Batman Full Movie Cinematic (2021) All Batman Arkham Cinematics 4K ULTRA HD Superhero Action

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[Music] foreign [Music] police and emergency services are urging gotham residents to stay off the roads and in their homes tonight in light of the severe winter storms or spanish island bruce you've been back for almost two years now you can't expect me to believe that gotham's most eligible bachelor is spending another christmas alone you just ran out of time knowing that tonight we put to rest one of gotham's most heinous and relentless killers julian gregory day commissioner any comment on the rumor that it wasn't actually the cops who captured mr day there is no such thing as a batman captain gordon captain gordon no further questions no further questions all units all units code 10 at black gate prison communication is down possible to 11. delta 6'4 dispatch 5.9 confirm code 10. this is a breakout suspect identified as black mask repeat code 10 suspect is black mask commissioner loeb is being held captive repeat commissioner love is 701 you do realize it is christmas eve sir [Music] [Music] [Music] i know i caught yours [Music] your boss where's he going the boss of me what a sass whoever wins is gonna be famous [Music] at least we know he won't be ugly [Music] not tonight no such thing as a batman huh assassins sir as in more than one that's right and you heard this from the mouth of a crocodile man his name is killer croc he's already behind bars oh i pity his cellmate i don't let's see what else is on the drone's hard drive each of them gets one of these envelopes i need them delivered tonight they're all hired killers the best in the business black mask isn't messing around slade wilson deathstroke former military subject of a failed medical experiment failed you see garfield lens aka firefly burns on 90 of his body his obsession is going to be his end how unlike anyone i know here's a face i don't recognize copperhead strange these reports reference a male not a female 14 escapes huh well you won't forget what floyd lawton aka deadshot says here he's an expert sharpshooter yeah suspected of many assassinations dangerous but reckless street tough named lester bachinski calls himself electrocutioner shocking shiva her skill is unmatched [Music] bane here gotham why would he be taking money as a hired killer is that warden joseph must be how black mass got inside the prison he uses torture for intimidation and entertainment eight assassins after your head what are you going to do i'm going to find out who was operating this drone make them tell me what they know then i'm going to find black mask and put an end to this it appears the control towers you use for your auto nav systems are putting out a jamming signal storm damage you'll never get down there find that out for yourself so got it we're close to one now [Music] penguin not a dime changes hands in this city he can't tell you about if anyone knows where black mask and his assassins are it's him but penguins hard to find these men are doing a deal here i'll make them talk guys [Music] so little boys what do you want for christmas oh wait i already know now let's see if you've been naughty nice punk in the santa hat [Music] where's the penguin damn wake up what happened time to talk where's cobblepot let it go if you insist please stop stop i'll go i'll tell you anything you want to do too late i already have what i need you're freaking crazy now there's a naughty geezer proper naughty and he deserves then i'm gonna jump start your heart i'll kill you again i'm looking for black mask where is he i ain't here to talk i'm here to kick your ass this is your last chance i know who wants to show me where the penguin is all right you lousy mugs time to earn your supper where's cobblepot i ain't telling you jack a little more pressure and i'll crush your larynx what's it going to be all right all right he's in this office only way in is through the theater on the other side of the casino but you'll never get past tracy tracy is not a problem now where were we candy you suggested little alberto over here hey baby try to convince his father to take early retirement he disagreed and called you a let's see psychotic little bastard oh no no no no please now you best listen falcone because this is the last time i'll ask what are you gonna tell your father that we're getting out of the weapons business i promise i'll make him do it i see your lips flabbing bernie but i ain't making the sound i want to hear [Music] oh black mask put a bounty on my head where is he i don't keep tabs on every key that we're forge you're not a popular bloke in this town you're running out of time wait wait lazy towers there was a murder it was supposed to be his save out of blackhead he's got problems of his own upside someone broke in there [Music] it appears the game is over before it even begins i'm not playing games slade it's over slade what are you nice seeing you batman feel free to let yourself out someone killed black mask but this crime took place several days ago and i saw black mask earlier tonight the only answers i have raised more questions who is the joker was he the killer here or is he one of the assassins i have a body an unknown shooter and an unknown assailant to attack the shooter i need to match the dna samples against the records in the national criminal database to identify who is in the room alfred i need access to the national criminal database well the only way to do that would be to infiltrate the gotham city police department then that's where i'm going sir you'd need to physically hack into their servers if you insist on doing something that foolish you'll need a powerful non-lethal weapon i recommend coming back here to pick up your concussion detonator not a bad idea easy i need access to the national criminal database it's right here you must spend a lot of time here cool box you're bypassing the network security but you'll need to physically bridge the internet to the external telecom wires if you want to uplink remotely this kind of knowledge could get a young girl into a lot of trouble they run under the building what does the telecom wires you can access them through the sewers wait why do you do what you do because i made a promise get out of here i don't want to hurt you but you need to stay out of my way never listen i'm on your side my side my side works within the law my side doesn't leave suspects with broken bones and missing teeth we've earned gotham's respect if that were true i wouldn't be gordon clear the line of fire hold your fire if he moves take him down you've got nowhere to run move gordon i'm taking him down [Music] uh by now gotham pd thinks roman cionus is dead the casualty of a turf war murdered by the penguin but i know better someone spooked zionist's girlfriend so he sent her to his safe house which was anything but safe zionists showed up later ready for trouble and found it or so it seemed roman's always been paranoid that's probably why he's lasted this long he'd sent in a decoy himself the element of surprise but it wasn't enough there was a fight zionist lost the killer didn't hesitate to shoot the decoy