CALL OF DUTY ZOMBIES Full Movie Cinematic 4K ULTRA HD Horror All Cinematics

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when atlas dropped the bomb they hoped it would finish the war instead it unleashed a freak show like no one's ever seen three platoons were sent to cage their new pet two came back in body bags an acceptable loss by atlas standards then they brought it here for research gotta get a return on your investment no one bothered to tell the rest of us what the hell there is no sub level six execs do love their secrets know you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me arlene get me security no all of it this is a court re-evacuation remember no warning no backup [Music] i [ __ ] hate the atlas corporation when we met we had only two things in common the wrong place and the wrong time when you're facing a thousand mutant zombies eager to spoon out your brains you learn to work together lilly shot her first gun that day like she was born to it ah zombie [ __ ] we were lucky to have found each other but our luck was running out as fast as our ammo [ __ ] what now still got your fists and your teeth we should have died right then and there but atlas was all of a sudden feeling generous i don't know how long we were out but it was long enough for things to go from bad to worse we're clear get up here i don't like this we got the high ground what's not to like we're cut off that's what where you are what is this on your knees hands behind your hands resist so we will open fire been watching you a long time atlas did a real number on your heads didn't they it's nothing personal but one of you has to go one shot to the head my head and the fog lifted name is lennox works for sentiment they think they're the good guys you shot us that thing you call oz he's the source of the infection a bullet's not gonna stop him what the [ __ ] are you talking about the man is dead but so were you once and you and you you see a pattern here you ain't no zombies how alice inbound five miles of closing up dead or alive we were atlas's prized pets lennox knew they'd do anything to get us back what nobody factored was one of the pets was about to slip his leash that did it this ship's about to become one big tax write-off who pays taxes hey no one gives a [ __ ] okay we got two minutes before we're all guzzling seawater move there lilith what are you doing uh are you kidding me oz is dead that [ __ ] shot him it's just another stupid zombie let's just go already come on people we don't have time for this the atlas infection blaze like a firestorm across the western hemisphere consuming everyone and everything in its path and i was the match this [ __ ] had used to start it i just couldn't remember any of it till now [ __ ] this place is coming apart take him down but you can't stop being what you truly are come on go go go even if it's a monster ah we were lucky lucky take a good look at us look if we survive chances are oz did too we gotta be sure so what happens if we find him i think we all know the answer to that one though we picked up some close chatter we think it's an atlas black site we start there atlas had always posed as the savior of mankind while constructing some of the most horrific and lethal weapons to exterminate them all for cold hard cash the only difference being this weapon came home so this is it end of the line it's better this way i am what i am and what i need to be is deleted from this world say goodbye to big bad oz wait i'll do it besides there's only room for one monster in this world atlas will pay for what they did to you i need to better watch its [ __ ] ass lennox got promoted to lieutenant colonel for eradicating the source of the atlas infection he remains a total dick to this day but i have to credit lennox for pulling some strings and getting decker admitted into sentinel decker finally got his chance to be a proper soldier he now fights on the front line against his former employer tired of the grime and the guns khan took up the fight against atlas the best way he knew how by suing them the evidence he is amassed for his case is both substantial and damning of course he had a little help from a former atlas i.t employee turned hacktivist atlas may stack the jury in their favor but my best lilith will serve her own brand of justice once she empties all their bank accounts i still [ __ ] hate the atlas corporation for time and the world do not stand still change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future i said are certain to miss the future i miss that prime minister castro this missile crisis was the last straw we almost blew ourselves up now we invited you here today good faith in good faith to sort this thing out and why is he here he lost as i always say forgive your enemies but remember their names now gentlemen as i like to think from the long history of the world that there are only a few generations sounds like someone breaking in just a storm dick sit down oh my god it appears the pentagon has been breached zombies gentlemen at times like these our capacity to retaliate must be and has to be massive to deter all forms of aggression gentlemen [Music] any last words mr president yes jack any superlative words of inspiration for our humble troops do not pray for easy lives my friends pray to be stronger men i've always liked the monster within idea i like the zombies being us it's like zombies are the blue-collar monsters we're completely surrounded we're completely [ __ ] are you girls kidding me i've been praying for this [ __ ] come on boys let's get to work for god's sakes he missed me again oh cut are you blind man like this oh see no hey i do it like this danny i do it