I did it again

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I think we can all agree that clicking a button is the most satisfying thing in the world especially when it leads to potentially rare and valuable upgrades eventually we're going to get outstanding amazing things we're going to upgrade two random abilities one of which was my clicking so four points per click while we're at it okay six points per click so far we're very consistent and consistent is not normally something I am I guess we'll also bring in some idle clicking at this point some idle income that way we don't have to work quite so hard when you offered an uncommon pistol you take it we're going to upgrade that pistol there's nothing like a little bit of casual murder to pass the time and then we'll go back to just simply taking more points went from 7 to 11 per click one thing I will take defense plus that gives us more Health but more importantly Health regeneration I'm not saying we're going to get hit but there's a high likelihood that we'll get touched at some point but because we're getting snipers to spawn we are going to need more damage to the pistol that's actually a huge increase common level upgrades but we're going to take more points to take us some 11 all the way up to 20 per click cuz we need to keep upgrading ourselves as well and it's easy when I get into trouble I just need to click cck harder and that's considered my exercise for the day as well we're going to take this student magic book to upgrade two random abilities one of which was the pistol again so this pistol is going to be strong the broken Uzi can be good in the right situation but it kind of desires randomly in all sorts of directions and isn't particularly helpful yet so the pistol can go up with big damage four shots for the pistol now will destroy those guys the shotgun is kind of tempting I think I'm actually going to hold off on that cuz we're going to get more Sharpshooters spawning and that's going to be a lot of pistol work so we're going to go defense Plus for the moment this one is really good to find this early on more choices you can choose between four abilities every time you level up so that gives us a huge chance to find many more rare things so I'm deeming this a good luck run the stuff that Legends are made out of the pistol is just about at the point where three bullets can kill one of the snipers so that's going to be good once it gets there I wouldn't mind some rolls at some point for now we're going to settle for more defense plus cuz health regen is going to be our friend given the choices here I don't want knives cuz nothing's going to get close to us I idle income stupid tiny spikes nothing's going to get that close quick clicks it is I once again upgraded the damage for the pistol so we're doing ever more we're up to 32 so we're getting very close to being able to destroy them quickly here's what I've been looking for you get one reroll every 190 button clicks so not only do we get to roll but we get to roll four things so our odds of getting rare things went up a lot a lot more enemies are starting to spawn so I'm going to need some upgrades for my deagle and maybe a new weapon entirely well I won't say no to that there's an upgrade for our deag we're getting 500 points currently for every enemy we kill so if we could get some more guns and kill some more enemies that would be good but we really need to be careful the stronger we get the stronger they get but we take more pistol damage the pistol's very good for taking out those snipers do we really upgrade the pistol more might as well if it's offering those bullets are getting awfully quick as well and we're able to take out those guys very quickly and that's good cuz those guys are going to be the only thing that can hurt us right now we're definitely going to upgrade our points per click we're going from 44 and adding 76 to that so quicker leveling I don't love a lot of the upgrades here and I'm pretty sure every time we roll we get a higher chance of getting things like that this cannon shoots a big bullet every 16 button clicks it pierces through every enemy and every time it kills something almost 2,000 points I can't even say no to a Giant Cannon I doesn't matter just give me the cannon that's going to lob a big thing like that and especially once it gets upgraded that's going to be a menace it might be a little bit slow now that I look at it but we're going to roll hoping for more legendary wow it actually works we're going to upgrade five random abilities which was the deagle the cannon got an upgrade uh I guess the cannon just randomly spins and shoots in random directions which um I can't really complain with I didn't really read that part of it but it's legendary so I'm not one to complain did we just get a legendary upgrade for a legendary gun I'd say we did that adds n damage to 37 that is a huge increase so that feels good not as good as if it was controllable but that does have very very good penetration and that's really what we're all here to see so we're going to try the reroll magic again wow we're getting very good stuff legendary big sword