How To Respond To Being Mistreated | Pastor Marco Garcia

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[Music] today what we're going to do is we're going to start off in prayer and then we're going to be going into a new series and we're going to be talking about how do we respond to being mistreated it's part of life there's going to be times in your life that you're going to be hurting you're broken mistreated and you say well how do i respond to that our greatest pain and our greatest hurt has has not happened when we cut ourselves or broke a leg or something like that the greatest pain that we've ever experienced is the pain on the other side of someone that's hurt us betrayed us lied to us abused us that hurts relationship pain and a lot of us are experiencing some of that pain and and i think the united states of america maybe the world is acknowledging man there's some pain out there that's been caused by just people and we're going to pray for that also there was a police officer today that was ambushed in santa cruz california and and what they did they called a 9-1-1 call on them so he went to respond and they said someone's looting a van and it was all a setup they had explosives in the van they shot him and he was trying to he got shot in the hand he was trying to run he got hit by a car he's 38 years old and he left his he had a wife pregnant wife and a little little child as well and 38 years old he's gone now why do we talk about every side of everything because we're a church and we love every single person you guys understand that every single you know what what prejudice what prejudice is is this you take a group of people and you put them all as a group and you never treat them as human beings as individuals and every single person has value but it's really easy to say i don't like that group and then and you know when we do that we're saying is we're trying to make it easy to be hateful to say wrong things because they're no longer people they're just a group they're just black and they're just white and they're just hispanic all those people and we put them in a group that's prejudice and that's racism and it's the same thing with our police officers when we're in trouble you know what we do we call them please help come over i'm in danger and because we've had some of us have had some bad experiences with some some police officers it's so easy to say they're you know they're all like that but it's not true they're fighting for they're fighting they're fighting out there they're scared they're scared out there especially now there's a bull's-eye on them and and for some reason they had a plan to kill this guy that they don't even know why they treated him as just a person or not a person just a he's a police officer he's just wearing blue he's not a real person and they killed him and today his wife was pregnant she's expecting there's a little child at home that won't grow up with his father we're praying for all these injustices and we understand george floyd was an injustice and i've heard people say well you know he was you know he was a criminal you understand that right well i understand this that the the bible give give an example there was a lady in the bible that was caught in the very act of adultery and she was a sinner and the price for that sin in those days all the religious people came across was death so they all had stones and they were ready to kill her and it was the it was religious law to kill her and they came to jesus and it says you know what the law says she's committed adultery we caught her in a very act just think about that they caught her in a very act of adultery and they they pull her through the streets naked and this is what they do is shame her and then they throw her on the ground and they put it right in front of jesus jesus looks looks around i'm sure he looks at her and the scripture says he just starts riding in the ground we don't know what he's riding he might just be thinking and then he looks up he goes why don't we do this he without sin casts the first stone so whoever one of you that's never sinned that you're perfect go ahead and stoner well the scripture says these were religious leaders this wasn't like outsiders these were religious leaders they were supposed to be protecting the people and what they were doing was hurting them through religion and they want each one at a time to start dropping their stones and then they walked away and then jesus turned to her honey where are your accusers now and he said they're all gone and then jesus said neither do i accuse you honey and i want you to get this he looked at her through eyes of mercy and love [Music] and what we do we see someone like george floyd for those that still don't get it and we start thinking well you know he shouldn't have been rob and he should have been you're missing it you're not looking at him through eyes of mercy and love and compassion we need to start putting ourselves in other people's shoes and start stop using blanket statements and putting everybody in groups because what we're doing is de-personalizing them so we could abuse them and say whatever we want to say it doesn't work that way people are hurting that could be your father that could be your son that could be that could be your brother that could be you if you're begging i can't breathe and start crying just crying to your mother what would you want you'd want someone to save you protect you because i knew i i just said i because i didn't i watched part of the video and when i heard him i can't breathe i know what i would have did if i was in that situation i would have just start crying like i'm serious i can't