like this get back to hair and makeup you don't look dead enough come on let's go that ain't in the script we're writing a new one it's called dragon shack massacre this is a real nightmare let's slay some steps [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey sal we must have been through this 50 times already and we'll go through with another 50 if that's what it takes 9 30 lights out god begins his rounds how we're doing tonight ferguson incredibly good i'm doing great mr deluca my boy tommy it's almost six now ain't that swell hey finn get that tip for saturday's race yet i'm no talking 9 35 the weasel launches into a song and dance routine damn it arlington you gotta get the dog that'll be the real deal this time the weasel gets the keys we move on to stage two let's get moving here you go fellas courtesy of the warden's private collection boys in the laundry stash departs of course they [ __ ] did what the [ __ ] i killed him you've been in the joint too long al you forgotten how to get [ __ ] done what the [ __ ] [Music] this ain't right something weird's going on here you don't say weasel where are those screams coming from [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] diesel burning [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] it began long ago on the battlefields of the great war two german scientists sought to harness dark and mysterious forces buried for centuries they believed their discoveries would assure germany's ultimate victory what they could never have imagined was just what else their research would unearth [Applause] my name is samantha i'm going to tell you how all this really began as the gates to agartha opened the four heroes were rewarded with riches beyond imagination [Music] from that day forward they knew that samantha would keep them safe forever [Music] getting everything wrong i told you before their eyes should be blue it's my turn eddie i can do whatever i want but you don't even know how to play properly girls don't know enough about zombies [Music] what's the windows are choice before you come down to the basement you'd better do what your dad says [Music] i didn't even get my turn tomorrow eddie you get to make the rules i promise come on fluffy [Music] i wish the heroes in our stories were real sam i know what you mean [Music] but we will make everything okay my dad says he has a plan goodbye dr this ain't funny doc turn around slowly do you know who i am yeah we know that's why you better do exactly what we say a great evil approaches there is a chain of events that must be set in motion the future hangs by a thread you must awaken the test subjects [Music] richtofen whatever you're thinking of doing don't do it you do not want to meet what's on the other side of the door you cannot begin to comprehend the great evil you could unleash [Music] [Applause] damn it richtofen i thought we were done with this what can i say dainty things change only a fool would dare to change history i am no fool but i do i do only to secure a better tomorrow yeah well let's see if we live to see it [Music] [Music] he's still alive i [ __ ] hope so [Music] this subject will wreak havoc across the entire universe he cannot be allowed this wasn't how it was supposed to go we were supposed to secure the package and be in and out clean instead the whole thing's been one disaster after another i should never have trusted you rich hoffman never you should trust me dempsey you all should this artifact has the power to contain and preserve the subject's soul your soul but it can only be done after the moment of death just as you saw me do to my other self [Music] it is the only way wait if someone's got to take him out to save the universe then it should be me that does it good to see you tank [Applause] [Music] [Music] take [Music] i'm sorry i don't speak japanese himself i am no president uh it was close yes a little too close we must go now [Music] your eyes i recognize them almost as though they were my own [Music] sake i did not believe i would find you in such a place i was a warrior i fought many great battles for the glory of our nation for the honor of the dying samurai spirit i was a hero i share this memory i have lived many of the same victories i later learned that my victories were unwelcome his betrayal was driven by petty jealousy he knew i could endure anything that i feared not even my own death punishment is one thing this is cruelty who could be so evil as to desire another soul to endure such suffering who amongst us could be so dishonorable are you so blinded by your own loyalty the orders came from the emperor himself [Applause] this realm may have been corrupted and consumed by evil but we possess the power to change things [Music] the better tomorrow is only possible if we blow away the ashes of the past none of us choose the means by which mercy will find us but i am at peace i understand what must be done will you be my it is my honor [Music] three down one to go guess it's you next night nine there is something else we ask you there is a chain of events that must be set in motion [Music] this was part of the maverick [Music] yes [Music] you think you will kill me now i am sorry nikolai i wish i wish there was another way but know this in my heart i share the same pain as you the pain that you have buried and blurred beneath an alcohol-fueled haze yes the pain of your own memory you loved and you lost everything else has been delusional fantasy that distance you from painful truth you know what i speak of you remember before the bombs fell before she was taken from us some things are forgotten for a reason [Music] it is done the souls have been collected maxis we will see you soon