Deep Fried Ribs

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i know it's been a long time coming listen i'm free to just show you guys just how simple it is to make deep fried ribs let's get it [Music] okay so look i want you guys to come in here and take a look when i say i don't have a whole lot of ingredients i really don't you can see this is just this you know then i'm gonna use my seasonings i'm gonna give you guys some options but if you come on in here and take a look look these are baby bags right this is the more meteor rib on you know on the pork side you know to give you that right and if you notice i cut them here look i went ahead and cut them why so they'll fit inside my pan reason i did that you know it's really for video purposes only right and another thing look these are going to be a little bit thinner on the meat side so these will be ready quicker than especially these right here with all of that good meat okay so look now we're gonna go ahead and just season up right i don't cut my reels before that i'll start with my seasoning if you guys take a look right here look this is my level of seasoning look we got the a and then we got to beat the a right here this is for your pork fish chicken and stuff like that so i call this our lighter meats right and then you know you got to have the b series for your dark meat that'd be like your briskets your beef and all that kind of stuff right and then if you notice this right here look you put them both together you got a b in your house just like that right or i got something else for you look this just came out this is my all-purpose rub right here right this right here i put just about on everything listen you guys will see these are not no one and done's we're gonna get down now i'm gonna go ahead and bring it right here i want you guys to look this is what we're gonna use for a binder now but the first thing we're going to do is we're getting ready to remove this membrane that's on the back right so let me just go ahead put this bring this closer to myself you guys can use anything you know any instrument you would like to get underneath it for me i'm gonna go ahead and just start with the you know butter knife right so i'll just take it and you know we want to work with it just in between look i'm in between the ribs you know i mean everybody got a method on how they want to do it or whatever but this is just my way where i start like this right here and i just bring it around try to stay underneath the membrane right and then you can like just flare it out this way now i set that there you want to get yourself a napkin you know what i mean because you're going to want to get yourself a grip so that's why i have that deer on the side right so now just take this and i just work with it run my finger underneath the membrane you know what i mean come any time you filming is going to always give you a little bit of resistance now i didn't have some success before you know what i mean but look like now the gremlins come out and just want to make me look crazy so look now i got this here just a memory right so just go ahead take your napkin let me pull it this way because it'll be easier more control for myself to pull from left to right so now we just pull it up like this and you'll see it start to come up now a little bit of a tibia is sometime i pull it all the way and then it'll tear you know what i mean but there's nothing wrong with you going back down to get you another bite on it you know what i mean just pull it like that and i mean i could get another bite which i think i am because i don't want to go back and grab no more like this and guess what folks it made it look like i know what i'm doing okay so look now that i got the membrane off the other one you know what i mean this is the like the small version i'm gonna go ahead oh you know what when i was talking to you guys about you know about using a mustard look a binder is anything that you want to put on there you know i mean i can make a slather it's all kind of things you can make right but you just put that on the ribs and look that's so that your seasoning or your rub whatever you want to call it will adhere to you you know your meat right this right here is extra virgin olive oil but actually that's infused olive oil you know what i mean i keep the garlic inside of that but today i'm gonna go ahead and start with my you know my mustard and no mustard doesn't you can't taste it for all you people to say you don't do mustard or nothing like that trust me when i tell you you do not you know taste it it is again just a binder and again i'm going to be using my you know my level up series look this is my a rub right so you want to go ahead and grab that notice i keep a hand clean because you don't want to put these back in your cabinet you know looking crazy you know with all that on there look causes all kind of ants all that kind of stuff right so look what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and season the back side we got our binder on right so now we just go ahead and just take it like this you know what i mean oh look at that y'all that right there is what we call coverage and we didn't took that membrane off right so we know it's touching that bone and that meat that's where we're going to get our flavor from oh we now don't forget we want to get a little bit of this too this is the part that a lot of people forget you know i mean when you season the ribs we want to get it everywhere folks and this right here is what we call coverage right so i'm gonna do the same thing on this side you know what i mean and i'll just leave them like this because we're gonna let them sit up a little bit and we're gonna let the flesh you know absorb that seasoning but as you can see look at that coverage [Music] [Music] okay so look i set my ribs you know aside so that they can you know soak up the you know the good rub right so i'm gonna go ahead oh we got one in here like this i'm gonna go ahead and just add a cup you know no just a little bit more you know what i mean i would like to have that in flour right now i don't know if you guys ever make fried chicken and all of that but whenever i have that you got to do listen you season your meat and you season your flour this is why you have great tasting you know meat so we're gonna do the same thing with the ribs we know the ribs gonna be fire you saw the coverage you could see the way it was soaking in right so now i'm gonna go ahead let me go ahead and get the a-rub because we want to just make sure that everything is consistent and you know what i mean so i'm gonna add some of this to this and one thing i'm gonna do is i don't care what i'm doing who rub it is or whatever i always add a little bit of that black pepper after i season my flour i want you guys to come in here take a look at this you know what i mean you know we started out with white flour right when you can see your seasoning in there you can see the tin on this that can tell you that that's really nice right i could just feel like i can add a little bit more you know black pepper to it which i will but i'm gonna say this too once you got it the way it looked good to you i'm gonna tell you this and everybody's thinking strange you got to taste the flour if it tastes good to your tongue you got something fire right there okay so look you see this right here we back in the game right i want you guys to take a look at that you can see the color kind of like changes as it soaks in the meat right that's the sodium inside of the rub that like kind of like pulls it out brings out a little bit of that moisture it makes everything nice even more tackier and then absorbs back in the flesh now with all of that being said i'm gonna turn these upside down like this right you guys want to get yourself a sharp knife because look really not turn them up down it's easier to see the rib right you can feel the reel let me just cut these