The Power Of Words | Pastor Marco Garcia

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thank you so much for tuning into a wave World Outreach sermon we believe that God's Word will make a major impact in your life so let's get ready open our hearts for today's word so let's talk about words for a minute and I just want to give you some quick quotes be careful with your words once they are said they can only be forgiven not forgotten another quote words are free it's how you use them it's how it's how you use them that may cost you another quote handle them carefully four words have more power than an atom bomb so today the title this sermon today is get control of your words and get control of your life I'll say it again get control of your words and get control of your life why is it so important to get control of the words that are coming out of our mouths words come out of our mouths why's is so important to control or edit say with me edit there are certain words that need to be edited out of our lives because they're not producing the harvests that we desire so I'm gonna give you three reasons why we need to start getting control over our words that are coming out of our mouths number one a mouth that is out of control leads to a life that is out of control a mouth that is out of control that's uncensored will lead to a life that's out of control the majority of the problems you have in life when things get out of control started with the words you were speaking in James 3:2 it says this indeed we all make many mistakes is that true that is true for if we could control our tongues if we could begin to control our tongues our mouths our words we would be perfect that word perfect means we would be mature a sign of an immature believer is they speak their minds unfiltered it's a sign of immaturity well I'm speaking my mind nobody needs to hear everything that's in your mind some of the words that some of the thoughts that in your mind do not need to be said old people don't like the truth note they don't like the rudeness is coming out of your mouth relationships have everything to do with our words our words so he says if we could control our tongues our words our mouths we would be perfect or mature and could also control ourselves in every other way he said if we could get control of your mousy I believe we're trying to we're trying to deal with symptoms but he's saying this if you could get to the source which is your mouth you'll be able to get control of every other thing in your life but if you don't get control of your mouth this is what's gonna happen every area of your life will be out of control so what are some of the air is gonna be out of control number one our relationships will be out of control because a mouth that is unfiltered creates a person that's offensive I said again amount that's unfits unfiltered creates a person that's what offensive so this is what it means your relationships will be volatile because they're only going to be as strong as the next unfiltered word or offensive word that comes out of your mouth that's what the Bible says this it says be quick to listen and slow to speed because if you're quick to speak you're gonna always say stuff you wish you never said so James 3:2 and the Darby in said this for we for we all often offend if anyone if anyone offend not word he is a perfect man able to bridle the whole body too because you'll be able to even control your body if you could control your mouth so that word control means to bridle so this is what it means it's heavy I don't know if you've ever written ridden a horse I've ridden horses and the only way that you could actually ride that horse is put its bridle that horse and then you begin to turn that horse but we're gonna turn out the word control Missa bridle hold in check restrain curb so what are we doing we need to learn how to hold our mouth in check curb restrain restraint put your hand over your mouth a little bit things will change things will change for the better so relationships we out of control why because the reason our relationships don't work it's not the perfume or the Cologne we learn and it's not the clothes that you're wearing and it's not the neighborhood you live in those are all outside things what messes up our relationships are the uncensored words that we're saying so our relationships we out of control another error that's gonna be out of control our sense of direction will be out of control because where our mouth is headed so are our lives I mean I already know where some was headed by the words that are coming out of their lives see you can't see you cannot get to a destination if you keep changing the directions and this is why the enemy wants us to be emotional get angry just talk off the top of our heads because he knows this your conversations are not focused therefore your sense of direction will be unfocused because you keep changing your conversation and if you keep changing your vision and you keep changing your declaration and you keep changing your Proclamation you're gonna keep changing your destiny oh yeah we're gonna work it out we're gonna work it out I'm done with you no we're gonna work it out where's the divorce papers understand our lies who be out of control james 3:3 it says this we can make a large horse go wherever we want by the means of a small bit in his mouth so we have to do is put a bit in the horse's mouth and we can start controlling that that that horse those big it goes on to say and a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses a go wherever the pilot chooses a go even though the winds are strong what he's saying is there might be great resistance but the rudder is more powerful than the resistance this is what God is saying to us today that you might be facing some real resistance temptation struggles sickness and God is saying if we want to turn the tide if we want to change directions be careful what you're saying under pressure because your words will determine your destination it will begin to lead your life I know where you're headed by what you're speaking today before you quit you start speaking quit knees before you walk out you start talking about walking out before you get divorced you start talking about divorce before you leave the church you start talking about leaving the church you see your words give you away I know where you headed there was a man of famous famous philosopher his name