Kingdom of Swords | Full Action Movie

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in the times of the crusades and the golden horde a power came to rise in central europe a pattern so great that it couldn't be ignored prince roman the the surrounding lands and founded a single nation the teutonic knights called it the principality of ruthenia at the height of his reign roman was killed in an ambush the boya seized the opportunity to divide the power amongst themselves ephrosenia the prince roman's wife daughter to the emperor of constantinople used her influence to save her children ruthenian lands drowned in the bloodshed of internacional until the prince's sons daniello and vasilco stepped forward and reclaimed their father's legacy daniel built the new ruthenian capital show and began expanding his domain [Music] uh ah i am daniel ramonovich master of these lands and of this castle as of now how clever of you we must follow your ways [Music] do [Music] [Music] bye [Music] that's a wild man he only fights and has sex i bet on the redhead on the red i bet on that bearded guy with the stick the storm's coming looks like someone's lost a bit how do you do it it's just like that it's obvious oh you better know me i don't know what they're roasting over there never seen anything like that in my life locusts [Music] you know i've got enough food at home though the girls here are perfect as ever i wish it was like that all the time you know uh prince if he decides on the other campaign expect trouble our line of work prefers peace and quiet [Music] tell me when the prince comes out [Music] the court of his grace prince daniela romanovich is now dismissed [Music] it's all for you my princess remember how we first met you look so scared but you turned my fear into love did you notice her new necklace i hate sitting under her door it's your duty [Music] well at least it's not for long you've built a safe home all these people came from different lands and brought their trade they know these walls will protect them they have smiles on their faces they're happy and we aren't very happy [Music] prince roman son of mrs love who is he he's your grandfather roman what happened to him it just sometimes happens to brave warriors can it happen to my father every warrior has his own fate what about me yes love you will have one as well it's so boring with you let's go [Music] okay read prince roman son and mrs i wouldn't advise doing this [Music] i was informed by my ministers since you wanted to speak with me yes prince i have an unfinished game i invite you look prince not everything is so great around here the boyars are breathing down your neck and ready to tear you apart who is your biggest enemy us no we are here to bring order and stability but you prince you act like your father you are my prisoner but you act like a gust you teutonic knights you never admit you're on defeat you must understand that batu khan's army will be here soon you need pope support and you need our knights otherwise the mongols will burn your kingdom to the ground a good player can predict a move but do you have it master you're free to go we will meet again [Music] batoon khan and the his army is enormous and the master's words concern me greatly war is unavoidable we need to secure support from our western neighbors your warriors can manage without the pope's nights the horde is a totally different power we have little time to prepare prince i think you showed a great mercy letting that tooting go he spoke wisely but will he keep his words we don't know what his plans are are you suggesting that he's negotiating with batoon khan behind our backs you shouldn't have let bruno free only time will tell but now we act father take me to the wall with the mongols don't rush you will get your time to kill i've appointed the trusted captain and keith demetro all our cities need a governor like him ah you had to die but the higher forces decided otherwise now you are my servant i know the law if you also brave who is your prince daniel vermonovich [Music] [Music] mongols burn down [Music] the prince's decree the prince's decree the general conscription to the squads from all the lands from all the lands by daniel ramanovich calling all men from the ages of 16 [Music] this constant war is like a never-ending illness it just stops only to start aching again your life is the life of your husband and his life is the war this is a reality it is the way your children will also go to war i i remember the prince as a young boy he strove to fight the warriors told me how the horse fell dead under him but he wouldn't stop way back when he survived now he's a ruler who's capable of so much more and what's the price for more the price has been determined by heaven [Music] this war we live on a sword's edge from one attack to another it's not in our power to control such events you talk like the princess mother wait wait brother i think i've been hooked oh boy [Music] look at you you aim high she's as high as the sky for you [Music] you were mongolian captive and you know where their power is no matter how many weapons you produce they will outnumber you even their women are armed and fighting let me speak prince speak they treat khan as their god for one man's crime ten men get punished and their punishments are very horrible i see you know more of this than what they teach in the monasteries come with me and you'll be my confessor so my father he taught me how to wheel the sword straight from the cradle you call a plow a sword we played in the fields but we never fought in a war shut your mouth have you ever held any type of weapon in your hands [Music] all you do is sway your hooves around go tend to the pigs you're better at that perhaps someday these fools will save your worthless life perhaps but you better think of the pigs lives stop eating bacon and switch to oats where are you from boy i'm from the town of vladimir oh look you're suddenly a city boy why are you i'm the one talking here and the better you get that into