OUTRIDERS Full Movie Cinematic (2021) All Cinematics 4K ULTRA HD Sci-Fi Action

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do so [Music] [Music] [Music] disengaging initiating artillery thrusters command we are 20 seconds to atmosphere breach primary ignition set to 30 rotating we are engine first altitude 20 000 feet and falling hold on we're getting interfering switch to high gain antenna command confirm signal strength you're looking great good one go for landing engines off pod one has landed [Music] [Applause] [Music] almost looks like home that's what worries me well boss you're ready got my truck [Music] [Music] i want snipers at three and six multiple defense lines and an operating base established within the hour move goodman a word you know the stakes of this mission flores is already half dismantled our engine's on its way down to power city of half a million now if these outrider bozos hit pay dirt you report to me first sir i'm only here to answer proper procedure this phone we're not on earth shira there is no proper procedure listen up outriders i know what you're all thinking there's no going home and no one has a clue what's waiting for us out there but the eca pencil heads can't greenlight this land until we find their missing probes so let's do our job hq our systems are all functioning i'm gonna scout ahead on foot i need to stretch my damn legs i'll take point don't need to see it get eaten on day one relax outrider you don't owe me anything yeah i wouldn't be here without you i'd be buried in the ashes back home hey no matter what happens out here i need my best gun on this in case things go south can i depend on you just tell me what to do cap our weapons haven't been fired in nearly a century why don't you head over to yakov and get your gear checked and then be prepared to move out as soon as those probes are located any questions no word from earth i assume it's really gone she went dark 15 years into our journey more or less as predicted aca's confirmed no communication since [ __ ] you know i grew up a slum dog fighting for scraps lost everyone really long before the end doomsday just wasn't a thing i worried about hell i was never going to live past 20 anyway somehow i was one of the ones who made it don't even know what i'm supposed to be doing here as things go right time's coming you're gonna have to leave all that behind this is a new beginning you could have a family here build a cabin grow old and get fat that's not me cat no my way around bullets not kids gonna be no need for someone like me here maybe the old you up right you're one of the chosen few you get to build the future don't waste it i'll go find jack of shooting range good we're on standby for those probes so stay on alert hey cuthbert any updates the probe signal is mostly noise but i've tracked its source there hope you all brought your galoshes same [ __ ] different planet [Music] [Music] piece of [ __ ] electronics are freezing up trucks are down we continue on foot soldier your primary focus is here understand we keep moving eyes up [Music] choke on your own spit dude it's nothing i'm good [Music] back to the ship elected medics tanner got eyes on the probe i got movement heading in tender i found it good work get the drive to get the hell out wait hold on this thing's just in relay mode tanner the signal isn't coming from the probe it's coming from outside our search zone somewhere else on the planet that's impossible there is nobody else secure the hard drive we'll analyze that signal back at base copy oh damn it something's frying it tanner give us the frequency uh carrier frequency is nine seven point tanner do copy tanner tanner i'm seeing some really strange [ __ ] down here what the [ __ ] [Music] come on help me [Music] oh get on we've got heavy casualties possible contamination i need quarantine set up a base to copy that oh [ __ ] maxwell what the [ __ ] is all this what does it look like sergeant major sir we have to follow quarantine procedure and hold the landing whatever the original reports about this planet they were wrong there's some kind of anomaly if we land now everyone will die there's no holding the landing it's too late for that there's nowhere else to go tell her here we need help we need medics c to them hurry no stop they're contaminated we contain them that's an order you always were an [ __ ] look around you we got men and women that need a medical attention now get your asses in gear and do the right thing or i'm gonna have to no contain this now burn the [ __ ] bodies do the right thing pull it in the [ __ ] landing it's too late hey you can you help me with the wounded we have to get them to metal over here come on move your asses yeah we're almost what are you doing i'm putting you back into cryo until mad lab can save your [ __ ] life don't be ridiculous i'm done for pep talks aren't really my thing [Music] when is something truly over was it when your people left earth behind was it when you watched the first spaceship crash and burn was it when you saw your fellow outriders crumble at your feet was it watching yourself die but enoch isn't done with you yet outrider like i always say it ain't over till it's over you what year are you from year what year what is this your pot where were the uplink notes come on doc we need to go they're coming wait we can't just leave them here these are outright they're not why we're here i'm sorry [Music] don't move [ __ ] captain about another one i'll try there that's your kind was all dead dead uncuff me and find out the anomaly is coming let's see how fast you can run the romance land like the others [Music] uh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me [Music] oh [Music] aah [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] altered could smell the storm in your blood your stink of enoch your kinder abominations exile who the hell are you outrider impossible such untapped power such confusion you want answers who was that lord seth he's he's altered i think he's a little man a little man altered what the [ __ ] does that mean you you don't know what you are where'd you steal that uniform didn't it's mine yeah if he's really an outrider the new fight's on the wrong side altered what are you talking about yeah the grand marshal she'll explain where is she what is that go go do whatever you have to do lieutenant shira you're alive i'm sorry to disappoint you you came from their side you got any intel for us are you [ __ ] kidding me look i got a war to win so either you help me or you get back into cryo hold on i'm just woken up to mud and [ __ ] i've been asleep for god knows how many years 31 years so for 31 years i've been seeing people fight and die while you were getting comfy and cry so excuse me for not throwing you a little welcome party what happened to you the anomaly that's what happened you mean that storm we told them not to land anything more advanced than a grease engine that fried all our data wiped out we couldn't grow crops or make medicine so we ended up in the same as when we left earth just killing each other over the little we have left why didn't you go somewhere else the outriders could have the outriders are dead what and the anomaly keeps us in this [ __ ] valley we can't go anywhere else you don't get it do you you think you're dreaming this is real believe me it's [ __ ] real so whether you like it or not you're stuck here in the mud and [ __ ] like the rest of us you should have never woken up i didn't miss out on all this we were too late he's been taken underground well get him back well it may be our side but that's not our turf ma'am i'm not losing people over yaku yaku he's still alive not too much longer it seems then i'll go find him bam never mind i've got it covered nice eyes hey whoa oh sorry guys i thought this was the bathroom you okay i had it under control been a while do i know you gorma then i thought you were dead you'll soon be dead if you don't get your ass to shears right now all right come meet me there when you're ready no because he won't because he can do what the [ __ ] he wants hey never been so happy to see a familiar face you have an age today you got old my friend the hallway that was seth what was he doing here ignoring our pleas for help i thought it was on your side says he's not on anyone's side the insurgents have altered their walking nightmares where lucky seth shows up to fight them back sometimes but only if it fits whatever the hell game he's playing hey damn it you have no idea how bad it is all right we thought we escaped the apocalypse we thought we could start over again here but we were wrong i was wrong do you know why i'm in charge because i'm the only officer left alive the insurgents at our door they're feral sadistic they have us around it we're low on food and bullets and if those freaks don't kill us this planet will welcome back the black fungus in the forest we never found a cure the mountains are filled with abominations and the anomaly storms get bigger every year we don't have much time left if we don't find a way out of this valley if we don't find a miracle this last shred of humanity is over shira would you look at that i can do things now i don't understand but maybe there's a reason yes you are i guess i know why i saved your damn life all those years ago i'm sure this isn't exactly what you had in mind i'm not complaining still i don't get in the day we landed that storm and tore cuspard apart but not me why why was i altered who the hell knows when those storms hit some get ripped inside out some turn pink polka dot and a few come back [ __ ] immortal nothing about the anomaly makes sense it disrupts the laws of nature it mutates whatever it touches early on the eca's best scientists tried to understand the storms to tame them none survived i guess you got lucky boss or maybe not all i care about is that you are on our side our only supply line is blocked by an altar that our weapons cannot touch out by the old solar array seth had no interest in helping us but now you're here hell why not maybe i can buy humanity another day lieutenant what the hell was that the whole front line just collapsed like an earthquake all right i i think we lost our whole first line of defenses on my way go go go hey in case i don't get another chance i i tried to find you but it all went to [ __ ] we had to run for our lives i just forget it i'm alive i should have been dead 10 times over if not for tanner if not for shira i'm the one with dudes to pay now yakum awesome i missed you it's good to have you back now go beat that altered ass for us so we can get back in this goddamn fight [Music] and so outrider you've had your first kill we altered do not die so easily do we sith come we must speak they asked you to help them to fight the altar down there why didn't you that pathetic monstrosity was a distraction people are dying because of him without the supply route open they all die these feeble creatures slaughtering each other over scraps you waste your gifts running errands for them trying to win their meaningless and endless war you must realize you are not like them anymore also why i should play being a god like you i am not playing but you are something even more altered and outright the last outrigger