breathe i'm dying please please i'd start crying and begging for my life and i'd call on jesus and i'll do everything i could that'd be it that's all i could do and all these situations it's just brought up a lot of pain a lot of hurt and what we're doing right now is we're being sensitive we're being sympathetic we're being understanding someone say understand this because what we've done we've understand our we've understood our group but we're having a hard time understanding somebody else's group because we're not putting ourselves all in the same group we're all in the same group because he said well how do you know we're part of the same brew the bible says we're all one blood we come from one blood so you know what that means you bleed red i bleed red that's life and what god is doing is bringing us all together now i said let's be a community and let's start in the church right now the world is what it is but the church needs to be what it's supposed to be if there's going to be healing and there's going to be breakthrough there's going to be love it needs to start right here you guys get that start right here every person up here different races colors ages out here on t right now and watch parties colors race we come from different backgrounds but we're worshiping god together and we are one family under one father and the one god and and we're gonna love everybody no one's gonna be excluded because jesus didn't exclude anybody police officers we're going to pray for them we're going to pray for our leaders if you're a democrat or republican you pray for the democrats and you pay for the republicans come on i just said let's let's understand we gotta we gotta pray we're gonna get rid of all this crazy division we don't need to reflect our society we need to reflect on the kingdom you guys get that now society the kingdom we're one family we love you and we all have backgrounds and maybe things that we're ashamed of in the past thank i just thank god that we've been forgiven and let's stop holding each other accountable for the past in the sense of you know if god forgave him why don't we just let him go let's stop holding people to the past and say look god forgave you i forgive you let's move on isn't that the loving graceful thing merciful thing to do let's pray let's pray and let's pray for our nation let's pray for our homes let's pray for our hearts let's pray for um sergeant damon father and his family father we just thank you lord that you're uniting us and and you know i see on the news a lot of division but i'm like one but i'm not seeing that in my neighborhood and i'm not seeing that in our church this is what i am seeing i'm seeing the community coming together i'm seeing conversations that never were they weren't safe but they're safe today i see father god all of us father working together as a family saying we care we care about the blacks the whites the police officers we we care we care about the hispanics we care about the age we care about humanity we thank you lord and we come against the spirit of racism that makes a race feel that they're superior to another race we know that's a spirit of division and destruction the enemy created that spirit to bring division and families bring division and neighborhoods bring division and all the results is death and anger and hate we got brothers and even the same race grew up in the same neighborhood and they're divided red and blue south and north this street in that street father forgive us lord forgive us lord forgive us lord for allowing that spirit to be in our hearts and hating people and we just put them in a group and we hate you or kill you just because you're part of that group father forgive us forgive us our forgive our nation because the foundation of this nation we can't ignore it there was slavery and somebody said when i was three you know 200 years ago a long time ago father it wasn't so long ago and it doesn't matter it's still something we need to work through and there's still healing needs to be done we thank you lord we just thank you because i think all of us father one time or another have put people in groups and not like them forgive us lord and father we pray for sergeant damon and his his wife father he he's moved on to eternity but we pray for his wife that you would comfort and strengthen her and that you would be the god that she turns to and you would strengthen her and that that child that she already has and the one that's coming the father they'll be raised in the house of god and serve you and live for you and and father become your ministers and your witness in these last days we pray for all the police officers right now and their families that are really scared right now of course they're active strong as they can but father there's a bullseye on them right now and we come against every spirit of violence and murder and father and all those things of the enemy we bind that spirit in the name of jesus and we thank you lord that you bring unity in our church we could father god and keep this unity in our church we're aware we're one we're one family we love you and we love each other father save our cities save our country do miracles cause a revival we give you all the honor and the glory jesus said we pray amen let's give the lord a hand at home as well thank you thanks for tuning in and our pattern right now is on sunday mornings right now we're not we're not fully open but on sunday mornings um you come here as we start opening up sunday mornings we come to the house of god that's what we do i've learned this if you're going to succeed in life the pattern that you're living now is going to determine your success if you