GHOST OF TSUSHIMA Full Movie Cinematic (2021) 4K ULTRA HD Samurai Action

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[Music] mongol empire is invading our home they are brutal relentless unstoppable we are 80 samurai against an army fighting to slow the invasion today i die for my people there must be thousands of them we will face death and defend our home tradition courage honor they are what make us we are the warriors of sushima [Music] go break their spirits hey [Music] outsiders send your finest warrior to face me another [Music] i am haru nobutachi descendant of the legendary yoshinobu adachi [Music] do you surrender [Music] cowards without honor deserve no mercy i'm ready we end this together this um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am kotan cousin of kublai grandson of kingus brother you are warrior i can see that you trained your whole life for this and you have won battles that lester men have called unwinnable yes but while you were sharpening your sword do you know how i prepared for today i learned i know your language your traditions your beliefs which villages to tame and mr burn so i'll ask you once again samurai do you surrender [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh you won't can you run i i think so where's my sword not here you're all here i'll take care of this please hide oh don't hurt me [Music] rice who are you i'm yoona [Music] you want your sword follow me you know wait lord shimra is my uncle [Music] yo vegito's nephew i have to know did he survive i think so the mongols took him prisoner where did they take him east along the coast toward castle canada they must be holding him inside celebrating their victory i could take them by surprise you'll be killed oh i'll rescue lord shimura then help him drive the mongols into the sea he can contact the shogun call for reinforcements i didn't nurse you back to health to watch you throw your life away why did you save me i couldn't leave you to die i need your help lord shimla can help our whole island and he's the only family i have left let's move i am jin sakai nephew to the great lord shimura and i am no coward your enemy is no match for you but you still lack control i was practicing with your father's weapon the sword of clan sakai has saved lives and ended wars who did this to you no one i will teach you to defend yourself i know how to fight to master your blade you must first control your emotions i can do that uncle show me you see there is no weapon no warrior you cannot overcome thank you for these lessons uncle before we eat i have one last question for generations our families have lived by a code tell me the virtues that guide us loyalty to our lord control of our emotions and you know this honor to fight bravely and uphold the legacy of clan sakai [Music] those are your father's words what does honor mean to you i guess protecting people the ones who can't fight for themselves you have a good heart but first we must show everyone that we serve our lord with courage integrity and self-control you say that like it's easy it's never easy i struggle with it every day but we must set an example for our people by remaining true to our code and to ourselves that is a meaning of honor i've not her samurai [Applause] [Music] thank you my lord they said all the summer i were dead do you have somewhere to hide i heard golden temple might be safe go stay off the roads and guard your son with your life you risked your life for them they couldn't defend themselves and i can't let more of our people die [Music] they're not the only ones who need you [Music] my brother the mongols took him that's why you saved me tucker is my only family and lord shimra is mine oh please i just want my brother back i'll help you find him after i save my uncle i promise i'm coming with you [Music] they're holding your uncle inside we can't keep going i have to fall back alone keep the path clear when i find lord shimra we'll need a quick escape i'll get the horses ready do it if i'm not back soon right for the forest cause i can't [Music] i have come to avenge his honor [Music] your uncle has told me much about you jensen i will show him his nephew broken and humiliated begin to join the mongol empire [Music] this is your time lord zakat [Music] food enough surrender show your uncle how easily he can bring peace to your home [Music] save yourself [Music] i failed again father jim help me um [Music] [Music] lord saka [Music] i couldn't save him i was a coward jin you are samurai he died because of me your father fell in battle saving his only son his reward is a warrior's death now you will carry on his legacy [Music] your father's spirit resides within his blade [Music] he is always with you [Music] tomorrow you will come to my fortress as my ward today say goodbye to your father [Music] father how do i save [Music] gin what happened i found lord shimra i could have saved him but the khan was there i failed my uncle at least you're in one piece [Music] i swore to protect this island with my life but now the mongols have stolen our home killed or some right he forgot what it's like to fight someone stronger than you to feel weak sometimes when you're staring death in the face you have to do whatever it takes to survive the khan expects to fight a war against the samurai he will anticipate our every move unless we find new ways to surprise him that's how we'll save lord shimra and retake our home you'll need some help writers the mongols must be hunting you we should split up i'll draw their attention while you escape i'm not leaving your side until we've saved my brother first i need to find more allies trained warriors like sensei ishkoa and lady masawatachi they can help my brother can help too once we save him you'll have the island's best blacksmith in your debt he'll make whatever tool you need to save your uncle something to scale the castle walls you dream it tucker can make it where are they holding him he was captured near ketchi right there in askaranda i'll join you soon tucker won't last long in the mongol cage you know we will save your brother and your uncle [Music] we can look for a gap in the front wall sleep inside and cut down the mongols where they stand if something goes wrong they'll kill the prisoners i've seen them do it we have to go in quietly like thieves what's wrong with that before the samurai this island was ruled by criminals we changed that by creating order and delivering justice in the open we live by a code of honor and sometimes we die by it