your heads you have no past only right here right now and what i tell you and your prince is the one for whom you must be ready to give your life for got it yes governor walk right now you will train with mikola nikola [Music] come here listen anything you say teach them show them who funds you must attack them if you want to win you need to show them what you're made of ah am i holding the sword correctly you hold it right but your straight should be more balanced don't rush always keep your eye on your opponent i know i look him in the eye right if you avert your gaze even for a moment you'll die [Music] governor how's the army we are ready to fight prince [Music] good [Music] you must hold your weapon with more confidence [Music] [Music] remember the arrow doesn't distinguish between enemies and friends [Music] look you know that a sword has no soul but a man does [Music] show him your mastery prince you [Music] [Music] hold your weapon with pride only the brave conquers the heavens what's wrong father ignores me does he do it on purpose you're at it again everything in its own time i'm sick and tired of sitting around trump all the time so you learned to swing a sword and now you want to head straight in father was leading an army at 12. why can't i do it you are an heir those were different times and your father had to claim his right to the inheritance then you better lock me up in a tower irkly to whom [Music] [Music] why are you standing idiot listen it's my first time i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do well listen to what your uncle yoga told you come on relax and women like confident men now be keeping watch oh he's gonna fail miserably so [Music] princess is this a dress [Music] this one no maybe this one no one is gorgeous it suits you very well my prince loves me and dresses are not important [Music] [Music] [Music] dresses are not important i'd be quiet if i were you [Music] we might lose in an open fight so we will need to fortify our towns as best we can this way khan's army will be stuck in sieges we need unity but we have towns like heilich where the majority of boyers are hiding their discontent if there is a siege they will side with khan and if khan takes highlights we will not be able to hold the rest of our towns well seoul you're going to hollich i'm not going to hide behind city walls my place is in battlefield your place is where i command you if it's your order then i submit my lord and without my order you will not leave the town haudi visavich you are going with versio you will explain to him the details and let him settle hellich is in the horde's path if the mongols advance the seoka will hold the town prince may i speak to speak the mongols are in power but you know how uneasy things are in highlights now the boyers wouldn't oppose your death the silko is a great warrior on the battlefield brave and bold but a ram instead of an arrow those warriors will need more delegated power at least temporarily the soko will prepare the town's defenses and you will do the rest [Music] these minds are the pride of our families but many centuries we've been supplying the west with white gold how difficult is it to maintain all this i sense we will have problems daniel knows the biggest headache and you have just come back from the capital so tell us what's on daniella's mind the news is not great danielle has sent his brother vasilco to look after the business your business and prepare the town for defense and possible siege and you know this you'll go well indeed he only has fighting on his mind so it's war with the khan it's the end of our trade let's not jump to conclusions time is on our side you know the horde they first send the emissaries into the town to negotiate and only then go to say what daniel will fight no matter what and poor hollich into his war but we would have agreed with the khan on mutual beneficial conditions wait they didn't finish this yoko may be a brave lawyer but he doesn't understand politics i have some ideas on how to make donulermo conforming in conscious interests well we welcome vasilco in halech i hope he will appreciate our [Music] hospitality [Music] so here's highland just don't believe everything you see here people here are somewhat different from what i hear they broke many [Music] uprights [Music] welcome to highlands prince we will do everything in our power so that prince phil is at home we have many difficulties the treasury is empty and we need to prepare for defense we have many difficulties our borders are unprotected we need to build fortification we need more supplies more arches there are more cases of armed attacks there are more attacks by our robbers and we need to raise taxes we need to raise taxes it's better if you don't sign it now defense cuss is the boyer's responsibility i'm sitting here like in this golden cage and every day i have to listen to these hypocrites you need to be more patient for my brother's sake allow me to speak we have an urgent problem there is a group of well-armed mercenaries messing around our settlements in the south some people were killed it's all because of mongol spies allow us to engage the army i must lead this campaign and i advise you to stay in highlands [Music] very well go [Music] vasilko's bored we need to add some variety to his life alban was right doesn't get politics he's tempted by adventures can we somehow avoid these adventures [Music] [Music] what do you want there's trouble armed bandits attacked our men and set the village on fire look out the window call for the council council with whom these two-faced boyards has never held a sword in their lives we need to act boldly let's do this order to gather up the guard and saddle the horse i will personally go over and control everything on the spot we must catch these bastards before sunset but prince danielo prince daniello is in chome and our problem is here and now listen no you listen people must know who the ruler is it's in the interest of the principalities and daniello himself [Music] [Music] [Music] your grace there is a messenger with a letter let him pass it through you he said he wants to deliver it personally let him in your grace [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] where's the messenger we won't find him alive anymore your people have wounded the prince's brother it cannot be done like this we are not the proponents of violence it was an accident but the prince will get his revenge and we will lose everything we will lose everything if he stays in power we're not the only ones opposing daniello he just doesn't know that yet but let him take care of his brother vasilco i want people to know who rules the highland lands where is this boldness coming from aren't you supposed to wait for the con we have to see victory in everything danielo isn't in his prime now he's shrouded in doubt but he's got the army and we have got his brother [Laughter] they asked for the highlights lands in exchange for my brother listen prince by giving the lands away you show our weakness it's time to show them who you really [Music] are they'd be too scared to murder a member of the prince's family i will give them the lands give them what they ask for [Music] i hope you know what you are doing otherwise we will all become hostages just like your brother [Music] [Music] the land is ours get the mercenaries ready for the battle the eastern borders are threatened by the mongolian invasion what are you proposing to give this golden crown to this ruthenian prince in this world then the golden crown if we crown daniello we'll have an ally in the east and if we wait for too long he might become the khan's vassal i'm so tired of your insolence the holy throne has already offered the golden crown to his father and what has come of it your eminence there's still time to think it over the crown is our only chance you can't understand no matter how hard you try a golden harness cannot tame a wild horse [Music] i [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] live my son live my sons will die in bed crippled my sons will die on the battlefield greetings if you give the order i'll leave chome immediately my prince i know i haven't fulfilled your expectations you lost heilitch and almost lost vesilko how long have i known you you've saved me from the massacre at the cauca river you are my counselor and i trust you as for vasilco he's been punished enough already right the mighty khan no the great khan the boyas of hollich are ready to pledge to you their allegiance if you leave us the land and power and from uh how much we will take care of danielle romanovich ourselves on the condition that you attack first let's see and sign the union of the boyers of hollich [Music] so [Music] do you remember how you were teaching me to hold a sword hold on to it tightly as if it were your life i was a little lamb then who thought i could defeat the wolves but it's all our blood our blood has decided for us and the devil with that it's time to change the rules so from today i'm just an ordinary warrior like hundreds of others who fight for you and i go to fight not because i'm your brother i'm going to fight because i believe in my prince to victory brother [Applause] bundles [Applause] [Music] huh ah left up [Music] [Music] college steel we are losing men what are your orders we cannot count drip job now we must either withdraw or continue the siege rules stay with the henchmen i will ride the conjunct yes michael when you check how deep the water is remember don't put both feet in order the troops to withdraw are not taking this castle tonight we will go for rule and when we come back the fortress gates will open themselves how do you know father the great khan knows all reporting my lord the attack by the mongol scouts was successfully fought off our losses are minimal we are ready to fight there won't be an attack the khan cannot take my town [Music] the khan kept the agreement we declare war on king daniela the cavalry poses a threat we need to account for this because we do not know who in the surrounding lands took the side but we have a winning disposition you can't win a battle on this position alone we will start the battle with a heavy attack i will lead the left wing you brother the right one rather war you will lead the center and on my command you will slowly begin to withdraw the silco will keep the front on the right and i will go around their flanks and hit the reserve regiment of mercenaries i must admit it's very brave and risky what if they have an advantage in numbers and secure the perimeter what happens then when our troops are exhausted lawyers are too confident in their victory that's their fateful flaw and the mercenaries won't be willing to die for someone's money if you win this battle you will surpass your father's legacy let's make it hell for them let there be glory today my auntie is in highlands so is my uncle and so are all my brothers what am i supposed to do that's a shame for your family they said it with the enemy and this is my blood it's not the blood that defines us but our actions so what brothers will we make the boy of dogs whine yes and is there a single lady and traum who doesn't know that the prince's army is invincible so who will drink to the victory with me what's happened you are restless don't be so distant why do i have to kill my own men don't we have anyone else to fight you have to show your strength you will win promise me when the heat of the battle overtakes you and the enemy's blood drowns your eyes you will think of the one who awaits you but for now forget about everything you are mine [Music] you said they had no one to hold arms that he will spare the town but we are facing the entire enemy daniella was broken by the mongols he's just pretending to be strong pretends to be a lion but will die like a fly warriors all these years i was leading you the way of honor and glory you are the example of loyalty and bravery together we have had many victories you are strong-spirited warriors and i was honored to be standing alongside