do what you were set here for go beyond the frontier these people need their gods only one like you could lead them to a future why not you they call him moloch i fight another war far above this petty squalor my war is with the worst of our kind this one is too powerful he will destroy us all unless i hunt him down but this is not your fight you are to be the shepherd find a way for them out of this slaughter outrider sure it's done your supply line's open i'm heading home i don't believe you they do peck yeah good sure the signal in the forest you remember it yeah like it was yesterday you still have its frequency don't you you mean this frequency you got the winning lotto numbers tattooed on your ass cheek too still don't believe me oh i hate when you play that i told you so that signal is still playing like a distant echo it's digital which means it must be coming from a place where there is no anomaly the problem is we've never been able to locate its source because we've never had the right frequency until you showed up so now listen close you need to bring those precise numbers to dr abraham zahidi one of our last scientists [ __ ] he's been deep in the enemy territory for weeks now five rations says zahidi's dead we don't know that you i've seen you before it was in the med lab you woke me out of cryo guess life's real funny that way meet jane sniper first class she almost died trying to save his life she'll guide you wait shira when we landed that signal was already playing do you have any idea who or what is sending it do yourself a favor don't ask that question whatever's out there they don't want to be found and whoever goes looking for that [ __ ] signal ends up dead but it's the only chance we've got and if anyone can get there alive it's all of you cheera come on jacob that's an order sorry i left you to die in that med lab hey no worries didn't really have a choice i'd have done the same and again has outdone himself whoa you've managed to keep my truck working after all these years well i had to strip the ai systems bypass the graphene cells cost me 20 bars of vodka and pirates but now i'll be able to run anything diesel turpentine even [ __ ] potatoes if we can grow potatoes [Music] you still got tunes dudes hey boss we got no electronics no tunes no nothing but somehow we make get back i'll kill him calm down step closer i swell rip them open get back this man's gonna bleed out who are you sure goodman sent me to find you i thought you might want to see this that's a frequency what the where did you get jane you're hurt it's nothing doc tell me the briefcase is safe no the truck is gone wait no no no no no hold on hold on hold on hey hey hey listen to me listen to me i might be able to stop the bleeding but you have to tell me where your people took my truck i will save your life yes go down pass river all right doc move back wait no no no i just gave this man my word we can't leave him alive he knows too much no he doesn't have to die we already have what we want jade no get her up i'm taking her back to my truth you have to find the dog's truck it's more important than me you have no idea there's a briefcase under the oil tank bring it back safe wow [Applause] make me dig my own grave next this better be worth it oh my god [Music] it's still intact the satellite uplink the last satellite uplink so that's what you were looking for when you found me yeah and it still works wow the case it's new metal it insulates it it's never been opened so the electronics inside have been safe from the goddamn anomaly so what does it connect to the floor is i thought it was all disassembled for the colonization mostly but we lost contact towards the end half of the resources we were meant to have are still up there the trapped in the supply pods seeds electronics hard drives full of data all out of reach we could rebuild civilization with those resources but they're useless to us unless we can find a place beyond the storms no it might sound like a dream but for those of us that believed it kept us going so this is it that's why shearer sent me to get you she wants what's inside those pots so what do we do now your frequency i can use it to locate the source of the signal i need to reach an antenna up high somewhere you got one in mind yeah eagle peaks but uh not yet i told you everyone who goes on the stupid mission ends up dead [Music] is that the tower yes it looks like the cable cars down you might ask those soldiers if there's a way to get them working what the hell was that noise how about they keep the engine warm [Music] hold it the signal that's now we're too far away there's too much interference from the anomaly and coordinates but i have a direction [Music] god damn it what is it it's either in the forest or somewhere beyond what aren't you telling me nobody's ever come back alive from the forest yeah i figured you're gonna say something like that listen you hear that [Music] something's under the scenes whatever it is let's not keep waiting yeah i could prepare the truck we're heading towards the forest oh the forest of course driving into savage uncharted territory and breathing a fungus that liquefies your organs with on my list of things to do today you know if i had a [ __ ] nickel for every time maybe we switched the radio for a little [Music] while no you're just gonna make it worse no i got it i got this so we've got problem insurgents have taken the quarry and the only road headed east has been mine there's no way through unless we talk to corrigan he's the grand marshal up in trench town and he is now known for being just the strangers fortunately i told that charming