warriors like my father we just wanted to give us a safer home i want the same thing but we have to fight back [Music] i promised my uncle i'd never break our cold then bend it to save my family and what's left of yours let's get a closer look see what we're up against we should wait until it gets darker [Music] if they see us they'll kill the prisoners and we better stay quiet and open their throats [Music] oh hey what do you think gin the bear's running with a limp your arrow wounded him this is when a beast is most dangerous that still in the back rules okay control yourself we are not criminals like this man here we are samurai he tried to kill you you must answer for this crime with his life and look him in the eye teach him that somebody never acts out of anger or fear and take his life with honor [Music] when we fight we face our enemy head-on [Music] when we take their life we look them in the eye with courage and respect this is what makes us samurai [Music] only cowards strike from the shadows [Music] uh gin what's wrong let's find your brother tucker's alive in osmo bay the town is surrounded by walls rushing in without a plan will only put him in more danger i have a friend who might be able to get us inside find him the sooner we rescue tucker the sooner we save my uncle jin tucker will forge whatever tool you need as soon as he's free but after that we're leaving the island you've seen what the mongols are doing here lord shimura can stop them stay help us fight for a home home is wherever tucker and i go [Music] my friend lives in osmo prefecture on the border with tutu i'll find you there i know this wasn't easy going against your code i did what i had to thank you you deserve better than this convince your people to stop resisting and you can walk free stop wasting my time kill me you think you've lost everything but your nephew is still alive my men control the roads they build war camps near your towns they see everything and they will find him lord sakai will fight until his last breath as will i you love him just as you love your people you're a father to them will you abandon your children i won't make them your slaves taka's counting on us i love the kid but this is too dangerous it will never work we'll make it work this the samurai you can call me lord sucker forgive me my lord i am kenji upstanding merchant and the best swindler on the island that's why he's going to help us rescue my brother from azamo bay that town's a fortress if the mongols took it we'll need an army to penetrate the walls or a single delivery of sake it'll never work get your sake ready we'll discuss the plan on the move let's have a drink first talk this through [Music] now kenji [Music] please you're safe now we need to move we can't they'll catch us just like the others this is lord sakai he'll protect us i need you to trust me tucker i need your help i'll try my lord [Music] [Music] they have a forge one of the best on the island good place to make tools maybe something to get jinn over the walls of castle canada what do you say taka my lord i'll do anything to repay you for freeing me thank you tucker genji get some rust we can't stay here long how are you doing i have my brother back he's shaken up can you get in the coma too in one piece with food and rest he'll be fine your brother wasn't the only prisoner in azumabe you're going to save them and make their captors suffer good write for komatsu forge i'll join you when i can gin thank you [Music] don't move sensei ishkawa [Music] lord sakai's boy you survived we could have used your bone i was on my way when bandits attacked me are you expecting them to return samurai is never caught by surprise i'm sorry about lord shimura he was a good man he's alive taken captive by the mongols then there's hope that's why i've come help me save him [Music] i can't my student is missing a skilled archer i will help you look then you can both help me free lord shimura try and keep up sakai don't worry would never leave the quiver behind unless she was pursued or captured to what end interrogation torture worse they may be doing the same to lord shimra fear is a weapon sakai do not let the mongols use it against you your student where would they take her fort nakayama stop here we need to talk what's wrong with sensei this bow was a gift to me from the nago many years ago it's a beautiful weapon of course it is and there's nothing more painful to me than a perfect bow ineptly used then it's a good thing you're giving it to me who said anything about giving prove you can shoot straight i'll let you borrow it we're looking for a woman an archer someone goes to with us [Music] but they set up free gave her armor and a ball she killed my wife and the others the bodies we found she proved her skill to the enemy and they recruited her please it it hurts don't leave me i demand an answer she attacked me not bandits why she has no idea what it means to be samurai you drove her to the mongols do not judge me do not lie to me i can't let tomoe teach my way of the bow to the enemy and we will stop her this is my fight i don't need your weapon no you need me victory is won by warriors not weapons raised you well we'll hunt them away together but we do it my way and when the time comes you will help rescue my uncle you have my word sakai i will prepare to hunt them away when you are ready meet me at my dojo we can't rescue my uncle alone i need more people to join our fight fine lady masako adachi if she's still alive she's one of the finest warriors on the island dead for days lady musical it's me [Music] they said no samurai escaped commodore my husband lord adachi died a warrior's death defending our home why have you come the mongol khan has captured lord shimra if your clan joins me i can save my uncle and avenge your men clan adachi is dead massacred by our own people freighters why would they kill those who swore to protect them i intend to find out i'm coming with you no do not set aside your concerns for mine the family of samurai are my concern i know what it means to be the last of one's clan i cannot be responsible for your death you won't be ride with me you destroyed clan allergy i was only a messenger for who knowledge does not end suffering you know nothing of suffering i buried my family one by one it took days but i'm going to leave you for the wolves we need him alive to tell us who he serves our world has changed men of vision must rise to face it and those in the way must be removed they were children muscle he he was never going