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maybe the easiest meatiest juiciest most delicious beef back ribs you've ever had but wait with a bourbon apricot barbecue sauce these are beef back ribs they come like this i don't know how many there are one two three four five six seven i i don't know there's a bunch of bones in here but i've left the price on so you could see it these came from costco not sponsored but look 17 bucks 17 bucks for this it's a lot of really good eating and i wouldn't be here if this was a complicated thing to do i don't think we'd be here at all if anything was complicated because we're here to show you how to make your food life better in a simpler way one bite of these you'll be in love you'll want to leave the person that you're with and go to vegas and find a weird chapel that will actually marry you to these that'd be creepy sam do you take this meat as your lawfully wedded the wife uh i can tell you this your active working time is probably 12 to 15 minutes total for amazing deliciousness now there is a three and a half hour gap in the middle when they're in the oven but aside from that you make them go go watch a movie go play a half a round of golf go do your laundry take a good nap it's all good it's all good first we make a little rub we prep them we get them in the oven then bob's your uncle i think we've done this before it's very simple equal parts kosher salt black pepper and garlic powder and we mix with a digit you got that handled let's prep the ribs here's how they look let's actually do it here because there's there's gonna be some blood i'm just telling you right now i think everybody can handle it but just know that's what's gonna happen and out they come let's go big boys perfect it's not too bad but i do like to take paper towels and dry them off you don't need all that yuck like this this for sure that was just sitting there waiting to be dealt with of course that's coming off get this side good flip it over about the only real work you're going to have to do is right now and we're going to want to take as much of this back membrane off as we can and here's how you're going to do that you're going to need a piece of paper towel for it and a little knife boom boom boom boom boom one two three four five six if you can get a little knife under here and just start it like that this is the part you want to take off now you get it into a position for whichever handed person you are you get a grip on it and if you're living right you should be able to pull off a bunch like that oh nice nice almost there but i know it's coming feel very good about this the paper towel is the thing that helps give you grip without the paper towel it's just a slippery proposition and very difficult to pull off so you've got that got a little bit left up here i'm not so concerned about that you don't have to make yourself crazy if you don't want to max is shooting flies with our bug assault rifle i'm working and you're effing around there you go there that was it that last little piece now look if there's weird giant pieces of fat across here that you want to get out feel free to do that like here it's on the back but you probably don't want that you don't want to do it don't worry about it it's not going to be the end of the world okay let's have a look excellent all right before the rub goes on one thing yellow mustard and not a lot like this it's called a binder it helps bind the seasoning to the meat we've done this with a roast when we've cooked it and i always need to say don't think it's going to end up tasting like mustard because it's not it's just going to be delicious now we're seasoning it goes like this and you can be fairly aggressive i mean it's a fairly big piece of meat the aggressive be aggressive what are you like 16 all right i don't really give an ass about the back because up this stick because look it's just bone in that so forget it right here you are you're good now we wrap it here's how i like to do this one sheet of foil on goes our friend like this take a second sheet on top like this and now we wrap them up so this side comes up this way this side comes up this way you still here you seal here take the whole kid i put them back on and we're ready for the oven you want the seals tight you want the steam to stay in that's going to help break down the tissue and make it soft and tender so great my oven is at 385 degrees this is gonna go in this was four and a half pounds it's going to take roughly three hours and uh 30 minutes and then you'll see what happens after that but you're gonna like it oh and when i come back we'll be making this amazing barbecue sauce our sauce begins with a base of ketchup oh do you see that watery part come on yeah let me cover it up it's gross so we want i don't know about a cup or so somebody's got to make a non-fart bottle is that possible do you think okay that's good cup of ketchup but a half a cup of bourbon whiskey or your call beautiful now the part that i think makes it best apricot jam or apricot preserves gonna go about a half a cup rich delicious one of my favorite things to use when sweetening because it doesn't over sweeten in fact it sweetens perfectly a couple tablespoons of worcestershire one dose you could use liquid smoke if you wanted i don't think we need to use it i'm gonna put about three tablespoons uno dos and trace apple cider vinegar tablespoon of dijon mustard and about a half a tablespoon of garlic powder put this on the flat top and we get it warming all right so our goal pretty obvious mix this all together bring it to a boil it'll get there in a minute or two just let it do what it wants to do which is to come to a boil i know what you wanted to say you do i saved my ass on that one wait let me see if that's a better spot that's the spot so we're gonna bring it to a boil just like this jose like this and then turn it down so it simmers gently doesn't need to be bubbling quite this much but gentle bubbles like this that's cool and we're going to give it 15 20 minutes it's going to reduce a little bit it's going to thicken a little bit