you on that bloody field but today today will be the most difficult battle in your lives those who only yesterday were drinking our wine ate our bread where our closest friends took off their sheepskins and turned into wolves [Applause] craters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they sold their honor and raised swords against their brothers the mercenaries think themselves [Applause] invincible warriors today we are equal we are the same blood to die only on the battlefield we live only with a victory [Applause] [Applause] tobah [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you mustn't have died you had to stay alive i can't let you go not yet your father had no mercy for either of us how i wish this was only a dream it's a warrior's fate how can a father who is guilty of his own son's death be so calm it's you it's your fault you let him fight in the battle it's you who killed him i know it's your [Music] fault if lampia will come here you will dress and join the prince you must look strong iraqi died as a warrior he became a hero [Music] get up [Music] your grief might harm your children [Music] what can you say about the princess's health my medicine cannot save her unfortunately people say that you are a wizard don't disappoint me now it's all in god's hands i am your god counselor i've served you loyally for so many years i would never dare lie to you watch yourself [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] in this scroll his high priesthood pope innocent is offering on behalf of the holy throne the golden crown for the prince [Music] the great khan orders you to give up a part of your lands [Music] the old mircha told me the truth there is something you cannot see you will sit on the throne of hollich and rule the south of the principality i'm giving you troam in the northern territories mother and the children will stay in vladimir the monastery will protect the heirs i'm going to see the con by myself uh [Music] i will take care of her anna is in trustworthy hands [Music] i i've been watching you a while i can see we have a lot in common you are having hard times i've got problems too you know i think you could help help with something and i could pay you handsomely proud huh if you change your mind come to me and we'll finish our conversation you know where to find me so [Music] [Music] so [Music] tell mother princess that we will bury anna according to christian tradition as it fits the wife of the prince people don't need to know the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] look who's here so you showed what you did me to do at last i thought you were mute how prince daniela has set off to see the khan you have to make sure that this is a one-way trip you will need to kill daniela here's the advance finish the job and you will kill two birds with one stone get rid of the prince and get rich [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] being a warrior i'm used to campaigns but traveling this far what are we explorers discovering uncharted lands a campaign isn't always about war and a war isn't what you expect yeah yeah our war is spiritual make peace and you'll get to paradise anything new you have to say to me maybe to love thy enemies you will hear but not understand you will see but not yet perceive enough ratabor leave him alone he is my confessor let him do his job but i've got nothing against paradise [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] you won now my life is in your arms your life is in the hands of god finish this pagan finish him off or i'll do it myself stomp rattle lift him up he doesn't look like a local he followed us all the way you were his target prince but now it is no longer important he is with us and we need people are you crazy he's a mercenary austin warden the duel and he granted him life now this mercenary is indebted to the monk these are the customs of the normans i get it they don't teach us back at the monastery i'm only going to ask you once who one of yours prince all i know is people call him orbin isn't a simpleton by the way did it occur to you that he can figure it out not a word did you hear me [Music] not you planted horrible things you aren't so innocent either [Music] you think you will not resist a clever woman will always be able to convince a man that it's his own idea i've never met a man who would refuse that kind of power [Music] i see the prince's counselor is in a good mood i'm having a good day [Music] what good is it that you are always in second place you have lobbia a woman shouldn't be interested in politics true but you interest me jordi mislavovich you can't always be in the prince's shadow be quiet your tongue will drive you to sin [Music] prince you must know this your wife took our own life the whole town's talking about it [Music] here it is our last stronghold koticia further ahead is the khan's domain it wasn't so safe to travel through our lands i expect that things will get clearer on the other side things get clear only in the face of death i wouldn't suggest rushing into your expectations so i see prince you can't stand one place what kind of devil brought you here to us where are you going to put to come i want to negotiate peace is there anything to say to that pompous bandit listen prince our life is a real challenge every day we defend our borders beyond cortezia y'all vermeer you know the rest of our lands aren't safe either i lost two men on the way over here we were attacked by the cummins and i can't let it go on like that i wish god could hear you if the con thames is dogs we might have a chance to harvest some crops with god's help when you come back bring a souvenir from the khan his high priesthood is inquiring if there is any news from the prince the prince is still negotiating with the con any specific details pastor i respect you and the loyalty you express for my prince shows that we found great allies in the pope and yourself but alas unfortunately news doesn't travel as fast as we would like we have to hurry up