have a bad pattern you'll have bad results and one of the things we want to have as a staple is coming to the house of god on sunday morning 9 11 or 1 and worshiping together on wednesday nights we're not right now we're not opening up the building wednesday nights you know what we do have a watch party in our house and the reason we're doing that and i'm not rushing to open up on wednesday nights i don't want to lose god's presence in your house i want your house to be a church a place where you get together with your family and you pray together we watch the sermon together you're able to ask your you're able to disciple your children and say son daughter what did you learn from this lesson today or from this teaching those conversations we've lost in america we've been so busy in front of our tvs just watching tv we're so busy being entertained that we've forgotten to just have some conversations about god in our homes and we're not going to lose our homes we're going to use our homes as a church help me understand that your home is a church so wednesday nights you have church where in your home with your family and it's great invite some of your neighbors invite some of your close family members and and then afterwards you know what you do is just have have some have some food you just have a little barbecue or have some you know tacos or burritos or whatever you want to have some ribs barbie i'm getting hungry right now but the idea is it's called fellowship we break bread together and i believe we'll reach more people doing that in your personal homes and your neighborhoods than we'll reach just having church here on a sunday but most of all i care about your homes and i want to make sure we have god's presence in our home so instructions sundays we come to worship together and i know right now we're not all doing that we have watched parties at home beautiful and for some reason you can't get here you have a watch party on sunday morning on wednesdays we have a watch party at home you have 168 hours a week give god two of them that's all we're asking it's around an hour and something on wednesdays an hour on sunday something on sundays two hours two hours and a half to give god out of the 168 hours a week i think that's a good investment how many believe we should be intentional about it so okay so today we're going to be talking about how to respond to being mistreated um uh when we're talking about mistreatment uh you can't i'm gonna give you some facts fact number one you we can't control people's behavior but we can control our response and i think we start focusing on the wrong side of the ledger if you're focusing on trying to control people you're always going to be frustrated you're always going to be angry you can't control people's behavior but you can control your response is your response a spiritual response is your response a scriptural response because if it's not understand you will not get good results god gives us instructions on how to deal with being treated unfairly now we could get angry the bible says but don't sin so look at the script let's look at the scripture so well how do i sin what shows us here in ephesians 4 26 it says this and don't sin by letting anger control you so how do you sin when you're when you've been mistreated and you're angry how do you sin you let the anger now control you that means you're not in control anymore the anger is now in control and it goes on to say don't let the sun go down while you are still angry for anger anger for anger gives a foothold to the devil now let's look at this our response is going to determine whether god is going to be in control or the devil is going to be in control now how does the devil get control this is how he does it you got hurt someone said something that was unfair you know you were treated unfairly you're angry this is where you sin you're ready to go to bed and when you go to bed you're not thinking you're thinking this i'm gonna get them back tomorrow you're thinking man they mess with the wrong person and now you're going to bed with wrath you know what wrath is wrath is greater than anger anger is an emotion you're upset but wrath goes on to say it goes on to talk about payback and now you're thinking how you're gonna get them back they got to pay to what for what they did to me and if you're thinking payback and it could be a silent treatment it could be whatever you're thinking but slashing their tires talking about them going on facebook i'm gonna retaliate and you go to bed with retaliation this is what the scripture said you sinned but it's even deeper than that you just gave a room for the devil to operate in your home in your life in your mind this is what it does when you're angry and you're holding on to resentment and you're holding on to a grudge this is literally what's happening satan is now in control he's in control of your life your destiny and you cannot fulfill god's purpose when you're under the control of a spirit of anger and unforgiveness so you can't control what they did but you can control how you respond and you know what's so crazy about someone hurts you and you don't forgive and you don't let it go and and you hold on to the grudge you know what's so bad about it is the person that hurts you now owns you the person that hurts you what now owns you well how did i know they own you because they're owning your emotions they're owning your thinking they're owning your behavior you can't stop thinking about them they own you but not only do they own you the enemy owns you and now the results i want you to get this the results you're gonna get are not god's results you're gonna start getting the devil's