EASY Oven Baked Spareribs Recipe

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welcome back to anderson smoke show today we are revisiting one of my most popular videos and that's an indoor oven ribs video that video has received hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of comments and likes and people absolutely love it now the problem is that video is with baby back ribs and everyone wants to know how do you do the same thing with spare because of the differences in meat the cook times are going to be longer with spare ribs so today i've got a rack of st louis cut spare ribs and we are going to recreate my famous oven ribs video let's dive into it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so whenever i cook ribs i start off by taking them out of the package and rinsing them under water and pat drying them what that does it removes all of the purge all of the blood and the juices that they were packaged in i like to do that and have a nice clean slate to start with any ribs that we make we've got a membrane along the back this is a chewy rubbery membrane we want to remove this garbage sometimes people will leave them especially on crock pot ribs or ribs that are going to be really tender because they're relying on this to keep the structure to keep them together as a rack of ribs but we're looking for tender we're looking for flavor and not some chewy rubber so we're gonna take it off so what i do when it comes to the membrane i take a butter knife if you flip it over you can look and see you've got the bones what i do is i take the butter knife and i work my way under one of these bones here and i work my way all the way across and as i get the knife a little deeper i pry up just a little bit and that helps pull the membrane off using a sharp knife will pierce this and it will prevent you from getting this off in a nice clean pool i then take a sheet of paper towel and i grab this and i grab the membrane and i pull it all the way across to make sure that from one side of the rack to the other it's loose and then i start to peel it down the ribs and if you've done a good job you can pull the entire membrane off in one clean pool now look at that that is rubbery i mean i can't even tear this get that garbage out of here now that we've got the membrane off it's time to season it what i like to use is an olive oil binder i use fats olive oil avocado oil duck fat today we'll be using olive oil i do this because it creates a nice finish on these ribs it's going to help them char up a little bit it's going to help them firm up but it's still going to preserve that good bark that good bite and all of those flavors so i'm going to take some of this olive oil and i'm just going to drizzle it into my hand my gloved hand here and i'm going to wipe it onto the back side of these ribs then i've got my killer hogs the barbecue rub this is just a good all-purpose barbecue rub you can use any rub that you like and i'm going to season this really liberally at this point i take the back side of my glove because it's dry i pat along the ribs that just make sure that the rub is sticking to the surface of this rack of ribs flip it over we're going to do the same thing over here olive oil in the glove we're going to wipe that on and spread that across the surface of the ribs back at it with the barbecue rub by killer hogs you can season this any way you like i like to use a variety of barbecue rubs we're going to take the back side of your hand pat dry it again to make sure that rub is intact on the surface of the meat and they are just about ready to go into the oven now what i like to do is give them about five minutes to sweat you'll see that the moisture starts to seep up and really grab onto that rub you'll see that the surface gets shiny perfectly fine we're gonna push these out of the way we're gonna grab our cookie sheet and some foil and we're gonna get them ready for the oven i've got myself some reynolds wrap heavy duty wide i use this all the time when i'm grilling and cooking because it's a little tougher and it covers a lot more surface so i'm going to take this one strip and it covers the entire width and length of the pan perfect make sure you don't poke any holes in this we're using this specifically to keep the pan clean but i'm going to go ahead and pick these up and carefully place them onto the center of this cookie sheet we'll let these ribs sweat for another minute we'll get the oven preheated to 350 degrees then it'll be time to get them in as you can see those ribs have started to sweat we can see the shiny surface and that rub soaking in it's time to get them into our oven which we have preheated to 350 degrees let's go ahead and get them in i have the rack about center height and that's what we're looking for here we'll set that down right there and get this closed now when i do baby back ribs it's two hours at 350 but these are spare ribs they're gonna take longer so we're looking about that two hours and 45 minute mark at 350 degrees we're gonna check in a couple times show you the progress and then i'll tell you exactly when it's time to pull them out all right let's take a look at these we are about two hours in looking good to me check for tenderness here in about another half hour so that'll put us at two and a half hours everything's looking good if you hear that noise that means the ribs are done we are two hours and 45 minutes in let's pull them out and i'm gonna show you that tenderness check oh man do those look good so you can do this test while it's in the oven carefully but you have to reach in i've got myself a toothpick what you want to do is just check for tenderness in between the bones find the meat in between and you want to poke with a toothpick you want this to feel tender you don't want it to bounce back you don't want it to push back you want to be able to insert this toothpick almost effortlessly and i can tell right now that these ribs are just about done all right so we've got our rack of ribs here i've got a bottle of the rib rack original just looking for a nice simple sweet barbecue sauce take my silicone brush here and i'm just going to do my best to try not to get a lot of sauce on the foil because we know that'll make a mess we want to make sure that we sauce as much on the sides as we can like i said we're trying to keep this nice and neat because that sauce will burn on the foil [Music] they're sauced it's ready to go back into the oven for about six minutes or so the key to cooking is knowing when it's time to pull the trigger so i can take a look at this and see that we're not going to need the broiler i can see that the sauce is bubbling it's caramelizing really well and the last thing i want to do is burn these ribs no need for the broiler we will actually pull these out here momentarily you don't want to ever cook the time it's always a good starting place but like i said i can see that these ribs are going to be done and that there's no need for the broiler setting so we're going to give this just another moment we're going to pull them out we're going to show you exactly what we did it's time to get these ribs off boy they look good as you can see in here they are really hot we're going to get them off this foil and onto our cutting board we're going to let them cool for a few minutes we're going to show you exactly how good they are we let these ribs rest for about five minutes or so and it is time to cut into them and see how they turned out now when it comes to ribs and cutting perfectly in between the bones it's actually best sometimes to look and see the pattern on the back because a lot of times these bones just don't run straight they run at an angle i can see here exactly how they're running and boy they are tender but they seem to have a nice cut to them we'll go through and cut the rest of these sometimes it's easiest to just flip them over and just cut real quick in between each of the bones now a lot of the oven ribs that videos and things that i've seen people overcook them they wrap them in foil for three hours and you're really braising them at this point and they get mushy and that's not what we're looking to do today the only way to know how well you did is to give them a try and as you can see those ribs cut beautifully and that's what i was looking for i didn't want these mushy ribs that's why we didn't wrap them at all when they were in the oven so we're about two hours 45 minutes plus the six minutes at 450 degrees it's time to give them a try and the true test besides taste is to see how clean of a bite we get off the bone if you like great barbecue and it's cold and you don't feel like going outside and cooking or you're someone who doesn't have access to a smoker these oven spare ribs are to die for they're tender they're juicy and they're full of flavor and i made them in less than three hours in my kitchen so check out these oven spare ribs give them a try for yourself and i'll see you next time at anderson smoke show [Music] you
Channel: Andersons Smoke Show
Views: 181,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, oven baked ribs, oven ribs, ribs in the oven, bbq ribs in oven, how to cook ribs in the oven, andersons smokeshow, instant pot ribs, oven ribs fall off the bone, baking ribs, oven baked ribs fall off bone, baked ribs in the oven, oven spare ribs, how to cook spare ribs in the oven, oven baby back ribs, baked ribs, baby back ribs in the oven, baked ribs recipe, oven bbq ribs, oven ribs recipe, oven baked ribs recipe, how to make ribs in the oven, cook ribs in oven
Id: Xdhr3vljvWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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