is Marco and this is what he said our words are a better preview of our future than aren't than our intentions our words are a better preview of what's coming than our intentions that means you could have good intentions but your words betray you because where you're headed is what's your speaking nothing is created without words proceeding no vision is accomplished without visions being declared no one gets married without saying some I Do's no greats Ministries start without some great talk first there's nothing wrong with thinking big speaking big because you serve a big God there's nothing wrong with speaking healing while you're sick because you serve a god that's a healer there's nothing wrong we're talking to possible because you serve a God I could do the impossible there's nothing wrong with saying that your best days are ahead of you because you serve a God that does his best work in your future don't be scared to say big things don't be scared to speak what God has told you so now what gets out of control our direct sense of direction gets out of control because our words keep betraying us and resetting recalculating recalculating recalculating have you ever had that in your your car GPS recalculating some of us are going around circles recalculating because your work your words are all over the place there's no clear direction of where we're headed we as a church know where we're headed we're gonna start planting churches and inner cities across the United States of Merkle America we are not confused about where we're headed see our spiritual now the other thing that will be out of control so we talk about relationship out of control relationships will be out of control of our if we don't start filtering our words our sense of direction will be out of control and then our spiritual and ministry life will be out of control see we are only misleading ourselves if we think we are truly worshiping God doing a great work for God and our words are not pleasing to God it's a joke what this subscription says it's a joke so and this is what he's saying you could be doing so-called great work with your giftings but if your words are not submitted to god everything you're doing is a joke prove it Pastor James 1:26 if those who claim devotion to God or those who claim to be religious to God claim devotion to God or claim to be religious don't control what they say that means they don't they they don't hold back they don't bridle they don't put a bit in their mouth they they don't filter what they say I'm doing great ministry hold on if we don't control what we say they mislead themselves their devotion is worthless their worship is worthless their works are worthless and there's a problem because their mouth is destroying any good that could have come out of it well I'm singing up here yeah but you're gossiping I'm preaching yeah but you're cussing yeah you're cussing on the freeway you're cussing at your wife well you know it's between clothes don't know it's not your you understand this all the stuff you're doing is worthless if your mouth is cussing what he's saying is your life is out of control it's not being led by the Spirit so if you're saying you're really worshiping God worship with your mouth yeah but but but but but I'm using my gift I know but you're Sexton you're Sexton you're Sexton you're speaking words of doubt and unbelief you're using your words to hurt others you're complaining you're talking about your leaders you're using harsh words laced with sarcasm he goes all your worship is worthless and that's why when when he he goes going up a room he baptized him with the Holy Spirit and then they began to speak in tongues because he said this if I could take over their tongue I could take over the direction I could take over their attitude I could take over their emotions I could take over their life I could take over their results I can take over their harvest if I could just control their tongue because the bat's is gonna hold it fear could have just been so mouth you clapped 100 times like you start clapping real fast but your hands are not as important as your tongue see we need to learn how to speak words that are kind loving positive uplifting encouraging and life-giving that's what we use our words for never to tear people down because it doesn't build you up it doesn't build them up and what he's saying if you're tearing people apart with your mouth your religion is worthless so now that's one of the reasons one of the reasons why we need to get control of our mouth to get control of our lives get control of our relationships get control of our sense of direction and get control of our ministry life it's mature you know what this is all about God said I'm ready to do some great things in your life but I need to do a great work in your mouth time to mature well that's just the way I am stop being that way that's why you got the Holy Spirit to help you become somebody new hallelujah hallelujah come on Risa's sing a song hallelujah anyhow hallelujah anyhow never never let your troubles get you down well my problems come your way lift your voice up high and say hallelujah anyhow country hallelujah and I skip it there's a time in your life that you just gotta give a hallelujah when you want to cut somebody out you gotta give a hallelujah when you want to complain you want to give a hallelujah wait come on when something negative is to come out of y'all you just instead of state an F word he said hallelujah I don't know why I said that somebody saying that's words Rob over here uh I never said that my life hey man all right let's go back so what's one another we need to get control of our mouths our words will produce after their own kind I'll say it again our words will produce after their own kind this is a spiritual law established by God we must therefore learn to use our words more efficiently because our next harvest is dependent on it your words will produce after his own kind this is what I'm saying your words are seeds yours are seeds what you're saying is what's your plants in and what your planting is what's your harvest hateful words will bring in a hateful harvest I guess merciful words will bring in a merciful harvest loving words were bringing a loving harvest the gospel will bring in Souls it all depends on the words or seeds that you're using see God exemplified the spiritual principle by stating that his words always produce what he says them