young lady out there that we were headed east now don't tell people where we're going right i wouldn't normally but it turns out she's corrigan's associate she'll give us an intro if we help her drive up a package what kind of package try anything girly and you're sure pathetic life is over god hang over till it's over sweetheart you who are you [Music] i go to the end of the [ __ ] world and you're still in my [ __ ] face go drown in your bottle [ __ ] why am i not surprised to see you in chains again that girl is she a friend of yours someone from a long time ago any reason she hates your gut so much [Music] let's go buckle up we're moving out and so you gather your flock [ __ ] tried so hard to never see this place again hey keep your trap shut where do i find this corrigan the big bunker i'll let him know you're coming though your kind's pretty hard to miss so this is gootman's new altered she sent you to intimidate me aren't you both on the same side today i just need passage through your field i don't want to waste money your prisoner what did you do my fortune teller predicted victory and my men walked into an ambush i told you what you wanted to hear i can't the [ __ ] visions i've told you of your [ __ ] we fight tomorrow with no altered at our size you've got serious issues you have an altered right here you will fight with this men tomorrow yeah just let the girl go i don't have time for this who the hell is she to you she's like some kind of daughter to me oh hold on you had a daughter yeah maybe more like i was screwing her mom for a couple of years and maybe her aunt facts are blurry i like this arrangement very much they want the passage east and the witch fine you would take seth's place in battle wait seth is here the great altered was last seen out in the wreckage zone hunting one of your kind then i'll go find them you do that the assaults tomorrow are dawn if i'm to give up my oracle i expect to see one of you back here or our deal is yeah thank you leave the truck again and i'll welch you to the wheel well [ __ ] me jakub seth's dead what he's never been defeated [Music] you see they call him molok jacob there's another altered out here someone more powerful than seth well that's just [ __ ] awesome today we shall see victory a great new altered fights on our side together we shall come on oh that was easy-peasy you still kissing that piece of junk coleman hey at least better than kissing the sergeant's ass give me that what is that anyway that's from the old world well if you wouldn't understand you can't even [ __ ] read sorry grandma's not a [ __ ] life ah moloch a new altered you've come to finish what seth failed to do my fight's not with you oh it is now you fight with them that means you die with them all this persistence this world is crashing down [Music] and what will be left without us that's how you thank a girl for saving your life i knew my fortune teller was gold she saw exactly where you were buried i'm done you said a deal is a deal you're free to go your [ __ ] prophecies can be someone else's problem the assault tell me this pounding headache was worth it the news is good of course it was a bloodbath but while you were entertaining that abomination we took back the front are you sure i can't entice you to stay life is good around here for the altered glory of battle women men worshipers at your feet thanks i'm somewhere i gotta be east the quarry's overrun past that's the edge of the world what does gootman have you looking for passage through the minefield that was our deal marshall bailey knows the way she'll see your convoy through what no [ __ ] way guide us over radio draw a map we are not taking her we i never said you were coming i'd say you always had a home here altered but i don't think you'll be coming back alive did you piss off i don't need anyone else to babysit i can take care of myself no where we're going hey just wait it's how i know i'm supposed to go with you the anomaly [ __ ] me up too but i only get the visions always horrible visions all my life except one one that's beautiful it's this planet but it's lush and it's green it's it's in the future and there's always someone there with me i could never see the face but the voice it's you whatever it is you're doing i know it's gonna work because in the end we're in that meadow together [Music] oh hell no i'm not going anywhere with that [ __ ] china can't come with us that wasn't deal in the truck both of you john what do you think you're doing listen to me for once where i am taking these two there's no coming back i didn't save your life again watch you throw it all away that's what you're telling yourself now you're my savior it's pathetic fine next time you're in trouble i will think twice i'll let you die you stupid cow well you gotta die somewhere and if it's out there at least i get to watch you go first john so long [ __ ] you're heading back across the minefield on better than where you're headed have fun getting yourselves killed that's it the quarry got a plan to get us through it live we have to make some modifications to the tr you're not touching the truck we have to seal the interior then with lithium perchlorate to generate oxygen and iron powder and lithium hydroxide to scrub co2 english please the truck will be like a bubble and we'll be safe inside so long as we have lithium to generate oxygen that'll give us time to find the source of the signal would you expect me to magically pour more lithium out of my ass when the fly runs out i can do without the snide remarks the only source of lithium on enoch comes from old batteries from earth now most of them were