with the decision it's in your interest corey miss slavovich [Music] that the news travel even faster my task here is to oversee time to decide [Music] think [Music] hmm so this is the khan's capital i imagined it completely different there's no fort no walls how convenient don't trust your eyes they can mislead nonsense baltimore we're not here to attract the town we're here to make an agreement with the khan so there was many a man who wanted to speak with the great khan and became a wild animal's meal instead but you are here in front of me tell me why you came speak freely i greet the great and mighty khan i'm here to negotiate peace and avoid unnecessary war between our people that is not why you're here i see cunning and wisdom in your eyes prince you are different from your boilers you think the great khan didn't guess why you came you think the great khan doesn't know the real reason for your visit your lands are weakened by internal strife your army is exhausted you talk like a politician willing to negotiate peace but i see a warrior oh are you asking for peace is it such a surprise to the great khan i will offer you something that will be of great interest to you and what can you offer me prince you really think that my state is weakened that we wouldn't be able to resist you even if your army is victorious you will not be able to control such a vast territory i am the only one that can hold it together i will pay tax prince you are surprising me you want to have power over your lands pay tax and that's it yes great khan if those ones who came before you had told me what you just did i would have cut them on the spot and they crawled here like slaves without even a shred of dignity but you are different the only ruler in your lands you say i hope that the khan will listen to my words [Music] so what do we expect from them now there should be something we barely got here what kind of hospitality is that waiting all the time here waiting there waiting the word hospitality must mean something different here perhaps if there's a girl around it wouldn't be so grim huh and what is this pagan doing here with [Music] us [Music] you'll never know what is better to be with the pagan in the harem or with the traitor in battle [Music] i have to say that mongolian hospitality is the best in the world what waiting again waiting for an answer from the enemy is like searching for a ray of sunlight in the night when only the moon can shed light prince we had no idea back then what force we were dealing with at the walls of kiev there were too many of them i was ready to die i know you and i know the law now you can see the force for yourself the khan cannot be stolen whatever he decides i say you did well come in here go into war the con now is lunacy there are more of them is inviting you to share a meal with her [Music] um pathu khan wishes you good health and offers you wine to drink as you don't drink milk we are grateful for such courtesy the great khan of the west appreciates your decision it's a great honor for us that fortune can tune herself eats and drinks with us what girls were one is more beautiful than the other so you don't like our girls i like them but someone else's or better whatever happens in the horde stays in our horde how girls are the best the harem is a battlefield where the woman wins the battle i don't like talking about losing [Music] something's not right with our prince [Music] the great khan of the west accepts your offer and acknowledges you as the only prince as a favor we want to disclose to you the names of the traitors [Music] you're back people don't come back from there and you survived it's a miracle this miracle might not have happened how did you manage to do this sometimes you need to travel the world to learn the truth about what's happening in your own home i don't understand my prince [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] daniela betrayed us all look at him he looks like those who sit the prince we have has brought us absolutely nothing [Music] listen everything's changed everything there are things you must know your wife she loved you but she didn't kill herself the princess must die [Music] it doesn't smell death has no smell it was natural to poison her the princess got ill but didn't die [Music] urban miscalculated the dosage of the poison [Music] i ordered yep lombia to speed up the events [Music] [Applause] but enough about your family i understand you want to know why [Music] because i'm worthy of something bigger every decision you made it was my decision i am their prince [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] everything ends this way for them finding the guilty you might ask why do i need all this to determine no we had to make sure we made the right choice we had to arrange for a little war no that's a little much i would prefer the word competition people have to know their victors he will have the crown but not right away everything has its time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so father today we will have a glorious battle he reminds me of someone they better be better than us we did what we had to do and they will surpass us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we were born [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] you
Channel: Mediatime Network
Views: 1,539,713
Rating: 4.5935454 out of 5
Keywords: kingdom of swords, full action movie, kingdom of swords movie, action movie, full movie, king danylo, king danylo movie, kindom of swords film, action movies, action movies 2018, action movies english, adventure movies, adventure movies full movie english, free movies, action movies free, kingdom of swords 2018, full action movies, full movies, король данило, ukrainian movies, taras khymych, volodymyr babynych, petro benjuk, anna dzhumak, watch movies on youtube, film
Id: iiVxKsL6rho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 43sec (5803 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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