out to do his work I was this is why we could depend on God's promises because he can't lie the reason he can't lie because if he says it it's gonna produce it if God says it it will be what produced his words go out and they come back with what he sent it out to get he sends words to get something to produce something let's look at the scripture he's very important to get understand this principle because we were created in God's image your words will go out there and get something check this up a listen to this isaiah 55:11 soul shall my word this is God so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth so that's important the word is coming of his what it's coming out of now so sure my word that goes forward I'm out of my mouth it shall not return to me void without producing any effect useless he goes you are saying every time I send out a word it always comes back producing what I sent it out to do that's why it's so important for us as Christians to get a word from God because once you get a word from God and you repeat what God has said it will always produce what God has said how do we know someone's heard from God because the word they spoke actually comes to pass we gotta stop guessing that's why though God has given us His Holy Spirit God is still speaking in the last days he'll pour out his spirit upon all flesh he'll give dreams he'll give visions and prophetic words because God is saying I'm still speaking I'm still created I'm still doing great things but I need to I need to get my word in your mouth not your word in your mouth my vision in your mouth I love this but it shall hit what shall his word shall accomplish that which I please and purpose and it shall prosper in the thing for as I sent it you know what he's saying I don't use idle words when I speak I speak with purpose we need to start under saying don't have fun but we need to start understanding there's a lot of words that we're saying are just nonsense even a fool is considered wise if he just keeps his mouth shut that's what the Bible says you know you look wise if you just sit there like Wow interesting hey smart man you see the way he just wasn't saying nothing he's like a genius I could just tell I know what you intimidated I didn't say nothing much but you start speaking and you start under strong to take over conversations we already know your words gonna get you in trouble so he says my word it doesn't return empty it fulfills its purpose our words will not come back empty they will fulfill their purpose I want you understand we were created in God's image is what God says our words are capable of producing life or death our words are capable of producing what good or bad if we are sending out words of death out there in the realm in the spiritual realm and I want you to understand there's a spiritual realm say with me there's a spiritual realm that spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm how do we know the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm because that's the spiritual realm that created everything you see it created things so now this what he says progress to 1821 you've heard this the tongue can bring check us out the tongue can what the tongue can what this is interesting because they saying your tongue can actually go out there and get stuff and bring it to you your tongue can what bring look what it says right here it can bring death or life those who love the talk too much will reap the consequences of bringing in the wrong stuff now I want you to get this demons angels the holy spirit are weighed in forwards when you and I speak words of death demons wake up because the word death is it sounds bad it's a Greek Hebrew word Mavis Mavis that sounds bad Mavis you could speak Mavis you could speak it it means dying it means this to take us to the realm of the Dead a place or state of Hades or hell pestilence or ruin this word actually means pestilence Ami's ruin or the realm of the dead check this out cern the words go take you to certain realms so if you're saying words of death is what it's at those words going to the realm of Hell the realm of demons and bring back from the source they don't come back empty they come back with demons they come back with curses they come back with pestilence they come back with ruin they come back with failure depending on the words they go to around but thank god there's another realm that we could actually our words can go in to the realm of heaven and bring heaven on earth that's why Jesus said pray like this thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth anyway the way it is in heaven what he was saying let's go ahead and bring down heaven here on earth by the words that you're saying so your words can bring back blessing your words can bring back healing your words can bring back the little deliveries your words can bring back prosperity your words can bring back refreshing it all depends what words are coming to your mouth and what realm they're going to now alright what'd you get this it's important for you to understand the spiritual realm is waiting on us demons can't do nothing without us they're hanging out that's what they need your body they need your mouth they have no creative force and all the evil that they need to do they need to do it through you because you have the power to activate the spirit realm good or bad because your words are produced after its own kind and I want to what you're speaking is eventually how you gonna be feeling some of you have lost love for your husband lost love for your wife and it's only because your words are producing after their own kind you fell out of love your words took you to a place that started bringing in apathy that's to your love I can't stand you what is God gonna do with that like I can't stand you I didn't know why I married you you're a joke you're a loser and the Holy Spirit just sitting there and says he's not giving me nothing she's not giving me nothing to work with but the devil said she just gave me a whole bunch of work with so let's invade those words and make sure they don't come back empty let's make sure a spirit of division comes back let's make a circle a spirit of divorce comes back let's print a separation go back a spirit of violence comes back anger this is real stuff it all begins in your mouth you'll never go to church they start saying I'm going to church you'll never come every Wednesday so you finally sound going every