results in your life and what does the devil do he's out to what kill steal and destroy remember you cannot control people's behavior but we can control our response so what are we supposed to do when someone is treating us unfair it's simple every day you take inventory there shouldn't be a day that you go to bed angry you should before you put your head on that pillow you take inventory if you're mad or you're upset at someone this is what you do before you close your eyes it's what you do you forgive them what do you do you forgive them and bless them you let them go say pastor i'm not going to let them go they got to pay for what they did you because this is an issue with that when you let that go you let yourself go you you allow yourself that peace you allow yourself to be happy you allow yourself to dream you allow yourself to move forward you allow yourself to prosper you allow yourself to succeed it's good because once you're under anger do you think you're going to be sharing your faith with anybody the problem when you're under the control of anger you're not sharing your faith with anybody you're not shining a light you're only going to share your anger and the worst thing about it your message changes you no longer talk about jesus and how powerful he is you're not talking about the person that hurts you they're occupying your mind you're you go to bed you start dreaming about them let them go don't let no one control you like that and don't let the devil control your life we're responsible for our response stay with me we're responsible for our response okay now so that's the the first fact fact number two believers have have been given have been empowered by the holy spirit i'm doing this slow believers have been empowered by the holy spirit to be a witness under the deepest levels of mistreatment believers have been empowered i'm doing this slow by the holy spirit you have to power through the holy spirit to be a witness under the deepest levels of mistreatment the holy spirit does not give us just the power to to witness he gives us the power to be a witness say with me be a witness it's something it's not i witness i am a i am that's who i am it's my identity so let's look at acts chapter one verse eight we're going to look at this scripture and and we this scripture is a key scripture in the book of acts it's a real it's a pivotal scripture in the book of acts believers are empowered at this moment in this scripture jesus has given him a promise i'm going to give you the power power to be a witness and you might be asking what is a witness we're going to cover that and why it's so important to be a witness but let's look at act acts chapter 1 verse 8 but you will receive power what do we receive when the holy spirit comes upon you the holy spirit brings power the holy spirit what brings what that means it's not your power it's his power now if he's empowering you through his spirit that means you're going to be able to do what you otherwise couldn't do on your own believers are without excuse because we have the power we have the power to forgive we have the power to love we have the power to overcome we have the power to get through a challenge we have the power you need to know that the holy spirit is giving you power because you could be claiming just your weaknesses and you're not claiming your power you're focusing on your inabilities instead of focusing on the ability that god has given you i'm just a mere human no you're not you are a supernatural being full of the power of god we need to start identifying that and get identifying with god's strength in our lives of course we identify our weaknesses but god's strength is made perfect in our weakness but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere i want to just talk about these two words power and witness i'm not rushing through this because if you don't understand the word power and witness everything else i'm going to share in this whole series is going to kind of be confusing or it's just going to be good help for relationships there's a purpose that god is giving you power let's discuss the word power it's a greek word and it's pronounced dynamis it's where we get the word dynamite dynamite explosive power in you so this is what the word power means it means divine ability and strength the word divine is means this god what does divine mean so it's god's ability and strength you and i have god's ability and strength if you don't know that you're going to start thinking that you need to live for god on your own strength and you know what happens when you try to do it on your own strength you white knuckle it you're trying to be religious you're trying to be the best that you can because you're dependent on your strength it's not your strength that's what the bible says not by might not by your might not by strength but by the my spirit saith the lord not by my nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord so we're gonna do it through god's spirit we're gonna impact this world through god's spirit we're gonna live right through god's spirit we're gonna preach the gospel through god's spirit we're gonna do a watch party through god's spirit we're gonna overcome through god's spirit we're everything through the spirit of god we need the holy spirit so jesus told them i don't want you to leave this city of jerusalem or don't when you i want you to go to jerusalem and when you get there i don't want you to leave there until you get empowered by the holy spirit receive power so power means that i'm still there divine ability and strength god's ability and strength for for what performing miracles say with me i'm a miracle worker