god or not the day you were baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost he put his mark on you and said you're mine you're my favorite you're my favored and i got to tell somebody that because you might be in a world of problems right now but you're still favored of the lord he still loves you he still died on the calvary for you he said praise the lord oh i feel the holy ghost in this place and one day everybody knows a story how much time do i have amen oh 12 minutes i haven't even gotten to my sermon amen hallelujah one day everybody knows a story he was going out in the field and his brethren not not the crips and the bloods you know not not the gangsters not the taliban his own brethren oh i feel the holy ghost in this place they took him everybody said they took him now when my brother mark comes back don't say i was preaching against him i i love mark amen he's i'm i'm telling the very people that you trust the most are going to be the ones that will hurt you the most they took him and they threw him in uh well hallelujah well i'm glad i found out amen they threw and there's the first miracle everybody say there's a first miracle because that fall should have killed him but when you're favorite of the lord was should have killed other people doesn't kill you you know i'm favored of the lord oh i feel the holy ghost in this place but when god has ordained for you to walk in the palace of the king nobody can keep you in the well hallelujah he has ordained you with purpose and the only reason why they hated him is because he had a dream and i'm not when i talk about dreams i'm not talking you know like when i talk to the mamacita and i say hey mamacita i'm the boss here you know what she says in your dreams you know i'm not talking about that i'm talking about destiny purpose in your life and when you have a clear purpose in your life can you say praise the lord people are not going to like you amen people are not you know i don't know why they just treat me like that i'm telling you why they treat you like that it's because there's destiny and purpose in your life and they know it he was in the well everybody say he was in the well and all of a sudden he was come on guys man i won't tell dad i don't know what he was saying but when i get to heaven i want to see the movie amen hallelujah and uh come on and then they throw a rope you know down to him and they're he's holding you know they're pulling him up and he's thinking wow i'm glad they finally gave me a hand oh you're not hearing me it does any has anybody lift that that they are giving you a hand not because they like you but because they're going to further uh tracionara oh yeah betray you hallelujah man this english hallelujah amen and so many people give you a hand just to take advantage of you again and when he got out of that hole amen here he found out he's been sold into slavery how many in this place you just get out of one problem and you end up with another problem and it's ten times worse and now he is sold into slavery amen at 17 years old being taken far off to land but he's still favored of god oh i feel the holy ghost in this place amen let me let me see who i gotta move on hallelujah i gotta get to my sermon turn to your neighbor and say that white mexican trying to get this sermon amen he goes everybody say he goes to potiphar's house and and and everybody knows the story god blesses potiphar and sometimes man i feel like joseph because i feel like god is blessing me but his aim is off you know he's blessing everybody around me thank you lord for that and thank you sometimes he's blessing that boss that is just a reprobate and he's blessing him and you're thinking well lord i mean goodness your aim is off here but you know why he's blessing to him because you're there you're a favorite of the lord and everything was going real good for him everybody say everybody everything was going real good for him and then miss potter first shows up and you know in my mind i've i picture you know have you ever seen i don't know i don't know if this happens in louisiana but it does happen in mexico all the rich fellas are ugly i mean good lord i mean i knew this one guy he's he's so ugly he went to a haunted house and came out with job applications job offers you know i mean he's so ugly he make blind kids cry i mean that's how ugly he is but he's short stocky dart hair sticking up ugly man he's ugly amen he drives around in a big old truck and boy he's got a awesome looking i mean she's got hips here and hips there and hey man i mean she's and and and it's all those ugly guys end up with the pretty girls you know it's all because of that doesn't happen in louisiana it does okay haha see you're more mexican than you think hey man and i don't think miss potter fur was an ugly lady i think she was a wow you know and when she comes in and you know how they do it they i don't know how the ladies do it they just kind of you know and they get their eyes going like this and just and i couldn't i don't know how they do it they just you know i try i i've even stood in the mirror you know and i don't know why the mamacita married me i don't have any money babe i have no money at all and i want you to notice something here he could have had the attitude and i really want to point this out because he could have said well god has not fulfilled my dream so why why should i be faithful to him if he hasn't been faithful to me and you know a lot of times the reasons why we fail is this all right the reason why we failed god is not because oh man i was just standing here like this and a beer fell out of heaven and hit me right in the mouth you know i tripped over this lady and i don't know how that happened you know i'll tell you the reasons why we failed god is because we're mad oh you're not hearing me the reasons why we failed god is because you're mad you see how he blessed that guy and how he blessed that guy and how he blessed over yonder and how he blessed over there and you're thinking well what about me oh i feel the holy ghost in this place is this all right because i can stop right now amen because i'm fixing to go somewhere and y'all aren't gonna like it amen but i'm leaving tomorrow so you know amen hallelujah and a lot of times you can say well god has not been faithful with his promises to me so why should i be faithful to him what do you do when you're prom when the promises of the word don't square up or don't line up with what you're living you say praise the lord and see i like joseph's that and that's why joseph is is in the bible because his attitude was i can as a man but i cannot do this as a child of god though he has not been faithful to me i need to be faithful to him and when you don't understand and everything doesn't line up just perfect i'm here to tell you keep