I mean it doesn't seem to make the enemies any stronger and that's definitely going to help should enemies touch me I'm a little more worried about projectiles currently but having a big sword is just fun on this one I'm going to settle for students magic book that's going to upgrade the sword and our uh HP thing we just got Arena and bullet bounce that means the edge of the thing is now a barrier where bullets will bounce off of until they hit things we can zoom in and out to see this but for now the cannonballs bounce too that actually makes it oh wait the cannonballs ever stop then uh we might have just found something really overpowered uh okay we seem to have five of them bouncing around at any one time but they just continually bounce so I feel like if we just get our Cannon strong enough it's going to be firing Non-Stop and absolutely wrecking everything on the map cuz they are huge and they penetrate but that's good to know they were going to get even more Cannon damage so at any one time there's going to be five cannonballs uh bouncing around the map maybe even six if I can manage to click quicker now we're absolutely destroying everything on the map thanks to our enormous Cannon and we're just going to keep on upgrading that there's another four damage uh which isn't quite 10% but every bit of those is certainly going to help and they're certainly taking out everything on the map I'm going to take the students magic book that's just a bargain oh plus we upgraded our clicking power which is 1,000 on a crit with 354 base click power more Cannon upgrades you shouldn't have they're up to about 60 damage now if I saw that correctly and for reference a lot of these big enemies the little guys definitely have a about 60 HP the bigger ones at most have 260 350 we did also get a rare bouncy Shield I'm going to take that I think that deflects bullets and things around it only covers a quarter so far but that's going to be a big big defense for me other than that pretty much just more Cannon upgrades so we want that to do over 100 damage that way it's just absolutely obliterating every little thing and only takes a few hits for the big ones although it's already kind of there so canon ball plus this small arena is just wildly overpowered now we're going to take upgrade two random abilities one of which was our sword I forgot about our sword it just keeps giving us Cannon upgrades and I'll just keep taking them that's really the only thing we need at this point I did two re rolls the best thing we got is larger Arena which we don't actually want cuz I want those cannon balls bouncing around in a tight little area so we're just going to upgrade the deagle mostly because it's automated so it will just shoot whatever's closest to me and that's going to help keep me safe cuz I don't pay attention to what's around me 55 button clicks we're going to spawn a heart that'll get us some health we're clicking 55 fairly often okay magic book again two abilities going up one is our Shield one is I think crit chance broken Uzi would kind of also be fun right now cuz it's going to do the same thing as a cannon to a smaller degree so we're going to take a risk and do that cuz we're going to spawn more enemies by doing this but we're also going to get more points by doing that and Uzi will only take a few upgrades but right now the whole thing is just an arena of chaos and bullets and damage nothing survives for more than a second currently we're going to improve the cannon some more the more damage it can do the cannon just going to carry us nothing else really matters we do also have a legendary ability every 50 button clicks will shoot a huge quantity of arrows around the button it's only 14 damage I don't know if they bounce off that so I'm actually going to go with a broken Uzi AOS storm might have been something amazing but it also might have been absolute garbage but the uzi for sure is going to add a lot of damage since those cannonballs do seem to be wrecking everything we're actually going to also introduce a shotgun that's going to spawn more enemies but that's going to give us more upgrade points and that's going to give us just more bullets going out to bounce around as well but I think as long as those cannon balls are nice and strong and bouncing around it's not going to matter what enemies are spawn and we will end the shotgun towards the largest cluster of enemies uh at that moment they never last for very long but uh they'll either hit them or they'll bounce off the walls and hit something we're also going to get improve the ability of the dice roll we're going to have a small chance for extra rolls but it's also going to take less clicks to add those chances Wizards book upgrade five random abilities and that upgrade a lot of my weapons not that they needed the help I've been informed that I've defeated over 10,000 enemies to celebrate I'm going to add enormous amount of damage to my my broken Uzi which is going to do some work those bullets don't penetrate but they do fire quite often and they are really making a mess out there guess I should probably increase my clicking power we're going to