but he wanted roman alive to access the cash door to the gotham merchants bank with zionist under control all that remained was to tie up loose ends but it wasn't the fire that killed science's girlfriend [Music] what kind of monster forces a man to kill the ones he loves [Music] the joker he's the shadow i've been chasing and now i know where he's going next gotham merchants bank [Music] i think you can just waltz under my bank huh roman i'm here for the joker the joker [Music] never heard him how about you doll know the joker the who and you sir name joker ring a bell you son of a you think you can steal from me i got away with it you're a dead man dead you shall play along [Applause] it's been you this whole time you hired the assassins you've been running cyanus's operation well technically it's my operation now isn't that right boys you've got me now let her go oh life would be so simple if you were all i wanted no no you're just a teeny little distraction compared to what i've got of my sleeve here have a laugh on me sounds like eight tiny reindeer [Music] she's dead stop where's the joker going guys nuts man killed about a quarter of black masked men when they wouldn't take orders from him unless you want to join them talk he said something about the steel mill that's psionisa's mill it's joker's milk now ain't no way you're getting in there i didn't ask for your opinion alfred paul schematics on zionist industries steel mill joker's taking cyanus there he's going to kill him unless i get there first this joker sounds dangerous he's taken over black masks operations and slaughtered the men who wouldn't turn he's the one who hired the assassins and it must be he who ordered the bombing of the gcpd oh dear lord shouldn't you think about letting the police handle this one not a chance he's mine get me out of this thing where's the joker go to hell wrong answer by my count there are still nine more ribs i can break do you think that'll make me talk that's what he's put me through the torture turned my men on me stole from me murdered my woman he's my kill not yours i can control your pacemaker remotely you want to see what 250 beats per minute feels like you wouldn't copperhead tell them i'll pay you whatever you want make them suffer an empty promise from a fallen king i know about the joker couple of freaks you two deserve each other what did you do to me is that the best you can do [Music] you are not gonna like what comes next you think you're pure my poison is still in your veins and it will remain there as long as you live which won't be very long you think these ties will hold me maybe not i'd like to see yeah i know where he is the joker tell me he's called the meeting all the assassins will be there when you set me free i'll tell you where thanks i owe you one white i can tell you the location you already did friends assassins welcome to our first quarterly performance review as you can see here batman deaths are coming in far below projections we are really gonna have to turn this around and by we i mean you got that mr kuchener just who the hell are you i'm the guy with the money and the gun so when i hire you to kill the batman you should shut that hell up and kill the batman so do you have anything else to contribute i didn't think so [Music] this fruitcake is fantastic anyone want a pizza all right meetings adjourned get out there and kill the bat move it along big boy no he's coming for you now and when he gets here i'm going to kill him [Music] so you wait this should be interesting that lift should get me up to the ceiling so i can get out of here maybe electrocution or shock gloves could restore power to this platform oh nice of you to drop in and just in time oh he's my dinosaur [Music] remember you gave your word [Music] you have one minute do they even have manners where he comes from you see it's a tradition in my house to open one present each on christmas eve how about [Music] this one that was just a little stalking stuffer a construction site blocking my view [Music] but this one isn't i've long waited for this moment with your death i will find peace hmm [Music] no not now [Music] hahaha you just ran out of time this rooftop's getting too hot just where do you think you're going [Music] uh oh back for more now why why why would you do that newsflash i'm the one who's trying to kill you those were two very bad man do the things they've done you really don't want to know they deserved death just like don't move freak i think he's talking to you take him down let me guess he got away take him to blackgate my partner who else would jump off a building to save your sorry ass you know officer i was wondering the same thing myself [Music] welcome to blackade we're going to do a quick psychiatric evaluation bad day huh cops in this city always beaten on the sick and defenseless [Music] tell me something dear have you ever had a really bad day and what do you mean by that you all people should know there's nothing so cruel as memory the pointy biting through thunderbolts unwanted party crashes screaming for your selfies inescapable unrelenting not at all friendly you can't even escape into madness i feel a drift floating like someone's pulled the stopper on my reality and i'm sucked down the drain into something new it's all very exciting really you wouldn't know what that feels like i'm sure i might can you tell me more about how this person makes you feel it's like meeting someone i can actually relate to which believe me dear i've never felt before you understand you're someone who's not afraid to let go and fall [Music] free falling and i didn't pack a shoot [Music] do you know what i mean yes yes i do i figured you would so may i ask who is this person oh someone very very special but whose real name i don't even know yet uh my name's harleen harleen quinzel what a pretty name do your friends call you harley i don't have a lot of friends liv holly you got one now laughs now why why why would you do that i'm the one who's trying to kill you [Music] wait why do you do what you do master bruce it might be a bit anti-climactic but i hope you might finally be ready to celebrate christmas eve now that the joker's behind bars bane is still out there i've got to locate the signal from the tracker i placed on him even you must eat sir if you hadn't called the police he'd already be in custody you know i made a promise of my own to your parents no sign of any casualties not now alfred story back to the precinct i see that found bombs under the foundation some kind of hopped up freak must have been 400 pounds of muscle took six cops to gun that bastard down yeah i saw the body in the board couldn't believe it sounds like this could be bane or one of his men if i hurry to the gcpd morgue i can inspect the body in the autopsy report well before you leave i've run some tests on the compound you found at the steel mill looks like a match for your globular projectile for non-lethal restraint you mean the glue grenade indeed the resin has finished curing it's at your workbench master bruce stop master brush i will not in good conscience allow you to go you're outmatched by these messages you're not some hardened vigilante