scavenged for parts long ago but the mining operation's been inaccessible for years there's bound to still be some of them around here simply put we find the batteries we get to live oh better and better let's move thank you i don't think that he just got real lucky old man what if she comes with us if we make it through someone has to keep the briefcase and me safe when you're not around look old man i don't do charity work please we need you give me a break she's playing us this is her way of weaseling her way into our troop she's spying for corrigan you see that in your crystal ball admit it you psychopath you know i'm right you couldn't pay me enough of whatever prize you're after freak tracking a signal that's coming from beyond the anomaly when we find it we're going to reconnect to the florists and bring down those lost supply pods keep doctors a heated a lot and keep your stupid mouth shut and you'll get your share of the loon deal [ __ ] believable i know i know she's a pain in the ass but uh what if you lay a hand on her ever again i'll run you over with this goddamn track we got one shot at this let's be honest anyone who follows me out there today is probably gonna die and we'll all be home for christmas how do i keep getting myself into this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] we need to fix the purifier what's the point huh the truck is [ __ ] worry about that later let's reseal the door don't go out there just wait for me [Music] [Music] doesn't end this way it can't yeah is that what your magic [ __ ] fairy visions say because sure as hell doesn't look like we're getting out of here and what no no no it's okay something happened who the hell are you hey where are you taking us who the hell are you people all your questions will be answered when we reach dr scurlock it's too late we're not making it to any doctor stand down or your people will die you [ __ ] die with them i'm not threatening them [ __ ] i'm trying to save them what the hell what exactly is in this please please uh do not fear my name is nathan scurlock xenobios dr abraham zahidi can you explain to us oh my what an unexpected i was a follower of your father's work um at least um as long as possible i haven't so much claim to fame as you can see there is one breakthrough of mine that served us rather well just tell us how it works yes yes of course my apologies the fungus wasn't always like this its dna was altered my formula merely tells the fungus against itself here all who are brave enough to reach us are free to live in peace my antidote must be injected daily with this small ceremony each month just in time for one no alternates i'm afraid i hope that the rest of your convoy will attend this evening we're not planning on staying long oh beyond here there's only death until the truck is repaired we're stuck here anyway good thank you screw till they push back then loosen a little you forget everything i taught you taught me you think you taught me anything old man unbelievable feisty she definitely got her temper from you looks like we're taking a break i guess you've earned the right to hear the full story so uh a long time ago before this shitty planet before we even left earth i was flying workers to the caravel orbit station and the flames started to surround me and i tried to find an exit and that's when i tripped and i saw this damn pregnant woman lying under the [Music] rubble i was able to save both of us well sir hold on you were there during the careful disaster all the survivors of the caraval were given the free ticket board the brand new flores and i met her again right here in trench town her child was born it was a girl and she named her chanda then that little brand was only six when she saw her mother killed right in front of her so you raised her go on the chuck isn't going to fix itself see you make it out this far alive even less mean to keep going what is it you're looking for friend i'm not your friend you don't know what's out there there are things i could tell you things i could warn you about but you would not believe these things and what makes you so sure because the things i've seen even i do not believe them [Music] that was skirlock's little ceremony how was it it was weird a bunch of rambling speeches about brotherhood we all picked stones from a basket but hey there is music and drugs so not all bad where's zahidi went off with scurlock talking some science mumbo jumbo well he'll be back no he won't your friend picked the black stone are you talking about they're taking him to the facility get me out of here i'll lead you [Music] scurlock makes his antidote here very few know what goes on inside and how do you i used to help him make it until he took a friend of mine prisoner stop hey how you doing i'd like to see dr zahidi please this facility is off limits you will not get a second warning people that's what they injected us with he needed bone marrow for the antidote to work all those people who escaped the war came here to die instead i was next you think that was easy for me doctor it's random it has to be except for you safe from your own lottery i suppose how convenient i create the antidote i'll keep us alive how many exactly have you sacrificed for your little utopia i am not a monster i carry the burden a few must be sacrificed so many can live what are you going to choose who lives and dies i don't hide behind a basket of stones when i kill a man he knows it was me take as much as you can carry you didn't have to kill him he was a man of science there's so few of us left he was a self-righteous murderer what does that make me then his antidote