you got to see that because i think at times you look at your pastors or your leaders as miracle workers but you never see yourself as a miracle worker and as a believer full of the holy spirit god you're here to introduce people to the supernatural power of god do you know when someone gets born again and saved that's a miracle that you see people that were strung out for 10 years depressed for 20 years they come to know jesus they're set free from drugs from one day to the next they're is gone they have joy they're in the same problem but they're overcoming they're speaking differently they're talking different when they're talking different living differently he said whoa how'd that happen the power of jesus the power of the holy spirit someone said we're miracle workers [Applause] got to know that remember last week we said that god continues his work through us the word power also means this power i mean living a godly immoral life so god gives you the power to live a moral and godly life you could do this anything is a standard in the word you can live up to it through the power that he gives you and also his power to influence others for christ i depend on the power of the holy spirit to touch you i don't it's not my power i'm not depend on my part to influence you i'm dependent on the power of god's spirit to transform your life today and everyone that's watching i'm not in that living room but the holy spirit is in that living room right we the other day a buddhist was watching one of our members said hey you know the church isn't open could you just watch us online so he watches us online and after he watches us online the power to influence him to become a believer happened so our member called him up and said hey what's going on what do you think he goes man i'm going to tune in every week he was speaking to me it wasn't me speaking to him he was the holy spirit speaking to him that same holy spirit is in you that's what we need to stop trying see if you don't depend on the holy spirit you know what you depend on manipulation some of us are really good manipulators you put pressure on people if you don't do this i'm not gonna do this right and you use manipulation trying to control people or change them you cannot control change people through manipulation you could only change their behavior for a moment but you can't change their hearts if you need a miracle and the only one that can do that miracle is the power of the holy spirit but he does work through you say one more time i'm a miracle worker right you got to know that and it also means power to live a moral life to influence others for christ it means power resting on armies power rests in our armies you know what this means is that you have the power to overcome whatever resistance is coming against you you can resist it in the name of jesus there was a young man yesterday as we're walking the streets and doing our prayer march they said where were we doing the prayer match we're doing the prayer march in the very area where all the looting and all the the atrocities in our city happen and we were praying and on those same streets and we're praying and i saw a young a young man that i met on the street and i saw him and i just stopped he was just looking at us so i stopped and i and i said hey how you doing he's all right and i began to i began to speak into his life do you know i asked him what his name was and and he told me his name and i said do you know that you're not an accident that god loves you do you know that god loved you so much that he sent his son to die for you so you could be forgiven so you could be set free so you could have a new life and when i started saying that tears came down in his eyes why would tears come i'll tell you why the power of the holy spirit was touching him he now had a battle in his soul i talked to this young man and and i found out i mean he had infection in his body and his ears were swollen his body is sleeping on the streets i found out he's been bit by pincher bugs and he's been infected he's just he's just in a mess and i told him do you know that we could help you get off the street right now we got a men's home we'll help you get off the street and you know what he told me he's you know he's he's right now feeling the presence of god but there's a voice in him that tells him not now you got to fix some stuff before you do that and i told him you don't have to fix anything you just come the way you are and the holy spirit will fix you he'll help you right and he goes i don't know if i'm ready i go okay i go will you just allow me to pray for you then he goes okay so i prayed with him and you know he's just shaking and fighting and i i can steal when i'm praying for him there's demonic activity and after i pray with him this is what he tells me he says there's a lot of people that don't like what you're saying and they want to kill you as they told me like i already knew that it's not a lot of people it's a lot of demons that's what it was he was hearing the demons like shut this guy up don't let him pray for you we don't like the power we don't like the message because this message is causing us to tremble this message we're losing ground stop it now say pastor are you freaked out no because we have the power of an army to drive out the other army and take over territory stop being scared of the devil greater is he that's in you that he that is in the world [Applause] why are we covering this because you must know your identity and in christ and the power that's available to you so we have power stay with me we got power the word power also means abundance and this is what it means is that god will give you