you're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger you're in over your head and i i don't want this to be your end alfred who do you see when you look at me the boy whose shoes you use to tie every morning the teenager you drove to his first date while you are here every night i am out there the only thing between the innocent you and the mighty no that may be i am when the mugger or the thief stops to think twice that is fear that is what i am that is why they hired assassins because i am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises so no alfred i am not in over my head tonight but it will be theirs child man albert bane knows who i am you're not safe at wayne manor got it i'll call the police no i can't risk them discovering my identity as well just secure yourself in the bat cave what are you going to do i'm on my way to you i'll figure something out lift it up the bat is here it's just one of those stinking pigs there's foot on this bridge set the timing we'll blow them all to hell don't send in your men firefly has the bridge rigged with explosives show yourself you have a go no call them back if firefly blows the bridge there's no telling how many will die you're the reason those people are in danger he's doing this for the bounty on your head give yourself up i'm going to bring in firefly myself don't send anyone else in until i tell you it's safe you'll stay the hell out of this you hear me how do you want to die the quick incinerating flash of an explosion or night slow joker's behind bars there's no more prize money you can give up now or i can make you surrender your choice [Music] [Music] doesn't sound like you're coming down here to best fight me [Music] don't friends uh you need a new hobby he did it you mean the bat don't give him too much credit something tells me that if you hadn't given a bomb squad the breach order this bridge would be at the bottom of the river get him out of here [Music] you didn't listen not big on taking orders from wanted men i'm not big on taking orders from cops i should have gotten to that last bomb yeah and i should have given you access to that security door but between the two of us we covered it pretty well come home say your goodbyes once you've had time to turn grief to anger then you'll be ready to face me i have left enough life in him for some final words if you hurry alfred [Music] don't add me to the weight you carry [Music] no i'm going to be all right [Music] i know i haven't always been supportive of what you do but i understand now go they need you out there i can't defend gotham i can't even defend my own home master bruce situations multiple casualties repeat any available unit please respond [Music] i can't do it i can't stop them no you can't not on your own but it's high time you realize that you are a man not an island and a man's strength comes not from just brawn and intelligence but also from his allies the joker has escaped from his cell and is the riots at lacking repeat the joker has taken over the entire prison multiple casualties again we have lost blackjack captain gordon is calling on anyone anyone for assistance they need you no they need [Music] us [Applause] [Applause] let him go i i understand you you had a chance to let me die and you didn't take it i bet right now you're wishing you had i killed a lot of people i brought the city to its knees crippled the police force it is not even time to unwrap our presence [Applause] ship it let's do this okay okay so what our friend train holds in his hand is a heart monitor once he clamps it on every beat of his bacon little heart will charge the battery on this electric chair and when it's fully charged so either you kill bay no i won't kill him but you will you will fight me with all your resolve or you will die someone is going to die you me or the clown the question of which one of us it is is in your hands don't move oh good lord careful jim when that chair goes off that's 2 000 volts you won't make it you don't need to damn jim jim your heart kill you again may you find the peace in death that you did not find in life i'm not looking for peace my shot gloves to temporarily stop his [Music] heart he did it the game is over joker let captain gordon go yeah put the gun down freak how about i put you down jordan well that's the christmas spirit well i'd love to stay and celebrate your victory but i've got stockings to stuff mistletoe to hang and about 15 skyscrapers to blow up before sunrise thank god you had your vest on uh got my gun gordon joseph i need your help to stop the joker our help you're the so-called vigilante or is one kill enough for you tonight baines and cardiopulmonary arrest i have only minutes to resuscitate them before it's too late you mean you didn't that's not how i do things now go you leave me no choice mr wayne requesting reinforcements has gordon pinned down in death row i need to hurry it's over alfred i've defeated bane master bruce master bruce are you all right oh oh [Music] bad [Laughter] still alive now that's not funny [Music] but there's still hope for you [Music] you just can't get it through your fixed scout we both exist because of them give up you've lost [Music] that's why you do it isn't it you like the way it feels it's what you need come on baby beat me till your knuckles bleed am i quit there you know there's only one way to stop me any one of my guys would have killed him the city deserves better than that you know my daughter thinks you're a hero but i still have to bring you in gordon come in i'm in the chapel we got the you do joker [Music] i had some help [Music] i keep asking myself why i didn't bring him in and i now know the truth is i let him go because of you because you believe in him i don't know they put me in charge of a station full of rotten cops and i can't change them any more than i can change this damn city or at least that's what i used to think [Music] stop is hot that is funny good one bats this is going to be fun [Music] maybe maybe i can give them something to believe in maybe he can give them something to believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] people caring for people compassion that's the foundation gotham was built on and i have proudly built golf corp on that same foundation that's why we're called the people company thank you so much please mr boyle seems to be after your title as gotham's biggest philanthropic industrialist gotham needs more people like him bruce hey i am blown away by your support it's well deserved you're going to change the world ferris hey we'll change it together right pardon me mr boyle the press is waiting this way please okay the future is looking very very bright for gotham now it's almost midnight and you all know what that means let's get this new year's eve party going with uh forget to pay your heating bill bruce don't move [Music] alfred [Music] i don't have time to prep the xe suit for deployment i'll need alfred to put the finishing touches on it [Music] you're almost to south gotham i hope penguins dealer can tell you what this mr freeze has done with our friend targeting someone like ferris boyle it's sickening i know you'll bring him to justice sir i'll see this one wheeled