to talk we still need information there has to be something we can use search outside i'll deal with things in here a list of names and a clan symbol [Music] i found the same symbol on these men i've never seen it before a rival clan moving in to take control we have to stop them i will you cannot do it alone when my uncle hears of this he will not rest until the traitors pay for what they did help me and we will bring down everyone who hurt you together when you need help rescuing your uncle i will be there thank you lady muscle until that time i have work to do you made it what happened here where's tucker hiding with what's left of komatsu mongols came a few days ago they took prisoners killed anyone who put up a fight now they're coming back to finish the job these were just scouts the main force won't be far behind then we have to go now we can hold this town what we need komatsu's forge and its people if you need to you can leave no i'm tired of running take me to the others [Music] [Music] [Music] i've never seen a samurai fight like that it was nothing you are more than a samurai he is a vengeful spirit back from the grave to slaughter the mongols [Music] where do we hide now [Music] you don't fire up a forge and get back to making strong komatsu weapons that's how we fight back that's how we'll save lord shimra [Music] vengeful spirit i think they liked it [Music] i read that samurai follow a path of honor it's one of the many differences between us then why have my men found their brothers stabbed in the back lord zakai would never resort to such tactics war brings out who we truly are it has made you a dog unleashed by your cousin kublai to rape and pillage at his command your nephew strays from the warrior's path you will become what you hate unless you join my empire's fight for peace you don't want allies you want soldiers to overthrow the shogun consider my offer help your nephew regain his honor before his coward just goes too far and before i bring you his head [Music] you look like a scarecrow you've looked better too can i have my hat you're a mercenary now professional warrior maybe you can help me i'm looking for your leader he died on kamoda beach you were there too i lost a lot of friends we all did and we can avenge them if we work together help me save lord shimura he's alive [Music] the straw hats are hurt starving i can't ask them to risk their lives for one man even if he can name your price [Music] once we free our home lord shimura will pay you anything you want [Music] my men might be interested your men i look out for them someone has to you're not as handsome as me but it's not bad we should check the fort's defenses look for weak spots my men will handle that part then we have a deal get us that food at the fourth of ohio and we'll get your uncle away from the mongols thank you yuzo just remember who's in charge of the straw hats i will never dream of replacing you my friend give us a head start we'll meet you at the old cemetery see you there let's get your men something to eat where's all the food i didn't see any in the tower did you find anything it's just a stack of [ __ ] papers on a dead officer let me see you read mongolian if it's in chinese i can make out some of it since when since i had to read sun tzu this was only a temporary depot they're taking everything offshore the boats are in the pain we'll never get out to them we got in here they're crazy [Music] what did you have in mind [Music] i would have had that [ __ ] if you hadn't shown up i know did you see how big he was that's where all our food went what's up you're burning our food what's up let's get out of sight they're still hunting us that's a good hiding spot ahead i promised my men i'd feed them and i'm going back empty-handed we'll find another way but how many will i lose before then i found something that might help mongol battle plants do they show supply lines one page has a map it's a start hand it over we do this together you've got your own problems and i am the leader i need this gene and i'll need you at castle canada you'll have me don't let them see you coming just like you spreading more of your stories just telling them what they want to hear some of them are calling you the ghost after you put the idea in their heads these people stay because they believe in you they should believe in the samurai to them you're both when lord shimra is free they won't need to put their faith in folk tales maybe [Music] an iron hook with a rope attached to the end you can use it to climb walls swing over things it'll hold my weight i tested it myself i call it a kaginawa it's perfect i mean you're dead no it's a gift i have my sister my home my life that's enough thank you tucker where are you so the mongols have captured my best fighters i was counting on their help to free lord shimura jin if we don't do something my men are dead and your uncle stays locked in captivity where are they caged let's see what we can do replace bets how long did it take you to free us i lost hope you brought some sake you're not gonna believe this it doesn't make any sense what doesn't my men said the mongols didn't hurt them they fed them good food too no wonder they were singing last night just be grateful they're safe why in all the hells would the mongols feed them maybe they expected something in return thank you gene my men they're everything [Applause] you're still here disappointed i thought you'd leave as soon as i had my grappling hook try to find my way to the mainland as tempting as that sounds you saved tucker's life my debts not paid until your uncle's free i'm glad to hear it send word to the others what should i tell them we're going to break into castle canada and freeload i'm told your nephew stalks my men tears them apart like a beast i'm certain you've done worse oh you pretend we are different but we fight for the same thing to create a legacy that outlives us i won my legacy with duty and honor brought order to my home and justice for my people you are nothing like me neither is your nephew but his name is bound to your legacy a legacy is more than a name ah true your family has lived here for generations your ancestor castle lies to the north yes i look forward to visiting it while i leave you here to starve to death alone without honor damn it rizzo where are you everyone's here should we wait for the straw hats no i'll meet you at the farmhouse today we free lord shimra i was told we'd have straw hat reinforcements they're not here and we can't wait any longer what's