the power of armies to overcome whatever armies are coming against you whatever spirits are coming against you but he also gives you the resources to do whatever he's called you to do as a believer this is what he's saying you'll never be in lack as you're carrying my mission because i give you the power of abundance jesus knew the power of abundance that he had because he says just give me the little you have the five loaves and two fish good enough for me bring them and i'll just put my power of abundance and we just start multiplying the thing do you understand you could be focused and say i don't have enough i don't have enough and you forgot that you have another source your source is not enough your bank account's not enough your job but not might not be enough come on but there's a god that's more than enough and he's saying the power i'm giving you is explosive power even when it comes to resources now power to be a witness stay with me power to be a power to be a a witness so let's cover what a witness is a witness it means to testify testify means to give evidence of christ i think one of the greatest ways that we can testify and give evidence of christ is when we're treat when we when we are being treated unfairly i think a lot of us are wondering god use me bring me someone i can share my faith with and then god brings you 10 people that are rude he brings you 10 people that are rude 10 people that are like like slightly abusive 10 people that are inconsiderate and you're saying man god i'm being attacked by the devil no you said you wanted opportunity because the very people that are mistreating you are the ones you're supposed to reach some of you are in a job and there's people that are rude and you want to leave the job and god says you're not supposed to leave the job you're supposed to reach them with my love so being a witness is not just talking being a witness is loving the unlovable people that they would see how do you love me when everybody else rejects me they fight me they want nothing to do with me i've dished out everything that i have and this is the issue you're not responding all i'm seeing is you're still patient you're still loving me you're still praying for me you're still blessing me what's going on someone say evidence evidence give evidence of christ so now when you go home wife you got an opportunity let's start with your home start with your husband my husband you don't treat me right that old dog i get it but this is what you're saying so when he goes home he says where you been and then you say duh at church [Music] dummy where do i go on sunday but church i told you before i left i was going to try are you deaf oh my gosh and then you start saying well you know he doesn't want to come to church he don't want to serve god i don't know what's god because he sees no evidence [Music] you're supposed to be given evidence of christ the only evidence that he sees is that you've not changed the only evidence that he sees that's just a waste of time and if everybody's like you why would i want to read a place like that oh lord he's getting quiet and all of a sudden [Applause] right honey he don't say honey he says how come you didn't cook today i was at church well i want some food and you say well slave days are over why you got two hands why don't you get your own food if you want to marry a chef you said a married chef i ain't one [Applause] [Music] and you don't realize as you keep doing that the very person you're supposed to reach you're not reaching you're showing no evidence that christ is alive in your life one of the greatest ways that you can be a witness is being under persecution and it doesn't change your love it doesn't change your faith it doesn't change your message message it doesn't change your character you're still loving you're still preaching life you're still blessing them you're still hoping for you're still praying for them you're still you're still there mistreatment it's a great opportunity if you look at jesus prepared the disciples to be witnesses to be able to handle deep mistreatment and still keep their faith and still love and still keep the message of jesus christ on their tongue he trained him to do that let's keep on going a little bit we'll talk about the wife and the husband a little bit later how we're supposed to do it those who after his example this is witness those who after his example have proved someone say prove the genuineness of their faith in christ by undergoing a suffering to the point of a violent death proof that your faith is real for some people they when they see how you respond to suffering or persecution do you understand this that the american church has been living in what i call la la land because there's people all over the world they're being persecuted for their faith they're dying their family members are dying in front of them they're being shot they're being killed right in front of them and all they have to do is renounce their faith and they don't do it and they're dying for their faith how could they die for their faith this is how they die for their faith they're empowered to be able to handle as deep suffering and even to the point of death and still be a witness there's some people that will not believe in god until they see how you handle mistreatment you guys get that there's some people you're mad at and god says let go of the mat let go of the anger those are the people i'm trying to get you to reach and while you're not forgiving them this is what's happening i can't reach them so your husband says where's the food he say honey what would you like to eat i would love anything you want i'm i'm here i just finished