into black gate on a [Music] you gurney now you belong to me i'll give you one chance to let him go threats are meaningless to a man who has lost everything [Music] ah [Music] odd frieze was secretly doing research on huntington's korea but this is a cryogenic weapons lab the test subject was nora freeze now i know what happened here boyle hired victor to help advance the secret cryo weapons program within goth corp in exchange boyle agreed to devote goth corp resources to finding a cure for nora's huntington's but boyle was more interested in how victor had managed to put nora into cryostasis when victor realized that boyle had no intention of following through on their deal he decided to do the huntington's research himself but boyle didn't like that the cryo-chemical cocktail altered victor's metabolism as well as the guards boyle escaped the head of the pool and had the lab quarantined victor survived but he knew that leaving the supercooled lab would kill him [Music] so he built himself a suit and utilized an organic super coolant to keep his core temperature sub-zero all this violence just trying to save his dying wife [Music] victor you have to let him go i'm taking my wife you can't stop me i know the truth and so will the police boyle will face judgment for his crimes it was an accident you don't know what you're talking about nothing matters do you understand nothing but minora [Music] you've endangered lives all over this city nora would never have wanted this though what she wants is to live a long life in the warmth of the sun her hand in mine [Music] because of him she'll only feel the icing touch of a man whose emotions run as cold as the blood in his veins let's see how well you do when the air freezes in your lungs over here hang on now thanks for doing the heavy lifting but you shouldn't have stuck your nose in my business and here i thought i was going to have a problem explaining what happened in your lab i mean the police are never going to look at me after what you did and with this fat freak dead there won't be anyone left to say otherwise cryogenic containment is failing then that just leaves you please you can say god you just have to bypass the fire victory i'll keep you alive long enough go [Music] go [Music] um [Music] take a seat humanitarian [Music] cryogenic containment [Music] i'm sorry victor i can't give you peace but i can't give you justice [Music] no [Music] figured you'd be by sooner or later and what happens if i don't sign you rot in here or you work for me [Music] [Music] is stand back fool i've got a bomb all right [Music] [Music] hey sharpie love what you've done with the place that's warden shop to you poles yo frank a how's the wife and kids you miss me a lot of people here really want to talk to you really i don't mind walking not so tight boy she'll crease the suit [Laughter] get that filthy degenerate out of here warden something's not right i'm going with him [Music] long night jim joker invades city hall and holds the mayor hostage leaving it to me to juggle swat teams the media and you yeah it's been a hell of a night hopefully the last one we'll ever have with him yeah right hold it there sorry batman arkham staff only i assure you if anyone's qualified listen i appreciate the assistance but he'll unsettle the more violent inmates i think he's talking about you bats don't be a stranger you're always welcome here gotta say it's good to be back you okay he surrendered almost without a fight i don't like it at least he's back where he belongs alert the warden [Laughter] come on in welcome to the madhouse batman i set a trap and you sprang it gloriously now let's get this party started oh hi man harley quinn here how do you like my new uniform pretty hot huh oh i got something to show you one second has never been happier in case you ain't figured it out today is the joker's big homecoming and you're the guest of honor you have one chance to surrender quinn testing pass but no dice now the inmates are running the asylum well technically the joker's groom shipped him from black game but you get the idea bye bye for now [Music] what there's no escape joker i will find you oh i'm counting on it just not yet he's a big one that was unexpected wasn't it well no to self need stronger test subjects seeing as how i'm feeling generous i'll give you this one for free knock me off i dare you end this pull the plug stop me once and for all well i'd love to stay in chat but i have a party to organize i've got guests flying in from all joker you're expecting maybe two faiths there's no escape joker silly bat i don't want to escape i'm having way too much fun stupid unreliable how did joker get required what's going on mr jay doesn't want you following us just yet [Music] [Music] get down there is no crane oh father he should have stood up to him like a man [Music] [Music] mom [Music] uh what [Music] you took longer than i thought he's out of control he's trying to prove something i'm not sure i can stop him this time you'll do it batman listen we're not alone he's got something else down there i don't know what it is spoiling the surprise be quiet oh am i getting to you am i god you're going to love this next bit [Music] it wants doctor young's login never mind that get behind me now bane i thought he broke out of black gate cut me down who did this to you doctor young she drained the venom from my blood must stop her sorry has bane the good doctor won't be a problem much longer how do you like my puppet what say we cut him down hey nice lady [Applause] [Music] batman you okay i'm fine jim where's quinn gone must have gotten loose while bane was throwing you around we need to get you off the island i'm not a rookie i can handle myself [Music] this time i break you jim get back to the mainland it's too dangerous here i don't like leaving you here radio claims he's planted bombs all over gotham gotham will panic you're needed there we're ready to go now sir bane called dr young bruja what does it mean it's spanish for which [Music] dr young was heading up a project it was big lots of external funding here are the last notes she filed i can't make sense of it what does it mean looks like she was experimenting on the arkham patients this new chemical only barely resembles the original venom compound there are a number of changes that appear to amplify the strength of the drug multiple references to a titan formula even a small amount could trigger a venom-like transformation in the host eliminating the need for the storage tank bane requires hang on these notes aren't complete the formula is missing that must be the secret doctor young is hiding if joker gets his hands on this he will create an army of a thousand banes my god is joker crazy enough to do that what am i saying you've got to stop him someone has already got to the safe the only question now is who opened it no sign of forced entry whoever opened it knew the combination [Music] let's see good doctor young got to her notes before joker she's taken them to hide somewhere i need to follow her and find out where she put them oracle i found dr young's formula great so does that mean you've stopped joker it's never this simple with him i can't believe