shall we this was meant to be a new start really a perfect world free from all the evil that had corrupted each and every corner of the known and unknown universe it was going to be a place of safety for the kids the little use you little were so far so good [Music] but things started to go wrong soon after you arrived now i can understand your initial shock coming face to face with maxis especially after so long but you did the right thing you followed the plan you brought the summoning key here and you destroyed that bloody machine once and for all [Music] thing is max's went and ballsed everything up you must help me he heard voices you see calling to him can we prevent the destruction of your world it wasn't really his fault you know he hasn't actually got his soul yet all i got was a brain anyway the key thing as in the thing that is key is that max is fiddled around with the summonings and accidentally released an even bigger bastard someone even i didn't know was in there the shadow man a one and only original harbinger don't so i'm going to be absolutely truthful with you things have gone way too far out of control this isn't any big evil we're talking about the apothecans the most powerful and evil entities in all the existences that ever existed it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show [Music] with the evil vanquished i can stop making it all nice again no undead no apothecans no shadow man all of it gone forever but here's the funny thing you snowflake shouldn't even still be here you should be fading out of existence by now those blood vials i was wondering when you'd bring this up they're from realities we've already closed off they shouldn't be here they can't be here such a paradox means you're putting my perfect world at risk you guys and your bloody free will what to do what to do well you certainly can't stay here you could send us somewhere else somewhere we've never been hmm i suppose i could make a little corner somewhere in history a place where i can dump some of the other [ __ ] that i've left over or i just wipe you from existence oh hang on actually that all works out perfectly [Music] was stumbling around in total darkness part of plan [Music] you give us the fire we'll give him hell do not speak so lightly of hell easy tech i didn't mean the real thing gentlemen we are here where have you taken us we should be closer to the lab no matter this way if you please [Music] [Music] you're late [Music] doctor doctor is there a problem two for each of them survival depends on it you'll remember so much to do a vessel for maxis the opening of the gateways are you sure you're not getting confused ah you'll be needing this the chronology but i've already read it read it again what is the meaning of this the pages have changed they our planet mind blood you cannot possibly expect me to let this happen let me guess you're not gonna let us in on what that was about or explain why you have people in freezer [Music] [ __ ] [Music] i will be reborn my god what have i [Music] done movement [Music] oh [Music] uh listen to how the spirits sing they are free of this realm ain't that swell does that mean we win i would be greatly relieved if that were saw i am in no hurry to ensnare my mortal soul that will not be necessary nikolai the future has changed [Music] read it learn of your true calling you must keep your sword it will be needed to defeat dr monty whoa hello i am still here hey it was so sad the cycle is broken here doctor [Music] as such insurance policies are no longer needed i wish i could tell you i was sorry edward but i'm not no no you can help me you're a doctor wait don't you know who i am i have been witness to miracles on calamities dimensions walk a path no other can take i want to be me someone who denotes the hard work i wanted to keep going this is me [Music] [Music] it's more time travel [ __ ] just hasn't happened yet speaking of bs how the hell did you get back in your body doc does it matter dempsey i'll tell you what matter americans still give nikolai oblivion or do you want to make a difference for once in your life you four must come with us in time it will make sense now we must go quickly there is a war to be fought war what kind of war a war unlike i want each of you [Music] to think about what you really want where would you like to go now believe me [Music] you can have it hello uh richthofen there's something going wrong we get everything you ask you haven't forgotten about us have you no sammy i haven't forgotten about you it is time richtofen the multiverse must come to an end the paradox must be resolved at least it will be quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you talking about we found the apartment device i know and i'm so sorry me too richtofen we fought for what we wanted we got more than we deserved all the chapters of our lives good and bad even if there was no witness even if no one kept you see it still happened somewhere we fought the great war over and over but victory could never be ours we were always doomed to fail monty told us the truth our journey is the very reason this madness exists we are the ones who fractured the universe this is the truth the crinorium showed me the truth richtofen could no longer face when we are gone so too is everything that spewed forth from the ether element 115 the apothecart even monty himself all of it will be banished to where it belongs the dark ether [Music] we should not be here our time has passed but for all the pain and torment we have endured together as we leave this life behind it is my hope that you know one thing beyond any doubt [Music] look away eddie you are more than just my allies my brothers in