Wednesday you'll never go to discipleship and that you find this out going to discipleship you'll never save a dollar - you say I'm gonna start saving some money you'll never get out of debt till you start saying I'm gonna get out of debt you'll never start a business so you start saying I'm gonna start a business you'll never stop preaching that's how you start saying I'm a preacher well you'll never start moving in healing until you say God give me the gift of healing nothing will happen until you have the guts to say it where are you headed you better know because there's a spirit of confusion nowadays what are you gonna I don't know you know that I don't know it's a spirit of confusion I don't know brings back more I don't know I don't know I I really don't know what's worried about what are you gonna do I want lost for words you're lost for words some easier life is lost you're lost yeah you don't even know where you're going you're stuck in the middle of a road where are you going I just I don't know you don't know where you had it guess what if you don't know where you're headed you're headed nowhere you know what's gonna happen next year you'll still be in nowhere land lala land never never land we need to start getting words from God or repeater come on your words will produce after their own kind it could also produce life life means green green vegetation Emmys refreshing revival springtime so sustenance you know what he's saying provision renewal appetite it see have you ever tasted something and develop an appetite for it see before you feel it you got to sometimes speak it and while you're speaking and you start developing an appetite for it that right you start speaking I love exercising I hate it because the more you start speaking how you hate it I know where you're headed you're quitting there's a time of your life that you gotta just about I bet I just love working out huh you really do yes like that why'd you only work for five minutes because I love it I'm gonna save some for next time it's like a good meal but this is what happens as you begin to speak it I love my job I love my wife I love my kids I love my church what he's saying you'll soon develop an appetite for what you're saying it's time for you to not be led by your feelings be led by the principles of God you are created in God's image we walk by faith we do not walk by feelings we call things that are not that's all they were how you doing oh yeah I'm not feeling very good I feel like I'm coming under something feel cold coming on I woke up on the wrong side of the bed it's just felt weird have you ever felt that way and the other person is negative psyche yeah I feel that way too oh you do this confirmation we're in a spiritual war for The Devil's getting the best of us oh my gosh this is scary season we're in this what happens your words are betraying your prayer your words are betraying the vision and this is what's gonna happen it doesn't matter how much vision you got your words are gonna say your words are gonna have the last word and that's why God says I'm the alpha I'm no makeup what I say it's gonna last and we're gonna say stop stop stop committing vision suicide we can change our harvests results by changing our words I mean so if you don't like the way your life is going change yours conversations stop talking about how depressed you are what's God gonna do with that how frustrated you are how complained what is God gonna do with that you can't do nothing with that nobody loves me gonna do with that nobody wants me I'm too young I'm too old I'm too funny I'm too crazy on too I don't know crazy see we can change our harvest and result by changing our words if we want healing we need to start speaking healing if we want freedom we need to start speaking freedom if we want provision we need to start speaking provision if we want victory it's time to start saying I'm more than a conqueror through Christ if we want resurrection we need to start speaking resurrection and if we want sight we need to start speaking site because what you're speaking is what you're gonna harvest mark 1051 there was a blind man a blind man and everyone could see that he's blind and then he comes to Jesus and then Jesus says what do you want me to do for you I mean he's blind Jesus why are you asking him what he wants obviously wants to see he sick Jesus can't you see it sick while you're asking her what he wants he shouldn't be asking him what he wants you know what he wants he goes I know I know what he wants I know what he needs but I can't give it to him until he gives me something to work with so I need a seed to produce a harvest so I have to ask him and once he's releases it out of his mouth then I'll release my power to fulfill what he just said mark 1051 what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked my rabbi the blind man said I want to see and God says perfect see let's give God some seed to work with I want to see I want to do ministry I want to overcome I want to do great things I want to go to school come give God something to work with and the last reason the last reason that we need start controlling our thinking I remember we just have our words our seeds if we don't control our I mean our words if we don't control our thinking the words if we don't do that our lives will be out of control okay and this is why you know the devil takes over languages he just takes over land have you seen him take over languages all of a sudden everybody they can't speak without saying four or five F words in it okay pick the F words out let's just talk what are you trying to say because the enemy knows if I could control their conversations I'll control their spiritual life I got him and that's why in the hood we're all talking about it what's up food which what's up food what's up homie soot from town is my family it was a battle where these words come from they came from hell because the enemy already knows I have I control their mouth I control their outcome I control their harvest I got them because I got their mouths last thing why is it so important to get control of our mouth our spoken words release shake saw the power of God into our lives and circumstances the spoken word is very important to get release the power of God into our lives and circumstances a thought or belief check this song and say someone's deep for you is not enough we must also proclaim it a thought I'm gonna say faith is