you insisted on sitting through that movie again bruce come on we'll be late for alfred i'm sorry daddy go easy on him tom he loved it so alfred will wait keep up bruce where are you taking us we can cut through here but it's starting to rain bruce is tired can't we just wait for him here come on keep up we're nearly there [Music] please there's no need for this oh god money [Music] come on kid this way take a seat in my office is he okay he'll be fine kid like that with all that money he'll be just fine shut up now he's eight years old and all alone money won't fix that whatever you say gordon his butler's on his way to pick him up you hear that he's got a bug i'm sorry about that i just need to ask you some questions can i get you anything you okay i know you don't feel like answering me but it's the only way to catch who did this i don't know [Music] there's something wrong with it and listen son call me jim you monster you evil evil evil monster he's not going anywhere you can stop now sorry i'm so sorry i saw bane i know i i joker threatened me i wanted to stop the experiment i tried to give him his money back joker doesn't take no for an answer he wants an army a horrible twisted force to destroy gotham but he couldn't do it without the formula i hid it but so now he has venom and your formula god he has gallons of the stuff there's a lab hidden in the gardens it's locked off but the security key codes for the entire island are in the warden safe what else is joker planning how should i know you think anything he says makes sense i think he's insane oh my god get out of the way [Music] young still you know how mr j hates the squealer talking about squealers oh oh oh somebody help me out that old looney actually thinks he runs this place talk about crazy well bad places to go get it boys if it gets up knock them down but not too rough today stop stop batman please you've got to help my babies i'm really not interested in a bunch of flowers they're in pain crying for help just stay where you are last thing i need is you running free poor children i'll save you harley you have to help me iv g you look like crap maybe i can seek you some shampoo the plants can't you hear them they're crying out to be an agony yeah well i barely don't have time for this please let me out they'll die without me i don't know red you're not on mr jay's party list oh well ugh please hmm ah what the heck i'll cut your break that feels so much better [Music] she's a good kid i could watch those two all day you want a riot and speaking of riots here's a bit of civil unrest i cooked up just for you die you big ugly bath hey hands up the merchandise that's my party list quiet why there smiles next to certain names you're the detective you tell me [Music] [Music] he's in the secret life in the gardens and oh crap yep i know damn well he'll get me out you'll see yeah you'll see [Music] well look who's discovered our secret lab since you've made it this far let me show you what i cooked up it's all right my darlings i'm you now my poor darlings yes i know he's found us but i won't let him hurt you i'll kill him first ivy i know dr young mutated these plants to produce venom yes and i heard it through the grapevine the evil woman paid the price [Laughter] i need you to help me create an antidote why should i let joker have his fun i'll enjoy watching you squirm you've been in the dark too long every plant on this island will get the same unless you cooperate there's a plant growing deep in arkham island only it can counter the effects of this titan strain where do i find it oh and killer crocs lair you didn't think it would be easy did you go back to your cell or i'll be after you next and i'll be waiting did anyone catch the game last night [Music] [Music] so you were right mr j classic murder case with delusions of grandeur [Music] if you have any questions please visit us at www.i think i'm going crazy and dressed like that please i'm not crazy i shouldn't be here keep those mouths shut batman can you hear me just got to check your prisoner dear he never fully got over his parents death it left you white insane what is going on inside your head wayne he's gone just a twisted shell of a man country he's all yours joker oh goody come on mr jay we're ready i've waited a long time for this bus let's start the party with a bag what are you doing how are you doing this you've suggested enough toxins to drive ten men insane what are you too late one step closer and this goes into the water the cave will fill with your deepest darkest nightmares and you will never reach your precious venom roots [Laughter] don't do it crane you can't run for me now i will find you how close are you to making the cure close it's been more difficult than i expected the process is slow difficult and doesn't produce much antidote and the good news the chemical will definitely stop ivy it may also reverse the titan transformation i need to run some more tests to be sure i've set the computer to create more but i need to get out of here and find ivy thank god i'm fine [Applause] i won't let you destroy it batman i told you to go to your cell i was a fool i thought the plants were in pain now i realized they were involved growing stronger oh [Applause] [Music] why didn't you stop batman [Music] me it was your plan you goofy clown i'm sending you back to the ventriloquist where you belong you had to spoil everything didn't you beating a bane feeding scarecrow to croc slapping around harley my hobby by the way and ruining all my lovely venom plants it's over joker over why my dear delusional dark knight it hasn't even begun [Music] nicely done bats you deserve a prize your old pal commissioner say he looks all run down let's pep him up no batman get away here we go we're gonna have some fun now kitties you're trying to resist the change that's not come on get in so you'll want to play hardball bats to you your car oh you're ruining my big night monsoon i just wanted to bring down your grim facade and for once let you see the world as i see it giggling in a corner and bleeding but you've denied me even that i have nothing to live for arkham asylum remains under lockdown its staff at the mercy of the rampaging inmates just 10 minutes ago we received this taped message [Music] to the streets of gotham but first direct your eyes to the rooftops and witness the final destruction of your dear dark knight we've been circling the tower since then wait there joker is making his move [Music] showtime batman two freaks in a fight to the death and for one night only please welcome our special guest referee oh come on change get crazy it's the only way to beat me you know you want to never you wasted the antidote on yourself now that's funny but you still spoil my fun and for that i'll paint arkham with your blood i can take it i can take anything you throw at me bats you can't beat me i'm actually going to win ready for the next round always what i'll never let you win [Music] never [Music] dad thank god i was so worried i'm fine barbara the gcpd finally has control of the asylum doctors are treating the injured but it looks like it'll take some time all super criminals are back in custody quite a mess in there