Too many Mechs not enough hope : Rimworld Sea Ice Ep6

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and we're back with some more room world and right now despi is getting some shooting experience by shooting a smoke launcher at hope yep yep that's that's it works don't ask me why it still works i thought they would patch this out already but firing smoke launchers or emp launchers at your own animals will train up the skill not as fast as shooting at actual enemies but who cares when you can gain about a level a day roughly give it about a week and you can take a zero level character to about level six level seven after that slows down a bit but definitely getting up to shooting eight is is pretty handy with this for our very first act of the day we're going to go deconstruct this ship chunk reason being we want the components the components we need to put together a comms console i've turned a little bit of space here and that can also go uh yeah the problem is even putting it there we're kind of low on steel and pretty much well everything namely because i've been spending too much maybe i shouldn't have made that machining table but no no i'm not gonna regret it uh oh i'm gonna use the caravan trick for those of you who are not familiar the caravan trick is where you pop out like this you grab your colony you go form a caravan and then you go grab them go back inside and then what you can do is load stuff up like it's a caravan so we can load that up and then we can load that up so in one trip you can carry two bunches of stuff instead of you know doing multiple trips and then we send them back home and they'll drop off everything all at once there also is the pick up and haul mod that can do that but that's on all the time and i like to sort of keep that for special occasions i mean the caravan trick the rest of the time they should just do it normally i feel but for those long distance ones i'm like nana just stick that stuff on your back and off we go with this a whole new world will open up to us well not a whole new world the actual world we're on it'll be fine i should probably put in some power wires though that was silly of me hmm how do i get that there yep i'm gonna have to waste a bunch of steel aren't they that should be close enough and uh yeah we're gonna need one more piece the first thing you want to do though when you get a comms console up check to see if there's any traders available because normally you get a notification when a trader comes in range but the way i hear it happens is they sort of come at regular intervals and if you have your comms console on great but if you have it off you won't notice until you actually go in and check so for what i can see we can call some of these tribes but most of them hate us seriously how do they all hate us so much oh well the something treaty doesn't hate us too much and i don't think we can get any of them to send us anything just yet oh there's one thing i should do while we've got a chance and that is remove the leadership rule uh yeah i made a mistake if we check under needs here moderate expectations this was raised by the fact that they became leader uh unfortunate we're going to begin the role change and their new role will be none we could victim a shooting specialist unfortunately that disables a bunch of things uh cooking constructing growing mining planting cutting smithing tailoring crafting butching brewing repairing deconstructing harvesting drill drugs drugs fabrication and machinery yeah that's that's a lot of stuff that gets disabled uh now we can't afford that and this is going to hurt morale wise they're going to lose 15 moods i think it's about 15 13 15 mood something like that for about 10 or 15 days but at the moment we've got a minus 12 forever that's sort of the problem uh we should be on 24 expectations instead of 12 so this will sort of help and hurt but in about 15 days time we'll be able to reap the benefits of and it also increases social when you're doing a change so if we check under here yeah you can see the actual social is going up you can keep changing people's jobs multiple times i wonder if that would stack though just a trend or social might be an interesting experiment sometime and there we go successful rule change unfortunately for there yeah minus 15 for 10 days ooch but we're back up to 24 and very low expectations so yeah i probably shouldn't have made them a a leader in the first place but living alone ooh transport pod crash i swear to god just stopped recording and they and it just happened okay what do we got a jogger oh they're always good kind oh crafting intellectual no real negatives uh male 51 about appropriate age for slim yeah yeah i like it i like it uh i think we can take you in maybe let's see what this is like uh problem is they're uh apostasy the global certainty loss factor is is bad oh you know what we'll give it a try how do you feel about uh meat and stuff you know what we'll find out all right can we actually rescue you yes you've five hours before you bleed out and we have a pawn is going to come rescue you and find you a bed never mind they died of hypothermia before we could get them home uh suppose it's more food pity i actually that was one of the first ones i saw come by that i actually wanted i mean crafting an intellectual they could have taken that over completely slim could have just went on to do social cooking construction never mind it's fine it's fine i'm sure there'll be someone else along later oh foober this is not good raid group of mechanoids dropping right on top of you they're attacking immediately um right hope you're going to be covering the door i'm not even sure we should open the door if the ranged units okay we'll open the door if their melee unit stick should come at us the ranged units we can always close the door and try and lure them in and we'll have to figure it out let me get the animal sorted okay slim and hope are ready to go despi is run just run run oh god that's a pikeman oh a miss oh that's a hit that's a hit work drive okay torso oh okay okay um yeah we can't be getting up close with those pikemen we need to pull back inside you get over here uh you might also want to run that way just for a sec no i don't want you to clean run that way and yeah we'll get hope out of the way also okay everyone move best b come on all right okay and that is a cypher that is bad uh despite i'm gonna need you to pop over there immediately and equip that thrombohorn okay then i'm gonna need you to run down this direction oh okay we got a few hits off on them for free i really hate scythers thorax reactor left leg your moving is down creative process okay so your consciousness manipulation okay okay all of it's going down that is good that case animals training follow master well drafted and