double that 600 per click although it's going to take 300,000 per level up so we're better off just killing the enemies which we're doing quite well let's add another three damage to the cannon if we get up to 100 damage I'll be happy if we get up to 300 damage everyone will be happy damage is slowing down to two per upgrade but if we get a legendary upgrade that'll be more like six well there is also a rare saw blade I mean we might as well throw that out there as well so now we have a sword endis saw rotating around us I just got that cuz it was rare the cannon balls are still better though simply because they penetrate everything all another five damage sure why not there is a legendary ability that can make us Invincible every once in a while but I honestly don't think that's worth it we're just going to upgrade our shotgun shotguns going up in damage that's actually a big increase those are really big increases cuz they fire so many little bullets so that cluster is actually big swwa of damage and we're going to do that again that bullet damage is actually going to be up to 90 now and it fires those bullets off quite often so there's so much damage out there bouncing around two random abilities going up one of which was the cannon our favorite upgrade in the world uh not sure what that's up to right now but it's clearly wrecking everything out there here we go we get a new weapon and more enemies crossbow every four button clicks shoots a bolt in the aim Direction good not sure if that bounces off things I don't really care what it does I just want more enemies to spawn so we can get more uh points what we're going to need here is simply more Cannon damage the amount of damage per cannon ball out there is absolutely insane we are starting to get a little bit of harder enemies to spawn but they're still getting absolutely destroyed here's a good upgrade for a bouncy shield now we're going to be 50% covered students magic book two upgrades going up one of which was our Uzi one of which was our clicking power both super super good I think this will officially put our Uzi damage over 100 so that feels pretty good uh the uzi I think of the little green bullets firing around I'm not sure which ones they are but they're out there doing a lot of damage more Cannon damage even that one's getting close to 100 now so that's going to be good and more damage again for cannons we can actually zoom out if you want to see this on a smaller scale we basically just created a meat grinder for enemies they just spawn and just get Ground Up by cannon balls and absolutely wrecked we're also going to upgrade the Shotgun by a massive amount of damage and that's actually going to make a pretty big difference the shotgun does actually follow my clicking so I get to aim at at what for enemies so the big cluster of big enemies gets absolutely wrecked ham I mean I guess I'll take that every 15 button clicks spawns a hammer that damages and stuns enemies yes I assume that stuns all of them that is legendary so I'm pretty sure that's going to have big effects on the enemies oh it actually spawns right on me I was looking for it oh there's also a Mythic you can now freely control the button using WD to move around the arena oh okay great also Point drop never seen this before enemies will drop points when defeated points are wor 200 200 % of a button click and we have up to 3% chance of getting Mythic which is worth extra extra extra and now we can move around and get right up an enemies faces if we want to either like this or we can press Tab and the camera will follow us along so we can actually bring our sword to the enemies if we want to so that adds a new wrinkle to the whole thing not sure if it's worth it to be out here another Mythic ability time will stop every 160 button clicks for 3 and 1 half seconds that's another one that feels wildly overpowered at this point considering how strong we already are everything's going to for 3 and 1 half seconds that allow me to just go sort everything in the face our gem drop ability I think is based off our points per click so we need that to go up that way we can get even more experience cuz we're not strong enough yet clearly pretty sure I can just March through the enemies at this point I could just oh oh time stopped oh I see we can charge up a bunch of shots and once time is released everything gets released all right well we're going to increase our Point drop again because why wouldn't we look at all the gems underground we're killing a lot of enemies that's our main source of income at this point so yeah off we go I am a wandering ing orb of Doom we're going to get a rarity increase and basic Point increase again we're going to build up some shots and we're release them all look at all the shotgun shots uh let's increase our points per click again that's going to give us 5,000 per click and that's going to give us certainly more on the gems as I understand that broken uy can go up to 108 damage in total which is absolutely absurd at this point how about this for absurd weird egg choose one ability you have acquired so far this ability will be upgraded every time you