not enough I'd never heard that in church that's why the Bible says if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth you'll be saying faith is not enough you must also proclaim your faith because the proclamation speaking the word releases the power of God in your life and circumstances see when God created light he didn't just think it you know delight because it would have did nothing the thought wasn't enough the belief was in the month enough he he had a spiritual law he said let there be light and then there was like it produced after so kind a thought is not enough we also have to proclaim it and sometimes you got a plane over and what I say proclaim I said a new word Kippur Alain it you proclaim it Genesis 1 - look at this look at the scripture look at the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters so what was the condition of the earth it was formless and empty or void or chaotic or out of order and the Spirit of God check this out was hovering over the surface of the waters so the Spirit of God is what it's hovering over the darkness over the chaos the power to transform the power for order the power of Almighty God is hovering but it's still not manifesting it's just hovering out in there zone I'm gonna say this you the Holy Spirit is hovering over your home hovering over your failure hovering over your mess hovering over your sickness and he's waiting to be activated because the Holy Spirit is the power of God in action but what activates the Holy Spirit is spoken word the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters and the Spirit of the Lord God was hovering over the surface of the waters then God said let there be light and there was light this is what happens soon as God says let there be light the Holy Spirit says that's created and this is all the Holy Spirit's waiting for you to start speaking life for you to start speaking the Word of God and the Holy Spirit says that's my realm let's do this no one's going to get healed until we start saying be healed in Jesus name no one's gonna hear the good news until we start preaching the good news and I mean no one's gonna get saved until they hear it see the creative power of God is released through spoken word the creative power of God is released through what spoken word Hebrews 11:11 3 says God created everything through a spoken word another word for spoken word is Rhema word sing with me Rhema word what's a Rhema word it's a it's a word that has been uttered by a living voice it's a word has been what uttered it's a thought a revelation that has been uttered Hebrews 11:3 says this by faith we understand that the universe has been created by a word from God how was the universe created by what a Word of God a spoken word of God that word word is Rhema spoken word so that the visible came into existence from the invisible this is what God is saying that if you start speaking the Word of God over your situation you start speaking life over your death the spiritual realm will begin to activate and manifest in your physical realm the invisible will become visible and people actually see the glory of God manifested in a church in a home that's glorifying God with their mouth and that's why david says as for me I mean no David said this is praise shall continually be in my mouth of what you were saying the power of God will be manifested over and over in my mouth and I'm gonna activate it Goliath can't die without a little David saying you know you're picking a fight with the armies of the Living God you think you're fighting against me today you're gonna die it's time for you to start speaking to that cancer come on speak it to that tough situation and say I'm not gonna die I'm not gonna give up you're gonna die and I have picture the port so now this is it we can believe it but if we don't say it it's not what happening if Jesus doesn't say Lazarus is still in the tomb if Peter doesn't say in the name of Jesus annouce rise up and walk the lame man stays in his condition and if we don't believe in our heart and confess Jesus as Lord we won't be saved there's gonna be a day that you'll stand before God and you know what he's gonna judge you on every idol or these book because those who confess Jesus as Lord and believe it in their heart receive salvation they grab salvation and brought it in but those are unwilling to say I don't want to confess Jesus as Lord you'll be judged by that that's a choice that you made today's your day let's turn this thing around are you ready to are we all ready that's all of us are we all ready to allow God come on to circumcise our mouth call the nonsense out take the gossip out taste the edgy words out and we got too much Christian edginess we're trying to be like the world we're trying to make up cuss words why are you trying to be like the world oh shut the front door let's stop that that friggin guy just gets on my nerves those are made of Christian cuss words do you think God doesn't understand what you're trying to do he almost almost he did it though I'm so proud of her you know God said I can't do nothing with those words I want to do some great things in your life but now it's time to start getting started it's time to start editing what we're saying because our words are seeds and we're ready for a harbor somebody ready for a new harvest in your life thank you so much for tuning into the way World Outreach sermon would you allow me to pray for you in this moment Father I thank you Lord that you have given us a word I pray that our hearts were open for that word Jesus I pray God that your child knows that you love them that you were here for them that you have an amazing purpose for their lives I pray that right now they receive you as our Lord and Savior they know that you died on the cross for them God and they know that without a shadow of doubt that you love them and you have a calling for them god and jesus name we pray amen thank you so much would you do one more thing if you would like to make a difference in someone else's life would you join together with us by going to the way world outreach soraka's / donate so you can make a difference in someone else's life thank you again god bless you and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 3,939
Rating: 4.969697 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: r7CF8LNT0e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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