the plan lord sakai i'll use my grappling hook to infiltrate the castle once i silence the alarm the rest of you can safely breach the front gate the mongols are likely holding lord shimra in the main keep if they sound the alarm they may execute him we can storm the front gates take them by surprise no we do this quietly carve a path to the main keep rescue lord shimra then fall back to the main gate and make her escape sounds like suicide only if we attack head-on we can do this if we sneak in and catch the enemy while they're sleeping like a thief or a ghost oh shimmer is counting on us let's head out diesel [Applause] you can't put a bounty on the coast anyone can claim it you wouldn't my men are starving chin help me save my uncle and he will reward your men he will make you samurai [Applause] [Music] then he'll send us to die just like he did that come on the beach usual here's your family chin i need to protect mine [Music] that's enough it's not too late help me save a home it belongs to them now he's here the stamina is here [Music] i knew you would come my boy your father would be proud i live to serve you my lord we have to leave not yet we left some guards here but there'll be no match for two samurai i bright allies we can retake the castle then we'll sing songs of our victory [Music] the castle is ours you've led us to victory my lord with your help gene together we will break the mongol spirit and bring kupunkan to his knees we will win this war as samurai [Music] you have an impressive home won't you welcome me inside [Music] your people are tired hungry cold open the gate and save them you promised food for my men earn it let them in no no no no no open again uh [Music] [Music] over there open the gate open the gate your uncle's looking for you i heard the khan took his castle i never should have trusted you so he fooled all of us i thought you'd be gone by now so did i let's talk to my uncle see about getting your reward jin you look well we will defeat the khan and the coward buso mount their heads on the battlements of my castle but i can't do this without you you have me [Music] i heard of your exploits while i was in prison your methods were brutal impulsive without honor i did what i had to for you i know jin and i will be forever in your debt but you can't continue down this path all of sushima looks to us for guidance we must save our home together a samurai what about yoona she saved my life and helped free you all she wants in return is safe passage to the mainland i will grant it when the seas are clear but only if she helps me retake my castle thank you uncle you're ready to fight for our cause i need to get off this island so this tucker not finished yet to the lighthouse we'll rekindle its flame show the mongols our victory at castle canada was only the beginning and tell the khan we're coming for him yarikowa has plenty of warriors if their walls haven't fallen i put down the arikawa rebellion its people have no love for me i know i grew up there is that where you learn to steal yoona has great admiration for you lord shimra she can convince her people to fight under her banner very well help lord sakai raise this army and you will be on the first transport to the mainland with my brother wait for me in all the arikawa thank you i hope the khan sees this he will we will take back your castle uncle and destroy the mongols as honorable samurai return home and claim your father's honor recruit the peasants of yarikawa i will petition the shogun for reinforcements how we get a message to the mainland i have unsavory friends of my own a pirate named goro you know moogie cove owes me a dead if he's alive i'll find him bring him to me at our old hunting camp we will meet again soon until then travel safely i cannot lose you again lord sakai my thanks to you and your companions where do you serve see the temple our warrior monks rode south to fight the mongols after we heard about komoda but our journey ended here i'm sorry what happened we were ambushed and taken captive shoved into a covered pit no food so dark i couldn't see my hands in front of my face i think they took jogan out first we heard him struggling and shouting and shouts turned to screams we could smell burning but we refused to submit there were only three of us left when they took my brother enjo and joe the guardian i'm sorry he's gone he was a great warrior an even better brother what's your name [Music] there must be thousands of invaders now that lord shimura is free he can lead us to victory i hope you join our fight the monks of cedar temple can help they're all within the day's ride support them and we'll sweep the mongols back into the ocean we will avenge your brother nurio all the monks who died here i don't seek revenge but i will fight for peace [Music] you must be guru we must all be someone who must you be lord sucker ah the samurai are all dead i'm very much alive but my patience is dying lord shimra asks that you repay your debt to him he's alive what does he want to deliver a message to the mainland ah i charged a lot for that trip even before the mongol blockade you or my master are dead this will repay it then i have no choice [Music] i found goro in umukikov was he drunk not anymore he will fulfill his debt to you and sail for the mainland he may be unsavory but few know the sea like guro for these men deliver your message precisely kotaro and jiro are loyal and courageous i will petition the shogun for reinforcements goro is ready you will meet us nearby then lead us to his boat we will ride when the time is right take this moment to prepare for that yes uncle it is time to your horses men imagine their surprise when two samurai take it back from them if we make enough noise inside the fort the mongol ship cruise will look to it instead of the water we will draw the enemy's attention to the fort sail when you hear the fighting my lord you'll be killed your only concern is delivering my message horses might give us away we will go on foot north sakai there is goro's boat we bought them time but not enough the mongols have seen them and their attack ships are faster our men are defenseless no they have us we have a weapon of the enemy not samurai saving our people is all that matters you know how to fire this i'll learn destroy the mongol ships leave the guards to me uncle we will not die here my boy we did it i knew we would you continue to prove the mongols are not unstoppable you taught me to fight i couldn't disappoint you and you never have i am proud of the