arms you were my friends i would like to return to my home my beloved before the bombs fell if only to die by her side i see myself at peace three sitting beneath a terrible tree listening to the joy of my children i think i'd like to teach medicine maybe pathology you know the more i think about it the more i think i'd be a darn good d.i get those kids toughened up i would like to be in favorite bar but as long as i have vodka i am happy man [Music] i would like to know for sure that i got honor to my ancestors the emperor i should probably try to relax take up a hobby maybe let me think about it wherever i go you know i'll be kicking ass [Music] lady mckendrick may be at the higher class than you are used to mixing with huh ah bruno my french friend the lady will be so lost in my eyes and enthralled in my tails she will not even notice when i make my move timing as always is everything while you and uh lady mcblabla head off to do whatever it is that you're going to do sure will collect the key allowing us access to the millionaire suite where we will deal with any unwanted guests when you say deal with i have to ask how i will launch how you say okay i'm with you so far but what did you call the pipe things you're looking for pneumatic tubes used for the conveyance of small packages throughout the vessel they will carry our surprise down to the cargo room it really should be quite exciting hmm and after the detonation that's where i come in given that the artifact will be securely locked within the safe there i ask how you plan to get through two inches of solid steel i've got just the thing a mechanism of my own invention what does it do it opens things [Music] now obviously your father made some enemies during his travels that's a pretty big understatement if i may interject i think you were about to ask if miss rhodes expected us to encounter any opposition it's possible likely the other even a way to secure them also just the artifact we're not thieves in all that stands between humanity and the forces of evil [Music] so [Music] oh [Applause] uh [Music] woof [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it all just went back to how it was before no one will ever know that apparition i've seen it before i know where it is is it somewhere you've been uh no only in books but i do know its location uh greece delphi to be specific then that's where we're going next the bad guys are there there's a good chance my father is too you are a traveler you come seeking answers hear my voice the knowledge you seek was not intended for mortal man breathing deeply the power of the papers will transport you let yourself fall through the ages through time and space itself and pray for your safe return uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so proclamation dictates you must grant us clemency you should not have knowledge of such texts you are but an ignorant slave i know more than you think and i'm nobody's slave what are you talking about scarlett get your filthy hands off me this can't be happening i think we're going to die [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you're cordially invited to the country estate of alistar rose [Applause] join us for an unforgettable evening [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ah what's your name oh yes country where the places is alistair yes where is the old scoundrel i've not seen master roads but surely your crystal ball could [Music] uh what lucifer's ball sack was that [Music] [Music] oh good thing you're better at shooting than fortune telling [Music] now where's the bar i worked up a powerful thirst wait did you see that [Music] oh what now what the hell does this mean it means you are not worthy witch [Music] ragged ensure the prisoner completes his [Music] journey where is my father what have you done to alistair rhodes you are already too late you cannot stop what is to come where is my father godfrey talk to me oh damn it [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] god my dearest scarlett if i have already fallen prey to the order these are the only people i trust to help you stop them okay dad let's see what these friends of yours can do i know you are afraid my child but you must have faith your fear is only a product of your imagination prove that you are worthy do it this is your path to true enlightenment toys the door between life and death swings both ways now you are one of us scarlet did you find what you were looking for damn right we found it you are um we may need this after all who knows where we're going [Music] behold the great and mighty city of delphi i i thought delphi was the city above ground red herring the one up there was a decoy intended to protect the real delphi from its enemies please help me i am trapped in the temple [Music] these ropes we're not the first ones in here hold them forever let's take this nice and easy the unclean riches have tormented me for centuries look i know coming here was my idea and all but i'm starting to have some second thoughts [Music] third even you just face death sure what could possibly scare you now [Music] know thyself i hope you know what you're doing scarlett where is my father where is alistair rhodes just like your father i too am a prisoner these bonds prevent me from freeing him please i beg of you setups free [Music] mortal bonds you have served your purpose you have forgotten who your master is rise my stead freed me of this ferment thank you but i fear it may be too late if i die they will return [Music] but your father stay with me she's dying go get my father alistair even though you do not yet know what you are scarlet no it can't be there is still so much that you can teach