believing jesus keep being faithful amen hallelujah like what job said though he slayed me yet will i trust in him i'm here to tell you somebody god has given you a dream there is a purpose in your life and you haven't seen it yet don't give up don't get angry just be faithful and hold on and now it's worse everybody say espeor because now not only is he a slave but now he's a prisoner surrounded by rats and cockroaches and rapists and murderers amen nothing but yet he is highly favored of god and you might look around and see all kinds of rats i got all kinds of them man hallelujah some with four legs and some with two legs amen hallelujah and you can say what am i doing here i've been faithful hallelujah why am i here and here's a really crazy thing i i got i got i gotta get to my sermon everybody say he's gotta get to sermon amen hallelujah now not all dreams let me tell you something just because you get a dream that don't mean you're right because pharaoh nebuchadnezzar the baker and the cupbearer all got dreams from god mind you and they weren't right dreams do not establish your spirituality with god and joseph had to see pharaoh's dream accomplished first the cupbearer's dream accomplished first the baker's dream accomplished first before god fulfilled his promise to him and sometimes brethren amen you'll see other people's dreams being filled oh there it is yep god bless y'all amen hallelujah [Laughter] sometimes you have to help other people fulfill their dream before god will fulfill your dream but i'm here to tell you the dream he has for you is much bigger because the longer you wait the bigger the victory is going to be amen we all know the story amen hallelujah joe uh pharaoh dream to dream seven uh healthy cows everybody say god bless the healthy ones [Laughter] amen oh that's just inside joke amen hallelujah seven sk it's always the skinny ones that makes mess everything up have you noticed that i'm talking about cows now you know amen i like i like i like the healthy everybody say i like the healthy ones you know amen he comes in and and he interprets that dream can you say praise the lord and so here's here's pharaoh doesn't know what to do and all of a sudden joseph doesn't speak out of what god had inspired him he speaks out of his experience because he had lived what that dream was he had had prosperity and then he had had nothing he had been up and he had been down he had been up and he had been down and all his life was preparing him for that one moment when he was before the king i'm here to tell you everything you've had in your life everything you've experienced is preparing you for that one moment when you're before the king and when he could speak out of his own experience he was promoted because he knew how to deal with conflict and i'm here to tell you a lot of times god will bring conflict in your life so you can keep going up the ladder that's why you have problems can you say praise the lord i'm almost done as a matter of fact i'm done amen hallelujah uh we all know the story uh seven years of prosperity came he was promoted amen and then one day when all the sequia the drought came he was walking and he was different now you know he wasn't the same joseph he was an egyptian now and he walked like an egypt you know he was no longer joseph he was cephnuppenair and all of a sudden after so many years and we'll find out if you could throw up genesis chapter 40 41 i think it is verse 46 i don't know what it is amen hallelujah yeah genesis 41 46 and joseph was 30 years old when he stood before pharaoh king of so he was 17 when he dreamed the dream and now he's 30. so that's how many years 13 amen seven years of prosperity is what 20 and now i want you to go to genesis 45 and verse 6. technical difficulties there we go and these two years had the famine been in the land and yet there are five years left two years after into the family 22 years everybody say 22 years it took god 22 years to fulfill joseph's dream i like what psalms 138 verse 8 says and i like it better than the esv i read the king james and it says the lord will fulfill his purpose in me i'm here to tell you you're going through conflict right now because there's purpose in your life the bible says my brethren counted all of joy when you find yourself in diverse temptations knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have a good work that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing i don't know where you're at right now in the time scale i don't know if you're in the pit or if you're potter's first house or if you're in the jail but i'm here to tell you sooner or later god will fulfill his purpose in you oh i feel the holy ghost in this place let's stand [Applause] hallelujah um i've pastored now for 30 years one of the one of the miracles that i saw during my first first like i was passing maybe three years i was fresh out of bible school i had all kinds of very few questions and many answers you know i knew it all buddy whoo boy did i was i wrong one time sister kata a dear precious lady in our church she began to feel very sick very ill and uh so uh she started getting medical exams and anyways they found out she had stage four cancer and uh didn't give her lung to to uh to live and so when i went to her room her hospital room i had my little bible there i had my little vial of oil i mean i i had practiced how to stand just the right way and you know it was really amazing i was amazing and uh once i went through my whole routine i went to go pray for her and she says pastor pastor i got a request don't don't i i don't want god to heal me i i you know i just and i said why she said well she's got nine kids and she said all my kids are not in church and i've noticed that ever since i've become ill they have prayed and they're seeking god and if i have to die then and and for me to die and to see them save i'd rather god take me right now see that that is a faith in god that can move mountains you know you're not afraid of anything because you know you know you know that he has your best interest in in in mind i said okay sister guy it surprised me it shocked me amen and so i said well we're going to pray right now and we're going to ask god's will to be done and uh long story short god healed her of cancer completely healed of cancer amen they couldn't they couldn't find it and it took her several several months of of going through chemotherapy and god healed her completely but here's the awesome thing all nine of her kids are baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost let me tell you something sometimes you got to go through things because god has got a purpose for you and uh hallelujah and you might wonder why am i going through this if you just trust him like joseph did amen you'll find out the why in your life and you