and the venom enhanced inmates are returning to normal though for some the process can be quite painful dad how are you doing i'll survive see you tonight barbara shame about your car can i give you a ride thanks jim but i have one on the way get some rest you deserve it just run by harvey dent stay safe [Music] [Music] ah wake up mr wayne we have much to discuss strange you won't get away with this i already have this is vicki vale reporting live from arkham city the controversial super prison built right here in the heart of gotham in a few moments bruce wayne will be live on stage to explain his sudden interest in gotham politics the infamous playboy millionaire has never been one to billionaire vicki millionaires so last year i'm assumed that you thought yourself untouchable well as you can see no one is untouchable thank you thank you god imprisoned behind these walls gang leaders are fighting a bloody war in the middle of our once great city every inmate from arkham asylum and black gate prison has been relocated to this facility how can this be safe for the people of gotham shut arkham city down it's out of control shut it down by the end of tonight i will be a hero just like you batman today i'm starting the campaign to close arkham city and make god safe again remember white is the priority target surrounded i feel i should thank you capturing bruce wayne is so much easier than batman and now that we have you protocol 10 is ready to begin it will be my legacy a monument to your failure and if you try to stop me i guarantee everyone will know your secret wakey wakey wayne oh what's up do you need me to call you butler cobblepot oh you remember me i'm touched your family destroyed my wayne this well let's just call this good old-fashioned revenge [Music] [Music] the only way to get by in this place is to get ourselves some respect beer that's how we get respect show them all that we do things we should be fair though this is a place of justice after all screw justice killer and they'll all fear us bring out the defendant you certainly know how to keep a girl hanging hard hey have you had some work done that's for stealing from us no one steals from us i'm sorry i've been a bad kitty untie me and i'll make it up to you let's see if the coin thinks you're telling the truth this cord is now in session [Applause] overruled [Music] heads or tails kitty cat which one lets me out of here alive not this one time to die i vote for a stay of execution no gun shame this is gonna hurt two guns and i thought it was cats who have nine lives how's it hanging harv come to kitty anyone ever tell you that you're full of surprises i figured you could use my help selena you're right i think i chipped a nail back there funny so what do you need mr detective protocol 10 what do you know selena never heard of it that's not what i wanted to hear what about strange i don't trust him he's been missing for years and then is suddenly put in charge of running arkham city rumor has it he's been working with joker planning something very special just for you maybe that's protocol 10. twinkle twinkle watch little kill your favorite cat the ex-district attorney here has said something what the hell this place is dangerous i like it you expecting a kiss it was joker you're not safe here no one is nine lives remember [Music] why why why why why you get out of my way quinn leave us alone bayman just leave me with him [Music] why are you so mean surprise you fell for the old fake joker gag batman hello ivy you hear you shouldn't have come here oh come on you're not seriously going to hold that against me forever are you you killed them all they were just flowers ivy i'll buy you some new ones i know a place that come on red can't we just [Music] look red i just need your help never i'm not again [Music] you've got some nerve selena [Music] [Music] so [Music] get back here harley and i wanna know who he is sweetie no one's who you think they are my dear why spoil the fun it was all a lie there's nothing wrong with you nice of you to say but you of all people should know there's plenty wrong with me take my blood for example i wish somebody would this stuff is killing me why should i because now there's a teeny little bit of me and you too oh that's on don't tell me it's not what you always wanted [Music] look we're running out of time i need your help i nearly had a cure it was so close and that it was taken from me so we both die i'm fine with that are you imagine sucking down that last breath knowing that gotham is doing the same what are you talking about oh didn't i say i've spent weeks shipping samples of my blood to emergency rooms all over the city so that's protocol 10 poison gotham i expected more protocol 10 never heard of it hold tight [Music] i'm listening is someone feeling a little down what do you want oh bad cheer up it won't kill you oops where is the cure who has it i had our cold-hearted friend mr freeze making it but he's gone dark on me i'll find him help me i wouldn't do that if i was you show them what we've got so batman you here for the cops the iceman or me i was only here for freeze and the hostages but now i'm taking you down too oh aren't you scary [Music] you're about to find out am i really [Music] listen i'm what you might call a collector if someone wants it all i think i've got it and if i don't have it i'll get it so here's the thing back there i've got a cabinet with your name on it just waiting to be filled and as luck would have it here you are standing just where i want you [Laughter] so what do you think are you gonna be a good boy and give up nicely you're not giving orders here anymore cobblepot i was open you'd say that look around you this horrible bunch of psychopaths are all begging to join up with me but unfortunately for them i only take the best and today best means whoever can kill you come on out lads it's initiation time you weren't supposed to do that batman you're forcing me to bring out the big guys [Music] oh he doesn't look happy to see you batman good luck [Music] stay where i can see you batman you wouldn't believe the fight the old snowman put up still i got what i wanted that's all that matters hold still boy [Laughter] no no when you're done in here feel free to join me in the iceberg lounge so i can kick your ass again enjoy the copsicle [Music] joker's cure where is it forget the clown i want cobblepot he has my suit my weapons i'll end him for what he's done to me penguin's mine you need to stay focused on that cure or innocent people will die you don't understand i cannot complete my work without it i must have it everything depends on it everything penguin is protecting himself with your ice gun how do i get past it do i look like a fool why would i tell you that because if i can't get past it i won't help you get your suit think about it victor you don't look well if you're gone what will happen to nora leave my wife out of this batman don't let this situation fool you we are not friends today is not a good day to push me victor stop there's a a security override chip i built into the suit to stop anyone using my weapons against me how did that work out for you why don't you go get the security override