god help me we're still gonna use it you haven't yet seen anything oh august oh my god is that a native of enoch i found august out there lost and alone i tried to give shelter but skurlock only saw a specimen to experiment this this changes everything no more it can talk august it's all right they're not like the others they're friends okay you're free now go home get dr zahidi back to my we truck out right away east there's a ravine to the east you'll have to go south around it you know this forest i've gone further than anyone else i'm not a deserter i came into this forest because i'm an explorer a voyager like you outrider we're heading beyond the anomaly don't know if we'll be coming back but we could use a guide let's become a regular clown car my god we'll have to report this to gootman can't believe we've been next to an alien civilization all these years in this case aren't we the aliens these ruins are ancient if being like the ones we saw sent the signal it wasn't from here sure we're still heading in the right direction honestly outright or i don't know but if you can get a receiver above this tree line we should be close enough to pick up the trail again i know of a structure give me a radio i can [Music] [Music] there's a big storm brewing warn the others we need to find shelter [Music] he's there august you came back [Music] what exactly is your friend doing bailey [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] thing it's making the [ __ ] storm no wait it's not what you think august can channel it control it look august is helping us no [ __ ] billy you need to stand down no i don't think so think maybe i've gone far enough on your little death march think i'm going back to corrigan and taking this freak with me come here ah oh so this is what it feels like bailey be careful you don't know what this energy could do to you oh no go go really you don't want to do this you could not be more wrong freak no you don't win this why is it going away no no way wait no she's breathing but her spinal cord's most likely severed if she survives she'll never walk again good chicken watch the monsters eat her liver let's go no reason to leave her to suffer no i i don't care what she's done we need to bring i will take care of her personally i i would do the same for any of you really okay now the no [ __ ] version my vision of the meadow i've been seeing more of it bailey's in it how's it supposed to come true if she's not with us in your vision is everyone [Music] how i don't know have you told him he doesn't listen to anything i say hold up moving in the trees behind us it's time probably wants his revenge now you can get in line we've been hoping for is right behind this gate but there's no obvious mechanism for opening it august you must know yet lost people you mean as others like you maybe what do you mean you know what's out there hmm [Music] oh come on that's our only hope it's the end of the goddamn world out there what happened to a place beyond the storm sir we are about to go farther than any man has ever gone before well let's go before i change my [ __ ] mind mr spock crazy looks like we may be here a while you need to drink you stupid [ __ ] hey she's waking up hey how do you feel you've been out a few days i i can't i can't feel my legs i'm sorry bailey [Music] why didn't you just kill me tada my masterpiece dabrosky has outdone himself again what what did i do now oh i thought my daughter wanted you to live but god knows a reason kill me or get out of my face jonah [Music] is that a fire out there seems i'm not alone more than the others i'll go check it out what the [ __ ] lord gratwick what the hell jacob the light was an ambush some real uglies that were drawing me out did you copy jakub oh my god august us do nothing us hide no friends taken taken yes they took them yes a lie yes august wait take this us cannot or else like that stay in the truck i'll find them what the [ __ ] hey they took china to the fire pits [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shut up never stop causing me trouble [Music] oh [Music] let's dance [ __ ] yeah i always thought the old cockroach could survive anything my mom always told me he was the only outrider on enoch still alive even escaped the wreck of the caraval back when the earth was dying she said classic but why him you know it was his magic charm i always thought i was just not giving a [ __ ] about any of it like it protected him [Music] well i guess he finally gave a [ __ ] about something [Music] well well can you believe it turns out the old man's chair on wheels is uh really practical [Music] it's only gonna get worse the further we go if anybody wants to go back do it now but i got one mission i'm finding that signal you're gonna need a driver what the [ __ ] these are our trucks but none of our expeditions made it out of the forest alive how is this even possible if they came from the forest they're going the wrong way no look closer this isn't us the enemy then oh my god is that some kind of fuel civil i've never seen tech advanced before who the hell were they whoever they were they lost this was a massacre we can't stay here jenna we need to find shelter we head to those rocks i didn't think we'd make it out of that storm that's no story look there's someone out there [Applause] wait isn't that the son of a [ __ ] that killed jakub [Music] man you're really good at pissing people off this [ __ ] not letting this go neither am i next time i see him he's dead up here i found something some kind of outpost looks human you see that antenna over there i can use it to trace a signal you hear that it's a digital