church and i'm all yours somebody somebody's like oh my gosh someone's going through exercise right now deliver me honey what would you like wow like this and i would like that you should have did it already don't worry about it i'll get it fast i can't for you love you just have a seat would you like anything to drink so so you want them saved but you don't want to serve you want them saved but you don't want to show the love of god you want them safe but you want to you don't want to show me the evidence that christ is in you well you don't deserve it you didn't deserve it either jesus didn't wait till you got right to die on the cross for you he goes oh now they're okay let's go while you were yet a sinner spit it in his face want nothing to do with him he was dying for you because he loves you that much and it was that it was that kindness and that mercy and that love that drew you to him that he would love you in your worst condition everybody else rejected you everybody else didn't believe in you but there was a god that believed in you and sent his only son to die for you what a good god what a merciful god god what a loving god and god is saying i did it for you why won't you do it for him or her let it go do you not understand that they're angry and they're upset and they're hurting you because they're hurting and they need healing you understand because until you understand them and realize that there's a time you got to love the hate out of them the hate will continue being there right okay honey any after you give him you give him the the thing the food and they put his tea anything you need i'll be right here for you honey would you like anything on tv you want to watch some of you guys right now like this is crazy what is this you know what this is this is serving somebody if you are a waitress at a at a diner you would give that kind of service if you would give that kind of service for a 12 or 13 hour job why wouldn't you give that service to your old family could it be that you're giving better service at your job to your boss then you are your own family and then we wonder why no one's getting saved someone said be a witness now we're getting the nitty-gritty because now we're talking about you mean that's what it means to be awareness you got to give evidence of christ you mean serving somebody is a witness yes serving someone that's mean as a witness yes servant someone that's mistreated me that's being awareness of course because that makes you totally different right you guys get that so it means uh it means even to the point of death now we need the holy spirit not to deny christ we're going to end it with this under pressure you know peter in the bible said this jesus told him peter before jesus goes to the cross because peter you're going to deny me three times before the rooster crows and peter says not me maybe one of those chumps that you you recruited one of those disciples but not me i'm west side gangster i'm with you to the end we died together right so that's what he was doing and then he goes no jesus jesus no you're going to deny me not me i i don't even know what you're saying not me though well this is what happened a little jesus is rested now and now a little girl comes up to to peter it wasn't like a big soldier a little girl and she says um were you with with jesus he goes no little girl and he walks away with his gangsta walk denial number one another girl comes at him says um i think i saw you with jesus i'm sick and tired of all you little girls associating me with him i was not with jesus got me [Laughter] he walks away again he's asked one more time i think you were with jesus you sound like him you talk like him and then peter goes off and he starts cussing he denies jesus he goes blank playing blank plank i don't even know jesus says i don't know why you all bringing all this stuff up and the scripture says at that moment jesus locks eyes with him the rooster crows jesus locks eyes with him jesus doesn't say nothing but but basically i told you so now what this what happens he was buckling under pressure because he didn't have the holy spirit so jesus told the saint peter i have a call for you but the last time you denied me you denied me when the pressure came and you'll deny me again i know you think you won't but you'll deny me again without my power so i want you to go to jerusalem and you stay there until you receive the power to be a witness the power to stand the power to overcome temptation the power to live this life the power to resist the enemy the power to love just stay right there the power to give evidence that i'm in you do you know the world's looking for evidence there are some atheists and non-believers you will not win over by your arguments because they might argue better than you you're going to win them over by your lifestyle and your love and when they're rude you're still going to be kind you say witness an opportunity right because when someone's rude with me you know what i want to do get rude with them does anybody like me no you guys are all too holy yeah not me pastor we're full of holy spirit but i think if we're real you say you know when someone's rude to me i like some rises up and like do you know who you're messing with you know where i come from and this is what god says here's your opportunity why don't you love that person that might be hurting they might be struggling this would be your day to win them over be a witness amen let's give the lord a half of the word let's all stand up those at home stand up too why not we're going to close together let's when you have your watch party and end of service and we all say stand up stand up at home