it's going to become great and absolutely destined for greatness on those beef back ribs that are going to love this and after three hours in about 40 minutes you have a big foil packet that we can open now just let me prepare you for this don't expect anything gorgeous because at this point they're done but they ain't all that pretty ah monster looking but check this out oh do you see this this is called pull back remember the meat was all the way to the ends he said using his probe thermometer not for temperature but for this you see that that's what you want you don't have to cook the temperature you can cook to that and three hours and 40 minutes at 275 gave us this if you want a temperature i can tell you should be right around 200 and something 195 201 203 there you go anywhere between 200 and 205 you're going to be very happy but we got to get rid of the ugliness all right here's what we're going to do we're going to very carefully because i'd like to try and keep them together we're going to take them off here wait a sec nobody move and put them on the rack there we go thanks for cooperating buddy get rid of this now we take our sauce remember our sauce boys the bourbon the ketchup the everything now we glaze away just like this if you want this you don't want to make sauce you could buy a sauce you could buy a barbecue sauce add a little bourbon to it simmer it for a bit and you'd be just fine it might not be this sauce but it might be better you never know but i would rather you cheat a bit and end up with this then go oh no i don't want to make a sauce so i'm not going to bother at all cheating's fine unless it's a relationship then it's not fine okay what about an ap exam yes you can cheat on an ap exam all you want sats yes of course talking about relationships driver's license test if you can cheat on that good luck yes all right could you serve them like this yes should you serve them like no no what could you do now burn them right no we're not going to burn them you could take them put them in the oven under the broiler about that far away for about three minutes or we bring our big fat torch head and we do it manually because you can see you can't see what's going on when it's in the oven really so this is gonna just take me a bit probably should have done the oven anyway but this will help now caramelize this sauce on top it'll make it tacky it'll make it sticky it'll make it just better you see what's happening here to quote max and his favorite word when we're done there's gonna be to gorgeous my dad and use his favorite word when this is done it's going to be fab i don't think i say fab yeah and i don't say gorgey dick you said it yesterday no i've never known that is not true gorge never said gord you said gorge what am i the editor for teen vogue i don't say gorge i heard you say gorge wow i love this i love this so once you've done this once you've got it looking a little bit crispy some little tiny burn spots i like to come back with one more painting of the sauce just light this time oh man oh god i'm happy about this and there you have it ladies and gentlemen beef back ribs i want to stand them up and show you oh look i can almost if i could put something behind this give me your glass nope i'm gonna lose these guys well let's quit wasting time i want to eat one so let me take them off of here that guy's just about to fall apart get our knife let's see if we can do this can we cut this guy right oh my look at that that is meaty that's meaty all right and yeah there's little pockets of fat but what's that going to do for us flavor that's an amazing flavor fat means flavor if you don't know that by now if you don't know what do we have a bite yes look at that look at that what do you think perfect earring if i wore them all right you hold on and you just go for it i knew there was no way i was coming out of that pretty big beefy flavor so tender fork tender baby spoon tender but the bourbon and the apricot jam barbecue sauce made this a 12 out of 10. you know how you know it's good i've got sticky beef stuck all in my mouth and stuff but damn it's good damn it's good you gonna go for it you scared this was all about you being able to pull this off without having a grill a smoke or a whatever at home by the way if you don't have an oven if you have a toaster oven same thing you have to cut them down a bit toaster oven use it you've got it use it i feel like king henry viii biting i need wine i need women i need whatever he had more meat more more lamb all right thanks guys uh i got nothing else if i keep talking i'm not eating and i want to be doing this and just to illustrate my point about how tender this is look at this it's just you know how good an omelette that would make or a sandwich or or a quesadilla or a or a burrito or a taco or i could go on should i go on and yes it's garlic press time oh uh this is number 19 and you get the little uh cleaner outer thing that i threw away about three seconds after i got it but i'm sure it's useful score extra stuff here all right and this is going to jimmy jams jimmy writes my six-year-old and i always watch but in the interest of saving time we do it on two times playback speed oh yeah uh watch this episode today at regular speed and she said they sound super weird like zombies did they turn into zombies keep up the good work hope you guys didn't turn into zombies not only did we not turn into a zombies jimmy jam and six-year-old daughter but you're getting this thanks for watching you guys [Music] the only thing prettier than this is a sholo squintly
Views: 582,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy beef, sam the cooking guy beef back, sam the cooking guy beef back ribs, beef back ribs, easy beef back ribs, juicy beef, juicy beef back ribs, juicy ribs, sam the cooking guy juicy, sam the cooking guy juicy beef, sam the cooking guy juicy beef back ribs, cooking beef, cooking juicy beef, cooking juicy, oven baked, oven baked ribs, oven baked beef ribs
Id: 7kGdsU8HLW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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