attack okay despie i'm gonna need you to get back to about there wow all three hits went to the table that's actually kind of impressive despie you're still fine wow you you managed to hit the the cooker and the wall and just i think they're in cover because they're behind this what's the cover on this thing and covering that effect this is 30 oh hey that's religious bigotry you robotic monsters uh this steel mini turret should hopefully keep you distracted for a bit okay down how are you doing death in 10 hours that's not good that is uh not good at all okay um you need to get over there immediately yeah fire okay i think i think they're distracted right while they're firing at the turret we're gonna shoot the bejesus out of them and then one shot will accidentally miss and destroy that ideogram that cost us 50 steel uh you should probably come forward a little bit oh my god that feels so dangerous okay you uh no don't hold fire kind of have to let this continue to fire but i prefer to be a little bit further out of the range of its uh it's radius okay you go there perfect hope is absolutely shredding things today get him get him get him don't let him don't let him get off another hit come on you know what back inside for you uh despie i want you to we're going to actually we'll make this a hospital bed uh for medical just be get in there uh rest until healed slim get back in here immediately clean this room and start applying meds what how are they looking they've got nine hours they get a bit of time and hope takes out the trash absolute legend all right then once we clean this place up just a little bit to reduce the chances of infection we're going to use some decent medicine and heal them up well despite you didn't do too bad you soaked up a bunch of damage that otherwise would have hit slim so i suppose we'll keep you around for a bit longer in fact did you do any damage to this at all you actually got it in the right side sensor and the chemical analyzer so you got it in the nose and the eye and then nope that's that's pretty much it yeah so fat man slim slims charge charge rifle to the the final blow okay then so yeah you were an excellent uh damage absorption thing your shooting trading was put to no use at all sorry but the rifle was back there was too far away we couldn't get to it in time otherwise i would have equipped a rifle and maybe did some rage sparing cargo pods actually mean get rid of this hive stuff cargo pods what you got for me you have oh herbal medicine yes thank you so much we can finally start doing some operations i couldn't do operations before because we would have been burning through nice medicine but now now we have actually the opportunity to up our medical skills substantially and another transport pod crash uh we got kitty okay a female one careful shooter oh my god careful shooters i mean at this point i'd almost take it an underground her she will never feel cooped up or get cavend fever no matter how long she stays inside that might actually be useful it's not bothered by darkness is kind global certainty loss factor that's that's good plants cooking mining construction we could we could make space for this 56. oh my god i'm making a a colony of old people we got a 44 a 65 and a 56. i don't think i've ever had a population is old before but yes if she will live long enough 17 hours and gear-wise yeah she might just live long enough um slim go grab any recruit all right i i don't know what's going on it's raining people hallelujah frank hey frank uh are you pretty geriatric 16 too young you're just waiting fast walker depressive well i'm sorry a minus 12 oh you're a cannibal no you know every time we we chop someone oh incapable of violent oh i'm sorry frank that's uh like i can forgive a lot of things but incapable of violence in real world is not one of them i mean some people turn you into doctors or do other stuff with you but no no if you can't pick up a gun then that means we've got one person less person holding the line and we need every person holding the line on this difficulty level otherwise we're dead all right we need to smash up those cythers smash up those steel chunks uh actually yeah we've got another three of them down here in fact we have eight of them on the map each one worth 15 steel so steel wise this actually is going quite well i like the smelter i'm it's really glad we got a smelter first thing well randy your timing is just amazing despie still hasn't recovered and you're sending more mechs why is it mex okay that's that's a lot of mix oh okay there's a three last time now you're sending or was it four no that wasn't these three i've still got the corpses yeah those need three of them the last time i suppose that was the center drop what are we looking at please don't be a centipede please don't be a centipede please don't be a centipede okay that's still horrifyingly bad but they did bring us a bunch of steel chunks so they're not all but okay it's mostly bad that's a lot of bad well we're not fighting them in the open they've got range on us they've got damage on us we gotta melee them down don't we i'm thinking we gotta lure them inside somehow and then smash them to bits with thrombohorns but we can't uh we're probably gonna have to let them chew on some of our outside stuff maybe use the the gun turret as a distraction yeah and we do have a smoke launcher so i'm thinking if we go full on melee smoke up the door and have the three of us swarm them and if we can kill most of them before the smoke wears off we should minimize damage and then hopefully there's enough of us left standing that we can just run down the last of them i mean let me think let me think i have a plan it's it requires a little bit of different things to what i normally do the thing is we picked up a bunch of goat juice and i was thinking what if we give guest despite the gold juice we don't care if they get addicted because well we don't care about them this gives them a nice movement boost and that movement boost should allow them to run the lancers if they can outrun the lancers with a bolt action they can kite them and if they can kite the lancers away from us that means you only got to take out the four pikemen which okay that's still a big ask but it's a lot better ask than four pikeman and two lancers with a wounded despie in fact we might even pound some goju's first slim but there is a horrible chance of addiction which would make things even more interesting which i'd like to avoid but we may have to it's just this looks difficult so plan run out draw them in with despie try and drag them by this area and then keep these four or even two if ball possible near the door if we can get them near the door and swarm them or convince them to come inside that might work all right and kitty actually you know what