warrior the man you have become gin my message to the shogun included an announcement i wish to formally adopt you as my son uncle in my heart you have always been near to my legacy when this war ends we will make it official one day our people will look to you as their leader you will become their honorable jito backed by all the power of the shogun i hope i can serve them as well as you have i know you will we must finish our preparations while we wait for the shogun's reinforcements what are your orders reclaim your father's armor and recruit the people of yarikawa you see how reliable your friend really is i'll meet you now and recover my armor from omi village when you're ready meet me at our staging camp in cuba then we will retake my castle from cotunka and save our home as father and son the shogun himself will celebrate our victory we will meet again soon until then travel safely why are these people outside the town walls the mongols have surrounded yarikawa no one can get in recruiting lord shimla's old rivals was never going to be easy but now now they need allies too think about it we help them drive off the mongols and they help us i need their word before i fight for them and we can't even get into this city yes we can there's a hidden entrance from when we were children even if it's still there we can't reach it it's worth a try i know a place we can scout for a way around the mongol siege yarikawa doesn't stand a chance you know where's the hidden entrance see that river near the town walls get us that far and i'll do the rest we can't sneak past an army and even if we find an entrance what if the mongols see us we'll sentence the town to death tucker i stake my life on your metalwork now it's your turn to trust me yes my lord [Music] leader of this war band i learned your speech so i may offer you a future open your gates before my camp flies the black flag and you will know great mercy refuse and you will know terrible misery choose your future yarikawa lord sakai i never thought lord shimura's nephew would be responsible for the ghost you best be careful or he'll punish you as he punished my once great family for inciting rebellion against your jitter that was years ago we've all got bigger problems now [Music] who's this your servant i was born here yet your aiding clan no i'm fighting for lord sakai for the ghost we can help break the seas outside your walls in return lord shimmer requests your help the mongols want to conquer the mainland they will lose interest in us and yarikau will survive like we always do [Music] i told him not to come i wanted to help lord sakai if i stayed in yarikawa i'd be useless better useless than dead we're searching for missing soldiers you're not trained for this i can learn and i won't get in the way fine but be careful and listen to your sister yes my lord any son of the archers locals have seen them in this area but we haven't let's look around good work take your men back to yarikawa stronghold right away i know you're a sake but you didn't mention you're the ghost we have your help breaking the siege if fujimasu accepts it i'll make sure he does the stories are true i've never seen anyone fight like you [Music] taka go with daikuku i need a moment with jin i'll see you back home we did it tucker could have been killed jin i saw him fall he's fine he did everything perfectly i shouldn't have let him fight you know i know you want to protect him but you're holding him back tucker's not a fighter he could become one you don't know my brother like i do you can't always be the one to defend him i'll decide what's best for taka you look after your own family [Music] i need to go back we still need to end this siege i'll see you there you're awake too i killed the samurai what chance do a bunch of farmers have we have to try [Music] i think you need this more than me [Music] uh [Music] kenji spent the rest of the day wearing one sandal this is terrible my mother loved it used to drink it like water she gets so mad when she ran out yelled at us where's my tea sounds like a demanding woman she broke tucker's arm when he was six i took him away ran as far from her as we could get we heard they found her a month later face down in the street [Music] you were brave to protect your brother sometimes our only choice is to walk away from everything we know [Music] you know gin this is it to the kids they're falling back we barely damaged them what are they up to trying to lure us out no hold them off as long as you can then fall back to the keep i'll deal with the siege weapons i should come with you no tucker needs you [Music] they broke through the walls [Music] the ghost will reward me for your head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] ah you know we saved your town now we help lord shimra save our island we are not soldiers who killed these mongols who stood against the siege who saved yarikawa we did you can't just stay here and wait for the mongols to try again you say you are not soldiers you are warriors we can defeat the invaders and save our home but only if we stand together [Music] [Music] your friend defeated one of my best generals my men have started to believe he's invincible you will prove them wrong i don't care about the reward for gene's head have you stopped caring for your loyal straw hats genie is the best swordsman on the island my men can't kill you there are many ways to eliminate her fall find another what if we didn't have to kill him [Music] [Music] [Music] tim help me [Music] [Music] young master are you all right yes just light-headed for a moment i thought you looked face us coward get inside are you all right you butchered them is yarikawa giving us trouble again the yarikawa rebellion was 20 years ago those men were with the mongols of course seeing you like that i'm still shaken up i need to catch my breath by the lake your favorite tree yes come poison has never been the sakai way no sakai had to fight the mongol empire i need every weapon we have tsushima can't afford anything less the mongols have changed you young master the world has changed my mother taught me about plants that heal others that harm even kill but they must be consumed how will you poison the invaders a blow gun and dots i've read their use by a genji warrior who studied with monks from the west will you help me promise me you'll remain the good man i know i promise i've looked after your every need since your mother carried you i won't stop now all i need is something to make a blow gun used to be plenty of reeds