level up so our Canon is going to be leveled up every time we level up maybe we should have used that can we use that on the weird egg itself that would have been fun but yeah every time we level up now the cannon is getting leveled up but we could have use that on all sorts of abilities well I guess if you're going to offer us a rare shotgun upgrade we have to take it cuz we can fire massive ver of shotguns that destroy absolutely everything pretty sure with a run like this we can just go forever and get literally every upgrade in the universe watch his giant blast of damage we're going to fire down it absolutely wrecks everything and speaking of which we need to keep going with our points because the higher those goes the more all of those beautiful beautiful gems will'll be worth but we've got that about caught up cuz we'd only add uh 400 points to our click so that's basically keeping up with itself so we'll take two random abilities leveled up shotgun and HP plus our Cannon is forever upgrade we're about to absolutely wreck that skull in front of us and everything in that direction I really do enjoy uh how much we're still leveling up like we're at level 100 and have like no sign of slowing down I don't know what I did to deserve this luck today but I go buy a lottery ticket button ritual every 165 button clicks spawn a ritual in a random position walk over and touch it to upgrade a random ability so every 165 clicks we get something leveled up which might also automatically level up our cannon at this point I'm not really sure oh I forgot there was another legendary weapon uh the cannon damage is up to 108 at this point and it auto levels so we're definitely taking the MP4 that means more enemies too 226,000 points per enemies killed with the MP4 oh look what we're spawning now he gets a he health bar oh there's the ritual we got to make it here and once we do something gets leveled up I don't know if it says what but we'll just happily pick that up and not complain uh Point drop is going up once again because that's just a good investment in our future the more we level up the faster the bigger a cannon gets I love this charge up of uh Power two look at all those bullets we definitely better increase our Point intake plus our Cannon just got stronger got to make it down to that portal touch that and oh our clicking power got stronger it does tell you what upgrade you get we're going to increase our roll it's going to give us more chances for more things less less clicks to get there too all the r rolles we have a lot of good choices we're obviously going to take Point drop the big boss can survive for just a second depending on the uh location of the cannonballs and that's completely unacceptable to me so we clearly need a lot more damage but we're going to see what we get upgraded with this that was our saw blade and we're going to launch a whole bunch of damage at the big boss at this point and got him we're going to get more points from our gems the REO was tempting there but the more we can REO the more uh better stuff we're going to going to find anyway but either way we're just getting stronger and every level our Cannon gets bigger our Cannon damage is up to 124 plus if we I don't know add a legendary upgrade to that that'll suddenly put up to 137 for the first time there I felt the game have a little bit of a hiccup this one's actually a bit of a tough one but when you think about it this ritual uh is going to show up more often it's going to last longer so it's going to make up for the five abilities anyway that's five free abilities that's 100 free abilities long term and explosion of damage things were dead before the explosion of damage even got there started disappointing in a way really really doesn't need any upgrades it's already overpowered but you know what we're going to do it anyway and the button ritual is leveling up again even less clicks and last for even longer if it does spawn when I'm on the far side of the map sometimes I do miss it but for the most part I hit it and that's just easy level UPS again and again and again I just realized how fast the cannonballs are getting too they are just zooming around wrecking absolutely everything in existence what I really like so far is that abilities don't really seem to have the ability to max out they can just keep keep going and going and going like we're up to 500% basic points and 500% uh Rarity increase and that seems to have no signs of slowing down there also a legendary dice roll ability that's going to put the button clicks way down and huge extra reroll chance a short while later we also got another legendary dice roll so that's going to knock our clicks way down and actually give us a really good chance of extra rolls and we keep getting things like this upgrade five random abilities sure there we go we didn't need those but we sure wanted them the cannon balls damage is up to 227 at a 202 speed that's why they bounce around like a real bullet when the time stop happens there's no enemies to even fire up cuz they're already dead my fun idea now is to see how low we can get the uh button ritual to it's already