kitty how would you like a new bed uh yeah rescue kitty can put her in a nice bed why not and then hope oh hope yeah you can follow around slim we're gonna need both of you all right then the thing is these lancers have slightly shorter range of this so we should be able to fire off a shot and then just basically shoot and scoot and there you go that's plenty close pick any one let's see what our accuracy is like with all this gold juiciness 28 that's terrible like seriously 30 31 run just run you're barely ever going to get a shot off you you like it they might be able to kill someone but they've got to kite him first oh the goju is helping out this is counteracting their chemical dependency they have a chemical bar because of their annoying chemical fascination please don't have any mental breaks or anything in the near future that would really inconvenience us okay all right plan is simple enough drag them by trans divide and conquer divide and conquer or maybe we can kill actually that might be possible we might be able to kill a couple of them really early why are you stopping you know what i don't care uh yep that's about the right distance shoot him okay this is too good to be true oh damn it neither probably should have left him split it up neither both of them have caught up with each other i'm probably gonna have to deal with two at a time awkward all right are you aiming you are aiming perfect then turn on the gun turret i really should have equipped the thrombohorn maybe you've attacked the lancer have you hit it you have gave it a crack okay that's uh nice but send in hope okay hope uh maybe send hope back yeah the pikemen have shown up this is bad you're not dead though and you're not dead and you are i think we risk one more shot from that lancer then we run right i am going to need you to get back inside uh so training wise take you off that and area three area three's over there i have too many zones i know just the way it is oh my god i can't believe how many shots were missing it's just okay good get back inside get back inside okay you need to run back a bit turrets at 85 percent that's fine by me perfect oh my god okay that's two down um you i need you back here you can't kite these these things have longer range than you their weapon range is like oh my god yeah you have no hope you need a sniper rifle they'll tuck you back in here and hopefully we can get you into the fight even if it's just to tie one up in melee um you need to quick equip a thrombohorn did that what the hell just happened how did you die artificial brain shattered gunshot minigun turret holy i have never seen a steel minion turret do anything good that is that's incredible that is absolutely incredible i've never seen something like that before uh you um reconnect to there perfect you turn off this diagram okay perfect perfect perfect uh you training hello master well drafted don't need you to attack just yet okay despie how are you going to do this can you get up there okay you turn on fine it's fine sick him rip charge rifle please okay you uh what are you targeting i can't even tell what you're targeting okay after your next blast target the close by ones oh god come on come on come on okay another one bites the dust oh all right uh shoot that one closest first oh wow okay get in there nope don't let him shoot don't let him shoot don't let him shoot that's right smack him in the face who's a major break risk slim yeah lost divine templar role is still going please don't break that would be really frustrating you only have one condition that needs tending uh one condition that needs tending but hope needs you hope needs you to remain sane for just a little bit longer just hang in there that little bit longer come on okay um decisions decisions i say we panda psychitie if we do the psychitie that should boost our mood enough to reduce the chances of going insane and choose a drug from your inventory let's consume the psychiatry instantly please uh despi you want to yeah you can actually rescue hope right now okay done now how you're looking on the needs front ah damn it sorry wrong one okay a little bit more stable not perfect but who's to bleed out we just need to make sure that if slim breaks no one's going to die in the interim uh you've got a bruise you're fine they're all bruises so you're fine and what yeah hope needs the most help in fact i am going to use best quality medicine i know i know but ten toe wait no prioritize tending hope damn i'm on the wrong one sorry oop oop medicine for you good uh prioritized any dope perfect we just need to make sure they're not going to potentially bleed out on us and once that's done we're fine so don't don't snap just yet despi how you doing you've got pep in your step and you're going to be go juiced like crazy for at least another 12 hours that case you can start tidying up the place that went pretty good cost us though that gun turret was a hundred steel and a few components and i think we're going to need another one i don't think we have a choice on that front um let me find the right i can't believe we took them all out it feels like there should be more oh they dropped four components nice good job well now randy's trying to be nice to us allows me to restrict the grand limestone rocks oh walls that's very useful that very very useful okay worry about that later just get the last of the tanning done uh slim what will i think we just went down i used three medicine on them but i cut it out after that once they stopped bleeding so much that they were going to be to end up dying yeah not liking how it's fine it's fine i think we're stable we'll have to kick kitty out of that bed in a minute and then we can get back to doing our thing well kitty's decided not to leave or not to stay she has decided leaving is the good idea uh what are you doing nope nope your health is it's a bruise just you know i'm i'm sorry slim suck it up you're just gonna have to do it normally all right we'll kick kitty out uh we'll give her a bed somewhere else yeah give me some furniture there we'll put a sleeping spot in uh here's fine perfect little bit of repairs a little bit of mechanoid shredding we need more people don't we desperately we may just have to keep despi just indefinitely on the grounds that we couldn't have held that off without the extra pollen there was no chance also that mini gun shot to the torch to the brain of that uh pikeman probably the best thing i've seen in a long time that was uh pretty clutch even if the turret did get destroyed that turret bought us an awful lot of time though i don't think we're gonna get a hundred steel out of the parts actually we'll find out shortly i suppose 105 from all the corpses but i think a bunch of those were from other stuff so oh and we can make simple helmets now that