me [Music] no [Music] [Applause] um [Music] i will open the library the world will be mine [Music] [Music] [Music] good to see you all again we've had quite a ride together bertner scott the fuhrer's own stash perhaps your finest hour captain jefferson anytime i'm taking nazis down the pig is my finest hour besides these bastards had a vermeer hanging next to a vaulkenberg sure they're both dutch the wrong damn century olivia your field work at nushwinstein led us to over 6 000 pieces stolen from private collectors in france the nazis have taken so much from us all this art belongs to the people and who can forget the merker's salt mine yeah yeah i know what i did but hold your applause i'd rather try knobbing a rolling donut before i burst my ass for your pennies again there's no worth it me newly noted which brings us to middleburg and the current operation dr fisher ten days ago we received a dossier material smuggled out by a young austrian scientist who's reconsidering his loyalties in it he provides the location of a hidden bunker where dr straub and colonel richter have been collecting some peculiar pieces whatever they found it's being used to power some kind of experiment you have no idea what you're dealing with do you your mission is to seize that relic everything else is on a need to know basis is it just me or does it seem to weed a wee bit late to the party i didn't sign up for the shite none of us did but here we are and you have your mission just as i have mine to find and rescue the scientists who risked his life to get us this intelligence klaus fisher my brother i'm in antiquities darwin not search and rescue best of luck [Applause] what the hell was that i told [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's too soon for us to be back in the field our door was wrong to send us out yeah anybody else wish you hadn't survived the train wreck oh [ __ ] i watched you at the briefing you don't like this place what is it rideau said you'd been here before yeah well this place has got some history looking out of the sea like lucifer's middle finger no surprised stroke came here to this piece of [ __ ] island i'm just wondering why we followed him we need to find the rest of the sword before he does we need to know why you're here mari at least this time you're not pretending to care about our cause this is different we should have heavy fog all morning if everything goes well nobody will fire a shot yeah why have things ever gone well for our little tea party oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] stay close let's move people where's the other boat this damn island god damn island still feeling optimistic darling i can't believe i'm saying this i wish we were back in germany people now told you well there goes the calvary yeah we've gone from bad to wash me he's bringing his army to britain no something's wrong we're not going to england strawberry's other plants hey you need to see this berlin straub has come home those were russian forces moving in looks like they're burning the city to the ground yeah well the rescues aren't ready for what's coming nobody is we need to get off this ship in warnings are opening get down here now get down [Applause] [Applause] here [Applause] folks this is gonna be a bumpy nobody saw this coming the horror of this new military force a force composed entirely of the dead is torn across the face of europe it has fallen on us the newly formed bureau of archaic technologies to be the tip of the spear in this fight we are woefully outnumbered we cannot match this enemy blow for blow but with the help of our new allies we will strike where they are most vulnerable we will be smart we will be fast we will be lethal but we must do more than simply kill our enemies we must utterly destroy them very subtle yeah i don't need any more warning it's been a grandfather thanks for the memories be sure to die but now it's time petty to lose such a fine lots of answers down there answers the questions i hadn't even thought to ask oh all gone no not all gone didn't you read the markings on the wall the uniform inscriptions come on professor you could read that i mean what i mean i recognize the pre-byzantine characters but oh hell i couldn't make head enough tails hey how is it that you're up to your ass in undead julie's and still have enough sense to translate the prehistoric scribbles of a lost race [Applause] as the team arrived from new suave again unconfirmed sir task 468 lost contact with him over thurston island and we've lost paris as he was pulling out survivors damn it have captain the end mover ships west and begin a search priority one we need that sword sir what is the sword going to do we're outnumbered ten to one that sword is the key to all this the nazis have opened the door to hell on earth and we're gonna close it [Music] ugh the ravens have returned god king you pray beckons stand and receive your destiny raven lords you are all that stands between life and death you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 2,276,674
Rating: 4.8531747 out of 5
Keywords: Zombies, Zombie, Call Of Duty, Call Of Duty Zombies Full Movie, Call Of Duty Zombies, Call Of Duty Zombies All Cinematics, Call Of Duty Zombies All Cinematic Trailers, Call Of Duty Zombies Cinematic Trailer, All Cinematics, All Cinematic Trailers, Cinematic Trailer, Cinematic, Trailers, Cinematics, Call Of Duty Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Zombies Movie, Zombie Movie, Horror, Zombies Horror, New, Trailer
Id: Zsf1r4clbYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 6sec (5466 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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