and figure out a way to stop him yourself it's been a pleasure victor keep thinking about that cure i'll get you your suit back so that's the famous free suit unfortunately oh what are you doing when i leave here wait 10 minutes then get this over to freeze he won't be dangerous no problem batman [Music] you're finished cobblepot no i'm sorry please don't hurt me i can't guarantee that me neither i tried to help you batman i gave you the opportunity to end this and walk away but oh no you had to be the big man well guess what from up here you look pretty small [Music] oh don't look so sad i've got a little surprise for you down here [Music] christened on tuesday married on wednesday i found him down there when i bought this place comes in andy [Music] boy just you and me left the bat versus the bird [Music] where is cobblepot well look who it is [Applause] enough freeze enough of course you will regret what you did mr cobblepot the cure freeze there isn't one what perhaps i should elaborate creating an antidote to the disease that afflicts the clown was easy unfortunately the cure degrades too quickly it needs a restorative element some kind of reforming enzyme without it it breaks down before it can help its host i've seen this before finding a suitable enzyme is not the only problem it needs to be adapted bonded to human dna that will take decades time it appears you do not have what if i told you i know a man who's been exposed to that enzyme for centuries what man his name is rachel ghoul bring him to me all i need is a sample of his blood it is your only hope racial ghoul is dead the new and the clown are doomed not exactly i need someone to tell me where the body is then i can go wake him up blasphemer you are not worthy to speak of the great racial ghoul you are a fool batman you've let your only hope escape no victor if rachel ghoul is in arkham city i now have a trail right to it you only continue to live because the great racial ghoul allows it call him off i can take her stand down [Music] do not follow us i didn't need your help really that's not what it looked like from where i was standing i had it under control why did alfred send you he was worried about you take this get it analyzed and start searching the hospitals and emergency rooms anyone with this blood in them will be dead within 24 hours whose blood is it oh it's yours isn't it i'll get it to the hospitals and come back you need my help here i can handle it you're needed and gotham things could get worse much worse you think if strange really knows who you are what happens if he tells everyone how will you trust me i'll find a way if you need me you know where i am i know now go you should have listened to my warning there are no friends to save you down here stop ah hello talya how did you find us i recognized your personal guard it was just a matter of following her please mistress he tricked me leave i will deal with you later you didn't need to get yourself arrested to see me bruce after that night we spent in metropolis you could have just called i'm not here for you where's reish if he's dead again i need you to wake him up only a true successor may stand before the great result my father always intended us to be together to command his army just imagine it you me a better world your face what happened i'm here to take my place at your side you wish to become an assassin why should i trust this change of heart you saw my face does it look like i have a choice are you prepared to take the demon trials you must show you are willing to take a life to save the world i'm ready your journey begins through this door let's get started are you sure bruce only one man has passed this ordeal are you trying to talk me out of this of course not i just i just want you to be certain when the blood of the demon takes hold you will be on your own like always then may the spirits be kind [Music] welcome detective it is time for your final challenge kill me replace me as that of the demon it is your destiny i will never kill not even you what you lied to me i needed a sample of your father's blood this was the only way allow me to help you use my sword take it all no and that is your final answer [Music] [Music] now only one of us can leave this chamber alive we'll see about that [Music] you should have killed me yes he should have what kind of a man sacrifices his own daughter and you you lied to me i thought you loved me bruce i thought you were ready to join our crusade talia i don't you two deserve each other you're looking old race what's really going on here i have used the lazarus pit too many times i've lived 600 years my mind and body cannot take much more each time i enter the pit i am frightened of what will come out the lazarus pit has corrupted your mind think about it if your pit falls into the wrong hands you'll be powerless to stop centuries of destruction this is your chance for redemption reish call off your crusade or i'll be back for you no please no [Laughter] i want to know all about strange and how you're tied into all this i'll tell you everything strange came to me back at the asylum he told me he had friends powerful friends the sort of people who could make things happen all i had to do was turn a blind eye to his experiments and work on my campaign he said his friends would ensure that i won who are they i have no idea i never met them they funded everything money was no problem all i had to do was set up arkham city and put strange in charge it made perfect sense the scum of gotham needed to be punished it would be my legacy strange has been removing anyone with evidence against him and sending them into arkham city enjoy your legacy [Music] impressive batman i doubted you would actually return i'm a man of my word victor you should know that by now [Music] the formula is complete the bonding process appears to have been successful how are you feeling you look unwell give it to me i'm afraid i cannot do that batman you have given me your last order this is not a time for negotiation i think it is the clown has my wife bring her back to me you don't want to do this freeze oh i believe i do you will bring me nora or you will [Music] die ugh please find nora she's all i have left it's over that was all i could manufacture harley quinn took it what are you waiting for go and get it back the clown must pay for what he has done to us it's not that simple joker's got the steel mill locked down getting in will not be easy perhaps i can help i've been working on a new projectile system maybe these will provide the edge you need i promise you victor i will find nora [Music] where is it manners cost nothing batman a please wouldn't go amiss i mean if you wanted to be cured so badly you only had to ask it looks like i need to teach you some respect there's nothing you can teach me joker oh come on there's always something to learn let's start with getting your ass kicked 101 seconds out [Music] what are you waiting for any last requests how about a joke how about a trade let him go take me in his place yeah i'll handle the jokes around here talia what are you doing i represent the great reish al gore head of the demon master of the league of assassins well bully