might be an idea um actually we kind of need the coal protection and slim is kind of stuck wearing a visage mask they need it for their job okay you know we got rid of their job we should probably just get them a regular helmet then to protect their noggin a replacement turret to help with well any future attacks uh we're gonna dig out the limestone down here to get ourselves some building material and we've got despi over here picking up all of these resources that we're going to turn into steel though we still need to expand and get more people we need more people desperately before we mine this out i've been advised to save and reload it won't actually help us but i got an idea okay uranium or meteorite that's uh very nice you grew from caravan get you over there i'll find out where that or that uranium ore landed in a minute for now more steel slag actually how much more we got left we got two more pieces over here we got three more pieces over there we got so much of this stuff and where did that meter land right oh yeah i'm using a mod to change the colors and things to make metals easier to find but uh i don't think we really need it here on the ice sheet pretty easy to find that uranium ore anyway how are we doing down here on limestone nothing and what's the oh now you see here we mined out this section but you can see underneath it's uh ice so it's ice rock rubble but yeah there's nothing else there it's just more ice underneath it however if we save the game and reload it now when we take out the next chunk what should happen is underneath it should be limestone now i don't think you can really abuse it but it's just one of those little quirks that's fun to look at and you can come down here and grab all that metal slag okay never mind supposedly this was supposed to be limestone underneath if you saved and reloaded maybe you have to exit the game hey we got to work you can see there's rough hewn limestone down there now you can't actually put in where is it production well you can't put down mines on it as far as i know like the the subterranean miner things they can pull its stone chunks or metals as far as them where that doesn't work here but it's just a way to change the landscape from pure ice to other stuff also we haven't got a single rock chunk yet how is that even possible seriously how your mining skill is three which i know is bad but still the odds are getting something like give me a rock chuck come on just one one rock chunk never mind okay we'll see if we get anything out of that by the end of it uh in the meantime where are you where's where are you ah despie is smelting up all the steel slag chunks we found around the place and a trade ship is passing by they're known as the as grassland industries the earth slave ship they're not affiliated with any faction interesting interesting you need a powered orbital trade beacon right that's very important completely blank that uh you can go [Music] there yeah i think there will be fine these things are movable so and you need to do that right away we're not missing out on this we are not missing out on this we also have to remove the roof area there we go it'll make this place a bit chilly but we can put it back on once the call's finished let's see what they got well this is both good and bad good in that they've got a bunch of people we could hire bad and that there's nothing they're going to buy from us um yeah they'll buy some neutron i mean they'll buy some chem fuel um but that's it they won't buy food they won't buy clothing they won't buy furs they won't play anything else we've got so we've nothing to actually sell them uh i think we'll probably pick up some psychic tea ten psychic tea yeah actually that psychit will be very helpful for keeping where is it depsy yeah depsie will be kept saying by a little bit of psychite might want to get that and put it in a stockpile they can't gain access to and feed it to them a little bit at a time we'll have to manually feed it to them for now their chemical fascination makes them very dangerous oh and i looked at the the slaves it would have been nice to actually hire some of these like this one looks actually most of these are terrible let me explain why like chemical fascination i don't want another one of those it's just we've already got one and it introduces that mood bar and we've got to keep them fed full of drugs and we have too much drugs in hand they'll just binge them and next thing you know you've got an addiction to deal with which would be really hard i mean not a terrible pond but if they just didn't have chemical fascination yes i would be all over them this one they have asexual meaning we can't hook them up with someone they're greedy and they're lazy like one of those i could deal with greedy maybe two of them but all three is like just no no they're all just negatives and then this last one is a trigger happy t total or slow poke but can't do skilled labor this one is actually semi-perfect in a way imagine if you turn these into a shooting specialist and then what you could do is jump them up on gold juice and have them kite lots of enemies because they could move really fast while shooting really fast except for the t-totter bit they can't do drugs and also they're a slowpoke which would slow them down so the one thing they'd be good for is completely cancelled out by the next two traits ah yeah okay i i feel like i'm a little bit picky about these things oh and one thing i need to do i forgot to do was expand snow clear area uh what this does is get rid of the snow in an area and slowly slows down your snow slows down your movement speed so if we check in here you can see uh ice walk speed 48 is any of that covered in snow yes snow medium walk speed 62 so in here has been cleared of snow but the rest of it hasn't now you get to work start clearing stuff what the oh yeah that's the psychic t i think uh slim you're gonna want to pick all of that stuff up if we can assign you that high our next quest is help for the refugee empire that's too honor okay they're asking for one colonist for nine days that's very doable for two honor yeah but i um i don't understand away despi just yet maybe we can get another recruit in the meantime i mean we could send them a wounded person and then they could come back more healed in nine days we'll see we'll see if someone shows up in the next few days we can always just chuck them off even if they're a terrible pawn i mean we could hire a slit no we can't actually by say we don't have the money damn it damn it oh i should probably point out it is 87 days since we arrived we're almost coming up on the year and a half mark a lot of time passes when you're playing i know i cut out a lot of stuff it's just yeah people were commenting there was a lot of events happening in the space