will accomplish great things let's just raise our hands and talk to god for a minute hallelujah jesus we love you lord hallelujah hallelujah we love you jesus we love you jesus hallelujah if the musicians will come this altar is open if you want to come and talk to god right now hallelujah say jesus i need to understand the why in my life amen i know you've called me with purpose i know you've called me with destiny and i need your touch in my life i want to be faithful amen hallelujah i want to be faithful to that reason why in my life hallelujah help me be faithful to purpose amen praise god hallelujah please oh lord amen don't let anger get a hold of me don't let anger get a hold of me hallelujah don't let anger young person don't let anger get a hold of you hallelujah be faithful to your purpose be faithful to your why know that god's favors upon your life know that god's favor is upon your life ilobo koraba hallelujah god hallelujah god hallelujah god lord you're worthy to be praised lord you're worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god put your hand on the person next to you right now amen and start speaking purpose in their life hallelujah start speaking purpose in their life hallelujah let them discover their why in life amen you need to you need to begin there not not how we do church not what we do amen you need to know why we do it we serve a good god amen hallelujah that he can mark you with destiny and he can mark you with purpose oh jesus help us understand why lord hallelujah move us through conflict hallelujah amen you will accomplish your purpose in me you will accomplish your purpose in me you will fulfill your purpose in me o god hallelujah i know that i'm going through things right now i know i don't have the answer but all all we can do is hold on and be faithful o lord amen amen amen don't let anger get a hold of my heart hallelujah don't let anger get a hold of my heart oh god hallelujah don't let what they did and what she did and what he did to me amen ruin what you want in my life oh god ruined my purpose ruined my life my why oh jesus hallelujah help me get a hold of you right now help me get a hold of you o god amen infuse my mind with why with purpose oh god hallelujah oh i feel like god is releasing ministries right now he's releasing gifts of the holy ghost somebody is getting their purpose in life somebody's seeing why why do i go through these things hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus you're worthy jesus you're worthy jesus you're worthy hallelujah just say right now god i don't understand why i'm going through i know why oh god i'm going through these things amen i'm just believing and trusting in you hallelujah hallelujah there's power in jesus name oh blessedly jesus blessed jesus blessed jesus i feel the holy ghost in this place [Music] i don't know maybe right now you're thinking of somebody that's going through problems in their life and maybe they've even said why is this happening to me you need to go and tell them it's because you're favorite of the lord and he's wanting to bring you into a palace into a place amen hallelujah just keep trusting him keep trusting him if you don't have problems i can give you some of mine because boy i got a lot of them i'm i got like six lawsuits against me amen got people wanting to deport me got people wanting to kill me amen and i'm such a lovable guy you know praise god jesus said if they hated me they're going to hate you if they hated me they're going to hate you amen so you just might as well get used to it and when he starts taking you through life amen it's going to be a rough road you know jesus never promised you life without problems he promised the exact opposite he said in john i think chapter 14 verse 33 or 16 30 16 33 in the world you will have affliction that's what he said you will have affliction but be of could cheer i have overcome the world oh yeah there you go in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world [Music] his victory is our victory oh i feel the holy ghost is this all right here tonight praise god so tomorrow when your light bill comes and is way higher than normal and the gas lines are higher and another hurricane comes and and here comes the mexico missionary again say oh lord amen i will overcome i don't know you know i've studied this many many times and i don't know if the church is going to face the antichrist or if they're not i really don't i mean i can argue pre-trib and i can argue post-trib justice just as well i do know one thing my daddy always said like this he was always post trip he said if i die before then i'm pre you know that's what he said he said i'm post son but if i die before i'm praying just remember that amen he always said no man knows the hour so we we really don't even know he said the best i can tell you is prepare for the worst but hope for the best but i will say one thing nowhere in the book of revelation or any prophetic book do i see that jesus is coming on a rescue mission he's not coming on a rescue mission he's coming for the overcomers oh you're not hearing me he's not coming on a rescue mission he's coming for overcome are there any overcomers in the in the house here today amen hallelujah when he comes it is a triumphant march because he's coming king of kings and lord of lords he's not coming to rescue me he's coming because i'm an overcomer turn your neighbor and say i am an overcomer i got a whole lot of problems right now and i can lend you some of mine but i am an overcomer i will overcome the world you will have affliction but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i'm so happy to be here thank you god bless you all let's sing something amen hallelujah and let's go to taco bell [Music] yeah let's give god a handclap of praise as we exit here tonight aren't you thankful for brother and sister draws coming and speaking that tonight [Applause] i absolutely felt in the holy ghost that's not just for somebody that's for a lot of us that was in this place so tonight we go away rejoicing we go with gratitude in our heart for god and i also have to say one more thing i forgot to take the offering so if the ushers would stay at those back doors as you walk out you can deposit your pesos for el presidente and we will see y'all sunday let's have continued revival we've already got three more three more ready to get baptized it's happening over and over and over again let's have revival in jesus name [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 379
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, missions conference 2021, steve drost, understanding the reason why, see a victory, see a victory elevation worship lyrics
Id: JuE_PPHu9vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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