down river near the old crossing remember you and your little friend gathered them to make little boats it user and i we spent all day reenacting the battle of dunoda be careful jin the invaders have an outpost there now don't worry i'll be back soon with reeds excuse me young must you caught me thinking about lord sakai i try not to do that he loved you in his way enough of the past we have a blow gun and dots all i need now is the poison of course young mast your plants good we extract the seeds crush them make a paste and dip the needles make sure the dose is strong it should do what you need it's done you're sure he came this way the old woman has a camp around here somewhere listen someone's coming stay there utica let's see if this poison works don't worry i dealt with them sometimes i forget you're a grown man i forget sometimes too we should get back to the estate i'll stay i need to straighten the place up don't push yourself too hard hush you are not a child and i'm old enough to take care of myself [Music] what other kinds of poison can you make always so impatient there is another it causes confusion and rage but the ingredients what were they try to remember it sounds useful thanks to your efforts we have an army to reclaim my castle i told you you know where to come through i'm already arranging her payment the shogun's reinforcements will be here soon before they arrive we must resolve a new problem my scouts intercepted orders from the calm addressed to duso his mercenaries are poised to strike a flank do you know where rizo is now not far but you do not have to face him yourself he was my friend i will deal with him do what you must our forces will be ready for battle when you return you're leaving your uncle kept his word a boat sails at dawn tomorrow i need your help one last time i found yuzo hiding in fort koyasan i can't please understand i spent my life working for this going to bed hungry risking my neck so we'd have enough money to start a new life on the mainland i can't give up now i'm not asking you to help me defeat you so and i'll see you off myself this is your battle gin not night all i want all we need is to start a new life i won't stop you then thank you you know for everything i hope you find peace you too my lord listen to your sister tucker she'll take care of you goodbye lord sakai [Music] i can do this alone under cover of night lord sakai wait shh you give us away i won't let you do this alone if you now won't come with you then i have to you're not trained for this in yarikawa you said we can save our home if we stand together i stand with the ghost i can't pity you against mongols if anything happened at least let me create a distraction draw some of them away even the odds for you all right when they chase you right back to camp as fast as you can i won't let you down refusal it's good to see you you know i have come yes i made sure you'd know where to find me the khan wants to meet you i'm not here to talk you betrayed us all we can save our home together it doesn't have to be like this yes fuzel it does please wake up taco oh you were gone so long i knew you were in trouble i came to help but the mongols caught me damn we have to get free they're going to kill us only if we let them try to get loose you must be thirsty milk from my favorite horse the final gift to me she broke her egg yesterday so i fed her to my men we do what we must lord so kind that is why you and i are both survivors i am samurai no you are more than that you are the ghost convince your people to join me and i will give them peace we will never serve you hmm your uncle said the same thing but i asked him to end this war he refused to be your slave i too have pride in family and i know what it's like to live in that shadow why should we settle for scraps when we deserve to be legends he's a legend see your people will follow you join me and save them you want to divide and conquer you did it if you saw not us oh your legend does not even care about you if you kill him you can go run [Music] now i must find another and you must choose again gin you know i just saw the khan right out to drizzle i know he's here he left a message saying he'd followed you where is he [Music] no no [Music] no no so huh he tried to make you proud i wanted to be like the ghost you shouldn't have made him come [Music] i tried to stop him but he wanted to help that's [Music] we should go i'm not leaving him that's the last of them the straw hats are finished leaves us alone he's still alive with the gun there's nothing more we can do here i need to bury my brother i'll help you i never meant for this to happen i'm sorry i swore i'd give him a good life keep him safe this isn't your fault it's mine no it was the khan it's all [Music] every mongol on this island help me kill them all help me avenge tucker there's no reason to leave anymore nowhere to go nothing to do except stay and fight you should go to my uncle's camp and get some rest i'll meet you there was tucker brave at the end he was always brave [Music] [Music] it's time you know the samurai are here everyone's preparing for battle did you get some rest i couldn't i'm sorry tucker should be here he believed in you now so do the people of yarikoa because you stood up for them when no one else would they're risking their lives for the ghost [Music] i will give my life for the people of tsushima and for you let's hope it doesn't come to that you've done well jin we now have everyone we need to reclaim my castle i dealt with the straw hats but rizzo escaped with a karna they wanted me to betray you you spoke to the khan i was captured if i'd known i would have marched my entire army to save you yuna helped me escape but her brother he died with honor khan will pay for his sacrifice and for all you've endured jinn a shogun formally supports my decision to adopt you when our island is saved you will be here to clan shimura not as a ghost but as a samurai i won't disappoint you uncle today we ride into battle as sakai shimura tomorrow we celebrate victory as father and son samurai pride themselves on their honor code but it also makes them rigid predictable easy to break ghost has no limits this makes him dangerous this is our moment the fate of our island hangs on this battle we will take the khan's head together and personally deliver it to the shogun warriors of tsushima today we defeat cotton card we take casual and drive the mongols from our home [Music] victory [Music] kill them all [Music] this cake will not open for you run