of 90 days that's i suppose a reasonable event it's just sometimes they happen all at once you just get a whole bunch of things like right now slim has still got like 6.2 days left on that divine templar thing and i think that was only a 15 day thing or 10 day thing yeah whatever i wonder if it's at all distracting to your research to have someone firing a smoke launcher right beside you probably not probably fine oh would you look at that it also works if you shoot your own colonists with it that's um that's good to know shooting level 8 nothing like practicing your shooting by well shooting at sleeping people uh we're up to 46. at some point it'll max out the amount of uh learning you can do in a day well it'll decrease your learning gains at that point it's usually best to stop there we go we've hit max learning for the day right at that point it's further learning is multiplied by 20 you're basically pointless just take a break come back the next day start it over i think now is the time to actually get into hydroponics we've managed to go to a lot of our meat backlog get me wrong we still have plenty of meat we've got two thrombos and a donkey but i think it's time we actually started growing stuff using the hydroponics that's going to require more power that's why we've been holding off so long and actually building a sun lamp and as well as that it leaves us more exposed we're going to be placing this out here and that's not the best like we've got to defend this somehow and as you can imagine that's not going to be easy and we're going to need a second battery as well just so we can keep the power stable running a sun lamp is very much a case of you have to keep an eye on your batteries you got to turn on the sun lamp and then if things if wind dies down too much and you start to burn through your backup batteries you got to turn out turn it all off uh and you still got to keep enough power for the hydroponics to never switch off as well yeah this is going to be um interesting and with that we double our power and double our fun all right then we're going to the second battery right about there should be plenty sufficient yeah it's going to eat through even more of our steel supplies this is why i've been very skimpy with this deal you never know how much you're going to need and if plus if these go down we're in so much more trouble again and we're going to need one last thing to make this work that would be under furniture i believe yes sun lamp i think we'll stick it right there i mean if that's not going to be its final position its final position will be here but that's currently occupied by a wall uh yeah there hey you go for it okay you put in the resources from one side and popped out the other oh uh we need some way to turn that off quickly can you nope you can't hop then in that case we are going to waste a power wire i know sacrilege but needs to be done come on done then we can just switch it off whenever we want perfect then reconnect you uh reconnect nope there you go and you can be reconnected as well actually we should designate a power toggle and then we have to change what we're growing i think we'll start with a bit of rice rice is simple straightforward and easy to do flashstorm whatever no one cares uh how's that quest coming along three days we left 5.1 days before helpers expire hopefully we get someone in the meantime chespy is still grinding up their shooting we'll make a good shoot out of them yet despite this place being so smoky the plants seem to be growing quite well 280 percent growth growth race thank you kindly um yeah i think this is going to work out just fine and what are you doing outside it's like minus 60 have hypothermia get back in and get back to your sleeping spot well it looks like kitty is finally healed and leaving us this should drive up our uh morale with that side that faction and if we can drive it up high enough they'll ally with us and we can start requesting trade caravans which is the only reason i kept them alive that long why is everyone going for a walk when it's -53 outside stop it just ah muppets maybe come back inside where it's nice and warm let's hope that kitty makes it off the map alive uh when it comes to her gear she has a comfortable temperature range of minus 44. it's minus 50 so not that bad but you might want to get a a bit of a move on all right how's your food looking you are 34 grown damn this stuff grows fast our batteries however are plummeting rapidly however it's approaching night time at which point that lamp will turn off i need to keep a close eye on this i think once they hit about 200 i'm going to switch off that lamp one way or the other and by 200 i mean 200 watts wd stored we've managed to get one rock so far this one limestone chunk and we would get more but we have a raid and it's more mechs like ah why all the mechs we're going to run out of dog chow for hope here we've only got like a few pieces left okay that fine that'll last a few weeks but still come on um they are where they're okay raid arrival mode center drop an immediate attack well that's a problem considering slim is all the way down here slam you need to get back up here uh despite you're equipped with a smoke launcher that's bad uh we're going to immediately get you to equip the bolt action maybe even that uh i don't know exactly where they're dropping but we might want to change the zones for the animals give me a second hopes going for a defensive position alpha or as it's called the front door what the that's not a center drop uh it says center drop but that's oh god and slim can't move that fast out there that is oh a scyther and a pikeman oh dear lord oh boy um right well the scyther can run us down and that's death we can't take a scyther one on one the pikeman's gonna shoot at us okay the pikeman's gonna get off a shot the moment it takes the shot we're gonna pound some goat juice their only hope um hope is on their way actually hope is on their way despie you have a rifle come down to here [Music] yeah that might be the best bet if hope comes in to help us out we can maybe use her to help distract but this is gonna hurt we're gonna be fighting in the open okay okay we gotta hope the pikeman doesn't get or doesn't get a good hit okay that's a miss perfect we are going to consume gold juice immediately yep now we are pumped up to 5.52 we are out of there like it like it like it like it like it like it like it uh yeah the pikeman's gonna get off another shot maybe two missed that's good keep going keep going keep going okay another miss that is excellent despie start shooting all of that training we gave you should be paying off you're at level eight well okay you've actually got maxed out experience throughout the day you're not going to get another one perfect hit him again excellent and