too all right but do a watch party on wednesday nights let's get the presence of god in your homes it's been really awesome we're seeing a lot of family friends give their lives to jesus even get baptized in the homes and a lot of great advancement we're making but before we leave here today i want to give an opportunity for everyone that's right now in your watch party at home and here in the audience to get empowered by the spirit of god say with me the holy spirit this holy spirit is the spirit of jesus christ so when jesus says in the in the bible i stand at the door and knock and if anyone would open up i will come in you know who comes into your life it's the holy spirit the spirit of jesus comes into your life and makes you into a new person and right now just like peter you're tr you could be trying to like be right live right overcome and you're like you're just trying to be stronger but you're finding yourself falling fallen fallen and you're wondering and you're beating yourself up and you're full of guilt and shame and you're saying man i'm just a mess up and the devil you know he cooperates with you he goes yes you are you're a real mess up you're not worth anything you're a mistake and he starts reminding you how your father wasn't there how your mother let you get abused and and every mistake that you've ever made and he just goes through the whole laundry list of every wrong thing you've ever done and he says that's who you are and all those things are really lies of a devil that's trying to convince you that you're all alone this is where god says you're valuable i love you i sent my son to pay the price for every wrong thing you've ever done why are you living in a guilt trip when you could be free and it really doesn't matter what you've done so man i've done some really bad things or maybe there's another group that said you know i'm a pretty good person but we've all messed up and if we're honest we've told lies we've said things we are ashamed of and we've done things we've hurt people right we've used our mouths to hurt people he said man i have and for some of us even this season i've been racist i've hated a certain group and you know it's we're all in the same boat we all need to be saved we all need to be whole but don't try to be like peter i got this i don't have it i can't be a pastor in this time without the help of the holy spirit i know the stand i need to take and i'm i'm taking the stand and i'm willing to take all the repercussions that come my way i'm good and i could only get through it through the power of god you guys can understand that come on and i'm willing to take a stand that no one else is going to take us to society i don't care i take a stand how am i ready to take a stand with god but today if you're saying pastor that's me i'm ready i need a new beginning i want to be forgiven i want to forgive myself when god forgives you stop beating yourself up that's when you when god forgives you your past is erased it's gone what a wonderful opportunity to have a brand new start that young man was named khalifa on the streets he didn't get his breakthrough that day but there's a seat planted and i told khalif [Music] whenever you're ready because i got to be ready i go when you're ready we got the men's home for you we love you but the problem is tomorrow's not guaranteed for khalif tomorrow's not guaranteed for you why put off something that's so good forgiveness heart full of love start over freedom today's your day strength to be fulfilled purpose to love to overcome you can do it through the holy spirit through the power of god how do i open my heart just admit you're a sinner and ask jesus come in let's pray prayer is how god moves into your life you have to ask him permission when you pray you give him permission today could be your day or maybe you're a christian it's time to recommit your life at home it's time to really commit or it's time to really repent there's been a sin that you've been holding on to as in your this is what you've been doing with that sin you've been using it to medicate your pain it could be drinking it could be smoking weed taking drugs it could be gambling it could be arguing fighting you know your sin could be pornography whatever that is that you keep going to and more you go to it you realize man what am i doing and it takes away your desire to live for god it's time it's time to live for god and live the full life that he has for you come on this is an abundant life it's so powerful that even when you're being persecuted you got serious great massive joy and peace because your circumstance has nothing with your peace let's pray together on this at home and you're watching here in the house this buyer has close their eyes repeat after say jesus i believe that you died for me and you rose from the dead to forgive me of all my sins thank you lord set me free from all addictions bad habits thinking emotions father that are destructive i let it go now i opened my heart jesus and ask you to come in and be my savior fill me now with your holy spirit baptize me in your power in your love i thank you jesus i receive forgiveness i receive eternal life i am a new person i have your power your spirit in me use me to touch others and help me lord to love those that treat me unfairly i forgive everyone that hurt me i let it go and devil get out of my life jesus is now my lord amen
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 9,182
Rating: 4.8686132 out of 5
Keywords: The Way World Outreach, Anger Issues, How to overcome anger, frustration
Id: S9_yE2yNYpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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