cowards chin what are you doing clearing away not like that never like that face them as a warrior without a not a monster until they understand terror is not the weapon of a samurai [Applause] [Music] look the bridge they're falling back the khan wouldn't give up like this something's wrong [Music] those poor souls we sent them to die for nothing we must honor their sacrifice gather our best soldiers we will repair the bridge and attack a dawn no we've lost too many if you had listened to me up there is another way we will discuss it alone the mongols are on the defensive we will strike before they regroup and end this war tomorrow you sent our men to die they are soldiers their blood is on our hands i can find a way past the bridge poison the enemy an act of terror i am trying to save our people by teaching them to fear us if you continue down this path you will be no better than the mongols i trained you to fight with honor honor died on the beach the khan deserves to suffer you were ruled by your emotion i sacrificed everything i knew to save our people i gave them hope you did nothing no we're finished [Music] they're patching the bridge on your uncle's orders lord shimmer is determined to see his plan through no matter how many lives it costs these people came here to fight for you [Music] how much wolf spain can you find in the next hour a few handfuls talk to the others held them to gather all you can carry i'm going to poison the mongols i'll find a way into the castle and slip it into their drinks watch the khan choke on his own blood your uncle's going to find out i know taka was making something for you i wasn't sure you'd want it but now if something happens it won't he'd want you to have it [Music] this is all the wolf spain we found will it be enough i'll make sure it is [Music] food [Music] [Applause] [Music] gene where's the khan he rode north me stay behind to collect the ghost's head then come claim it [Music] no i could have killed you earlier instead i convinced the khan to give you a chance he murdered tucker and you slaughtered my men i've lost everything [Music] except you oh we can't defeat the mongols together after everything you've done tell the people i was just spy santa came to khan's trust they'll believe the door stop you're my oldest friend do you so surrender an answer for your crimes for both our sakes [Music] i can't [Music] king [Music] [Music] goodbye music [Music] uh [Music] [Music] good uh the castle is yours the khan marches north we can head him off you can find me i did what i had to for them is this how you want to be remembered he defended us by spreading fear and chaos we are at war and you are acting like the enemy this is not our way your way can't save our people [Music] the shogun will demand ahead but it does not have to be yours i know she drove you to this uncle renounce the ghost you must blame her for this outrage [Music] tell them loyal servant to the shogun my hair my son i am not your son i am the ghost [Music] and you will be judged for it [Music] find the khan [Music] for tucker go [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] kenji what are you doing what does it look like let's go if i run i won't be able to unite our people against the con i'll never regain my uncle's trust if you stay he'll ship you to the shogun for judgment the orders just came through the people need you lord sakai yuna needs you where is she up north tracking the khan in the frozen wastes she has your sword she's waiting for the ghost forgive me uncle find masako norio and senseishkawa get them to omi village you know and i will open the pass for you to join us she's waiting in kin with your equipment at the sacred tree easy [Music] [Music] waiting for us [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] i'm sorry i couldn't protect you [Music] she [Music] the mongols learned how to make my poison now they're using it against us i can lose [Music] um is that you um i wasn't sure you'd wake up i thought i wouldn't the mongols used my own poison on me how did they get it i don't know but they learned how to make it themselves they must have tested it on the people of kin before they burned the town i saw families lying in pools of blood there's only one way to end this kill cotton khan he's taken his army to a stronghold on the coast what is me we will need a station camp somewhere close i'll see what i can find your equipment's in that chest meet me by the lookout tower when you're ready no mongos solid walls i think we'll be safe here hey your uncle chose his path and i chose mine putin studied lord shimura's tactics he knows how to break an army of samurai but he doesn't know how to defend against us will make him hurt for tucker for everyone are you takashi you know my name jin sakai you know sent me she's alive where is she the mongols blocked the pastor omi i have to open the way and i can't do it alone yoona told me you can help sounds dangerous i thought you were an expert hunter leader of the best archers in the prefecture is that what the unit told you she thinks you care enough to fight is she wrong about me no but my people need a reason to risk their lives [Music] it's going to be a cold winter why spend an amount inside a hunting squirrel when you can live in a warm fort if we can stay till spring we're in you have a deal mongol archers got the gate patrol's ride in and out all day if we can get in from this side you know and the rest of my friends will hit them from the south you know we'll be there all right the fort was built around the cliffs we can use them to get inside woodcutter camp supplied lumber to the fort haven't seen anyone there since the mongols showed up how good are you at climbing better than average is everyone all right never better all things considered good to see you lord sakai um is it this cold everywhere up here you'll get used to it take any supplies we need and prepare to ride for jogoku so you and takashi that was my old life he and his people are more than hunters aren't depends on how you look at it i told them they can stay and hold the pass for us but i don't want bandits making trouble for innocent people fleeing the mongols he knows what i'd do to him if they tried i think he's been looking forward to seeing you he's seen me we can go now let's get everyone to jokaku we'll plan our final attack from there it's time for the khan to die are the others ready to follow wherever you lead the sensei told them you're the only person on tsushima who can kill the khan i can't do it alone