attack how have you not gone down yet and stab in the right four leg come on come on come on we need that scyther dead how is it still alive all right um nope take them off attack mode i want everyone around the corner we are not getting into a ranged combat with a pikeman nope run run run run run everyone out of there hope all right i tend to hope we'll basically kite this guy around the corner get in close and i figure actually slim you're our worst shot at the moment but you do have the best damaging weapon we might actually trade out the rifles you know what hope is suffering from some hypothermia so we might want to give her a second now i kind of cheated here and looked to see what it was attacking you reconnect excellent now let's go get them training wise you need to join us and we want to put you straight on to attack and you melee attack pikemen desp right behind him come on let's do this charge getting close you get to the side i don't want you being in the way oh god you turn off there we go perfect that was pretty good we got a bruise a stab from a scyther and okay fat man slim is feeling very very good right now and she can feel all of the blood in her veins for the first time ever it's amazing um but i think that went a lot better than we had any chance to hope for and i have no idea why i called it a center drop and it just tried to land right on top of slim i presume they think that slim is the base when realistically it's hope everyone knows it's hope it's not slim but whatever all right let's get back to work so during the day while the sun lamp is on it definitely drains our batteries well unless we've got really lucky and get a lot of wind but then during the night we managed to pump the batteries full of juice again and by and large we can keep this lamp running probably about 80 of the time i'd say so far though i won't know for sure until we've gone a lot longer in but i'm hopeful that soon we can start cutting our meat with veggies and that will actually extend our meat supplies even more we're about to start chopping into the last of the thrombos though i really wish someone would come along that we could sell clothing to that's all i want to do in fact i may just start gifting clothing to factions to try and buy goodwill with them so that we can then call in a trade caravan that might be our best bet where are they the team coalition yeah they might be the best bet give them a bunch of resources and then call in like make them our allies uh festival opportunity i mean why not we might get some mood we might not but more importantly we might get some development points uh we don't have a leader present because we can't afford the morale hit sorry about that so let's just give this a begin we'll probably be okay uh let's see does this actually increase social yes it does despite does that increase your social level oh you can't do the social never mind well at least it means our trading is going to get better and better as we keep doing this the speech is over and the party is beginning enjoy the snow people enjoy the snow wow we got a terrible festival minus three for six days what never mind never mind i'm pretty sure that was a really low low chance that was going to happen like really low [Music] okay how's that death be doing there was a psychic yeah the psychic drone is still going on you'll probably be fine terrible festival is only a minus three it's not the end of the world our first crop of rice uh in that case we can turn off the lamp for now the batteries charge it yet forgotten how little they give but still that went pretty fast and then we can start up the next one customale's emergency approach okay uh you still got the helpers refg one going on well this looks fairly straightforward uh we protect them we kill the enemies and there's a cataphract so there'll be one cataphract to help us there'll be three people that need to be protected that will be a little bit trickier but i think i think we can handle that especially what's death be shooting at the moment it's up to nine um yeah we gotta give them some more training in well once they finish planting all the crops and slim i'm gonna want you to start putting down some more weapons or some more meals i'm thinking we can now put together fine meals cutting them half and half where is it uh yeah cook fine meals complex dish assembled with care from a variety of ingredients this takes point five nutrition we've been cooking carnivores but she takes 0.75 so it eases off the pressure on our meat and gives us good quality meals to work with all right let's accept that quest now there's two hours left in it i'm kind of torn between the honor and the goodwill problem with the honor is that means we're going to have to start meditating to keep our side focus up and a level one skill is almost useless plus we're trying to get a bunch of research out we'd like to get some flak fest at some point uh i think i'll just take the goodwill and the reason i'm going for the goodwill is because on this difficulty level everyone starts to hate you uh for example minus 50 is the natural goodwill on these minus 60 on the refugee empire meaning that minus 12 is not because of anything we did it's because they just naturally are going to end up going to -60 with us if we don't do something about it same with the teen coalition we're gonna have to start bribing them or something to keep them happy with us all right uh okay we just need to protect whatever this is coming down where's your scrap one piece of slag okay uh i'm gonna guess you're the cataphract and you three are the ones that need to be protected yeah what's your gear oh this is bio-coated zeus hammer never mind you guys don't have anything too good but the cataract oh i'd love that cataract armor if you could get knocked unconscious that would be great we would have to strip you and make them angry with us but for some cataphract armor what quality is this normal quality it's still pretty amazing stuff it's uh insulation is 36 you'd probably have to wear a hat you know what i'm not going to worry about it for now quest we have eight hours before the shuttle is protected taken away so we've got about four hours of work we can do or three hours of work we can do head over there and then at about the fourth hour the attack should start coming in in the meantime uh despie is currently making a unfinished plane leather cape just so that they can grind up some more crafting hard they're crafting the better the chances that we can use this thrombopher to make some good decent art protection we are equipped up and good to go west wise yeah it's about five hours so we want to get over there and start getting into position normally it comes in from the clear closest side of the map so somewhere around here guessing probably over