under 150 clicks and that gives us a free upgrade continuously here's one we can appreciate legendary ability we can now choose between five abilities every time I level up that's even more good choices for me this feels a little better and combined with our all of our rolls we're going to get we're going to get a lot of good Cho choices I just got a legendary upgrade for the button ritual so that's going to knock 12 clicks off the amount uh we need to make it spawn I got a legendary upgrade for my legendary upgrade it's going to add another big sword so I'm dual wielding swords that definitely something I needed the game hasn't broken yet though so we've still got a long ways to go we just hit level 200 and I feel like we're a little bit stronger than the enemies still to be fair they have been evaporating for the past 100 levels and we're only getting stronger all the numbers are getting very big though and I think feel like the game has to give up at some point and our button ritual is down to 93 clicks for it to spawn so every 93 clicks we get a free upgrade uh never mind that was immediately followed up with their legendary version so every 81 clicks we get a free upgrade that's getting pretty absurd okay we' definitely maxed out button ritual because uh it will not go below 77 clicks at least not on a basic upgrade and that's s because I was really hoping I could get that down to a single click so every time we clicked we got a free upgrade that would make the game quit and thanks for a brilliant invest our leveling is still going really really strong that green bar is consistently going up I've also realized at this point I could probably just set an auto clicker right here and it will disc continually take me everywhere I need to go because it can of all sort of work for themselves and I'll just automatically buy an upgrade I don't need the floating upgrades anymore so we'll just kind of go like this and uh just sort of see what happens I want to point out that I have not used an auto clicker up until this point I did this all on manual clicking so that's just how overpowered I was now we've gone a little bit Beyond overpowered might have to turn my auto clicker down a little bit H the game will probably be fine I'll just let it run like this uh we're up to 30 uh rolls so that's helpful but we're not picking the upgrade anyway whatever happens to be right there is the upgrade we're taking you see it really doesn't matter what upgrade we take cuz every one of those levels up upgrades those cannon balls we have like 30 of them kicking around so far which disintegrate everything they touch I'm level 260 and this is the first time I've seen double tap every single button click act as two clicks we already clicking pretty quick so this is going to be fun so I'm pretty sure even without the auto clicker things are going to go absolutely bananas uh the enemies can't survive for long enough to do anything at this point anyway since the Thanos double click ability the game is really struggling I did also find a new gun that I haven't rolled this entire time so that means even more enemies spawning for even more experience plus more bullets going out there to you know do that damage I wasn't sure if I could get another weird egg but I sure can choose one ability that You' have acquired so far this ability will be upgraded every single time you level up I mean I already have 100 reels so I don't really need need any more of those so maybe we'll just go with the gem upgrade cuz then the more times we level up the more experience we're going to gain and that's just going to grow in on itself endlessly I suspect the game isn't going to last a whole lot longer from this point anyway it seems to be having a smidge of trouble but here's another one we haven't got yet skull Harvest Mythic the button will consume the skull of every enemy defeated which is a lot each skull consumed gives a really small upgrade to a random ability yes at the rate we're uh you know killing things and collecting skulls I feel like good things are about to happen I've also disabled a lot of the effects and stuff going on just so the game could run a little smoother and it's so far it's much quicker it's still struggling a little bit but it's doing its best the cannon by the way is up to 500 damage well I feel like I've really Hur the game and accomplish something here today while unleashing a hor to damage on the enemies so let's let's try ending number three against the angry Champions I just hope we're strong enough to take them out but we'll find out very shortly uh I guess that's them over there uh we currently in a pause to build up some damage and we're about to fire a whole bunch of damage at that thing if the game doesn't break all right okay we can't hurt that one as it turns out no health bar got it soon as the game catches up with itself well they evaporated all right mission [Music] accomplished [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 311,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -uSswka7LN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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