or without a plan of attack and we know he's at port izmi surrounded by an army we need to know the weakness in their defense how to get past them and where to find the khan sounds like we need a hawks view of the place i know where we can get one we'll have cover of darkness if we leave now port is me we'll have a better view from the lighthouse just need to get up there without being noticed let's move khan is almost ready to sail for our mainland with ships full of men explosives and my poison if we don't stop him here the shogunate will fall storm is our key to beating him when it comes the khan will have to shelter his fleet in the bay that's when we strike destroy his ships and everything on them to do this will need mongol weapons a simple task for a master thief we'll need fighters too a small force could distract the mongols while i get inside port gizmi kill the khan it could work let's get back to jokaku and prepare all the plans coming kenji found where we can steal watches from the mongols i'm heading there now that's a good start but we need more fighters no my uncle wants to con debt as much as we do he'll join our attack he'll throw you in prison i'll write him a message leave it in his quarters in a castle full of samurai i'll be gone before they know i was there [Music] [Music] jim why did you run away i wanted to catch an eel for your dinner were you planning to catch it with your bare hands miso said you'd get rid of me as soon as you had a son of your own jen come here your friend is wrong a path ahead may take a lifetime [Music] but i will walk it with you always [Music] he's here guards uncle forgive me for not facing you in person the khan's fleet has gathered at port izumi his ships are loaded with poison that would devastate the shogun's army but when the next storm arrives i plan to kill the khan and sink his fleet i ask that you join me i hope we can meet again if not as father and son then as warriors who have walked different paths whatever you believe i've become i will always be your family you had us worried i thought you'd been caught delivering my message wasn't easy did you uncle read it will he help us defeat the khan i hope so but we can't wait to find out wind's getting stronger the storm will be here by morning do you secure the siege weapons enough to cause plenty of damage also found some deserters from your uncle's army who want to follow the ghost we're ready tell the others we attack a dog i'll spread the word but you should check on them they want to hear from their leader [Music] you've come a long way since you pulled me off komodo beach you were so heavy i could barely drag you had to strip you half naked just to reach town i wouldn't be here without you you know i can't lose eugene after everything we've been through everyone we've lost i can't i have to stop the con [Music] no you don't we could find a boat sail somewhere quiet but your uncle fights his samurai war do you really want that no if i fall promise me you'll keep fighting you're a real bastard jin sakai [Music] you should get some rest not yet let's sit just a little longer [Music] this is where it ends today the khan dies lord shimmer isn't here we fight alone we'll lead an attack on the main gate distract the mongols while you find a way inside you'll be overwhelmed we came this far we're not turning back now [Music] you are all the bravest warriors i've ever known i hope to see you again [Music] no mercy [Applause] all this death because you and your uncle would not surrender i offered you peace and you chose war now the people of your mainland suffer you will never leave this island [Music] [Music] [Music] true and another will come we will be remembered forever no you will be forgotten [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] this is yours [Music] [Music] you can't stay here long my uncle will come looking for us no he won't after the battle he sent a messenger did he offer to make peace he wants to meet you by the still waters under the red leafed tree oh me lake i used to spawn there when i was a child want company i need to face him alone he's my only family i know still hurts thinking about tucker [Music] the smell of smoke in his hair his quiet laugh the hell he'd give me for drinking too much my whole life he was part of me and and now i'm alone you're not alone you have me a ghost you belong to everyone [Music] gin uncle i wasn't sure you would come i wanted to talk with you if we work together we can drive off the remaining mongols start rebuilding our home that is not your duty the shogun has disbanded clan sakai as of today you are no longer samurai [Music] i sacrificed everything for my people [Music] and i would do it again new summer i are coming to replace those to be lost they will look to bury your land in a state i have to say goodbye to my home [Music] ride with me i will miss this so will i the shogun has declared you a traitor he ordered you to kill me the ghost was an outlaw we taught our people to defy their leaders to defend themselves with poison a gift you gave to our enemy i had to stop you from throwing away your people's lives you have no honor and you are a slave to it you are my son now i must continue the line of shimura without you i must start a new family and my head is the cost taking it is my punishment [Music] our final day together it is beautiful [Music] it's time [Music] write the last words of clan sakai and clan shimra [Music] so [Music] your parents will always be with you yes i will train you to become the strongest warrior clan sakai has ever known i will raise you as my own son are you ready i am ready [Music] [Music] this guy [Music] yes uh on the bee with the burritos i will make sure you are remembered as a great warrior a wise leader and a father [Applause] thank you son find me in the next life you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 5,744,741
Rating: 4.754107 out of 5
Keywords: Ghost Of Tsushima, Ghost Of Tsushima Full Movie, Ghost Of Tsushima Movie, Ghost Of Tsushima Cinematic, Ghost Of Tsushima Cinematic Movie, Ghost Of Tsushima All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Trailers, Cinematics, Ghost Of Tsushima Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2021, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Samurai, Samurai Movie, 2021 Movie, 2021 Trailer, New, Trailer
Id: TKgo5_3NzgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 59sec (8579 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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