relay device the hell is it supposed to be relay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our signal our signal [Applause] but how was it playing when it landed how's that even possible it's not it's not possible [Applause] [Music] those coordinates we find them we plug in and we contact the damn floors august what happened here incoming get out of there now [ __ ] hide in there go [Applause] [Music] augustine here your giant cockroaches augustus [Music] [Music] take cover quick [Music] [ __ ] [Music] no i'm your friend [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh gosh oh august what the what the hell happened to august august's people weren't wiped out by savages they became savages why would they do that [Laughter] this monroy was a madman hey there's a ship what's that the caravel that's not possible the caravel never left earth its engines explode its engines exploded tens of thousands died then what the hell are we looking at the source of the [ __ ] signal monroy signal there's no place beyond the storm it's coming from in there protected from the anomaly just like the uplink in your goddamn briefcase i don't [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] understand neither do i it doesn't make any sense everyone saw the caravel explode during its construction even if the people left on earth were able to rebuild the ship they left after us we were the we were the first nevertheless what's certain is that monroy enslaved august's people he butchered them and they turned they mutated into savages willingly so they could fight back back i'm done with all this whatever's waiting for you on that ship i want no i want no part of it thiago you can't leave us now i thought you weren't a deserter what they did to august people what our people did to august don't you see thank you for letting me walk aways with you we're going to finish this we're finding a way in the caravan 37.5673 degrees north degrees north 22.80116 degrees we're here 22.80 someone hit the lights look it's exactly as i saw it as we saw it china that's not real that's this planet all right but it's long gone no no it's get the [ __ ] i'm in the mood for this today [Applause] you okay you're here i imagine this so many times never you who are you who am i roy how how did you how did this ship get here before us how do you think you people left us to die as the earth crumbled but i don't die so easy do i now we built a new engine an engine that that chained all others before so so while you were still crawling through deep space we were already here oh you should have seen it their primitive civilization the natives they treated us like gods yeah i've seen what you did to the natives you see now this isn't a rescue why didn't you come when we said has a distress call 30 years since the flores arrived in our skies 30 years surviving in this hell this hell was because of you my entire life trapped in that valley slowly slaughtering each other for nothing you robbed our people of hope before we even got here don't flatter yourselves you were as capable of every wickedness the packs weren't as docile as they looked they had powers so much power things i had to understand so you just rounded them up you tortured them you son of a [ __ ] are you ready to rave how long before those creatures tired of us before they turned against us they would have had us on our bloody knees all that i wanted was their powers for for us for all of us so that we could survive so we could be strong don't you see we lost the earth because we were meant for something more there but for the grace of i go you my child do you think that you would be standing there with the powers of a god if it hadn't been for me all that i've done for humanity i saved us you cursed us that i won [Music] it's done [ __ ] him no more wasting time i have to tap the uplink into the caravan's power so we can reach the floor is before we [ __ ] we found this we gotta go no no no no leave me i have to do this do what you got to do doc that door won't hold long outrider if that beast cracks this ship's hull we lose electronics we lose the pods we lose everything i'll take care of it you just get those pods down [Music] uh [Music] foreign sahini what's happening in there it's working i've contacted the flores transmitting the first launch codes now almost there almost there [Music] [Music] [Music] get in i'm not losing any more friends [Music] oh [ __ ] i guess it's over the signal the uplink it was all for nothing wait guys look over there [Music] the pods it works [Music] you did it my god [Music] i guess some of the commands went through after all [Music] wow like i always say it ain't over till it's over [Music] what the hell when roy's people no i don't think so who are you we're from the war zone are you the outriders we heard tales about an altered outriders opening the frontier finding a cure in the forest we've been following your trail since the war zone [Music] so what now we keep moving [Music] the puds they did it the [ __ ] did it
Channel: GameClips
Views: 879,888
Rating: 4.6951218 out of 5
Keywords: Outriders, Outriders Full Movie, Outriders Cinematic, Outriders Cinematic Movie, Outriders All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Trailers, Cinematics, Outriders Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2021, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Sci-Fi Movie, Action, Sci-Fi, 2021 Movie, 2021 Trailer, New, Trailer
Id: DeHtjZ344Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 38sec (6398 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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