Easy Baby Back Ribs Made In The Oven

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you want to make ribs but maybe you don't have a smoker outside or a grill or a kettle or anyplace to do it or maybe the weather's bad well today I'm going to show you how you can make ribs in the oven [Music] yes oven made ribs are easy and you can get amazing flavor texture tenderness everything from them and we're gonna be doing two racks of baby back ribs today I have one here right now and I don't want the seasonings from the other one to get on this one because that's gonna be the smoky one this one is going to be a straight rub we're gonna be using heaven made products Texas best rib rub on this I'm gonna get a nice coating here the membranes already been removed from these ribs [Music] sure you get the edges [Music] all right this rack is ready I'm gonna get the other rack over here and it's okay if some of this seasoning gets on that rack I just didn't want to get the smokey seasoning on this one now if you've watched enough of my videos you know I generally don't use a binder on ribs or any kind of meat unless it really needs it if the surface is too dry to help a rub hold well on this one I am gonna use a binder but it's not to hold the rub it's to distribute the smoky flavor because what I'm gonna be using here is a mixture of 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and a half teaspoon of Hickory liquid smoke if you don't want to use liquid smoke don't use liquid smoke I know some people hate it I like the fact that it can add some smoky flavor if you get a quality liquid smoke all it is is condensed smoke vapor and water I'm just gonna drizzle a little bit on here just to start getting us some of that smoky flavor distributed across the surface [Music] and again I'm not worried about some of the rub from the other ribs getting on this rack now the rub for this rack with our smokey flavor is gonna be straight brown sugar nothing else just gonna start sprinkling some brown sugar on here spreading it around [Music] same thing get those edges alright this racks ready are the racks ready let's get them in the oven [Music] our oven is set it 225 degrees and I'm going to pour just a little bit of water in our pan here just for a little extra moisture in there and close this up we're gonna check these in about two hours all right we've been going for two hours let's give our ribs a check they smell great but just like out on any smoker might need to spritz ease and they are looking a little dry so I'm gonna go ahead and give them a spritz this is a 50/50 mix of apple juice and apple cider vinegar I also want to do just a little bit of a flex test here let's see and just just a little bit not much not much yet not much pull back on the bones again we're running at 225 here which is the low of low and slow so I think we're gonna check these again in about an hour before we decide if we're going to wrap them just let them keep going and at a certain point we will sauce them probably for the last 30 minutes to 60 minutes so let's let these keep cooking see you back here in about an hour all right our ribs have been going for three hours total now I have a feeling I'm gonna want to wrap these looking good and smelling great you can see we're just starting to get pull back on the bones not much that's the reason I want to wrap these just like a would if we were out on the smoker or the grill so I'm gonna get these out of here and we're gonna wrap them give them a little bit of moisture all right so this is the rack of baby backs that does not have any of that liquid smoke binder on it and I'm just gonna first add a little bit of moisture and a little bit of barbecue sauce before we wrap it back up because that same mixture we're using 50/50 apple juice and apple cider vinegar don't need a lot and I'm just gonna put some regular old store-bought barbecue sauce on here use whatever kind you like rush it around on the top here I'm not going to put anything on the bottom side where the bones are don't really need it there [Music] and I'm just gonna go ahead and wrap this up I'm gonna put this back on the tray you're gonna wrap up the other rack after giving it some moisture and saucing it and then we're gonna get them back in the oven we're gonna let these go for an hour then we're gonna unwrap them and let them finish unwrap for about half an hour to 45 minutes depending on their tenderness see you back here in about an hour all right our ribs have been going an hour in foil that's four hours total want to get them out of the foil now get some sauce on them and let them finish up just sitting there on the racks all right let's open up our foil packs of ribs here and get them back on the rack glaze them up and let them finish in the oven looking good forgot to put my insulators on so I had to kind of quickly shove them in here because this is pretty hot I need them under the rubber gloves there we go oil out of here there's one rack there's our second rack it's time to get some more sauce on here [Music] I'm a good brushing all over I'm also gonna turn the oven up to 250 now for this final phase all right these are all glazed up and ready I'm gonna get them back in the oven I'm gonna turn it up like I said to 250 and I'm gonna let them go probably 45 minutes or so we'll check them then to see if we think they're done if not they can go a little bit longer but I'll bring you back when it's time to get these out of the oven all right here are our two racks of baby back ribs total cook time on these was about five hours the one in the rear here that's the one we added this hickory smoke flavor to and this in the front is just sort of the straightforward haven't made products rub on there both of them have the same barbecue sauce just a store brand barbecue sauce so what I want to do now is I want to cut into them take a rib from each and that's what we're gonna have a taste with so I'm gonna start with this rack here again I could flip it over so I could see the bones and cut directly between them but I don't want to mess up this nice-looking top here so I'm just gonna do my best think I can find it and there we go on that one right there hey you did pretty good oh that looks nice nice and juicy in there let's move this rack move that rack out of the way and let's go to our one with the hickory smoke flavor this one too nice and juicy inside so both of these in the oven turned out really nicely in terms of moisture the color is great they smell great but really what matters most is what comes next so it's time to taste all right here we go first one I'm gonna taste is the one that has our smoke flavor on it with that brown sugar rub so let's see nice little hint of smoky flavor you get the sweetness of the brown sugar rub the only thing I think I would do differently next time cuz I think it'd add a little salt there because I am missing a little bit of salt there is something that worstest your sauce binder but not enough to really carry through but I really wanted to see the smoke flavor and that brown sugar flavor and the smoke flavor is definitely there but not overpowering really nice and now for the more traditional rib this is that heaven made products Texas best rib rub on there and the regular barbecue sauce glaze let's see well that's really good really good nice bite there comes away clean from the bone I've said many times I don't like my ribs to be falling off the bone tender if you wanted these falling off the bone tender I would leave them about half an hour to 45 minutes more in the foil before having them go out back on the rack with the sauce but for me like I said this is the perfect bite so really when you are making ribs in the oven you are just mimicking what you would do outside on the smoker or the grill the same amount of time similar techniques very close flavors and you can even get that smoke flavor if you want to use liquid smoke these turned out terrific got some good ribs
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 995,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, ribs, baby back ribs, pork ribs, oven ribs
Id: hswzCyTStz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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