for you free batman and we will give you the secret of immortality don't do italia he'll be unstoppable what you mean she's telling the truth immortal do we have a deal no oh shut up after you my dear we offered you this chance batman now follow your heart [Music] are we not done yet ivy i told you that thing with the flowers wasn't my fault you know it i know it you should have watered them you said you would water them now there's only one left and strange has it sealed in his vault well in that case i think we can strike a deal i need a way into his vault and i think you're just the girl to help if you get me in there i'll get your plant deal i should kill you fine no kiss i'm kind of disappointed out now well what do we have here figured you could use my help you're right i think i chipped a nail back there you stick with the brooding i'll handle the wise cracks i guess we both know what protocol 10 is now right if you're planning on stopping it you need to hurry oracle shut this place down my pleasure you've ruined everything [Music] get your hands off me look at what you've done it's glorious isn't it [Music] you're finished strange i have powerful friends batman this is just the beginning you cannot stop me soon i will command forces beyond your comprehension i have achieved what the great batman could never do gotham will forever thank hugo strange oh your part and this is over professor strange why i did everything you wanted indeed you clearly demonstrated that batman is better than you let him die detective he was your puppet race why you said i could replace you this was our vision and you failed to see it through but when you came to me with batman's identity i gave you this chance to prove your worth providing you with limitless resources for your plan you came close but you have failed me he's going to die reese he needs medical attention now do as you wish detective he's already dead to me i'm so close just give me more time too late i don't give second chances this is a good day detective good people are dying the world will not miss them why should you look at my work you may have defeated strange but this this is just the beginning come with me we will wipe this world clean never you're wrong you've become what you've always fought against and i will stop you i doubt it computer activate protocol 11. what are you doing pass code wayne no get out of there [Applause] hurry up and take your seat batman the show's about to begin let's just talk about this now you want to talk too late batman give me the cure but you've already got the cure tonya no problem solved you didn't need to why you would never do it you left me no choice there's always a choice i had to save you harlequin stole it for him i took it back it's over [Applause] surprise [Laughter] oh mr jay you look perfect so how do you keep a secret from the world's greatest detective well do you know you stick it right in front of him right under his long pointy nose and wait joker wants you to think he's sick gotcha you fell for the old fake joker gang batman i'm sorry beloved i didn't know i'm bravo it was never you not always well sometimes confusing isn't it i know i'd want to know just what the hell is going on if i were you let's just say at times like these it's important to keep up appearances but first if you would be so kind and over my cure ladies and gentlemen for one night only standing in for yours truly and doing a damn fine job of it i give you you weren't even supposed to be in here why sign up with joker one last chance you're making me late for my spa treatment i mean it's not like you've got a girl to save anymore is it oh i'm sorry too soon would a change of scenery help ease the pain [Music] so [Music] get out of my way bats i've got a date with immortality [Music] quick the cure what are you waiting for come on i killed your girlfriend poison gotham and hell it's not even breakfast but so what we all know you'll save me every decision you've ever made ends with death and misery people die i stop you you'll just break out and do it again think of it as a running game now are you happy now do you want to know something funny even after everything you've done i would have saved you that actually is pretty funny [Music] uh [Music] [Music] our units [Music] what the hell happened in there batman what happened [Music] no sorry harv this really isn't your night is it now tell me where you've hidden the rest of my stuff or i'll even out the other side of your face i only took half the rest i gave away i win enough with the twos already it just keeps getting you into trouble just couldn't keep away huh can't say i blame you there's still work to do here in arkham city good luck with that some enterprising individuals decided to help themselves to my things i intend to get it all back [Music] i'm in any news barb no he's been gone two days i'm worried you know what he's been like since i'll find him i hope you're right harley quinn's preparing for some kind of siege what's she planning find batman and get the hell out of there okay don't worry barb it's me remember you sound just like him you left me to die you left me to die you left me to die you left me to die you left me to die you left just keep the damn side covered i don't want that mad woman getting out of there understand harley quinn you guess her goons ambushed my guys and dragged them towards the steel mill ah i can't get close i'll handle it you sure you know she blames you right could be a trap fall back and stop anyone else getting hurt i'll handle the rest you're safe i don't think so bad brain it's dead cop time does it hurt too bad come on boys what's it doing hurry up idiot [Music] come on don't piss off holly i found him thank god is he okay quinn's got him trapped harley's built some kind of monument to the joker and it's stopping me from getting to batman looking at this place she's crazier than we thought i'm gonna search the area and try to work out how to save him [Music] really no that's mine whatever you say what kept you ever heard of thank you what happened to the cops i guess not you don't need to worry about that brain they'll be dead soon oh and so will you you save the cops i'll handle the bombs give me that no [Music] you should have left me to die then i could have been back together with mr jay quiet robin i thought he was with you it hurts don't it what have you done now you know how it feels [Music] so did you miss me where are the cops they're safe i'm done here hey kid is he all right yeah sure of course he is you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 643,211
Rating: 4.8386889 out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Batman Full Movie, Batman Movie, Batman Cinematic, Batman Cinematic Movie, Batman All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Trailers, Cinematics, Batman Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2021, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Superhero, Superhero Movie, 2021 Movie, 2021 Trailer, New, Trailer
Id: frh95XBeV_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 42sec (9822 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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