here somewhere uh we want to be in position did i get no smoke launchers we got bolt action i gave despie the charge rifle for the better shot i mean also not a careful shooter careful shooter with a bolt action seems better than a charge rifle it just it upsets potential dps all right let's get in behind here yeah what's the cover on a piece of slag 50 cover effectiveness yeah we could probably use that forever depending on where they come from we might just move that a little bit and use it as a piece of cover oh all right what are we facing all right we're facing someone who's pounding down go juice respect gotta gotta understand the hustle uh a lunatic up front with a knife a bolt action with a pack what's your shooting skill eight yeah we need to be careful with you molotovs don't go anywhere near the guy with the models in fact that is a high priority target if that starts setting people on fire we're dead uh psychically dull and depressive well we should probably just let you no no no they've got a machine pistol but low shooting skill so priority targets would be molotov person first we're gonna have to like either dance around the people with the close combat weaponry or yeah i'm thinking high priority is the molotovs and the bolt action problems bolt action won't come in close so we'll probably just have to kill everyone that comes in nearer to us all right you uh create a stockpile right there and actually um i think you just didn't know what we're going to do is move it over to that point tessby good job buddy i want you to position yourself right there that gives despi some cover and then slim should be behind the corner of the shuttle which should give them some defense maybe or a little bit more there you go uh i want you to actually priority target that person gee what's your accuracy chance at that distance 36 what you're actually sending this distance 45 you know what fine go for the closer target okay i think that one's gonna have a bad day uh they're not on any size of gold juice uh you jade you are not tough you are not on goal juice but i think you need to get at least slowed down i can't have you getting any closer than anyone uh you make sure you take out panda if they get cataract tied up in close combat that could be problematic for us because if that guy gets tied up in close combat it basically drastically reduces his combat damage oh now you can take out molotov's transport pod crash now kind of busy you can be wrong randy i'm grateful but it's oh yeah i'd love to protect those guys but just run you muppets uh sorry about this but you you gotta get in there now oh thank god okay okay that means we just need to focus down the remaining ones who's the most injured you have goal juices you're on goju so no you've got a bad back that means any sort of mobility loss for you you're far more likely to go down and i think if you go down the rest should break i mean they got to also are they any good oh they're bleeding out in five hours but tortured artist permanent minus eight mood effect well that's one and a pessimist so a permanent minus eight and a permanent minus six mood that is um hmm that is just no that is a giant big nope for me what do we got over here sugar hey sugar how you doing 21 hours maybe under grinder and iron world yes incapable of intellectual or crafting not not the worst deal in the world mining construction uh all right then like i'm liking the look of that now they won't join us of their own free will we'll have to imprison them and break them but no we don't have enough space to actually we don't we need a prison cell and all right i'll think about that in a minute i gotta try and survive this first okay you too focused on martinez if we can break martinez just break one of them oh that guy come on come on how how have we like i focused all on this one and yet somehow death in three hours that goal juice is a hell of a drug okay perfect now are you worth trying to kill and you've got three package survival meals on you chemical interest fast learner well we don't really want you because the chemical interest is actually not that bad um psychically dull and depressive you're moving at 0.9 you're not going anywhere uh you we don't want and you might be a potential recruit plus you've got food on you so attack and oh actually this one's not getting away hope is coming after you no one can outrun hope holy jesus was that despi who did that uh let me see the log missing heart caused by casino oh yeah so despi's charge shot an annihilated casino's heart and pierced her torso good all right then uh you are going to get warged and that's actually a bunch of nice meals some survival meals some goat juice a bunch of scrap and oh we might be able to keep you alive we haven't sacrificed someone in a while so i mean executed someone in a while so you'd be an excellent mood boost i mean a tortured artist pessimist what a way to go well we're taking all the prisoners away i just realized uh they're getting hypothermia out here i don't think it'll get bad enough i think it's oh seriously this guy's probably gonna die uh if they hit 60 i think they pass out and that'll fail us the quest oh come on ah okay this shuttle arrives in two hours and a bitter land right beside them else is gonna be a problem and please don't land on all the corpses i kind of want some of those for food poor hope here could do it a snack well she needs to get back inside first she's got hypothermia and we've got two prisoners one we intend on keeping and one do we intend on converting that we're going to need somewhere to store them i've only got 107 steel i need to get inventive about prison rooms well looks like one of them collapsed and they've left behind an excellent bio-coated zeus hammer unfortunately oh please just don't die extreme hypothermia pain plus 30 consciousness max 10 we might have to carry them out uh despite you're going to be going back to carry them to the shuttle you are going to be tending to this crowd you can be tended without medicine actually we'll use herbal we just want to keep you alive just for a split second uh tend panda actually wait they're just a sacrifice so straight to the ideogram oh no if you want to go to the ideogram version of it we need them to be actually conscious so fine we'll give you a little bit of herbal medicine uh shuttle is arriving where are you landing where are you landing perfect okay we need to get them all in why are you close to mental break what is wrong mood terrible observed a bunch of corpses pessimist darkness and slightly environment bodybody frustrated and terrible yeah well it's been a rough week for everyone uh how's panda doing they've got reading it in five hours well in that case drink some psychic tea then get back to prioritized ending yeah despite i'm gonna need you to