in half right here like this you know what i mean so we'll just go ahead and just do that you see that right there we get that cut what i'm doing is here's a real bone and there's a real bone and obviously in between you got flesh so i'm gonna cut these down you guys cut them down however you would like to you know what i mean uh i don't know why i said that because there's only one way you've got to cut them down the middle right make sure you get yourself a sharp knife and then i'm using this tin right here so when i get down to the pan i kind of like just like ease up on it just to keep my blade sharp but i sharpen my blade every time i use it folks so let me go ahead and finish these then i'm going to show you this next part which really i'm going to give you some options [Music] all right so look right now your brain should be sending some signals to your mouth just to say water because you want to talk about anticipation these are some good looking ribs and we know that they season well look we can do all of that we can season them on the sides like this because when i cut them obviously there's not no seasoning in there right but don't forget we did our flour that way now what i want to say is look you can guys you can spray something on them if that's what you want to do or if you would like to risk taking off some of the rub you can go ahead and just add some more more mustard to it but i don't do that because i like mine to be a little bit i don't like all the flour on here i just want to go ahead and just get them deep fry and all of that but they're gonna be they're already nice and tacky right so let me just go ahead i'll just bring these over here like this bring this here because we're gonna stage there so look at this piece right here these are the big meaty pieces you tell me you don't want one of them right so i'll just take that let me do it this way i'm gonna go ahead and take this hand and just put them in here now i'm gonna go ahead and just move these back and forth with this seasoned flour and you notice i didn't have to spray nothing on them but nothing like that just want you guys to take a look at that oh yeah and then when i stage them check this out when i stage them in my basket or if you stage them on a you know a baking pan or something like that maybe you got a cooling rack that's what you do you let that soak in too so look i'm gonna give it a couple of little of these a little shakes get a little bit of this excess off like that and i want you to look at oh now i can't do it like the chicken you know what you know how when i do chicken i grab it and i put it right here because we want to make sure it adhere to it now we'll go ahead and do it i gotta hand them a little bit more on the gentle side right but you see this right here you tell me folks if that don't look good i don't know what it does now i'm gonna just bring this over here and just lay that right there right and we'll let it soak now i'm gonna go ahead and just pop you know repeat this process until all of them are done you know and then i'm gonna fill up this basket and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and dunk it now my temperature i'm using i'm using 375 degrees that get them just right now they supposed to be room temperature which i should have said in the very beginning right so they're a little bit on the cold side it's going to bring your oil down right so 375 get you right you know i mean when you put them in here they're going to come it's going to drop down a little bit but it's not going to probably go past 250 it depends on i mean 350 and it really depends on how how cold these was but remember anytime you're putting any meat and you're cooking it you always want at least let it be in there i say 35 to 45 30 to 45 minutes you got to be at room temperature that's the key now let me go ahead and keep going [Music] [Music] okay so look it's been about nine minutes i set a timer for five then i wanted to check them right i use myself you know get myself one of these uh meat thermometers that's what i just used just dropped them down you know what i mean so you guys can get the whole effect now i want you to go ahead and take a look at this right here if that don't say something to you i don't know what wheel look at that right there now you want to go ahead and just get yourself you know a cooling rack and just go ahead and just put them down like that now look at these right here oh man you know when i hit them with the probe in of the meat thermometer you want to talk about nice and tender long as you see 165 you know what i mean actually these are probably around 175 now but i can just show you one thing right now i don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see it but i'm gonna do it this way look let's see if we can see tenderness i'll just take this right here and just look at that right there and that right there went to 180 183 these right here perfect but i just want you guys to just see the tenderness if you ain't never had deep fried ribs and they've done right and i know this season right here is fire why because it's mine now i'll give you guys some options you know when you guys look down in the description box below and don't forget everything that i use including the ingredient list is always in the description box below [Music] okay so look you guys can see them they right here you know what i mean some of them seem to be a little bit more fattier than others but check this out i'm gonna go ahead and grab one of these meaty ones like this right here oh my goodness you know what i'm just gonna go ahead and just pull it look at this right here this is when you know everything's been cooked right look at that steel nice and juicy hey full of nothing but flavor it almost reminds me especially when you you smell it you know what i mean if you like pork chops you're gonna be all over these cheers y'all hey i don't know if y'all can tell but this one is gone look at that i didn't beat that up and now let me just say this you guys probably want to ask like what would you serve this with hey anything you serve a pork chop with this goes with that uh and then if you want to go to barbecue style you can do them like this and you can go ahead and just you know coat it with some barbecue sauce you know what i mean if you want to you can like bake the barbecue sauce on there put it in your broiler and put it in there for about five minutes but for me if i'm gonna put barbecue sauce in there i'm gonna you know put it on there and then i'm just gonna eat it just the way you know nice and soft and sweet just like that hey with that being said listen this right here is fire if you guys have never ever had it listen if you're looking for a quick alternative especially because it's hot outside you're looking for something to do you know uh something to put on the table real fast i'm gonna say 25 minutes look between marinade you know getting it seasoned set that to the side cut it bring your oil up to temp put it in there it doesn't take long get yourself a meat thermometer right because we're looking for that 165 right i always say 165 but this is pork you know what i mean you can drop down to about 145 it's gonna continue to cook anyway and rise just a little bit but that's the key to getting them super super tender hey with that being said let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there listen it's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said what you guys don't see is cause there's people behind this camera listen and they're ready to eat with that being said folks i'm out peace [Music] oh
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 1,040,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Deep Fried Ribs, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, how to fry ribs, ribs
Id: wM-3TORE0pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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