rescue them or carry them yeah we're gonna get you to carry them and put them into the shuttle i think that works eh how's your health looking you're at extreme oh my god okay okay don't just don't die don't die uh oh there it is carry cushmal land worker to shuttle go for it go for it all right then what are you doing tending to tending to yourself well that's that's great buddy uh glad you're having fun but uh maybe get into the shuttle muppet i'm almost tempted to try and arrest them beca but they're a pyromaniac and a misandrist and actually they're not terrible no no i'm not going to go to war with the empire just so that i can have a pyromaniac on the team that sounds terrible all right how are you doing did you grab your tea yeah you grab your tea and it's just about gonna put you into the 35 break threshold but don't worry soon soon we'll have you better well we were busy scooping up all of this stuff uh this event yeah our first one i've turned off the sun lamp what time is it four o'clock in the morning yeah we've basically drained our entire battery supply uh that's going to be unfortunate uh you continue uh get loaded into the caravan if you wouldn't mind we're gonna be holding prisoners we need ourselves more steel and if we need more steel that means the smelter's coming out we've only got 107 steel we need to build a room so time to start scrapping uh we'll smelt weapons see yeah in fact those four over there will it will not smelt that i will not smelt that and yeah we'll not smelt the molotov cocktails but everything else time to smelt it up oh and that zeus hammer is bio-coated if it wasn't bio-coated i'd keep it but unfortunately it is the plan is pretty dumb we're gonna like just stick a bedroom here on the end and then we're going to be double walling this later so we can have better insulation but right now we just can't afford to double insulate we don't have the steel i've still got silver tied up in walls that i'd really like to rip out but yeah that will be later hey you uh predator is working on steel ball how much are you going to grab 75 yep that seems about right and let's get this done quick then we can stick in a door probably there i'm thinking yeah we're going to need to leave room for double beds all right that was horrifyingly risky our mood is not great our mood is not great but we've got at least a prisoner room and hopefully they don't well okay you got a bit of hypothermia walk it off what's the temperature minus 28 it could be worse um i think i might have to execute panda earlier i really was hoping to get them as far as the ideogram so we could potentially get a point but that's kind of unlikely if we do look at a beginner public execution our chances of getting a spectacular one which would actually give us the point is sixteen percent satisfying is yeah oh well we'll see how long we can hold out the wind is choosing a terrible time to not be windy after that this event we're trying to get more battery power back in i've turned off the sun lamp ages ago still nothing it it's still we can't get enough power just to keep going on the the three heaters we've got and that's it that's the only thing i've got plugged in everything else is plugged out so i'm not sure what we're gonna do we need some wind desperately and yep there goes the hydroponics well fine thanks randy thank you so much it's just your timing is impeccable so we'll turn off all the hydroponics then still listen up come on i bet you're gonna give us a whole bunch of wins now in five minutes just to make up for all of this ah the good old prisoner fights it's been a while since that's happened uh are they doing berserk state melee attacking fat man slim hmm i'm thinking the beatdowns are coming oh and i think we can bring in hope on this one as well and that animal flap's not gonna last so let's open the door oh damn it i wanted to execute that well awkward that is no longer assigned to despite i wonder why also he broke the door well never mind i know exactly what to do we'll just dump some clothing in there for long-term storage and then we'll wall sugar in at some point they're going to get really really really hungry and when they do their boot will collapse all the way below the 2.4 threshold which point to have a 50 50 chance of having a mental break that's either berserk but they're walled in so we're safe or they'll have a crisis of faith which will reduce their faith in their religion either way it helps us one way or another hey look it's more rare thrombose how long has it been since we got the last set of rare thrombos this is like two four six this is the eighth eight triple thrombose now at this point that's what's been here in 94 days when you've been here that long you're probably gonna run into a few all right i think it'll just be the same old same old we pop out shoot if you pop back in again and oh my god what are you doing inside hypothermic stop trying to get yourself killed grab a snack and get back inside and we finally finished the research on plate armor which is great and now we can do flak armor that actually gives us far more survivability if we end up in combat assuming we can get our hands on some cotton which we should be able to plant in the hydroponics though i think right now it's time to do another uh planting of rice in fact i think oh yeah i'm definitely out of time for today all right so we we did it we did a few quests we've got ourselves a potential new recruit all we've got to do is wait until we have a mental break hope it's a faith-based one if it's a faith-based one then what should happen is they should lose 50 of their certainty in moral philosophy which is great because they have a global certainty loss factor of 25 percent ironworld people are incredibly difficult to convert and for some reason we've actually been converting uh despi just a little bit as well they've had their faith reduced by a decent amount fat man's been like you know giving them little sideswipe conversations anyway this is far easier when we have two people also when the thromboe is badly injured as in just you know dementia and stuff makes it a little bit easier to shoot the thing up you know can't run you down for a while there i had been getting nervous about running out of meat we hadn't seen any animals in a long time but that goes a long way towards reassuring me plus you know i think we're going to need to put in another heater but that's all all for the next episode for now i'm gonna cut this out here and hope we get a new recruit for next time so uh good luck do [Music] do [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 55,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, sea ice, Start, Ep1
Id: S4X0BZLkI2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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